Darkblades Weapons Forged of Shadow

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The passage discusses the creation process for darkblades, magical weapons made from shadowsilk threads.

The required materials include shadowsilk threads, sand, blood from a shadow-touched creature, and standard weapon-making tools.

The crafting process involves melting sand into a mold, casting spells on the molten material, cooling it while laying shadowsilk threads, and reheating to embed the threads on both sides.


Weapons Forged
of Shadow
Magic Weapons From:
Foehammer’s Book of Secrets
This document represents one magical weapon (and its creation process) from the document Armor
and Weapons: Foehammer’s Book of Secrets, which is available on DMSGuild.com. Based on cannon
(specifically Return of the Archwizards by Troy Denning, 2001-2002), it provides a unique magic
weapon creation process for characters.

If you enjoy this publication, please consider the full document which includes wooden armors, alter-
native metals, chitin and scale materials, legendary crafting options, and more!

By: Firbolg Factory v 1.0

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Use this, but with a light hand. It will cut much Once those spells are cast, the mold is placed
better than that iron bar you’re accustomed to. atop a bed of ice and strands of one shadowsilk
–Melegaunt thread are pulled apart and placed along the
cooling blade. Once all the strands of the
First, darkblades are an easy secret to share,
thread are placed, a drop of blood from an
but infinitely harder to realize...as the creation
acceptable character is dropped onto the shad-
of a darkblade requires shadowsilk. Shad-
owsilk fibers.
owsilk is a material of the shadowfell.
The blade is then turned over and reheated
Obtaining it is a challenge unto itself and
so the same process can be applied to the other
beyond the scope of this book.
side of the blade. This process is repeated
Next is a point of clarification: a darkblade is
again and again until all 1,000 threads have
not a darksword. Darkswords are only known
been applied and the glass is black and unable
to have been created by shades with a mastery
to hold more shadowsilk, shedding the excess
of shadow weave magic. Darkblades are less
like an unbrushed dog.
powerful, yet still stronger than many magical
weapons, and can be created with weave
The Final Weapon
A darkblade can be any sharpedged weapon.
Required materials include: Darkblade
✸ The same materials and tools required to Weapon (any), rare (requires attunement)
create a standard weapon This weapon has a jet-black blade, appearing to
✸ 10 pounds of pure sand be made of glass. You have a +2 bonus to
✸ 1,000 shadowsilk threads attack and damage rolls made with this magic
✸ Blood from a twilight cleric, way of shadow weapon. As a bonus action, you can recall the
monk, gloomstalker ranger, phantom rogue, weapon to your hand.
shadow magic sorcerer, hexblade warlock, Dark Inheritance. With its first kill, the
illusionist wizard, Shadar-kai elf, or other weapon becomes bound to the bloodline of the
shadow touched character wielder. From that moment forward, the sword
can only be attuned to by a member of the orig-
Shadowsilk inal wielder's bloodline, or someone bound to
Very Rare
that bloodline (such as by marrying or bearing
Created with a shadowloom, this thread is the child of a wielder). Anyone who grasps the
woven shadowstuff. weapon that is not connected to that bloodline
Used as a component in many shadow weave suffers 1d4 frost damage per round.
spells, the most likely source of shadowsilk is Shadow Foible. The weapon has a foible
inside the shadowfell (if found in the Material from the below table (or create your own):
Realm, each thread costs 3 gp). The only d6 Foible
known method of creating shadowsilk is with a The weapon must be dipped in mead each
shadowloom, using shadows created by a mate- tenday or the +2 bonus is suppressed.
2 The weapon hums in combat.
rial realm’s sun at dusk. There are no known 3 The weapon mumbles when the wielder sleeps.
documents that detail how a shadowloom is The weapon causes the wielder to dreamwalk,
made. visiting a bedchamber while it dreams.
5 The weapon causes the wielder to be thirsty.
Crafting a Darkblade 6
The weapon causes the wielder to grow
suspicious of all those around it.
During the creation of the weapon, whether a
sword, axe, or other blade, the sand is melted
at forging temperature into a mold, at which
point two spells are cast onto the molten glass,
contingency and shadow blade.


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