Amazon Com. Inc. Financial Analysis Presentation of Financial Statement

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Amazon com. Inc.

Financial Analysis

Presentation of Financial Statement

Amazons Follows the format of IFRS in terms of stating their accounts in there
designated place and data’s on how it was being presented in the public. I can see that
they regularize the proceedings of data they could publish for the public and there
wide range of occurrence. Also it was easy to understand as well. Their account title
which is related to parties that uphold certain accounts on the data given.

There financial statements was subdivided into many forms like the, Consolidated
Statements of Operations, Segment Information, Supplemental Financial Information
and Business Metrics this are the statements that are included in the financial
statement they’ve release.

Events after the reporting period, disclosure of related parties and operating

From this part I can clearly see that account tittles are not as suitable as I expect it
was but account tittles matter on what type of business they generating with. Amazon
is an online and a wide range of information and a business metrics itself they apply
most there financial accounting tittles and computation a binding to IFRS but it was
related approach. Segments are being accounted form into idealize way and given such
a good form that being stated into their financial. Accounts like AWS, International,
etc. Segments highlights that conform the accounts transactions.

Statement of Cash Flow

Asset are created as the value of the account tittle there is such no big difference as
given by the IFRS operating activities are being subdivided into to computation
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash from operating activities and Changes
in operating assets and liabilities as for modification. They are also have the effects of
foreign currency (Foreign currency effect on cash, cash equivalents), and restricted
cash given that Amazon is a worldwide online industry of business ventures. For
Notes, Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations

These forward-looking statements are difficult to anticipate by definition. Actual

results may differ substantially due to a variety of variables, including, in addition to
those mentioned above, the amount and timing of's investments in new
business prospects, and the mix of items and services offered to consumers. These
factors include the mix of net sales derived from products versus services, the amount
of income or other taxes we owe, competition, growth management, potential
fluctuations in operating results, international growth and expansion, claims,
litigation, government investigations, and other proceedings, fulfillment, sortation,
delivery, and data center optimization. Inventory management risks, demand
unpredictability, the Company's ability to engage into, maintain, and develop
commercial agreements, planned and completed acquisitions and strategic
transactions, payment risks, and fulfillment throughput and productivity risks are all
factors to consider. Dangers Risks associated with new goods, services, and
technology, system outages, government regulation and taxes, and fraud are among
the additional risks and uncertainties. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic may have
unanticipated consequences.


On the other hand, many of these risks may be exacerbated or exacerbated by the
current global economic situation.'s filings with the Securities and
Exchange Commission ("SEC"), including its most recent Annual Report on Form and
subsequent filings, include more information regarding variables that might possibly
influence the company's financial performance.

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