Prediction of Motion Responses of Ship Shape Floating Structure Using Diffraction Potential
Prediction of Motion Responses of Ship Shape Floating Structure Using Diffraction Potential
Prediction of Motion Responses of Ship Shape Floating Structure Using Diffraction Potential
Department of Aeronautics, Automotive and Ocean Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Ocean and Aerospace Research Institute, Indonesia
Marine Technology Center, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia..
Department of Transportation and Environmental Systems, Hiroshima University, Japan
National Research Institute of Fisheries Engineering (NRIFE), Japan
Received: 8-June-2015
Received in revised form: 17-June-2015 1.0 INTRODUCTION
Accepted: 19-June-2015
Behavior or a floating structure using Round Shape FPSO was
studied by Lamport and Josefsson in year 2008. They were
carried a research to study the advantage of round shape FPSO
ABSTRACT over the traditional ship-shape FPSO [1]. The comparisons were
made to compare motion response, mooring system design,
This paper reviewed the capability of the proposed programming constructability and fabrication, operability, safety and costing
coded based on diffraction potential theory to predict a ship shape between both the structures. One of the finding on their study is
floating structure’s motion response. This paper briefly presents the motions of their designed structures are similar at any
the procedure to apply the diffraction potential theory to simulate direction of incident wave with little yaw excitation due to
the ship shape floating structure’s motion response. As case mooring and riser asymmetry. Next, Arslan, Pettersen, and
study, the proposed programming code was applied to prediction Andersson (2011) are also performed a study on fluid flow
motion responses of ship shape floating structure in surging, around the round shape FPSO in side-by-side offloading
heaving, pitching, swaying, rolling and yawing directions. Results condition. FLUENT software was used to simulate three
of simulation were compared with ANSYS AQWA software as dimensional (3D) unsteady cross flow pass a pair of ship sections
bench mark. It found that the simulation results by the proposed in close proximity and the behavior of the vortex-shedding around
programming code are similar with the ANSYS one. the two bluff bodies [2]. Besides, simulation of fluid flow
Characteristic around Rounded-Shape FPSO by self-develop
programming code based on RANs method also conducted by A.
KEY WORDS: Wave Response, Diffraction Potential, ANSYS Efi et al.[3].
AQWA; Ship Shape Floating Structure. As presented by al. [6], their finding found that the
diffraction potential theory is less accurate to predict the floating
structure heave motion response when the wave frequency is
NOMENCLATURE close to the structure’s natural frequency. In this situation, the
heave response calculated by the diffraction potential theory is
Φ , , Velocity Potential in x, y, z directions significantly higher compared to experimental result due to the
; Green Function low damping represented by the theory [9].
Drag Force In order to improve the heave motion predict by the diffraction
Horizontal Distance potential theory, Siow. et al. tried to increase the damping
1 Published by International Society of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace Scientists and Engineers
Journal of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace June 20, 2015
-Science and Engineering-, Vol.20
coefficient by adding viscous damping into the motion equation. assumed to be the same. However, radiation wave potentials are
In his study, the viscous damping is treated as an extra matrix and affected by each type of motions of each single floating body in
can be added into the motion equation separately [6]. Besides the system, where the total radiation wave potential from the
this, Siow et al. also tried to integrate the linearized Morison drag single body is the summation of the radiation wave generates by
equation with diffraction potential theory. The linear Morison each type of body motions such as surge, sway,heave,roll, pitch
drag equation would modify both the damping term and exciting and yaw,
force in the motion equation compared to the viscous damping Also, the wave potential ∅ must be satisfied with boundary
correction method which only modified the damping term in conditions as below:
motion equation. The accuracy of the modification solutions are
also checked with the semi-submersible experiment result which ∇. ∅ = 0 012 0 ≤ ≤ℎ (3)
was carried out at the towing tank of the Universiti Teknologi
5∅ :
Malaysia [10]. The 6-DOF Round Shape FPSO motion result + 7∅ 89 =0 7= (4)
calculated by this method and the comparison of result between 56
the proposed methods with experiment result was published by
Siow in year 2015 [11]. =0 89 =ℎ (5)
This paper is targeted to review the accuracy of diffraction
potential theory in order to evaluate the motion response of a (
∅~ > ?@ = Aℎ1BCD E 0 "0 2 ∞ (6)
ship. The diffraction potential theory estimates wave exciting √=
forces on the floating body based on the frequency domain and
5GH 5∅@
this method can be considered as an efficient one to study the =− 1K 9ℎ E1D E1BKD82 (7)
5I 5I
motion of large size floating structure with acceptable accuracy.
The accuracy of the diffraction potential method to predict the 2.2 Wave Potential
structures response was also detailed studied. The good accuracy By considering the wave potential only affected by model
of this diffraction theory applied to large structures is due to the surface, SH, the wave potential at any point can be presented by
significant diffraction effect that exists in the large size structure the following equation:
in wave [4]. In this study, the motion response of ship shape
floating structure ship is simulated by the diffraction potential 5∅ N 5P Q;N
theory and compared with ANSYS AQWA. ∅ = ∬T M ; −∅ R DS (8)
= _+
: Incident wave potential
where, is diffraction potential,
: Scattering wave potential
Also, the added mass, Aij and damping, Bij for each motion can
% : Radiation wave potential due to motions
be obtained by integral the radiation wave due to each motion
+ : Direction of motion along the structure surface.
From the above equation, it is shown that total wave potential
in the system is contributed by the potential of the incident wave, ` % = −a ∬T % , , K DS (11)
scattering wave and radiation wave. In addition, the phase and
amplitude of both the incident wave and scattering wave are b % = −a# ∬T cd % , , K DS (12)
2 Published by International Society of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace Scientists and Engineers
Journal of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace June 20, 2015
-Science and Engineering-, Vol.20
theory correctly.
K in eq. (10) to eq. (12) is the normal vector for each direction of
motion, i = 1~ 6 represent the direction of motion and j = 1~6
represent the six type of motions. The motion equation is shown
as follows:
Sway RAO, m/m
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Wavelength, m
3 Published by International Society of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace Scientists and Engineers
Journal of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace June 20, 2015
-Science and Engineering-, Vol.20
0.5 0.2
0.4 0.15
0.2 0.1
0.1 0.05
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Wavelength, m Wavelength, m
Figure 5: Heave motion response of KVLCC ship predicted by Figure 8: Yaw motion response of KVLCC ship predicted by
Diffraction Potential theory and ANSYS AQWA software. Diffraction Potential theory and ANSYS AQWA software
0.4 with Morison drag term correction method. In the beginning, the
0.3 FPSO heave motion response predicted by the self-developed
programming was compared to the predicted result by ANSYS
AQWA. The comparison showed that the self-developed
0.1 diffraction potential coding have the same performance as
0 ANSYS AQWA software where both method provided same
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 tendency of result and almost similar response amplitude at any
Wavelength, m wavelength. After that, the study was focused in compared the
effect of the drag effect in the motion response prediction. By
Figure 6: Pitch motion response of KVLCC ship predicted by involved the Morison drag term in the calculation, the peak heave
Diffraction Potential theory and ANSYS AQWA software response predicted by the diffraction potential theory with
Morison Drag correction method is lower compared to the
diffraction potential theory and ANSYS AQWA. This shown that
ANSYS AQWA Diffraction Potential by involved the drag effect in the calculation would help to avoid
the diffraction potential theory predict the FPSO heave motion
response with the significant higher magnitude in the damping
12 dominate region.
Roll RAO, deg/m
The authors are very grateful to Faculty of Mechanical
4 Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Ocean and
2 Aerospace Research Institute, Indonesia, Department of
Transportation and Environmental Systems, Hiroshima
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
University, Japan and National Research Institute of Fisheries
Wavelength, m
Engineering (NRIFE), Japan for supporting this research.
4 Published by International Society of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace Scientists and Engineers
Journal of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace June 20, 2015
-Science and Engineering-, Vol.20
5 Published by International Society of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace Scientists and Engineers