MM Pub U3-4

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A T h e f o llo w in g e x p r e s s io n s i n c l u d e t h e w o r d s day, year a n d time. C o m p le t e t h e m w it h prepositions.

' day YE A R T IM E A

this d ay and ag e all ye ar a p erio d of ti me sb’s free ti m e

d ay d ay ye ar year ti m e to ti me no ti m e
t his ti me the first ti m e h ave no ti me
of the ye ar the right ti m e ta k e ti m e wor k
V -............... J
B C o m p le t e t h e s e n t e n c e s w it h t h e collocations /expressions i n t h e b o x b e lo w .

t he o th er d ay all d ay long call it a d ay at ti m es on ti me

in ti me pass th e tim e ah ea d of its ti me ti m e and tim e ag ain for th e tim e being

1 Despite t ech nical proble ms, the flight l e f t ________________________ .

2 W e ’ll be gettin g a n ew printer ne xt month. S o , ________________________ , w e h ave to put up with this one.
3 Most e n gin e ers ag re e d t hat th e c a r ’s desig n w a s ________________________ .

4 I starte d a co nversatio n with t he person sitting ne xt to me on the bus t o ________________________ .

5 I saw S a l l y ________________________ . Did you k n ow t ha t she had broken her leg?

6 The match starte d at 7 pm and Ja c k arrive d j u s t ________________________ for t he kick -off.

7 Le t’s ________________________ and go home. W e ’ve been w or kin g for over tw elve hours with o u t a break.
8 He k eeps making t h e sa m e m is t a k e________________________ .

9 I find it v e ry difficult to a gre e with y o u ________________________ . Your vie w s can so m e ti m es be e x tre me.

10 I h ave been s l e e p y ________________________ today. I d o n ’t k now w h a t’s t he m att er with me.

C R e a d t h e s e n t e n c e s a n d c o m p le t e t h e m w it h t h e c o r r e c t f o r m o f t h e v e r b s hold, r u n , catch o r k e e p .

1 T h e st u d e n t w a s ________________________ in t h e ac t of ch ea tin g by the e x aminer.

2 I j ust n eed you t o ________________________ a n e y e o n Sa m w hile I go out.
3 Je n n y will c e r t a i n l y________________________ everyo n e's a t t e n ti o n with t hat dress she's wearin g.
4 Blu e eyes an d red h a i r ________________________ in m y fa m ily. O nly my au nt has brown eyes.
5 Wh e n my gra n d m o t h er was in hospital, I used t o ________________________ h er c o m p a n y in th e afternoons.
6 M ary is m ovin g to a n o t h er city, but w e pro mise d t o _________________________ in t o u ch w it h each other.
7 a b usin ess req uires m any skills and e x pertise.
8 You ca n't rely on Roger. Actually, he's the kind of person t hat c a n 't ________________________ a pro mise.
9 T h e win n er of the m arath on had t o ________________________ his b re a t h before spea kin g to th e journalist.
10 P l e a s e ________________________ in min d t h a t smoking is not allo we d in this building.
11 We a l l ________________________ o u r b re a t h w he n t he win n er of t he co m p etitio n was being a nn ou nce d.
12 As I w as running t o ________________________ t h e bus, I slippe d and fell.
13 Can y o u ________________________ a s e cr e t? Ja n e is orga nisin g a sur prise p arty for K evin ’s birth d ay!
14 T h e c h il d r e n ________________________ h a n ds w hile wal kin g down the street.
u nit03

Re a d t h e s e n t e n c e s o n t h e l e f t a n d m a t c h t h e phrasal verbs w it h t h e ir definitions o n t h e r i g h t b y w r it i n g t h e

c o rr e c t n u m b e r i n t h e b o x n e x t t o e a c h d e f in it io n .

have a poor opinion of
1 We looke d aft er Be n ’s h ouse w hile he was on holiday.
respect, ad mire
2 We are all loo king f orw ar d to th e o p enin g ga m e of t he season.
warn so m e bo dy ab out potential danger
3 The a ut h orities pro mise d to loo k into t h e clai ms of corruption.
take care of
4 I loo k e d over yo ur essay and can su g gest so me i m prove m ents.
e x pect sth pleasant to happen
5 Lo o k o u t! T he p ave m e n t is bro ken and you might trip.
6 Loo k u p the m ea nin g of the word in t h e dictionary.
inspect quickly
7 Jo h n loo ks d o w n on p e o ple w ho are n ’t as rich as he is.
8 Children often loo k up to sp orts heroes. try to find in a book or list

B C H EC K, W A T C H , SH O W
be careful about
1 We w ere told to ch ec k in at th e airp ort as e arly as possible.
care for sb or sth, especially because it
2 Guests are kindly re mind e d to ch ec k o u t by 12 o’clock. is your responsibility
3 T h e to urists w ere told to w a tc h o ut f or pick pock ets. arrive, ap pear
4 T he old er children w ere told to w a tch o v e r the yo u n g e r ones. report o ne’s arrival at a hotel / airport etc.
5 The man w as sh o win g off his n ew sp orts car to his friends. pay the bill and leave (a hotel /clinic etc.)
6 Every b o d y sho we d up at the p arty on Sat ur d ay night. try to make people notice and ad mire

Words with Prepositions

A C o m p le t e t h e b la n k s w it h prepositions.
A djectives Nouns Verbs

accust o m e d. fa miliar, . sb( = well known) k n owle d g e. fill sth __ sth

a d dict e d___ familiar _sb C =friendly) a ris e_____ else
a m use d____ be fa miliar. _sth ( = know well) (feel) sy m p athy. involve.
astonished . fa m ous___ a t a le n t_______ k n ow_ sth
(u n)a w ar e_ f o n d_____ a t a st e________ . ( =flavour, ( =have knowledge of)
cra z y_____ impressed brief e x perience)
cr u e l_____ interested _ a t a st e__________
curio us. k e e n_____ (= liking, preference)

delighted „ known . ( = regarded)

enthusiastic, ple ase d .
e x cite d____ rude

B R e a d t h e f o llo w in g s e n t e n c e s a n d c o m p le t e t h e m w it h prepositions.

1 Did you k n o w . _ t h e sur prise p arty?

2 Are yo u fa m ili ar. ___ the co m p a ny's no s mo king p olicy?
3 Do you like the t ast e _______ red win e more than t hat of whit e win e?
4 He is f eared by e ve ry o n e in t h e area. He's k n o w n ___________ ‘T he Cleaner'.
5 I’m really k e e n ___________ the idea of sp en ding my h olid ay on an island in t h e Me dit erra n ea n.
unit0 3
6 This village looks fa m ilia r___________ me. Have we been here before?
7 A rise___________ inflation would have negative consequences for the country’s economy.
8 I didn’t like olive oil but I’ve developed a taste___________ it now that I’m living in Spain.

Grammar Revision (Adverbs - Comparisons - Articles - Uncountables)

See G ram m ar R e v ie w p age 150

A Read the text b e lo w and complete each blank with one word.

Gianni Versace was one of the (1)__________________________ successful fashion designers (2)__________________________
the 1980s and 1990s. He was born in 1946, in Reggio, a (3)__________________________ small town in Italy, where he learnt
how to make clothes. In (4 )__________________________ beginning, he sold his clothes to (5)__________________________
manufacturer In Milan, but he was not as popular then (6)__________________________ he was in later years. Very quickly he
developed a personal style, which made him famous. He used bright colours and, over time, his clothes became more and
(7)__________________________ extravagant. The more successful his collections were, the (8 )__________________________ his
talent was acknowledged. Celebrities (9 )__________________________ Princess Diana and Elton John loved his style. Versace
also paid the (10) __________________________ attention to his surroundings (11) __________________________ he did to his
clothes and spent (12)__________________________ of money on art and expensive furniture. Versace’s fame, however, is just
(13)______________________ side of this story of style, which ended suddenly with his death (14)______________________ the
summer of 1997. Some fashion critics have described his clothes (15)__________________________ “fabulous rubbish” and
criticised him for using cheap materials. Nevertheless, he has to be seen as one of the most influential designers of his

B Choose A, B, C o r D to com plete the fo llo w in g dialogue.

Jim: Have you made up your mind about where to go on holiday?

Mike: I've narrowed down my choices to two (1)___________ large countries, France and
Mexico. What do you think?
Jim: Well, France is one of (2) ___________ countries in Europe. Did you know it’s twice
(3 )__________1 the UK? Since you’ve got eight weeks off (4) ___________ work,
you could go on a cycling tour of the country.
Mike: I'd like to visit (5) ___________ Alps and Mont Blanc, which is (6 ) ____________than any other mountain in Western
Europe. I suppose I could also go on long walks in the country, as the climate there is similar (7) ___________ that in
Jim: Really? I think it’s (8 )___________ warmer.
Especially on the Riviera, the Mediterranean in 1 A rather B most C far D too
winter is (9 )___________ temperature as the 2 A larger B largest C the larger D the largest
British coastal waters are in summer! I 3 A bigger than B as big as C so big as D as bigger than
can really picture you, tanned and 4 A a B the C some D -

relaxed, tasting delicious local specialities 5 A an B the C some D -

(10)__________ Camembert cheese, frogs' 6 A higher B highest C the higher D the highest
legs and snails! 7 A as B with c to D of
Mike: Come on, that sounds disgusting! 8 A more B most c much D quite
Jim: Apparently, they taste (11)___________ better 9 A the same B same c similar D the similar
than they sound. 10 A such B as c like D so
Mike: I don’t know. I'd rather go to Mexico and eat 11 A pretty B far c the D more
tortillas and chilli every day!
0 The train is cheaper than the plane. / ® Mary is the tallest girl in her class. /
The-train ic choapor from the plane.—- (the+superlative, for several people / things)
Both M ary and Sheila are tall, but Ma ry is the taller
0 Your story is funnier than m in e . /
of the two. /
Your story is more amusing than mine. /
(the +comparative, for only two people/things)
Your story is more funnier than mine. - JBoth Mary and Shoila arc taft -but Mary^s-ttte- -
€> Your house is as big as m in e . / tallest of f e e-two:—-
YbuEiiQuse is asbigger as mine. -
@ That's m y elder/eldest b rot h er. /
(as +positive degree+as)
(only for brothers, sisters, sons, daughters)
Q The children were very excited about the trip. That's m y older / oldest brother. /
(positive meaning) My brother is a year older than me. / (older + than)
T he children were too excited about the trip. -My-brother is a y oar older than me.
(negative meaning - excessively) (no than after elder)

Q Lisa is a very/pretty/rather careful driver. ® He spoke like a lawyer. / (= as if he were a lawyer; he isn't)
(a/an + very/pretty/rather +positive degree ofadj + noun) He spoke as a lawyer. / (= he is a lawyer)
Lisa is quite a careful driver. He spoke as he was advised to. (as + clause)
(quite + a/an +positive degree of ad] + noun) Hftspoka like ho w as-adv iscd-to.
Lisa drives very /pretty /quite /rather carefully
® Jo h n gave m e some important information. /
(very/pretty/quite/rather +positive degree ofadv) Jolm - gave - m^seme - tepertaHtiHformations.
(Uncountable nouns have no plural forms.)
® Lisa is rather /much /a little /a bit /a lot /far more John - gave mo an importart -information. —
careful than Tim. /
Jo h n gave me a n important piece of information. /
Lisa drives rather /much /a little /a bit /a lot /far more
(No a /an immediately before uncountable nouns.)
carefully than Tim. /
Lisa is very/ pretty /quite more careful t-han-Timr- ® The news was really sh o c k in g. /
Lisa drives very /protty /quite more carefully than Timr The-He-ws weFe^eatty shoeking. -
(rather/much /a little /a bit/a lot/far+comparative degree ofadj/adv) (Uncountable nouns go with singular verbs.)

Key Transformations
& Fiona is taller than Gina.
Gina is shorter than Fiona. & T he atmosphere is becoming more polluted b y the day.
Gina is not as tall as Fiona. T he atmosphere is becoming more and more polluted.
& A n dre w smokes more than John. ® His b ehaviour is becoming more sensible as he gets older.
Jo h n smokes less than Andrew. T he older he gets, the more sensible his behaviour
Jo h n does not smoke as much as Andrew. becomes.
Jo h n is not such a h e avy smoker as Andrew. T he older he gets, the more sensibly he behaves.
Jo h n is not so/as h e avy a smoker as Andrew.
© He hasn’t got much furniture in his n ew flat.
& This is the fastest car I have ever driven. He has got v ery little furniture in his n ew flat.
I have n ever driven such a fast car. He has got v ery few pieces of furniture in his n ew flat.
I have never driven a faster car than this (one).
® George is not usually late.
I have never driven a car as fast as this (one).
It is not typical of George to be late.
None of the cars I have driven is/are faster than this (one).
It is not like George to be late.
None of the cars I have driven is/are as fast as this (one).
® Your bicycle looks exactly like mine.
& She is the worst singer I know.
Your bicycle is e xactly the same as mine.
She is / sings worse than a ny (other) singer I know.
Your bicycle is identical to mine.
No other singer I k n ow is as bad as her / she is.
No other singer I k n ow sings as ba dly as her / she does.
unit0 3
Examination Practice

A Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.


Although we are all natural born liars, most of us seem to take it for granted that lying
(1 ) bad. However, psychologists argue that lying is just
(2 ) im portant as any other social skill we possess.
We learn (3)_______________________ art of deception very early in life; by the age of
five, we have not only become quite efficient at lying, but we have also learnt how to read people's
reactions and act accordingly.
(4)_______________________ example, if someone is avoiding direct eye contact with us, this makes us think that we're
being lied to so we might lie, too. A person's smile is also (5)_______________________ giveaway. A genuine smile makes
the skin near the eyes crease, whereas a "put on" smile doesn’t have the (6)_______________________ effect on the facial
features (7)_______________________ a real one.
Even though both women and men know how to watch (8 )_______________________ for clues that somebody is lying, it
is a fact that women are (9 )_______________________ more skilful liars (10)________________________men. Despite this,
women are also more affected by other people’s feelings, so they have more sympathy (11)_______________________ them.
As a result, women tend to be (12)_______________________ willing to have an honest conversation.

B Complete the second sentence so that it has a sim ilar m eaning to the first sentence, using the w ord given
unchanged. You must use between two and five words, including the w ord given.

1 Sarah is a better swimmer than Jessica.

swim Jessica doesn’t __________________________________________________________ Sarah.
2 Mark and Tony are equally tall.
height Mark is __________________________________________________________ Tony.
3 Jane is more enthusiastic about sports than Brendan is.
keen Brendan isn’t _________________________________ ________________________ Jane is.
4 The baby’s temperature kept rising, so we took him to hospital.
higher The baby’s temperature w as__________________________________________________________ , so we took him to
5 Patrick doesn’t usually forget his appointments.
like It is __________________________________________________________ his appointments.
6 As it got darker, we had more difficulty seeing.
harder The darker__________________________________________________________ it was for us to see.
7 Daniel is the worst cook I’ve ever known.
cook None of the people I know __________________________________________________________ Daniel.
8 I couldn’t find a bigger house in the area.
the This w as__________________________________________________________ I could find in the area.
9 The children’s performance made quite an impression on us.
rather We w ere_________________________________:________________________ the children’s performance.
10 Jeremy doesn’t run as fast as Jonathan.
so Jeremy is n o t__________________________________________________________ Jonathan.
unit0 3

Words easily confused

the correct form of the w ords in the boxes to complete the sentences in each group il-H below. You may
t-e som e of the w ords m ore than once. In some cases, more than one w ord may be correct.

rise raise arise lift

1 :-iould the n e e d __________________________ , we'll order more food fo r the extra guests.

: ' i e charity o rg a n isa tio n __________________________ enough m oney to build a shelter fo r the refugees.

3 The s u n __________________________ in the East and sets in the West.

t ,','e __________________________at seven every weekday to get ready fo r school.

5 Can y o u __________________________ the table so th at I can slide the rug underneath?

grow grow up bring up (be) born become

* n the last six m onths Joe h as__________________________ ta lle r by 15 centim etres.

2 .Vhen Brett w a s __________________________ , he weighed 3.8 kilograms.

3 Most parents have fond m em ories of the years they w e re __________________________ th e ir children.

4 When Je an __________________________ , she wants t o ___________________________ a mechanical engineer.

educate learn teach study read instruct

• 1a lw ays__________________________ a book ju s t before I go to sleep.

2 John w a s __________________________ in France, so his French is very good.

3 Michelle works in the g y m __________________________ people how to use the equipm ent properly.

4 In my final year I had t o __________________________ at least fo ur hours every day t o ___________________________

everything th a t was required fo r the exams.

5 I __________________________ Physics and Maths at the local high school.

6 The e xa m in e r__________________________ us to pick up our pens once we h a d ___________________________ the questions


D behaviour attitude temper mood manner manners

1 My parents had to see the headmaster because of my b a d ____________ _____________ in class.

2 A fter the argum ent, Jake was in a b a d __________________________ and w o u ld n 't speak to anyone.

3 If Betty wants to keep her job, she m ust change h e r __________________________ towards her boss.

4 Where did you learn such excellent ta b le __________________________ ?

unit 0 3
5 T h e children like him b eca use of his g e n t l e________________________ .

6 Cliff is so cal m t h at I have n ever seen him lose h is________________________ .

7 Wh a t yo u're saying should be do n e in a p r o f essi o n a l________________________ .

E fa miliar accust o m e d a ware

1 I hope y o u 'r e________________________ of th e d a ng ers involve d in rock cli mbing.

2 Is a nyo ne in this cla ssr o o m ________________________ with th e wor d "incu b a t or"?

3 T h at w o m a n lo o k s________________________ to me. I'm sure I’ve seen her before.

4 Paul is feeling tired b eca use h e’s n o t________________________ to wor kin g for so long wit h o ut a break.

F custo m habit fashion tren d ro u tin e

1 Going to wor k has b eco m e a d a ily________________________ for most people.

2 T he g e n e r a l________________________ for men in t he 1970s was to have long hair and sideb urns.

3 In m a ny co u n tries it is t h e ________________________ to roast t ur k ey for Christ mas.

4 Sa n dra has the b a d ______________:__________ of biting her nails.

5 Slig h tly flared tro users are i n ________________________ this ye a r so m a ny pe o ple are w earin g them.

6 If you go shopping, d e finit ely go to Blare's. T h ey've got all t he l a t e s t________________________ .

G co m m o n or d in a ry usual nor mal re gular

1 It i s ________________________ to feel w e a k w he n you are ill, eve n if yo u ’ve j ust got a _________________________ cold.

2 e x ercise m ea ns wor kin g out for one hour at least t w ice a wee k.

3 It was a ( n )________________________ we e k e n d. We w e n t to t he cin e m a on Sa t ur d ay eve nin g and for a drive on Su n d ay

morning, a s ________________________ .

4 I g e t on v e ry well with my frien ds b ecause w e have m a ny thin gs i n ________________________ .

H e a g er k een e n t h usiastic in tereste d willin g

1 I a m ________________________ to help you with yo ur h o m ew or k if you mak e an effort.

2 He’s r e a lly________________________ on h e a vy metal music. T h a t’s all he listens to.

3 Ple ase sit d own as I'm ________________________ to start th e meeting.

4 Billy is a ( n )________________________ te nnis player, so he plays t ennis e v e ry afternoon.

5 Sh eila i s ________________________ in t aking up gard e ning this spring.

6 We w e r e ________________________ a b o u t going to Ireland for Christ mas.

unit 0 3

In t h is u n it w e w i l l d e a l w it h m o r e nouns, adjectives a n d adverbs d e r iv i n g fr o m nouns.

Noun Root Noun = N o u n + - hood

Referring to a person T hese nouns d escribe the state or period of being what
the noun root refers to.
ad ult ad ulthoo d
boy b oyhoo d

• So m e ot her co m m o n nouns t h a t form nouns in t h e sa m e w ay are: child, man, mother, parent and woman.
• Pay attention to t h e followin g: neighbour neighbourhood

Noun Root Adjective = Noun + - al Adverb = Noun + -ally

m o nu m e nt m o nu m e n tal m o n u m e nt ally
e d uca tio n e d uca tio n al e d uca tio n ally

• So m e o th er co m m o n nouns t h a t form a d jectives and a d ver bs in the sa m e w ay are: accident, addition, emotion,
fate, intention, nation, nature, person, profession and tradition.
• Note the ch a n g es in spelling:
commerce ^ commercial 4 commercially finance 4 financial 4 financially
part 4 partial 4 partially confidence 4 confidential 4 confidentially
artifice 4 artificial 4 a rtificially essence 4 essential 4 essentially
benefit 4 beneficial 4 beneficially

Noun Root Adjective = Noun + - y Adverb = Noun + - ily

luck lucky luckily

• So m e oth er co m m o n nouns t hat form a d jectives and a d ver bs in t h e sa m e w ay are: ease, fun, health, noise
and s/ eep.
• Pay attention to th e following nouns t hat form o nly a d jectives: cloud, dirt, hair, rain, risk, snow, sun, wealth
and worth.
• Note the ch an ges in spelling: anger ang / y angrily hunger hungry hungrily

Noun Root Adjective = Noun + - ous

Referring to a q uality or ch aracteristic Having the q uality or characteristic of the noun root
d a ng er d a ng ero us

• So m e o th er co m m o n nouns t hat form nouns in t h e sa m e w ay are: adventure, fame, humour, nerve and
• So m e nouns e n ding in -ion form a d jectives in -ious:
ambition 4 ambitious caution 4 cautious infection infectious
religion -4 religious suspicion -4 suspicious
• So m e nouns e n din g in -e form a d jectives in - eous: advantage advantageous courage -4 courageous
• Note the followin g irre gularities: anxiety -4 anxious number -4 numerous price precious

Noun Root A djective/adverb = Noun + -ly

day d aily

• So m e ot her co m m o n nouns t h a t form (b o t h) a d jectives and a d ver bs are: month, mother, world and year.
month 4 monthly: His m onthly salary is far above the average, (adjective)
He gets paid monthly, (adverb)
unit 0 3
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the w ords in capitals.

1 F o u r p e o p l e d i e d i n a ________________________________ a c c i d e n t d u e t o t h e ________________________________ FATE, ICE

r o a d c o n d i t i o n s . L o c a l r e s i d e n t s a r e _____________________________ b e c a u s e _______________________________ ANGER, NUMBER
a c c id e n t s h a v e o c c u rr e d t h e r e a n d no m e a s u r e s h a v e b e e n t a k e n y e t.

2 If y o u r e q u i r e _______________________________ i n f o r m a t i o n , d o n o t h e s i t a t e t o c o n t a c t m e . A DDITIO N

3 I w o k e u p t h i s m o r n i n g f e e l i n g h a p p y b e c a u s e it w a s a _______________________________ , DELIGHT
_______________________________ d a y . I re alised t h a t t h e m i s e r a b l e _______________________________ d a y s w e r e SUN, RAIN
i H
o v e r a n d t h a t _______________________________ s u m m e r w a s j u s t a r o u n d t h e c o r n e r . LUCK

4 I g e t p a i d _____________________________ w h i c h p u t s a l o t o f p r e s s u r e o n m e ______________________________ a t M O NTH, FINANCE

t h e e n d o f t h e m o n t h . I a m _____________________________ a t c o n t r o l l i n g m y m o n e y o v e r a l o n g p e r i o d o f HOPE

time. I
5 P h i l c r o s s e s t h e m a i n r o a d o n a ____________________________ b a s i s t o g e t t o s c h o o l . H e d o e s , h o w e v e r , DAY

c r o s s ______________________________ b y l o o k i n g b o t h w a y s . C AUTIO N

6 c a n b e a n e n j o y a b l e e x p e ri e n c e . Ye t, m o r e a n d m o r e c o u p l e s t h e s e d a y s PARENT

a r e d e c i d i n g t o r e m a i n _____________________________ .

7 E l i z a i s n ’t v e r y ______________________________ l a t e l y . I h o p e s h e w a s n ' t o f f e n d e d b y m y c o m m e n t . FRIEND

I d i d n ’t s a y i t _______________________________ t o h u r t h e r. INTE NTIO N


8 M y f r i e n d D a v i d l i k e d g o i n g o n _____________________________ h o l i d a y s u n t i l l a s t s u m m e r w h e n h e w a s AD V E NTUR E

b i t t e n b y a _______________________________ s n a k e a n d n e a r l y d i e d . POISON

Examination Practice

A R e a d t h e t e x t b e l o w a n d d e c i d e w h i c h a n s w e r A, B, C o r D b e s t f i t s e a c h s p a c e .


In o r d e r t o ( 1 ) ____________________________ c h i l d r e n , m a n y q u a l i t i e s a r e r e q u i r e d . A s w e l l a s t h e ( 2 ) _________________________

r e q u i r e m e n t s s u c h a s l o v e , p a t i e n c e a n d u n d e r s t a n d i n g , a s e n s e o f h u m o u r is a n i m p o r t a n t f e a t u r e o f a n y p a r e n t 's

p e r s o n a l i t y . ( 3 ) ____________________________ , i t's q u i t e a n a r t t o t r a n s f o r m a c h i l d' s b a d m o o d i n t o ( 4 ) _____________________________

e v e r y o n e in t h e f a m ily c a n live wit h.

A n o t h e r a s p e c t o f c h i l d r e a r i n g is t e a c h i n g c h i l d r e n l i m i t s a n d r u l e s . T h i s m e a n s t h e c h i l d n e e d s t o b e

( 5 ) ____________________________ o f w h a t h i s o r h e r r i g h t s a r e a n d w h a t o t h e r p e o p l e ' s a r e , t o o . S e t t i n g l i m i t s o n c h i l d r e n m u s t

o c c u r o n a d a i l y b a s i s. T e m p o r a r y m e a s u r e s d o n ’t a c h i e v e a n y t h i n g b u t j u s t w a s t e t i m e . A ( 6 ) ____________________________

m i s t a k e , h o w e v e r , is b e i n g ( 7 ) ____________________________ s t r i c t e r t h a n n e c e s s a r y . P a r e n t s m u s t b e ( 8 ) ____________________________

t o a l l o w t h e i r c h i l d r e n t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o e x p l o r e a n d l e a r n ( 9 ) ____________________________ e x p e r i e n c e .

W h a t ' s m o r e , m o s t p a r e n t s m u s t k n o w t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f ( 1 0 ) ____________________________ a s it g e t s c h i l d r e n u s e d t o c e r t a i n

e v e r y d a y a c t i v i t i e s . F o r i n s t a n c e , e a t i n g a t t h e s a m e t i m e ( 1 1 )____________________________ t h e i r p a r e n t s g e t s t h e m i n t o t h e h a b i t

o f s i t t i n g a t a t a b l e a n d ( 1 2 )____________________________ t h e m h o w t o c o n d u c t t h e m s e l v e s p r o p e r l y .

O v e r a l l , c h i l d r e a r i n g is n o e a s y t a s k b u t it is c e r t a i n l y a c h a l l e n g e a n d a l e a r n i n g e x p e r i e n c e .
unit0 3
1 A grow B grow up C born D bring up

2 A routine B popular C ordinary D usual

3 A In fact B But c All in all D As well as

4 A temper B character c behaviour D manner

5 A known B accustomed c familiar D aware

6 A willing B famous c common D continuous

7 A very B far c quite D fairly

8 A keen B eager c interested D willing

9 A by B on c from D with

10 A custom B routine c fashion D trend

11 A like B as c than D of

12 A learns B educates c teaches D instructs

Complete the te x t b elow w ith the correct fo rm o f the w ords in capitals.

Arthritis is a general term for aches and pains in the body's joints.

Most types of arthritis involve the deterioration of cartilage, which

is an (1)________________________ material covering the ends of the ESSENCE

bones in the joint. When the (2)________________________ cartilage HEALTH
wears out, it becomes rough and this causes pain when the joint

moves. This condition is more common among the elderly, but some

people can be sufferers from (3)________________________ . CHILD

Apart from (4 )________________________ painkillers, little or no TRADITION
treatm ent is available. However, (5) _______________________ AMBITION
scientists have designed (6 )________________________ joints that ARTIFICE
can replace the (7)________________________ , worn-out ones. These PAIN
new joints could prove very (8 )________________________ to arthritis BENEFIT
sufferers. Although some believe that joint replacement may be

(9 ) numerous patients are COST

(10 ) waiting for this medical ANXIOUS

___ j
Prepositional Phrases

A Complete the blanks with the prepositions in, on, at, for or by.

hire/rent sure/certain board public

least post/air mail short cash

the first place an excursion one's own chance

schedule accident instance cheque

a change other words a trip/tour a good/bad

the move once private

B Read the sentences and complete them with the prepositions in, on, at, under or without.

1 All assignments are due to m o rro w _______________fail.

2 A computer chooses the lottery num bers_______________random.

3 Our house has been_______________ the market for over two months but we haven’t been able to sell it yet.

4 Everyone w as_______________ a state of shock after the devastating news.

5 I w as_______________a loss for words when I was told I had won the prize.

6 The roadworks_______________ progress are responsible for the traffic jams.

7 I can't go out tonight. I’m feeling a b it_______________the weather.

8 The train is _______________sight. It will be pulling in any minute now.

9 Dianne was refused entry to the club because she was_______________age.

10 Final - year students a re _______________a lot of pressure to pass their exams.

11 I have bought this gym equipm ent_______________ approval. I can return it within fifteen days.

12 My brother fa ints_______________ the sight of blood.

13 My wife isn’t here at the moment because she’s away_______________business.

C Complete the sentences with the p re p o sitio n a l p h ra se s in the box below.

at a glance on the road in order for granted in common

on arrival at heart in some respects

1 Although he seems rather abrupt at times, he is very k in d _____________________ .

2 You should not take i t _____________________ that your parents will always support you.

3 Everything was_____________________ and ready to be inspected.

4 , the earthquake doesn't seem to have caused any serious damage.

5 We w ere_____________________ for two days before we reached our destination.

6 at the train station, they went straight to the platform.

7 Even though I don't agree with your overall argument, I do agree with y o u _____________________ .

8 My brother and I don’t have anything_____________________ .

unit 0 4

- c ad the sentences on the left and match the phrasal verbs with their definitions on the right by writing the
o rre c t num ber in the box next to each definition.


1 The government kept back vital information concerning the oil spill.
prevent from being taken away
2 Skaters were warned to keep o ff the thin ice.
3 The students kept on working hard despite the terrible heat. maintain

4 We were told to keep out of the abandoned house. reserve, not reveal
5 Ted, you got an A in your Biology test. Keep up the good work! reach
5 Hold on! I’ll just get my jacket and we can leave. stay off, not approach
7 Despite his financial problems, he managed to hold on to his fortune.
3 Sorry I'm late, but I was held up in traffic on the way here.
9 Two men held up a supermarket last night and stole £ 2000.
wait for a short time
• 3 Even though he was injured during the race, he still managed
not enter
to catch up w ith the other runners.


1 It was impossible for Alison to carry on working after receiving
the bad news. start living in

2 Recent studies carried out by the government show that more and continue
more people are relying on the state health system. find a solution, discover
3 The fans got carried away during the concert and climbed onto the stage. stop living in
4 The tyres of my car have w orn out. I must get new ones. over-excited
5 I'm too w orn out to go anywhere tonight. take part in physical exercise
6 Scientists still haven’t worked o u t what caused the death of the animals.
perform, conduct
7 W orking out on a regular basis reduces the risk of heart disease.
8 I took a week off work in order to move into my new home.
become thin, weak or unsuitable
9 My landlord won't renew my contract so I have to move out by for further use
the end of the month.

Words with Prepositions

A Complete the blanks with prepositions.

Adjectives Nouns Verbs

bad a connection arrive a building

bound a decrease arrive a city/country
close an increase depart a place
different a lack differ
full a reduction divide sth people (=give each a share of sth)
aenerous sb divide sth sth (=separate into small parts)
inferior divide a number another number (Maths)
separate receive sth sb
superior translate sth onelanauaae
terrified another
unit 0 4
6 R e a d t h e f o llo w in g s e n t e n c e s a n d c o m p le t e t h e m w it h prepositions.

1 Can yo u please tr a n sla t e this d o c u m e n t___________ F r e n c h____________ En glish?

2 T h ey a r r iv e d ___________ th e hotel aft er midnight.
3 T h e la c k ___________ m e dical su p plies m a d e the d o ct ors’ task eve n m ore difficult.
4 T h e t hieves d ivid e d th e l o o t___________ th e mselves.
5 He's v e r y g e n e r o u s___________ his m o ney and su p p orts vario us charities.
6 The t e ach er d ivid e d t he cl a ss___________ fo ur grou ps for t he role - play.
7 T h e m a n a g er is v e r y g e n e r o u s___________ all his staff, regardless of t heir position in the com pany.
8 We a r r iv e d ___________ Fra n k f urt in t he aftern oo n and looked for a hotel straightaway.

Grammar Revision (Determiners - Pronouns)

S e e G r a m m a r R e v i e w p a g e 152

A R e a d t h e f o llo w in g t e x t a n d c o m p le t e e a c h b la n k w it h o n e w o r d .

V ery ( 1 )________________________ p e o ple k n ow the real inspiration for cubism, t he most i m port an t art m ove m e nt
of the 2 0th cent ury. Al most ( 2 ) ________________________ see ms to b elieve t hat cu bism w as crea t e d by Pablo
Picasso and G eorges Bra q ue, w h o w ere ( 3 )________________________ painters. However, ( 4 ) _____________________
can be f urth er fro m t h e truth. In t h e late 19th ce n t ury a n o t h er French painter, Paul Ce z anne, paint ed a
( 5 )________________________ of lan dsca pes, ( 6 ) _________________________ of which grea tly influenced Bra q u e
and Picasso. ( 7 )________________________ of t h ese two paint ers eve r trie d to hide this fact. Yet, in the past, al most
( 8 ) ________________________ book a b o u t cu bism te nd e d to co nce n tra t e o nly on Picasso ’s and Bra q u e ’s achieve m e nts, not
making ( 9 ) ________________________ re f ere nce to C e z anne's influence. O ver th e ye ars ( 1 0 )_________________________
au th ors h ave tried to correct this inaccuracy, but to (1 1)________________________ effect; most p e o ple k now v ery
(12 ) a b out C e z a n n e himself, let alo n e his work. N o wa d ays, however,
(13 ) can disp ute ( 1 4 )_________________________ C e z a n n e’s influ ence on e arly cu bism or the
i m p orta nce of this art m ove m ent.

B C h o o s e A , B , C o r D t o c o m p le t e t h e f o llo w in g s e n t e n c e s .
1 This film will be v e ry p o p ular a m o n g ___________________________ who e n joy scie nce fiction.
A t hese B those C so m e D so m e on e
2 F ort u n a t ely,___________________________ th e g uests w ere injured w he n th e fire broke out at the hotel.
A none B none of C no one D no one of
3 You nee d n't b uy more milk b eca use t h e r e's___________________________ in the fridge.
A ve ry Bm uch C lo t D lots
4 ;_____________ t he stu de n ts nor th e t e ach ers w ere ha p py with t h e e d uca tio n al reforms.
A Eit h er B Eit h er of C Neit her D N either of
5 of th e m e m b ers of the co m m itt e e ca m e up with a different proposal.
A Eve ry B Everyo n e C Each D A nyo n e
6 We'v e o nly g o t___________________________ tim e left. H urry up!
A little B a little Cfew D a few
7 It t oo k H e nry a ( n )___________________________ day to clear out th e attic.
A all B a ll of C w h ole D co m plet e
8 of the t wo girls was given a bicycle as a C hrist mas present.
A Both B Eith er C Eve ry one D Each one
- T h ere isn’t anything else I ca n do. S Either b oo k is interesting. /
T h ere is nothing else I ca n do. / Either of th ese b o o ks is/are interesting. /
T h ere isn’t nothing ctoc I ca n do. - Neither b o o k is interesting. /
T h e b a b y cli m b e d th e stairs without any difficulty. / Neither of these b o o ks is/are interesting. /
T h e b a b y cli m b e d th e stairs with no difficulty. / None of th ese b oo ks is/are interesting. /
T h e b a b y cli m b e d t h e stems without no difficulty. - (both +plural verb,
(only one negative word in each sentence) either/neither+singular verb,
either of/neither of/none o f+singular or plural verb)
6 T h ere isn’t much milk left in t h e fridge. /
T h ere isn’t many milk loft in the fridge. - ® Yo u ca n go to t he b e ach both b y bus and b y train. S
T h ere is (a) little milk left in th e fridge. / Yo u ca n go to t he b e ach either b y b us or b y train. /
T h ere is (a) few milk le ft in -t h e fridge. - Yo u c a n -go to tho b o ach and b y bus and b y train. -
(much, (a) little + uncountable nouns) (both...and m the one and the other
either... or * the one or the other)
€i T h ere aren’t many strawberries left in t h e fridge. S
There-aretft much strawberries left in t h e fridge. - ® H e can’t sing and h e can’t d a nce either. /
T h ere are (a) few strawberries left in t h e fridge. / H e can’t sing or d a nce (either). /
T h ere are (a) little strawberries left in t h e fridge:— H e can neither sing nor dance. /
(many, (a) few + countable nouns) H e can’t neither sing nor d a ncer

& T h ere is lots / a lot / plenty of information o n volca n o es

(neither...nor * not the one and not the other)
in this book.
T h ere are lots /a lot /plenty of toys in t h e garden, @ W e w er e stu dyin g all morning. /
children. W e spent the whole m ornin g studying. /
(lots of, a lot of, plenty o f+countable and uncountable nouns) W e sp e nt the all m ornin g stu dyi ng. -

€> Both of th ese boo ks are interesting. /

Both of t hcac boo ks is interesting. -

Key Transformations
® T h ere w ere n ’t a lot of things to see in t h e g allery Bo t h Ji m a n d Ja c k lik e playin g tennis.
T h ere w asn ’t m u ch to see in t h e gallery. Ji m likes playin g te nnis a n d Ja c k does, too.
T h ere w as little to see in t he gallery. Ji m likes playin g te nnis a n d so does Jac k .

& Most students did n ’t go to t he de monstration. Bo t h Ji m a n d Ja c k disli ke football.

(V ery) f e w (of the) students w e n t to t h e de monstration. N eit her Ji m n or Ja c k like(s) football.
H a r d ly a nyo n e w e n t to t h e de monstration. Ji m d oesn’t lik e football a n d Ja c k doesn’t (lik e it) either. |
H a r d ly a n y (of th e) stu dents w e n t to th e de monstration. Ji m d oesn’t lik e football a n d neither / nor does Jac k .
unit 0 4

Examination Practice

A Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.

To have an allergy means that a person is affected either by a substance in the atmosphere
(1)____________________ by some sort of food. (2)_____________________days a lot of
people suffer from one kind of allergy or another.
So, what can people do to fight allergies? If someone is allergic to chocolate, for instance,
the simplest (3 )____________________ to do would be to avoid eating any chocolate. If,
on the (4)____________________ hand, the allergic reaction is caused by
(5)____________________ unknown or difficult to avoid, then the only solution is
prescribed medication.

The chances of (6)_____________________ having an allergy are bound to be great if allergies (7)___________________in

the family. In other words, if one parent suffers from allergies, the child has a th irty percent chance of being allergic, too. If

(8)_____________________ parents are affected, the risk doubles.

However, there is absolutely ( 9 )_____________________ logical reason to be terrified (1 0)______________________that

possibility. Those who suffer can carry (11)_____________________ with their lives and not let their allergies wear them
out. They shouldn’t feel different (12)_____________________ everyone else.

B Complete the second sentence so that it has a sim ilar meaning to the first sentence, using the w ord given
unchanged. You must use betw een two and five words, including the w ord given.

1 The washing machine is not working properly.

w rong There is _____________________________________________________the washing machine.
2 Unfortunately, most people didn’t have a good time at the party.
hardly Unfortunately,____________________________________________________ a good time at the party.
3 I didn’t like a single song from their new CD.
none I ____________________________________________________ from their new CD.
4 I’m pretty sure that Mary doesn’t like jazz music and Susan doesn’t either.
dislike I’m pretty sure th a t_____________________________________________________jazz music.
5 There isn’t enough petrol on the market.
lack There is ____________________________________________________ on the market.
6 We realised that both cars were expensive.
car We realised th a t_____________________________________________________cheap.
7 There aren’t a lot of things to remember from that awful trip.
little There_____________________________________________________from that awful trip.
8 I’m afraid I can’t study both Maths and Physics tonight - just one of the two.
or I’m afraid I can _____________________________________________________tonight - not both.
9 They were looking for their lost dog all week.
the They spent_____________________________________________________looking for their lost dog.
10 The concert was sold out two weeks in advance.
any There_____________________________________________________for the concert two weeks in advance.
unit 04

C /o c t im

Words easily confused

; e t h e c o r r e c t f o r m o f t h e w o r d s i n t h e b o x e s t o c o m p le t e t h e s e n t e n c e s i n e a c h g r o u p A - H b e lo w . Y o u m a y
so m e o f t h e w o r d s m o r e t h a n o n c e . In s o m e c a s e s, m o r e t h a n o n e w o r d m a y b e c o r r e c t .

travel transf er tra nsp ort transmit

need t o . so m e m o n ey fro m my savings acco u n t to my curre n t accou nt.

: My fa th er usually _ ________to w or k by car.

3 The goods w e r e __ to the United States.

i The infor mation i s . __by satellite thro u gh ou t the world.

5 . e r r y g o t ________ to Bristol and he is movin g there ne xt week.

arrive get reach co m e a p proach a p p ear

• t took us a long ti me to _ to the th ea tre but w e . in time for the first act.

2 The ocean lin e r_______ on the hori z on and within two hours it h a d . ____________ the port.

3 Would you like t o . ___to our house t onig h t?

i ! w a s___________ by a b e g g ar asking for money.

5 W e _____________ at the villa g e late at night.

c a rry fetch d eliver

1 Can y o u ________________________ t hat bottle from t h e top shelf?

2 So m e su p er m ar k ets n ow arran g e for yo ur sho p ping to b e ________________________ to yo ur door.

3 I c o u l d n't________________________ t he boxes by myself so I asked the shop assistant to bring t h e m to my car.

D vo ya g e jo u rn e y trip t o ur e x cursion travel e x p e dition cruise flight

1 O ur class is going on a(n) _ to th e z oo to morrow.

2 Jo a n kept a diary of h e r_ t hrou g h Europe.

3 O u r____________________ on t h e ocea n liner lasted tw o weeks.

4 Ma ny e x plorers h ave died o n . _______________________ to the A ntarctic.

5 It's a nine - hour b u s_________ fro m Melb o urn e to Sydney.

6 We w e n t on a M e d it e rr a n e a n . _________for o ur h on ey m o on.

7 We w ere give n a ( n )_________ of t h e a ncie nt castle as soon as w e arrived.

8 O u r_______________________ to Ban g k o k was d elaye d so o ur _ to Asia was put off for a day.
unit 0 4

E guide direct lead ride

1 I rece ntly bou ght a bicycle t o ________________________ to work. Surprisin gly, I get t h ere fast er than w he n I used to
drive my car there.

2 Could you p l e a s e________________________ me to the train station?

3 This r o a d ________________________ to th e castle at th e top of the hill.

4 We w e r e ________________________ aroun d t h e m useu m and saw its most fa m o us e x hibits.

5 th e way, Jo h n , and w e ’ll follow you.

F a d dress road stre et way direction route path

1 You'll need a map to find y o u r________________________ arou n d this city.

2 I need yo ur n e w ________________________ so t h a t I can keep in touch with you.

3 I’ll find t h e ________________________ to yo ur h ouse by looking up t h e _________________________ in the directory.

4 We must f ollow t h e ________________________ Ju d y g ave us, or w e ’ll n ever find t h e _________________________ her
h ouse is on.

5 T h e hikers too k t h e ________________________ t hat led to t h e castle.

6 T h ey walk e d care f ully t hrou g h the w oo ds followin g t h e ________________________ .

7 We w ere up and rea d y at su nrise and h ea d e d in t h e ________________________ of the mountains.

site position location p oint place room space

1 T he of the house is ideal, with the living overlo o king t he bay.

2 To e nt er th e building you must w e ar a hard hat.
3 W h a t______________ do you play in the school foot ball tea m?
4 Do you live in a . _________ of yo ur own or do you still rent?
5 T h e s t a r ti n g___ for th e m arathon is on th e corn er of Bell and C hurch Street.
6 He travelle d to a lot of _ _________ while wor kin g as a flight atten da nt.
7 T h ere wasn't e noug h _ ________ in t he h ouse for the children to play, so I told t h e m to go outside.
8 It too k us over half an hour to find a parking

H f oreign stran ge different p eculiar curious

1 He's got a acce nt; I ca n't u n d erst an d w hich part of Englan d he co m es from.
2 Accor din g to astrolog ers, A q u aria ns are people who wa n t to k now everyt hin g about
everyo n e.

3 Melissa b uys a ________________________ car e v e ry two years.

4 It’s d e finitely an a d va n t a g e to k now a f e w ________________________ languages.

5 T h ere's a ________________________ smell co min g fro m t he kitchen. Is so m ething b urning?

unit 0 4

T h is u n it d e a ls w it h m o r e w o r d s d e r iv i n g fr o m n o u n s.
Noun Root Verb = Noun + -ise
ch aract er ch aract erise

• So m e oth er co m m o n nouns t h a t form ver bs in the sa m e w ay are: apology, computer, economy, hospital,
memory, summary, symbol, sympathy and victim.
• Pay attention to t h e following irre gularities: criticism criticise emphasis emphasise
• Verbs d erivin g fro m nouns in - ice are f orm e d by ch an gin g the -c into -s:
advice 4 advise device 4 devise practice 4 practise

• So m e o th er co m m o n nouns t ha t form a d jectives and a d ver bs in t he sa m e w ay are: democrat, diplomat,

enthusiast, hygiene and optimist.
• Nouns in -y usually form a d jectives in - etic:
apology apologetic energy 4 energetic sympathy 4 sympathetic
• So m e nouns form t wo ad jectives, o n e in -ic and t he o th er in - ical with no differe nce in meaning:
irony 4 ironic/ironical symbol 4 symbolic/symbolical

Noun Root Noun (person) = Adjective =

(usually subject of study) Noun in -ist or-ian Noun in -ical or -ic
Art artist artistic
Biolo gy biologist biological
C he mistry ch e mist ch e mical
Dra ma dra m a tist d ra m a tic
Gra m m ar gra m m aria n gra m m a tical
Logic logician logical
Mat he m a tics m a t he m atician m at he m atical
Me dicin e m e dical
Music m usician musical
Politics politician political
Psych olo g y psych ologist psych ological
Scie nce scientist scientific

• T h e a d ver bs f or m e d fro m t h ese a d jectives have t he e n din g - icaHy:

logical 4 logically scientific 4 scientifically
• So m e nouns form t w o a djectives, one in -ic and th e o t her in - ical, but t heir m ea ning is different:
economics 4 economic (= related to economy or the field o f the economics)
economical (= inexpensive, saving money)
history 4 historic (= im portant in history)
4 historical (= belonging to history; related to sth that happened in the past)
• V ery f ew nouns (eg. p hysics) for m nouns (p erso n) both in -ist and in -ian, but t heir m ea nin g is different.
physics 4 physicist (= a person who has studied or is studying physics)
4 physician (=a doctor)

Noun Root Noun = Noun + -dom

bore bore do m
king kingdo m
star star do m

• So m e nouns in - dom are d erive d fro m a d jectives, not fro m nouns. T h e m ost co m m o n o nes are:
fre e free d o m wise wisd o m
unit 0 4
C o m p le t e t h e s e n t e n c e s w it h t h e c o r r e c t f o r m o f t h e w o r d s i n c a p it a ls .

1 Melina was very ______________ about picking up her new scooter. EN T H USIAST
2 T h e ___________ . is trying to find a ______________________solution to the crisis. PO LITICS, DIPLO M A T
3 Howard is a very ___________ person. ENERGY
4 We had t o ______ . a lot of words for the spelling test. MEM O RY
5 , I believe that the govern m ent should preserve the PERSO N , HIST ORY
buildings in the city centre.
6 You m u s t__________________ to him for your rude behaviour. APO LO GY
7 Jo h n had to get _____ help after his m other’s death because he had beco me PSYC H OLO GY
v e r y __________ EM O TIO N
8 The firefighter was given a medal for the . rescue of the little boy from HERO
the burning building.

9 The play w e saw at the theatre w a s _____ SYMB O L

10 The up and c o m i n g__________________ _ finally exhibited her paintings in a gallery. ART
11 Children should be . e x amined at least t wice a year. MEDICIN E
12 I don’t k now what to do now that my friends are away. I feel that I’m going to die
o f ______________ BO RE

Examination Practice

A R e a d t h e t e x t b e lo w a n d d e c i d e w h ic h a n s w e r A , B , C o r D b e s t f it s e a c h s p a c e .

As a journalist, I’m asked to travel around the globe to all sorts of (1)________________________ countries.

O ver the years, I’ve used different means of transport. Of course, for long ( 2 )________________________ ,

flying is the fastest and safest w ay to ( 3 )________________________ a far - off destination.

Unfortunately, I’m not a v er y organised traveller and despite my travel a g e n t’s best efforts, ( 4 )_______________________

always goes wrong. Last week, while I was heading for the airport, I realised I had left my passport at home. O bviously, I had

to go back so I asked the taxi driver to turn around and take me home. In the meantime, I crossed my fingers and hoped t hat I

w o uld n ’t miss my (5 )________________________ .

All the ( 6 )________________________ home, the driver was speeding in and out of traffic. He got eve n more carried

( 7 )________________________ when he got on the motorway, ( 8 )_________________________ at spee ds of up to 150 kilo metres

per hour.

By the ti me w e arrive d home, I w as ( 9 )______ __________________ a state of shock and it took me a while to

(1 0)________________________ my breath. So, before driving off again, I decided to p ay him (11)_________________________

extra, so that he would go slower as w e were bound (12)________________________ have an accident.

unit0 4

1 A curious B peculiar C foreign D strange

2 A travels B excursions C tours D trips

3 A arrive B reach C get D approach

4 A anything B something C everything D nothing

5 A flight B cruise C trip D journey

6 A road B way C route D direction

7 A away B on C out D along

8 A moving B travelling C transferring D transporting

9 A at B under C on D in

10 A hold B catch C keep D find

11 A many B a little C a few D some

12 A to B for C in D of

3 Complete the text b elo w with the correct form of the w ords in capitals.


"he longest-living person (1)________________________ recorded lived to be 122 years and 164 days OFFICIAL

In general, the number of people who live to be over one hundred is increasing, especially among

women, yet there isn’t a single (2 )________________________ who can fully explain this phenomenon. SCIENCE
Some of them claim that it’s purely a (3 )________________________ fact. BIOLOGY
However, in the developing countries, where (4 )________________________ progress is slower, life SCIENCE
expectancy is much less. According to (5)________________________ records, life expectancy for MEDICINE
these people is about forty years. (6 )________________________ reasons are mainly responsible for ECONOMICS
this and as a result a high percentage of the population suffers from m alnutrition. One must also

(7 ) the fact that sanitary conditions in developing countries are rather EMPHASIS
(8 ) . HYGIENE
To (9 )________________________ , proper housing and sanitation, adequate healthcare and a(n) SUMMARY
(10) ________________________ diet play an im portant part in a person’s life expectancy. NUTRITION

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