Path Fit 1. Fitness Instructions.

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I. STATION 1: 5-Minute Step Test (The Harvard

Step-Test) Measuring Cardiovascular Endurance

The purpose of this test is to predict a clients aerobic fitness using a simple test with
minimal equipment.

A. (RPR) How to Calculate Your Resting Heart Rate

Measurement of your RHR is simple and can be accomplished by everyone. To
calculate your RHR, find a seat in a comfortable environment and allow yourself to
relax. Stay seated and as motionless as possible for 5-10 minutes, allowing your body to
rest. Once sufficient time has passed, locate your radial artery, or the pulse on the
underside of your wrist by gently applying pressure with your index and middle fingers.
Using a watch with a second hand or a digital stop watch, count how many beats you
feel for ten seconds. Repeat this calculation two or three times and find your average
number. Multiply this number by six to achieve your RHR. For example, if you count 12
beats in ten seconds, your RHR would be 72 BPM (12 x 6 = 72).

Resting Heart Rate Chart

The resting heart rate chart (pulse rate chart) below shows the normal range for a RHR
according to age or physical condition. Remember, many things can cause changes in
your normal heart rate including your age, activity level, and the time of day.


B. (EPR) Exercise Pulse Rate

Right after the step test (# of pulse rate for 10 sec. x 6)

C. (RHR) Recovery Heart Rates

(# of pulse rate for 10 sec. x 6)

Pulse 1 : after 30 sec rest

Pulse 2 : after 1-minute rest
Pulse 3 : after 2-minute rest

II. STATION 2: V-Sit and Reach wall test: Measuring


This simple test is designed to measure the flexibility of your hamstrings and lower back.
The sit and reach test have long been used as a test to represent a person's flexibility,
though actual flexibility may differ around the body.

Ruler/tape measure


Go for a jog and do some stretching. Remove your shoes and sit on a flat surface, legs
extended in front of the body, toes pointing up and feet slightly apart, with the soles of
the feet against the base of the step (if there is no step, just any flat surface will do).
Place the ruler on the ground between your legs or on the top of the step. Place one
hand on top of the other, then reach slowly forward. At the point of your greatest
reach, hold for a couple of seconds, and measure how far you have reached. If you
have trouble straightening your legs, get a friend to help by holding the knees down
flush with the ground.

See also video demonstrations of the Sit and Reach Test.


Mark or take note of your

best score, take a measure
in cm or inches beyond
the base of your foot, or
you did not reach your
toes, measure how far
before the feet you were
(a negative measurement

How did you go?

Compare your results to the table below. Remember, these scores are based on doing
the tests as described, and may not be accurate if the test is modified at all. Don't
worry too much about how you rate - just try and improve your own score.
men women

cm inches cm inches

super > +27 > +10.5 > +30 > +11.5

excellent +17 to +27 +6.5 to +10.5 +21 to +30 +8.0 to +11.5

good +6 to +16 +2.5 to +6.0 +11 to +20 +4.5 to +7.5

average 0 to +5 0 to +2.0 +1 to +10 +0.5 to +4.0

fair -8 to -1 -3.0 to -0.5 -7 to 0 -2.5 to 0

poor -20 to -9 -7.5 to -3.5 -15 to -8 -6.0 to -3.0

very poor < -20 -8.0 < -15 < -6.0

III. STATION 3: Curl-ups/Push-Ups: Measuring muscular
strength. (Abdominal & Arms for 1 min.)

a. How to perform the CURL UPS TEST

Testing method

The abdominal strength of a

person can be assessed by the
number of curl ups that can be
completed in one minute.

The person lies on the floor with

their knees bent and their feet
flat on the floor. Their hands start
on their thighs and they curl
upwards until their hands touch
their knees.

Equipment required

No specific equipment is required for this test although floor mats are appropriate.

Assessing the results of the test

The charts below indicate the person's abdominal strength.

1 Minute Sit Up Test (Men)

Age 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 65+

Well above average 44-49 40-45 35-41 29-35 25-31 22-28

Above average 39-43 35-39 30-34 25-28 21-24 19-21

Average 35-38 31-34 27-29 22-24 17-20 15-18

Below average 31-34 29-30 23-26 18-21 13-16 11-14

Well below average 25-30 22-28 17-22 13-17 9-12 7-10

1 Minute Sit Up Test (Women)

Age 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 65+

Well above average 37-43 33-39 27-33 22-27 18-24 17-23

Above average 33-36 29-32 23-26 18-21 13-17 14-16

Average 9-32 25-28 19-22 14-17 10-12 11-13

Below average 25-28 21-24 15-18 10-13 7-9 5-10

Well below average 18-24 13-20 7-14 5-9 3-6 2-4

b. How to Perform the PUSHUP TEST

While performing push ups, you lift nearly 75 percent of your total body weight.3
Using a modified pushup position reduces this amount to about 60 percent of your total
body weight.

a. Standard Pushup Test

This version is used for men:

 Perform a short warmup before performing any fitness testing.4

 Begin in a pushup position on hands and toes with hands shoulder-width apart
and elbows fully extended.5
 While keeping a straight line from
the toes to hips, and to the
shoulders, lower your upper body
so your elbows bend to 90
 Push back up to the start position.
 That is one rep.
 Continue with this form and
complete as many repetitions as
possible without breaking form.
 Record the total number of full
push-ups completed.

b. Modified Pushup Test

A modified version of the test is

used for women, who tend to have
less relative upper body strength
than men. The test is conducted in
the same way as above, but uses a
modified, "on the knee" pushup

 Perform a short warmup before performing any fitness testing.4

 Begin in a modified pushup position, on the hands and knees with hands
shoulder-width apart and elbows fully extended.
 Drop the hips, and move the hands forward until you create a straight line from
the knees, to the hips, and to the shoulders.
 While keeping a straight position from the knees to the shoulders, lower your
upper body so your elbows bend to 90 degrees.
 Push back up to the start position.
 That is one rep.
 Continue with this form and complete as many repetitions as possible without
breaking form.
 Record the total number of full modified pushups completed.

How to Score Your Results

After your complete, the test, compare your results to the norms and recommendations
for your age and gender. To assess your training progress, you can do the pushup test
every eight to 12 weeks.

Push Up Fitness Test Results

Men Age: 20-29 Age: 30-39 Age: 40-49 Age: 50-59 Age: 60+

Excellent 54 or more 44 or more 39 or more 34 or more 29 or more

Good 45-54 35-44 30-39 25-34 20-29

Average 35-44 24-34 20-29 15-24 10-19

Poor 20-34 15-24 12-19 8-14 5-9

Very Poor 20 or fewer 15 or fewer 12 or fewer 8 or fewer 5 or fewer

Women Age: 20-29 Age: 30-39 Age: 40-49 Age: 50-59 Age: 60+

Excellent 48 or more 39 or more 34 or more 29 or more 19 or more

Good 34-48 25-39 20-34 15-29 5-19

Average 17-33 12-24 8-19 6-14 3-4

Poor 6-16 4-11 3-7 2-5 1-2

Very Poor 6 or fewer 4 or fewer 3 or fewer 2 or fewer 1 or fewer

See also video demonstrations of the Curl Up/Push Up Test.

Curl-Up Test
Push Up Test

IV. STATION 4: Curl-Ups/Push-ups: Measuring muscular

endurance. (Abdominal & Arms)

Same Procedure with STATION 3


V. STATION 5: Standing Long Jump: Measuring muscular


Standing Long Jump Test

Purpose: to
measure the
power of the
Equipment required: tape measure to measure distance jumped, non-slip floor for
takeoff, and soft landing area preferred.

Procedure: The athlete stands behind a line marked on the ground with feet slightly
apart. A two-foot take-off and landing is used, with swinging of the arms and bending
of the knees to provide forward drive. The subject attempts to jump as far as possible,
landing on both feet without falling backwards. Three attempts are allowed. See
some long jump video examples.

Scoring: The measurement is taken from take-off line to the nearest point of contact on
the landing (back of the heels). Record the longest distance jumped, the best of three
attempts. The table below gives a rating scale for the standing long jump test for adults,
based on personal experiences. See some athlete results for the long jump test. You
can also use this calculator to convert cm to feet and inches.

males females

rating (cm) (feet, inches) (cm) (feet, inches)

excellent > 250 > 8' 2.5" > 200 > 6' 6.5'

very good 241-250 7' 11" — 8' 2.5" 191-200 6' 3" — 6' 6.5'

above average 231-240 7' 7" — 7' 10.5" 181-190 5' 11.5" — 6' 2.5"

average 221-230 7' 3" — 7' 6.5" 171-180 5' 7.5" — 5' 11"

below average 211-220 6' 11" — 7' 2.5" 161-170 5' 3.5" — 5' 7"

poor 191-210 6' 3" — 6' 10.5" 141-160 4' 7.5" — 5' 2.5"

very poor < 191 6' 3" < 141 < 4' 7.5"

See also video demonstrations of the Standing Long Jump Test.
VI. STATION 6: Illinois run: Measuring agility

Illinois Agility Run Test

If you need the ability to

change direction quickly
and often, the Illinois Agility
Test could be a way to
monitor the development
of your agility on an on-
going basis.

What's the Point?

There are many sports that

demand agility the ability
to change direction at
speed from an athlete.
From rugby to tennis,
soccer to basketball, the athlete who can stay under control when moving at speed
will have an advantage. The Illinois Agility Run Test measures the development of this
key skill.

What Do You Need?

A flat surface a tennis court or a 400-metre track would be ideal

 8 cones

 A stopwatch

 An assistant

Mark the course out as described below:

The length of the course is 10 meters, the width (and thus the distance between the
start and finish points) is 5 meters (5 lanes on a track).
4 cones can be used to mark the start, finish and the two turning points.

Each cone in the center is spaced 3.3 meters apart.

Perform the Test as Follows

Start by lying face down on the ground at the start point

On the command, jump to your feet and negotiate around the cones to the finish

The assistant records the total time taken

What Results Will You See?

Taking the test at regular intervals will allow you to assess the effectiveness of your agility

If you want to compare your score, the following chart shows national norms for 16 to

Above Below
Gender Excellent Average Poor
Average Average

15.2 - 16.1 16.2 - 18.1 18.2 - 18.3

Male <15.2 secs >18.3 secs
secs secs secs

17.0 - 17.9 18.0 - 21.7 21.8 - 23.0

Female <17.0 secs >23.0 secs
secs secs secs

See also video demonstrations of the Illinois Run Test.
VII. STATION 7: Stork stand: Measuring balance.

Stork Balance Stand Test

The stork balance test requires the person to stand on one leg for as long as possible.
The similar Flamingo Balance Test is different as it requires the subject to balance on a

Purpose: To assess whole

body balance ability.

Equipment required: flat,

surface, stopwatch,
paper and pencil.

Procedure: Remove the

shoes and place the
hands on the hips, then
position the non-
supporting foot against the inside knee of the supporting leg. The subject is given one
minute to practice the balance. The subject raises the heel to balance on the ball of
the foot. The stopwatch is started as the heel is raised from the floor. The stopwatch is
stopped if any of the follow occur:

 The hand(s) come off the hips

 The supporting foot swivels or moves (hops) in any direction

 The non-supporting foot loses contact with the knee.

 The heel of the supporting foot touches the floor.

Rating Score (seconds)

Excellent > 50

Good 40 - 50

Average 25- 39

Fair 10 - 24

Poor < 10

See also video demonstrations of the Stork Balance Stand Test.


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