I Can Talk About Celebrity: A. Celebrity and The Media

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I can talk about celebrity

A. Celebrity and the media

celebrity 1. a famous person 1. ngườ i nổ i tiếng 1. The magazine is all
(n) (SYN: sleb, about the lives of
personality, celeb) celebrities.
2. the state of
being famous
(SYN: fame) 2. sự nổ i tiếng, danh
2. Being recognized in
the street is part  and 
parcel of being a
deserve sth If you deserve xứ ng đáng I hope they get the
(v) sth, it is right that punishment they
you should have it deserve
because of the
way you have
survey (n) an examination of cuộ c khả o sát, điều The survey is only
(collo: opinions, tra concerned with women
conduct/ behaviour,.., made of childbearing age.
carry out/ do by asking people
a survey) questions
privacy (n) the state of being sự riêng tư The new law is designed
alone and not to protect people’s
watched or privacy
disturbed by
coverage(n) the reporting of tin tứ c về nhữ ng sự What did you think of
news in the press kiện hoặ c chủ đề the BBC’s election
quan trọ ng coverage?
in the public well known to many trướ c mắ t công Nowadays, more people
eye people through TV chúng, dướ i sự theo in the public eye are
or the press dõi củ a công chúng voicing concern about
the effects of
technology on their life
findings (n) information kết quả , thông tin The survey’s finding is
learned as the thu thậ p đượ c likely to increase the
result of pressure on the local
reasearch authorities
intrusion a thing that comes sự xâm nhậ p, xen His phone call was a
( intrude into into sb’s life in a vào welcome intrusion into
sth) negative way an otherwise tedious
tabloid a newspaper that báo lá cả i The tabloids often
gives emphasis to attract readers with
stories about sensational headlines
famous people
single sth/sb choose sth/sb chọ n ngườ i/ vậ t tố t Many people applied
out from a group for nhấ t từ 1 nhóm nào for the job but we still
special attention đó single out the best one
pry into sth try to find in4 thăm dò I wish you would stop
about people’s prying into my business
private lifes affairs

B. Celebrity headlines
allegedly used when sth is cho rằ ng That’s where he
said to be true allegedly killed his
but has not been wife
rehab(ilitation) the process of sự phụ c hồ i She’s just finished
helping to cure four months of rehab
sb with drug or
alcohol addition
rock sbd/sth shock or cause khiến ai đó buồ n This university was
upset to sb/sth hoặ c số c rocked by the scandal
newlyweds a man or woman The hotel has a special
who have not discount rate for
been married newlyweds
on the rocks in difficulties trong tình trạ ng I think their marriage
and likely to fail khó khắ n hoặ c is on the rocks
thấ t bạ i
rumour a story or piece I heard a rumour that
of in4 that may she’d been seeing him
or may not be
custody the legal right to quyền nuôi con the court
look after a child awarded/granted/gave
the custody of child
to the father
dump sb end a romantic kết thúc 1 mố i He’s so awful so I
relationship with quan hệ must dump him
give birth produce a baby sinh nở She gave birth to
or young animals twins
fellow used to describe bạ n, đồ ng chí Our fellow travellers
(fellow student/ sb who is in were mostly Spanish-
workers/passengers situation as you speaking tourists
rally(round/to come together to sự tậ p hợ p It was heartening to
sb/sth) help or support see so many people at

Spotlight : exclusive and scoops

 An exclusive story/interview/photo, etc is one published or reported only
by one newspaper or TV station : tin độ c quyền
 A scoop is a story or piece of news discovered and published by
one newspaper before all the others: tin số t dẻo
I can discuss political beliefs
A.Political systems

Associated with Connected Liên quan tớ i Most people associate

sth/sb with sth/sb this brand with good quality.
Favour sth/sb Support and ủ ng hộ đồ ng ý The Council voted
(be in favour of agree with vớ i ai hoặ c việc in favour of a £200 million
sth/sb) sth/sb gì housing development.
Status quo The existing Nguyên trạ ng, Certain people always want to
(collo: maintain the situation hiện trạ ng maintain the status quo.
status quo)
Opposed to sth/sb Disagreeing Phả n đố i, không She's opposed to any changes to
strongly with đồ ng tình the current legislation.
Radical (adj) 1, Complete 1. Hoàn toàn 1. We need to make some
and và cơ bả n radical changes to our
fundamental operating procedures.
(SYN: far -
2. (Of a
person) in 2. Ngườ i có 2. He was known as a radical
favour of quan điểm politician.
political and cự c đoan
và cấ p tiến
social change
Distribute sth Share sth Chia sẻ, phân bố , The books will be distributed
among a phân phát free to local schools.
number of
Equally (adj) In the way Công bằ ng In my family, we share our
that is fair household chores equally
and the same
for everyone
Left-wing the political Phía cánh trái He's on the left wing of the
left party.
Extremist (n) A person Chính trị gia
Extreme (adj) whose political
( OPP: moderate) views are
generally not
considered to
be normal or

Centre party A political Trung lậ p

party that is
not left-wing
or right-wing

B. Political metaphors: Phép ẩ n dụ

Word+literal Example of Metaphorical
meaning metaphorical use meaning
Crack a line on Vết The first cracks A weakness in an Điểm yếu,
the surface nứ t are appearing in idea, a system, nhượ c điểm
of sth where the government or an
it has broken organization
Driving seat Ghế lái People are Be in control of a Chủ trì,
the place wondering who is situation điều khiển
where the in the driving (SYN: pull the
driver sits seat strings)
Rock move Di The Prime Cause problems Gây họ a
from side to chuyển Minister doesn’t by making
side want MPs to rock changes to a
the boat situation that is
satisfactory as
it is
Foundations Sự She laid Create the basic Đặ t nền
the thành foundations of ideas or móng cho
structures lậ p the party’s principles from cái gì
that form the success which sth can
underground then develop
base of
Depth the Độ sâu Many believe the Be in a situation Ngoài tầ m
deepness of minister is out of that is too kiểm soát
sth her depth difficult for you
to control
Deep end the The MPs were Be faced with a Đố i mặ t vớ i
end of a thrown in at the new and difficult khó khăn
swimming pool deep end. Let’s task that you’re
where the see if they sink not prepared
water is deep or swim for.
Sick or swim: fail
or succeed
Heat sth Làm It has started a An angry Cuộ c thả o
make sth hot nóng heated debate in discussion luậ n gay gắ t
parliament (heated
Safe An He got a job A person you can Mộ t ngườ i
toàn because he’s a rely on có thể tin
safe pair of tưở ng hay
hands là 1 chỗ dự a
vữ ng chắ c
Head move in The government Making good Tiến triển
a particular is heading in the progess tố t
direction right direction (OPP: heading in
the wrong
Microscope an Kính The trade Being watched Đượ c xem
instrument hiển vi secretary could and examined xét và kiểm
for looking all find herself very carefully tra kĩ lưỡ ng
things which under the
are too small microscope
to see
Spin a quick Quay No doubt the A way of giving Phương
turning tròn politicians will in4 to make it pháp tố t
movement, give the positive appear better, hơn
round and spin or less bad

I can talk about areas of conflict

Zone An area or region

( a war/danger with a particular
zone) feature
Rubble Broken stones or
bricks from a
building that has
been destroyed
Scarce Not readily
Scarcity (n) available; in short
Overwhelm sb/sth 1. Present sb
( be overwhelmed or fill sth
with/by) with too
much of sth
2. Defeat
Shell sth A metal case full
= fire shells at of explosives, to
sth be fired from a
large gun
Sniper A person who
shoots at sb from
a hidden position
Random Happening without
any intended
Breaking point The time when
problems have
become so great
that sb can no
longer deal with
Desert sth Go away from a
place and leave it
Adrenalin A substance
created in the
body when you are
excited or afraid,
giving you more
Grim Unpleasant and
Siege A military
(lay siege to sth, operation in which
Be under siege) an armed force
surrounds a place
and stops the
supply of food

I can explain job benefits

Benefit package
Bonus scheme
Company pension
(SYN: government
pension )
y leave
30 day’s holiday
healthcare provision
Subsidized canteen

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