Figure X 0:0.1:1 y X. Exp (2) Plot (X, Y) : p1 (U) (1-U) P P P
Figure X 0:0.1:1 y X. Exp (2) Plot (X, Y) : p1 (U) (1-U) P P P
Figure X 0:0.1:1 y X. Exp (2) Plot (X, Y) : p1 (U) (1-U) P P P
This is the not a line as it is Polynomial Equation Special parametric vector function:
𝑆 = 2𝜋 (𝑎2 + 𝑏2 )1/2
𝑃 (𝜃) = 𝑎 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃[1 0 0] + 𝑎 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃[0 1 0] + 𝑏 𝜃[0 0 1]
10. Illustrate the advantages of NC machining? 23. List the 2 order Bezier curve function defined by given 3
High machining precision Unaffected by the control vertexes?
shapes of work-piece. Hence, errors deriving from p(t ) (1 t ) 2 b0 2t (1 t )b0 t 2 b1 ,0 t 1
manipulator’s experience is avoided, and the 25.List the MatLab codes for drawing a line passing two points
consistency among parts in the same group is p0 = [x0 y0 z0], p1 = [x1 y1 z1].
ensured, leading to the ensurance of the produce u=linspace(0,1,20)
quality. x=(1-u)*x0+u*x1
High efficiency Many operations, such as y=(1-u)*y0+u*y1
drawing lines, repeatedly assemblies and z=(1-u)*z0+u*z1
locations, and detections are avoided significantly, axis([0, 10, 0, 10,0,10])
hence the producing efficiency is enhanced.
High automation except manually install of the
hold on
rough body, entire machining process is hndl = plot3(x,y,z)
automatically carried out, resulting in reducing of set(hndl,'Marker','x')
the labor intensity, and improvements of working 26.Given a curve function p(u) = [2u2 u u3+5], answer
condition. the following questions:
Short preparation period Due to the digital (1) transform it into the special parameter vector function.
controlling mode, time consuming deriving form (2) transform it into the full standard base representation.
large amounts of special fixtures, templates, and Ans. p(u) = 2u2[1 0 0] + u[0 1 0] + (u3+5)[0 0 1]
p(u) = 2u2[1 0 0] + u[0 1 0] + (u3+5)[0 0 1] + (-2u2-u- u3-4)[0
standard sample parts can be saved
0 0]
Easy building of communication network 18. Given the interpolation conditions shows in the following
because numerical information is used to express pictures, list the Fugerson surface function interpolating them.
the process information of the NC machine, the
information can be easy to communicate with CAD
system, and the system integrating of CAD and
CAM can be established.