Sangcad FS1 2 Quizzes

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FS 1 - Quiz-10

1. What can you say about the learning environment?

-learning environment is more than just a classroom it's a space in

which students feel safe and supported in their pursuit of knowledge,
as well as inspired by their surroundings. Think back to some of the
classroom environments you've encountered on your educational path.

2.What could have contributed to the presence or absence of a fair

learning environment?

-Largely, factors related to the relationships with teachers, friends and

peers that contributed to the social environment. Students valued a
calm and well-managed environment that enhanced behaviour and
created a feeling of safety for learning, which contributed positively to
learning progress.
FS 1- Quiz 11

1. How does the classroom set up affect the students ‘performance and

-Classroom physical environments affect student achievement. The

facility's structural features—inadequate light- ing, noise, poor air
quality, and deficient heating can undermine learning. The classroom's
symbols, such as objects and decor, also influence student

2. If you were the teacher, what kind of classroom structure would you
adoptto maximize the students' learning?

- For me is Structure a routine

Routine's offer a consistent approach to lessons, and makes sure that

students know what is expected of them, as well as what to expect.
Routines can come in the form of passing around lesson material,
entering the classroom and leaving the classroom too.

1. How does the teacher encourage the students to participate actively

in class?

-Organize each class session to include opportunities throughout to ask

and answer questions; prepare initial and follow-up questions ahead of
time. Use questions to assess student learning, to signal to students
which material is the most important, and to help students advance
their knowledge and thinking.

1.What strategies should the teacher use to make the students

participate in class?

Here are a few tips on ways to encourage student participation in your


Assess student's prior knowledge and tailor your lessons to build on

what students already know.
Allow for student collaboration. Use the jigsaw strategy. Give students
a task during your lessons.

FS 1- Quiz 13

1. Does the teacher support purposive learning? If yes, how? If no, how
can the teacher support purposive learning?
-The teacher must understand the curriculum. Teachers must
understand the applicable curriculum.

The teacher's ability to choose a learning model.

Teachers must involve their creativity in developing media.

Teachers must understand the concept of XXI century skills and

strengthen character education.

-Yes because First, the teacher must understand the curriculum.

Teachers must understand the applicable curriculum. Many teachers do
not understand well about the curriculum, especially in understanding
the meaning of basic competence in each subject they will implement.
The teacher's inability to understand KD certainly has an impact on the
teacher's ability to make lesson plans.

Second, the teacher's ability to choose a learning model. The ability of a

good teacher to understand KD will greatly determine how the teacher
has the right learning model. For example, if the KD requires the
competency of students to be able to analyze, or evaluate, or even
create. Of course this KD requires HOTS learning. Thus in learning
activities the teacher must choose a learning model that reflects HOTS.

Third, teacher creativity in developing media. To support active learning

activities, teachers must use various supporting media. This is to
facilitate students to be active in learning. The hope is that the ability of
students can develop well in learning.

Fourth, teachers must understand the concept of XXI century skills and
strengthen character education. It is expected that students can
develop well not only in terms of knowledge but also attitudes and
skills. Therefore, the teacher must understand well about the concept
of XXI century skills and strengthening character education.

2. How else purposive learning be promoted in the classroom?

-Instructors can encourage students to develop new perspectives and

ideas while also seeking out sources that provide support for their
original thoughts. Class discussions are very good way to guide this
process of focused thinking.
FS 1- Quiz 14

1. What kind of classroom management does the teacher practice?


-The authoritative classroom management style aims to strike a balance

between teacher control and student involvement. Students are
encouraged to participate in the class and collaborate with their peers,
while all the time following set rules

2. If you were the teacher, what management style would best

maximize students' learning?

-The authoritative approach is the best form of classroom management

style because it is the one most closely associated with appropriate
student behaviours.

FS-1 QUIZ 15
1. How will you determine the strengths and weaknesses of your
students? If you were the teacher.

-One way to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your students

is to give them a standardized test. This will give you an idea of their
academic abilities. You can also ask your students to complete a
questionnaire or assessment that will help you understand their
individual strengths and weaknesses. Once you have an understanding
of your students’ strengths and weaknesses, you can target instruction
to meet their needs.

2. How are you going to use the learners' needs and interests in
creating a more effective instruction?

-Provide students with opportunities to explore key interests is give

your students time and opportunities to explore their interests and to
discover what they truly love to do, so they can develop their
knowledge and the skills needed to succeed in the areas they are
passionate about.
FS 1- QUIZ 16

1. Does the religious background of the students affect the

preparation of the lesson? How?
-Some scholars, however, hypothesize that higher levels of
religious observance and engagement produce greater
educational attainment. They posit that religious involvement
enhances an individual's social capital in the form of family and
peer networks, which promote educational success.

2. Do the socio-economic difference of the students affect their

learning? How?
-Lower SES is associated with lower scores and poor academic
performance. This is thought to be the result of students' inability
to concentrate adequately on the demands of school when other
needs are not consistently met. Educational opportunities for
students with low SES are limited.

FS 1

1. How do the answer of the school principal, classroom adviser,

and guidance counselor on deadling with exceptional learners
differ from each other?

-Name of the School Principal: As a teacher, we should know how

to adjust our self, direction and strategies to meet the needs
of our learners. We need to be flexible in all aspects.

Name of the Classroom Adviser: Just treat them normally as you

treat the other students. As if they have no disability. But prior to
that the class must be oriented regards to bullying and
discipline class.

Name of the Guidance Counselor:

Keep vocal instructions brief and straightforward. To ensure that’
students comprehend the instructions, have them repeat
them back to you. Provide several examples and allow for extra
practice time than normal. B. Sit in a class with exceptional
learners. Observed how
You sent.

2. Based on your observations on how a teacher uses strategy in

teaching learners with disability and giftedness, which strategy
is the best? Why?

-Here are some strategies to help you deal with these students:
Keep verbal instructions short and simple. Have students repeat
directions back to you to be sure they understand. Give multiple
examples and allow more practice than usual.

3. Write a slogan to promote inclusive learning in the Philippines.


FS-2 QUIZ 10

1. What is the importance of using appropriate instructional

materials in the class?
-These include the lectures, readings, textbooks, multimedia
components, and other resources in a course.
2. what common instructional materials does your cooperating
teacher use in his/her claases?
-The use of instructional materials in the classroom has the
potential to help the teacher explain new concepts clearly,
resulting in better student understanding of the concepts being

FS-2 Quiz 11

1. How essential is the use of varied instructional resources to

teaching and learning?
-Instructional materials play an important role in the teaching-
learning process. Instruction is improved and learning is
enriched and become more meaningful with the use of modern
instructional methods and materials. In selecting instructional
materials, it is important to consider varied student needs.

2. In the absence of available instructional resources, what is the

best thing that a teacher should do to support teaching and
learning activities?
-Conduct Engaging Activities That Don't Require Resources
For example, educators can conduct small contests of writing,
public speaking, presentation, and reading in the classrooms.
These activities are easy to organize and facilitate seamless
teaching with limited resources.

FS-2 QUIZ 12

1. How do educational research and literatures help improve the

content of the lesson?
-The primary purpose of educational research is to expand the
existing body of knowledge by providing solutions to different
problems in pedagogy while improving teaching and learning
practices. Educational researchers also seek answers to
questions bothering on learner motivation, development, and
classroom management.
2. How do teachers benefit from using these types of
-Instructional materials are essential since they help the
teacher and learners avoid overemphasis on recitation and rote
learning that can easily dominate a lesson. Resource materials
allow learners to have practical experiences which help them
to develop skills and concepts and to work in a variety of ways.

FS-2 QUIZ 13

1. How does digital media impact student learning?

-Students are more engaged in learning when they have
access to media in the classroom. Media can help illustrate a
lesson by allowing students to see real-life examples of what
they're learning. Smart Boards and other interactive media
allow students to move objects on a screen for illustrative

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using digital

media in teaching and learning?
-it may be distracting to students, 2) it may disconnect
students from face-to-face relationships, 3) it may make
cheating easier, 4) it may disadvantage certain students, 5) it
may cause students to use unreliable resources for learning,
6) it may make curriculum planning more difficult or
expensive, 7)

FS-2 Quiz 14

1. Using the Venn diagram, identify the advantages of using

graphic organizers compared to other forms of
instructional resources.

One of the primary considerations in

Graphic organizers can help developing and producing teacher-
students focus their thoughts made resources is ensuring that the
resources are appropriate for the
for planning, decision making,
learners and can meet the learning
and writing. They help students objectives. Teachers need to create
see connections, patterns, and
learning material that can solve a
relationships. They can also help
particular problem
students show understanding of the
“big picture” from a lesson or book.
2. Identify the benefits of using graphic organizers in student
One of the primary considerations in developing and producing
teacher-made resources is ensuring that the resources are
appropriate for the learners and can meet the learning objectives.
Teachers need to create learning material that can solve a
particular problem


1. What is the primary consideration in developing and producing

teacher-made resources?
- One of the primary considerations in developing and
producing teacher-made resources is ensuring that the
resources are appropriate for the learners and can meet the
learning objectives. Teachers need to create learning material
that can solve a particular problem
You sent
2. How do students benefit from teacher-made resources?
- Teacher-made materials are particularly good because they
can be tailored to the needs of students and tie in with
instruction. Effective teacher-made materials are appropriate,
engaging, clear and useful.

3. How will you promote the use of teacher-made resources?

- Promoting the use of teacher-made resources can be done
through a variety of methods, including:
Creating a community: Encourage teachers to share their
resources with one another and build a community where they
can collaborate and learn from one another.Professional
Development: Provide teachers with professional development
opportunities to learn how to create effective resources and
how to use them in their classrooms. Recognition: Recognize
and reward teachers who create and use high-quality
resources, this will motivate other teachers to follow the same.

FS_2 QUIZ 16

1. How do students respond to constructivist activities?

- Learners pose their own questions and seek answers to their
questions via research and direct observation. They present
their supporting evidence to answer the questions. They draw
connections between their pre-existing knowledge and the
knowledge they've acquired through the activity.

2. How did constructivist teaching improve the teaching and

learning practices in the school?
-- The democratic and interactive process of a constructivist
classroom allows students to be active and autonomous
learners. Using constructivist strategies, teachers are more
effective. They are able to promote communication and create
flexibility so that the needs of all students can be met.

3. What things could be done to encourage the teachings to use

constructivist teaching learning approaches?
- Essential components to constructivist teaching
Elicit prior knowledge. New knowledge is created in relation to
learner's pre-existing knowledge.
Create cognitive dissonance. Assign problems and activities
that will challenge students.
Apply knowledge with feedback.
Reflect on learning.

FS-2 Quiz -17

1. How do students respond to differentiated teaching and

learning activities?
- Students are also more likely to focus and be engaged in the
learning process when teachers differentiate their instructional
strategies. [1,6] As you provide opportunities for students to
explore content based on their strengths, they're more likely to
flourish in your class.

2. What are the challenges met by teachers in the

implementation of differentiated teaching and learning?
- limited access to differentiated materials.
no time to collaborate.
difficulty creating resources.
ineffective training/PD.

3. How does differentiated teaching and learning improve

students' learning?
- When differentiating teaching to suit the needs of individual
students, teachers use a variety of strategies to help students
become personally invested in, and take ownership of their
learning. Differentiated teaching allows students at risk of
disengagement to experience meaningful learning.

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