BFM 1 Business Finance Management Introduction
BFM 1 Business Finance Management Introduction
BFM 1 Business Finance Management Introduction
• The course will draw on material from the following easily purchased text
Principles of Corporate Finance, 7th Edition, by Richard A. Brealey and
Stewart C. Myers, Publisher: McGraw Hill/Irwin
Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition, by Aswath
Damodaran, Publisher: John Wiley and Sons
Course material includes articles from the financial press
• Quiz and final exams will be closed book, closed notes and no dictionaries
Maximizing fi
(2) (1)
(3) (4b)
Treasurer Comptroller
Banking relationships Accounting
Cash management Preparation of financial statements
Obtaining financing Internal auditing
Credit management Payroll
Dividend disbursement Custody of records
Insurance Preparing budgets
Pensions management Taxes
• If receiving $1 next year is worth less than receiving $1 today, how much
less is it?
• We will use the present value equation to arrive to a solution.
PV = P1 / (1 + r)
PV = P1 / (1 + r)
• Where 1 / (1+r) = Discount Factor
• We can also say that r = the rate of return demanded by investors for
receiving funds in the future.
• The rate of return is also called the discount rate, the hurdle rate, or the
opportunity cost of capital.
• Example. Suppose it will cost $350,000 to construct an office building which
can be sold for $400,000 next year if the discount rate is 7%
• What is the present value of the building?
NPV = C0 + C1/(1+r)
• C0 is the cash flow in year 0 or now and is often a negative number because we need
to invest.
• Because the NPV > 0, we will invest in the building construction and selling.
• We will investigate how to analyze “r” in a future lesson. For the moment, it is the
return that investors require for a certain type of investment.
• We decided that the construction of the building was a good idea because it
had an NPV > 0 or in other words the present value of its selling price in
one year is greater than the construction costs today.
• We can also calculate the return on the capital invested (also stated as the
return on investment.)
• Suppose that if we didn’t invest in the building and we invested in the stock
market. An average return in the stock market is about 12% (We will study
this too later in the course.)
• We could say that the 12% is the opportunity cost of capital.
• Deciding between the two alternatives, we would choose the building
because of its return of 14%
1. Net Present Value Rule. Accept investments that have positive net present
2. Rate of Return Rule. Accept investments that offer rates of return above
their opportunity cost of capital
2. What do we do when maximizing share price does not seem the best
Treasurer Comptroller
Banking relationships Accounting
Cash management Preparation of financial statements
Obtaining financing Internal auditing
Credit management Payroll
Dividend disbursement Custody of records
Insurance Preparing budgets
Pensions management Taxes
4. A merchant pays $100,000 for a load of grain and is certain that it can be
resold at the end of 1 year for $132,000.
a. What is the return on his investment?
b. If the return were less than the interest rate, does the investment have a
positive or negative NPV?
c. If the interest rate is 10% was is the present value of the investment?
d. What is the net present value?
a. Net Present Value Rule. Accept investments that have positive net present
b. Rate of Return Rule. Accept investments that offer rates of return above
their opportunity cost of capital