Thermal Spraying
Thermal Spraying
Thermal Spraying
and Applications
A. Bhatia
P: (877) 322-5800
F: (877) 322-4774
EM 1110-2-3401
29 Jan 99
EM 1110-2-3401
29 Jan 99
EM 1110-2-3401
29 Jan 99
Table of Contents
Subject Paragraph Page
Chapter 1
Purpose 1-1 1-1
Applicability 1-2 1-1
References 1-3 1-1
Distribution Statement 1-4 1-1
Abbreviations and Acronyms 1-5 1-1
Neutral Language Use and Terms 1-6 1-1
Scope 1-7 1-1
Chapter 2
Thermal Spray Fundamentals
Introduction 2-1 2-1
General Description of Thermal Spraying 2-2 2-1
Characteristics of Thermal Spray Coatings 2-3 2-1
Types of Thermal Spray Coatings 2-4 2-2
Thermal Spray Processes 2-5 2-3
Thermal Spray Uses 2-6 2-7
Chapter 3
Thermal Spray Materials
Introduction 3-1 3-1
Specifications 3-2 3-1
Procurement 3-3 3-1
Classification 3-4 3-1
Acceptance 3-5 3-2
Certification 3-6 3-2
Sizes 3-7 3-2
Packaging 3-8 3-3
Identification and Marking 3-9 3-3
Manufacture 3-10 3-3
Testing 3-11 3-3
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Chapter 4
Thermal Spray Coating Cost and Service Life
Introduction 4-1 4-1
Cost 4-2 4-1
Service Life 4-3 4-2
Chapter 5
Thermal Spray Coating Selection
Introduction 5-1 5-1
Service Environments 5-2 5-1
Other Considerations in Coating Selection 5-3 5-4
Thermal Spray Selection for Ferrous Metal Surfaces in Fresh Water 5-4 5-6
Thermal Spray Selection for Ferrous Metal Surfaces in Seawater 5-5 5-6
Thermal Spray Selection for Ferrous Metal Surfaces Exposed to the Atmosphere 5-6 5-6
Thermal Spray Selection for Ferrous Metal Surfaces Exposed to High Temperatures 5-7 5-7
Thermal Spray Selection for Zebra Mussel Protection 5-8 5-8
Thermal Spray Coatings for Cathodic Protection of Reinforcing Steel in Concrete 5-9 5-9
Thermal Spray Nonskid Coatings 5-10 5-9
Thermal Spray Coatings for Cavitation/Erosion Protection 5-11 5-9
Thermal Spray Coatings for Partially Submerged Structures 5-12 5-10
Chapter 6
Surface Preparation
Introduction 6-1 6-1
Solvent Cleaning (SSPC-SP 1) 6-2 6-1
Abrasive Blast Cleaning 6-3 6-2
Minimizing Surface Preparation Costs 6-4 6-6
Preparing Heat-Affected Zones 6-5 6-7
Preparing Pitted Steel and Edge Surfaces 6-6 6-7
Surface Preparation Standards and Specifications 6-7 6-7
Chapter 7
Thermal Spray Coating Application
Introduction 7-1 7-1
Ambient Conditions Required for Thermal Spray 7-2 7-1
Thermal Spray Application Techniques 7-3 7-2
Thermal Spray Equipment Operation 7-4 7-3
Coverage of Thermal Spray Coatings 7-5 7-5
Sequence of Thermal Spray Application 7-6 7-5
Chapter 8
Sealing and Painting of Thermal Spray Coatings
Introduction 8-1 8-1
Purpose of Sealers 8-2 8-1
Characteristics of Sealers 8-3 8-1
Types of Sealers 8-4 8-1
Sealing and Painting 8-5 8-3
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Chapter 9
Thermal Spray Coating Inspection and Testing
Introduction 9-1 9-1
Reference Samples and the Thermal Spray Job Reference Standard 9-2 9-1
Presurface Preparation Inspection 9-3 9-2
Measuring Ambient Conditions Prior to Blasting 9-4 9-3
Assessing Compressed Air Cleanliness 9-5 9-3
Determining Abrasive Cleanliness 9-6 9-3
Measuring Blast Air Pressure 9-7 9-4
Examining the Blast Nozzle Orifice 9-8 9-4
Evaluating Surface Profile 9-9 9-4
Inspecting Surface Cleanliness 9-10 9-4
Measuring Ambient Conditions Prior to Thermal Spraying 9-11 9-6
Bend Testing to Evaluate Equipment Setup 9-12 9-6
Measuring the Coating Thickness 9-13 9-6
Inspecting the Appearance of the Applied Coating 9-14 9-7
Adhesion Testing for Quality Control 9-15 9-7
Inspecting the Sealer Coating 9-16 9-8
Frequency of Inspection 9-17 9-8
Documentation 9-18 9-9
Chapter 10
Thermal Spray Applicator and Equipment Qualification
Introduction 10-1 10-1
Equipment Qualification Procedure 10-2 10-1
Applicator Qualification Procedure 10-3 10-2
Chapter 11
Maintenance of Thermal Spray Coatings
Introduction 11-1 11-1
Assessing the Condition of Thermal Spray Coatings 11-2 11-1
Repair Procedures 11-3 11-1
Repair Sequences 11-4 11-2
Chapter 12
Introduction 12-1 12-1
Safe Surface Preparation Procedures 12-2 12-1
Safe Thermal Spray Procedures 12-3 12-2
Safe Sealing and Painting Procedures 12-4 12-4
Safety Plans and Submittals 12-5 12-4
Material Safety Data Sheets 12-6 12-8
Chapter 13
Environment and Worker Protection Regulations
Introduction 13-1 13-1
Regulations 13-2 13-1
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Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Summary Description of CEGS-09971, “Metallizing: Hydraulic Structures”
Appendix D
USACE Field Experience and Lessons Learned
Subject Index
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Chapter 1
1-1. Purpose
This manual provides guidance on thermal spray coating systems to engineering, operations,
maintenance, and construction personnel and other individuals responsible for the protection of U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) civil works structures. It gives broad-base instructions on corrosion
protection using thermal sprayed coatings and state-of-the-art procedures that can be employed on Corps
projects, which can aid in attaining better and, from a long-range viewpoint, more economical thermal
spray jobs.
1-2. Applicability
This Engineer Manual (EM) applies to all USACE Commands having responsibilities for the design and
construction of civil works projects.
1-3. References
a. Throughout this manual neutral language is used to include both the masculine and feminine
genders: any exceptions to this statement will be noted. b. The terms “metallize,” “metallizing,” and
“thermal spraying” are used broadly herein to indicate all types of sprayed metal protective coatings
applied by any of several processes. The term “thermal spraying” is more inclusive and is descriptive of
other non-metallic as well as metallic coating materials.
1-7. Scope
a. This manual presents an overview of thermal spray technology and discusses thermal spray
coating materials, processes, specifications, selection, surface preparation, application, inspection and
testing, sealing, maintenance, and safety.
b. Certain types of thermal spray coatings and processes are discussed even though they do not
appear in Guide Specification CEGS-09971. Some of these thermal spray coatings and processes are
presented for general information; others are discussed because they may be considered for use in special
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c. Paint materials are discussed in this manual to the extent that this information is useful in
understanding the applicability of thermal spray coatings. The inclusion of information on paint coatings
illustrates that the subject of corrosion protection using coatings cannot be approached in an exclusive
d. This manual includes a complete topic index to facilitate locating specific information.
Appendix A will help locate specific references mentioned. Appendix B lists abbreviations and acronyms
used. Appendix C contains important requirements needed for specifying a complete metallizing
specification for a civil works project. Appendix D is provided to illustrate recent USACE experience and
lessons learned with thermal spray coatings at civil works facilities.
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Chapter 2
Thermal Spray Fundamentals
2-1. Introduction
This chapter introduces the engineer to the fundamental principles of thermal spray, coating types
and characteristics, thermal spraying processes, and thermal spray uses.
Thermal spraying is a group of processes wherein a feedstock material is heated and propelled as
individual particles or droplets onto a surface. The thermal spray gun generates the necessary heat
by using combustible gases or an electric arc. As the materials are heated, they are changed to a
plastic or molten state and are confined and accelerated by a compressed gas stream to the
substrate. The particles strike the substrate, flatten, and form thin platelets (splats) that conform
and adhere to the irregularities of the prepared substrate and to each other. As the sprayed
particles impinge upon the surface, they cool and build up, splat by splat, into a laminar structure
forming the thermal spray coating. Figure 2-1 illustrates a typical coating cross section of the
laminar structure of oxides and inclusions. The coating that is formed is not homogenous and
typically contains a certain degree of porosity, and, in the case of sprayed metals, the coating will
contain oxides of the metal. Feedstock material may be any substance that can be melted,
including metals, metallic compounds, cements, oxides, glasses, and polymers. Feedstock
materials can be sprayed as powders, wires, or rods. The bond between the substrate and the
coating may be mechanical, chemical, or metallurgical or a combination of these. The properties
of the applied coating are dependent on the feedstock material, the thermal spray process and
application parameters, and post treatment of the applied coating.
a. Hardness, density, and porosity. Thermal spray coatings are often used because of
their high degree of hardness relative to paint coatings. Their hardness and erosion resistance
make them especially valuable in high-wear applications. The hardness and density of thermal
spray coatings are typically lower than for the feedstock material from which the coatings were
formed. In the case of thermal spray metallic coatings, the hardness and density of the coating
depend on the thermal spray material, type of thermal spray equipment, and the spray parameters.
In general, the higher the particle velocity, the harder and denser the coating. Particle velocities
for different thermal spray processes in descending order are detonation, high-velocity oxygen
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flame (HVOF), temperature and the type of atomization gas used. The porosity of the coating
depends also on the thermal spray process, application parameters, and thermal spray material.
b. Corrosion resistance. Metallic thermal spray coatings may be either anodic or cathodic
to the underlying metal substrate. Because corrosion occurs at the anode, anodic coatings will
corrode in corrosive environments and the cathode will not. Anticorrosive coating systems are
generally designed such that the coating material is anodic to the substrate metal. Anodic coatings
will corrode or sacrifice to protect the substrate. In some cases, the corrosion resistance of the
thermal spray material itself is important. For very high temperature applications and for
chemical exposures, the thermal spray coating must be very corrosion resistant. For such
applications, the coating provides a corrosion resistant barrier to protect the substrate. For a more
complete discussion of corrosion theory please refer to Chapter 2 of EM 1110-2-3400.
c. Adhesion. Thermal spray coatings may have very high adhesion. Special coatings, used
for wear resistance, that are applied by thermal spray processes with very high particle velocity
can have tensile adhesions of greater than 34,000 kPa (5000 psi) as measured by ASTM C633
“Standard Test Method for Adhesion or Cohesive Strength of Flame-Sprayed Coatings.” Most
coatings used for infrastructure applications have adhesion values comparable to paint coatings.
Typical field- and shop-applied zinc, aluminum, and zinc-aluminum alloy coatings will have
adhesion ranging from 5440 to 13,600 kPa (800 to 2000 psi) as measured by ASTM D4541
“Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers.”
b. Polymer coatings. Thermal spray polymer or plastic coatings have been developed for
infrastructure applications. Thermal spray polymers are thermoplastic powders applied by flame
or plasma spray. The polymer must have a melt temperature that is conducive to thermal spray. In
addition, the polymer must not polymerize, degrade, or char in the flame. Thermal spray plastics
do not contain volatile organic compounds and thus are compliant for use in areas with air
pollution regulations. Thermal spray polymer coatings have been used to coat steel under very
cold atmospheric conditions when painting was not practical. Research has been conducted on the
use of recycled plastics for polymer flame spray, and these products show some potential. There
appears to be a growing interest in polymer flame spray for infrastructure applications. The
Society for Protective Coatings is developing a specification for polymer flame spray, and several
vendors offer equipment and polymer feedstocks.
c. Other thermal spray coatings. Other thermal spray coating materials are used for
special applications. Special metal alloy coatings are commonly used for hardfacing items such as
wear surfaces of farm equipment, jet engine components, and machine tools. Ferrous metal alloys
are often used for restoration or redimensioning of worn equipment. Special ferrous alloys are
sometimes used for high temperature corrosion resistance. Inert ceramic coatings have been used
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on medical prosthetic devices and implants such as joint replacements. Conductive metal coatings
are used for shielding sensitive electronic equipment against electric and magnetic fields.
Ceramic coatings have also been used to produce very low-friction surfaces on near net shape
components. These and other applications make thermal spray coatings a diverse industry.
a. Combustion processes.
(1) Flame spraying. The oldest form of thermal spray, flame spraying, may be used to
apply a wide variety of feedstock materials including metal wires, ceramic rods, and metallic and
nonmetallic powders. In flame spraying, the feedstock material is fed continuously to the tip of
the spray gun where it is melted in a fuel gas flame and propelled to the substrate in a stream of
atomizing gas. Common fuel gases are acetylene, propane, and methyl acetylene-propadiene. Air
is typically used as the atomization gas. Oxyacetylene flames are used extensively for wire flame
spraying because of the degree of control and the high temperatures offered by these gases. By
gauging its appearance, the flame can be easily adjusted to be an oxidizing, neutral, or reducing
flame. The lower temperature propane flame can be used for lower melting metals such as
aluminum and zinc as well as polymer feedstocks. The basic components of a flame spray system
include the flame spray gun, feedstock material and feeding mechanism, oxygen and fuel gases
with flowmeters and pressure regulators, and an air compressor and regulator.
(a) Wire flame spraying. Wire flame spray is the flame process of greatest interest to the
Corps of Engineers. CEGS-09971 allows for the application of aluminum, zinc, and
zinc/aluminum alloy coatings using the flame spray method. Figure 2-2 shows a schematic of a
typical flame spray system. Figure 2-3 depicts a typical wire flame spray gun. The wire flame
spray gun consists of a drive unit with a motor and drive rollers for feeding the wire and a gas
head with valves, gas nozzle, and air cap that control the flame and atomization air. Compared
with arc spraying, wire flame spraying is generally slower and more costly because of the
relatively high cost of the oxygen-fuel gas mixture compared with the cost of electricity.
However, flame spraying systems, at only one-third to one-half the cost of wire arc spray
systems, are significantly cheaper. Flame spray systems are field portable and may be used to
apply quality metal coatings for corrosion protection.
(b) Powder flame spraying. Powder flame operates in much the same way as wire flame
spray except that a powder feedstock material is used rather than wire and there is no atomizing
air stream. The melted coating material is atomized and propelled to the surface in the stream of
burning fuel gas. The powder is stored in either a gravity type hopper attached to the top of a
spray gun or a larger air or inert gas entrainment type detached hopper. Powder flame spray guns
are lighter and smaller than other types of thermal spray guns. Production rates for powder flame
spray are generally less than for wire flame spray or arc spray. Particle velocities are lower for
flame spray, and the applied coatings are generally less dense and not as adherent as those applied
by other thermal spray methods. USACE use of powder flame spray should be limited to repair of
small areas of previously applied thermal spray coatings and galvanizing. Figure 2-4 illustrates a
typical combustion powder gun installation, and Figure 2-5 shows a powder gun cross section.
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(2) HVOF spraying. One of the newest methods of thermal spray, HVOF, utilizes oxygen
and a fuel gas at high pressure. Typical fuel gases are propane, propylene, and hydrogen. The
burning gas mixture is accelerated to supersonic speeds, and a powdered feedstock is injected into
the flame. The process minimizes thermal input and maximizes particle kinetic energy to produce
coatings that are very dense, with low porosity and high bond strength. HVOF systems are field
portable but are primarily used in fabrication shops. HVOF has been used extensively to apply
wear resistant coatings for applications such as jet engine components. The Corps has conducted
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Detonation flame spraying can only be performed in a fabrication shop. Detonation flame
spraying is not applicable for USACE projects.
b. Electric processes.
(1) Arc spraying. Arc spraying is generally the most economical thermal spray method
for applying corrosion resistant metal coatings, including zinc, aluminum, and their alloys as
described in CEGS-09971. Energy costs are lower and production rates are higher than they are
with competing methods such as wire flame spray. Arc spraying may be used to apply electrically
conductive materials including metals, alloys, and metal-metal oxide mixtures. In arc spraying, an
arc between two wires is used to melt the coating material. Compressed gas, usually air, is used to
atomize and propel the molten material to the substrate. The two wires are continuously fed to the
gun at a uniform speed. A low voltage (18 to 40 volts) direct current (DC) power supply is used,
with one wire serving as the cathode and the other as the anode. Figure 2-6 shows a typical arc
spray system comprised of a DC power supply, insulated power Oxygen and fuel gas supply
cables, a wire feed system, a compressed-air supply, controls, and an arc spray gun. Figure 2-7
shows the components of a typical arc spray gun, including wire guides, gun housing, and gas
nozzle. Coating quality and properties can be controlled by varying the atomization pressure, air
nozzle shape, power, wire feed rate, traverse speed, and standoff distance. Arc sprayed coatings
exhibit excellent adhesive and cohesive strength.
(2) Plasma spraying. Plasma spraying is used to apply surfacing materials that melt at
very high temperatures. An arc is formed between an electrode and the spray nozzle, which acts
as the second electrode. A pressurized inert gas is passed between the electrodes where it is
heated to very high temperatures to form a plasma gas. Powdered feedstock material is then
introduced into the heated gas where it melts and is propelled to the substrate at a high velocity. A
plasma spray system consists of a power supply, gas source, gun, and powder feeding
mechanism. Plasma spraying is primarily performed in fabrication shops. The process may be
used to apply thermal barrier materials, such as zirconia and alumina, and wear resistant coatings
such as chromium oxide.
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a. Thermal spray is used for a wide variety of applications. The primary use of thermal
spray coatings by the Corps is for corrosion protection. Coatings of zinc, aluminum, and their
alloys are anodic to steel and iron and will prevent corrosion in a variety of service environments
including atmospheric, salt- and freshwater immersion, and high-temperature applications.
Coatings of aluminum are frequently used in marine environments. The U.S. Navy uses
aluminum coatings for corrosion protection of many ship components. Because these materials
are anodic to steel, their porosity does not impair their ability to protect the ferrous metal
substrate. Zinc and zinc-aluminum alloy coatings may corrode at an accelerated rate in severe
industrial atmospheres or in chemical environments where the pH is either low or high. For this
reason these materials are typically sealed and painted to improve their performance.
b. Cathodic coatings such as copper-nickel alloys and stainless steels can also be used to
protect mild steel from corrosion. These materials must be sealed to prevent moisture migration
through the coating. These metals are particularly hard and are often used for applications
requiring both corrosion and wear resistance.
c. Aluminum coatings are often used for corrosion protection at temperatures as high as
660 qC (1220 qF).
d. Thermal spray deposits containing zinc and/or copper can be used to prevent both
marine and freshwater fouling. Zinc and 85-15 zinc-aluminum alloy coatings have been shown to
prevent the significant attachment and fouling by zebra mussels on steel substrates. Because these
coatings are long lived and prevent corrosion, their use is recommended for Corps structures.
Copper and brass coatings have also been shown to be effective antifoulants but should not be
used on steel due to the galvanic reaction between the two.
e. Zinc thermal spray coatings are sometimes used to prevent the corrosion of reinforcing
steel imbedded in concrete. For such applications, the zinc is deposited onto the concrete and is
electrically connected to the steel.
f. Thermal spray coatings are frequently used to repair surfaces subject to wear. A
common application is the redimensioning of rotating shafts. Metal is sprayed onto the part as it
is rotated on a lathe. The rebuilt part can then be machined to the required diameter. Similarly,
thermal spray deposits can be used to re-contour foundry molds or to repair holes.
g. Thermal spray coatings are also used for electrical applications. Conductive metals
such as copper can be used for conductors. Ceramic materials may be used for electrical
insulation. Conductive metals are also used to magnetically shield sensitive electronics.
h. Very hard and dense thermal spray deposits have been used on an experimental basis
as cavitation resistant materials and in conjunction with weld overlays as a repair technique.
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Chapter 3
Thermal Spray Materials
3-1. Introduction
This chapter is intended to provide the engineer with an understanding of how thermal spray
coatings are specified, procured, and tested prior to being applied. Thermal spray coating
materials can be specified by describing the composition of the wire or powder, by product name
and manufacturer, and by citing the material descriptions herein. Thermal spray wire and powder
testing, including sampling procedures, material identification, and coating performance testing,
is critical in establishing whether the supplied materials meet the composition requirements and
whether they will provide the desired level of corrosion protection to the structure. This chapter
will provide the engineer with an understanding of the various tests that can be performed and
what the test data mean in terms of thermal spray coatings performance.
3-2. Specifications
Thermal spray coating materials can be specified by product name and manufacturer or by using
a material description. Each method of specification will be discussed.
3-3. Procurement
Thermal spray feedstock materials are typically purchased by the contractor, and, in such cases, it
is the contractor’s responsibility to procure material that meets the specification requirements.
The USACE does not generally provide thermal spray materials to a contractor because the
USACE would be responsible for storage, short or excess supply, timely delivery, and waste
3-4. Classification
Thermal spray materials are classified based on chemical composition and mechanical and
physical characteristics. Figure 3-1 shows the nomenclature used to designate the thermal spray
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wire and ceramic rod feedstock. The description does not address powder feedstock materials.
Powder feedstocks are not often used for large-scale production activities. However, if powder
feedstock is to be used, it is recommended that the material be held to the same compositional
requirements as the equivalent wire material.
3-5. Acceptance
Criteria for acceptance, quality control, and level of testing are described by ANSI/AWS A5.01,
“Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines.” Acceptance of thermal spray materials is based on the
fulfillment of the testing requirements described by ANSI/AWS A5.01. A level of testing as
defined in ANSI/AWS A5.01 is ordinarily specified in the procurement document. If the level of
testing is not specified, then the manufacturer’s standard testing level is assumed. This level of
testing is designated as Schedule F in Table 1 of ANSI/AWS A5.01. In general, for USACE
projects, Schedule H level of testing from ANSI/AWS A5.01 should be used as the basis for
accepting thermal spray feedstock materials. Schedule H level of testing is chemical analysis
only, for each lot of material supplied.
3-6. Certification
The manufacturer should certify that the thermal spray material meets the requirements of the
material description. Certification implies that the required testing was performed on material
representative of that being shipped and that the product conforms to the testing requirements of
the specification. Representative material is defined as any material from any production run of
the same class of material with the same formula. Certification does not necessarily mean that
tests were run on the actual material being supplied.
3-7. Sizes
Thermal spray wire specified for USACE projects will generally be supplied in 3.2-mm (1/8-in.)
and 4.8-mm (3/16-in.) diameters. USACE contractors should be allowed to purchase wire sizes
appropriate for the equipment to be used on the job.
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3-8. Packaging
Thermal spray wire is supplied in coils with and without support, spools, and drums. Standard
package weights and dimensions are common. Nonstandard sizes and weights may be supplied as
agreed between the supplier and purchaser. The dimension and weight of coils without support
are by agreement between the purchaser and supplier. In general, for USACE jobs, the contractor
should be allowed to procure wire in standard packages consistent with the requirements of the
work to be performed. Appropriate packaging is designed to protect the thermal spray material
from damage during shipment and storage.
All thermal spray materials should be properly identified by marking each spool, coil, or drum.
Coils without support are marked by an attached tag. Coils with support are marked on the
support itself. Spools are marked on the flange of the spool. Drums are marked on the top and
side. As a minimum, markings generally contain information about the product, including the
material classification, manufacturer’s name and product designation, size and weight, heat
number, and precautionary information.
3-10. Manufacture
Thermal spray wire may be manufactured by any process, provided that the material meets the
requirements of the specification. The manufactured wire should have a smooth finish, free of
defects that may affect the feeding of the wire to the thermal spray gun. Such defects include
slivers, depressions, scratches, scale, laps, and surface contaminants. A small amount of lubricant
may be used on some wire feedstocks to improve wire feeding. Wire may be welded together as
supplied to provide for a single continuous wire in a package. Welded wire should be smooth and
should not interfere with feeding. The temper of thermal spray wire should allow for continuous
and smooth feeding of the wire during spray application. The wire should be wound such that
there are no kinks, waves, sharp bends, or overlaps that interfere with wire feed in the thermal
spray equipment. The free end of the wire should be secured to prevent unwinding and should be
marked for easy identification.
3-11. Testing
Thermal spray testing generally falls into two categories, testing of the feedstock materials and
testing of the applied coating. This section addresses the testing of feedstock materials only.
a. Chemical composition. Table 3-1 gives the chemical composition requirements for
aluminum, zinc, and alloy thermal spray wires. Chemical composition is determined by various
ASTM test methods utilizing emission spectrochemical analysis, inductively coupled plasma
spectroscopy, and wet chemistry techniques.
c. Cast and helix. This test involves cutting, from a standard package, a specimen that is
long enough to form a single loop. The loop of wire, when placed on a flat surface, should form a
circle with a diameter of at least 38 cm (15 in.). The loop should not rise more than 2.5 cm (1 in.)
above the flat surface. Cast and helix requirements are not applicable to soft alloy wires,
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including aluminum, copper, and zinc. Most of the feedstock materials used by USACE are soft
alloys, and the cast and helix test is not generally a problem.
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Chapter 4
Thermal Spray Coating Cost and Service Life
4-1. Introduction
This chapter contrasts paint and thermal spray coatings based on cost and expected service life.
Both paint and thermal spray coatings may be used to provide corrosion protection for most civil
works applications. The use of thermal spray coatings is preferred on the basis of fitness-for-
purpose for a few specific applications, including corrosion protection in very turbulent ice- and
debris-laden water, high-temperature applications, and zebra mussel resistance. Thermal spray
coatings may also be selected because of restrictive air pollution regulations that do not allow the
use of some paint coatings specified in CEGS-09965. For all other applications, the choice
between thermal spray and paint should be based on life-cycle cost.
4-2. Cost
a. Whenever possible, coating selection should be based on life-cycle cost. In reality, the
engineer must balance competing needs and may not always be able to specify the least expensive
coating on a life-cycle cost basis. Because of their somewhat higher first cost, thermal spray
coatings are often overlooked. To calculate life-cycle costs, the installed cost of the coating
system and its expected service life must be known. Life- cycle costs for coating systems are
readily compared by calculating the average equivalent annual cost (AEAC) for each system
under consideration.
b. The basic installed cost of a thermal spray coating system is calculated by adding the
costs for surface preparation, materials, consumables, and thermal spray application. The cost of
surface preparation is well known. The cost of time, materials, and consumables may be
calculated using the following stepwise procedure:
(2) Calculate the volume (V) of coating material needed to coat the area. (V = SA ×
coating thickness)
(3) Calculate the weight of the material to be deposited (Wd). The density (D) of the
applied coating is less than that of the feedstock material. A good assumption is that the applied
coating is about 90 percent of the density of the feedstock material. The densities of aluminum,
zinc, and 85-15 zinc-aluminum wire are 2.61 g/cm3 (0.092 lb/in.3), 7.32 g/cm3 (0.258 lb/in.3), and
5.87 g/cm3 (0.207 lb/in.3), respectively. (Wd = V × 0.9 D)
(4) Calculate the weight (W) of material used. Estimates of deposition efficiency (DE) for
various materials and thermal spray processes are given in Chapter 7, Table 7-2. (W = Wd/DE)
(5) Calculate the spray time (T). Spray rates (SR) for various materials and thermal spray
processes are given in Chapter 7, Table 7-4. (T = W/SR)
(6) Calculate electricity or oxygen and fuel gas consumption (C). Typical consumption
rates (CR) for electricity, fuel gas, and oxygen are available from equipment manufacturers. (C =
CR × T)
(7) Calculate cost of materials (CM). (CM = W × cost per unit weight)
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(10) Calculate total cost (TC) of thermal spray coating. (TC = CM + CA + CC)
c. Other factors that increase the cost of thermal spray and other coating jobs include the
costs of containment, inspection, rigging, mobilization, waste storage, and worker health and
There are many documented examples of thermal spray coatings of zinc and aluminum with very
long service lives. Service life depends on thermal spray coating thickness and the exposure
environment. There does not appear to be a significant difference in the long-term performance of
thermal spray coatings applied by different processes, including arc, wire flame, and powder
flame spray. Thermal spray zinc coatings applied at thicknesses of 250 Pm (0.10 in.) have
performed for more than 40 years in atmospheric exposures. Zinc thermal spray coatings in
potable water tanks have lasted longer than 30 years. The FHWA (1997) report estimates a
service life of 30 and 60 years for 85-15 zinc-aluminum alloy coating (150 Pm (0.006 in.)) in
severe marine and mildly corrosive atmospheres, respectively. USACE has experience with 85-15
zinc-aluminum alloy coatings (400 Pm (0.016 in.)) providing 10 years of service in very turbulent
ice- and debris-laden water. Table 4-1 provides typical service lives of paint coatings and
predicted service life of thermal spray coatings for selected USACE applications. The tabulated
service lives are given as the time to first maintenance.
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Chapter 5
Thermal Spray Coating Selection
5-1. Introduction
A systematic approach to coating selection for new construction and maintenance thermal
spraying is described in this chapter. Paragraph 5-2 discusses criteria important to the selection of
thermal spray coatings including the service environment, expected longevity, ease of application,
and maintainability. Paragraph 5-3 discusses the relative merits of paint coatings and thermal
spray coatings including durability and environmental considerations. Subsequent paragraphs
discuss thermal spray coating systems for specific USACE applications.
Foreknowledge of the environmental stresses to which the protective coating system will be
exposed is critical for proper selection of the coating system. This is true of both paint and
thermal spray coating systems. Exposure environments typically encompass one or more of the
following environmental stresses: extremes of temperature, high humidity, immersion, extremes
of pH, solvent exposure, wet/dry cycling, thermal cycling, ultraviolet exposure, impact and
abrasion, cavitation/erosion, and special exposures. The service environment is the single most
important consideration in the selection of a coating system.
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less costly to apply, they are more likely to be used for these types of exposures. However,
thermal spray system 5-Z-A should have a longer service life than paint coatings for this
(2) Fresh water. Thermal spray systems 5-Z-A and 6-Z-A are recommended for
freshwater immersion, with 6-Z-A being the preferred choice for more severe exposures. These
systems can be used either with or without sealers and topcoats.
d. Extremes of pH. Extremes of pH, such as strongly acidic or alkaline environments can
greatly affect coating performance. The coating must be relatively impermeable to prevent
migration of the acidic or alkaline aqueous media to the substrate, and the coating material itself
must be resistant to chemical attack. Thermal spray coatings of aluminum, zinc, and their alloys
may perform poorly in both high and low pH environments. Both metals show increased
solubility as pH increases or decreases from the neutral pH of 7. Thermal spray aluminum and
zinc may be used in acidic or alkaline environments provided that they are sealed and top-coated
with vinyl or epoxy coatings. Unsealed zinc thermal spray coatings are suitable for pHs of 6 to 12
and aluminum thermal spray coatings for pHs of 4 to 8.5. Thermal spray coatings containing zinc
or aluminum should not be used in chemical environments where they may be exposed to strong
acids such as battery acids. Alkyd paints generally have poor resistance in alkaline environments.
The epoxy and vinyl systems described in CEGS-09965 perform well in mildly acidic and
alkaline environments. Topcoats with aluminum pigmentation should not generally be used in
these exposures. Organic coatings and linings, as well as special inorganic building materials,
should be used in highly alkaline or acidic environments.
e. Solvent exposure. Solvent exposure covers a wide variety of solvent types. Thermal
spray metal coatings are essentially unaffected by solvent exposure and are good candidates for
service in such environments. Some owners exclude the use of all zinc-containing coatings from
use in aviation fuel storage tanks because metal contamination may affect the performance of the
fuel. A solvent exposure that may be harsher on thermal spray coatings than anticipated is
petroleum storage tanks where a layer of corrosive water can collect on the inside bottom of the
tank. The water results in a much more corrosive environment than would be assumed if only the
petroleum product was present. Some blends of organic solvents or natural petroleum products
may also be acidic, which may affect thermal spray coating performance. Normal exposures to
organic products such as cleaning solvents, lubricants, and hydraulic fluids should not preclude
the use of thermal spray coatings of aluminum, zinc, and their alloys at USACE projects. The
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performance of paint coatings in solvent exposures depends on the coating type and the solvent
species. Specific paint types, such as epoxies, are more solvent resistant than others. Some
solvent types are more aggressive than others, independent of coating type.
f. Wet/dry cycling. Alternating wet and dry conditions are normal for most atmospheric
exposures and, as such, most coating systems will provide adequate protection under such
conditions. Thermal spray metal coatings will provide excellent performance under normal
atmospheric conditions. Sealing and top-coating of the thermal spray coating is not generally
necessary for such simple exposures. Generally, coating system selection will depend more on
other stresses in the environment than on simple wet/dry cycling.
g. Thermal cycling. Thermal cycling may result from normal diurnal temperature
variations as well as temperature changes found in operating machinery and process vessels.
Thermal cycling induces stresses within the coating. Thermal sprayed metal coatings are more apt
to have coefficients of expansion similar to the substrate; therefore, their relative inflexibility
does not cause them to fail under normal conditions of thermal cycling.
i. Impact and abrasion. Impact and abrasion are significant environmental stresses for
any coating system. Abrasion is primarily a wear-induced failure caused by contact of a solid
material with the coating. Examples include foot and vehicular traffic on floor coatings, ropes
attached to mooring bitts, sand suspended in water, and floating ice. When objects of significant
mass and velocity move in a direction normal to the surface as opposed to parallel, as in the case
of abrasion, the stress is considered impact. Abrasion damage occurs over a period of time while
impact damage is typically immediate and discrete. Many coating properties are important to the
resistance of impact and abrasion including good adhesion, toughness, flexibility, and hardness.
Thermal spray coatings of zinc, aluminum, and their alloys are very impact resistant. Zinc
metallizing has only fair abrasion resistance in immersion applications because the coating forms
a weakly adherent layer of zinc oxide. This layer is readily abraded, which exposes more zinc,
which in turn oxidizes and is abraded. Thermal spray coating system 6-Z-A described in CEGS-
09971 is considered to be the most impact/abrasion resistant of all of the Corps’ coating systems.
Application of this system to tainter gates in very harsh environments has been shown to be
highly effective. The vinyl paint systems described in CEGS-09965 are particularly resistant to
impact damage caused by ice and floating debris, but are less resistant than metallizing. The
epoxy systems are somewhat brittle and are not nearly as resistant to impact damage as are the
j. Cavitation/Erosion. More severe than impact and abrasion environments are exposures
involving cavitation and erosion. Cavitation results when very-high-pressure air bubbles implode
or collapse on a surface. The pressures involved can be very high (413,000 to 1,960,000 kPa
(60,000 to 285,000 psi)) and destructive. Metallic components of hydraulic equipment such as
hydroelectric turbines, valves and fittings, flow meters, hydrofoils, pumps, and ship propellers are
particularly susceptible to cavitation damage. Low, medium, and high severity of cavitation have
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been defined based on an 8000-hr operating year. Low cavitation is defined as loss of carbon steel
in the range 1.6 to 3.2 mm (1/16 to 1/8 in.) over a 2-year period. Medium cavitation is loss of
austenitic stainless steel at greater than 1.6 mm (1/16 in.) per year. High cavitation is loss of
austenitic stainless steel greater greater than 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) in a 6-month period. The standard
method of repairing cavitation damage is to remove corrosion products by gouging with an
electric arc and then grinding the damaged area. The cleaned area is then filled with weld metal
and redimensioned by grinding. This method is very time consuming and expensive. Very hard
and dense thermal spray deposits applied by HVOF spray have been used on an experimental
basis as cavitation resistant materials and in conjunction with weld overlays as a repair technique.
k. Special exposures. Special exposures may include the coating of surfaces governed by
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) for food and
potable water contact, respectively. Guide specifications CEGS-09965 and CEGS-09971 do not
address either of these applications. Another special exposure is the use of coatings to prevent
macrofouling caused by either marine fouling organisms or zebra mussels. Many of the coatings
used to control fouling contain a toxin, which must be registered with the Environmental
Protection Agency under the requirements of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide
Act (FIFRA). Corps guidance documents do not address the use of coatings to control fouling
organisms, however thermal spray systems containing zinc and/or copper are known to be
effective zebra mussel deterrents. Thermal spray coating systems 6-Z-A and 3-Z described in
CEGS-09971 are recommended control coatings for zebra mussels on immersed steel and
concrete surfaces. Neither material requires FIFRA registration.
The specifier should also consider other aspects of the proposed coating job in order to select the
most appropriate coating system. Other factors discussed below include limits on surface
preparation, ease of application, regulatory requirements, field conditions, maintainability, and
a. Limits on surface preparation. Coating selection may be limited by the degree or type
of surface preparation that can be achieved on a particular structure or structural component.
Because of physical configuration or proximity to sensitive equipment or machinery, it may not
always be possible to abrasive-blast a steel substrate. In such cases, other types of surface
preparation, such as hand tool or power tool cleaning, may be necessary, which, in turn, may
place limits on the type of coatings that may be used. In some cases, it may be necessary to
remove the old coating by means other than abrasive-blasting, such as power tools, water jetting,
or chemical strippers. These surface preparation methods do not impart a surface profile that is
needed by some types of coatings to perform well. In the case of thermal spray coatings, a high
degree of surface preparation is essential. This kind of preparation can only be achieved by
abrasive blasting with a good quality, properly sized angular blast media. Thermal spray should
never be selected for jobs where it is not possible to provide the highest quality surface
b. Ease of application. Coating selection may be limited by the ability of the applicator to
access the surfaces to be coated. This usually is the result of the physical configuration or design
of the structure. Items of limited access such as back-to-back angles, cavities, and crevices may
be difficult if not impossible to coat. Most items that can be coated by paint spray application
may also be coated by thermal spray. Both methods require about the same amount of access area
for hoses, maneuvering, and standoff distance. As a rule of thumb, if access to the surface allows
proper blast cleaning, then thermal spray application is feasible. Thermal spray coatings perform
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best when sprayed in a direction normal to the surface and within a particular range of standoff
distances from the substrate. Application at an angle of less than 45 deg to the vertical is not
recommended. Maximum and minimum standoff distances depend on the material being applied,
the manufacturer, and the type of thermal spray equipment. If the standoff distance and spray
angle cannot be maintained within the specified range, hand application of a paint coating may be
c. Regulatory requirements. The use of paint coatings is regulated in terms of the type
and amounts of solvents or volatile organic compounds (VOC) they contain. Certain types of
solvents, such as water and acetone, are exempt from these regulations because they do not
contribute to the formation of photochemical pollution or smog in the lower atmosphere.
Regulations vary by geographic location and by industry. Different rules apply for architectural
and industrial maintenance painting, marine painting, and miscellaneous metal parts painting.
USACE field painting is considered architectural and industrial maintenance painting. Shop
painting performed by a fabricator is considered miscellaneous metal parts painting. Painting of a
floating plant in a shipyard or dry dock facility is considered marine painting. The specifier
should consult with local and state officials to determine which rules, if any, affect the proposed
coating work. There are no VOC emissions associated with the use of thermal spray coatings, and
their use is not regulated by any such rule. Thermal spray coatings offer an excellent VOC
compliant alternative to paint coatings for many applications. The sealers and topcoats
recommended for thermal spray systems are not exempt from VOC-type regulations. The thermal
spray coatings will often perform just as well without the sealers and topcoats, which can
therefore be omitted for reasons of compliance with air pollution regulations. It should also be
noted that there are typically low VOC paint coating alternatives for most applications. The
relative merits of these products should be weighed against those of the zero VOC thermal spray
coating systems.
d. Field conditions. The conditions under which the coating work will be performed are
another important consideration in coating selection. Certain atmospheric conditions, including
high humidity and condensation, precipitation, high winds, and extreme cold or heat, place severe
limitations on any type of coating work.
(1) Moisture on the surface should always be avoided to the greatest extent possible.
Certain types of paint are more tolerant of small amounts of water on the surface and should be
specified for work where such conditions cannot be avoided. Thermal spray metal coatings
should never be applied if moisture is present on the surface.
(2) High winds may affect the types of surface preparation and coating application
methods that are practical for a given job. High winds will tend to carry surface preparation
debris and paint overspray longer distances. This problem can be avoided by using methods other
than open abrasive blasting and spray application of paints.
(3) The pot life of multi-component catalyzed coatings such as epoxies can be greatly
reduced by high atmospheric temperatures. High ambient air and surface temperatures can also
adversely affect paint application and the subsequent performance of the coating; for example,
vinyl paints are prone to dry spray at high temperatures. Most paints should not be applied below
a certain minimum temperature because they will not cure or dry. Most epoxy paints should not
be applied when ambient and substrate temperatures are below 10 °C (50 °F); however, there are
some specialized epoxy coatings that can be applied at temperatures as low as -7 °C (20 °F).
Latex coatings should never be applied when temperatures are expected to fall below 10 °C (50
°F) during application and drying. Vinyl paints can be applied at quite low temperatures
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compared with most paints. Vinyl application at 0 °C (32 °F) can be performed with relative ease.
There are generally no upper or lower ambient or surface temperature limits on the application of
thermal spray coatings, although there are practical limits at which workers can properly perform
their tasks. In thermal spray, the steel substrate is generally preheated to well above ambient
temperatures to drive off any latent moisture and to prevent condensation from forming on the
surface. In addition, any ill effects that a cold substrate might have are ameliorated.
f. Cost. Coating systems are cost effective only to the extent that they will provide the
requisite corrosion protection. Cost should be considered only after the identification of coatings
that will perform in the exposure environment. Given that a number of coating systems may
perform for a given application, the next consideration is the cost of the coating job. Ideally,
protective coating systems will always be selected based on life-cycle cost rather than simple
installed cost. However, given the realities of budgets, this approach is not always practical.
Therefore, coating systems are sometimes selected on the basis of first or installed cost. Because
thermal spray coating systems are almost always more expensive to install than paint systems for
a given application, they are often passed over, when, in fact, they can have significantly lower
life-cycle costs than paint systems. For additional information on the cost of thermal spray and
how to perform cost calculations, refer to paragraph 4-2 of this manual.
5-4. Thermal Spray Selection for Ferrous Metal Surfaces in Fresh Water
All of the thermal spray systems described in CEGS-09971 will perform in freshwater immersion
service. The 85-15 zinc-aluminum systems designated as systems 4-Z-A, 5-Z-A, and 6-Z-A are
considered to have optimal properties for freshwater service, combining the superior corrosion
resistance of zinc and the improved impact and abrasion resistance of aluminum. The more severe
the service, the thicker the coating should be, with system 6-Z-A being the recommended choice
for highly turbulent ice- and debris-laden waters. System 5-Z-A is the first choice for relatively
quiet nonabrasive waters. Seal coats and paint topcoats may be used to add a further degree of
protection to the thermal spray coating systems used in freshwater immersion but their use is not
considered an absolute necessity. Table 5-1 identifies a number of typical components exposed to
freshwater environments and the recommended and preferred thermal spray systems.
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Again, all of the thermal spray systems described in CEGS-09971 will perform in seawater
immersion service. Aluminum thermal spray coatings have seen much wider use in marine
environments, and they are generally preferred over the zinc-containing coatings for seawater
immersion. System 8-A is the recommended thermal spray system for this application. Seal coats
and paint topcoats may be used to add a further degree of protection to the thermal spray coating
systems used in seawater immersion, but their use is not considered an absolute necessity. Table
5-2 identifies a number of typical components exposed to seawater environments and the
recommended and preferred thermal spray systems.
5-6. Thermal Spray Selection for Ferrous Metal Surfaces Exposed to the
Table 5-3 identifies a number of typical components exposed to the atmosphere and the
recommended and preferred thermal spray systems.
a. Marine and normal atmospheric exposures. All of the thermal spray systems described
in CEGS-09971 will perform in both marine and normal atmospheric exposures. Aluminum
thermal spray system 7-A is generally preferred for atmospheric applications where a significant
amount of salt can be expected to be deposited on the coated surfaces. These applications include
coastal marine structures and bridges exposed to deicing salts. Sealing and top-coating the
aluminum thermal spray is optional and may be done for aesthetic reasons or to improve the
overall performance of the coating system.
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5-7. Thermal Spray Selection for Ferrous Metal Surfaces Exposed to High
Thermal spray coatings of aluminum, zinc, and their alloys will provide excellent long-term
performance at temperatures approaching their melting points. The maximum recommended
service temperature for zinc systems 2-Z and 3-Z is 60 °C (140 °F). The maximum recommended
service temperature for 85-15 zinc-aluminum alloy systems 5-Z-A and 6-Z-A is 315 °C (600 °F).
Aluminum thermal spray is an excellent choice for high temperature applications. System 8-A,
described in CEGS-09971, is the preferred system for civil works applications such as stacks of
floating plants, where the surface temperature is expected to exceed 400 °C (750 °F). The high-
temperature performance of aluminum thermal spray coatings can be further improved by post-
heating or fusing of the aluminum to the steel substrate. Fusing is ordinarily accomplished by
reheating the aluminum thermal spray coating with oxyacetylene torches. This process fuses the
aluminum and steel substrate, creating a metallurgical bond. Coating performance may be further
enhanced by applying a seal coat of an aluminum pigmented bitumastic coating. Such coatings
can provide corrosion resistance against hot gases at temperatures of up to 870 °C (1600 °F).
Thermal spray coatings may not be practical for some high-temperature applications. Thin steel
substrates cannot usually be blast-cleaned to create the profile needed for thermal spray coatings
without warpage. Steel substrates that cannot be blast- cleaned should be painted rather than
thermal spray coated for high-temperature applications. Some typical components exposed to
high temperatures and the recommended thermal spray systems can be found in Table 5-3.
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The zebra mussel is a freshwater bivalve that colonizes hard substrates. When present in
sufficient densities, the zebra mussel can impact the performance of civil works structures and
floating plants. Zebra mussels can impair structure performance by occluding narrow openings
and small conduits such as may be found in condenser tubes, trashracks, sea chests, fire
suppression systems, etc. Zebra mussels can also reduce the efficiency of floating plants and
power plants by causing hydraulic drag. Coatings are one means of preventing the attachment of
zebra mussels to Corps structures. Thermal spray coatings containing zinc and/or copper have
been found to be effective deterrents. Juvenile mussels will not settle on these metallic surfaces
because small amounts of zinc and copper leaching into the water from the coating act as
deterrents. The mussels are not actually killed but rather they sense the toxic chemicals in the
water and do not attach themselves to these surfaces. Thermal spray coatings containing copper
such as brass, aluminum bronze, and pure copper should not be applied to steel substrates because
they will not protect the steel from corrosion and may make it worse. Copper and brass thermal
spray coatings can however be applied to concrete substrates to prevent zebra mussel fouling.
Zinc and 85-15 zinc-aluminum alloy coatings are a better choice for controlling zebra mussels on
steel as they also serve as anticorrosive coatings. Because of their lower material costs zinc and
85-15 zinc-aluminum are probably better choices for concrete as well, even though they are
slightly less effective than brass and copper. Zinc containing coatings do not need to be registered
with the EPA. Zinc is a relatively weak aquatic toxin and is an even weaker mammalian toxin,
and as such, no effects on nontarget organisms should be anticipated with its prophylactic use as a
zebra mussel deterrent.
Steel reinforced concrete structures such as bridges, parking decks, and piers are prone to
chloride-induced corrosion. Chloride ions present in deicing salts and marine atmospheres
penetrate the concrete monolith with time. The normally passivated steel rebar will begin to
corrode when enough salt accumulates at the steel-concrete interface. The steel corrosion
products, being more voluminous than the steel itself, cause the concrete to crack and spall.
Failures of reinforced concrete systems can be very expensive to repair and are difficult to
prevent. Various approaches to preventing this phenomenon have been tried with varying degrees
of success including epoxy coated rebar, galvanized rebar, special concrete admixtures, and
sealing the concrete to prevent chloride penetration. A more effective method of preventing
chloride-induced failures is the use of cathodic protection. Zinc thermal spray can been used as
either a consumable galvanic anode or as a conductive anode in an impressed current system. In
the impressed current system, rectifiers are used to supply current to the conductive zinc anode
via electrical connectors which are attached to the concrete. The zinc thermal spray coating is
itself applied directly to the concrete. Anode design and current density are important to the
overall effectiveness of the cathodic protection system. At this time there is no guidance within
the Corps on the use of zinc metallized cathodic protection systems. For additional information
on cathodic protection refer to EM 1110-2-2704, “Cathodic Protection Systems for Civil Works
Projects,” TM 5-811-7, “Electrical Design, Cathodic Protection,” and ETL 1110-3-474,
“Cathodic Protection.”
Nonskid coatings are sometimes used to prevent or reduce slip hazards. Aluminum thermal spray
coatings have been used successfully on metal substrates to prevent corrosion and impart nonskid
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properties. Historically, paint coatings have been used for nonskid applications. However,
because of their greater hardness and roughness, aluminum thermal spray coatings are superior
for many nonskid applications. The nonskid coating system is achieved by first applying
aluminum thermal spray system 8-A. An additional spray pass of aluminum is then applied using
reduced atomization air pressure. The lower air pressure allows for the deposition of larger spray
particles that produce a rougher surface. Nonskid coatings should be sealed with thin film
epoxies. Aliphatic polyurethanes can be used for durable striping if desired. Some common
applications for nonskid coatings and the recommended thermal spray coatings systems may be
found in Table 5-3.
a. Cavitation repair and mitigation. For hydraulic components subject to low cavitation
environments, Stellite 6 applied by the HVOF spray process may be used to mitigate and repair
cavitation damage. The coating is applied to a thickness of 500 µm (0.020 in.) over blast-cleaned
weld metal overlay for cavitation repair or directly to the blast-cleaned steel component for
mitigating cavitation damage. The coating serves as a sacrificial element with improved wear
resistance. With proper maintenance intervals, the coating may be replaced periodically at
approximately a third of the cost of additional maintenance by weld overlay. Turbine draft tube
liners and pump impellers are good candidates for the use of Stellite 6 coatings for cavitation
repair and mitigation.
c. For additional information on methods and materials for thermal spray cavitation/erosion
protection see USACERL Technical Report 97/118, “Cavitation- and Erosion-Resistant Thermal
Spray Coatings,” and MILSTD-1687A(SH).
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system 5-E-Z, described in CEGS-09965 and consisting of a vinyl zinc-rich primer (VZ-108d)
and multiple coats of gray and white vinyl (V-766e), could be used to protect the atmospherically
exposed portions of the gate. Both the paint system and the aluminum thermal spray system
would provide excellent protection at a reduced cost. Dissimilar thermal spray metals should
never be applied to the same structural component because one of the materials may corrode
preferentially to protect the other metal.
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Chapter 6
Surface Preparation
6-1. Introduction
Thermal spray coatings require a very clean surface that is free of oil, grease, dirt, and soluble
salts. Surface contaminants must be cleaned with solvents prior to removal of mill scale,
corrosion products, and old paint by abrasive blasting.
a. Surface preparation is the single most important factor in determining the success of
the corrosion protective thermal spray coating system. Abrasive blasting or abrasive blasting
combined with other surface preparation techniques is used to create the necessary degree of
surface cleanliness and roughness.
c. The purpose of surface preparation is to roughen the surface, creating increased surface
area for mechanical bonding of the thermal spray coating to the steel substrate. The roughening is
typically referred to as the anchor pattern or profile. The profile is a pattern of peaks and valleys
that is etched onto the steel when high-velocity abrasive blast particles impinge upon the surface.
d. Surface cleanliness is essential for proper adhesion of the thermal spray coating to the
substrate. Thermal spray coatings applied over rust, dirt, grease, or oil will have poor adhesion.
Premature failure of the thermal spray coating may result from application to contaminated
Solvent cleaning (SSPC-SP 1) is a procedure for removing surface contaminants, including oil,
grease, dirt, drawing and cutting compounds, and soluble salts, from steel surfaces by means of
solvents, water, detergents, emulsifying agents, and steam. These methods are not designed to
remove mill scale, rust, or old coatings. Ineffective use of the solvent cleaning technique may
spread or incompletely remove surface contaminants. Three common methods of solvent cleaning
are water washing, steam cleaning, and cleaning with hydrocarbon solvents.
b. Steam cleaning. Steam cleaning is an effective means of removing dirt, salt, oil, and
grease from both coated and uncoated substrates. The method employs a combination of
detergent action and high-pressure heated water (138 °C (280 °F) to 149 °C (300 °F) at 11.3 to
18.9 l/min (3 to 5 gpm)). Thorough rinsing with steam or water should be used to remove any
deposited detergent.
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c. Hydrocarbon solvent cleaning. Hydrocarbon solvents used to remove grease and oil
are typically petroleum-based distillates as described by ASTM D235 “Standard Specification for
Mineral Spirits (Petroleum Spirits) (Hydrocarbon Dry Cleaning Solvent).” Type I - regular
(Stoddard Solvent) with a minimum flash point of 38 °C (100 °F). Type II - High Flash Point
mineral spirits with a minimum flash point of 60 °C (140 °F) should be used when ambient
temperatures exceed 35 °C (95 °F). Aromatic solvents such as xylene and high flash aromatic
naphtha 100 or 150 (ASTM D 3734 Types I and II) are sometimes used when a stronger solvent
is needed. The use of aromatic hydrocarbons should be limited because of their generally greater
toxicity. Solvent cleaning with hydrocarbon solvents is typically accomplished by wiping the
surface with solvent soaked rags. Rags should be changed frequently to afford better removal and
to prevent spreading and depositing a thin layer of grease or oil on the surface.
Abrasive blasting is performed in preparation for thermal spray after the removal of surface
contaminants by solvent cleaning. Abrasive blasting is conducted to remove mill scale, rust, and
old coatings, as well as to provide the surface profile necessary for good adhesion of the thermal
spray coating to the substrate. Conventional abrasive blast cleaning is accomplished through the
high-velocity (724 km/h (450 mph)) propulsion of a blast media in a stream of compressed air
(620 to 698 kPa (90 to 100 psi)) against the substrate. The particles’ mass and high velocity
combine to produce kinetic energy sufficient to remove rust, mill scale, and old coatings from the
substrate while simultaneously producing a roughened surface. The Society for Protective
Coatings (SSPC) and the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) have published
standards for surface cleanliness. These standards and an SSPC supplemental pictorial guide
provide guidelines for various degrees of surface cleanliness. Only the highest degree of
cleanliness, SSPC-SP-5 “White Metal Blast Cleaning” or NACE #1, is considered acceptable for
thermal spray coatings. Paragraph 6-7 discusses these standards in greater detail. Abrasive blast
cleaning may be broadly categorized into centrifugal blast cleaning and air abrasive blast
cleaning. Air abrasive blast cleaning may be further subdivided to include open nozzle, water
blast with abrasive injection, open nozzle with a water collar, automated blast cleaning, and
vacuum blast cleaning. Open nozzle blasting is the method most applicable to preparation for
thermal spray coating.
(1) Air compressor. The air compressor supplies air to the system to carry the abrasive.
Production rate depends on the volume of air that the compressor can deliver. A larger
compressor can supply more air and can therefore sustain operation of more blast nozzles or
larger blast nozzle diameters.
(2) Air hose. The air hose supplies air from the compressor to the blast pot. The air hose
should be as short, with as few couplings, and as large of diameter as possible to optimize
efficiency. The minimum inside diameter (i.d.) should be 31.75 mm (1.25 in.) with measurements
of 50.8 to 101.6 mm (2 to 4 in.) i.d. being common.
(3) Moisture and oil separators/air coolers and dryers. If not removed, moisture from the
air and oil mists from the compressor lubricants may contaminate the abrasive in the blast pot and
subsequently the surface being cleaned. Oil/moisture separators are used to alleviate this problem.
The devices should be placed at the end of the air hose as close to the blast pot as possible.
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Separators are typically of the cyclone type with expansion air chambers and micron air filters.
Air coolers/dryers are commonly used to treat the air produced by the compressor.
(4) Blast pot. Most blast pots used for large blasting projects are of the gravity-flow type.
These machines maintain equal pressure on top and beneath the abrasive. The typical blast pot
consists of air inlet and outlet valves, a filling head, a metering valve for regulating abrasive flow,
and a hand hole for removing foreign objects from the pot chamber. For large jobs, the pot should
hold enough media to blast for 30 to 40 min. For continuous production, a two-pot unit can be
used, allowing one pot to be filled while the other operates.
(5) Blast hose. The blast hose carries the air-media mixture from the blast pot to the
nozzle. A rugged multiply hose with a minimum 31.75-mm (1.25-in.) i.d. is common. A lighter,
more flexible length of hose called a whip is sometimes used for added mobility at the nozzle end
of the blast hose. Maximum blast efficiency is attained with the shortest, straightest blast hoses.
Blast hoses should be coupled with external quick-connect couplings.
(6) Blast nozzle. Blast nozzles are characterized by their diameter, material, length, and
shape. Nozzle sizes are designated by the inside diameter of the orifice and are measured in
sixteenths of an inch. A 3/16-in.-diam orifice is designated as a No. 3 nozzle. The nozzle diameter
must be properly sized to match the volume of air available. Too large an orifice will cause
pressure to drop and production to decrease. Too small an orifice will not fully utilize the
available air volume. The nozzle size should be as large as possible while still maintaining an air
pressure of 620 to 689 kPa (90 to 100 psi) at the nozzle. Blast nozzles may be lined with a variety
of different materials distinguished by their relative hardness and resistance to wear. Ceramic and
cast iron lined nozzles have the shortest life. Tungsten and boron carbide are long lived nozzles.
Nozzles may be either straight bore or venturi-type. The venturi nozzle is tapered in the middle,
resulting in much higher particle velocities. Venturi nozzles have production rates 30 to 50
percent higher than straight bore nozzles. Long nozzles, 127 to 203 mm (5 to 8 in.), will more
readily remove tightly adherent rust and mill scale and increase production rates. Worn nozzles
can greatly decrease production and should be replaced as soon as they increase one size (1/16
(1) The blaster should balance the abrasive and air flows to produce a “bluish” colored
abrasive airstream at the nozzle which signals the optimum mix. Blasters often use too much
abrasive in the mix which results in reduced efficiency. The mix is adjusted using the valve at the
base of the blast pot.
(2) The nozzle-to-surface angle should be varied to achieve the optimal blast performance
for the given conditions. Rust and mill scale are best removed by maintaining a nozzle-to-surface
angle of 80 to 90 deg. A slight downward angle will direct dust away from the operator and
improve visibility. The best nozzle-to-surface angles for removing old paint are 45 to 70 deg. The
final blast profile should always be achieved with a nozzle-to-surface angle of 80 to 90 deg.
(3) Standoff, or nozzle-to-surface distance, will also affect the quality and speed of blast
cleaning. The lower the standoff distance, the smaller the blast pattern will be, and the longer it
will take to cover a given area. However, close standoff distances allow for more energy to be
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imparted to the surface, allowing for the removal of more tenacious deposits such as mill scale. A
standoff distance of as little as 153 mm (6 in.) may be necessary for the removal of tight mill
scale and heavy rust deposits. Higher standoff distances, on the order of 457 mm (18 in.), are
more efficient for the removal of old loosely adherent coatings.
c. Abrasive media type and selection. The selection of the proper blast media type and
size is critical to the performance of the thermal spray coating. Blast media that produce very
dense and angular blast profiles of the appropriate depth must be used. An angular blast media
must always be used. Rounded media such as steel shot, or mixtures of round and angular media
will not produce the appropriate degree of angularity in the blast profile. The adhesion of thermal
spray coatings can vary by an order of magnitude as a function of profile shape and depth.
Thermal spray coatings adhere poorly to substrates prepared with rounded media and may fail in-
service by spontaneous delamination. Hard, dense, angular blast media such as aluminum oxide,
iron oxide, and angular steel grit are needed to achieve the depth and shape of blast profile
necessary for good thermal spray adhesion. Steel grit should be manufactured from crushed steel
shot conforming to SAE J827. Steel grit media composed of irregular shaped particles or
mixtures of irregular and angular particles should never be used. Only angular steel grit should be
used. New steel grit should conform to the requirements of SSPC-AB 3, “Newly Manufactured or
Re-Manufactured Steel Abrasives.” Various hardnesses of steel grit are available but generally
grit with Rockwell C hardness in the range of 50 to 60 is used. Harder steel grit (Rockwell C 60
to 66) may also be used provided that the proper surface profile is obtained. Steel shot and slag
abrasives composed of all rounded or mixed angular, irregular, and rounded particles should
never be used to profile steel for thermal spraying. Table 6-1 shows the recommended blast media
types as a function of the thermal spray process and coating material.
d. Blast profile. Thermal spray coatings are generally more highly stressed than paint
coatings and as such require a deeper blast profile to dissipate the tensile forces within the
coating. In general, the greater the thickness of thermal spray coating being applied, the deeper
the blast profile that is required. The minimum recommended blast profile for the thinnest
coatings of zinc and 85-15 zinc-aluminum (100 to 150 µm (0.004 to 0.006 in.)) is 50 µm (0.002
in.). Thicker coatings of zinc and 85-15 zinc-aluminum, 250 µm (0.010 in.) or greater, require a
minimum 75-µm (0.003-in.) profile. A 125-µm-(0.005-in.-) thick aluminum coating requires a
minimum surface profile of 50 µm (0.002 in.), and a 250-µm (0.010-in.) aluminum coating
requires a minimum 62.5-µm (0.0025-in.) profile. The specifier should specify the maximum and
minimum surface profile required for the thermal spray coating. The maximum profile for thicker
thermal spray coatings should not exceed approximately a third of the total average coating
thickness. As a general rule, the maximum blast profile should be 25 µm (0.001 in.) greater than
the specified minimum profile depth. Table 6-2 shows the recommended minimum and maximum
blast profile depths for the thermal spray systems described in CEGS-09971. Table 6-3 shows
typical surface profiles produced by selected steel grit abrasives.
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(1) Durable reusable blast media are now commonplace in industrial maintenance
coating. The extensive use of blasting enclosures used to contain paint and blasting debris has
made the use of reusable abrasives more economical for field applications. Reusable abrasives
require the use of a reclaiming and recycling system. Commonly used recyclable abrasives that
are appropriate for use in preparing steel for thermal spray include steel grit, aluminum oxide, and
iron oxide. Iron oxide, aluminum oxide, and steel grit may be reused about 4, 6 to 8, and 100+
times, respectively. Because it is more economical, steel grit is much more likely to be used for
fieldwork than are other reusable media.
(2) Control of the working mix of abrasive is critical to maintaining the quality of the
blast. The working mix should be sampled frequently and subjected to a sieve analysis to
determine the particle size distribution. The distribution can be used to determine the frequency
of make-up additions to the working mix. If the mix is allowed to become depleted of larger
particle sizes, then the required surface profile depth will not be achieved. This may lead to poor
thermal spray coating adhesion and premature failure. Different abrasive materials wear out at
different rates, usually given as consumption rates in pounds per hour. In theory, new abrasive
can be added at a rate equal to the consumption rate. A continuous system of abrasive
replenishment is the preferred method of maintaining the proper working mix and should be
required on all jobs where recyclable abrasives are used. Maintaining a uniform working mixture
also requires the removal of all particles below a given minimum size, which is the smallest size
that is still effective in the cleaning operation. Recycled steel grit should meet the cleanliness
requirements of SSPC-AB 2.
(3) The size and type of abrasive blast system used with recyclable media must be
properly selected. Contractors employing undersized equipment or an inappropriate type of
equipment for the job are not likely to produce a quality surface with the correct profile. In
general, the contractor should employ midsize, 9 to 13.5 metric tons per hour (10 to 15 tons per
hour), or large, >13.5 metric tons per hour (15 tons per hour), blast media recycling systems.
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Midsize and large blast media recycling systems typically have better multistage abrasive
cleaning systems that remove dust, debris, and small particles.
h. Time between blasting and thermal spraying. After completion and inspection of the
final profiling blast, the steel substrate should be thermal sprayed as soon as possible. A
maximum period of 4 hr is generally allowed to elapse between the completion of blast cleaning
and thermal spraying. This period should allow adequate time for the changeover from blasting to
thermal spraying. Thermal spray should commence prior to the appearance of any visible rust
bloom on the surface. Foreign matter such as paint overspray, dust and debris, and precipitation
should not be allowed to contact the prepared surfaces prior to thermal spraying. Under no
circumstances should the application of thermal spray be allowed on re-rusted or contaminated
surfaces. In some cases it may be possible to apply only a single spray pass or some other fraction
of the total thermal spray system within 4 hr of blasting. This single layer must cover the peaks of
the surface profile. The partial coating is intended to temporarily preserve the surface preparation.
Before applying additional sprayed metal to the specified thickness, the first layer of coating
should be visually inspected to verify that the coating surface has not been contaminated. Any
contamination between coats should be removed before any additional material is applied. The
remaining coating should be sprayed to achieve the specified thickness as soon as possible. In
some cases it may be possible to hold the surface preparation for extended periods using specially
designed dehumidification (DH) systems. These systems supply dry air to a blast enclosure or
other contained air space. The dry air prevents the reappearance of rust for extended periods of
time and allows for thermal spray jobs to be staged in a different fashion. DH systems may be
particularly useful for jobs in very humid environments, which are typical of many Corps
facilities during the spring through fall maintenance season. These areas typically have dense
morning fog and hot humid afternoons. Holding the quality of blast needed for thermal spray
coatings would be difficult under such conditions without the use of DH.
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a. Strip blasting. Combined methods of surface preparation may be used to reduce the
overall cost of surface preparation. The most common method of combined surface preparation is
the use of strip blasting with an inexpensive abrasive. Strip blasting may be used to remove aged
coatings or to remove tightly adherent mill scale. Steel shot is particularly effective for removing
mill scale. Steel, copper, nickel, and coal slags and garnet and zircon abrasives may all be used to
remove old coatings. Silica-containing materials, including silica and mineral sands, glass beads,
flint, and novaculite, should be avoided because of health issues surrounding the use of abrasives
containing silica.
b. Profile blasting. Profile blasting must be performed after strip blasting in all cases. It is
not necessary for profile blasting to occur before light re-rusting of the surface occurs. The strip
blasted surface should, however, be protected from the deposition of contaminants such as grease
and oil that may not be removed during the final profiling blast. Under some circumstances, it
may be economical to perform strip blasting using ultrahigh-pressure water jetting. This method
uses high pressure water, >170,000 kPa (25,000 psi), to remove old coatings. The method will
not, however, remove mill scale or tightly adherent rust. The combination of ultrahigh-pressure
water jetting and profile blasting probably will not be economical for surfaces with mill scale.
Pressurized water cleaning systems are used frequently in shipyards and are most likely to be
encountered in strip and profile applications at these facilities.
Heat-affected zones associated with steel welding and cutting operations can produce surfaces
that are difficult to clean and thermal spray. Welding and cutting operations produce enough heat
to anneal, or harden, the surface of the steel. In some cases, the steel may be so hard as to prevent
adequate profiling during abrasive blasting. It is recommended that all heat-affected zones first be
ground with a disk wheel grinder prior to profile blasting. For example, the hardened or
carburized layer on a flame-cut girder flange should be ground off before abrasive blasting for
profile. Weld spatter not removed by blasting should be removed with impact or grinding tools
and the areas should be reblasted prior to thermal spraying.
a. Pitted Steel. Heavily corroded, deeply pitted surfaces are difficult to prepare for
thermal spray coating. Wide, shallow pits do not pose any particular problem, but deep and
irregular shaped pits can pose a problem. Pits with an aspect ratio of greater than unity (as deep as
they are wide) should be ground with an abrasive disk or other tool prior to blasting. Pits with
sharp edges, undercut pits, and pits with an irregular horizontal or vertical orientation must be
ground smooth prior to abrasive blasting. Grinding does not need to level or blend the pit with the
surrounding steel but should smooth all the rough and irregular surfaces to the extent necessary to
allow the entire surface of the pit to be blasted and coated. Nozzle-to-surface angles of 80 to 90
deg are optimal for cleaning pits. Heavily pitted steel on bridges or in other environments where
soluble salt contamination is likely should be cleaned with high-pressure water after grinding to
ensure that salt contaminants are removed from the pits.
b. Edge Surfaces. Sharp edges also present problems in achieving adequate surface
preparation and coating. As a general rule, all sharp edges should be ground prior to blasting to a
uniform minimum diameter of 3 mm (1/8 in.).
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SSPC and NACE have developed blast cleaning standards and specifications for steel surfaces.
More detailed information is available on blast cleaning specifications in the SSPC “Painting
Manual, Volume 2, Systems and
a. SSPC-SP 5 or NACE #1. SSPC-SP 5 and NACE #1 describe the condition of the blast-
cleaned surface when viewed without magnification as free of all visible oil, grease, dust, dirt,
mill scale, rust, coating, oxides, corrosion products, and other foreign matter.
b. SSPC VIS 1-89. SSPC VIS 1-89 supplements the written blast standards with a series
of photographs depicting the appearance of four grades of blast cleaning over four initial grades
of mill scale and rust. The last two pages of the standard depict a white metal blast-cleaned
substrate achieved with three different types of metallic abrasives and three types of nonmetallic
abrasives. The resulting surfaces have slight color and hue differences caused by the type of
media used.
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Chapter 7
Thermal Spray Coating Application
7-1. Introduction
a. Thermal spray coatings for corrosion protection of steel may be applied by several
different methods, including wire flame spray, arc spray, and powder flame spray. Each process
has its inherent advantages.
b. The best application process for a given job depends on the coating material to be
applied and the size of the job. Contracts should permit the contractor to select the application
process or processes to be used.
c. The ambient conditions under which the thermal spray coating will be applied must be
within the specified range.
d. The applicator must employ the proper application techniques, and the equipment must
be properly set up and operated within the manufacturer’s parameters to ensure the application of
a quality coating.
e. The sequencing of the application must occur in a timely manner to ensure that the
receiving surfaces are still clean and free of rust bloom.
a. Air temperature, humidity, and dew point. Generally speaking, there are no ambient air
temperature limitations on the application of thermal spray coatings. Unlike paint coatings,
thermal spray is not affected by extremes of temperature. Although there are no theoretical limits
within the normal ambient temperature range on the application of thermal spray coatings, in
practice there are limits within which the applicator will be effective and safe. Because thermal
spray coatings are typically sealed with paint-type coatings, there may be practical limits based
on the temperature requirements of the sealer. Most epoxy-type sealers can be applied when
ambient temperatures are between 7 and 32 °C (45 and 90 °F). With special precautions, vinyl-
type sealers can be applied at temperatures between -18 and 38 °C (0 and 100 °F). However, the
application of sealers and paints can often be delayed, provided the thermal spray coated surface
remains clean and dry. As with painting, the relative humidity and dew point can affect the
quality of the applied coating and may also affect improperly stored or packaged thermal spray
feedstock materials. In very humid environments, blast cleaned steel may re-rust or exhibit a rust
bloom more rapidly than under normal ambient conditions. Thermal spray coatings should never
be applied after the appearance of rust bloom on the surface. The dew point is the temperature at
which moisture will condense. Condensation and the formation of rust bloom on the steel surface
are very likely to occur at or near the dew point. Because of this problem, it is required that the
ambient temperature be at least 3 °C (5 °F) above the dew point. Temperature, humidity, and dew
point cause problems if thermal spray feedstock is not properly stored. All of the active metal
wires oxidize. The oxide film can cause feed problems in both flame and arc equipment. Extreme
temperature changes may also cause zinc and zinc-aluminum alloy wire to re-crystallize and
become brittle. Powder storage is even more critical than wire storage. Moisture in the powder
will have an adverse impact on flow in the powder feed systems. Thermal spray wires and
powders should be securely sealed and protected from moisture intrusion to prevent oxidation of
the material.
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b. Steel temperature. Temperature changes in heavy structural steel often lag behind
changes in the ambient temperature. This may cause particular problems in the morning hours
when the temperature is near the dew point. Steel that is in contact with soil or water may also
remain colder than the surrounding air temperature, causing problems with condensation and re-
rusting of the steel. Provided that the surface has not re-rusted, the temperature of the steel is of
little consequence. When using combustion spray processes which employ a hydrocarbon fuel gas
the surface should be preheated to above 121 °C (250 °F) to prevent condensation of water from
the flame on the surface as the coating is being applied. The water in the flame is a by-product of
the combustion reaction. Preheating the surface is ordinarily accomplished using the thermal
spray gun with the material feed turned off, as a torch. Approximately 0.1 to 0.2 m2 (1 to 2 ft2) of
surface area should be preheated at a time. Arc spraying does not require preheating of the
Proper spray technique is critical to the success of thermal spray coatings. Poor spray technique
may result in early coating failure due to poor coating adhesion or cohesion, excessive coating
porosity, or a high oxide content. Poor spray technique may also result in highly variable coating
thicknesses, including areas that are deficient.
a. Spray pattern. Manually applied thermal spray coatings should be applied in a block
pattern measuring approximately 60 cm (24 in.) on a side. Each spray pass should be applied
parallel to and overlapping the previous pass by approximately 40 percent. Successive spray coats
should be applied at right angles to the previous coat until the desired coating thickness is
achieved. Approximately 50 to 75 µm (0.002 to 0.003 in.) of coating should be applied per spray
pass. In no case should less than two spray coats applied at right angles be used to achieve the
specified coating thickness. This procedure is designed to produce the most uniform coating
thickness of the best possible quality. A larger block pattern may cause the applicator to
overreach, resulting in coating non-uniformity. Wire flame spray guns produce a small round
spray pattern, allowing the applicator to maintain the same wrist orientation (vertical) on each
spray coat. Alternatively, the wire flame spray applicator may apply the second spray coat with
the wrist oriented in the horizontal plane. Arc and powder flame spray guns with fan air caps
generally produce a much larger oval shaped spray pattern. The powder flame and arc spray
operators generally must spray the second coat with the wrist oriented 90 deg to that used for the
first spray coat. The arc and powder flame spray guns should never be used to apply coating
moving in a direction parallel to the long access of the oval shaped spray pattern. Most powder
flame and arc spray guns may be fitted with optional air caps that will produce different size and
shape spray patterns. These fittings allow the operator to apply a uniform coating to components
with complex shapes. The large oval fan pattern is best suited to spraying large flat substrates.
Small round spray patterns are better suited for coating complex shapes or small objects. Table 7-
1 shows the nominal spray widths produced by several types of spray guns.
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b. Standoff distance. Standoff distance is dependent on the type and source of spray
application equipment used. The maximum standoff distance for most equipment is generally on
the order of 15 to 25 cm (6 to 10 in.). Table 7-1 shows nominal standoff distances for various
types of equipment. Excessive standoff distance will produce a more porous and oxidized coating
with reduced cohesion and adhesion. The higher porosity may be attributed to the greater degree
of cooling and the lower velocity that the thermal spray particles experience prior to impact.
Adhesion is directly proportional to the kinetic energy of the spray particles, and the kinetic
energy varies as the square of the particle velocity. The cooler, slower impacting particles will not
adhere as well to each other or to the substrate, resulting in a weaker, less adherent coating.
Excessive standoff distance may occur because the applicator is not adequately familiar with the
requirements of the equipment or due to fatigue or carelessness. Increased standoff distance may
result from the applicator’s arm or wrist arcing during application. It is very important that the
applicator’s arm moves parallel to the substrate to maintain a consistent standoff distance.
Holding the thermal spray gun too close to the surface may result in poor coverage and erratic
coating thicknesses because of the reduced size of the spray pattern. It is very important that the
applicator’s arm moves parallel to the substrate while maintaining a constant standoff distance.
c. Spray angle. The gun-to-surface angle is important because of the generally greater
distances that the spray particles travel prior to striking the substrate, producing a situation
analogous to the excessive standoff distances already discussed. Porosity, oxide content, and
adhesion are strongly affected by spray angle. In some cases, it may be necessary for the
applicator to spray at less than 90 deg because of limited access to the surface. In no case should
the applicator spray at an angle less than 45 deg. Spray extensions are available from some
equipment manufacturers that allow better access to difficult-to-spray areas. A good spray
technique consists of the applicator maintaining the spray gun perpendicular (90 deg) or near
perpendicular (0 + 5 deg) at all times.
Each type and source of thermal spray equipment should be set up and operated in accordance
with the manufacturer’s recommended procedures. Spray parameters should be optimized
primarily for coating quality and secondarily for production rate.
(1) Oxygen and fuel gas flow rates. The use of oxygen and fuel gas flow meters allows
for the best control of the flame and thus higher spray rates. Under conditions of continuous use,
the actual oxygen and fuel gas flow rates and pressures should remain nearly constant and,
ordinarily, should not deviate from the set values by more than 5 percent.
(2) Atomization air pressure. Compressed air should be oil- and water-free. Accurate air
regulation is necessary to achieve uniform atomization. Under conditions of continuous use, the
actual atomization air pressure and flow volume should remain nearly constant and, ordinarily,
should not deviate from the set value by more than 5 percent.
(3) Wire feed rate. The wire feed rate should be adjusted to properly optimize the time
spent in the flame. Excessive feed rates may result in inadequate or partial melting of the
feedstock and may produce very rough deposited coatings. Too slow a feed rate may cause the
wire to be over-oxidized and will produce coatings of poor quality. Under conditions of
continuous use, the actual wire feed rate should remain nearly constant and, ordinarily, should not
deviate from the set value by more than 5 percent.
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(4) Powder feed rate. The powder feed rate should be adjusted to properly optimize the
time spent in the flame. Excessive feed rates may result in inadequate or partial melting of the
powder and may produce very rough deposited coatings. Too slow a feed rate may cause the
powder to be over-oxidized and will produce coatings of poor quality. Under conditions of
continuous use, the actual powder feed rate should remain nearly constant and, ordinarily, should
not deviate from the set value by more than 10 percent. The powder feedstock is typically
represented by a range of particle sizes. The various sized powder particles should be consumed
at nearly the same rate and should not undergo a size segregation in the hopper.
(5) Air cap selection. A choice of air caps is available for powder flame spray equipment
but not for wire flame spray. Wire flame spray is limited to a relatively small-diameter round
spray pattern. Air caps for powder flame spray include fan (oval) and round spray patterns.
b. Arc spray.
(1) Power. In general, the higher the power output of the direct current power supply, the
greater the possible production rate of the unit. Under conditions of continuous use, the actual
current output should remain nearly constant and, ordinarily, should not deviate from the set
value by more than 5 percent. Power supplies that are adequately sealed may be operated in dusty
atmospheres and do not need to be isolated from the thermal spray operation. DC power supplies
rated as high as 600 A are common. A lightweight power supply mounted on pneumatic tires will
have added portability. The adhesion and deposit efficiency of the thermal spray coating is
dependent on the power. There is an optimal amperage for each coating material that may further
depend on wire diameter and the equipment model.
(2) Voltage. The voltage should be adjustable to accommodate different wire materials.
Voltage should be set to the lowest level consistent with good arc stability. This will provide
smooth dense coatings with superior deposit efficiency. Higher voltages increase thermal spray
particle sizes and produce rougher coatings with lower densities. Under conditions of continuous
use, the actual voltage should remain nearly constant and, ordinarily, should not deviate from the
set value by more than 5 percent.
(3) Wire feed rate. The wire feed mechanism should be designed for automatic
alignment. Manual alignment of the wires is time consuming and inexact. The wire feed
mechanism must be capable of providing wire at a rate commensurate with the power
consumption of the unit. Under conditions of continuous use, the actual wire feed rate should
remain nearly constant and, ordinarily, should not deviate from the set value by more than 5
(4) Atomization air pressure. Under conditions of continuous use, the actual atomization
air pressure and flow volume should remain nearly constant and, ordinarily, should not deviate
from the set value by more than 5 percent. Lower atomization air pressures will produce rougher
coatings with lower densities.
(5) Air cap selection. A choice of air caps is available for arc spray equipment. Air caps
for arc spray include fan (oval) and round spray patterns. Some air caps are adjustable.
(6) Cable length. Most manufacturers offer optional cable packages that allow operation
up to 30 m (100 ft) from the power supply. Longer cables provide added flexibility for thermal
spraying in the field.
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(7) Wire tips. Wire tips that hold and align the wires as they enter the arc zone are subject
to wear. Properly designed equipment will allow cooler operating temperatures which will
prolong tip life and reduce maintenance time. Easy-to-change tips are also beneficial.
(8) Arc shorting control. Arc shorting is a phenomenon wherein the arc shorts and must
be restarted. Shorting sometimes requires that the wire ends be manually clipped before the arc is
restruck. This operation can be very time consuming. Sometimes during arc shorting, lumps of
unmelted wire are sheared off and deposited on the substrate resulting in poor coating quality. An
added feature available on some arc spray equipment will control arc shorting.
Nominal values for deposit efficiency, spray rates, and coverage of thermal spray coatings are
available in the literature and from manufacturers. Actual rates may vary widely, depending on
the actual equipment used, spraying parameters, operator experience, complexity of the item
being coated, and whether the work is performed in the shop or in the field. The deposit
efficiency is defined as the percentage of material sprayed that is actually deposited on a large flat
surface. Table 7-2 presents deposit efficiencies for different thermal spray materials and
processes. Table 7-3 shows the amount of material required to coat a unit area with a given
thickness of coating. Table 7-4 lists spray rates (kg/hr) for the different processes and materials.
Table 7-5 presents the equivalent coverage rates. This information is presented as a general guide
and should not be used for cost estimating.
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Surfaces that will be thermal sprayed must be clean before application of the thermal spray
coating. Cleaning, thermal spray application, and sealing should be scheduled so that dust,
overspray, and other contaminants from these operations are not deposited on surfaces ready for
thermal spray coating or sealing. Surfaces that will not be thermal sprayed should be protected
from the effects of blast cleaning and thermal spray application. Special care should be taken to
prevent entry of abrasive and thermal spray dusts into sensitive machinery and electrical
equipment. Painted surfaces adjacent to surfaces receiving thermal spray coatings should be
adequately protected from damage by molten thermal spray particles. Thermal spray coatings
should not be applied closer than 2 cm (3/4 in.) to surfaces that will be welded. Surfaces that have
been cleaned for thermal spray should be sprayed as soon as practicable. The first thermal spray
coat should be applied before the appearance of rust bloom on the surface or within 4 hr of blast
cleaning, whichever is sooner. In some cases, it may be possible to hold the appearance of the
blast cleaned substrate for longer periods of time using a dehumidification system that supplies
dry air to the spray enclosure.
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Chapter 8
Sealing and Painting of Thermal Spray Coatings
8-1. Introduction
Sealing and painting of the thermal spray coating system is often performed to improve
performance or to achieve a desired appearance. Effective sealers have specific characteristics.
Different types of sealer materials should be used depending on the exposure environment and the
type of thermal spray metal. Recommended sealer systems for use over zinc, aluminum, and 85-
15 thermal spray coatings are identified in Tables 5-1 (freshwater immersion), 5-2 (seawater
immersion), and 5-3 (atmospheric exposures). Additional information on these materials for
sealing and painting thermal spray coatings may be found in CEGS-09965 and EM 1110-2-3400.
High-viscosity, thick film coatings should never be applied directly to an unsealed thermal spray
Sealer materials should be low-viscosity products that flow and are readily absorbed into the
pores of the thermal spray coating. Sealers should generally be low-build products that may be
applied at low film thicknesses, generally 75 µm (0.003 in.) or less. The resin chemistry of the
sealer must be compatible with the thermal spray metal. Some oleoresinous sealers may saponify
if applied over zinc metal surfaces because of the alkalinity of the zinc. The selected sealer
material must also be compatible with the intermediate and topcoats of paint if used. Sealers must
be suitable for the intended service environment. The paint coats should also be applied to
relatively low film thicknesses, generally not exceeding 125 µm (0.005 in.).
a. Vinyl. Vinyl-type coatings are well suited to sealing thermal spray coatings. They are
compatible with most service environments including sea- and freshwater immersion and marine,
industrial, and rural atmospheres. Vinyls are compatible with zinc, aluminum, and 85-15
coatings. They are very low-viscosity materials with low film build characteristics. Vinyl sealers
should be applied to a dry film thickness of about 37.5 µm (0.0015 in.). Vinyl sealers are readily
topcoated with vinyl paint. Subsequent coats of vinyl should be applied to a dry film thickness of
50 µm (0.002 in.) per coat. The vinyl sealer should be thinned 25 percent by volume with the
specified thinner. The approximate viscosity of the sealer should be 20 to 30 sec measured with a
No. 4 Ford cup viscometer in accordance with ASTM D1200 “Test Method for Viscosity by Ford
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29 Jan 99
Cup Viscometer.” Gray (V-766e), white (V-766e), black (V-103c), red (V-106d), and aluminum
(V-102e) vinyl finish coats are available.
b. Epoxy. Three types of epoxy sealers are used, coal tar epoxy (C-200A), aluminum
epoxy mastic (CID AA-3127), and epoxy primer/polyurethane topcoat system (CID A-A-3132).
(1) Coal tar epoxy (C-200A). Coal tar epoxy coating may be used as a relatively thick
film single coat sealer for use over zinc, aluminum, and 85-15 zinc-aluminum thermal spray
coatings applied to penstocks, spiral cases and extensions, draft tube liners, and surge tanks. The
coal tar epoxy sealer should be thinned approximately 20 percent by volume and applied in a
single coat to a dry film thickness of 100 to 150 µm (0.004 to 0.006 in.). The sealer is applied at a
thickness suitable for covering the roughness of the thermal spray coating, providing a smooth
surface that minimizes hydraulic friction.
(2) Aluminum pigmented epoxy mastic (CID A-A-3127). The aluminum epoxy mastic
sealer is suitable for one coat use over zinc, aluminum, and 85-15 zinc-aluminum thermal spray
coatings for use in marine, industrial, and rural atmospheres as well as for use over aluminum and
90-10 aluminum-aluminum oxide in nonskid applications. The aluminum epoxy mastic should be
thinned to the maximum extent recommended in the manufacturer’s written directions and
applied to a dry film thickness of 75 to 125 µm (0.003 to 0.005 in.). This sealer provides an
aluminum finish.
(3) Epoxy primer/polyurethane topcoat (CID A-A-3132). The epoxy sealer urethane
topcoat system is suitable for use over zinc, aluminum, and 85-15 zinc-aluminum coatings
exposed in marine, industrial, and rural atmospheres as well as for use on nonskid aluminum and
90-10 aluminum-aluminum oxide coatings. The epoxy sealer coat should be thinned to the
maximum extent recommended in the manufacturer’s written directions and applied to a dry film
thickness of 75 to 100 µm (0.003 to 0.004 in.). The polyurethane topcoat should be applied to a
maximum dry film thickness of 75 µm (0.003 in.). The polyurethane topcoat may be procured in
a variety of colors.
c. Oleoresinous. Two types of oleoresinous sealers are used, tung-oil phenolic aluminum
(TT-P-38) and vinyl-butyral wash primer/alkyd (SSPC Paint No. 27/ CID A-A-3132).
(1) Tung-oil phenolic aluminum (TT-P-38). The phenolic aluminum sealer is suitable for
use over zinc, aluminum, and 85-15 zinc-aluminum thermal spray coatings exposed in marine,
industrial, and rural atmospheres. The sealer should be thinned 15 percent by volume and applied
to a dry film thickness of 37.5 µm (0.0015 in.). A second coat of the phenolic aluminum should
be applied to the dried sealer to a dry film thickness of approximately 50 µm (0.002 in.). This
sealer system produces an aluminum finish.
(2) Vinyl-butyral wash primer/alkyd (SSPC Paint No. 27/ CID A-A-2962). The wash
primer-alkyd sealer system is suitable for use over zinc, aluminum, and 85-15 zinc-aluminum
thermal spray coatings exposed in marine, industrial, and rural atmospheres. The wash primer
coat sealer should be thinned according to the manufacturer’s instructions and applied to an
approximate dry film thickness of 12.5 µm (0.0005 in.). The commercial alkyd sealer coat should
be applied over the dried wash primer coat at a dry film thickness of 50 to 75 µm (0.002 to 0.003
in.). This sealer system is available in a variety of colors and with a gloss or semi-gloss finish.
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d. High temperature.
(1) Aluminum silicone (TT-P-28). The aluminum silicone sealer is suitable for use over
thermal spray aluminum and 85-15 zinc-aluminum coatings used for high-temperature
applications. The sealer should be thinned 15 percent by volume and applied to a dry film
thickness of 25 to 37.5 µm (0.001 to 0.0015 in.). The dried sealer should be top-coated with a
second coat of aluminum silicone paint to a dry film thickness of 37.5 to 50 µm (0.0015 to 0.002
in.). This sealer system provides an aluminum finish.
(2) Silicone alkyd. The silicone alkyd sealer is suitable for use over thermal spray
aluminum and 85-15 zinc-aluminum coatings used for high-temperature applications. The sealer
should be thinned 15 percent by volume and applied to a dry film thickness of 37.5 to 50 µm
(0.0015 to 0.002 in.). The dried sealer should be top-coated with a second coat of silicone alkyd
paint to a dry film thickness of 37.5 to 50 µm (0.0015 to 0.002 in.). This sealer system is
available in a variety of colors.
In general, surface preparation, thermal spray application, and sealing of a given area should be
accomplished in one continuous work period of not longer than 16 hr. Subsequent paint coats
should be applied in accordance with the requirements of the painting schedule. Surfaces to be
sealed should first be blown down with clean, dry compressed air to remove dust. The thermal
sprayed surfaces should be sealed before visible oxidation of the thermal spray coating occurs.
Sealers should be applied by conventional or airless spray, except that vinyl-type sealers must
only be applied by conventional spray. Spray application ensures the degree of control necessary
to achieve thin, uniformly thick coatings. Thin sealer-topcoat systems are preferred to thicker
films that may retain moisture and reduce the overall coating system life.
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Chapter 9
Thermal Spray Coating Inspection and Testing
9-1. Introduction
This chapter discusses the importance of conducting and documenting various quality control and
quality assurance procedures for surface preparation, thermal spraying, and sealing operations.
Each procedure is critical in ensuring that a quality coating system is applied.
9-2. Reference Samples and the Thermal Spray Job Reference Standard
a. Reference samples. Reference samples of each material used on a thermal spray job
should becollected, including clean, unused abrasive blast media, thermal spray wire, sealer, and
paint. Samples may be used to evaluate the conformance of materials to any applicable
specifications. A 1-kg (2.2-lb.) sample of blast media should be collected at the start of the job.
The sample may be used to verify the cleanliness, media type, and particle size distribution of the
virgin blast media. A 30-cm (12-in.) sample of each lot of thermal spray wire should be collected.
The wire sample may be used to confirm that the manufactured wire conforms to the size and
compositional requirements of the contract. For powdered materials, a 1-k (2.2-lb.) sample should
be collected. One-liter (1-quart) samples of all sealers and paints should be collected for
compliance testing.
b. Thermal spray job reference standard. A thermal spray job reference standard (JRS)
should be prepared. The JRS may be used at the initiation of a thermal spray contract to qualify
the surface preparation, thermal spray application, and sealing processes. The JRS may also serve
as a standard of quality in case of dispute.
(1) Preparing the JRS. The JRS should be prepared prior to the onset of production work. To
prepare the JRS, a steel plate of the same alloy and thickness, measuring 60 × 60 cm (2 × 2 ft),
should be solvent and abrasive-blast cleaned in accordance with the requirements of the contract.
The abrasive blast equipment and media used for the JRS should be the same as those that will be
used on the job. One-fourth of the JRS plate should be masked with sheet metal, and the thermal
spray coating should be applied to the unmasked portion of the plate. The thermal spray coating
should be applied using the same equipment and spray parameters proposed for use on the job.
The gun should be operated in a manner substantially the same as will be used on the job. The
approximate traverse speed and standoff distance during spraying should be measured and
recorded. Once the JRS is qualified, the operating parameters should not be altered by the
contractor, except as necessitated by the requirements of the job. Two-thirds of the thermal spray
coated portion of the JRS should be sealed in accordance with the requirements of the contract.
One-half of the sealed area should be painted in accordance with the contract if applicable. The
sealer and paint should be applied using the same paint spray equipment that will be used for
production. The prepared JRS should be preserved and protected in such a manner that it remains
dry and free of contaminants for the duration of the contract. The preserved JRS should then be
archived for future reference in the event of a dispute or premature coating failure. Figure 9-1
depicts a representative JRS.
(2) Evaluating the JRS. The surface cleanliness, blast profile shape and depth, thermal
spray appearance, thickness, and adhesion, and sealer and paint thicknesses should be determined
in accordance with the contract requirements and recorded. Paragraphs 9-10, 9-11, and 9-14
through 9-17 provide additional details on performing these evaluations. The JRS and the
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measured values may be used as a visual reference or job standard for surface preparation,
thermal spray coating, sealing, and painting.
Prior to abrasive blasting, the substrate should be inspected for the presence of contaminants,
including grease and oil, weld flux and spatter, heat-affected zones, pitting, sharp edges, and
soluble salts.
(1) Grease and oil. Painted surfaces and newly fabricated steel should be visibly
inspected for the presence of organic contaminants such as grease and oil as required by the
project specification. A black light may be used to increase the sensitivity of the evaluation, as
grease and oil deposits will fluoresce under the light. Solvent evaporation and heat tests may be
used to detect thin films of oil contamination on steel surfaces.
(2) Weld flux and spatter. A visual inspection for the presence of weld flux and spatter
should be performed as required by the project specification. Weld flux should be removed prior
to abrasive blast cleaning using a suitable SSPC-SP 1 “Solvent Cleaning” method. Weld spatter
may be removed either before or after abrasive blasting using suitable impact or grinding tools.
Areas that are power-tool cleaned of weld spatter should be abrasive blast cleaned.
(3) Heat affected zones. Heat affected zones should be identified and marked prior to
abrasive blasting as required by the specification. The demarcated areas should be ground using
power tools prior to abrasive blast cleaning.
(4) Pitting. Deep pits or pitted areas should be identified and marked prior to abrasive
blast cleaning as required by the specification. The demarcated areas should be ground using
power tools prior to abrasive blast cleaning.
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(5) Sharp edges. Sharp edges should be identified and marked prior to abrasive blasting
as required by the specification. The demarcated edges should be prepared by grinding to a
minimum radius of 3 mm (1/8 in.) prior to blast cleaning.
(6) Soluble salts. When soluble salt contamination is suspected, the contract documents
should specify a method of retrieving and measuring the salt levels as well as acceptable levels of
cleanliness. Salt contamination is prevalent on structures exposed in marine environments and on
structures such as parking decks and bridges exposed to deicing salts. Common methods for
retrieving soluble salts from the substrate include cell retrieval methods and swabbing or washing
methods. Various methods are available for assessing the quantity of salts retrieved, including
conductivity, commercially available colorimetric kits, and titration. The rate of salt retrieval is
dependent on the retrieval method. The retrieval and quantitative methods should be agreed upon
in advance. For additional information on testing for soluble salts, refer to section 9-11, “SSPC
Technology Update: Field Methods for Retrieval and Analysis of Soluble Salts on Substrates,”
and SSPC 91-07. Soluble salt levels should be rechecked for compliance with the specification
after solvent cleaning and abrasive blasting have been completed.
The compressed air used for abrasive blasting, thermal spraying, sealing, and painting should be
clean and dry. Oil or water in the blasting air supply may contaminate or corrode the surface
being cleaned. Oil or water in the thermal spray, sealing, or painting air supply may result in poor
coating quality or reduced adhesion. Compressed air cleanliness should be checked in accordance
with ASTM D 4285 “Method for Indicating Water or Oil in Compressed Air.” The air
compressor should be allowed to warm up, and air should be discharged under normal operating
conditions to allow accumulated moisture to be purged. An absorbent clean white cloth should be
held in the stream of compressed air not more than 60 cm (24 in.) from the point of discharge for
a minimum of 1 min. The air should be checked as near as possible to the point of use and always
after the position of the in-line oil and water separators. The cloth should then be inspected for
moisture or staining. The compressed air source should not be used if there is any oil or water
contamination present.
Abrasive blast media must be free of oil and salt to prevent contamination of the substrate.
Recycled steel grit abrasive should comply with requirements of SSPC-AB 2 “Specification for
Cleanliness of Recycled
a. Evaluating for salt in abrasives. Most abrasives used to prepare steel substrates for
thermal spraying are unlikely to contain appreciable amounts of soluble salts. However, slag
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abrasives used for strip blasting may sometimes contain measurable quantities of salts. Slag
abrasives should be evaluated in accordance with ASTM D 4940 “Test Method for
Conductimetric Analysis of Water Soluble Ionic Contamination of Blasting Abrasives.”
b. Testing for oil in abrasives. To test for oil in abrasives, a clear glass container should
be half filled with unused abrasive, then distilled or deionized water should be added to fill the
container. The resulting slurry mixture is stirred or shaken and allowed to settle. The water is then
examined for the presence of an oil sheen. If a sheen is present, the media should not be used, and
the source of contamination should be determined and corrected.
The contractor should periodically measure and record the air pressure at the blast nozzle. The
measurement should be performed at least once per shift and should be performed on each blast
nozzle. Measurements should be repeated whenever work conditions are altered such that the
pressure may change. Pressures should be checked concurrently with the operation of all blast
nozzles. The method employs a hypodermic needle attached to a pressure gauge. The needle is
inserted into the blast hose at a 45-deg angle toward and as close to the nozzle as possible. The
blast pressure is read directly from the gauge.
The contractor should visually inspect the blast nozzle periodically for wear or other damage.
Gauges are available that insert into the end of the nozzle and measure the orifice diameter.
Nozzles with visible damage or nozzles that have increased one size should be replaced. Worn
nozzles are inefficient and may not produce the desired blast profile. Damaged nozzles may be
a. ASTM D 4417 “Test Methods for Field Measurements of Surface Profile on Blast
Cleaned Steel” Method C is the recommended method for measuring the surface profile depth.
Recommended surface profiles contained in this manual are based on values obtained using
Method C. Methods A and B may provide different measures of the blast profile than Method C.
b. The method employs a replica tape and spring gauge micrometer to measure the
surface profile. With the wax paper backing removed, the replica tape is placed face down against
the substrate, and a burnishing tool is used to rub the circular cutout until a uniform gray
appearance develops. The replica tape thickness (compressible foam plus plastic backing) is then
measured using the spring micrometer. The profile is determined by subtracting the thickness of
the plastic backing material, 50 µm (0.002 in.), from the measured value. Three readings should
be taken within a 100-cm2 (16-in2) area, and the surface profile at that location should be reported
as the mean value of the readings. The number of measurements per unit area (e.g., 3 per 45 m2
(500 ft2)) should be specified in the contract document. Two types of replica tape are available,
coarse (20 to 50 µm (0.0008 to 0.002 in.)) and X-coarse (37.5 to 112.5 µm (.0015 to 0.0045 in.)).
In most cases, the X-coarse tape will be used to measure profile. It may be possible to measure
profiles as high as 150 µm (0.006 in.) using the X-coarse tape.
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After abrasive blasting and prior to thermal spraying the surface should be inspected for
cleanliness, including blast cleanliness, soluble salts, grease and oil, and dust.
a. Blast cleanliness. The final appearance of the abrasive cleaned surface should be
inspected for conformance with the requirements of SSPC-SP 5. An SP 5 surface is defined as
free of all visible oil, grease, dirt, dust, mill scale, rust, paint, oxides, corrosion products, and
other foreign matter. The appearance of SP 5 surfaces is dependent on the initial condition of the
steel being cleaned. SSPC VIS 1 may be used to interpret the cleanliness of various blast cleaned
substrates based on the initial condition of the steel and the type of abrasive used. Initial
conditions depicted include: (1) Rust Grade A – steel surface completely covered with adherent
mill scale with little or no rust visible, (2) Rust Grade B – steel surface covered with both mill
scale and rust, (3) Rust Grade C - steel surface completely covered with rust with little or no
pitting, (4) Rust Grade D - steel surface completely covered with rust with visible pitting. The
inspector should determine the initial substrate condition or conditions. The final appearance of
the surfaces can then be compared with the appropriate photograph. No stains should remain on
the SP 5 surface. However, the appearance of the surface may also vary somewhat, depending on
the type of steel, presence of roller or other fabrication marks, annealing, welds, and other
differences in the original condition of the steel.
b. Soluble salts. Common methods for retrieving soluble salts from the substrate include
cell retrieval methods and swabbing or washing methods. Various methods are available for
assessing the quantity of salts retrieved, including conductivity, commercially available
colorimetric kits, and titration. The rate of salt retrieval is dependent on the retrieval method. The
retrieval and quantitative methods should be agreed upon in advance. The recommended
procedure employs the Bresle cell (ISO 8502-6) to extract soluble salts from the substrate.
Chloride ion concentration is readily measured in the field using titration strips available from
Quantab. The test strip analyzes the collected sample and measures chloride ion concentration in
parts per million. The unit area concentration of chloride ion is calculated in µ grams per
centimeter. The lower detection limit for the Bresle/Quantab method is about 2 µg/cm2. SSPC-SP
12/NACE No. 5 describe levels of soluble salt contamination. It is recommended that surfaces
cleaned to an SC-2 condition be used for thermal spray coatings. An SC-2 condition is described
as having less than 7 µg/cm2 of chloride contaminants, less than 10 µg/ cm2 of soluble ferrous ion,
and less than 17µg/cm2 of sulfate contaminants. Most USACE structures have low levels of
soluble salt contamination, and, therefore, testing is not usually warranted. Structures that are
likely to have soluble salt contamination, including those in marine or severe industrial
atmospheres, bridge or other structures exposed to deicing salts, and seawater immersed
structures, should be tested. The number of tests per unit area (e.g., 1 per 90 m2 (1000 ft2)) should
be specified in the contract documents.
c. Grease and oil. Blasted surfaces should be visibly inspected for the presence of grease
and oil. A black light (ultraviolet) may be used to increase the sensitivity of the evaluation, as
grease and oil deposits will fluoresce under the light. Fluorescence cannot be detected in daylight
so a hood or shield must be used to darken the viewing area. Grease or oil contamination is
indicated by a yellow or green fluorescence. An absence of fluorescence indicates a clean surface.
However, it should be noted that some synthetic oils do not fluoresce. Solvent evaporation and
heat tests may also be used to detect thin films of oil contamination. The evaporation test uses a
small amount (5 ml) of a residueless, highly volatile solvent, such as acetone, on the surface. The
solvent is applied and allowed to evaporate. A visible ring of residue signals the presence of oil or
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grease contamination. The heat test uses a propane torch to heat the surface to 120 °C (250 °F) to
perform a similar visual assessment.
d. Dust. Abrasive blasting, and overspray from painting or metallizing, can leave a
deposit of dust on the cleaned substrate. The dust may interfere with adhesion of the thermal
spray coating. Residual dust may be detected by applying a strip of clear tape to the substrate.
The tape is removed and examined for adherent particles. Alternatively, a clean white cloth may
be wrapped around a finger and wiped across the surf ace. The cloth and substrate are then
examined for signs of dust. The preferred method of removing residual dust is by vacuuming.
Alternatively, the surface may be blown down with clean, dry compressed air.
A second assessment of the atmospheric conditions should be made before thermal spray
application begins. The conditions of humidity, dew point, and ambient air temperature should be
measured and recorded. Application should not be performed unless the ambient requirements for
thermal spraying and sealing are met. This is because of the rapid sequencing of thermal spraying
and sealing.
Each day, or every time the thermal spray equipment is to be used, the inspector should record
and confirm that the operating parameters are the same as those used to prepare the JRS. The
thermal spray applicator should then apply the coating to prepared test panels and conduct the
bend test. The bend test is a qualitative test used to confirm that the equipment is in proper
working condition. The test consists of bending coated steel panels around a cylindrical mandrel
and examining the coating for cracking. If the bend test fails, corrective actions must be taken
prior to the application of the thermal spray coating. The results of the bend test should be
recorded and the test panels should be labeled and saved.
a. Test panels. The test panels should be a cold rolled steel measuring 7.5 × 15 × 1.25 cm
(3 × 6 × 0.050 in.). The panels should be cleaned and blasted in the same fashion as will be used
for the job.
b. Application of thermal spray. The thermal spray coating should be applied to five test
panels using the identical spray parameters and average specified thickness that will be used on
the job. The coating should be applied in a cross hatch pattern using the same number of
overlapping spray passes as used to prepare the JRS. The coating thickness should be measured to
confirm that it is within the specified range.
c. Conduct bend test. Test panels are bent 180 deg around a steel mandrel of a specified
diameter. Thermal spray coating systems 1-Z, 2-Z, 4-Z-A, 5-Z-A, 7-A, and 8-A should be tested
using a 12.5-mm-(0.5-in.-) diameter mandrel. Systems 3-Z and 6-Z-A should be tested using a
15.6-mm- (0.625-in.-) diameter mandrel. Pneumatic and manual mechanical bend test apparatuses
may be used to bend the test panels.
d. Examine bend test panels. Test panels should be examined visually without
magnification. The bend test is acceptable if the coating shows no cracks or exhibits only minor
cracking with no lifting of the coating from the substrate. If the coating cracks and lifts from the
substrate, the results of the bend test are unacceptable. Thermal spray coatings should not be
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applied if the bend test fails, and corrective measures must be taken. Figure 9-2 depicts
representative bend test results.
The thickness of the thermal spray coating should be evaluated for compliance with the
specification. Magnetic film thickness gauges such as those used to measure paint film thickness
should be used. Gauges should always be calibrated prior to use. Thickness readings should be
made either in a straight line with individual readings taken at 2.5-cm (1-in.) intervals or spaced
randomly within a 25-cm2 (4-in2) area. Line measurements should be used for large flat areas and
area measurements should be used on complex surface geometries and surface transitions such as
corners. The average of five readings comprises one thickness measurement. A given number of
measurements per unit area (e.g., 5 per 9 m2 (100 ft2)) should be specified in the contract
documents. Areas of deficient coating thickness should be corrected before sealing begins.
Figure 9-2. Representative pass and fail conditions for qualitative bend test
The appearance of the applied thermal spray coating should be inspected for obvious defects
related to poor thermal spray applicator technique or equipment problems. The coating should be
inspected for the presence of blisters, cracks, chips or loosely adhering particles, oil, pits exposing
the substrate, and nodules. A very rough coating may signal that the coating was not applied with
the gun perpendicular to the surface or with too high a standoff distance. Coatings that appear
oxidized or powdery should be evaluated by light scraping. If scraping fails to produce a silvery
metallic appearance, the coating is defective.
The adhesion of the thermal spray coating should be evaluated for compliance with the
specification in accordance with ASTM D 4541. A self-aligning-type IV tester, described in
Annex A4 of ASTM D 4541, should be used. A total of three adhesion tests should be performed
in a 100-cm2 (16-in2) area, and the average of the three tests should be reported as a single
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measurement. The number of measurements per unit area (e.g., 1 per 45 m2 (500 ft2)) should be
specified in the contract documents. Areas of deficient adhesion should be abrasive blasted, and
the coating should be reapplied. Additional testing will probably be necessary to determine the
extent of the area with poor adhesion. Adhesion testing should be minimized because the test
method destroys the coating. Areas damaged by adhesion testing must be repaired by abrasive
blasting and reapplication of the metallic coating. Adhesion testing is performed in a small area
(100 cm2 (16 in2)) to limit the area that must be repaired. As an alternative to testing the adhesion
to the failure point, the tests can be interrupted when the minimum specified adhesion value is
achieved. This method precludes the need to repair coatings damaged by the test. The adherent
pull stubs can then be removed by heating to soften the glue or by firmly striking the side of the
stub. Table 9-1 lists the recommended adhesion requirements for field- or shop-applied thermal
spray coatings of zinc, aluminum, and 85-15 zinc-aluminum.
The dry film thickness of the sealer and paint coats should be evaluated for compliance with the
specification in accordance with ASTM D 4138 “Test Methods for Measurement of Dry Film
Thickness of Protective Coating Systems by Destructive Means.” Test Method A should be used.
This method uses a tungsten carbide-tipped instrument to scribe through the sealer and paint
leaving a v-shaped cut. A heavy dark colored marking pen is first used to mark the coated
surface. The scribing instrument is then drawn across the mark. This process sharply delineates
the edges of the scribe. A reticle equipped microscope is used to read the film thickness. A total
of three thickness readings should be performed in a 100-cm2 (16-in.2) area, with the average of
the three tests reported as a single measurement. The number of measurements per unit area (e.g.,
1 per 45 m2 (500 ft2)) should be specified in the contract documents. Areas of deficient thickness
should be noted and corrected, if practicable, by adding sealer or paint. Additional testing may be
necessary to determine the extent of the area with deficient sealer or paint thickness. Thickness
testing should be minimized because the test method destroys the sealer and paint. Areas
damaged by adhesion testing must be repaired by touchup with sealer or paint using a brush or
spray gun. Thickness testing is performed in a small area (100 cm2 (16 in.2)) to limit the area that
must be repaired. The sealer thickness should be checked prior to the application of paint coats, if
practical, and the measurement procedure should be repeated for the sealer and paint.
The required frequency of inspection procedures should be spelled out in the specification.
Inspection can be expensive, and care should be taken not to over-specify inspection procedures.
Conversely, inspection has an inherent value that is sometimes intangible. It is difficult to
measure the value added by inspection resulting from the conscientious performance of the
contract. Thermal spray can be quite sensitive to the quality of surface preparation, thermal spray
equipment setup, and application technique. Therefore, it is important to specify an appropriate
level of inspection. Table 9-2 presents recommended frequencies for various inspection
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9-18. Documentation
The documentation of inspection activities provides a permanent record of the thermal spray job.
Thorough documentation provides a written record of the job in the event of a contract dispute or
litigation. Inspection records may also be used to help diagnose a premature coating failure.
Future maintenance activities may be simplified by the existence of complete inspection records.
As a minimum, at least one full-time inspector should be used on all thermal spray jobs to ensure
adequate inspection and documentation. Inspection should be performed by a USACE inspector
or a qualified third party inspector from a reputable firm. As a minimum, the inspector should
perform and document the inspection procedures described in this chapter. Sample documentation
forms for industrial coating activities are widely available through various sources.
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Chapter 10
Thermal Spray Applicator and Equipment Qualification
10-1. Introduction
The use of qualified thermal spray equipment and applicators helps to ensure that a quality
thermal spray coating will be achieved. The qualified equipment should perform smoothly and
consistently to produce dense, firmly adherent coatings without visible defects. The qualified
applicator should be knowledgeable in the setup and operation of the equipment and should be
able to apply a sample coating that meets the requirements of the contract.
Each type and source of thermal spray equipment should be qualified prior to use. The equipment
should conform to the following requirements related to uniformity of operation, coating
appearance, and coating adhesion. Equipment should be qualified using the type and size of wire
to be used on the job. The operating parameters should be those selected by the contractor for use
on the job. Equipment manufacturers may also qualify their equipment for use with specific
feedstocks and operating parameters. Such qualified equipment should be accepted as
prequalified, assuming the contractor proposes to operate the equipment in the same
manner used for the qualification tests.
a. Uniformity of operation.
(a) Oxygen and fuel gas flow rates. Under conditions of continuous use, the actual
oxygen and fuel gas flow rates and pressures should remain nearly constant and should not
deviate from the set values by more than 5 percent during a 15-min period.
(b) Atomization air pressure. Compressed air should be free of oil and water. Under
conditions of continuous use, the actual atomization air pressure and flow volume should remain
nearly constant and should not deviate from the set value by more than 5 percent during a 15-min
(c) Wire feed rate. Under conditions of continuous use, the actual wire feed rate should
remain nearly constant and should not deviate from the set value by more than 5 percent during a
15-min period.
(d) Powder feed rate. Under conditions of continuous use, the actual powder feed rate
should remain nearly constant and ordinarily should not deviate from the set value by more than
10 percent during a 15-min period.
(e) Continuous operation. When operated continuously for 15-min, the equipment should
not sputter, pop, or stop operating.
(a) Power. Under conditions of continuous use, the actual current output should remain
nearly constant and should not deviate from the set value by more than 5 percent during a 15-min
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(b) Voltage. Under conditions of continuous use, the actual voltage should remain nearly
constant and should not deviate from the set value by more than 5 percent during a 15-min period.
(c) Wire feed rate. The wire feed mechanism should be designed for automatic alignment.
Under conditions of continuous use, the actual wire feed rate should remain nearly constant and
should not deviate from the set value by more than 5 percent during a 15-min period.
(d) Atomization air pressure. Under conditions of continuous use, the actual atomization
air pressure and flow volume should remain nearly constant and should not deviate from the set
value by more than 5 percent during a 15-min period.
(e) Continuous operation. When operated continuously for 15-min, the equipment should
not sputter, pop, or stop operating.
(f) On/off operation. The equipment should be capable of continuous start and stop
operation for a minimum of 15 cycles consisting of 10 sec on and 5 sec off without fusing,
sputtering, or deposition of nodules.
b. Coating appearance. The applied coating should be uniform and free of blisters,
cracks, loosely adherent particles, nodules, and powdery deposits.
c. Coating adhesion. A 30- × 30- × 1.25-cm (12- × 12- × 0.5-in.) flat steel plate should be
cleaned and prepared in accordance with SSPC-SP 1 and SSPC-SP 5. No. 36 aluminum oxide grit
should be used to produce an angular blast profile of 75 + 5 µm (0.003 + 0.0002 in.). The blast
rofile should be measured and recorded using replica tape in accordance with ASTM D 4417. The
coating (400 + 50 µm (0.016 + 0.002 in.) of 85-15 zinc-aluminum alloy, or 400 + 50 µm (0.016 +
0.002 in.) of zinc, or 250 + 50 µm (0.010 + 0.002 in.) of aluminum) should be applied in not less
than two half-lapped passes applied at right angles to each other. The adhesion should be tested in
accordance with ASTM D 4541 using a self-aligning type IV adhesion tester as described in
Annex A4 of the method. Scarified aluminum pull stubs should be attached to the thermal spray
coating using a two-component epoxy adhesive. The adhesive strength of the coating should be
measured and recorded at five randomly selected locations. The average adhesion should not be
less than 6800 kPa (1000 psi), 10,880 kPa (1600 psi), and 5100 kPa (750 psi) for 85-15 zinc-
aluminum alloy, aluminum, and zinc coatings, respectively. If the test fails, it should be repeated
using a new test plate. If the adhesion fails on the second plate, the equipment should be deemed
a. Equipment setup and operation. The qualified applicator should be able to demonstrate
a working knowledge of the application equipment to be used on the job by proper setup and
operation of the equipment. The applicator should prepare a 30- × 30- × 1.25-cm (12- × 12- × 0.5-
in.) flat steel plate cleaned in accordance with SSPC-SP 1 and SSPC-SP 5. Aluminum oxide or
steel grit should be used to produce an angular blast profile of 3.0 + 0.2 mils. The blast profile
should be measured and recorded using replica tape in accordance with ASTM D 4417. The
applicator should apply the coating (400 + 50 µm (0.016 + 0.002 in.) of 85-15 zinc-aluminum
alloy, or 400 + 50 µm (0.016 + 0.002 in.) of zinc, or 250 + 50 µm (0.010 + 0.002 in.) of
aluminum) using the proper spray technique.
EM 1110-2-3401
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b. Coating appearance. The qualified applicator will have applied a coating that is
uniform and free of blisters, cracks, loosely adherent particles, nodules, or powdery deposits.
c. Coating adhesion. The qualified applicator should be able to apply a firmly adherent
coating that meets the adhesion requirements of the contract. The thermal spray coating adhesion
should be tested in accordance with ASTM D 4541 using a self-aligning type IV adhesion tester
as described in Annex A4 of the method. Scarified aluminum pull stubs should be attached to the
thermal spray coating using a two-component epoxy adhesive. The adhesive strength of the
coating should be measured and recorded at five randomly selected locations. The average
adhesion should not be less than 6800 kPa (1000 psi), 10,880 kPa (1600 psi), and 5100 kPa (750
psi) for 85-15 zinc-aluminum alloy, aluminum, and zinc coatings, respectively.
EM 1110-2-3401
29 Jan 99
Chapter 11
Maintenance of Thermal Spray Coatings
11-1. Introduction
Thermal spray coatings are very durable and long-lived. However, thermal spray coatings may
suffer damage and will eventually degrade in service and, therefore, may require maintenance or
repair. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the American Welding Society
(AWS) have published a standard for repair and maintenance of thermal spray coatings.
The first step in the repair of thermal spray coatings is an assessment of the type of thermal spray
system and the nature of the damage or wear. The type of thermal spray material originally
applied must be determined. If a sealer and paint topcoat are present, they must also be identified.
Historic records are the easiest means of making these determinations. Chemical analyses may
also be used, but this can be time consuming and expensive. The experienced observer may also
be able to distinguish between the various types of thermal spray materials. The type and extent
of degradation should be observed and noted. A worn coating is indicated by general or localized
thickness reductions. Coating oxidation will be evident by the presence of a powdery residue on
the coating surface. The presence of rust and bare steel should be noted. Cracked, blistered, and
delaminated areas should be identified. The extent and location of the damage or wear should be
The thermal spray coating repair procedures used depend on the type and extent of degradation
and the presence or absence of sealer and paint topcoat. ANSI/AWS C2.18-93 “Guide for the
Protection of Steel with Thermal Sprayed Coatings of Aluminum and Zinc and Their Alloys and
Composites” addresses the maintenance and repair of thermal spray coatings. This section
summarizes the types of repair procedures available. Paragraph 11-4 discusses when and in what
combinations these procedures should be used.
a. Solvent clean. Grease and oil should be removed by solvent cleaning using ASTM D
3734 “High-Flash Aromatic Naphthas, Type I.” The solvent may be applied by wiping, brushing,
or spraying.
b. Scrape with flexible blade. A small (25-mm (1-in.)) flexible blade scaper is used to
remove loose paint and thermal spray coating near the damaged or worn coating.
c. Scrape with hard blade. A hard blade scraper is worked underneath the coating to
remove loosely adherent paint and thermal spray.
d. Brush clean by hand. A stiff stainless steel or bristle brush is used to remove loose
debris by hand brushing.
e. Abrasive brush blast clean. Fine mesh (30 - 60) angular iron oxide grit or aluminum
oxide is used to remove loose paint and thermal spray coating. The blasting must be done using a
relatively low nozzle pressure (about 340 kPa (50 psi)) so that only loose materials are removed
and an anchor profile is created.
EM 1110-2-3401
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f. Power tool clean. Hand-held power tools including disc sanders and rotary brushes
should be used with light pressure to clean and roughen the surface. Care should be taken not to
polish the surface.
g. Abrasive blast clean to SSPC-SP 10/NACE #2 “Near White Metal.” The surface is
cleaned and profiled using abrasive blast cleaning equipment. The blast nozzle must be worked
perpendicular to the surface to prevent removal of intact thermal spray adjacent to the cleanup
h. Feather edges. A 50- to 75-mm (2- to 3-in.) feathered or tapered border is created
around the repaired areas.
i. Light abrasion. The cleaned and feathered areas are lightly abraded using sandpaper to
improve the adhesion of subsequent sealer and paint coats.
j. Apply thermal spray coating. The thermal spray repair metal should be the same as that
originally applied. Flame sprayed coatings should not be top-coated using arc spray equipment.
Arc sprayed coatings may be repaired using either arc or flame spray.
k. Seal and topcoat. Sealer and topcoat materials are applied as the final step of the repair
a. Increasing thermal spray coating thickness. Unsealed thermal spray coatings that are
worn thin or that were applied to less than the specified thickness may be repaired by preparing
the surface and applying more metal. If the coating was recently applied, it may be possible to
simply apply additional coating directly onto the original coating. If the coating is oxidized, the
abrasive brush blast procedure should be used prior to application of additional thermal spray
coating material.
b. Repair of small damaged areas with steel substrate not exposed. Small damaged areas
(< 0.1 m2 (<1 ft2)) where the steel substrate is not exposed are repaired by solvent cleaning,
scraping with a flexible blade tool, wire brushing, edge feathering, lightly sanding to abrade the
cleaned areas, and sealing and painting.
c. Repair of large damaged areas with steel substrate not exposed. Large damaged areas
(> 0.1 m2 (>1 ft2)) where the steel substrate is not exposed are repaired by solvent cleaning,
abrasive brush blasting, edge feathering, and sealing and painting.
d. Repair of thermal spray coatings with steel substrate exposed. Either of two
procedures may be used to repair thermal spray coatings damaged to the extent that the steel
substrate is exposed. One method uses a rapid “paint only” repair procedure and the other utilizes
thermal spray coating plus sealer and paint coats.
(1) The rapid paint repair procedure includes solvent cleaning, scraping with a hard blade
tool, power tool cleaning, edge feathering, and sealing and painting.
(2) The thermal spray repair procedure includes solvent cleaning, scraping with a hard
blade tool, abrasive blast cleaning to near white metal, edge feathering, thermal spray coating
application, and sealing and painting.
EM 1110-2-3401
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Chapter 12
12-1. Introduction
Surface preparation, thermal spray, and sealing and painting operations expose workers to
numerous potential health and safety hazards. The industrial protective coatings industry is
considered a high-risk occupation. Common health and safety hazards associated with the
industry include (a) electric shock, (b) flammable and explosive solvents, gases, and dusts, (c)
confined space entry, (d) fall hazards, (e) exposure to high intensity noise and ultraviolet light and
toxic materials, and (f) high-velocity particle impingement. This chapter will discuss the
importance of worker safety and specifically addresses safe working practices and contract
requirements, including safety-related plans and submittals. Chapter 10 of EM 1110-2-3400
provides additional, more detailed information related to surface preparation and painting.
a. Hoses and nozzles. Hose and hose connections that do not allow electrostatic discharge
should be used. Hose couplings and nozzles should be designed to prevent accidental
disengagement. A deadman control device that automatically stops the flow of air and abrasive
when the hose is dropped should be used. Hoses and fittings used for abrasive blasting should be
inspected frequently to ensure the timely replacement of worn parts and equipment.
c. Personal protective equipment. Blasting operators should wear heavy canvas or leather
gloves and an apron or coveralls. Safety shoes should be worn to protect against foot injury.
Hearing protection should be used during all blasting operations.
d. Cleaning with compressed air. Cleaning with compressed air should be restricted to
systems where the air pressure has been reduced to 204 kPa (30 psi) or less. Cleaning operators
should wear safety goggles or face shield, hearing protection, and appropriate body covering.
Compressed air or pressurized gas should never be
pointed at anyone.
e. Cleaning with solvents. The material safety data sheet (MSDS) should be consulted for
specific solvent information and procedures in addition to those listed here. Flammable liquids
with a closed-cup test flash point below 38 °C (100 °F) should not be used for cleaning purposes.
Sources of ignition should not be permitted in the vicinity of solvent cleaning if there is any
indication of combustible gas or vapor present. Measurements should be made to ensure that
solvent vapors are not present during thermal spray operations, especially in confined spaces.
Representative air samples should be collected from the breathing zone of workers involved in
the cleaning process to determine the specific solvent vapor concentrations. Worker exposures
should be controlled to levels below the Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHA)
Permissible Exposure Limit as indicated in CFR 29 Part 1910, Section 1000.
EM 1110-2-3401
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a. General. Airborne metal dusts, finely divided solids, or other particulate accumulations
should be treated as explosive materials. Proper ventilation, good housekeeping, and safe work
practices should be maintained to prevent the possibility of fire and explosion. Thermal spray
equipment should never be pointed at a person or flammable material. Thermal spraying should
not be performed in areas where paper, wood, oily rags, or cleaning solvents are present.
Conductive safety shoes should be worn in any work area where explosion is a concern. During
thermal spray operations, including the preparation and finishing processes, employees should
wear protective coveralls or aprons, hand protection, eye protection, ear protection, and
respiratory protection.
b. Eye and skin protection. All thermal spray processes introduce particulates into the air
that may damage the eyes or skin. Eye and face protection must be worn to protect against
particulate impingement. High intensity visible, infrared, and ultraviolet light may also cause eye
and skin damage. Flame resistant clothing should be worn to protect the skin. Hoods or face
shields conforming to ANSI Z87.1 and ANSI Z89.1 with filter lenses should be worn to protect
the face and eyes. Various shades of lens filters are recommended based on the type of thermal
spray process being used. For wire flame spray, lens shades 2-4 should be used. For powder
flame spray, lens shades 3-6 should be used. For wire arc and powder plasma spray, lens shades
9-12 should be used. Shades 3-6 can be used for wire arc spray if the gun is equipped with an arc
shield. The shield encloses the arc and reduces the operator’s exposure to high intensity light.
Other workers in the vicinity of the thermal spray applicator should also use proper eye
protection. Table 12-1 summarizes the recommended lens shades for thermal spraying.
c. Hearing protection. Thermal spray produces very high intensity noise that will cause
permanent hearing loss. Thermal spray operators and other workers in the vicinity of the thermal
spray operation should wear hearing protection at all times. Protection against the effects of noise
exposure should be provided in accordance with the requirements of EM 385-1-1, Section 5,
“Personal Protective and Safety Equipment,” Subsection 05.C, “Hearing Protection and Noise
Control,” and CFR 29 Part 1910, Section 95. Insert earplugs should be used in conjunction with
wire or powder flame spray. Insert earplugs should be worn as a minimum for wire arc spray.
Insert earplugs and earmuffs are recommended for use with wire arc and plasma spray. Table 12-
2 lists the minimum recommended hearing protection devices for various thermal spray
application methods.
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d. Respiratory protection. Thermal spray produces toxic dusts and fumes. Thermal spray
operators and those in the general vicinity of the operation should wear appropriate respirators.
Overexposure to zinc fume is known to produce flu-like symptoms, often called metal fume
e. Electrical shock prevention. Wire arc spray presents an electrical shock hazard. The
manufacturer’s safe operating procedures should always be followed. Ground protection for
equipment and cords should be present and in good condition. Electrical outlets in use should
have Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI) in addition to appropriate over-current protection.
Electrical circuit grounds and GFCI should be tested before work begins. Switches and
receptacles should have proper covers. Damaged cords and equipment should be repaired or
replaced. Circuit breaker boxes should be kept closed. Cords should be approved for wet or damp
locations. The cords should be hard usage or extra hard usage as specified in NFPA 70 “National
Electrical Code.” Cords should not be spliced.
f. Gas cylinder safety. Compressed gas cylinders should be handled in accordance with
ANSI Z49.1 and with CGA P-1. Only special oxidation-resistant lubricants should be used with
oxygen equipment; grease or oil should not be used. Manifolding and pressure reducing
regulators, flow meters, hoses, and hose connections should be installed in accordance with ANSI
Z49.1. A protective shield should be used to shield glass tube flow meters from the spray gun.
Pressure connecting nuts should be tight, but not overtight. Fittings that cannot be sealed without
excessive force, should be replaced. Compressed air for thermal spraying or blasting operations
should be used only at pressures recommended by the equipment manufacturers. The airline
should be free of oil and moisture. Compressed air, oxygen, or fuel gas should never be used to
clean clothing.
g. Flame spray safety. Flame spray equipment should always be maintained and operated
according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Thermal spray operators should be trained and
familiar with their equipment before starting an operation. Valves should be properly sealed and
lubricated. Friction lighters, pilot light, or arc ignition methods of lighting flame spray guns
should be used. If the flame spray gun backfires, it should be extinguished immediately. Re-
ignition of a gun that has backfired or blown out should not be attempted until the cause of the
trouble has been determined. Flame spray guns or hoses should not be hung on regulators or
cylinder valves. Gas pressure should be released from the hoses after equipment is shut down or
when equipment will be left unattended. Lubricating oil should not be allowed to enter the gas
mixing chambers when cleaning flame-spray guns. Only special oxidation-resistant lubricants
should be used on valves or other parts of flame spray guns that are in contact with oxygen or fuel
EM 1110-2-3401
29 Jan 99
work space) are the most-desired methods of preventing job-related illness resulting from
breathing air contaminated with harmful dusts, mists, fumes, vapors, or gases.
a. Respiratory protection. Sealers and paint coats are typically applied by spray
application. Spray application is a high-production rate process that may rapidly introduce very
large quantities of toxic solvents into the air. Ventilation should be used to reduce worker
exposure to solvents. In most cases, the operator must also use a respirator of the appropriate
type. EM 1110-2-3400, paragraphs 10-5, 10-7, and 10-8, provides additional information on
respiratory protection.
b. Spray gun operation. Airless spray systems operate at very high pressures. Very high
fluid pressures can result in penetration of the skin. Tip guards and trigger locks should be used
on all airless spray guns. The operator should never point the spray gun at any part of the body.
The pressure remains in the system even after the pump is turned off and can only be relieved by
discharging through the gun.
c. Ventilation. Good ventilation is needed when sealing and painting in enclosed areas.
Proper ventilation reduces worker exposures to toxic solvents and reduces the risk of explosion.
EM 1110-2-3400, paragraphs 10-5 and 10-8, provides additional information on ventilation
during painting.
Thermal spray contracts require the development and submittal of various procedures and plans,
including an accident prevention plan, confined space procedures, medical surveillance
documentation, a respiratory protection program, an air sampling plan, a worker hazard
communication program, a ventilation assessment plan, a qualifications and experience statement,
and a safety indoctrination plan.
a. Accident prevention plan. The contractor should prepare a written accident prevention
plan that complies with requirements of EM 385-1-1 Appendix A, “Minimum Basic Outline for
Accident Prevention Plan.” The Accident Prevention Plan should be prepared by a qualified
occupational safety and health professional who has a minimum of 3 years experience in safety
and industrial hygiene. The accident prevention plan shall address the following requirements as a
(3) Layout plans for temporary buildings, construction of buildings, use of heavy
equipment, and other facilities.
(4) Plans for initial and continued safety training for each of the contractor’s and
subcontractor’s employees.
(5) Plans for traffic control and the marking of hazards to cover waterways, highways and
roads, railroads, utilities, and other restricted areas.
EM 1110-2-3401
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(6) Plans for maintaining good housekeeping and safe access and egress at the jobsite.
(8) Plans for onsite inspections by qualified safety and health personnel. Plans shall
include safety inspections, industrial hygiene monitoring if required, records to be kept, and
corrective actions to be taken.
(9) Plans for performing Activity Hazard Analysis for each major phase of work. The
Activity Hazard Analysis shall include the sequence of work, specific hazards that may be
encountered, and control measures to eliminate each hazard.
(1) A description of the methods, equipment, and procedures to test for oxygen content
and combustible and toxic atmospheres in confined spaces prior to entry and during work.
(2) Emergency procedures for each type of confined space work, including methods of
communication, escape, and rescue.
(3) Air monitoring plans by qualified individuals and a certificate of calibration for all air
monitoring equipment.
(4) A plan for training workers in confined-space procedures that should include
confined-space hazards, evaluation of confined-space atmospheres, combustible-gas indicator
operation, entry procedures, attendant requirements, isolation and lockout, preparation of
confined areas, respiratory protection, communication, safety equipment, no smoking policy, use
of entry permits, and appropriate escape and rescue procedures.
(5) Plans to conduct an emergency drill prior to confined-space work to ensure the
adequacy of the procedures. A rescue test should be performed to ensure that rescue equipment
will fit through the confined-space entrance and to test and practice other confined-space
procedures such as communication.
(6) Plans for a stand-by person to be present outside the confined space while workers are
inside. The attendant should be trained in the duties of a stand-by person, including appropriate
rescue procedures. The stand-by person should have no other duties except to attend the entrance
of the confined space, to be in constant communication with the confined-space workers, and to
perform a rescue, if needed, with a self-contained breathing apparatus (minimum air supply of 30
EM 1110-2-3401
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(2) Medical history with emphasis on the liver, kidney, and pulmonary system.
(5) General physical exam with emphasis on liver, kidney, and pulmonary system.
(6) Determination of the employee's physical and psychological ability to wear protective
equipment, including respirators, and to perform job-related tasks.
(a) Liver function tests such as SGOT, SGPT, GCPT, alkaline phosphatase, and bilirubin.
(c) EKG.
(h) Blood lead (for those individuals who may be exposed to lead).
(i) Any other criteria deemed necessary by the contractor physician and approved by the
Contracting Officer.
EM 1110-2-3401
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e. Air sampling plan. The contractor should prepare and submit plans for conducting air
sampling by qualified individuals for toxic contaminants regulated by the Occupational Safety
and Health Act (OSHA).
f. Hazard communication program. The contractor should develop and operate a worker
hazard communication program for employees in accordance with CFR 29 Part 1910, Section
1200, and state and local worker “right-to-know” rules and regulations. There should be a written
program that describes how the employer will comply with the standard, how chemicals will be
labeled or provided with other forms of warning, how MSDS’s will be obtained and made
available to employees and OSHA and NIOSH representatives, and how information and training
will be provided to employees. The program should include the development of an inventory of
toxic chemicals present in the workplace, cross-referenced to the MSDS file. The written program
should also describe how any subcontractor employees and the Contracting Officer will be
informed of identified hazards. Specific elements of the program should include:
(1) A file of MSDS’s for each hazardous chemical on the chemical inventory, kept in a
location readily accessible during each work shift to employees when they are in their work area.
(2) Containers of hazardous chemicals in the workplace should have appropriate labels
that identify the hazardous material in the product, have appropriate health and safety warnings,
and include the name and address of the manufacturer or responsible party.
(b) The types of operations in the work areas where hazardous chemicals are present.
(c) The location and availability of the written program and MSDS’s.
(f) The physical and health hazards associated with chemicals in the workplace.
(g) Specific measures to protect from the hazards in the work areas, such as engineering
controls, safe work practices, emergency procedures, and protective equipment.
g. Ventilation assessment plan. The contractor should prepare a written plan for
ventilation assessments to be performed by a qualified person for all confined-space work,
solvent cleaning, abrasive blasting, and thermal spray operations.
i. Safety indoctrination plan. The contractor should submit documentation of the safety
indoctrination plan as described in EM 385-1-1, Section 1, “Project Management,” Subsection
EM 1110-2-3401
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01.B, “Indoctrination and Training.” The documentation should include employee training
records for the following items:
(9) Job hazard and activity analysis required for the Accident Prevention Plan.
The contractor should maintain current MSDS’s for all hazardous materials used on the job
including cleaning solvents, thermal spray wire or powder, sealers, thinners, and paints or any
other product required to have an MSDS as specified in CFR 29 Part 1910, Section 1200. The
MSDS’s should be available to all contract, subcontract, and government employees.
EM 1110-2-3401
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Chapter 13
Environment and Worker Protection Regulations
13-1. Introduction
Controls are necessary for environmental and worker protection during paint removal. This is
relevant to thermal spray to the extent that the removal of aged paint systems containing lead or
other hazardous pigments is sometimes performed prior to thermal spray application.
13-2. Regulations
Details on the Federal regulations for environment and worker protection, and a discussion on the
means for complying with them, are given in Chapter 11 of EM 1110-2-3400.
EM 1110-2-3401
29 Jan 99
Appendix A
Section I
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
Title 29 “Labor” contains Office of Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. Copies
of CFRs may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, DC 20402.
CFR 48 1-10.002
Federal Acquisition Regulation - Small Purchase and Other Purchase Procedures
Section II
Federal Agencies
Thermal Spray Processes for Naval Ship Machinery Applications
CID A-A-2962
Enamel, Alkyd
CID A-A-3127
Coating System: Aluminum Epoxy Mastic , For Minimally Prepared Atmospheric Steel
CID A-A-3132
Coating System: Epoxy Primer/Polyurethane Topcoat, For Minimally Prepared Atmospheric
CID A-A-3054
Paint: Heat Resisting (204 deg. C)
Paint, Aluminum, Heat Resistant (1200 oF)
Paint, Aluminum (Ready-Mixed)
TM 5-811-7
Electrical Design, Cathodic Protection
ER 1110-2-1200
Plans and Specifications for Civil Works Projects
EM 1110-2-3401
29 Jan 99
EM 385-1-1
Safety and Health Requirements
EM 1110-2-2704
Cathodic Protection Systems for Civil Works Projects
EM 1110-2-3400
Painting: New Construction and Maintenance
ETL 1110-3-474
Cathodic Protection
Metallizing: Hydraulic Structures
CEGS 09965
Painting: Hydraulic Structures and Appurtenant Works
Section III
Other Sources
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. 1996. “Chemical Substances and
Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices,” Cincinnati, OH.
ANSI/AWS A5.01-93
American National Standards Institute/American Welding Society 1993. “Filler Metal
Procurement Guidelines,” New York.
ANSI/AWS C2.18-93
American National Standards Institute/American Welding Society. 1993. “Protection of Steel
with Thermal Sprayed Coatings of Aluminum and Zinc and Their Alloys and Composites,” New
ANSI Z49.1
American National Standards Institute. 1994. “Safety in Welding, Cutting and Allied Processes,”
New York.
ANSI Z87.1
American National Standards Institute. 1989. “Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and
Face Protection,” New York.
ANSI Z89.1
American National Standards Institute. 1986. “Protective Headwear for Industrial Workers,” New
ASTM C633-79
American Society for Testing and Materials. 1993. “Standard Test Method for Adhesion or
Cohesive Strength of Flame-Sprayed Coatings,” Philadelphia, PA.
EM 1110-2-3401
29 Jan 99
ASTM D235-95
American Society for Testing and Materials. “Standard Specification for Mineral Spirits
(Petroleum Spirits)(Hydrocarbon Dry Cleaning Solvent),” Philadelphia, PA.
ASTM D1200-94
American Society for Testing and Materials. “Standard Test Method for Viscosity by Ford
Viscosity Cup,” Philadelphia, PA.
ASTM D3734-96
American Society for Testing and Materials. “Standard Specification for High-Flash Aromatic
Naphthas,” Philadelphia, PA.
ASTM D4138-94
American Society for Testing and Materials. “Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Dry
Film Thickness of Protective Coating Systems by Destructive Means,” Philadelphia, PA.
ASTM D4285-83
American Society for Testing and Materials. 1993. “Standard Test Method for Indicating Oil or
Water in Compressed Air,” Philadelphia, PA.
ASTM D4417-93
American Society for Testing and Materials. “Standard Test Methods for Field Measurement of
Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned Steel,” Philadelphia, PA.
ASTM D4541-95e1
American Society for Testing and Materials. “Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of
Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers,” Philadelphia, PA.
ASTM D4940-89
American Society for Testing and Materials. “Standard Test Method for Conductimetric Analysis
of Water Soluble Ionic Contamination of Blasting Abrasives,” Philadelphia, PA.
ASTM E337-84
American Society for Testing and Materials. 1996e1. “Standard Test Method for Measuring
Humidity with a Psychrometer (The Measurement of Wet- and Dry-Bulb Temperatures),”
Philadelphia, PA.
CGA G7.1
Compressed Gas Association. 1997. “Commodity Specification for Air,” Arlington, VA.
Compressed Gas Association. 1991; Interim Amendment 1, 1992; Interim Amendment 2, 1993.
“Safe Handling of Compressed Gases in Containers,” Arlington, VA.
ISO 8502-6
International Organization for Standardization. 1995. “Extraction of Soluble Contaminants for
Analysis - The Bresle Method,” Geneva, Switzerland.
National Association of Corrosion Engineers. 1983. “White Metal Blast Cleaning,” Houston, TX.
EM 1110-2-3401
29 Jan 99
EM 1110-2-3401
29 Jan 99
National Association of Corrosion Engineers. 1983. “Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning,”
Houston, TX.
National Association of Corrosion Engineers. 1996. “Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Steel
and Other Hard Materials by High- and Ultrahigh-Pressure Water Jetting Prior to Recoating,”
Houston, TX.
National Fire Protection Association. 1993. “National Electrical Code,” Quincy, MA.
SAE J827
Society of Automotive Engineers. “Cast Steel Shot,” Warrendale, PA.
SSPC-AB 2 1997
The Society for Protective Coatings. “Specification for Cleanliness of Recycled Ferrous Metallic
Abrasives,” Pittsburgh, PA.
SSPC-AB 3 1997
The Society for Protective Coatings. “Newly Manufactured or Re-Manufactured Steel
Abrasives,” Pittsburgh, PA.
SSPC-SP 1 1982
The Society for Protective Coatings. “Solvent Cleaning.” Pittsburgh, PA.
The Society for Protective Coatings. “Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Steel and Other Hard
Materials by High- and Ultrahigh-Pressure Water Jetting Prior to Recoating,” Pittsburgh, PA.
SSPC-TU 4 1998
The Society for Protective Coatings. 1998. “Technology Update: Field Methods for Retrieval and
Analysis of Soluble Salts on Substrates,” Pittsburgh, PA.
EM 1110-2-3401
29 Jan 99
Deck Covering Compound, Nonslip, Rollable.
FHWA 1997
Federal Highway Administration. 1997. “Environmentally Acceptable Materials for the
Corrosion Protection of Steel Bridges,” FHWA-RD-96-058.
ANSI/NSF 61-1997b
American National Standards Institute/National Sanitation Foundation. “Drinking Water System
Components - Health Effects,” New York.
SSPC 97-07
The Society for Protective Coatings. 1997. “The Inspection of Coatings and Linings: A
Handbook of Basic Practice for Inspectors, Owners and Specifiers,” Pittsburgh, PA.
Clemco Industries
Clemco Industries Corporation. 1994. “Blast Off: Your Guide to Safe and Efficient Abrasive
Blasting,” Washington, MO.
U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories. “Cavitation- and Erosion-Resistant
Thermal Spray Coatings,” Technical Report 97/118.
EM 1110-2-3401
29 Jan 99
Appendix B
A amperes
Al aluminum
cm centimeter
Cu copper
dBA decibels
DH dehumidification
DC direct current
EM Engineering Manual
Fe iron
ft foot
EM 1110-2-3401
29 Jan 99
in. inch
kg kilogram
kPa kiloPascal
lb pounds
m meter
m2 square meters
ml milliliter
mm millimeter
µg microgram
µm micrometer
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UV ultraviolet
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Appendix C
Summary Description of CEGS-09971, “Metallizing: Hydraulic Structures”
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Appendix D
USACE Field Experience and Lessons Learned
b. In FY86 aluminum-bronze alloy (89Cu, 10Al, 1Fe) and 18-8 stainless steel coatings
were applied by arc spray at Belleville LD. In FY87 85-15 zinc-aluminum alloy and zinc coatings
were applied by flame spray. The coatings were applied from about 1.5 m (5 ft) above the
downstream waterline to the bottom of the gate and then up about 0.6 m (2 ft) on the upstream
skinplate. Each coating was applied to about a fourth of the gate. The nominal thickness of each
thermal spray coating was 400 µm (0.016 in.). Vinyl and epoxy coatings were used to seal the 18-
8 and aluminum-bronze coatings. A vinyl wash primer was used to seal the 85-15 and zinc
(1) Failures and degradation of the 18-8 stainless steel and aluminum-bronze coatings
were noted after less than 1 year. The 18-8 stainless steel coating exhibited extensive pinpoint
rusting. The aluminum-bronze coating showed significant physical damage, pinpoint rusting, and
small areas of delamination. It was concluded that cathodic coatings such as 18-8 stainless steel
and aluminum-bronze should not be used on immersed steel because of the high potential for
galvanic corrosion.
(2) The zinc coating was completely eroded from parts of the gate after just 2 years of
exposure. Eroded areas corresponded with areas with the highest water velocity. Zinc oxide on
the surface of the coating is weakly adherent and readily erodes to expose metallic zinc, which
subsequently oxidizes and erodes. Zinc metallizing along the downstream waterline was
approximately 10 percent eroded after 4 years and 50 percent eroded after 8 years. Zinc-
aluminum alloy coating forms much harder and more adherent oxidation products than does zinc
coating. With the exception of some small delaminated patches, very little reduction in film
thickness of the zinc-aluminum coating was noted after 4 years of exposure. Numerous small
areas of coating, approximately 12.7 to 25.4 mm (0.5 to 1 in.) in diameter, were observed to have
failed cohesively. The cohesive delamination was restricted to the lower portions of the gate,
where water velocities are highest, and had not occurred along the waterline, where scouring from
debris is the most severe. After 8 years, the delaminated areas had expanded to encompass
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approximately 75 percent of the lower portion of the gate. Cohesive failures of this nature may be
the result of blister formation caused by the expansion of oxidation products within the zinc-
aluminum coating. Coating thicknesses as high as 0.889-1.143 mm (35-45 mils) were measured
adjacent to the delaminated patches during the annual inspections. Areas of high thickness are
probably indicative of expanding blisters within the coating. For the most part, the coating
delamination had not exposed or resulted in corrosion of the substrate. Film thicknesses measured
in the delaminated areas were in the 0.076- to 0.127-mm (0.003- to 0.005-in.) range and are
adequate to provide continued protection. Some damage to the zinc-aluminum coating was
observed after 8 years, and minor areas of corrosion had begun to appear. It appeared that after 8
years the coating system was approaching the end of its useful life and that replacement would
probably be required in 2 to 4 years.
a. Thermal spray system 6-Z-A was applied by wire flame spray to tainter gates at Racine
LD during 1994. Recycled steel grit abrasive was used to prepare the substrate prior to
application of the thermal spray coating. The blast media was sampled and observed under
magnification (30x). It was noted that the media was a mixture of irregular and angular shaped
particles. Reportedly, the specified blast profile depth was achieved on the job; however, the
profile was probably somewhat rounded because of the blast media mix that was used.
b. Laboratory adhesion tests of the 85-15 zinc-aluminum alloy coating over substrates
prepared using different blast media have shown a significant dependence on the shape of the
profile and a less significant, but still measurable, dependence on profile depth. Coatings applied
over rounded profiles of 0.025 and 0.076 mm (0.001 and 0.003 in.) had average adhesions of 690
and 1980 kPa (101 and 291 psi), respectively. Coatings applied over angular profiles of 0.025 and
0.076 mm (0.001 and 0.003 in.) had adhesions of 7010 and 8230 kPa (1031 and 1210 psi),
respectively. Areas of delaminated coating were noted at Racine LD after only 1 year of
exposure. The suspected cause of these failures is inadequate surface preparation resulting from
the use of a blast media containing significant irregular shaped particles. The irregular shaped
particles are too rounded to produce the angular profile needed for good thermal spray adhesion.
c. Cohesive failures and areas of deficient metallizing thickness were also noted.
Cohesive failures are most likely due to poor application technique, such as too great of a gun-to-
surface distance. Cohesive failures may also have been caused by inter-coat contamination or
improper equipment setup. These failure causes can be addressed through more thorough
inspection and scrutiny of the work in progress. This manual provides additional recommended
procedures and methods to address these failures including bend and pull-off adhesion tests and
stricter controls on the blast cleaning process.
Thermal spray system 6-Z-A is currently being applied by wire flame spray to new roller gates at
Robert C. Byrd LD. Work is scheduled for completion during FY98.
a. Portions of the exterior of gate No. 6 at Pike Island LD were metallized with system 6-
Z-A in 1995. The metallizing was sealed with vinyl system No. 4. The remainder of the gate was
painted with vinyl zinc-rich system 5-E-Z.
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b. The gate was inspected during 1996 and several failures were noted. Two large areas
(0.929 m2 and 0.278 m2 (10 ft2 and 3 ft2)) on the downstream skinplate were bare and corroded. In
some cases, the thermal spray coating along the edges of the bare areas could be lifted and peeled
back for 6.35 to 12.7 mm (0.25 to 0.5 in.). Other small areas of thermal spray were delaminated
or damaged. Many of the stiffeners near the bottom of the gate were bare. The bottom 12.7 mm
(0.5 in.) of the downstream skinplate was bare metal. Several areas of lifted coating were noted
on the downstream skinplate. Presumably, these will eventually be removed by impacting debris.
Several scratches in the coating on the upstream skinplate were rusting.
c. The delamination failures are probably due to poor surface preparation, including
inadequate surface profile depth and angularity. The skinplate and stiffeners are deeply pitted
from previous corrosion. Deep pits are difficult to clean and may have sharp edges that require
grinding. Some of the failures are probably caused by the severity of the exposure site, most
notably the corroding scratches on the upstream skinplate. The bare metal on the bottom 12.7 mm
(0.5 in.) of the downstream skinplate is probably the result of galvanic corrosion between the
thermal spray coating and the stainless steel contact imbedded in the concrete sill. This problem is
inherent in the design of this and many other dams and is also a problem when standard paint
systems are used. Delamination failures on the gate stiffeners could probably be improved by
grinding the sharp edges to provide a minimum radius. The stiffeners are also a problem area for
paint coatings because the force of impacting debris is concentrated on a much smaller area.
a. A series of prototype dam gates were constructed and installed adjacent to Smithland
LD. The prototype gates are a part of a study conducted by the Louisville District in preparation
for the design and construction of the Olmsted LD project. The U.S. Army Construction
Engineering Research Laboratories (USACERL) performed an evaluation of test coatings at the
prototype facility. Coatings were evaluated for corrosion protection and zebra mussel resistance.
One of the test coatings was thermal spray system 6-Z-A. The evaluation was conducted during
1996 after 6 months of immersion at Smithland LD.
b. USACERL found that the average film thickness of the metallized coating was 0.635
mm (0.025 in.), exceeding the required average of 0.406 mm (0.016 in.). This gate was not used
as a working prototype, but was immersed in the river with the skinplate-side facing down. The
skinplate had less than 0.01 percent corrosion, and the downstream side had no visible corrosion.
No corrosion was observed on the edges of the gate. The excellent corrosion protection was
particularly impressive in light of the mechanical damage evidenced by the deep gouges suffered
by this gate during placement and retrieval. The downstream side of the gate has three
magnesium anodes. The metallized coating showed a significant amount of blistering, especially
along the edges of the gate and in two of the recessed bays on the downstream side of the gate.
The worst blistering was found adjacent to two of the three magnesium anodes. Blisters were
typically 25.4 to 76.2 mm (1 to 3 in.) in diameter with some being larger. Some of the blisters
were broken, although most were intact. There was no observed corrosion associated with the
blistering. Blistering may have been caused by the magnesium anodes. The use of sacrificial
anodes with significantly higher potential than that of the 85-15 zinc-aluminum alloy coating can
produce a current demand close to that of bare steel. This in turn may result in hydrogen
evolution and high pH, which may cause blistering of the thermal spray coating. Blistering
probably did not occur adjacent to the third anode because of the mud accumulation in this bay.
Adhesion of the 85-15 metallizing was excellent except for the blistered areas. The adult zebra
mussel population on the metallized portions of the downstream side of the gate (face up side)
was only about 1 per square meter. The stainless steel piston rod coupling fixture had in excess
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of 1000 juvenile zebra mussels per square meter. The average length of the juvenile mussels was
about 0.2 mm. The adult zebra mussel density in a small isolated area of the skinplate (face down
side) was about 100 per square meter. Based on the size of the adult mussels (10 to 15 mm), it
seems likely that they are too old to have settled out on the gate as veligers and instead probably
relocated onto the gate from another surface.
c. It was concluded from this study that sacrificial magnesium anodes should not be used in
conjunction with thermal spray coatings. It was also observed that 85-15 zinc-aluminum coating
provided significant resistance to the settlement of zebra mussel veligers.
a. Coated test coupons and material samples were placed in test at LD 53 in 1988. Test
materials were installed at this sight to investigate the hypothesis that the rate of corrosion is
accelerated by some external influence. The results of this evaluation are of interest to the
Louisville District because of the replacement dam under construction at Olmsted, IL.
b. Test coatings were evaluated for surface rust, rust undercutting, qualitative adhesion,
and blistering. Qualitative adhesion was performed by cutting parallel scribes through the coating
using a knife. The coating was lifted from a third cut that was perpendicular to the first cuts.
Excellent adhesion equates to no lifting while poor adhesion is complete lifting with no coating
elongation. Intermediate values may also be described. Blistering and percent surface rust are
described in ASTM standards. The condition of test materials other than coatings is described in
general terms. The following compilation shows the condition of the test materials in 1994.
c. All of the coating systems performed within the expected range. Zinc metallizing top-
coated with MIL-P-24441 epoxy, E-303 zinc-rich epoxy primer top-coated with MIL-P-24441,
and VZ-108 vinyl zinc-rich primer top-coated with V-766 gray vinyl and V-102 aluminum vinyl
were in very good to excellent condition after 6-years exposure at LD53. Any of these coating
systems should provide excellent long-term corrosion protection at dam sites on the lower Ohio
River. The rest of the coating systems would provide a lesser degree of protection but may still be
suitable for some applications.
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Subject Index
Characteristics, 2-1
Adhesion, 2-2
Anodic, 2-2
Cathodic, 2-2
Corrosion resistance, 2-2
Density, 2-1
Erosion resistance, 2-1
Hardness, 2-1
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Coatings for
Atmospheric exposures, 5-6
Cathodic protection of reinforcing steel, 5-9
Cavitation/erosion protection, 5-10
Freshwater immersion, 5-6
High-temperature exposures, 5-7
Nonskid applications, 5-9
Partially submerged structures, 5-10
Seawater immersion, 5-6
Zebra mussel protection, 5-8
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Safety, 12-1
Material safety data sheets, 12-8
Plans and submittals, 12-4
Sealing and painting, 12-4
Surface preparation, 12-1
Thermal spray procedures, 12-2
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Surface preparation of
Edges, 6-7
Heat-affected zones, 6-7
Pitted steel, 6-7