FS1 Worksheet Topic 7

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Name: Alwyn U.

Sacandal Year and Course: BSED 3A

TOPIC 7: Management of Learner Behaviour

Try this!

BEHAVE IT OR NOT: Focus on one of your previous classroom (either elementary or high
school days) and describe the learning environment. Describe how your former teacher deals
in the learning environment by checking ( ) the box that corresponds what you have
observed in your previous class.

1. Does the teacher expect you and other Our teacher makes this like
students to respond according to how the a giving us a goal to
lesson was taught? accomplish with a prize at
the end, with that the
objectives and expected
outcome is being stated to
2. Does the teacher provide you and other During reporting and after
students with opportunities to engage in discussions and given
activities of their choice? enough time we always
prepare activities of our
own interest relevant to the
lesson we tackle the
previously and with that,
we the learner are engage
and learning at the same
3. Does the teacher provide you and other Every time the class have
students immediate feedback like praises discussion, activities and
or grades? recitation our teachers
gives us praises in our
efforts and ideas and some
are commenting that guide
us to answer better in the
4. Is the classroom environment arranged so Our teacher arranged our
that you and other students can freely classroom environment
explore your interests? based on his objectives.
So, the chairs and furniture
are organized to provide
mobility and comfort.
5. Is the classroom environment arranged so Every after activities and
that you and other students can easily discussion we are more
collaborate? likely to have a pair or
group activity and with a
few adjustments and we
can easily collaborate.
6. Does the teacher immediately correct the Like giving us praises, our
mistakes made by you and other teacher also corrects our
students? mistakes, by correcting our
answers and sometimes
providing models so that
we can easily understand
to come up with the idea.
7. Does the teacher guide you and other Our teacher gives us
students to discover your own mistakes? opportunities to discover
8. Does the teacher provide you and other our mistakes and correct it
students with opportunities to succeed? by giving us time to think
while guiding us to know
our mistakes and upon the
end if we can’t still come
up with an answer that’s
the time, she presents to us
our errors.
9. Does the teacher allow you and other Our teacher doesn’t
students to commit mistakes until you are tolerate fluent errors or
able to correct these errors on your own? gives a random answer,
she wants us to think
before we speak that is
why she’s giving us time to
10. Is the student-teacher relationship cordial? Our relationship with our
teacher is open, she’s
treating us like her child
during class discussion and
activities, friendly in
approach and strict with
her objectives.
11. Can you and other students freely express Every time we have a
your thoughts and ideas in class? discussion, we were given
a time to speak and with
that, we can freely give our
ideas and thought, which
she’s views as beneficial to
the entire class.
12. Does the teacher listen to you and other Our teacher values our
students’ ideas? ideas, that is why she
always listen to it, even
though we ourselves
doesn’t think highly of it.
Like during our activity in
Mathematics, our
classmates struggle to
understand the concept
and when I present my
idea to relate it with some
our teacher immediately
applied and with that and
a few praises our class
resume in the lesson at
Source: Field Study 1 – A Guide for 21st Century Student Teachers (Pawilen, et.al.,2019)
Think ahead!

1. What kind of classroom management does the teacher practice? Why?

Our teacher practices the mix behaviorism and student-directed learning, she always gives us her
objective prior to the given lessons and activities and as the process of doing so, we the learner most of
time raising our ideas and insight related to the lesson. With that, our teacher’s role changes into
facilitator and guides us in the learning process.

2. Do you think that the management style that the teacher is using in class contributes to
the students’ learning? Why? Why not?

Yes, the management style that our teacher is using allows us to have the ability to learning on our own.
Guiding and letting us be engage in the different ideas is highly beneficial especially in the learning process.
Giving us a goal through her objectives, her praises and constructive and educative comments allows us to
understand our mistakes and the lesson at hand.

3. Why should a teacher use a variety of skills and strategies in managing learner behavior?

Learner’s behaviors differ from one another and incorporating varied skills and strategies allows
the teacher to address their different behavioral needs and interest. It plays a vital part in facilitating
learning, and maintaining their attention and discipline inside the classroom.

Read and Ponder

Teachers find managing the student’s behaviour properly a huge challenge. Unless,
assessed with exceptionalities or with special education needs, the student’s behaviour is
basically influenced by the reaction to external stimuli, such as environment, classroom
activities, teacher’s behaviour, and even other students’ behaviour. Sometimes, the students’
behaviour may be unpredictable which makes a situation difficult for teachers to manage.
Thus, teachers use different pedagogical techniques to manage student behaviour.
To encourage students become interested and engaged in the learning process,
teachers use a variety of skills and strategies. Teachers fulfill one’s role better by managing the
class. Lynch (2016) posited that classroom management is essential in ensuring an effective
learning environment. Therefore, teachers should provide a venue where students’ potentials
will be fully maximized. Provide a learning environment that would satisfy and meet the
students’ needs and interest. With this, William Glasser (1999) suggested that behaviour is
propelled by an inherent need that satisfy the five basic needs – the need to love and belong,
the need to survive, the need to feel empowered, the need to be free, and the need to be
happy. Glasser’s Choice Theory proposes that students behave according to how their needs
will be fulfilled and satisfied. So, it is very vital for teachers to establish a relationship with the
students in order to address their individual needs. Students are motivated to stay focused and
engaged only when teachers establish an optimistic relationship with them. Those teachers
who believe in this theory provide students activities that enable them to take charge of their
own learning and apply what they have learned until mastery is achieved.
According to B.F. Skinner (1982), students’ behaviour can be managed through rewards
and punishment. He also added that teachers reinforce good behaviour by giving external
rewards such as praises, prizes, or good grades. But, if students are deprived of rewards that
they find appealing, their behaviour is likewise regulated. Thus, teachers who believe in this
theory always make sure that good behaviour is acknowledged in order for that behaviour
be repeated.
On the contrary, Alfie Kohn (2006) believes that if students are given the opportunity to
satisfy their curiosity, their behaviour can be well-managed. He argued that instead of
imposing predetermined lessons on students, they must be given the freedom to pursue
concepts that interest them. Students become more involved in their own learning when
engaged in learning the concepts of their choice. Thus, Kohn strongly claimed that teachers
should not use grades or external rewards to motivate students because they learn when they
see the relevance of what they are learning in their own lives.

See if you can do this!

BEHAVE LIKE A TEACHER: As a would-be teacher in the field, what management style
should you use to best maximize students’ learning? Suggest the best thing that you can do
(try to be more specific as possible) by filling-out the table below.

As a would-be teacher, I will… Like… So that…

for me to… (How is this done?) (Cite an example.) (How will this help?)
➢ practice a student- ➢ after the class ➢ the learners
… best maximize directed learning, discussion, I will should to be
students’ learning considering the be giving them able to practice
generation activities and being
nowadays, student task that highly responsible of
is highly intelligent require their their own
and our role of responsibility to learning, and
being a teacher is learn and further enhance
shifting to being a collaborate on their
facilitator. I will their own to collaboration
empower the further and social skills.
students by giving understand the Giving the
them the control of concept that positive
and responsibility was given to feedback will
for their own them. Also, encourage them
learning with me, giving them and raise their
the teacher acting praises and engagement
as facilitator and a rewards for their level, while
guide in the outstanding maintaining
learning process. performance assertiveness by
Also, maintaining and effort, and correcting their
a teacher-student correcting their mistakes
cordial relationship mistakes by through
by giving giving constructive and
feedbacks and constructive and educational
interactions educational feedbacks.

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