Comparing Crop Production Methods: Growing A GMO Crop Growing A non-GMO Crop
Comparing Crop Production Methods: Growing A GMO Crop Growing A non-GMO Crop
Comparing Crop Production Methods: Growing A GMO Crop Growing A non-GMO Crop
STEP 1: After being grouped into pairs, you will be assigned in a position on
the use of GMOs in our food supply. Mark it below:
STEP 2: Find evidence to support your assigned position. List three (3)
pieces of evidence below in order, form highest to lowest quality. Your notes
on the two (2) pages of this worksheet will serve as your reference.
1st evidence: Every year, billions of edible animals are raised in the United
States on GMO-containing feed, with no indication of harm. According to a
2014 assessment published in the Journal of Animal Science, the genetically
altered feed actually improved animal health and growth efficiency.
2nd evidence: Farmers have been able to use less pesticides while boosting
yields by engineering insect resistance, which improves farmer and
environmental safety while cutting food costs and improving availability. Corn,
cotton, and soybean yields are estimated to have increased by 20% to 30%
as a result of genetic engineering.
STEP 4: With your partner, discuss your final positions on the use of GMOs
and the evidence for each position. Identify which portions of the position are
based on scientific research and which portions are based more on social
issues. List them below:
For both concerns, my solution is to research it again and test it. It will be
a waste if we completely disregard or eliminate it. GMOs have a favorable
impact on many countries and people, and they also help with food
production. The negative impacts of GMOs must be addressed in some
way, such as conducting additional study and compiling a list of negative
impacts that can be eliminated if the negative impacts are resolved. Then,
after some investigation and testing, they can give to the people or society
if all of the negatives have been resolved. If this occurs, people will be
relieved of their worries and will have a sufficient quantity of food to assist
them in their daily lives.