Pointers in Format Preparation For Thesis Outline/Manuscript
Pointers in Format Preparation For Thesis Outline/Manuscript
Pointers in Format Preparation For Thesis Outline/Manuscript
1. Outline and manuscripts to be submitted when filling application for final exam
should be complete with Preliminary Pages:
a. Title Page
b. Declaration of Originality
c. Approval Sheet (CA Form 10))
d. Acknowledgement
e. Table of Contents
f. List of Tables
g. List of Figures
h. List of Appendices
i. Abstract
4. In the Approval Page (CA Form 10), author, thesis titles, degree and major field
should be capitalized.
6. Page no 2. and the succeeding page numbers should be in its default margin
system (.5” in top margin and 1” in right margin) and should be written in small
Arabic numbers (i.e., 2, 3, 4…). Font style is Times New Roman and font size 12.
7. Maintain two (2) double spaces (same as 4 single spaces) between the main
heading (i.e, INTRODUCTION, REVIEW OF LITERATURE…) and the major
8. Major subsection is placed at the left side of the page and is in title case (i.e.,
Decentralizing Filipino Films), and in inverted pyramid form when composed of
five or more words.
9. Maintain one (1) double space (same as 2 single spaces) between the major
subsection and the paragraph heading.
10. Paragraph heading should be indented or tabbed (single tab) to the right and is in
sentence case (i.e.,This is an example of sentence case). It is also italicized. The
paragraph immediately follows after a space.
12. Always use double spaces in the text. Single space is allowed in tables and
13. Do not underscore when defining terms and for emphasizing ideas.
1. Tables could be placed along with the text or could be in a separate page. If
placed with the text, the table is placed on the top part of the page. Maintain 2
double spaces between the bottom line of the table and the text.
2. Tables should be presented with double solid lines on its top and the bottom
7. For tables continued on the next page, there is no need to indicate table title,
instead use Table_continued…. However, indicate table heading with double
solid lines at the top and the bottom part of the table.
8. Cut too many lines inside the tables, if possible only vertical lines to separate
9. Table title should be placed on top of the table and it should be 1 single space
before the double lines.
10. Tables should be presented after mentioning in the text but not in between texts.
1. Figures are placed on the lower part of the page and should be clear and do not
contain unnecessary marks.
3. Figure caption should be placed 1 single space after the figure is presented.
4. Figures should be presented after mentioning in the text but not in between texts.
1. Strictly follow the CSE format. File at the end of the DDC Form and Style.
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Paper Size
Ø Letter (8.5” x 11”)
Top Bottom Right Left
1” 1” 1” 1.5”
Font and Size
Ø Times New Roman, size 12.
Ø Do not use bold face.
NOTE: Copying and pasting text from another source (i.e., internet, website, pdf files) will
sometimes use source settings and this will “add” unnecessary spaces before and after your
copied texts. Therefore, it is advisable to “add” and then “remove” before and after paragraph
spaces after each time you edit your paper. Do the following steps to add and then remove
paragraph spaces.
3.5. Click “Line and Paragraph Spacing” then click “Remove Space
Before Paragraph”.
3.6. Follow Steps 3.1 to 3.5 for Space After Paragraph.
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(Preliminary Page for Thesis Manuscript)
Ø Make sure that you are using the appropriate form. Hence,
CA-UR Form 10
Single space, center aligned
Double space
Single space
Page number is not shown
DDC Form and Style | 9
(Preliminary Page for Manuscript)
First level titles under each chapter are tabbed by 0.5” (default
If the titles are too long, use the appropriate number of decks. It
should follow the inverted pyramid format. Single spacing is used.
Letter bullets are used with dots after the letters (i.e., A.; B.; C. and
so on)
If the figure title is too long and reaches the center of the page,
use the appropriate number of decks. It should follow the inverted
pyramid format. Single spacing is used. Sentence case is used.
The first word (Map...) of the figure title is about 10 spaces away
from the figure number (1).
The figure number is lined with the letter “r” in the word Figure
If the table title is too long and reaches the center of the page, use
the appropriate number of decks. It should follow the inverted
pyramid format. Single spacing is used. Sentence case is applied
The table titles start at about 10 spaces away from the table
The table number/s are lined with the letter “e” in the word Table
Name starts with the last name. Name and month are in capital
letters. The title is underlined except for the period after the title.
Note: The sample thesis used the APA style 6th edition for
citation. You should be using the Council of Science Editors
(CSE) 2016 style in citing your references.
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The numbers are lined with the default indent tab (0.5”)
Indented, Sentence
Side Heading 4
Case (Upper-lower- Indigenous materials.
case), Not Bold, Not Text begin on the same line.
Libero enim sed faucibus turpis in eu mi bibendum. Suspendisse Heading)
ultrices gravida dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla. Id faucibus nisl tincidunt
eget nullam non. Convallis posuere morbi leo urna molestie at.
Paragraph heading. Pharetra pharetra massa massa ultricies mi quis Two (2) double spaces
hendrerit dolor magna. Ac odio tempor orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis nunc
sed. Senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quis eleifend Ø Center and side headings are in title case, underlined
quam adipiscing vitae proin sagittis nisl rhoncus mattis. Ø Paragraph headings are in sentence case. Italicized
and not underlined.
General Note: Spaces between Main, Center, and Side Headings are
two (2) double spaces. Apply to all.
DDC Form and Style | 22
Map Formats
The map used to show the locale of the study should be a political
map that is clear. It should be enclosed by a border. The border
line is 1 pt. in size. No other effects (i.e., shadow, reflection, etc.)
The distance between the border line of the map and the figure
title is double spaced. Use the sentence case format for the title
and there is no period at the end of the title.
The left border line should line up with the letter “F” of the word
DDC Form and Style | 26
Figure Formats
Figures are placed on the lower part of the page and should be clear
and do not contain unnecessary marks.
Use the sentence case format for the title and there is no
period at the end of the title.
Table Formats
Tables are always placed at the top of the page. The table should
have been discussed on the preceding page.
In the case of our sample, the table is in page 42 but the
discussion of the table (where the table number was also
mentioned) is in page 41.
There should be two (2) double spaces between the last line of
the legend and the continuation of the discussion.
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Quotation Formats
Direct Quotations: These are used when data gathered are quoted in
verbatim. Data are usually quoted directly if we do not want to
lose the embedded meaning.
The numbers should line with the default tab (0.5”). Apply
to conclusions and recommendations numbering.
Ø Use CSE 2016 citation style. You can use this link for
the guide:
Ø In alphabetical order
Ø Hanging indention
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