Entrepre Module 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division Office of Bulacan
School Address


Introduction to Entrepreneurship

NAME: __________________________________

GRADE AND SECTION: __________________________________

DATE OF SUBMISSION: __________________________________


A. Content Standards
`The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts, underlying
principles, and core competencies in Entrepreneurship.

B. Performance Standards:
The learner independently creates/provides a quality and marketable
product and/or service in Entrepreneurship as prescribed in the TESDA
Training Regulation

Explore job opportunities for Entrepreneurship as a career

D. Specific Objectives:
At the end of this module, the learners should be able to:
• explain the core and common competencies in entrepreneurship;
• identify the job opportunities for entrepreneurship as a career and; •
delineate the difference between entrepreneurship and employment.

Chapter 1. Nature and Relevance of Entrepreneurship

Lesson 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurship


A. Preliminary Activities

1. Pre-Test Activity
1.What do you call the person who is firm and rational in making decisions.
A. networker C. decisive
B. risk taker D. problem solver
2.A person who is always on the look-out for new opportunities.
A. opportunity seeker C. communicator
B. risk takers D. problem solvers
3.A person who keeps on introducing new ideas, original and creative in
A. innovative C. decision maker
B. opportunity seeker D. problem solver
4. A person who is willing to do things that involve danger in order to achieve
A. risk taker C. sociable
B. expert D. networker
5. A person who actively engaged and not passively observing.
A. proactive C. decisive
B. opportunity seeker D. risk taker
6. A person who is sensible and always carry his/herself in proper composure.
A. networker C. decisive
B. balanced D. problem solver
7. A person who identifies problem and formulates solutions.
A. opportunity seeker C. communicator
B. risk takers D. problem solvers
8. A person interacting to develop professional and social contacts.
A. proactive C. decision maker
B. opportunity seeker D. networker
9. A person who is skilled in conveying information and ideas
A. risk taker C. sociable
B. communicator D. networker
10.A person who uses deliberate strategies to influence people
A. proactive C. decisive
B. opportunity seeker D. leader

Activity B.
DIRECTIONS: Identify which among the following description refers to
entrepreneur and which refers to employee.
On the blank, write EN for entrepreneur and EM for employee.
1.________EM_________ Income is obtained in all circumstances whether the
business is profitable or not.
2._______EM__________ He or she is complacent with routines and take fewer
3._______EN__________ He or she if fully responsible for planning and directing
the operations of a company.
4. ______EM___________ He or she responsible for setting the rules, creating
policies, setting goals.
5. _______EN__________ He or she has fixed working hours.
2. Reviewing Previous Lesson

Before you proceed to the new lesson, let’s try to review the previous lesson.
Write T if it is TRUE and F if it is FALSE.
____F___1. Entrepreneurship is not an economic activity.
____F___2. Entrepreneurship elicits economic independence and capital
____T___3. Entrepreneurship produces more jobs that equate to an increase in
national income.
____T___4. An entrepreneurship comes from the French word “entreprendre”
which means to undertake.
____T___5. Extrapreneur is an entrepreneur who hops from one company to
another to act as innovation champion, providing creative and efficient

B. Presenting the New Lesson

Over the years, especially in this time of pandemic, number of people

choosing to become entrepreneurs has risen drastically to cope up with their
day to day needs. This is despite the fact that they face situations that tend to
put them into risk and pressure. However, Filipinos are resilient in coping with
stress and pressures. Entrepreneurs possess desirable characteristics that will
lead them to success.
1. ACTIVITY: Motivation

Activity A.

List at least 5 (five) common personal characteristics of successful

entrepreneurs today and observable among Filipino entrepreneurs.
1.Passion is one of the important things every Entrepreneurs needs.
2.Leadership every Entrepreneurs needs to lead everyone from success.
3.Taking risk is one of the common personal characteristics of Filipino
Entrepreneurs I observe.
4.Proper composure is the one that I observe with some Entrepreneurs.
5.Time management is important because being a Entrepreneur means
going to be really busy.

Activity B.

Think of a type of job that starts with the letter “E. Give at least 3 careers
that come into your mind. List them down.
1.Computer Programmer
2.Aircract Pilot
3Art Director

Did you think of an “entrepreneur?”

The word “entrepreneur” is becoming more common today. People are
recognizing how important entrepreneurs are in our society.


Processing question/s:

A. What are the core and common competencies of entrepreneurship.

For me the core and common one I know is creativity because if the
business is more unique the others and people like it the chances is
really high that the company will be successful.

B. What are the job opportunities for Entrepreneurship as a career.

You have so many job opportunity like Sales, Teacher and
Business Reporter is one of the well know one’s and does
careers really profits even if it’s not like other job that profits big.
C. What are the difference between entrepreneurship and
Base on my own understanding employment do more work then
Entrepreneurship because they mostly just plan things and take
the results of the employment and employment seek jobs that they
want while entrepreneurship recruits.
3. ABSTRACTION (Discussion of the Topic)



1. Proactive – Ability to control a situation by causing something to happen

rather than waiting to respond to the situation after it occurs. If the
entrepreneur does not have the proactive personality they will fail to identify
the opportunity and lose the chance to make changes.
2. Agents of change - An entrepreneur that transforms the resources into
useful goods and services, often creating the circumstances that lead to
industrial growth.
3. Risk taker - Someone who risks everything in the hope of achievement
or accepts greater potential for loss in decisions and tolerates uncertainty.
4. Have a sharp eye for opportunities/opportunity seeker – a special
ability to notice or recognize a particular thing or quality He has a keen/sharp
eye for detail. Your vision of success is strong, but the road to success is paved
with unforeseen problems and potential opportunities; sharp eyes can spot
these early.
5. Sociable Personality - factors such as emotional stability, personal
relations, sociability, consideration and tactfulness are important contributors
to the entrepreneur’s success. An entrepreneur must maintain good relations
with customers to be able to establish good relationship with them.
6. Networkers - A person who forms business contacts through informal
social meetings. Developing and using contacts made in business for purposes
beyond the reason for the initial contact.
7. Decisive - A decisive person shows the ability to make decisions quickly
but effectively. An entrepreneur needs to be decisive to be a good a leader.
Decisive means that having the power or quality of deciding.
8. Balanced- The Balanced Entrepreneur establishes a new paradigm for
implementing balance in the lives of those who try to do it all: work, family,
and the pursuit of wellness in the midst of life’s hiccups.
9. Innovative - Introduces new goods and services , inaugurates new
method of production, discovers new markets and reorganizes the enterprise
and discovers new markets.


1. Leaders - The entrepreneurial leader takes responsibility for their actions

and those actions must be more proactive than reactive. They think about
achieving organizational outcomes in an innovative way and working with a
diverse group of people and resources to achieve these goals.
2. Communicators - Good communicator gets your core message out to
stake holders, sets clear expectations, inspires your team , opens up
opportunities and positions you as a strong leader.
3. Specialists - Entrepreneurs are experts in their chosen business. They
are tactical and are very keen with details.
4. Problem solvers - This skill enables entrepreneurs to identify problems
and turn such problems into opportunities.

● Business consultant – provides advice about business issues, such as

development and implementation of business plans, how to streamline
operations or to expand into new market.
● Management analysts-the person who evaluates business systems
procedures and operations
● Research and development-to work in R&D you need to understand
business concept, procedures and practices.
● Not –for-profit- fundraiser- able to raise funds requires understanding
of the importance of business and networking relationships.
● Intrapreneur- is an inside entrepreneur within the large firm who uses
entrepreneurial skills without incurring the risk associated with those
● Sales-someone who works in sales. They need to know how the business



1. Income - Income -Income generated actively
generated passively (ex. no work = no pay)
even when the -Income is usually fixed
entrepreneur is resting -Income is earned
-Income is unlimited whether the business is
depending on the success
successful or
of business
-Income is only earned
when the business is
2. Hiring and firing, -Provides job -Seeks for a job
organizational set-up, -Fully responsible in -Has the goal of satisfying
major key serving the employer.
results area the customers, making the -Fully dependent on the
business profitable/ employer’s performance
sustainable and providing -Can only work for the
employee satisfaction -Has current employer
the power to disengage exclusively
non-performing employees
-Can venture
into expansion of
the business.

3. Daily tasks -Performs all necessary -Has routine tasks and

variable tasks to establish works on regular or
and manage a startup normal hours
business -Follows policies,
-Prepares policies, procedures and
procedures and memoranda from the
memoranda of the employer.
4. Leisure time and -Has a flexible schedule -Has limited number of
vacations and can take vacation days imposed by
unlimited number the employer
of vacation days

5. Taxation -Taxed on the net income, -Taxed on the gross

can claim taxable income income; cannot use
deductions for allowable expenses incurred related
expenses incurred by the to the job such as food
business and transportation
expenses to claim for
deductions from taxable
6. Comfort level at work -Comfortable in doing -May be comfortable with
multiple and challenging routines and minimal
tasks and takes risks
accountability with the
and profits of the business

C. Independent Activities (Formative)

Activity A. Self -assessment

We will do self-check test to recognize one’s entrepreneurial qualities.

This test comprises 25 statements concerning qualities typical of

entrepreneurs. Find out if you have the qualities of an entrepreneur. For each
statement, shade the appropriate circle.
Never Often Always
I readily accept responsibilities. O O O
2 I like competition. O O O
3 I am stubborn. O O O
4 I find original solutions to problems. O O O
5 I get bored if I do the same thing every day. O O O
6 I’m generally optimistic. O O O
7 I’m in good health. O O O
8 I learn from my mistakes. O O O
9 I accept positive criticism pretty well. O O O
10 I manage my stress well. O O O
11 I am independent by nature. O O O
12 I rarely put off tasks until later. O O O
13 I like to make my own decisions. O O O
14 I find it easy to communicate with other people. O O O
15 I think I have good judgment. O O O
16 I learn easily on my own. O O O
17 I like individual sports. O O O
18 I can handle failure. O O O
19 I like to work on my own. O O O
20 I manage my time well. O O O
21 I’m good at making decisions. O O O
22 I can work long hours. O O O
23 I have confidence in my abilities. O O O
24 If necessary, I seek advice from experts. O O O
25 Success depends more on hard work
than on luck. O O O


Add up the check marks you placed in the OFTEN and ALWAYS columns.
NOTE: If the total is:
25 You have all the qualities of an entrepreneur. The decision is entirely up to you now.
Between 20 and 24 Give it serious thought, because you have what it takes.
Between 16 and 19 With perseverance and help from associates, you could become an
Between 12 and 15 You may be a future entrepreneur. However, you will have to make
enormous efforts to succeed.
To be sure you really want to, make sure that you answered OFTEN or ALWAYS to items 4 and
Less than 12 You may not have the stuff of an entrepreneur. However, if you really, want to be
one. Nothing is impossible.

Activity B.

Think of three (3) career opportunities in entrepreneurship you are interested

and explain why.

Im interest on Business reporter because I can write a article that helps people
to find proper business or job, my second one is Recruiter I don’t have any
problem communicating with random people on my daily basis that’s why I
think this career works and lastly Sales like recruiter I don’t have problems
with communicating with others I’m sure it will work out.

3 things I learned today
1.I learned the traits of successful Entrepreneurs.
2.In this module I learned as well I can be an Entrepreneur.
3.I learned the main core of a proper business.
2 things I found interesting
1.I interested how Entrepreneur do time management.
2.Im interested on Entrepreneur of how creative they are to be successful.
1 question I still have in mind
1.Does every person have a chance to be a successful Entrepreneur?

Post Test Activity
1.What do you call the person who is firm and rational in making decisions.
A. networker C. decisive
B. risk taker D. problem solver
2.A person who is always on the look-out for new opportunities.
A. opportunity seeker C. communicator
B. risk takers D. problem solvers
3.A person who keeps on introducing new ideas, original and creative in
A. innovative C. decision maker
B. opportunity seeker D. problem solver
4. A person who is willing to do things that involve danger in order to achieve
A. risk taker C. sociable
B. expert D. networker
5. A person who actively engaged and not passively observing.
A. proactive C. decisive
B. opportunity seeker D. risk taker
6. A person who is sensible and always carry his/herself in proper composure.
A. networker C. decisive
B. balanced D. problem solver
7. A person who identifies problem and formulates solutions.
A. opportunity seeker C. communicator
B. risk takers D. problem solvers
8. A person interacting to develop professional and social contacts.
A. proactive C. decision maker
B. opportunity seeker D. networker
9. A person who is skilled in conveying information and ideas.
A. risk taker C. sociable
B. communicator D. networker
10.A person who uses deliberate strategies to influence people.
A. proactive C. decisive
B. opportunity seeker D. leader

Activity B.
DIRECTIONS: Identify which among the following description refers to
entrepreneur and which refers to employee.
On the blank, write EN for entrepreneur and EM for employee.
1._______EM__________ Income is obtained in all circumstances whether the
business is profitable or not.
2._______EM__________ He or she is complacent with routines and take fewer
3.________EN________ He or she if fully responsible for planning and directing
the operations of a company.
4. _______EM__________ He or she responsible for setting the rules, creating
policies, setting goals.
5. ________EN_________ He or she has fixed working hours.

Enrichment Activities
Directions: Write down at least five (5) sentences why you want to become an
entrepreneur someday?
1.Earn money for family
2.Development my own self
3.Learn how to be Creativity
4.Improve skill that I had.
5.Learn time management.


● Nick L. Aduana, (2017). Entrepreneurship in Philippines Setting. C & e

Publishing , Inc
● Divina M. Edralin (2016). Entrepreneurship. Vibal Group Inc.
● Entrepreneurship: Overview from: https://www.slideshare.net

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