Entrepre Module 2
Entrepre Module 2
Entrepre Module 2
Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division Office of Bulacan
School Address
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
NAME: __________________________________
A. Content Standards
`The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts, underlying
principles, and core competencies in Entrepreneurship.
B. Performance Standards:
The learner independently creates/provides a quality and marketable
product and/or service in Entrepreneurship as prescribed in the TESDA
Training Regulation
Explore job opportunities for Entrepreneurship as a career
D. Specific Objectives:
At the end of this module, the learners should be able to:
• explain the core and common competencies in entrepreneurship;
• identify the job opportunities for entrepreneurship as a career and; •
delineate the difference between entrepreneurship and employment.
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Pre-Test Activity
1.What do you call the person who is firm and rational in making decisions.
A. networker C. decisive
B. risk taker D. problem solver
2.A person who is always on the look-out for new opportunities.
A. opportunity seeker C. communicator
B. risk takers D. problem solvers
3.A person who keeps on introducing new ideas, original and creative in
A. innovative C. decision maker
B. opportunity seeker D. problem solver
4. A person who is willing to do things that involve danger in order to achieve
A. risk taker C. sociable
B. expert D. networker
5. A person who actively engaged and not passively observing.
A. proactive C. decisive
B. opportunity seeker D. risk taker
6. A person who is sensible and always carry his/herself in proper composure.
A. networker C. decisive
B. balanced D. problem solver
7. A person who identifies problem and formulates solutions.
A. opportunity seeker C. communicator
B. risk takers D. problem solvers
8. A person interacting to develop professional and social contacts.
A. proactive C. decision maker
B. opportunity seeker D. networker
9. A person who is skilled in conveying information and ideas
A. risk taker C. sociable
B. communicator D. networker
10.A person who uses deliberate strategies to influence people
A. proactive C. decisive
B. opportunity seeker D. leader
Activity B.
DIRECTIONS: Identify which among the following description refers to
entrepreneur and which refers to employee.
On the blank, write EN for entrepreneur and EM for employee.
1.________EM_________ Income is obtained in all circumstances whether the
business is profitable or not.
2._______EM__________ He or she is complacent with routines and take fewer
3._______EN__________ He or she if fully responsible for planning and directing
the operations of a company.
4. ______EM___________ He or she responsible for setting the rules, creating
policies, setting goals.
5. _______EN__________ He or she has fixed working hours.
2. Reviewing Previous Lesson
Before you proceed to the new lesson, let’s try to review the previous lesson.
Write T if it is TRUE and F if it is FALSE.
____F___1. Entrepreneurship is not an economic activity.
____F___2. Entrepreneurship elicits economic independence and capital
____T___3. Entrepreneurship produces more jobs that equate to an increase in
national income.
____T___4. An entrepreneurship comes from the French word “entreprendre”
which means to undertake.
____T___5. Extrapreneur is an entrepreneur who hops from one company to
another to act as innovation champion, providing creative and efficient
Activity A.
Activity B.
Think of a type of job that starts with the letter “E. Give at least 3 careers
that come into your mind. List them down.
1.Computer Programmer
2.Aircract Pilot
3Art Director
Processing question/s:
Activity B.
Im interest on Business reporter because I can write a article that helps people
to find proper business or job, my second one is Recruiter I don’t have any
problem communicating with random people on my daily basis that’s why I
think this career works and lastly Sales like recruiter I don’t have problems
with communicating with others I’m sure it will work out.
3 things I learned today
1.I learned the traits of successful Entrepreneurs.
2.In this module I learned as well I can be an Entrepreneur.
3.I learned the main core of a proper business.
2 things I found interesting
1.I interested how Entrepreneur do time management.
2.Im interested on Entrepreneur of how creative they are to be successful.
1 question I still have in mind
1.Does every person have a chance to be a successful Entrepreneur?
Post Test Activity
1.What do you call the person who is firm and rational in making decisions.
A. networker C. decisive
B. risk taker D. problem solver
2.A person who is always on the look-out for new opportunities.
A. opportunity seeker C. communicator
B. risk takers D. problem solvers
3.A person who keeps on introducing new ideas, original and creative in
A. innovative C. decision maker
B. opportunity seeker D. problem solver
4. A person who is willing to do things that involve danger in order to achieve
A. risk taker C. sociable
B. expert D. networker
5. A person who actively engaged and not passively observing.
A. proactive C. decisive
B. opportunity seeker D. risk taker
6. A person who is sensible and always carry his/herself in proper composure.
A. networker C. decisive
B. balanced D. problem solver
7. A person who identifies problem and formulates solutions.
A. opportunity seeker C. communicator
B. risk takers D. problem solvers
8. A person interacting to develop professional and social contacts.
A. proactive C. decision maker
B. opportunity seeker D. networker
9. A person who is skilled in conveying information and ideas.
A. risk taker C. sociable
B. communicator D. networker
10.A person who uses deliberate strategies to influence people.
A. proactive C. decisive
B. opportunity seeker D. leader
Activity B.
DIRECTIONS: Identify which among the following description refers to
entrepreneur and which refers to employee.
On the blank, write EN for entrepreneur and EM for employee.
1._______EM__________ Income is obtained in all circumstances whether the
business is profitable or not.
2._______EM__________ He or she is complacent with routines and take fewer
3.________EN________ He or she if fully responsible for planning and directing
the operations of a company.
4. _______EM__________ He or she responsible for setting the rules, creating
policies, setting goals.
5. ________EN_________ He or she has fixed working hours.
Enrichment Activities
Directions: Write down at least five (5) sentences why you want to become an
entrepreneur someday?
1.Earn money for family
2.Development my own self
3.Learn how to be Creativity
4.Improve skill that I had.
5.Learn time management.