HLCP02-Slim 2012

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High Quality sewage treatment plants

Certified according to MEPC 159 (55)

HL-Cont PLUS 02 Slim

This plant treats 5.200 L/d black & grey water

► No use of any chemicals or consumables

► No sensitive parts

► No use of filters & membranes

Easy operation and low costs guaranteed

Waste Water Treatment according to MEPC 159 (55)

HL-Cont PLUS 02 Slim Flow Diagram

Capacity Size Empty Weight [kg] Electrical Consumption Vent

[litre/day] WxLxH [m] Connection

5.200 plant: 0.75 x 0.95 x 1.0 160 3,0 kW 1“

e-cabinet: 0.21 x 0.6 x 0.6 42


The HL-Cont PLUS Slim is working without any the sludge pump (008) to the ships sludge tank.
additives or chemicals. The effluent pump (005) transfers the purified
water via the ultraviolet light (006) overboard.
The physical process is combining micro flota- The life time of the UV lamp is 10.000h. The
tion with ultraviolet light disinfection. The coll- HL Cont PLUS Slim is working fully automatically
ected sewage water will be transferred from and controlled by analogue level switches
the ships sewage tank via the feeding pump (04 – 20 mA) in the ships tanks.
(002) and through the macerator (001) into the
flotation tank (007). At the same time the multi- HAMANN AG is a DIN ISO 9001 approved
phase pump (003) is enriching the macerated family owned company and the HAMANN
sewage water with oxygenated water. By en- HL-Cont PLUS Slim sewage treatment plant is
tering the flotation tank the micro flotation pro- compliant and certified with the IMO guidelines
cess starts and the solids will be separated in a MEPC.159(55), Annex IV of MARPOL 73/78.
very effective way from the water. The collec-
ted sludge will be transferred automatically via

Bei der Lehmkuhle 4 ● 21279 Hollenstedt / Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 4165-22 11-0 ● Fax: +49 (0) 4165-22 11-52

SOLUTIONS FOR A BETTER ENVIRONMENT E-mail: sales@HamannAG.com ● www.HamannAG.com

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