Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Tall B

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8th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications

Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

June 7 - 11, 2016

Aerodynamic shape optimization of tall buildings using

twisting and corner modifications

Ahmed Elshaer a, Girma Bitsuamlak b, Ashraf El Damatty c

Western University, CEE/WindEEE, London, Ontario, Canada,
Western University, CEE/WindEEE, London, Ontario, Canada,
Western University, CEE/WindEEE, London, Ontario, Canada,

Wind is a critical load case in many civil engineering applications including tall buildings. Huge amount of
resources is drawn to control loads and vibrations caused by wind. Large portion of those expenses and
materials can be saved by improving the aerodynamic performance of tall buildings. This improvement can
be reached by modifying the outer shape of tall buildings locally at the corners or globally over the height
and the width of the building. In the current study, improving the aerodynamic performance of tall
buildings is conducted by adopting a recently developed aerodynamic optimization procedure (AOP). The
latter procedure integrates computational fluid dynamics (CFD), optimization algorithm and Artificial
Neural Network (ANN) model to reliably predict the optimal building shape. An illustration optimization
problem is presented to reduce the along-wind base moment by helical twisting and corner modifications of
the building.

Keywords: Wind loads Aerodynamics Tall buildings Optimization Artificial Neural Networks

Wind-induced loads and vibrations are major aspects in the design of tall buildings. The
wind-structure interaction induced responses are affected by several factors including the
upcoming wind, surrounding conditions, structural properties of the building and its outer
shape. Precise selection of the outer shape details of a building can result in a significant
reduction in forces and motions caused by wind. Improving the aerodynamic
performance of a tall building can be achieved by local and global shape mitigations.
Local shape mitigations, such as corner mitigations, have a considerable effect on
structural and architectural design, while global shape mitigations have a minor effect on
structural and architectural design. Those mitigations were previously studied in various
boundary layer wind tunnel (BLWT) tests (e.g. Kwok 1998, Tanaka et al. 2012,
Carassale et al. 2014) and numerical studies using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD),
such as Tamura et al. 1998 and Elshaer et al. 2014. Although very important
improvement on wind performance was reported in these studies, they fail short in
estimating the optimal building shape within predefined geometric parameters controlling
the outer shape of a building. Thus, more aerodynamic improvement can be reached by
integrating an optimization technique to the mitigation studies. This was reported by
Kareem et al. 2013, Bernardini et al. 2015 and Elshaer et al. (2015a, b).

An aerodynamic optimization procedure (AOP) was recently developed by the authors

based on training an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model using a CFD database for
random shapes having different design variables to evaluate the objective function
values. The design variables represent the geometric parameters controlling the outer
shape of the building, while the objective function values represent the target
aerodynamic properties to be improved in the optimization process such as drag or lift.
The ANN model is utilized as a surrogate model for objective function evaluation. Using
the ANN model in the AOP (i) significantly reduces the computational time, (ii)
eliminates the need for the direct integration of CFD solver within the AOP and (iii)
eases the utilization of available experimental BLWT results in conjunction with the CFD
database. The developed approach considered the wind directionality by examining all
possible angles of attack during the AOP. In the current research, the aerodynamic
properties are obtained using 3D LES analysis of an atmospheric boundary layer (ABL)
flow to capture the complex flow structures associated with the turbulent ABL flow
interaction with the tall building.


The AOP procedure begins by defining the objective function, which is the aerodynamic
property targeted to be minimized or maximized. The value of the objective function for
each case depends on the building geometry, which is controlled by the optimization
design variables. Then, the optimization algorithm (genetic algorithm) is used to find the
optimal combination of design variables that reduces the wind loads on the building.
Optimization procedure requires multiple evaluations for the objective functions during
the iterative procedure of the optimization. The evaluation of objective function is
conducted using the ANN model that had been previously trained using CFD simulations.
After predicting the optimal building shape, a verification step is carried out by
comparing the optimal solution to lower fitness shapes using wind tunnel testing or high
accuracy CFD simulations. The proposed procedure was previously examined by the
authors on local corner modifications (Elshaer et al. 2015). Figure 1 summarizes the
framework of the proposed AOP.

Figure 1 Framework of the aerodynamic optimization procedure (AOP)

An illustrative example is conducted to examine the efficiency of the proposed
framework in reducing the along-wind base moment through corner modifications and
helical twisting of a typical tall building. The objective function is set to be the
normalized moment coefficient in the along-wind direction, which is computed using
Equation 1. Different wind angles of attack are taken into consideration. The critical
wind of attack is utilized to evaluate the objective function value. The basic building
cross-section is chosen to be a square of 50 mm side length similar to previous wind
tunnel studies from the literature (Tamura et al. 1998, Kawai 1998, Tamura and Miyagi
1999). The design variables (r1, r2 and θ) are defined to control the building shape, as
shown in Figure 2. In order to keep the building shape in an accepted architectural shape,
lower and upper bound are set for each design variable. In the present study, the lower
bounds are set to be 0.005, 0.005 and 0 for r1, r2 and θ, respectively. While the upper
bounds are set to be 0.01, 0.01 and 360, respectively.

C My ,N = Equation 1
1 ρν 2 BH 2
2 ref

where M y is the along-wind moment, ρ is the air density, ν ref is the reference velocity
at the building height, B is the building width and H is the building height.

Figure 2. Geometric parameters of the study section

2.1. CFD model properties
3D LES analyses are conducted randomly selected shapes to act as seed for training the
ANN. The used length and time scales are 1:400 and 1:100, respectively, with a mean
wind velocity of 10 m/s at the building height. Computational domain dimensions are
chosen based on the recommendation of Frank 2006 and Dagnew and Bitsuamlak 2013.
The generated wind velocity and turbulence profiles are following ESDU 2011 assuming
open terrain exposure. Figure 3 shows the velocity, the turbulence intensity and the
turbulence length scale profiles used in the LES. The sides and the top of the
computational domain are assigned as symmetry plane boundary condition, while the
bottom of the computational domain and all building faces are defined as no-slip walls.

Polyhedral control volumes are used to discretize the computational domain. A number
of 15 parallel grids to the study building surfaces with stretching factor of 1.05 is utilized
satisfying the recommendations by Murakami 1997, and Tominaga et al. 2008. Figure 4
shows the utilized grid in the LES for the current study.

The simulations are conducted using a commercial CFD package (STAR-CCM+ v.10.06)
employing LES with dynamic sub-grid scale model by Smagornisky 1963 and Germano
et al. 1991. Each simulation is resolved for 1,500 time steps representing 0.75 seconds in
model-scale (i.e. 1.25 minutes in full-scale). SharcNet high performance computer (HPC)
facility at the Western University is utilized for conducting the numerical simulations.
The computational time required for each simulation is 3 hours on 128 processors. After
running the LES analyses, the time history for the base moment in the along-wind
direction is extracted. Figure 5 shows a sample from the extracted time histories. These
time histories are utilized to train the ANN model for the objective function evaluation.

Figure 3 (a) velocity, (b) turbulence intensity and (c) turbulence length scale profiles used for
inflow generation using CDRFG technique

Figure 4 Grid resolution utilized for the LES analysis



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

time (sec.)

Figure 5 Normalized moment coefficient time history in the along-wind direction for sample of
2.2. Artificial neural network (ANN) properties
The ANN model is trained with 475 sample forming different building shapes. The aerodynamic database
is formed from different combinations of the design variables (i.e. r1, r2 and θ), wind angle of attack
(AOA) and the corresponding objective function values obtained from the LES analyses. 70% of the
samples are used to train the ANN, while 30% are used to validate and test the ANN model. The ANN
estimates the objective functions with sufficient accuracy, as shown in Figure 6. Figure 6a shows the
regression plot of the ANN model indicating a regression coefficient of 0.967, while Figure 6b the error
distribution, where error does not exceed 7% in 92% of the samples. This endorses the reliability of the
ANN for mapping highly irregular relation that exist in the present function provided that a large number
of training samples covering wide search domain (through a random approach of selecting these samples)
is used.

: R=0.96741
Y=T 90 Zero Error



0.02 (a) 0

0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045

% Errors

Figure 6 (a) Error distribution and (b) regression plot for the ANN model
2.3. Genetic algorithm (GA) properties
As mentioned earlier, a real coded genetic algorithm is adopted for optimization where
the design variables are coded as real numbers. The optimization procedure starts by
randomly selecting 40 candidates to form the initial population. Different types of
crossover and mutation operators are applied to this population to produce new
generations. The GA technique requires precise selection of crossover and mutation
operators. Crossover operators combine high fitness parents to produce better offsprings
in order to improve the solution over generations. Three types of crossover operators are
utilized, which are arithmetic, uniform and heuristic. In contrast, mutation operators alter
the design variables of low fitness candidates to produce offsprings that search
unexplored areas of the search space to avoid trapping in a local minimum. Three types
of mutation operators are used, which are uniform, non-uniform and boundary. Details of
the operators can be found in Michalewicz and Fogel (2011). The required number of
generations is found to be 50 where no improvement is obtained by increasing the
number of generations.

After running the optimization analysis, best fitness curve is obtained, which shows the
aerodynamic improvement gained over optimization generations, as shown in Figure 7.
The optimal solution is obtained when no significant improvement is found between
successive generations. The optimization procedure is repeated four times to confirm
convergence to the same optimal solution thus avoiding being trapped in a local
minimum. The figure shows the shape and design variables for the resulted optimal
solution. It is found that the optimal solution reduced the along-wind base moment by
more than 45% compared to unmitigated square building shape.

A comparison is conducted between the optimal building shape and the basic square
building to elaborate the aerodynamic improvement achieved from the AOP. As shown in
Figure 8a, the wake zone developed in the optimal shape is significantly smaller than the
one from the rectangular building, which indicates the lowering in the along-wind
moments. Moreover, the magnitudes of the pressure coefficient on the optimal solution is
lower than that of the basic building shape. This also shows the effect of the attained
aerodynamic improvement throughout the AOP. Finally, in Figure 8b, the time history
for the along-wind base moment for the optimal solution shows lower values than that of
the rectangular building.

Figure 7 Fitness curves for the optimization example

Rectangular Building Optimal Shape


Figure 8. (a) Mean velocity and pressure coefficient contour (b) Normalized moment coefficient
in the along-wind direction for the square and optimal cross-sections

In the current study, an aerodynamic optimization procedure is developed for reducing
wind loads and motions. The procedure integrates genetic algorithm, Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in an automated procedure
for estimating the optimal building shape. An illustration problem is presented reduction
of the along-wind base moment by introducing corner mitigations and helical twisting of
a tall building. The objective function is reduced by more than 45% compared to square
cross-section. It was found that using ANN in the optimization procedure eliminates the
need for sequential iterative computationally demanding CFD analyses, which will
consequently reduce the required computational time.


The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support from the National Research Council of
Canada (NSERC), Queen Elizabeth II Scholarship, Ontario Center of Excellence and Canada Research
Chair (for the second author). The authors are grateful for access to SHARCNET (a high performance
computing facility) and support received from their excellent technical support team.

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