Egg Pie DLP
Egg Pie DLP
Egg Pie DLP
At end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. Identify ingredients in preparing basic pie crust
b. Demonstrate on how to make basic pie crust
c. Value the importance of basic pie crust in real life situation
Let us all stand. Mae please lead the ( one student lead the prayer)
Good Morning class! Good Morning ma’am!
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT (students pick up pieces of paper and plastic under their
Kindly pick up pieces of paper and chairs)
plastics under you chairs.
Is there any absent today? None Ma’am!
What it is all about? Jacky About the different mixing techniques applied for pies and
pastries ma’am.
I have here 3 pictures in one word.
Everybody read
1. The first who will raise his/her hand will be the one
to answer.
2. Observe the pictures attentively
3. Avoid making unnecessary noise while doing the
Who can guess the first one? activity
Ma’am Pies
Very Good!
Ma’am Crust
Very Good!
Ma’am kneading
Very Good!
Ma’am Baking
Very Good!
2. Discussion
(First Activity)
(Second Activity)
Okay. This morning, I will show you Yes ma’am we are very much excited.
on how to make a basic pie crust.
(After 10 minutes)
Here it is. (present the output) Ma’am it is important to measure all the ingredients
appropriate so that the result is good.
Observe it carefully. Ma’am it is important to measure all the ingredients
Now who can describe the crust? appropriately so that the crust will not be failure.
Nice answer!
Yes ma’am
Very well said!
Yes ma’am
What are the nutrients that we can
get from this kind of food?
CRITERIA 5 pts. 3 pts. 1 pt.
Now it’s your turn to make a pie PARTICIPATIO All One or two Three or
crust. Here are the ingredients N members members more
needed. did did not members
(the ingredients are in a bowl) participate participate did not
I have also here an envelope, inside DISCIPLINE All One or two Three or
of this is the procedure. members members more
are are making members
With the same group. Please get working unnecessary are making
your ingredients here and the silently noise unnecessary
envelopes. noise
CORRECTNESS No errors One or two Three or
Here are the criteria for your activity. are made mistakes more
Everybody read. are made mistakes
are made
PROMPTNESS First group Group that Last group/s
who finished the that
finished task after finished the
the work the time work
Total Points 20 points
Yes Ma’am
(After 15 minutes)
Time is up.
When we can make this make this Egg pie, buko pie, mango pie, pineapple pie etc.
pie crust?
None ma’am.
Very good!
Direction: in a ¼ sheet of pad paper choose the letter of your answer. Write the letter only.
1. The following ingredients are needed to prepare a basic pie crust except?
a. Flour
b. Cold water
c. Baking powder
d. Butter
2. What is the exact measurement of flour needed in basic pie crust?
a. 1 cup all purpose flour
b. 1 ½ cup all purpose flour
c. ½ cup all purpose flour
d. 1 ½ tbsp. all purpose flour
3. Which of the baked goods are usually made of dough or have a crust made out of enriched
a. Bread
b. Pastry
c. Pie
d. Pizza
4. What is the first step to have best results in baking?
a. Memorize the recipe very well
b. Use modern equipment
c. Use only imported ingredients
d. Measure ingredients accurately
5. What important ingredient in pastries provides the moisture needed to develop gluten?
a. Edible tallow
b. Flour
c. Salt
d. Water
Key Answer
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. D
V. In a long size bond paper make an album of at least 5 recipes of a basic pie crust with pictures.