Exam Style Answers 10 Asal Physics CB

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Coursebook answers
Chapter 10
Exam-style questions The greater the temperature, the greater
the number of electrons that can escape,
1 B[1] so the more charge carriers there are and
2 A[1] the lower the resistance.[1]
3 a  When p.d. is 2.0 V, current I is 0.25 A[1] ρ L 1.3 × 10 −8 × 1.5
6 a resistance = = [1]
so, resistance R = 2.0/0.25 = 8 Ω[1] A 0.008 × 10 −6
= 2.4 Ω[1]
ii resistance = = 10 Ω[1] RA 30 × 8.0 ×10 −9
0.50 b L = = [1]
ρ 1.30 ×10 −8
b A filament lamp[1]
= 18.5 ≈ 18 m[1]
4 a 
Graph showing a current greater than
zero at 0 °C, with a positive gradient; it 7 a 
V = IR = 0.48 × 5[1]
may or may not be linear[1] = 2.4 V[1]
b U
 se the graph as a calibration graph. current = 0.72 − 0.48 = 0.24[1]
b i 
Keeping the voltage across the thermistor ii 0.24 A[1]
constant, place the thermistor at the point
where the temperature is to be measured. c Resistance of the thermistor decreases[1]
[1] so circuit resistance decreases[1]
Read the current and convert to a so ammeter reading increases[1]
temperature using the calibration graph.[1]
8 a 
The atoms vibrate more[1]
5 a 
The number density of free electrons is
very high in copper.[1] so their effective cross-sectional area
increases and there are more collisions.[1]
In silicon, the number density of free
electrons is very much less (a million times b Cross-sectional area[1]
less).[1] Material of which the wire is made[1]
In a metallic conductor, such as copper,
c R= VI=
i  1.5 [1]
the vibration of the ions increases their 0.24
effective cross-section to the migrating = 6.25 Ω[1]
ρL 1.69 ×10 −8 × 5.0
ii  so A = [1]
b T
 he higher the temperature, the more A 6.25
vibration, hence, the greater the effective = 1.35 × 10−8 m2[1]
cross-section and the more collisions there 4A
are between the electrons and the ions. d= = 1.3 × 10 −4 m[1]
This reduces the mean drift velocity.[1]
d L
 ess area open to air[1]
In semiconductors, thermal energy gives
Less cooling, therefore, temperature
electrons sufficient energy to escape from
their parent atoms.[1]
Current decreases[1]

Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics – Sang, Jones, Chadha & Woodside
1 © Cambridge University Press 2020

ρL b i Straight horizontal line

9 a  and A is thickness × width, (assuming V is on x-axis)[1]
ρL ii As above, but at a higher resistance[1]
so t = [1]
Rw iii Both at a (slightly) higher level[1]
2.3 × 103 × 36 × 10 −3 c R ∝ length: 2 × length → 2 × resistance[1]
t= [1]
1.1× 106 × 32 × 10 −3 R ∝ 1/cross-sectional area: 2 × diameter
= 0.0023 m (2.3 mm)[1] → 4 × area → 14 × resistance[1]
V 12 new resistance = 2 × 14 = 12 × original
b I= = [1]
R 1.1×106 resistance[1]
= 1.1 × 10−5 A[1]
12 a
c Resistance decreases[1] d 0.4 × 10 −3 2
R 4 π( )2 0.28 × π × ( )
RA 2 = 2
Current would increase[1] ρ= =
L 2.25 2.25
Silicon wafer would get even hotter, with
avalanche effect creating more and more [1]
charge carriers [1] = 1.56 × 10−8 Ω m[1]
i, ii 
10 a   [2] 0.02
i = = 5.0%
b i diameter: uncertainty
length: uncertainty= = 2.2% [1]
resistance: uncertainty= = 1.8%
0.28 [1]

ii total percentage uncertainty
b D
 iode has very low resistance
(in forward direction), so large current[1] = ( 2 × 5.0 ) + 2.2 + 1.8 = 14% [1]
Heating would lead to damage to
diode/supply[1] actual uncertainty = 1.56 × 10 −8 ×
V 1.4 100
c R = = [1]    = 0.22 × 10 −8 Ωm [1]
I 20 × 10 −3
= 70 Ω[1]
11 a 
The current through the resistor is
proportional to the p.d. across it[1]
at constant temperature.[1]

Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics – Sang, Jones, Chadha & Woodside
2 © Cambridge University Press 2020

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