Course Packet in Cur. Dev
Course Packet in Cur. Dev
Course Packet in Cur. Dev
Prepared by:
Letter to the Students
My Dear Students,
Sincerely yours,
Maricel S. Antiga
Table of Contents
CONTENTS Page Number
Cover page i
Preface/Letter to the Students ii
Table of Contents iii
Course Outline iv
Lesson 1: Curriculum and the Teacher
1.1 Curriculum in Schools
Lesson 2: The Teacher as the Curricularist
WEEK 2-3
Lesson 1: The teacher as a knower of Curriculum
WEEK 4-5
Lesson 1: The Teacher as a Curriculum Designer
Lesson 1:Curriculum Evaluation and the Teacher
Lesson 1: Planning, Implementing and Evaluating; Understanding the connection
Lesson 2: Gearing Up for the Future: Curriculum Reforms
Lesson 3 :Outcomes based Education: Basis for Enhanced Teacher Education Curriculum
Lesson 1:Outcomes Based Education for Teachers Preparation Curriculum
Lesson 2: Curricular Landscape in the 21ST Century Curricular landscape in the Classroom
You are now about to start the first lesson for Week 1 entitled “Curriculum and the
Teacher”. Read the learning materials below then answer the comprehension check
questions and do the exercises.
Module Overview:
Module 1 is all about school curricula and the teacher. This
introductory module identifies the different types of curricula that exist in
the teacher’s classroom and school. Further, Module 1 describes the
important roles of the teacher as a curricularist who engages in the different
facets of curriculum development in any educational level.
What is curriculum?
refers to the lessons and academic content taught in a school or in a
specific course or program. In dictionaries, curriculum is often defined
as the courses offered by a school, but it is rarely used in such a
general sense in schools.
1. What is Curriculum?
In some cases, a law making body like the congress and the senate, or a university
or a school can recommend a subject, a course, or any academic program which is
deemed necessary for national identity and security, for environmental protection
and sustainable development, among others.
Are you aware that the teacher’s role in school is very complex?
Teachers do a series of interrelated actions about curriculum, instructions,
assessment, evaluation, teaching and learning. A classroom teacher is
involved with curriculum continuously all day. But very seldom has a teacher
been described as curricularist.
A TEACHER’S role is broader and inclusive of other functions and so a
teacher is a curricularist.
CASE 1: I have a good idea on how to make my learners pay attention to the
lesson. I will use the new idea and find out if it will work.
CASE 3: There is so much to do in school day. I seem not able to do all, but I
have to accomplish something for my learners. I have made a daily activity
plan to guide me.
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government College
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
You are now on the 2nd week of this course. Before you start working on the lessons for this week
make sure that you have submitted to your course facilitator the requirements of Week 1.
For this week you will learn Module 2. Read and watch the learning materials below then answer
the Comprehension Check questions and exercises.
Module Overview:
Module 2 describes the school curriculum in terms of its definition, its
nature and scope, which are needed by the teacher as a knower. This
module provides a wider perspective for the teachers about the curriculum in
trems of curriculum approach, curriculum development process, some
curriculum models and the foundations upon which curriculum is anchored.
Lesson 1: The School Curriculum:Definition,Nature and Scope
Comprehension Check:
Just click and read this website,this may help you understand the
different definitions of curriculum.
Tanner (1980) defined curriculum as “the planned and guided learning experiences and intended
outcomes, formulated through the systematic reconstruction of knowledge and experiences under the
auspices of the school, for the learners’ continuous and wilful growth in personal social competence”
Schubert (1987) defines curriculum as the contents of a subject, concepts and tasks to be acquired,
planned activities, the desired learning outcomes and experiences, product of culture and an agenda
to reform society.
Pratt (1980) defines curriculum as a written document that systematically describes goals planned,
objectives, content, learning activities, evaluation procedures and so forth.
Goodlad and Su (1992) define curriculum as a plan that consists of learning opportunities for a specific
time frame and place, a tool that aims to bring about behaviour changes in students as a result of
planned activities and includes all learning experiences received by students with the guidance of the
Cronbleth (1992) defines curriculum as answering three questions: what knowledge, skills and values are
most worthwhile? Why are they most worthwhile? How should the young acquire them?
Grundy (1987) defines curriculum as a programme of activities (by teachers and pupils) designed so that
pupils will attain so far as possible certain educational and other schooling ends or objectives.
Hass (1987) provides a broader definition, stating that a curriculum includes “all of the experiences that
individual learners have in a program of education whose purpose is to achieve broad goals and related
specific objectives, which is planned in terms of a framework of theory and research or past and present
professional practice” (p.5).
Curriculum from Traditional Points of View
Hutchins believes that college education must be grounded on liberal education while basic education
should emphasize the rules of grammar, reading, rhetoric, logic and mathematics. For him, curriculum
is viewed as permanent studies which explain why some subjects are repeated from elementary to
college, such as grammar, reading, and mathematics.
Bestor is an essentialist who believes that the mission of the school is to train the intellectual capacity
of learners. Hence, subjects to be offered are grammar, literature, writing, mathematics, science,
history and foreign language.
Schwab views that discipline is the sole source of curriculum, and so, the curriculum is divided into
chunks of knowledge which are called subject areas like English, mathematics, social studies, science,
humanities, languages, and others. As a leading curriculum theorist, Schwab used the
term discipline as the ruling doctrine for curriculum development. Therefore, curriculum is viewed as
a field of study and it should only consist of knowledge that comes from the disciplines; for example,
linguistics, economics, chemistry, among others.
The progressivists disagree with the way curriculum is defined by the traditionalists . For them, if the lesson plans or
syllabi are not actualized or learned by the students, it is not considered as a curriculum. So, curriculum is defined as the total
learning experiences of individuals which means that students be given all the opportunities to apply what they learn.
John Dewey is a famous proponent of progressivism. He argues that reflective thinking is important. It is a tool to unify all the
curricular elements, such as aims, goals, and objectives; subject matter/content; learning experiences; and evaluation
approaches. For him, it is important to test the knowledge or thought through application, or the learning by doing, which
became influential in education. His famous philosophy is pragmatism.
Smith, Stanley and Shores share the same view that the curriculum, as the way Caswell & Campbell view it, as “a sequence of
potential experiences set up in the schools for the purpose of disciplining the children and the youth while doing group
In a nutshell, progressivism comes from the word progress, which means making changes, reforms, or improvements toward
better conditions. In the way curriculum is defined and implemented from the progressivists’ perspective, the people
mentioned above have contributed much in educational reforms. They all believe that teachers must provide sets of
experiences that are planned and facilitated by the teachers in order for the students to actualize what they have learned
within or outside the classrooms.
Name:____________________Course & Year:__________ Date:_______
Direction: Traditional or Progressive: What is your View of
1. What is your own definition of a curriculum? Write down your answer
in the space provided.
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government College
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
Here is a link which help you to understand more about this following
Three ways of approaching curriculum
Criteria in the selection of Content
Guide in the selection of the Content in the Curriculum
BASIC Principles of Curriculum Content
You must click and read this link so that you can proceed to our exercises.
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
Exercise No.1
Direction: Match the CONCEPT IN Column II with the CHOICES in Column
III. Write the letter of your ANSWER in Column I.
Curriculum planning is a complex process where faculty define intended learning outcomes, assessments,
content and pedagogic requirements necessary for student success across an entire curriculum
Curriculum design is a term used to describe the purposeful, deliberate, and systematic organization
of curriculum (instructional blocks) within a class or course. In other words, it is a way for teachers to plan
Curriculum implementation therefore refers to how the planned or officially designed course of study is
translated by the teacher into syllabuses, schemes of work and lessons to be delivered to students.
The implementation, as an essential part of curriculum development, brings into existence the anticipated
Curriculum evaluation refers to an ongoing process of collecting, analyzing, synthesizing, and interpreting
information to aid in understanding what students know and can do. ... Identify procedures for using assessment
information in making decisions focused on improving teaching and learning (data based decision making);
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government College
1. PERENNIALISM Aim: To educate the rational person; cultivate intellect Role: Teachers assist
students to think with reason (critical thinking HOSTS) Focus: Classical subjects, literary analysis.
Curriculum is enduring Trends: Use of great books (Bible, Koran, Classics) and Liberal Arts
3. PROGRESSIVISM Aim: Promote democratic social living Role: Teacher leads for growth and
development of lifelong learners Focus: Interdisciplinary subjects. Learner- centered. Outcomes-
based. Trends: Equal opportunities for all, Contextualized curriculum, Humanistic education
4.RECONSTRUCTIONISM Aim: To improve and reconstruct society. Education for change Role:
Teacher acts as agent of change and reforms Focus: Present and future educational landscape
Trends: School and curricular reform, Global education, Collaboration and Convergence, Standards
and Competencies
He started the curriculum development movement. • Curriculum is a science that emphasizes
students’ needs. • Curriculum prepares learners for adult life. • Objectives and activities
should group together when tasks are clarified.-FRANKLIN BOBBIT (1876-1956)
Like Bobbit, he posited that curriculum is science and emphasizes students’ needs. •
Objectives and activities should match. Subject matter or content relates to objectives.-
Curricula are purposeful activities which are child- centered. • The purpose of the curriculum
is child development and growth. He introduced this project method where teacher and
student plan the activities. • Curriculum develops social relationships and small group
instruction.- WILLIAM KILPARTICK(1875-1952)
Curriculum should develop the whole child. It is child-centered. • With the statement of
objectives and related learning activities, curriculum should produce outcomes. • Emphasized
social studies and suggested that the teacher plans curriculum in advance.-HAROLD
Curriculum is organized around social functions of themes organized knowledge and learner’s
interest. • Curriculum, instruction and learning are interrelated. • Curriculum is a set of
experiences. Subject matter is developed around social functions and learners’ interests.-
Curriculum is a science and an extension of schools’ philosophy. It is based on students’
needs and interests. • Curriculum is always related to instruction. subject matter is organized
in terms of knowledge, skills, and values. • The process emphasizes problem solving.
Curriculum aims to educate generalists and not specialists.-RALPH TYLER (1902-1994)
She contributed to the theoretical and pedagogical foundations of concepts development and
critical thinking in social studies curriculum. • She helped lay the foundation for diverse
student population.-HILDA TABA(1902-1967)
He described how curriculum change is a cooperative endeavor. • Teacchers and curriculum
specialist constitute the professional core of planners. • Significant improvement is achieved
through group activity.-PETER OLIVA (1992-2012)
He is the father of classical conditioning theory, the S-R theory. • The key to learning is early
years of life is to train them what you want them to become. • S-R theory is a foundation of
learning practice called indoctrination.- IVAN PAVLOV (1849-1936)
He championed the connectionism theory. • He proposed the three laws of learning: - Law of
Readiness - Law of Exercise - Law of Effect • Specific stimulus has specific response.-
He proposed the Hierarchical Learning Theory. Learning follows a hierarchy. • Behavior is
based on prerequisite conditions. • He introduced tasking in the formulation of objectives.-
ROBERT GAGNE (1916-2002)
Theories of Jean Piaget - Cognitive development has stages from birth to maturity:
Sensory motor stage(0- 2), preoperational stage (2-7), concrete operation stage (7- 11)and
formal operations (11- onwards) • Keys to learning - Assimilation - Accommodation -
Theories of Lev Vygotsky - Cultural transmission and development - Learning precedes
development - Sociocultural development theory • Keys to Learning - Pedagogy creates
learning processes that lead to development - The child is an active agent in his or her
educational process.
Gardner’s multiple intelligences - Humans have several different ways of processing
information and this ways are relatively independent of one another - There are eight
intelligences: Linguistic, logico- mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily or kinesthetic,
interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic.
Emotion contains the power to affect action. -he called this emotional qoutient.- DANIEL
Gestalt Theory - Learning is explained in terms of “wholeness” of the problem - Human
beings do not respond to isolated stimuli but to an organization or pattern of stimuli. • Keys
to Learning - Learning is complex and abstract - Learners analyze the problem, discriminate
between essential and nonessential data, and perceive relationships. - Learners will perceive
something in relation to the whole. What or how they perceive is related to their previous
He advanced the self- actualization theory and classic theory of human needs. • A child
whose basic needs are not met will not be interested in acquiring knowledge of the world. •
He put importance to human emotions, based on love and trust. • Keys to Learning - Produce
a healthy and happy learner who can accomplish, grow and actualize his or her human self.-
Nondirective and Therapeutic Learning - he established counselling procedures and methods
for facilitating learning. - Children’s perceptions, which are highly individualistic, influenced
their learning and behavior in class. • Key to Learning - Curriculum is concerned with
process, not product; personal needs, not subject matter, psychological meaning, not
cognitive scores.-CARL ROGERS( 1902-1987)
Society as a source of change • Schools as agents of change • Knowledge as an agent of
Considered two fundamental elements- schools and civil society- to be major topics needing
attention and reconstruction to encourage experimental intelligence and plurality.-JOHN
Wrote the book Future Shock • Believed that knowledge should prepare students for the
future. • Suggested that in the future, parents must have the resources to teach prescribe
curriculum from home as a result of technology, not in spite of it.(Home Schooling) • Foresaw
schools and students work creatively, collaboratively, and independent of their age.-ALVIN
Question: What significant contribution can you recall about this person?
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government College
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
You are now on the 4TH week of this course. Before you start working on the lessons for this week
make sure that you have submitted to your course facilitator the requirements of Week 2-3.
For this week you will learn Module 3. Read and watch the learning materials below then answer
the Comprehension Check questions and exercises.
Module Overview:
A curriculum as planned sequence of learning experiences should be
at the heart and mind of every teacher. Every teacher as a curriculist should
be involved in designnning a curriculum.In fact, it is one of the teacher’s
roles as a curricularist.As such,you will be a part of the intellectual journey
of your learners. You will be providing them the necessary experiences that
will enable the learner what you intend them learn.
Just click and read this website,this may help you to identify the
fundamentals of curriculum designing.
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government
1st Semester School Year 2020-2021
There are many labels or names for curriculum design. Some would call it a syllabus or a lesson
plan. Some would call it a unit plan or course design. Whatever is the name of the design, the
common components for all of them are almost the same. However,some schools, institutions or
departments may add other minor parts or trimmings to the design.
Let us take the Lesson Plan as a miniscule curriculum.a lesson plan or teaching guide includes (1.)
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) OR THE Desired Learning Outcome (DLO) formerly labelled as
behavioral objectives, (2.) Subject Matter or Content (3.) Teaching and Learning Methods, and ( 4)
Assessment Evaluation.Each of these components or elements is described below.
You may click this link for the elements or Components of Curriculum Design
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
You are now on the 4TH week of this course. Before you start working on the lessons for this week
make sure that you have submitted to your course facilitator the requirements of Week 2-3.
For this week you will learn Module 3. Read and watch the learning materials below then answer
the Comprehension Check questions and exercises.
1. Subject-Centered Design
1.1 subject design
1.2 discipline design
1.3 correlation design
1.4 brod field design/ interdisciplinary
2. Learner-Centered Design
2.1 Child-centered design
2.2 Experience-centered design
2.3 Humanistic design
3. Problem-Centered Design
3.1 Life-Situation design
3.2 Core problem Design
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
These are some examples of curriculum designs. There are may more which are emerging and those that
have evolved in the past. This example given may be limited, however, for our purposes, they can very
well represent curriculum designs.
To know the meaning of each subtopic, you may click this website
How will a particular design be approached by the teacher? After writing a curriculum
based on the specific design, let us see how a teacher will approach this. We will find out the
utilization of the example design.
To identify and analyze the approaches in the light of how these are applied in the
school setting, you may click and read the website.For your deep understanding.
You have already know about this lesson. You may now proceed to
your exercises. GET READY!
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
Direction: Identify what kind of design and approach are utilized in the
following description. Write your answer in space provided.
Direction: Choose one(1) statement and reflect on it. What do you think
and feel about it? Write you answer in paper image display
Statement No.3: “Students are too young to solve life’s problem, why
should they do problem solving in school?”
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
You are now on the 4TH week of this course. Before you start working on the lessons for this week
make sure that you have submitted to your course facilitator the requirements of Week 2-3.
For this week you will learn Module 3. Read and watch the learning materials below then answer
the Comprehension Check questions and exercises.
This lesson will teach us, curricularists, an important process and tool on
curriculum development which is Curriculum mapping and Curriculum Maps.
Here the suggested steps you should know, you can click this website.
You have already know the possible steps to in curriculum mapping.
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
Comprehension Check:
Direction: Make a wise decision. Show me that you understood the lesson. Know the
difference between YES and NO answer to each of the question.
Question Answer
You are now on the 6TH week of this course. Before you start working on the lessons for this week
make sure that you have submitted to your course facilitator the requirements of Week 2-3.
For this week you will learn “The teacher as Curriculum Implementor and Manager. Read and
watch the learning materials below then answer the Comprehension Check questions and exercises.
Module Overview:
The next step after a curriculum planning and designning is to
implement it.
As a teacher, this is one of the major roles that you do in the school.
Many of the curricula that you use may have been recommended and written
down. Your task is to implement such. Daily your plan should be ready for
implementation.The success of learning depends on your implementation
Good luck, Teachers
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government College
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
Comprehension Check:
Let’s play a PERFECT MATCH
In column A are concepts about curriculum implementation. Connect a line
from box on the left A to the arrow on the right B of the correct match.
Concept Meaning/Description
You are now on the 6TH week of this course. Before you start working on the lessons for this week
make sure that you have submitted to your course facilitator the requirements of Week 4-5.
For this week you will learn “The teacher as Curriculum Implementor and Manager. Read and watch
the learning materials below then answer the Comprehension Check questions and exercises.
Let’s take a look for this website. You may now click and understand the curriculum in the daily
Comprehension Check:
You are now on the 6TH week of this course. Before you start working on the lessons for this week
make sure that you have submitted to your course facilitator the requirements of Week 4-5
For this week you will learn “The teacher as Curriculum Implementor and Manager. Read and watch
the learning materials below then answer the Comprehension Check questions and exercises.
Let’s learned together! You may now click this website for more information about the role of
technology in delivering the curriculum.
Comprehension Check:
1. What is the role of technology in curriculum delivery?
2. How the technology help in curriculum delivery?
3. What are the factors in Technology Selection?
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government College
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
You are now on the 6TH week of this course. Before you start working on the lessons for this week
make sure that you have submitted to your course facilitator the requirements of Week 4-5
For this week you will learn “The teacher as Curriculum Implementor and Manager. Read and watch
the learning materials below then answer the Comprehension Check questions and exercises.
Curriculum Stakeholders
1. Learners are the core of the curriculum.
2. Teachers are curricularists.
3. School leaders are curriculum managers
4. Parents
5. Community as teh Curriculum Resources and a Learning Environment
6. Other Stakeholders in Curriculum Implementation and Development
For more information and clarification about this lesson. You may open this website:
Comprehension Check:
You are now on the 7TH week of this course. Before you start working on the lessons for this week
make sure that you have submitted to your course facilitator the requirements of Week 6.
For this week you will learn “Curriculum Evaluation and the Teacher” Read and watch the learning
materials below then answer the Comprehension Check questions and exercises.
Module Overview:
This module is all about curriculum evaluation in the context of its
definitions and the role of the teacher as an evaluator. It will present the
ways of evaluating the curriculum as written, planned or implemented. It will
reference popular curriculum models currently used in educational programs
here and abroad.
Curriculum evaluation is a component of curriculum development that
responds to public accountability. It looks inti educational reforms or
innovations that happen in the teacher’s classrooms, the school, district,
division or the whole educational system as well. It is establishing the merit
and worth of a curriculum. Merit refers to the value and worth of the
curriculum. Test result will only be used as one of the pieces of evidence of
evaluation. For in the end, the purpose of evaluation is to improve and not
to prove.
You may now watch this video for your clear understanding what is
curriculum evaluation, why do we need to evaluate a curriculum and
how do we evaluate curriculum
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government College
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
-is oriented more directly to program activities than program intents. Evaluation focuses more on the
activities rather tahn intent or puposes.
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government College
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
-in 1967 introduced this evaluation among many others when eduaction products flooded the
market.Consumers of educational products which are needed to support an implemented curriculum often
use consumer oriented evaluation.
Using the checklist for instructional material review or evaluation may help any curricularist
make decision as to which textbook, modules or any instructional support material will be used,
revised, modified or rejected.
Comprehension Check:
You are now on the 6TH week of this course. Before you start working on the lessons for this week
make sure that you have submitted to your course facilitator the requirements of Week 4-5.
For this week you will learn “The teacher as Curriculum Implementor and Manager. Read and watch
the learning materials below then answer the Comprehension Check questions and exercises.
-is defined in outcomes- based education as a product of what have been intended in the beginning of the
learning process.Indicators of the learning outcomes which are accomplished are called achieved learning
outcomes. Standards and competencies are used as the indicators and measures of these outcomes.
Our country has established the Philippines Qualification Framework (PQF) as a standard whick will
be aligned to the ASEAN Reference Qualification Framework (ARQF) for the comparability of the learning
outcomes at the different levels.
The Philippine Educational is divided into eight levels. In each level, the
learners are expected to achieve specific standards and competencies of the
learning outcomes.The eight level of complexity of learning outcomes are
based on three domains.
Knowledge, skills and Values
Responsibility-degree of independence
After finishing Grade 11, the learner must have achieved Level 1 of the
learning outcomes, Grade 12, the level of complexity of learning
outcomes achieved is labelled as level 2. Using these three domains
these are described in the matrix below
The degree programs for tertiary education are issued by the Commission on
Higher Education (CHED).There are three levels of competency domains for
the baccalaureate,masters and doctorate degrees.
Comprehension Check:
Knowledge, Process, Understanding, Performance reflect different learning outcomes that are
arranged in hierarchy or complexity. Knowledge being the basic level of learning outcomes and
Performance being the advanced level of learning outcomes.
You may now click this website for more information about this lesson:
Comprehension Check:
1. What is KPUP?
2.What are the types of tests used in knowledge level?
3.What are performance assessment tools?
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government College
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
You are now on the 8TH week of this course. Before you start working on the lessons for this week
make sure that you have submitted to your course facilitator the requirements of Week 7.
For this week you will learn “Curriculum Evaluation and the Teacher” Read and watch the learning
materials below then answer the Comprehension Check questions and exercises.
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government College
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
What has been PLANNED, should be IMPLEMENTED and what has been implemented be
Finally the PIE. The cyclical flow of the three processes in curriculum development is very easy
to remember and follow. As a curricularist, these guiding ideas clarify our understanding that one
cannot assess what was not taught, nor implement what was not planned.PLAN then IMPLEMENT
then EVALUATE and the next cycle begins.
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
“Is the teacher’s life a series of planning, implementing, and evaluating? Will
this improve teaching? Why?
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government College
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
You are now on the 8TH week of this course. Before you start working on the lessons for this week
make sure that you have submitted to your course facilitator the requirements of Week 7.
For this week you will learn “Curriculum Development Reforms and Enhancement”. Read and watch
the learning materials below then answer the Comprehension Check questions and exercises.
Module Overview:
This module brings you to some curricular developments reforms and
enchancement. As the Philippine education braces itself with the ASEAN and
the rest of the world,there is a need to embark on enhancement and reforms
in the curriculum. As a curriculum knower,designer, implementor, and
evaluator, substantial knowledge of some of these reforms is necessary.
Lesson 1: The Enhanced Basic Education Act pf 2013 (K TO 12)
Curriculum designers need to enchance the curriculum and propose
curricular innovations to respond to the changing educational landscape in
the country as well as in other parts of the globe. It is most necessary that
as a future curricularist and a teacher, you should be familiar with what is
happening and will happen in our curriculum. There is no substitute for being
Comprehension Check:
1.Are the existing realities enough justification for the implementation
ies. of Kto 12? Why and why not? Write your answer below.
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
You are now on the 8TH week of this course. Before you start working on the lessons for this week
make sure that you have submitted to your course facilitator the requirements of Week 7.
For this week you will learn “Outcomes-Based-Education:Basis for Enhanced Teacher Education
Curriculum”. Read and watch the learning materials below then answer the Comprehension Check
questions and exercises.
Module Overview:
Outcome-based eduaction (OBE) became the fundamental philosophy
of higher eduaction in the Philippines lately. All curricula including that of
teacher eduction will be be anchored on the concept of OBE in terms of
course designing, instructional planning, teaching and assessing students
learning.This module will give you the opportunity to understand what OBE
is all about and relate the same to teacher eduaction curriculum as future
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government College
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
Lets take a look for this lesson. You may now click and read this website for your deep understanding
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government College
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
Comprehension Check:
You are now on the 9TH week of this course. Before you start working on the lessons for this week
make sure that you have submitted to your course facilitator the requirements of Week 8.
For this week you will learn “Curriculum Development Reforms and Enhancement”. Read and watch
the learning materials below then answer the Comprehension Check questions and exercises.
Here are the following topics that you should know, all of them are in one ppt presentation.You may
now click or copy this link
Teacher Education Curriculum Anchored on OBE
Comprehension Check:
You are now on the 9TH week of this course. Before you start working on the lessons for this week
make sure that you have submitted to your course facilitator the requirements of Week 8.
For this week you will learn “Curricular Landscape in the 21st Century Classrooms”. Read and watch
the learning materials below then answer the Comprehension Check questions and exercises.
Module Overview:
a dramatic technological revolution ushered the 21st century. We live
in a society that has become diverse, globalized, complex and media-
saturated. Current education breaks the mold that we know of the past.It
has to be flexible, creative challenging and complex. Module 8 makes
students aware of the current landscape in curriculum and the skills taht the
curriculum have to develop.
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government College
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
On the other hand,Howard Gardner (2006) from his book five minds
of the future B, sees that the five frames of thinking which would help in the
development of thinking skills. Each frame of thinking is attritubated to the
type of mind the learner has to use in order to survive the future.
Zamboanga del Sur Provincial Government College
1st Semester School Year 2021-2022
You are now on the 9TH week of this course. Before you start working on the lessons for this week
make sure that you have submitted to your course facilitator the requirements of Week 8.
For this week you will learn and know about Training Methodology II”. Read and watch the learning
materials below then answer the Comprehension Check questions and exercises.
Module Overview:
This module covers knowledge, skills and attitude required to develop,
modify/customize training curriculum. It includes establishing training
requirements, identifying the learner, and developing, modifying,
customizing and finalizing training curriculum. This self-paced course is one
of the competencies in Trainers Methodology II.
You may now click the sample of training regulations in Agriculture Production.
Comprehension Check:
1.What does training methodology mean?
2.How the training regulations (tr) use in training methodology II?
Self-Assessment Guide (SAG) – a pre-assessment tool to help the
candidate and the assessor determine what evidence is available,
where gaps exist, including readiness for assessment.
This document can identify the candidate’s skills and knowledge;
highlight gaps in the candidate’s skills and knowledge;
provide critical guidance to the assessor n the evidence that needs to
be presented;
provide guidance to the candidate on the evidence that needs to be
and assist the candidate to identify key areas in which practice is
needed or additional information or skills should be gained prior to the
For more information or for elaboration about this topic, you may now click this
website. You can
see what does self assessement look like.
Comprehension Check: