Irc Gov in 052 2019

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(Third Revision)

Published by:


Kama Koti Marg,
Sector-6, R.K. Puram,
New Delhi-110 022
August, 2019

Price : ` 600/-
(Plus Packing & Postage)
First Published : June, 1973
First Revision : March, 1982
Reprinted : September, 1989
Second Revision : August, 2001
Reprinted : April, 2005
Reprinted : April, 2007
Reprinted : June, 2009
Reprinted : June, 2015
Third Revision : August, 2019

(All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication shall be reproduced,

translated or transmitted in any form or by any means without the
permission of the Secretary General, Indian Roads Congress)

Printed by India Offset Press, Delhi - 110 064

1100 Copies

S. No. Description Page No.

Personnel of the Highways Specifications and Standards Committee i-ii
1. Introduction 1
2. Definitions 2
3. Scope 4
4. Planning Criteria 4
4.1 Classification of Hill Roads 4
4.2 Planning of Roads in Hilly Areas 4
4.3 Ecological Consideration 4
5. Survey and Alignment of Hill Roads 5
5.1 General 5
5.2 Survey Methods and Sequence for Fixing of Alignment 6
5.3 Reconnaissance 6
5.4 Preliminary Ground Survey 10
5.5 Map Preparation 14
5.6 Determination of Final Centre line 14
5.7 Final location survey 15
6. Geometric Design 17
6.1 General 17
6.2 Width of Road Land, Roadway, Carriageway and Shoulders 19
6.3 Capacity Consideration in Hill Roads 21
6.4 Camber/Cross Fall 21
6.5 Design Speed 22
6.6 Sight Distance 23
6.7 Clearance 24
6.8 Horizontal Alignment 25
6.9 Vertical Alignment 36
6.10 Design Criteria for Hair-Pin Bends 40
6.11 Passing Places 41
6.12 Co-ordination of Horizontal and Vertical Alignments 41
6.13 Bridle Road and Bridle Path 42
7 Tunnel 43
7.1 Survey 43
7.2 Accuracy 43
7.3 Mapping 43
7.4 Ideal Tunnel Portal Layout 43
7.5 Geological and Geophysical Studies 44
7.6 Geological Study of Tunnel Site 44
7.7 Design Standards 44
Appendix - 1 Main Points for Data Collection during Ground Reconnaissance 46
Appendix - 2 General Points for Comparison of Routes 48
Appendix - 3 Guiding Principles of Providing Escape Lane 50
S. No. Description Page No.
Table 6.1 Desirable Road Land Widths (m) 19
Table 6.2 Widths of Carriageway, Shoulder and Roadway 20
Table 6.3 Recommended Design Service Volumes for Hill Roads 21
Table 6.4 Design Speed (km/h) 23
Table 6.5 Design Values of Stopping and Intermediate Sight Distance for Various 23
Table 6.6 Criteria for Measuring Sight Distance 24
Table 6.7 Radii beyond which Superelevation is not required 28
Table 6.8 Minimum Radii of Horizontal Curves for Various Classes of Hill Roads 29
Table 6.9 Minimum Transition Length for Different Speeds and Curve Radii 31
Table 6.10 Widening of Pavement at Curves 32
Table 6.11 Recommended Set-Back Distance for Single-Lane Carriageway 33
Table 6.12 Recommended Gradients for Different Terrain Conditions 36
Table 6.13 Minimum Length of Vertical Curves 37
Table 6.14 Specifications of Bridle Road & Bridle Path 42

Fig. 5.1 Machan 12
Fig. 6.1 Elements of Roadway 18
Fig. 6.2 Classification of Terrain 18
Fig. 6.3 Road Land 19
Fig. 6.4 Camber/Cross Fall 22
Fig. 6.5 Typical Details of Vertical/Horizontal Clearance 25
Fig. 6.6 Bad Alignment 25
Fig. 6.7 Reverse Curve 26
Fig. 6.8 Broken-Back Curve 26
Fig. 6.9 Compound Curve 27
Fig. 6.10 Elements of a Combined Circular and Transition Curve 31
Fig. 6.11 Visibility at Horizontal Curves 33
Fig. 6.12 Vision of Berms 34
Fig. 6.13 At site Maintenance of Radius of Existing Curve 35
Fig. 6.14 Summit Curve 38
Fig. 6.15 Valley Curve 39
Fig. 6.16 Hair-Pin Bend 40
Fig. 6.17 Passing Places ODR & VR 41

Fig. A.2.1 Typical Type of Emergency Escape Ramp 50
Fig. A.2.2 Layout of Arrester Bed Adjacent to Carriageway 51
Fig. A.2.3 Layout of Emergency Escape Ramp 52
Plate-1 Schematic Diagrams showing different Methods of Attaining Super-elevation 53
Plate-2 Length of Summit Curve for Stopping Sight Distance 54
Plate-3 Length of Summit Curve for Intermediate Sight Distance 55
Plate-4 Length of Valley Curves 56
Plate-5 Cross Drainage in Hair-Pin Bend 57
(As on 23.10.2018)

1 Singh, B.N. Director General (Road Development) & Special Secretary to Govt. of
(Convenor) India, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New Delhi
2 Balakrishna, Y. Additional Director General, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways,
(Co-Convenor) New Delhi
3 Kumar, Sanjeev Chief Engineer (R) S, R & T, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways,
(Member-Secretary) New Delhi


4 Behera, Bijan Kumar Engineer-in-Chief (Civil), Odisha

5 Bose, Dr. Sunil Head (Retd.), FPC Division, Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi
6 Chandra, Dr. Satish Director, Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi
7 Gupta, D.P. DG(RD) & AS (Retd.), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New Delhi
8 Jain, R.K. Chief Engineer (Retd.), PWD Haryana
9 Kapila, K.K. Chairman & Managing Director, ICT Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
10 Kukrety, B.P. Associate Director, CEG Ltd., New Delhi
11 Kumar, Dr. Mahesh Engineer-in-Chief (Retd.), PWD (B&R) Haryana
12 Lal, Chaman Engineer-in-Chief (Retd.), PWD Haryana
13 Meena, H.L. Secretary (Retd.), PWD Rajasthan
14 Nashikkar, J.T. Secretary (Retd.), PWD Maharashtra
15 Nirmal, S.K. Secretary General, Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi
16 Pandey, I.K. Additional Director General, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways,
New Delhi
17 Parida, Prof. (Dr.) M. Dean, SRIC, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
18 Patel, S.I. Secretary (Retd.), PWD (Roads and Buildings) Gujarat
19 Prasad, R. Jai Engineer-in-Chief (Retd.), PWD & Bangalore Mahanagar Palike, Karnataka
20 Rawat, M.S. Executive Director, AECOM India Pvt. Ltd.
21 Reddy, Dr. K.S. Krishna Secretary, Public Works, Ports & Inland Water Transport Department,
22 Reddy, I.G. Engineer-in-Chief (NH, CRF & Buildings), PWD Hyderabad
23 Reddy, Prof. (Dr.) K.S. Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
24 Sharma, S.C. DG(RD) & SS (Retd.), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New Delhi
25 Shrivastava, A.K. Additional Director General (Retd.), Ministry of Road Transport and
Highways, New Delhi
26 Singh, Nirmaljit DG(RD) & SS (Retd.), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New Delhi


27 Sinha, A.V. DG(RD) & SS (Retd.), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New Delhi
28 The Chief Engineer PWD Arunachal Pradesh
(Basar, Toli)
29 The Chief Engineer Border Roads Organisation, New Delhi
(Kumar, Anil)
30 The Director (Tech.) National Rural Infrastructure Development Agency, New Delhi
(Pradhan, B.C.)
31 The General Manager National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation,
(Projects) Retd. New Delhi
(Kaul, Satish)
32 The JICA Expert Japan International Cooperation Agency, New Delhi
(Kitayama, Michiya)
33 The Member (Projects) National Highways Authority of India, New Delhi
(Pandey, R.K.)
34 The Professor Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
(Chakroborty, Dr. Partha)
35 The Secretary Roads and Buildings Department, Gujarat
(Vasava, S.B.)
36 The Secretary (Roads) PWD Maharashtra
(Joshi, C.P.)
37 The Secretary (Tech.) Roads and Buildings Department, Jammu & Kashmir
(Tickoo, Bimal) (Retd.)
38 The Special Director CPWD, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
General (Retd.)
(Bansal, M.C.)
39 Venkatesha, M.C. Consultant
40 Wasson, Ashok Member (Tech.) (Retd.), National Highways Authority of India, New Delhi

Corresponding Members

1 Jaigopal, R.K. MD, Struct Geotech Research Laboratories (P) Ltd., Bengaluru
2 Justo, Prof. (Dr.) C.E.G. Professor (Retd.), Emeritus
3 Veeraragavan, Prof. Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
(Dr.) A.

Ex-Officio Members

1 President, (Reddy, Dr. K.S. Krishna), Secretary, Public Works, Ports & Inland
Indian Roads Congress Water Transport Department, Karnataka
2 Director General (Road (Singh, B.N.), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New Delhi
Development) & Special
Secretary to Govt. of India
3 Secretary General, Nirmal, Sanjay Kumar
Indian Roads Congress



1.1 India is a vast country with diverse geological, climatic regions. Indian road network
passes through different terrains including hills and mountains. Hilly regions consist of Himalayan
region from North to North-East, the Central Highlands of Aravalli, Western and Eastern Ghats.
The Himalayan region on its own covers about a fifth of the country’s total area and about
3000 km of India’s international borders. Hilly regions are generally deprived of Rail and Air
connectivity with respect to plain terrain. Hence socio-economic development and strategic
needs have resulted in lack of massive road construction programmes in hilly regions and such
activities have increased many folds.
1.2 The Hill regions including the road networks are affected more frequently by floods
due to torrential rainfall, landslides, snow avalanche etc. which compel many sections of road
network closed during rainy season and winter season.
1.3 Design of hill roads need not be restricted to the absolute minimum values set out.
Where conditions are favorable and the costs not excessive, use of more liberal values than the
minimum should be preferred.
1.4 The recommendation about the Alignment Survey and Geometric Design of Hill Roads
was first published in 1973 and revised in 1982 and 2001.
1.5 During the third meeting of Hill Roads and Tunnels Committee (H-10) held in Delhi on
24.05.2018, it was discussed that the IRC:52-2001 “The Alignment Survey and Geometric Design
of Hill Roads” is dealing with the same chapters which are covered under IRC:SP:48-1998 “Hill
Road Manual”. Accordingly, the Committee decided to revise IRC:52 to incorporate the latest
advancement in the field of alignment survey, equipment etc. and reference of the same would
be given in IRC:SP:48 which is under revision. The draft was deliberated in various meetings of
H-10 Committee and was finalized in its meeting held on 6th October, 2018 for placing before the
Highways Specifications and Standards Committee (HSS). The revised draft was placed before
the Highways Specifications and Standards Committee (HSS) in its meeting held on 23rd October,
2018. The HSS Committee approved the draft subject to the consideration of the observations of
members. The Executive Committee in its meeting held on 27th October, 2018 approved the draft
for placing before the Council of IRC. The Council in its 216th meeting held on 22nd November,
2018 at Nagpur (Maharashtra) considered and approved the same for printing.
The composition of H-10 Committee is given below:

Shrivastava, A.K. …….. Convenor

Kumar, Anil …….. Co-Convenor
Jaiswal, Vivek …….. Member-Secretary

Adhikari, Atanu Sharma, Anil Kumar

Goel, Dr. R.K. Venkatesh, Dr. H.S.


Kaul, Satish Verman, Dr. Manoj

Khaira, V.S. BRO (Mehra, Lt. Col. Parikshit)
Kohli, Brij Mohan CPWD (Bansal, M.C.)
Krenn, Dr. Florian JICA (Kitayama, Michiya)
Kumar, Ashwani MoRTH (Blah, W.)
Kumar, Swatantra PWD Arunachal Pradesh (Basar, Toli)
Madan, M.M. PWD Mizoram (Lalsawmvela, K.)
Nanda, A.K. PWD Nagaland (Temjen, R. Temsu)
Rana, Dr. Sanjay
Corresponding Members

Casasus, Dr. Alvaro Ramamurthy, Prof. T.

Kastner, Dr. Michael Rao, Prof. (Dr.) K.S.
Paretkar, S.G.

Ex-Officio Members

President, (Reddy, Dr. K.S. Krishna), Secretary,

Indian Roads Congress Public Works, Ports & Inland Water
Transport Department, Karnataka
Director General (Singh, B.N.), Ministry of Road
(Road Development) & Special Transport & Highways
Secretary to Govt. of India
Secretary General, Nirmal, Sanjay Kumar
Indian Roads Congress


2.1 Steep Terrain is a terrain where cross slope of the country is generally greater than
60 per cent.
2.2 Mountainous Terrain is a terrain with cross slope greater than 25 and 60 per cent.
2.3 Rolling Terrain is a terrain with cross slope greater than 10 and upto 25 per cent.
2.4 Plain Terrain is terrain where cross slope of the country is generally less than 10 per cent.
2.5 Ruling Gradient is a gradient, which in the normal course must never be exceeded
in any part of the road.
2.6 Limiting Gradient is gradient steeper than the ruling gradient which may be used in
restricted lengths where keeping within the ruling gradient is not feasible.

2.7 Exceptional Gradient is gradient steeper than the limiting gradient which may be
used in short stretches only in extraordinary situations.
2.8 Escape Gradient is a reverse grade with a crash barrier provided at suitable location
adjoining exceptional gradient for stopping of downhill vehicle in case of brake failure.
2.9 Climbing Lane is a lane provided as a separate additional lane for the uphill traffic for
safe overtaking while negotiating the reach having continuous exceptional gradient.
2.10 Hair-pin Bend is a bend alignment resulting in reversal of direction of flow of traffic.
A bend may be for reversing road direction on same face of hill slope.
2.11 Lateral Clearance is the distance between the extreme edge of the carriageway to
the face of the nearest structure/obstruction.
2.12 Ruling Minimum Radius of Curve is the minimum radius of curvature of the centerline
of a curve necessary to negotiate a curve at ruling minimum design speed.
2.13 Absolute Minimum Radius of a Curve is the minimum radius of the centerline of a
curve necessary to negotiate a curve at absolute minimum design speed.
2.14 Roadway Width is the sum total of carriageway width and shoulder width on either
side. It is exclusive of parapets and side drains.
2.15 Road Lane Width refers to the width of carriageway of the road in terms of traffic
lanes. Single-lane 3.75 m, Intermediate-lane 5.50 m and double-lane 7.0 m (7.5 m with raised
Krebs), multi-lane 3.5 m per additional lane.
2.16 Sight Distance is the distance along the road surface at which a driver has visibility
of objects, (stationary or moving) at specified height, above the carriageway.
2.17 Super-elevation is the inward tilt or transverse inclination given to the section of a
carriageway on a horizontal curve to reduce the effects of centrifugal force on a moving vehicle.
Super-elevation is generally expressed as a slope.
2.18 Transition Length is the centerline length along a curve, radius of which goes on
changing at a certain rate of change of acceleration.
2.19 Vertical Clearance is the height above the highest point of the travelling way i.e.,
the carriageway and part of the shoulders meant for vehicular use, to the lowest point of the
overhead structure or rock surface.
2.20 Benching is the formation of a series of level platforms or ledges upon an incline.
2.21 Berm is the horizontal ledge or margin formed at the top or bottom of an earth slope.
2.22 Passing Place is an area provided on the side of the road at convenient locations to
facilitate crossing of vehicles approaching from the opposite direction and toe to aside a disabled
vehicle so that it does not obstruct traffic.
2.23 Tunnel is a passage through a hill to be used as a road.


3.1 The standard is relevant to new road as well as for improvements of existing roads. It
is, however, not applicable to urban roads or city streets situated in hilly terrain.
3.2 The text deals with two main aspects of hill road construction, namely, alignment
surveys for route selection and geometric design of the alignment. The first aspect, namely, the
alignment survey including reconnaissance and preliminary surveys etc. are discussed. The
various elements of geometric design are covered including brief planning criteria.


4.1 Classification of Hill Roads

4.1.1 As in the case of roads in plains, hill roads may be classified as one of the following :
(a) National Highways
(b) State Highways
(c) Major District Roads
(d) Other District Roads
(e) Village Roads
4.2 Planning of Roads in Hill Areas
4.2.1 Planning of road in hill areas is much different from that in plains. Significantly, large
number of villages are sparsely populated and isolatedly located at different altitude unlike in
plain areas. It is usually not possible topographically as well as economically to directly link them
with motorable roads. Alignment of roads has, thus, to be circuitous and is primarily governed by
topography and geological formation.
4.2.2 In hilly areas, road links should be provided on the basis of cluster or group of villages
as far as feasible because the population of each village may be very low. Villages located within
a radius 1.6 km and having altitude difference of not more than 200 m can be considered as
one cluster or groups of villages. Isolated villages, having population more than 250 should be
provided with an all-weather link road. For a cluster of villages of population less than 250, a
selective approach of an all-weather road may be worked out keeping in view the local conditions.
4.2.3 For new roads, connecting new areas an assessment of traffic likely to be generated
can be done by studies on population and consumer needs, development plans for the area and
traffic on adjacent roads.
4.3 Ecological Consideration
4.3.1 Construction of roads in hilly region disturbs the ecosystem in many ways. The main
ecological problems associated with hill roads construction are :
i) Geological disturbances
ii) Land degradation, soil erosion and landslides

iii) Destruction and denuding of forests
iv) Interruption and disturbance of drainage pattern
v) Loss of forestry and vegetation
vi) Aesthetic degradation
vii) Siltation of water-reservoirs
These factors underline the need to plan, align and construct hill roads after careful thought. The
help of geologists and environmental specialists should, therefore, be enlisted while planning for
hill roads. Hill Road Manual IRC:SP:48 may be referred for details in this regard.
In respect of environmental impact assessment, reference may be made to IRC:SP:19-2001
‘Manual for Survey, Investigation and Preparation of Road Projects’ and other IRC codes.


5.1 General
5.1.1 In this section, guidelines for carrying out survey work to fix the alignment of hill roads
situated primarily in a rural or non-urban area are given.
5.1.2 The requirement of the road is decided based on administrative, developmental,
strategic, other needs and the obligatory points to be connected by the road. Control points
between obligatory points are governed by saddles, passes, valleys, river crossings, vertical and
over-hanging cliffs, forest and cultivated land and other natural features like escarpments, slide-
prone, avalanche-prone and other unstable areas.
5.1.3 In order to explore the possibility of various alternative alignments, preliminary
investigation shall start from the high obligatory or control summit points and proceed downwards.
The alignment finally selected linking the obligatory and control points shall fit in well with the
landscape. The aim shall be to establish a safe, easy, short and economically possible line of
communication between the obligatory points considering the physical features of the region
and traffic needs apart from least disturbance to the eco-system and the prevailing High Tension
line, existing service lines. Ideal road alignment is the one which will cause the least over-all
transportation cost including safety for road users taking into account the costs of construction,
maintenance, and recurring cost of vehicle operation.
5.1.4 Introduction of hair-pin bends shall be avoided or minimized as far as possible. The
bends shall be located on stable hill slopes, and their location in valleys avoided. Series of hair-
pin bends on the same face of the hill shall be avoided.
5.1.5 Economy in operating cost of transport vehicles is achieved by adopting easy grades,
minimizing rise and fall and by following a direct line as far as possible between obligatory
points. Although shortest distance is an important factor, it may have to be sacrificed, at times,
in order to obtain easy curvature and gradients, to avoid prohibitive cuts or fills and long river
crossings and obstructions. Even a longer road length to ease gradient and curves may result in
a more economical operating cost. Therefore economy in operating cost/road safety shall be the
governing criteria in selecting the alignment of these roads.

5.2 Survey Methods and Sequence for Fixing of Alignment
5.2.1 With the guidelines enumerated under para 5.1, the activities, right from the initial
survey to fixing final alignment of a hill road, shall follow sequence as under.
a) Reconnaissance of Routes
b) Determination of Centre line
c) Preliminary Survey of Routes
d) Choosing the possible alternative alignments from the surveyed routes
e) Ground verification and preliminary survey of the alternative alignments
f) Final detailed Location Survey for one of the selected alignments.
5.2.2 To facilitate the survey team in the tentative selection of alternative routes for
subsequent detailed ground reconnaissance, the available topographical survey data shall be
studied from the satellite or remote sensing data and topographical survey sheets.
5.3 Reconnaissance
5.3.1 General
Once the obligatory points are known, the next step will be to undertake reconnaissance survey
in the following sequence:
a) Study of Satellite or remote sensing data along with topographical survey sheets,
geological, meteorological, forest maps and aerial photographs, wherever
b) Preliminary reconnaissance and identification of possible routes connecting the
obligatory points on the maps prepared based on Satellite or remote sensing
c) Fixing the possible routes based on longitudinal profile generated through
satellite data, minimum distance, optimizing cutting and filling, availability of land
(desired width), following basic factors of geometric design for desired speed,
radius of curve, gradient.
d) Refinement of the alternative routes by correcting the aforesaid fixed routes by
avoiding obstructions like minimum interference of forest area, habitant area but
nearer to the habitant area, minimum crossing of Linear services like Railway
lines, Canals, High Tension lines, Utilities network.
5.3.2 Reconnaissance with satellite data
Reconnaissance with Satellite/remote sensing data will provide a bird’s eye view of the routes
under consideration and the surrounding area. The alternative routes are marked on satellite
data. These marked routes are to be corrected based on features on Topographical sheets
which are available in the scale of 1 : 50000, i.e. 2 cm to 1 km, showing towns, villages, rivers
and terrain features with altitudes and contour lines at intervals of 20 m. Close study of these
sheets and the geological and meteorological maps of the area is essential in order to locate the
obligatory and control points and to mark tentative alternative feasible routes on the topo sheet
for further survey on ground.

5.3.3 Aerial reconnaissance
Further Aerial Reconnaissance to verify the topographic features and to verify the correctness
of the details of obligatory/control points indicated in the topo sheets and also to find out other
control points, if any, not shown in the map. Such reconnaissance will confirm the feasibility of
the routes for proceeding further with ground reconnaissance. Where required, this shall be done by Engineer in charge of the Project. This aerial
reconnaissance is essential. The team doing the aerial reconnaissance will have to carry the
following documents and equipment alongwith them:
a) Topographical sheets, where tentative routes are marked along with the details
of obligatory and control points obtained on maps after processing of satellite
b) Photo mosaics or aerial photographs of the area. if available, with pocket
c) Binoculars
d) Altimeters
e) Hand GPS demonstrating the coordinates The reconnaissance party will travel the area covering the possible routes selected
from study of maps and air photographs and examine the following points making notes of
a) Correctness of obligatory points as given in the map
b) Correctness of control points as marked in the map
c) Existence of any other control points not marked in the map like
d) Major saddles/passes
e) River crossings
f) Slide/slip areas and sinking zones
g) Marshy areas
h) Camping sites
i) Rocky areas
j) Religious structure
k) High tension line and towers
l) Considerable thick and continuous habitation
m) Cross roads
n) Vegetation forest area and wild life area
o) Upcoming linear projects and hydro power projects The coordinates of various obligatory and control points can also be recorded roughly
from the Hand held GPS. On completion of the reconnaissance, the team shall do following:
a) Selection of various alternative feasible routes.

b) Decide on control points.
c) Identify the alternative route maps, if so needed, for taking up ground
5.3.4 Ground reconnaissance
The various alternative routes found feasible as above are further verified physically in the field
by ground reconnaissance to recommend the final route. It consists of general examination
of the ground by walking or riding along the probable routes and collecting all essential and
available data as per guidelines given in Appendix-1. It will be advisable to associate a Geotechnical Engineer or Geologist with this work.
Where necessary, local habitants shall also be associated with ground reconnaissance. Traversing on the ground with hand GPS demonstrating the coordinates of the location
shall be done during the ground verification. Points should be kept in mind that structures and
utilities along the survey location should be noted along with the offset from the centre line of
the survey alignment. This should cover all the necessary additional features along the identified
routes. Best fit alignment route shall be selected in such a manner that would require minimum
disturbance to structures and utilities with economical cost and maximum benefits with respect
to socio economic concern of the survey alignment. On the out set topographical survey ground control points should be installed at 250 m
interval with help of Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS). Ground penetrating radar technique needs to be adopted for mapping of under ground
utility lines of water pipe lines The general method of ground reconnaissance and fixing route/grade pegs by the
reconnaissance team shall be as below:
(a) A starting point is fixed near the first obligatory point at a higher ground from
the surrounding area from where one can see the next obligatory and/or some
nearby control points. Being the starting point of the traverse survey, a cement
concrete masonry block of dimensions 30 cm x 30 cm x 60 cm (deep) with upper
surface 20 cm above the ground shall be erected on which the bench mark/
altitude, chainage, etc. shall be marked. From the altitudes of the two control
points the approximate distance to be traversed between these two points can
be ascertained taking into consideration a gradient flatter than the ruling gradient
by 20 per cent or so (if ruling grade is 5%, grade assumed is 4%) depending
on slope of the hill side. The jungle ahead of the fixed point is cleared along the
route for placing and sighting the alignment and ranging poles. The width of
jungle clearance shall be 0.6-1.2 m or even more if required. The direction of,
route shall be checked.
(b) With abney level and/or ghat tracer the route line along the hill face shall be
ranged at the required grade and the corresponding position on ground located
by ranging rod and driving the grade peg into the ground, keeping the top of
peg at level as per required gradient. Such grade pegs may be positioned at
intervals between 25-100 meters or closer where required.

(c) The distance of the grade peg from the preceding one is measured and recorded
in field book. On the peg, the serial number, distance, gradient (rise/fall) are
marked in paint. The process is repeated at next location.
(d) The indication of the grade peg for the detailed survey party shall be marked by
a clearly visible sign noticeable from a distance on the route. This is generally
done by debarking a portion of a nearby tree of size 20 cm by 10 cm at the
eye level and indicating in red paint direction, distance, the serial number and
chainage of the connected grade peg. In places, where trees are not available,
the hill face near the grade peg may be levelled about 30 cm square and then
a pole at about 2 meter high with a cross piece tied to it is firmly fixed near the
peg to indicate the position of the connected grade peg. In rocky area the level,
line could be marked on the rock face with red paint and details required, as
above, be written just above the level line. Any other method, depending upon
the terrain and local facility available, may be adopted; the main aim being that
the survey party for detailed survey, to be done later, shall not have any difficulty
in locating the reference and grade pegs on the route. However. the method
adopted shall be clearly indicated in the field book and reconnaissance report.
(e) Whenever a high hill range has to be crossed, it is essential to select a suitable
pass or saddle (which becomes a control point) and to work from the top
downwards. This is more convenient than working from bottom upwards, as
in the latter case, there is a possibility of missing the pass or saddle especially
when the area is dense jungle.
(f) Cross sections are taken with Abney level at about 25 to 100 meters apart or
any other interval convenient to indicate the hill slope. Notes will have to be
recorded in field book on the following points:
(i) Nature and classification of soil (including rock out-crops, if any) encountered
(ii) The character of waterways and streams
(iii) Approximate span and type of culverts and bridging required
(iv) Availability of materials such as timber, stone, gravel, sand, etc.
(v) Location of quarries
(vi) Possible camping places and availability of drinking water
(vii) Any other useful information like availability of local labour, air dropping
zone, helipad, etc.
(g) It has to be ensured that the survey and recording are made accurately by timely
checking. A fortnightly progress report alongwith a diagrammatic chart showing
the rough L-Section and also hill slopes (which need not be to scale) shall be
prepared and submitted to the Engineer who ordered the survey. It shall contain
adequate information to enable the Engineer to get a fairly good idea, not only
on the progress of the ground reconnaissance. but also on the suitability of the
proposed alignment.
5.3.5 Similar procedure for carrying out the preliminary ground reconnaissance and
submission of report in A2 size shall be followed by the Survey Team in respect of all alternative
routes also.

5.3.6 Reconnaissance report
On completion of reconnaissance survey on all the alternative routes, a report along with
a comparative statement of the alternative routes in the proforma given at Appendix-2
shall be prepared along with recommendations on the alignment to the Engineer. The
report shall contain a plan on the scale of 1: 50,000, showing alternative alignments along
with their general profile and rough cost estimate. A sample of topo-sheet, showing two
alternative alignments proposed, is given in Plate-1. The Engineer of the area shall carry
out inspection of the alternative alignments. Ground reconnaissance may disclose certain
difficult stretches which call for detailed examination. A trace-cut might be made in such
sections for inspection.
5.4 Preliminary Ground Survey
5.4.1 General
This survey consists of pegging at 20 or 25 m intervals the route previously selected on the basis
of the reconnaissance survey more accurately and at regular and close intervals, cutting a trace
1.0 to 1.2 m wide and running an accurate traverse line along it by taking longitudinal and cross
sections of the alignment establishing bench marks at convenient intervals and fixing reference
pegs where the direction of the alignment changes. The data collected at this stage shall form
the basis for the determination of the final centre line of the road. For this reason it is essential
that every precaution is taken to maintain high degree of accuracy. Besides the above, general
information concerning traffic, soil conditions, construction materials, drainage etc., relevant for
fixing the design features shall also be collected during this phase.
5.4.2 This survey may be done in the following sequences:
a) Jungle clearance
b) Pegging the alignment
c) Trace cut
d) Survey
e) Map preparation
5.4.3 Jungle clearance
An advance party with required labourers and tools shall commence clearing the jungle along
the selected alignment to provide clear sight distance for three or four ranging pole/levelling
staff positions at a time on each direction of the alignment. The party shall commence work at
least three days before the pegging party. The necessary clearance from forest department as
required has to be obtained.
5.4.4 Pegging the alignments
A party consisting of the following personnel with necessary equipment shall commence
checking grade level, directions and curvature of the alignment arrived at earlier, during
the reconnaissance refixing the correct alignment and repegging the alignment at
convenient and workable distance, two to three days after the jungle clearance has


a) Junior Engineer -1 No.
b) Overseer/Surveyor -1 No.
c) Helper -4 Nos.
d) Labour -as required
a) Total Station -2 Nos.
b) Ghat tracer -1 No.
d) Mettalic tape 30 m -3 Nos.
e) T & P for labour - as required
f) Prismatic Compass -1 set
g) Binoculars -2 pairs
h) Plain table survey equipment -2 sets
5.4.5 The line, grade and direction of the selected alignment shall be properly checked and
corrected with the Total Station with more details and accuracy. The gradient to be followed at this
stage shall be easier than the proposed to be achieved on the road by a margin of 20 per cent
or so as stated in para (a). Procedure for pegging will be the same as in para sub
paras (c) and (d). However, the intervals of the pegs shall be 20 or 25 m as per ground and terrain
condition. The size of the pegs may be 6 cm dia or square and 60 cm long out of which 45 cm be
driven into the ground. The indication about the grade shall be provided at conspicuous locations
so as to be easily visible from a distance as mentioned in para sub paras (b) to (d).
5.4.6 Trace cut
A party consisting of the following personnel, shall carry cut the trace out along the selected
alignment and follow the pegging party:

a) Junior Engineer - 1 No.

b) Surveyor/Overseer - 1 No.
c) Helper - 2 Nos.
d) Labour with T&P - as required
Trace Cut will be about 1.0 meter wide track cut along the selected alignment to facilitate access
to the area for inspection and survey. It may not be possible to cut a trace where the pegged
route traverses precipices and may, therefore, be detoured by cutting the trace either along the
top or bottom periphery of these areas.
5.4.7 Machans
In continuous long stretches of rock, with sheer vertical faces where trace cutting is not possible,
machans can be constructed by erecting framework with locally available-ballies, resting on
suitable ledges or pegs driven in the crevices/cracks in the rock-face on the valley side. 0.75

to 1.0 m wide platform/decking of ballies/bamboos with suitable railing wherever required, is
provided on the top of the framework. Where suitable ledge/support is not available, the machans
are constructed by hanging cane suspenders from trees or pegs driven in crevices/cracks on
the rock-face on hill side and the platform/decking is tied to these cane suspenders. Typical
sketches of machans are shown in Fig. 5.1. Where the rock is steep and inaccessibly deep for
construction of machans, temporary pathways can also be developed by driving jumpers of iron
rods into the rock-face and putting wooden ballies or planks over them for the men to safely walk

Fig. 5.1 Machans

The speed of construction of trace cut machans depends on the terrain and strength/skill of
working party. For guidance and planning purpose, it may be assumed that a working party of
about 50 – 100 labourers under a resourceful/imaginative supervisor/officer can achieve a daily
progress of about 0.5 to 1.0 km of trace-cut in ordinary soil and 0.25 to 0.5 km in average rocky
area, depending on cross slopes and jungle growth. The speed of construction of machans
depends on availability of local materials like ballies/bamboos/cane, suitability of location for
construction and skill of labourers. A gang of about 20 to 25 labourers can construct about 50 to
60 meters of machans per day in easy locations, whereas the speed can be as low as 10 to 15
meters per day in difficult locations.
Where ballies/bamboos are not easily available either because of non-availability or because
of restrictions for their extraction, machans may be constructed using pre-fabricated angle iron
section of 1.0 m to 1.5 m length which could be easily bolted at site.
5.4.8 Survey procedure
The survey shall cover a strip of sufficient width taking into account the degree and extent of cut
fill, with some allowance for possible shift in the centre line of the alignment at the time of final
design. Normally a strip width of about 30 m in straight or slightly curving reaches (i.e. 15 m on
either side of centre line) and 60 m at sharp curves and hair-pin bends (i.e. 30 m on either side
of centre line) shall meet the requirement.

Traverse along the trace cut shall be run with a Total Station. No hard and fast rule can be laid
down as regards distance between two consecutive transit stations. In practice, the interval
will be dictated by directional changes in the alignment, terrain condition and visibility. The
transit stations shall be marked by means of stakes and numbered in sequence. These shall be
protected and preserved till the final location survey.
Physical features such as buildings, monuments, burial ground, burning places, places of
worship, pipelines, power/telephone lines, existing roads and railways lines, stream/river/canal
crossings, cross drainage structures, etc. that are likely to affect the project proposals shall be
captured by Total Station. Ground levels along the trace cut shall be taken at intervals of 20-
25 m and at closer intervals whenever there are abrupt changes in slope and also establishing
bench marks at intervals of 250 meters, exceptionally 500 meters, by running check levels on a
closed traverse basis independently. It is particularly important that a single datum, preferably
GTS datum, is used.
Cross sections shall be taken at intervals of 20 or 25 m and at points of appreciable change in
soil conditions. While taking cross sections, soil classifications shall also be recorded. At sharp
curves and difficult locations, detailed capturing of data shall be done for the plotting of contours.
Interval of contours may be 2 m though this could be varied according to site conditions.
Now a days the survey is done with the help of D.G.P.S (Differential Global Positioning System)
instrument & Total station which gives accuracy to ± 1mm.
Control points are established with the help of D.G.P.S instrument. For this purpose, a set of
two pillars are generated along the road length. Usually size of pillar shall be 45x45x90 cm in
M25 concrete with 60 cm embedded in the ground and 30 cm above the ground and metal plate
at top. These points are prepared in such a way that are not likely to be disturbed during the
construction activities. Normally these set of two pillars (spaced between 20 to 50 meters) are
spaced about 4 to 5 kilometers with one set of pillars at the start of road project and one at the
end of project. Each of these pillars have numbering and are associated with co-ordinate i.e.
x, y & z. (i.e. Easting, Northing & elevation w.r.t. mean seal level). These x,y,z coordinates of
these control pillars are determined accurately with help of DGPS instrument. The z values are
transferred accurately from the nearest GTS level using the Auto levels.
Once the D.G.P.S control points are established then with the help of Total Station & prism.
T.B.M (Temporary Bench Mark, normally spaced at an interval of 250 meters) are indentified and
fixed on the ground which have separate No’s & Co-ordinates (x, y & z) similarly other reference
pillars can be generated so that each and every point coming in road alignment is assessable
to at least two such points. The accuracy of survey can be checked when we start from one
control D.G.P.S point and when another D.G.P.S. point is reached, their co-ordinates should tally
because with two known points the location of any third point can be generated and so on the
process is continued till a point is reached of known co-ordinates and if survey is correct then
both their values of co-ordinates should tally. The coordinates of the temporary Benchmarks are
fixed by carrying out traversing between the known control points
Then with help of total station, the contouring of the area is done by taking cross section at
intervals of 5-10 m on curves and 20-25 m on straight line and the plan and profile of proposed
road is prepared meeting the requirements of gradient, curvature and speed as per technical

5.5 Map Preparation
5.5.1 At the conclusion of the ground survey plan and longitudinal sections (tied to an
accurate base line) are prepared for detailed study to determine the final centre line of the road.
At critical locations like sharp curves, hair-pin bends, bridge crossings etc, the plan shall also
show contours at 2 m intervals, so as to facilitate taking final decision.
5.5.2 Scales for the map shall generally be the same as adopted for the final drawings.
Normally horizontal scale might be 1:1000 and the vertical scale 1:100. For study of difficult
locations such as steep terrain, hair pin bends etc., it may become necessary to have plans to a
larger scale.
It will be a good practice to do survey work in the forenoon and plotting work in the afternoon so
that any doubts arising can be cleared immediately thereafter by ground verification.
5.6 Determination of Final Centre Line
5.6.1 Determination of final centre line of the road in the design office involves the following
a) Detailed study shall be done of the plans, longitudinal profile, cross-sections
and contours of the final alignment prepared during the ground survey to work
out various alternatives for the centre line of the proposed road. Out of these,
the best one satisfying the engineering, aesthetic, economic and environmental
requirements shall be selected as the final Centre Line. Factors like economy in
earth work, least disturbance to hill slope stability, efficient drainage, balanced
cut and fill, requirement of protective works such as retaining/breast walls, etc.
shall be kept in view while making the final choice.
b) For the selected final center line, a trial grade line is drawn taking into account
the control points which are established by mountain passes, intersections with
other roads, river crossings, unstable areas etc. In the case of improvements to
an existing road, the existing levels are also kept in view.
c) For the centre line finally chosen, study of the horizontal alignment in conjunction
with the profile is carried out and adjustments made in both, as necessary for
achieving proper co-ordination.
d) Horizontal curves including spiral transitions are designed and the final centre
line marked on the map. A typical example of Final Centre Line chosen is given
in Plate-2.
e) The vertical curves are designed and the profiles are shown on the longitudinal
5.6.2 The sub-group of this operation may comprise of the following personnel:

i) Assistant Executive Engineer/Assistant Engineer - 1 No.

ii) Junior Engineer - 1 No.

iii) Surveyor/Overseer - 1 No.


iv) Helper - 4 Nos.

v) Labour - as required

5.7 Final Location Survey

5.7.1 General
The purpose of final location survey is to layout the final centerline of the road in the field based
on the alignment selected in the design office and to collect necessary data for preparation of
working drawings.
5.7.2 Transit survey
The Final Centre Line of the road, as determined in the design office, is translated on the
ground by means of a continuous Total Station survey and pegging of the centre line on the
ground as the survey proceeds. It will be necessary to fix reference marks, to be pegged along
the final centre line for this purpose. These marks shall be generally 20 m apart in straight
reaches and 10 m apart in curves. To fix the final centre line, reference pillars/control blocks of
cement concrete of size 30 cm x 30 cm x 60 cm deep shall be firmly embedded in the ground.
These shall be located beyond the expected edge of the cutting on the hill side. The maximum
spacing of reference pillars may be 100 m. The following information shall be put down on the
reference pillars:
a) Reduced distance of the reference pillar/block
b) Horizontal distance of the pillar/block from the centre line of the road
c) Reduced level at the top of the reference pillar
d) Formation level of the final centre line of the road.
The reference pillars shall be so located that these do not get disturbed during construction.
Description and location of the reference pillars shall be noted in the field book for reproduction
on the final alignment plans. Distance of the reference pillars from centre line of road shall
be measured along the slope, the slope angle determined with Total Station, and the actual
horizontal projection calculated.
The final centre line of the road shall be suitably pegged at 20 meters or closer intervals. The
pegs are intended only for short period for taking levels of the ground along the centre line and
the cross-sections with their reference. In the case of existing roads, paint marks may be used
instead of pegs. Distance measurements along the final centre line shall be continuous, following
the horizontal curves, wherever these occur. The sub-group for this operation may comprise of
the following personnel:

a) Junior Engineer - 1 No.

b) Surveyor/Overseer - 1 No.
c) Helper - 2 Nos.
d) Labour - as required

5.7.3 Bench marks
To establish firm vertical control for location, design and construction, bench marks established
during the preliminary survey shall be rechecked and where likely to be disturbed during
construction, re-established at intervals of 250 meters (but not more than 500 meters), and at or
near all drainage crossings.
5.7.4 Longitudinal sections and cross-sections
Levels along the final centre line shall be taken at all pegged stations and breaks in the ground.
Cross-sections shall be taken at 20 m intervals. In addition, cross-sections shall be taken at
points of beginning and end of spiral transition curves, at the beginning, middle and end of
circular curves, and at other critical locations. All cross sections shall be with reference to the
final centre line, extend normally up to the right-of-way limits and show levels at every 2-5 meter
intervals and all breaks in the profile.
Centre line profile shall normally be continued at least 200 meters beyond the limit of the road
project. This is intended to ensure proper connecting grades at both ends. With the same
objective, profile along all intersecting roads shall also be measured up to a distance of about
150 meters. Further, at railway level crossings, the level of the top of the rails, and in the case of
subways the level of the roof, shall be noted. On existing roads, level shall be taken at all points
of intersection in order to help fix the final profile.
5.7.5 Proper protection of points of reference A permanent bench mark in the shape of frustum of prism similar in the shape of
forest pillars having size of 2.0 m x 2.0 m at base and 0.5 m x 0.5 m at top with height of 1.5
m shall be constructed with its identification as one of the km stone of the respective NH. Its
properties w.r.t. coordinates shall be engraved. Its spacing can be kept as 90-100 km along the
road network. The final location survey is considered complete when all necessary data and
information are available and ready for the designer to be able to plot the final profile and prepare
the project drawings and detailed estimate. Among other things, field notes shall give a clear
description and location of all the bench marks and reference points. This information shall be
transferred to the plan drawings so that at the time of construction, the centre line and the bench
marks could be located in the field without any difficulty.
At the time of execution, all construction lines will be set out and checked with reference
to the final centre line established during the final location survey. It is important, therefore,
that not only all the points referring the centre line are protected and preserved but these
are so fixed at site that there is little possibility of their being disturbed or removed till the
construction is completed. In the last stage of alignment survey, hydrological and soil
investigations for the route should be carried out. These will enable details and protective
works to be decide.
5.7.6 The survey and fixing of alignment having been done, the stage has been reached to
design the road as per standards.


6.1 General
Hill roads have mostly to negotiate through difficult topography, inhospitable terrain and extremes
of climatic conditions. As such, design of hill roads to predetermined standards, considering
importance of safety and free flow of traffic, is necessary so that travel is safe and comfortable.
Geometric design standards have been laid down keeping above in view.
6.1.1 Basic principles of geometric design
6.1.1 Design criteria of hilly terrain shall be applied where stretches of plain/rolling terrain
are short and isolated. Similarly, the stretches where hilly terrain intervenes for short and/or
isolated stretches in plain/rolling terrain, criteria for such stretches shall be as per standards for
plain/rolling terrain.
6.1.2 A uniform application of design standards is desirable for safe and smooth flow of
traffic. The use of optimum design standards will reduce the possibility of early obsolescence of
the facilities likely to be brought about by inadequacy of the original standards.
6.1.3 As a general rule, geometric features of a highway except cross sectional elements
do not lend to stage construction, particularly in the case of hill roads. Improvement of features
like grade and curvature at a later date can be very expensive and sometimes be impossible. It
is, therefore, necessary that ultimate geometric requirements of hill roads are kept in view right
in the beginning.
6.1.4 Development of cross-section in stages is technically feasible. But this shall be
decided only after very careful consideration, since hill roads need a lot of protective and
drainage works like retaining walls, breast walls, drains of various types and categories
etc, consistent with safety and sometimes the road may have to be altogether rebuilt when
same is upgraded. If stage construction is unavoidable, better strategy will be to use dry
masonry and/or crated masonry for drains, breast walls, pitching etc, locate the interceptor
drain well back at the very start and provide culverts to full width formation/roadway to
avoid the need for their widening subsequently. However, road being an important part or
rather forerunner of all development activities, stage development will become inevitable
over a period of time and as such a decision on this issue shall be based on needs for a
period of 15-20 years or so.
6.1.5 The design standards indicated are absolute minimum. However, the minimum
values shall be applied only where serious restrictions are placed by technical or economic
considerations. General effort shall be to exceed the minimum values on safer side to the
extent possible. Where the minimum design standards cannot be adopted for inescapable
reasons, proper signs shall be put sufficiently in advance to inform the road users. The intention
shall be to provide a road to the user with such geometrics which gives safe and reasonably
comfortable travel.
6.1.6 The standards have been classified separately for mountainous and steep terrain.
Generally, the standards for steep terrain take lower values of design speed, radii of curve etc.

It is likely that in many sectors, the terrain change from mountainous to steep or vice versa
may be within short distances. It is, however, not the intention to change standards frequently.
In practice, stretches shall be classified as mountainous or steep depending on pre-dominant
terrain in the stretch and accordingly standards adopted for that stretch. The same standards
shall, generally, continue for maximum distance possible/practicable. Elements of a Roadway
(in hills and plains), classification of terrain and Road-land widths are depicted in Figs. 6.1, 6.2
& 6.3 respectively.

Fig. 6.1 Elements of Roadway

Fig. 6.2 Classification of Terrain


Fig. 6.3 Road Land

6.2 Width of Road Land, Roadway, Carriageway and Shoulders

6.2.1 Desirable widths of road land (right of way) for various categories of roads are given
in Table 6.1 (Hilly Areas of Mountainous and Sleep Terrain)
Table 6.1 Desirable Road Land Widths (m)

S. Road Classification Open Areas Built-up Area

Normal Exceptional Normal Exceptional
1 National and State Highways 24 18 20 18
(Double Lane)
2 Major District Roads 18 15 15 12
3 Other District Roads 15 12 12 9
4 Village roads 9 9 9 9

Notes: 1. In order to ensure proper sight distance, It may be necessary to acquire additional right of way
over that indicated in the Table. Right of way shall be enough to ensure minimum set back of
5 m for building line from edge of road land boundary.
2. Additional land is required at locations involving deep cuts, high fills and unstable/landslide
areas need to be protected for overall stability.
3. If the road is planned to be upgraded in the future, land width shall correspond to higher class
of road.
6.2.2 Width of carriageway, shoulders and roadway for various categories of roads are
given in Table 6.2.

Table 6.2 Widths of Carriageway, Shoulder and Roadway

In Plain and Rolling Terrain of Hilly Area

Highway Type of Section Shoulder Width (m) Roadway
Classification Width
National Paved Earthen (m) Total Total (Carriageway
Highways and (m) width of width of + Shoulders)
State Highways shoulders shoulders excluding
MDRs/ODRs on one side on both extra width
(m) sides (m) on horizontal
i. Double Lane curves, side
(7.00 m) parapet
and drain &
median (m)
Open country with 2.5 1.5 4.0 8.00 15.00
isolated built up area
Built up area (2-lane 2.5 - 2.5 5.00 12.00
Approaches to grade 2.5 - 2.5 5.00 12.00
separated structures
Approaches to 2.5 1.5 4.0 8.00 15.00
In Mountainous and Steep Terrain (in Hilly Area)
National Open Hill Side 1.5 m - 1.5 m 4.00 m 11.00
Highways and country with
State Highways isolated Valley 1.5 m 1.00 m 2.50 m
MDRs/ODRs built up Side
i. Double Lane
(7.00 m) Built up Hill Side 0.25 m - 1.75 m 3.5 m 10.50
area and + 1.5 m
approaches (Raised)
to grade Valley 0.25 m - 1.75 m
separated Side + 1.5 m
structures (Raised)

1. Width of paved shoulders in approaches to grade separated structures shall extend on either side
of the structures in entire length of retaining/RE wall. The retaining/RE wall on either side shall be
abutting the paved shoulders and shall have crash barriers on top.
2. In case retaining wall with parapet is provided on valley side, the earthen shoulder may not be
3. On horizontal curve roadway width shall be increased to provide for extra widening of curve.
4. Where embankment is more than 6 m high kerb with channel shall be provided at the end
of paved shoulder to channelize the drainage as an erosion control device in accordance with
section 6 of IRC:SP:73-2018 and earthen shoulder shall be raised upto the level of kerb.
5. The roadway widths are exclusive of parapets (usual width 0.6 m) and side drains (usual width
0.6 m) and divider medians (usual width 2.00/1.20 meter). Formation width shall include width to
accommodate carriage way divider/median (wherever required) + shoulders + parapet on valley
side + drain on hill side + extra width on horizontal curves (wherever required).
6. On roads subject to heavy snow fall, where snow clearance is done over long periods, roadway
width may be increased by 1.5 m. However, the requirement of such widening may be examined
with reference to ground conditions in each case considering terrain traffic and other influencing
conditions and factors.
7. In hard rock stretches or unstable locations where excessive cutting may lead to slope failure, the
width may be reduced by 0.8 m on two lane. Where such stretches are to be provided continuously
for long distances, passing places shall be provided.
8. Strategic and border roads for military/paramilitary/security forces operations/movements shall be
constructed for not less than two lane carriageway alongwith paved shoulder on hill side + paved
and earthen shoulder on valley side on same lines of national highway.
9. Wherever, divider/median is required to be provided for the cases of divided highway of all
category roads, the minimum 1.20 meter wide divider/median shall be provided.
6.2.3 The clear roadway width on culverts and causeways (measured from inside to inside
of parapet walls or kerbs).
6.2.4 For bridges, the clear width minimum between kerbs shall be 7.5 m for double lane
6.2.5 In case of widening of the existing two-lane road to four-lanes, it would be desirable
to plan a separate alignment for the additional two-lanes/split highways, in order to avoid the
problems of stability of the existing hill slopes.
6.3 Capacity Considerations in Hill Roads
6.3.1 IRC:64 “Guidelines for Capacity of Roads in Rural Areas” contains recommended
design service volumes for hill roads also. These are given in Table 6.3.
6.3.2 The capacity of two-lane roads can be increased by providing paved and surfaced
shoulders at least 1.5 m width on either side. Provision of hard paved shoulders results in slow
moving traffic being able to travel on the shoulder which reduces the interference to fast traffic
on the main carriageway. Under these circumstances, 15 per cent increase in capacity can be
expected, vis-à-vis, the values given in Table 6.3.
Table 6.3 Recommended Design Service Volumes for Hill Roads

S. Types of Road Design Service Volume in PCU/day

No. Carriageway For low curvature For high curvature
Width (0-200 degrees per km) (above 200 degrees per km)
1. Single-Lane 3.75 m 1,600 1,400
2. Intermediate-Lane 5.50 m 5,200 4,500
3. Two-Lane 7.0 m 7,000 5,000
Remark : Generally up-gradation of Single Lane to Intermediate Lane or construction of new
Intermediate Lane needs to be discouraged.
6.4 Camber/Cross Fall
6.4.1 Generally, the pavement in straight reaches shall be provided with a crown in the
middle and surface on either side sloping towards the edge. In case of winding alignments where

straight sections are few and far between, a uni-directional cross fall towards the hill side may be
given having regard to factors such as the direction of super-elevation at the flanking horizontal
curve, easy drainage and problem of erosion of downhill’ face etc. Typical section of road with
camber and cross-fall is given in Fig. 6.4.

Fig. 6.4 Camber/Cross Fall

6.4.2 Camber/cross fall on straight section shall be as follows:

a. Earth road - 3 to 4 per cent (1 in 33 to 1 in 25)

b. Gravel or WBM surface - 2.5 to 3 per cent (1 in 40 to 1 in 33)
c. Thin bituminous surfacing - 2.0 to 2.5 per cent (1 in 50 to 1 in 40)
d. High type bituminous surfacing - 1.7 to 2.0 per cent (1 in 60 to 1 in 50)
6.4.3 For a given type of surface steeper values shall be adopted for high intensity rainfall
area and lower values for low intensity rainfall area.
6.4.4 Cross fall for earth shoulders shall be atleast 0.5 per cent more than the pavement
camber subject to a minimum of 3 per cent. If the shoulders are paved, cross fall appropriate to
the type of paved surface as given in para 6.8.2 shall be provided. On super elevated sections
the earth portion of the shoulder on the outer side of the curve shall be provided with a reverse
cross fall of 0.5% so that the earth does not drain on the carriage way and storm water drains
out with minimum travel path.
6.4.5 As the provision of cross-fall and super elevation tend to oppose each other in re-
entrants and drainage gets affected, appropriate transition and drainage arrangements shall be
6.5 Design Speed
6.5.1 The design speeds for various categories of hill roads are given in Table 6.4

Table 6.4 Design Speed (km/h)

S. Road Classification Mountainous Terrain Steep Terrain

No. Ruling Min Ruling Min
1 National and State Highways 50 40 40 30
2 Major District Roads 40 30 30 20
3 Other District Roads 30 25 25 20
4 Village Roads 25 20 25 20

6.5.2 Normally, ruling design speed shall be the guiding criteria for correlating the various
geometric standards. Minimum design speed may, however, be adopted in sections where site
conditions including costs do not permit adoption of ruling design speed.
6.6 Sight Distance
6.6.1 Visibility is an important requirement for safety on roads. For this, it is necessary
that sight distance of sufficient length is available to permit drivers enough time and distance to
control their vehicles to avoid accident.
6.6.2 Two types of sight distances are considered in design of hill roads. Provision of
overtaking sight distance is, by and large, not feasible on hill roads and, therefore, this category
of sight distance is not discussed further. However, vision berms may be provided by benching
on hill sides, in curves to provide better sighting of vehicles wherever felt necessary. The height
of bench may be 1.2 m from the crown of the carriageway. These are:
a) Stopping sight distance which is the clear distance ahead needed by a driver to
bring his vehicle to a stop before meeting a stationary object in his path. It is the
sum of braking distance at the particular speed plus the distance travelled by the
vehicle during perception and brake reaction time.
b) Intermediate sight distance is defined as twice the stopping sight distance.
6.6.3 Design values of both sight distances and criteria for measurement of sight distance
are given in Tables 6.5 and 6.6 below :
Table 6.5 Design Values of Stopping and Intermediate Sight Distance for Various Speeds

Speed (km/h) Design values – meters

Stopping Sight Distance Intermediate Sight Distance
20 20 40
25 25 50
30 30 60
35 40 80
40 45 90
50 60 120

Table 6.6 Criteria for Measuring Sight Distance

S. No. Sight Distance Driver’s eye height Height of object

1 Safe stopping distance 1.2 m 0.15 m
2 Intermediate sight distance 1.2 m 1.2 m

6.6.4 On hill roads, stopping sight distance is absolute minimum from safety angle and
must be ensured regardless of any other considerations. It would be a good practice if this value
can be exceeded and visibility corresponding to intermediate sight distance provided in as much
length of road as possible. Advantage of intermediate sight distance is that the driver is able to
get reasonable opportunities to overtake with caution and driving task becomes much easier.
6.6.5 Though a third category of sight distance i.e. Overtaking Sight distance is considered
for roads in plains, it is not normally feasible/practicable on hill roads and hence not dealt with.
6.6.6 Application of site distance criteria for summit vertical curve design is covered in para
6.9.4. On valley curves, the sight distance requirement is governed by night visibility which is
discussed in para 6.9.5. Sight distance requirements at horizontal curves are dealt with in para 6.8.
6.7 Clearance
6.7.1 Lateral clearance Desirably the full roadway width at the approaches shall be carried through the
underpass. This implies that the minimum lateral clearance (i.e. the distance between the extreme
edge of the carriageway and the face of the nearest structure/obstruction) shall be equal to normal
shoulder width. On lower category roads in hill areas, having comparatively narrow shoulders, it
will be desirable to increase the roadway width at underpasses to a certain extent.
6.7.2 Vertical clearance Minimum vertical clearance of 5.50 meters shall be given over the entire roadway
at all underpasses and similarly at overhanging cliffs and semi-tunnel sections. The vertical
clearance shall be measured from the highest point of carriageway i.e. crown or superelevated
edge to the lowest point of overhead structures/rock out crop. Due allowance for future raising/
strengthening of pavement shall also be made.
6.7.3 Fig. 6.5 (a) & (b) gives typical details of lateral and vertical clearance on a hill road.


Fig. 6.5 Typical Details of Vertical/Horizontal Clearance

6.8 Horizontal Alignment

6.8.1 General The horizontal alignment shall be fluent and blend well with the surrounding topography.
A flowing line which conforms to natural contours is aesthetically preferable to one with long
tangents slashing through the terrain. The horizontal alignment shall be co-ordinated carefully
with the longitudinal profile. Breaks in horizontal alignment at cross-drainage structures and sharp curves at the
end of long tangents/straight sections shall be avoided, Fig. 6.6. Short curves give appearance of kinks, particularly for small deflection angles, and
shall be avoided. The curves shall be sufficiently long and have suitable transitions to provide
pleasing appearance.
Curve length shall be atleast 150 meters for a deflection angle of 5 degrees and this shall be
increased by 30 meters for each degree decrease in the deflection angle. For deflection angles
less than one degree, no curve is required to be designed.

Fig. 6.6 Bad Aligment

IRC:52-2019 Reverse Curves may be needed in difficult terrain by very sparingly used. It shall be
ensured that there is no overlap in the Target point of the reserve curves and there is sufficient
length between the two curves for introduction of requisite transition curves, Fig. 6.7.

Fig. 6.7 Reverse Curve Curves in the same direction separated by short tangents, known as broken-back
curves, shall be avoided as far as possible in the interest of aesthetics and safety and replaced
by a single curve. If this is not feasible, a tangent length corresponding to 10 seconds travel time
must atleast be ensured between the two curves, Fig. 6.8. Compound curves may be used in difficult topography when it is impossible to fit in a
single circular curve and in situation where there is sudden restriction in availability of horizontal
curve for the design speed. To ensure safe and smooth transition from one curve to the other, the
radius of the flatter curve shall not be disproportional to the radius of the sharper curve. A ratio
of 1.5:1 shall be considered the limiting value, Fig. 6.9.

Fig. 6.8 Broken-Back Curve


Fig. 6.9 Compound Curve In general, horizontal curves shall consist of circular portion of the curve followed by
spiral transitions on both sides. Design speed, super-elevation and coefficient of friction affect
the design of curves. Length of transition curve is determined on the basis of rate of change of
centrifugal acceleration or the rate of change of super-elevation.
6.8.2 Superelevation Superelevation is required to be provided at horizontal curves to counter the effects
of centrifugal force and is calculated from the formula:

225 R

e = superelevation in meter per meter width of roadway
V = speed of vehicle in KMPH and
R = radius of curve in meters
The above formula assumes that the centrifugal force corresponding to three-fourth of design
speed is balanced by superelevation and one-fourth counteracted by the side friction between
the tyres of vehicles and the road surface. Superelevation obtained from the above formula shall, however, be kept limited to the
following values:
a) In snow bound areas 7%
b) In hilly areas not bound by snow 10% The change over from normal section to superelevated section shall be achieved over
full length of transition curve. In case transition curve is not there or adequate length cannot be
provided due to some reason, two-third superelevation shall be attained on the straight reach
and balance on circular curve. From the drainage point of view, the superelevation shall not be less than the camber/
cross fall appropriate to the type of wearing surface. Accordingly, when the value of superelevation

obtained from formula in para above is less than road camber/cross-fall, the letter may
be continued on the curved portion without providing any superelevation. Superelevation at culverts in curves
The top surface of the wearing course of culverts shall have the same cross profile as the
approaches. The superelevation may be given on the abutments keeping the deck slab thickness
uniform as per design. The level of the top of the slab of the culverts shall be the same as the
top level of the approaches so that any undue jerk while driving on the finished road is avoided. Radii beyond which no superelevation is required; Table 6.7 gives the radii of horizontal
curves for different camber rates beyond which superelevation will not be required.
Table 6.7 Radii beyond which Superelevation is not required

Design Speed Radii (Meters) for camber of

(Km/hr) 4% 3% 2.5% 2% 1.7%
20 50 60 70 90 100
25 70 90 110 140 150
30 100 130 160 200 240
35 140 180 220 270 320
40 180 240 280 350 420
50 280 370 450 550 650 Methods of attaining superelevation

The normal cambered section of the road is changed into superelevated section in two stages,
First stage is the removal of adverse camber in outer half of the pavement. In the second
stage, superelevation is gradually built up over the full width of the carriageway so that required
superelevation is available at the beginning of the circular curve. There are three different
methods for attaining the superelevation: (i). revolving pavement about the centre line; (ii).
Revolving pavement about the inner edge; and (iii). revolving pavement about the outer edge.
Plate 1 illustrates these methods diagrammatically. The small cross sections at the bottom of
each diagram indicate the pavement cross slope condition at different points. Each of the above methods is applicable under different conditions. Method (i).
which involves least distortion of the pavement will be found suitable in most of the situations
where there are no physical controls, and may be adopted in the normal course. Method (ii). is
preferable where the lower edge profile is a major control, e.g. on account of drainage. Where
overall appearance is the criterion, method (iii) is preferable since the outer edge profile, which
is most noticeable to drivers, is not distorted. The superelevation shall be attained gradually over the full length of the transition
curve, so that the design superelevation is available at the starting point of the circular portion.
Sketches in Plate 3 have been drawn on this basis. In cases where transition curve cannot,
for some reason be provided, two-third superelevation may be attained on the straight section
before start of the circular curve and the balance one-third on the curve.

IRC:52-2019 In developing the required superelevation, it shall be ensured that the longitudinal
slope of the pavement edge compared to the centreline (i.e. the rate of change of superelevation)
is not steeper than 1 In 150 for roads in plain and rolling terrain, and 1 in 60 in mountainous and
steep terrain.
6.8.3 Minimum curve radii On a horizontal curve, the centrifugal force is balanced by the combined effect of
superelevation and side friction. Basic equation for this condition of equilibrium is as follows:

= e+f
127 (e+f)

v = vehicle speed in meters per second
V = vehicle speed in km/hr
g = acceleration due to gravity in meters/sec2
e = Superelevation in meter
f = Coefficient of side friction between vehicle tyre and pavement (taken as 0.15)
R = Radius in meters
Based on this equation and maximum permissible value of superelevation, radii for horizontal
curves corresponding to ruling minimum and absolute minimum design speeds are given in
Table 6.8.
Table 6.8 Minimum Radii of Horizontal Curves for Various Classes of Hill Roads

Mountainous Terrain Steep Terrain

Areas not affected Snow bound Areas not affected Snow bound
Classification by snow areas by snow areas
Ruling Absolute Ruling Absolute Ruling Absolute Ruling Absolute
Min (m) Min (m) Min (m) Min (m) Min (m) Min (m) Min (m) Min (m)
Highways and 80 50 90 60 50 30 60 33
State Highways
Major District
50 30 60 33 30 14 33 15
Other District
30 20 33 23 20 14 23 15
Village Roads 20 14 23 15 20 14 23 15
Note: Ruling minimum and Absolute Minimum Radii are for ruling design speed and minimum design
speed respectively.

6.8.4 Transition curve Transition curves are necessary for a vehicle to have smooth entry from a straight
section into a circular curve. The transition curves also improve aesthetic appearance of the road
besides permitting gradual application of the superelevation and extra widening of carriageway
needed at the horizontal curves. Spiral curve shall be used for this purpose. Minimum length of the transition curve shall be determined from the following two
considerations and the larger of the two values adopted for design.
i) The rate of change of centrifugal acceleration shall not cause discomfort to
drivers. From this consideration, the length of transition curve is given by:

Ls = length of transition in meters
V = speed in km/h
R = radius of circular curve in meters
C = 80/(75+V)(subject to a maximum of 0.8 and minimum of 0.5)
ii) The rate of change of superelevation (i.e. the longitudinal grade developed at the
pavement edge compared to through grade along the centre line) shall be such
as not to cause discomfort to travelers or to make the road appear unsightly. The
formulae for minimum length of transition on this basis are:
For Plain and Rolling Terrain:

For Mountainous and Steep Terrain: Having regard to the above considerations, the minimum transition lengths for different
speeds and curve radii are given in Table 6.9. The elements of a combined circular and transition curve are illustrated in Fig. 6.10.
For deriving values of the individual elements like shift, tangent distance, apex distance, etc. and
working out coordinates to lay the curves in the field, it is convenient to use curve tables. For this,
reference may be made to IRC:38 “Guidelines for Design of Horizontal Curves for Highways and
Design Tables”.

Table 6.9 Minimum Transition Length for Different Speeds and Curve Radii

Curve Design Speed

Radius (km/h)
50 40 30 25 20
15 NA 30
20 35 20
25 NA 25 20
30 30 25 15
40 NA 25 20 15
50 40 20 15 15
55 40 20 15 15
70 NA 30 15 15 15
80 55 25 15 15 NH
90 45 25 15 15
100 45 20 15 15
125 35 15 15 NR
150 30 15 15
170 25 15 NR
200 20 15
300 15 NR
400 15
500 NR
Note: NA – Not applicable
NR: Transition not required
TANGENT POINT ……………………..T.P. P.T.
POINT …………………………………..H. I. P.
SHIFT ……………………………………….. s
Fig. 6.10 Elements of a Combined Circular and
Transition Curve APEX DISTANCE ………………………….Es

6.8.5 Widening at curves At sharp horizontal curves, it Is necessary to widen the carriageway to facilitate safe
passage of vehicles. The widening has two components i.e. Mechanical widening to compensate
the extra width occupied by the vehicle due to tracking of rear wheels and Psychological widening
to permit easy crossing of vehicles, since vehicles tend to wander more on curve. Both the
components are to be taken care of in double lane and mechanical components on single lane
roads. However, at blind curves double-laning may be considered. Extra width to be provided on horizontal curves is given in Table 6.10.
Table 6.10. Widening of Pavement at Curves

Radius of Upto 20 21 to 40 41 to 60 61 to 100 101 to 300 Above 300

Curve (m)
Extra Width (m)
Two Lane 1.5 1.5 1.2 0.9 0.6 Nil
Single-Lane 0.9 0.6 0.6 Nil Nil Nil Extra width shall be given by increasing the width at uniform rate along transition
curve and full width given along circular curve. Entire widening shall preferably be provided on
inside of the curve. The extra widening may be attained by means of offsets radial to the centre
line. It shall be ensured that the pavement edge lines are smooth and there is no apparent kink.
6.8.6 Set-back distance at horizontal curves Requisite sight distance shall be available to sight the inside of horizontal curves.
Lack of visibility in the lateral direction may arise due to obstructions like walls, cut slopes,
wooded areas, high crops, etc. Set-back distance from the centre line of the carriageway, within
which offending obstructions shall be cleared, to ensure the needed visibility, can be determined
as given in para However, in certain cases, due to variations in alignment, road cross-
section and the type and location of obstructions, it may become necessary to resort to field
measurements to fix the exact limits of clearance. The set-back-distance is calculated from the following equation (see Fig. 6.11 for
m = R-(R-n) Cos θ

where = radians;
m = the minimum set-back distance to sight obstruction in meters (measured from
the centre line of the road);
R = radius at centre line of the road in meters
n = distance between the centre line of the road and the centre line of the inside
lane in meters; and
S = sight distance in meters

In the above equation, sight distance is measured along the middle or inner lane. On single-lane
roads, sight distance is measured along centre line of the road and ‘n’ is taken as zero.

Fig. 6.11 Visibility at Horizontal Curves

LINE OF INSIDE LANE Utilising the above equation, the design values for set-back distance corresponding to
safe stopping distance for single lane carriageway are given in Table 6.11. These design values
relate basically to circular curves longer than the design sight distance. For shorter curves, the
values of set-back distance given in Table 6.11 will be somewhat on the higher side, but these
can, however, be used as a guide. Lateral clearances for two lane carriageway can be computed
similarly from the above equation.
Table 6.11 Recommended Set-back Distance for Single-Lane Carriageway

Radius of Set-Back Distance in Meters

Circular Curve S=20m S=25m S=30m S=45m S=60m
in Meters (V=20km/h) (V=25km/h) (V=30km/h) (V=40km/h) (V=50km/h)
14 3.4 - - - -
15 3.2 - - - -
20 2.4 3.8 - -
23 2.1 3.3 - -
30 1.7 2.6 3.7 - -


Radius of Set-Back Distance in Meters

Circular Curve S=20m S=25m S=30m S=45m S=60m
in Meters (V=20km/h) (V=25km/h) (V=30km/h) (V=40km/h) (V=50km/h)
33 1.5 2.3 3.4 - -
50 1.0 1.6 2.2 5.0 -
60 - 1.3 1.9 4.2 -
80 - 1.0 1.4 3.1 5.6
100 - 0.8 1.1 2.5 4.5
120 - 0.7 0.9 2.1 3.7
150 - 0.5 0.8 1.7 2.3 Lateral clearance for intermediate sight distance can be computed similarly but the
set-back required is usually too large to be economically feasible in the case of hill roads. Where there is a cut slope on the inside of the horizontal curve, the average height
of sight line can be used as an approximation for deciding the extent of clearance. For stopping
sight distance, this may be taken as 0.7 m. Cut slopes shall be kept lower than this height at the
line demarcating the set-back distance envelope, either by cutting back the slope or benching
suitably, Fig. 6.12. Such a provision is also generally known as better benching or vision berms.

Fig. 6.12 Vision of Berms

6.8.7 Blind curves Blind curves are those on which sight distance available is less than the safe stopping
sight distance i.e. absolute minimum from safety point of view. While clearance of obstructions
within the minimum set-back distance is expected to ensure the minimum sight distance required

as per standards, in hill roads it may not always be possible to ensure this due to terrain conditions.
In such cases certain curves will have sight distance less than minimum as per standards and
hence blind. In a blind curve there is always the danger of a vehicle not being able to come to a
stop before reaching danger point or a vehicle coming from the opposite direction which is likely
to collide with it, due to lack of adequate sight distance. The remedy for this problem, to ensure
better traffic safety, may be provided as under:
a) better benching or vision berms (Para & Fig. 6.12 refers) in a more
liberal manner as required on ground by survey.
b) making the road two - lane width in the stretch and providing lane dividers in the
form of central studs or medians etc.
c) restriction of traffic to one way at a time in the stretch, if otherwise practicable. It has to be ensured at blind curves are accepted only where it is un-avoidable and
that also rarely in any stretch of road since trafficability and safety of a hill road is considerably
reduced by blind curves.
6.8.8 Measurement of radius of an existing curve at site It is often necessary to know radius of an existing curve on a hill road to plan
improvements etc. As it may not always be possible to reach the centre of curve, an indirect
method may have to be adopted.
A simple method is given in Fig. 6.13.

Fig. 6.13 At site Measurement of Radius of Existing Curve

Measure any chord AB and offset DC
Now AD x DB = CD x DE
(1/2 chord)2 = offset x (2R - offset)
= 2R offset - offset2
ignoring offset2; 1/4 chord2 = 2R offset


6.9 Vertical Alignment
6.9.1 General Broken-back grade lines, i.e. two vertical curves in the same direction separated by
a short tangent, shall be avoided due to poor appearance, and preferably replaced by a single
curve. Decks of small cross-drainage structures (i.e. culverts and minor bridges) shall follow
the same profile as the flanking road section, with no break in the grade line. Recommended gradients for different terrain conditions, except at hair-pin bends, are
given in Table 6.12.
Table 6.12 Recommended Gradients for Different Terrain Conditions

Classification of Mountainous Terrain and Steep Steep terrain up to 3000 m

Gradient Terrain more than 3000 m above MSL height above MSL

Ruling Gradient 5% (1 in 20.0) 6% (1 in 16.7)

Limiting Gradient 6% (1 in 16.7) 7% (1 in 14.3)

Exceptional 7% (1 in 14.3) 8% (1 in 12.5) Gradients up to the ‘ruling gradient’ may be used as a matter of course in design. The ‘limiting gradients’ may be used where the topography of a place compels this
course or where the adoption of gentler gradients would add enormously to the cost. In such
cases, the length of continuous grade steeper than the ruling gradient shall be as short as
possible. ‘Exceptional gradients’ are meant to be adopted only in very difficult situations and for
short lengths not exceeding 100 m at a stretch. Successive stretches of exceptional gradients
must be separated by a minimum length of 100 m having gentler/flatter gradient. The cumulative rise/fall in elevation over 2 km length shall not exceed 100 m in
mountainous terrain and 120 m in steep terrain. Escape lane: Where long, continuous descending grades exist or where topographic
and location controls require such grades on new alignment for a length of 2 kms or more,
the design and construction of an emergency escape ramp at an appropriate location with an
interval of about 2 kms is desirable for the purpose of slowing and stopping an out-of-control
vehicle away from the main traffic stream. These lanes may be useful in bringing the vehicles to
halt in case of emergency due to brake failure. The lanes are constructed with reverse gradients
to provide deceleration of vehicles with arrester bed suitably located. Specific guidelines for the
design of escape lanes are lacking at this time. However, guiding principle for design and layout
of escape lane as per AASHTO practice is appended (Appendix-3).

IRC:52-2019 Climbing lane: Restricted overtaking opportunities and the presence of slow moving
vehicles can result in substantial congestion and high accident rates through injudicious
overtaking. Congestion effects are greatest on long steep gradients. The situation is particularly
difficult in India because of the presence of overloaded trucks and buses with very low power-to-
weight ratios.
In such circumstances, the provision of an auxiliary climbing lane can be extremely beneficial to
enable vehicles travelling up the gradient to overtake safety and efficiently.
Thus climbing lanes may be provided wherever necessary in order to address the necessity
of making available a separate lane for safe overtaking for vehicle travelling uphill, in reaches
having continuous exceptional gradients.
Clear signing, road marking and in some cases, physical barriers are needed to ensure that the
absolute right of way of climbing vehicles is safely upheld.
6.9.2 Grade compensation at curves At horizontal curves, the gradients shall be eased by an amount known as ‘grade
compensation’ which is intended to offset the extra tractive effort involved at curves. This is
calculated by the following formula:

Grade compensation (per cent) =

subject to maximum of 75/R where R is radius of the curve in meters. Since grade compensation
is not necessary for gradients flatter than 4 per cent, when applying grade compensation
correction, the gradients need not be eased beyond 4 per cent.
6.9.3 Vertical curve Vertical curves are introduced for smooth transition at grade changes. Convex vertical
curves are known as summit curves and concave vertical curves as valley or sag curves. Both
these shall be designed as square parabolas. The length of the vertical curve is controlled by sight distance requirements, but curves
with greater length are aesthetically better. Curves shall be provided at all grade change exceeding those indicated in Table 6.13.
For satisfactory appearance, the minimum length shall be as shown in the Table.
Table 6.13 Minimum Length of Vertical Curves

Design Speed Maximum Grade Change (percent) Minimum length of vertical curve
(km/h) not requiring a vertical curve (m)

Upto 35 1.5 15

40 1.2 20

50 1.0 30

IRC:52-2019 Where horizontal and summit vertical curves overlap, the design shall provide for the
required sight distance both in the vertical direction along the pavement and in the horizontal
direction on the inside of the curve.
6.9.4 Summit curves (Fig. 6.14)

1.20 m 1.20 m



2 n
horizontal length of
Summit Curve (L)

Fig. 6.14 Summit Curve


n2 = DESCENDING GRADIENT The length of summit curves is governed by the choice of sight distance. The length
is calculated on the basis of the following formulae.
a. For safe stopping sight distance
Case (i) When the length of the curve exceeds the required sight distance, i.e. L is greater than S.

N = Deviation angle, i.e. the algebraic difference between the two grades
L = Length of parabolic vertical curve in meters
S = Sight distance in meters
Case (ii) When the length of the curve is less than the required sight distance, i.e. L is less than S.

b. For intermediate sight distance
Case (i) When the length of the curve exceeds the required sight distance, i.e. L is greater than S.

Case (ii) When the length of the curve is less than the required sight distance, i.e. L is less
than S. The length of summit curve for various cases mentioned above can be read from
Plates 2 & 3. In these Plates, value of the ordinate “M” to the curve from the intersection point of
grade lines is also shown.
6.9.5 Valley curves (Fig. 6.15) The length of valley curves shall be such that for night travel, the head light beam
distance is equal to the stopping sight distance. The length of curve may be calculated as
Case (i) When the length of the curve exceeds the required sight distance, i.e. L is greater
than S.

Horizontal Length of valley Curve,L

Fig. 6.15 Valley Curve

Case (ii) When the length of the curve is less than the required sight distance, i.e. L is less
than S.

In both cases
N = deviation angle, i.e. the algebraic difference between the two grades
L = length of parabolic vertical curve in meters
S = stopping sight distance in meters

IRC:52-2019 Length of valley curve for various grade differences is given in graphical form in
Plate 4.
6.10 Design Criteria for Hair-Pin Bends (Fig 6.16)

Fig. 6.16 Hair Pin Bend

6.10.1 Hair-pin bends, where unavoidable, may be designed either as a circular curve with
transition at each end, or as a compound circular curve. The following criteria shall be followed
normally for their design:

a) Minimum design speed - 20 km/h

b) Minimum roadway, width at apex
i. National/State Highways - 11.5 m for double-lane
- 9.0 m for single-lane
ii. Major District Roads and Other District Roads - 7.5 m
iii. Village Roads - 6.5 m
c) Minimum radius for the inner curve - 14.0 m
d) Minimum length of transition curve - 15.0 m
e) Gradient - 1 in 40
Maximum (2.5%)
Minimum - 1 in 200
f) Superelevation - 1 in 10

6.10.2 Inner and outer edges of the roadway shall be concentric with respect to centre line of
the pavement. Where a number of hair-pin bends have to be introduced, a minimum intervening
distance of 60 m shall be provided between the successive bends to enable the driver to negotiate
the alignment smoothly.

6.10.3 Widening of hair-pin bends subsequently is a difficult and costly process. Moreover,
gradients tend to become sharper as generally widening can be achieved only by cutting the hill
side. These points shall be kept in view at the planning stage, especially if a series of hair-pin
bends are involved.
6.10.4 At hair-pin bends, preferably, the full roadway width shall be surfaced.
6.10.5 A cross drainage to be provided 20 m before the start of the hair-pin bend for proper
drainage of surface water. Similarly adequate drainage may also be provided on the hill side of
the bend so that water does not cross over it. Plate 5
6.11 Passing Places (Fig. 6.17)

Fig. 6.17 Passing Places ODR & VR

6.11.1 Passing places are required on single lane hill roads to facilitate crossing of vehicles
approaching from the opposite direction and to tow aside a disabled vehicle so that it does not
obstruct traffic. They shall be provided at the rate of 2-3 per kilometer.
6.11.2 Normal size of passing place is 3.75 m wide, 30 m long on inside edge and 20 m long
on the farther side. The exact location of passing places shall be judiciously determined taking
into consideration the available extra width and visibility.
6.12 Co-ordination of Horizontal and Vertical Alignments
6.12.1 The overall appearance of a highway can be enhanced considerably by judicious
combination of the horizontal and vertical alignments. Plan and profile of the road shall not
be designed independently but in unison so as to produce an appropriate three dimensional
effect. Proper co-ordination in this respect will ensure safety, improve utility of the highway and
contribute to overall aesthetics.
6.12.2 Vertical curvature superimposed upon horizontal curvature gives a pleasing effect.
As such the vertical and horizontal curves shall coincide as far as possible and their length shall
be more or less equal. If this is difficult for any reason, the horizontal curve shall be somewhat
longer than the vertical curve.

6.12.3 Sharp horizontal curves shall be avoided at or near the apex of pronounced summit/
slag vertical curves from safety point of view.
6.13 Bridle Roads and Bridle Paths
As earlier brought out in para 4.4.3, the Isolated villages habitations can be connected by bridle
roads. Bridle paths are also provided in border areas (generally called border tracks or village
tracks). These may also be necessary for pockets of very small population in remote areas.
Typical specifications of Bridle road, Bridle path and Operational tracks (OP tracks) are given in
Table 6.14.
Table 6.14 Specifications of Bridle Road and Bridle Path

Sl. Items Bridle Bridle Path (Border/ OP Track

No. Road Village Track)
1. Road Land width in open areas 6m 3.0 m 4.00 m
2. Formation width
a. Normal 2m 1.0 m 2.75 m
b. Exceptional 1.7 m 0.8 m
3. Radius of Curves (Minimum) 5m 5m 12 m
4. Widening at sharp curves upto 3 m 1.0 m 0.3 m 1.5 m
5. Inside slope (cross fall)/Camber 3 to 4% 3 to 4%
6. Minimum radius at H.P. Bends 3.0 m 1.0 m
7. Gradients
a. For Ghat tracing 12% - Ruling
b. Ruling 17% 17% 1:15 Max
c. Limiting - 25% 1:10
d. Exceptional (not more than 30 m 25% 30% May be
Length) upto 1 in 7
8. Drains 0.30 m 0.2 m 0.50
9. Scuppers 1 m span 3 0.6 m span 3 to 5
to 10 Nos. Nos. per km
per km
10. Bridges and Culverts
a. Design load 400 kg/sqm 400 kg/sqm
b. Clear roadway between kerbs 2.0 m 1.0 m


Sl. Items Bridle Bridle Path (Border/ OP Track

No. Road Village Track)
11. Surface Un-surfaced. In slushy stretches
stone/brick paving or some other

6.14 Ropeway Bridge

In remote area, ropeway foot bridges may also be considered to provide connectivity as per


Tunnels become economical and, therefore, necessary while developing an alignment for hill
road passing through high ground. Tunnels are also constructed under a river or waterway,
mostly in an urban area. For detailed planning and design, IRC:SP:91 be referred. However,
preliminary steps for tunnel planning are as follows:
7.1 Surveys
Topographical survey helps in identifying land features and for selecting the most suitable
tunnel alignment. Traverse network connecting the existing survey control on each side of the
hill to a high degree of accuracy is necessary for establishing the ground control for the tunnel
7.2 Accuracy
Director, Geodetic and Research Branch, Survey of India have issued technical instructions
regarding horizontal control survey for tunnels, where it is stated that an accuracy of 1:30,000
for outer horizontal control should be aimed at.
7.3 Mapping
The mapping around both the proposed portal locations shall be conducted by EDM survey
for maintaining the desired accuracy. Sufficient area around both the portal locations shall
be covered on a scale of 1:1000 with a contour interval of 1 m to have a better appreciation
of the topography around the portal location for planning the suitable geometry of the tunnel
alignment and location of portals, bore hole locations and other permanent structures.
Proposed tunnel alignment shall also be marked on the contour plans prepared around both
portal locations.
7.4 Ideal Tunnel Portal Layout
The important criteria for locating the portal are the existence of sound rock conditions with
adequate cover. The rock mass should be free from any fault/dislocation and the loose fractured
zones/layers should not be sloping towards the portals. Further, the location of a portal should be
such that it is not affected by landslides ensuring the approaches to the portal in stable formation
requiring least open cut excavation/ground stabilization measures.

7.5 Geological and Geophysical Studies
These studies should be got conducted by an expert geologist and should include:
- Geomorphology
- Regional Geology
- Rock Structure
- Seismicity of the location and neighbouring area
7.6 Geological Study of Tunnel Site

These will include:

- General Geology
- Geophysical Investigations
- Discussion of the results of these studies, and
- Conclusion
7.7 Design Standards
Alignment in plan: A road tunnel should, ideally be straight in plan. This
is seldom possible, but the introduction of sharp curves, particularly in
conjunction with steep gradients should be avoided, even if it means a
longer tunnel. If horizontal curves become unavoidable, a minimum radius
of 200 m could be adopted. Only in exceptional cases, this should be
reduced to 100 m.
Gradients: The gradients of the roadway are of primary importance, since
in most cases they constitute a determining factor in the length of tunnel,
and hence its cost. In general, it is sought to employ gradients which
will not cause congestion through the excessive slowing down of heavy
Cross-section of tunnel: The internal cross-sectional dimensions of a road
tunnel are determined by the following considerations:
(a) the number and width of traffic lanes making up the carriageway;
(b) the vertical headroom for vehicles;
(c) the space to be provided for ventilation ducts, walkways, lighting, and
drainage and for fire and other services.
Long tunnels should have a good longitudinal gradient for effective drainage, 0.2
per cent is satisfactory. Long tunnels, which are more than 300 m length, should
not have a gradient steeper than 4 per cent. With tunnels less than 300 m long,
a straight fall should be adopted. However, two outward falling gradient are
permitted for a tunnel over 300 m long.
Ventilation: Ventilation is one of the most important factors in the design of road
tunnels. There are two main requirements:

(1) A sufficient volume of fresh air must be supplied to all parts of the traffic
space to dilute the carbon monoxide from motor exhausts to a biologically
safe level.
(2) A good standard of visibility must be maintained in the tunnel for the safety
and comfort of drivers.
Road vehicles passing through a tunnel emit fumes, which need to be cleared
quickly. Artificial ventilation becomes necessary in tunnels above 400 m length.
The ventilation system should be capable of producing a fresh air input of 0.5
cum per meter length of the tunnel. The speed of air is generally limited to 5 m
per second.
Illumination: The lighting of tunnels calls for special consideration. The driver
entering a tunnel should be able to adjust himself to the artificial lighting conditions
inside the tunnel. Similarly, the driver leaving a tunnel should be able to adjust
himself to the natural light outside the tunnel. For achieving these requirements,
the tunnel is divided into zones of different lighting intensities.



1. Details of route vis-à-vis topography of the area

2. Length of the road
3. Bridging requirements – number, length
4. Geometrics:
(a) Gradients
(b) Curves, hair-pin bends, etc.
5. Existing means of communication-mule path, jeep track, etc.
6. Right-of-way, bringing out constraints on account of built-up area, monuments, and
other structures.
7. Terrain and soil conditions
7.1 Geology of the area
7.2 Nature of the soil
7.3 Road length passing through:
(i) Mountainous terrain
(ii) Steep terrain
(iii) Rocky stretches with indication of the length in loose rock stretches
(iv) Areas subject to avalanches and snowdrifts
(v) Slip-prone areas
7.4 Cliffs and gorges
7.5 Drainage characteristics of the area including susceptibility to flooding
7.6 General elevation of the road indicating maximum and minimum heights
negotiated by main ascents and descents.
7.7 Total number of ascents and descents
7.8 Vegetation – extent and type.
8. Climatic conditions
8.1 Temperature-monthly maximum and minimum readings
8.2 Rainfall data-average annual, peak intensities monthly distribution (to the extent
8.3 Snowfall data-average annual, peak intensities, monthly distribution (to the
extent available)
8.4 Wind direction and velocities
8.5 Fog conditions

8.6 Exposure to sun
8.7 Unusual weather conditions, like cloud bursts, etc.
9. Facilities/Resources
9.1 Landing ground
9.2 Dropping zones
9.3 Food stuffs
9.4 Labour-local availability and need for import
9.5 Construction materials (timber, bamboo, sand, stones, shingle, etc.) extent of
their availability and stones, shingle, etc.) extent of their availability and leads
10. Value of land – agriculture land, irrigated land, built up land, forest land, etc.
11. Approximate construction cost
12. Access points indicating possibility of induction of equipment
13. Period required for construction
14. Strategic considerations
15. Recreational potential
16. Important villages, towns and marketing centers to be connected
17. Economic factors
(i) Population served by the alignment
(ii) Agricultural and economic potential of the area
18. Other major developmental projects being taken up in the area e.g. hydroelectric
19. Miscellaneous, such as, camping sites, law and order problems, royalty charges,
availability of contractors for collection and carriage of construction materials, working
period available for constructions work, etc.



No. Details Route Route Route Route Remarks

No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

1. Annual Rainfall Data

2. Weather Condition and Period of Working Season
3. Length of Strip
4. Nature of Soil
5. Camp Sites
6. Landing Grounds
7. Dropping Zones
8. Existing Means of Inter Communication
9. Right of Way
10. Gradients
11. Length of Gentle Slopes
12. Length of Forests Affected
13. Length of Cliffs
14. Length of Rocks
15. Length of Agriculture Land
16. Length of Loose Rocks/Avalanche
17. Length of Land Slides
18. Length of Unstable Areas
19. Length of Heavy Clearing
20. Length of Steep Slopes
21. Length of Marshy Area
22. Availability of Road Construction Materials
23. No. and Width of Rivers/Nallahs to be Bridged

24. No. of Hairpin Bends
25. No. of Villages
26. Availability of Labour
27. Hostile Activities if any
28. Total Length of Bridges
29. Important Town and Marketing Centres Connected
30. Maximum Altitude Crossed Enroute
31. Any Other Information
32. Approximate Cost of Construction
33. Maintenance Problems if any



Highway alignment, gradient, length and descent speed contributes to the potential for out
of control vehicles. Accident experience and vehicle operations (usually truck) on the grade
combined with engineering judgment are frequently used as the determinant for an escape
ramp. Escape lanes may be built at any feasible location where the main road alignment is in
transition. They should be built in advance of main lane curvature that cannot be negotiated
safely by an out of control vehicle and in advance of populated areas. Escape lanes should
exit to be left side of the main line. For new and existing facilities and until local criteria are
available it may be useful to adopt the AASHTO criteria. The most commonly used escape
ramp is the ascending type with an arrester bed, Fig. A.2.1. Ramp installations of ascending
type use gradient resistance to advantage, supplementing the effects of the aggregate in the
arrester bed, and generally reducing the length of ramp necessary to stop the vehicle. The
loose bedding material in arrester bed increases the rolling resistance and bedding serves
to hold the vehicle in place on the ramp grade it has came to stop. Escape ramp should be
designed for speed range of 50 to 120 km per hour. The design of escape lane should consider
the following criteria:

Fig. A.2.1 Typical Type of Emergency Escape Ramp

- Safety stop an out-of-control vehicle and the length of ramp must be sufficient to
dissipate the kinetic energy of the moving vehicle.
- Alignment of escape ramp should be tangent or be very flat curvature to relieve
the driver of undue vehicle control problems.
- Width of ramp should be adequate to accommodate more than one vehicle
because it is not uncommon for two or more vehicles to have need of the escape

ramp within a short time. 9 to 12 m width would more safely accommodate
two-or more out of control vehicles. Widths of ramps in use range from 3.6 m to
12 m.
- Surfacing material used in arrester bed should be clean, easily compacted and
have high coefficient of rolling resistance. Layout of arrester bed adjacent to
carriageway is shown in Fig. A.2.2.
- Entrance to the ramp must be designed so that vehicle traveling at a high rate of
speed can enter safely.
- Advance sign is required to inform the driver about the existence of the escape
ramp well in advance so that a decision whether or not to use the ramp may be
taken. Regulatory sign near the entrance should be used to discourage other
motorists from entering, stopping or parking at the ramp. Proper illumination of
the approach is desirable.
- The characteristic that makes a truck escape ramp an effective safety device
also makes it difficult to retrieve a vehicle captured by the ramp. Ideally a service
road located adjacent to arrester bed is needed so that recovery vehicle and
maintenance vehicles can use it without becoming trapped in the material. Width
of service lane should be at least 3 m (desirable).

A 1 m Hard

Minm bed on level Escape A Edge

ground lane Minimum separation from line
expected max carriageway 1.0m
entry suggested
speed length L
km/h (meter)
Hard Strip
50 23
60 32 350 - 450 mm
70 46 Carriageway
85 60
100 90 Section A-A
120 100

Fig. A.2.2 Layout of Arrester Bed Adjacent to Carriageway

Recovery anchors are needed to secure the tow truck when removing a vehicle from the arrester
bed. A typical layout of emergency escape ramp is shown in Fig. A.2.3


1:16 taper

Fig. A.2.3 Layout of Emergency Escape Ramp (Left Hand Drive)


the rate of change of superelevation (longitudinal
slope of edge compared to centre Line) should be
minimum 1 in 150 For roads in plain and rolling terrain
and 1 in 60 in mountainous and steep terrain.

Schematic diagrams showing different method of attaining superelevation






0.75 m




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