CHAPTER 4 and 5

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4.1) Introduction

This study carried out in Saujana Utama Sungai Buloh. It was my neighbourhood. I
stay there almost about 11 years, and I knew the people there very well. I'm in a Surau
and neighbourhood committee members, that make me have access for whatapps group
and Telegram group. Saujana Utama has an exciting population mix reaching 50,000
residents upon its completion. Located on 1,000 acres in Sungai Buloh, Saujana Utama
is divide into four areas; Saujana Utama 1, Saujana Utama 2, Saujana Utama 3 and the
Sungai Buloh Country Resort (SBCR). To date, the population of the vibrant township
has grown to 65,000. Most are young and growing families seeking healthy
environment. My focus responded is at Sungai Buloh Country Resort at Jalan Melur 1,
1/1,1/2, 1/3 and 1/4. There are 60 women fulfilled the inclusion criteria and willing to
take part in the study. All the data being collected through whatapps and Telegram
using Google form due to Movement Control Order (MCO).
The result of the study is as outlined in the table. The analysis divided into four
following my objective. My objective for this research is to assess the knowledge
among married women regarding contraception in Saujana Utama, Selangor at Jalan
Melur 1, 1/1,1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 and to identify social demographic among respondent and
to determine the association between knowledge of contraception and social
demographic variable among married women.

4.1a)Reliability Test

Each questionnaire to be administered to the respondent must first be tested for

liability. Therefore, I has made a liability test on all items in each variable. To see the
liability of all the questionnaires administered, the researcher has made a liability test
which is ‘Cronbach’s Alpha’. The results of the test found that all variables can pass
the standard range of ‘Cronbach’s Alpha’ which exceeds 0.6, i.e. the value of the
reliability coefficient exceeding 0.6 is considered sufficient

Table 4.2a shows the item reliability for all factors used in the questionnaire paper to
study this study. We can see this table shows the value of Cronbach’s Alpha is 1 and
the standard is 1

Table 4.2b : Reliability Statistics

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha Based on
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
Standardized Items
1 1 5

4.2) Statistic Analysis

4.2.1) Identified socio-demographic variable among the respondents.
Table 4.2.1a show that the most respondent age between 31 to 40 year old with 46
(76.7%) meanwhile age between 20 to 30 year old with 11 (18.3%) are the second and
the least respondent are age between 41 and above with 3 (5%), and the total mean are
1.87 and 0.468 standard deviation.

Based on the analysis of the study, almost all respondents were Malay comprise 43
(71.1%), followed by Indian 12 (21.7%), Chinese 3 (5%) and Orang Asal 1 (1.7%),
and the total mean are 3.47 and 0.892 standard deviation.
The level of education of respondents consisted of Diploma level of 45 (75%), follow
by Secondary school level 11 (18.3%) and Degree level 4 (6.7%). the total mean are
2.88 and 0.49 standard deviation.

Most respondents have a full time job of 40 (67%). There are also respondents
consisting of students who have established a household of 17 (28%). Apart from that,
there are also 3 (5%) self-employed people. and the total mean are 3.38 and 0.904
standard deviation.

Half of the respondents have a monthly income of more than RM 2500 of 50 people
(83.3%) followed by income of RM1500 to RM 2500 of 9 people (15%) and only 1
(1.7%) people have income less than RM1500 and the total mean are 2.82 and 0.431
standard deviation.

In this study also the number of children is taken as demographic data. The average
respondent has a number of children between 1 and 3 as many as 35 people (58.3%),
Respondents who have more than 3 children as many as 13 (21.7%) and respondent
with no children with 12 (20% ), and the total mean are 2.02 and 0.651 standard
Table 4.2.1a :Socio-demographic variable among the respondents (n=60)
Variable Frequency % Mean Median SD
20 -30 year 11 18.3
Age 31 -40 year 46 76.7 1.87 2 0.468
41 and above 3 5
Orang Asal 1 1.7
Indian 13 21.7
Race 3.47 4 0.892
Chinese 3 5
Malay 43 71.7
secondary 11 18.3
diploma 45 75 2.88 3 0.49
bachelor 4 6.7
student 17 28.3
Employment self employed 3 5 3.38 4 0.904
full time 40 66.7

less than 1500 1 1.7

Income 1500 - 2500 9 15 2.82 3 0.431
more than 2500 50 83.3

no children 12 20
Children 1 to 3 35 58.3 2.02 2 0.651
more than 3 13 21.7

4.2.1b) Determined the difference in level of knowledge on contraception

Based on table 4.2c for question number 1 most of the respondent agreed with the 25
(41.7%) and only 1(1.7%) respondent Strongly Disagreed.. There are also about 20
(33.3%) answer not sure for this question with total mean score 12.00 and standard
deviation 10.075.
For question number 2 most respondent answer agreed with a total 21(35%) for the
question and about 18 (30%) disagreed with the question and there are 6(10%)
Strongly disagreed with the question and the total mean score 12.00 and standard
deviation 7.382.

There are about 40 (66.7%) respondent agreed with question male condoms can
protect against sexually transmitted disease and only 2(3.3%) answer Not sure and the
total mean for this question is 12.00 with 17.378 standard deviation.

About 35(58.3%) respondent from 60 respondent agreed that Common side effects of
contraceptive pills included weight gain and mood swing and 3(5%) out from 60
respondent answered Not sure with the question and this question total mean score
12.00 and standard deviation 14.036.

Question number 5 about It is safe to have sex during infertile period, most of the
respondent answer disagreed, about 23 (38%) and 19 (32%) agreed with the question.
This question mean score is 12.00 and standard deviation 8.544.

About 1(1.7%) respondent from 60 respondent strongly disagreed with question

number 6.Most of the respondent answer Not sure about 24(40%) out of 60
respondent. A total mean score for this are 12.00 and standard deviation 10.075

This question bring a lot of debate and most of the respondent respond disagreed,
31(52%) out of 60 respondent and 22(36.6%) strongly disagreed and there are 1(1.7)
strongly agreed and agreed, and the mean score for this question is 12.00 with 13.711
standard deviation.

Almost half of the respondent disagreed with this question and about 34(57%) from
60 respondent and the rest of the respondent about 26(43%) strongly disagreed with
the question about only women are responsible to use contraception method. A total
of 13.613 for standard deviation and mean score are 16.40.

The number 9 question are about contraception methods bring more damage than
benefits to health and 34(57%) are disagreed with this and 2(3.3%) agreed with the
question and 10 (16.7) respondent not sure. This question total mean score 14.80 and
standard deviation 14.653.

Half of the respondent agreed 34(56.7%) about contraception methods can protect the
health of family and society and only 2(3%) out of 60 respondent answer disagreed,
which bring out a total mean score 13.882 and standard deviation 13.882.

Question number 11 is about the use of contraceptive methods in young people will
increase the risk of infertility in the future, and about 31(52%) agreed with the
question and 3(5%) disagreed with the question and total mean score 10.80 and
standard deviation 12.438 for this question.

About 30(50%) of the respondent strongly agreed with the question and only 2(3%)
answer not sure about the question number 12 and it bring a total of mean score 13.2
and the standard deviation is 14.601.

Question about it is complicated to use contraceptive methods given a respond

29(48%) disagreed with the question and 15(25%) out of 60 respondent answer not
sure and 16(27%) strongly disagreed with the question given and about 12.00 for the
mean score and 12.268 are the standard deviation.

Last question number 14 about contraceptives allow women to pursue higher

education by delaying pregnancy and gain some measure of economic security and
most of the respondent answer strongly agreed 33(55%) and 11(18.3%) answered not
sure and the remains answered agreed 16(26.7%) and with a total of mean score 12.00
and the standard deviation 13.360.

For question 1 and 2, the question mainly about the side effect of the contraception
and most of the respondent answer with knowledge but almost half the respondent
answer with not sure. For question number 3, 4 and 5 the is about questions about
contraception and their function. Most respondent answer with understanding even
though some of the questions a negative word, the respondent can answer it
For question number 6, 7, 8 ,9 most of the question is about the side effect of
contraception towards women and most answer in a negative. Most of the respondent
answer is correct and perceptive. Beginning with questions 10,11,12,13 and 14
questions is about the side effect of contraception to society. All the women can
answer the question correctly, where almost all agreed and strongly agreed with it
indicates that most of the respondent understand it and able to answers with cognition.

Table 4.2.1c: Knowledge Among married women toward contraception in

Saujana Utama
F Mean score/
No Question SA A N D SD Total
% SD
The risk of getting certain
types of cancer in women F 6 25 20 8 1 60
1 can be reduced by birth 12.00/10.075
control pills % 10 41.7 33.3 13.3 1.7 100

A women will not be able

to pregnant for at least
two month after she has F 1 21 14 18 6 60
2 12.00/7.382
stopped taking birth % 1.7 35 23.33 30 10 100
control pills

Male condoms can

3 protect against sexually F 18 40 2 60
0 0 12.00/ 17.378
transmitted disease % 30 66.7 3.3 100
Common side effects of
contraceptive pills F 15 35 3 7 60
4 0 12.00/14.036
included weight gain and
mood swing % 25 58.3 5 11.7 100

It is safe to have sex F 5 19 4 23 9 60

5 12.00/8.544
during infertile period % 8.3 32 6.7 38 15 100
6 There is an increased risk F 2 16 24 17 1 60 12.00/10.075
of breast cancer in
women taking oestrogen
% 3.3 26.7 40 28.3 1.7 100
containing oral
In order to get birth F 1 1 5 31 22 60
7 control pills, a women 12.00/13.711
must have a pelvic exam % 1.7 1.7 8 52 36.6 100
Only women are F 0 34 26 60
8 responsible to use 0 0 16.40/13.612
contraception method % 57 43 100
Are contraception
methods bring more F 2 10 34 14 60
9 damage than benefits to 0 14.80/14.653
health % 3.3 16.7 57 23 100

Contraception methods F 19 34 5 2 60
10 can protect the health of 0 13.882/13.882
family and society % 32 56.7 8.3 3 100
The use of contraceptive
methods in young people F 6 31 14 3 6 60
11 10.80/12.438
will increase the risk of % 10 52 23 5 10 100
infertility in the future
Health care providers
must provide counselling
on contraceptive F 28 30 2 60
12 methods,mechanism of 0 0 13.20/14.601
action, best time to use % 47 50 3 100
and possible side effects
to all women
It is complicated to use F 15 29 16 60
13 0 0 12.00/12.268
contraceptive methods % 25 48 27 100
Contraceptives allow
women to pursue higher
education by delaying F 16 33 11 60
14 0 0 12.00/13.360
pregnancy and gain some % 26.7 55 18.3 100
measure of economic
4.2.2)Determined the level of knowledge of married women toward
Determined the level of knowledge of married women toward contraception using a
score. The score is from Elkami et al study (2015). Using high and low to measured
by classified more than 25 as high knowledge level and less than 25 as low levels. In
this studies most of the respondent able to score more than 25(96.6%) and only 2
(3.33%) respondent score less than 25.

Table 4.2.2a: The knowledge among married women towards contraception

Knowledge level high low

Score >25 <25

Frequency 58 2

Percentage 96.6% 3.33%

4.2.3) To analyse association between Knowledge about contraception and socio
4.2.3a: Analyse association between Knowledge about contraception and age

The finding of this study showed that there was no significant association between
knowledge on contraception and socio demographic with age. The majority
respondent came from 31 to 40 year old range while consists of 46 respondent
(76.7%). This finding was supported in the study by Mustafa et al in 2008 with no
significant between knowledge and age with the majority of the respondent was age
of 31 to 40 years old.

Table 4.2.3a : Analyse association between Knowledge about contraception and age

N % Mean Minimum Maximum df F Sig.

20 -30 year 11 18.3 43.45 4.967 34 50 2 0.571 0.568

31 -40 year 46 76.7 43.24 2.549 37 49 57

41 and
3 5 41.33 3.215 39 45 59

4.2.3b Analyse association between Knowledge about contraception and race

The finding of this study showed that there was no significant association between
knowledge on contraception and socio demographic with race. The majority
respondent came from Malay while consists of 43 respondent (71.7%). This finding
was supported in the study by Khan et al in 2018 were the Malay races being most of
the respondent and there is no significant between knowledge and race with the
majority of the respondent was Malay.

Table 4.2.3b : Analyse association between Knowledge about contraception and race

N % Mean Minimum Maximum df F Sig.

1 1.7 45 . 45 45 1.908 0.139

Indian 13 21.6 42.54 4.034 34 49 3

Chinese 3 5 47 1.732 45 48 56

Malay 43 71.7 43.07 2.746 37 50 59

4.2.3c Analyse association between Knowledge about contraception and education

The finding of this study showed that there was no significant association between
knowledge on contraception and socio demographic with education level. The
majority respondent came from Diploma while consists of 45 respondent (75%). This
finding was supported in the study by Yusof et al in 2018 were the education levels
were categorized based on the Malaysian education system. Respondents were
considered to have no formal education/primary education if they had not attended
any formal schooling or had only completed up to 6 years of primary school. Those
who had completed 11 years of formal schooling were defined as having completed
secondary education while respondents with diplomas or higher qualifications were
considered as having completed tertiary education and there is no significant between
knowledge and education level with the majority of the respondent was diploma.

Table 4.2.3c: Analyse association between Knowledge about contraception and

education level
N % Mean Minimum Maximum df F Sig.

Secondary 11 18.3 42.36 2.908 37 46 2 0.545 0.583

Diploma 45 75 43.42 3.166 34 50 57

Bachelor 4 6.7 42.75 3.403 38 46 59

4.2.3d Analyse association between Knowledge about contraception and education


The finding of this study showed that there was no significant association between
knowledge on contraception and socio demographic with Employment. The majority
respondent came from full time employment while consists of 40 respondent (66.7%).
This finding was supported in the study by Khan et al in 2018 were most of the
respondent having full time employment and there is no significant between
knowledge and employment with the majority of the respondent was full time

Table 4.2.3d: Analyse association between Knowledge about contraception and

N % Mean Minimum Maximum df F Sig.

Student 17 28.3 43.47 3.184 37 50 2 0.285 0.753

Self employed 3 5 42 1 41 43 57

Full time 40 66.7 43.15 3.207 34 49 59

4.2.3e Analyse association between Knowledge about contraception and current


The finding of this study showed that there was no significant association between
knowledge on contraception and socio demographic with current salary. The majority
respondent came from salary more than 2500 while consists of 50 respondent
(83.3%). This finding was supported in the study by Khan et al in 2018 were most of
the respondent having full time employment and there is no significant between
knowledge and current salary with the majority of the respondent was more than 2500
and did not reveal any significant difference in distribution of socio-demographic and
current salary
Table 4.2.3e: Analyse association between Knowledge about contraception and
current salary
Mea Minimu Maximu
N % Deviati df F Sig.
n m m

Less than 0.36 0.69

1 1.7 45 . 45 45 2
1500 1 9

1500 - 2500 9 15 3.575 37 46 57

more than 43.2

50 83.3 3.069 34 50 59
2500 6

4.2.3f Analyse association between Knowledge about contraception and number of


The finding of this study showed that there was no significant association between
knowledge on contraception and socio demographic with number of children. The
majority respondent came from women with 1 to 3 children while consists of 35
respondent (58.3%). This finding was supported in the study by Rasch et al in 2007
were most of the respondent having children 1 to 3 and there is no significant between
knowledge and number of chilren with the majority of the respondent was 1 to 3
Table 4.2.3f: Analyse association between Knowledge about contraception and
number of children
N % Mean Minimum Maximum df F Sig.

No children 12 20 41.58 4.166 34 48 2

1 to 3 35 58.3 43.91 2.406 39 49 57 2.889 0.064

more than 3 13 21.7 42.69 3.301 37 50 59


Discussion and Conclusion

5.1) Introduction

This study is about to assess the knowledge among married women regarding
contraception in Saujana Utama, Selangor at Jalan Melur 1, 1/1,1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 and to
identify social demographic among respondent and to determine the association
between knowledge of contraception and social demographic variable among married
women. In this chapter, all the result has been analysing. The finding in the previous
study will be interpreting. The result of the study findings will be examined and
copulative to other studies that have done earlier. Thus will help the authors and
reader to get an atomistic view of the study.
5.2) Discussion

In this study, a total of 60 respondent participate, and all of them married women that
staying in Saujana Utama at Jalan Melor 1,1/1, 1/2, 1/2 and 1/4. The most age that
respondent in this study are women age 31 to 40 year old at 76.7% following by age
20 to 30 year is at 18.3% more than 40 year old at 5%. Study done by Yusof, et al,
2018 mention that the highest respondent mainly older women aged 45 to 49 years old
at 79.3% due to experience. Mustafa, et al, 2008, study almost have the same target
group of the respondent the range with a bit different age and a total respondent for
group 21 to 30 at 53 % and group age from 31 to 40 at 31%. The combination of the
two group range given a total of 84% but the setting of the study done in antenatal
clinic and respondent must answer the question with a partner and the contributing
factor to high respondent percentage. Pegu, et al, 2014, mention in her study that age
between 20 to 30-year-old contribute to 96% of the research.

The Malay are the most respondent 43 respondent at 71.7% following by Indian 13
respondent at 21.7%, the Chinese 3 respondent at 5% and Orang asal 1 respondent at
1%. Yusof, et al, 2018 mention that the Malay are the domain races and it is expected
that the Malay become most of the respondent. Ismail, et al, 2019 in his study also
mention that the most of the respondents in their study were Malay (64·4%)

The education level, there is a lot of Diploma holder participate about 45 respondent
at 75% and bachelor holders 4 participant at 5% and 11 respondent at 18.3% from a
secondary level that contributes to this study. Sulthana, et al, 2015 mention that
education level play a big role to determine the level of knowledge in a study Ismail,
et al, 2019 mention there were a higher percentage of respondents who had poor
knowledge and negative attitude towards contraception due to lower education level.

Most participate were a full-time worker with 40 respondent at 66.7% following by a

student respondent 17 at 28.3% and 3 respondent at 5 % were a self-employment.
According to Tilahun, et al, 2013 a family with a good paying job usually will easily
get access with contraception and a less fortune will just have to endurance.
About 50 respondent at 83.3% earning more than 2500 a month and 9 respondent at
15% earn 1500 to 2000 and 1 respondent at 1.7% earn less than 1500 per month. A
study done by Gosavi, et al 2016 mention that even thought a salary in Singapore are
high but it is not to determine the success of contraception knowledge.

The number of children the most respondent own 1 to 3 child about 35 respondent at
58.3% and 13 respondent at 21.7% owns more than 3 children there is also a non-
children respondent about 12 at 12% in this study. Somba, et al, 2014 mention women
with children a more aware about contraception due to self awareness and

To access the knowledge of married women toward contraception, there is 15

question that use to collect the data. Most married women that staying in Saujana
Utama at Jalan Melur 1,1/1, 1/2, 1/2 and 1/4 can understand the question and answer
the question, a lack of knowledge detected in question involving medical condition
and diseases. Overall there no significant difference between knowledge towards
married women in Saujana Utama at Jalan Melur 1, 1/1,1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 because the
p-value for knowledge is .000 which smaller than alpha 0.05.

To analyse the knowledge among married women towards contraception is using a T-

Test mean-while to analyse the association between knowledge about contraception
and the demographics of the variable, the data analysed using ANOVA.

For the second objective in this study which is the "knowledge" among married
women towards contraception, a questionnaire which contains 14 questions being use
and analysis of the result is using a T-Test. The result has shown that variable
"knowledge" toward contraception with mean 43.18 and SD 3.111 meanwhile p-value
.000, which is there is a significant difference between Knowledge among married
women in Saujana Utama at Jalan Melur 1, 1/1,1/2, 1/3 and 1/4. There was a
significant association between knowledge, race and number of children. According
to the result, there were a higher mean of Malay (43.07) and respondent with 1 to 3
children (43.91), and there is no significant association between knowledge, age,
education level, current employment and income. According to the table, the higher
mean is 43.45 from group age 20 to 30 year old. For education level, the higher mean
is from diploma respondent with 43.42 and current employment higher mean is from
student respondent with 43.47 and about 83.8 % and mean 2.82 and 0.431 SD for

Overall to be mentioned that my finding only applicable in Saujana Utama at Jalan

Melur 1, 1/1,1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 and the future better study apply to the Malaysia
population. Furthermore, this study is a good practice for me as a novice to
understand knowledge among married women towards contraception.
5.3) Implication and Recommendation

5.3.1)Nursing Practise
In my report, married women know about contraception and with revealing such as
support group or small classes to increase more knowledge especially regarding
medical side effect and a different type of contraception it will help derive more
information. Staff nurse should attend more seminar to gain more knowledge and
experience to handle this matter. Nowadays with a lot of information that can be
reached by internet, nurses should be able to explain to pt the correct knowledge and
information.There are some women who are still shy to talk about their contraception
knowledge. Therefore a personal nurses counselling with private room should be
creating more and more nurses should be attending patient with the open-minded

In Malaysia contraception is still a taboo topic to discuss in public. Even to talk about
a different type of functional contraception that available only a few of our married
women know about it. An open-minded setting required to archive a excellent result
on knowledge. There is a lot of resistance such as culture, religion and environment.
A few cannot adapt the knowledge cause still believe with one method and did not
even want to move forward for better protection. The new knowledge also it cannot
be implemented if there are no changes in attitudes

In Malaysia under the Malaysia Minister of health there a lot of clinics that provide
counselling and almost every clinic provide a piece of sufficient information. A
government institution such PKKN also given a lot of information regarding this
matter. A seminar should be held and combination between patient and nurses should
be organize to create an understanding among patient and nurse. A lot of pamphlet
and handout should be up date and improvise such a e -learning computer in every
clinic , so patient can get in formation from the correct source.

While finishing this study, there is a lot of information that I gain in this study. There
are a lot of articles has shown not many Malaysian are involved in this topic. There is
a lot of the researcher not from Malaysian. The data are not multiracial result. In the
future, a good study should be done by the Malaysia Ministry of health so the result
can be used by all multiracial and not focusing on one race, religion and setting. I
hope by using the data, our Ministry of health can come out with a new idea to
improve our married women knowledge and focus on productivity country.

5.5) Recommendation

In the future for contraceptive research and development are the "woman-centred" to
be reasonable, just, and also market-worthy. The challenge is to find creative ways to
elicit the best response from the scientific and industrial communities in a conducive
climate that protects the integrity of inquiry and the safety of consumers. With a
strongly endorses continued public sector support of a basic research in innovative
areas of reproductive biology as a source of new leads for contraceptive research and
development and, second, in the applied research that will bring the most promising
leads to fruition. This study also can be organize more smoothly next time and gain
more knowledge and information towards contraception and can be more specific to
each and other methods of contraception. In the future this study can help other to
provides a data that can be use full to other.
5.6) Conclusion

The knowledge of contraception toward married women have shown me that married
women here quiet good while answering a common question but not so in question
involving side effect , medical condition and negative question. There is a lot of space
for improvement that can be done to produce a better result.For contraceptive
knowledge, woman’s will and motivation is necessary. Mostly women that involve in
this study most of them are diploma holder and that kind of effect the result.
Demographics factor contribute a lot of factor it is because Saujana Utama have a
good internet reception and most of the respondent are working and have experience
using contraception. So this is important to improve educational status of the female
to overcome these barriers and increase the uptake of contraceptive knowledge.

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