Pavement Engineering in Developing Countries
Pavement Engineering in Developing Countries
Pavement Engineering in Developing Countries
C. 1. Ellis
C I Eflis
C I Eflis Since most developing industriafised countries Wst these differences incorporate reasonably countries lie in the tropics or sub-tropics the differences between pavement engineering in temperate and developing countries are often thought of almost exclusively in terms of climatic differences. are substantial, a considerable body of knowledge exists that enables experienced designers to satisfactory provisions within their designs for all but the most extreme effects of tropical climates.
~udy important differences between pavement engineering in developing and industrialised countries are the greater variabfity of construction materials, quality of construction, and the larger fluctuations in the volume and weight of road traffic that are typica~y encountered in developing countries. Because of the large variability of these factors the design of road pavements in developing countries must either include a higher factor of safety than is usual in industrialised countries, or a higher risk of failure must be accepted. The latter course is the one most commonly adopted. It is an advantage in that it minimises the demands made by road-building on scarce capital resources and the disadvantages of partial or premature pavement failure are much reduced by the short design tife generally adopted and the relative ease with which repairs can be made on the typically uncontested roads. In the few fortunate oil-rich developing countries the pavement engineering situation has, however, radically changed in recent years. Low risks of faflure and long design lives are now often demanded in these countries; designers respond by adopting generous safety factors to compensate for the large uncertainties that remain in the prediction of traffic and the variability of materials and quality of construction. An important aspect of pavement engineering in developing countries that has no parallel in most industrialised countries is the extent to which unsurfaced roads contribute to national road networks. Unsurfaced roads of all types play a vital role in the economic and social fife of many of these countries, and such roads, carrying several hundred vehicles per day, are not uncommon. In this respect consideration is given to the traffic bearing ability of earth roads related to the important factors of route selection and drainage. The design of gravel roads is considered in terms of structural thickness and the selection of suitable gravels. The wide range of pavement design methods for bitumen surfaced roads are described and discussed by reference to the pavement thicknesses recommended by such methods. Such comparisons are expressed in terms of Tropical Structural Number (TS~ which is a modified form of the AASHTO Structural Number. The work described in this Digest forms part of the programme carried out for the Overseas Development but any tiews expressed are not necessarily those of the Administration. Administration
If this information is insufficient for your needs a copy of the full report, SR 537, may be obtained on wn.tten request to the Technical Information and Library Sewices, Transport and Road Research Laborato~, Old Wokingham Road, Qowthorne, Berkshire. Crown Copyright. acknowledged. Extracts from the text may be reproduced, except for commercial purposes, provided the source is
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Markey Test
Markev Test In car tests on track
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5 % k ; : 160
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.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .......... ..................... . ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................
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Percentage of water in brake fluid Digest Fig. 2 WATER CONTENT IN THE BRAKE SAMPLE OF CARS FLUID OF A NATIONAL
The work described in this Digest was carried out in the Vehicle Safety Division of the Safety Department
of TRRL,
If this information is insufficient for your needs a copy of the fill report, LR 903, may be obtained on written request to the Technical Information and Libra~ Semites, Transport and Road Research Laborato~, Old hbkingham Road, Oo wthome, Berkshire. Crown Copyright. hy views expressed in this Digest are not necessarily those of the Department of the Environment or of the Department of Transport. Extracts from the text may be reproduced, except for commercial purposes, provided the source is acknowledged.
TRANSPORT and ROAD RESEARCH LABORATORY Department of the Environment Department of Transport SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT 537
The work described in this Report forms part of the prograrnme carried out for the Overseas Development Administration but any views expressed are not necessarily those of the Administration
Overseas Unit Transport and Road Research Laboratory Crowthorne, Berkshire 1979 ISSN03051315
CONTENTS Page Abstract 1. 2. htroduction Highway pavement engineering 2.1 3. Cost models 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 11 11 13 surfacings for high service temperatures 14 15 15 16 16 16 17
Earth and gravel roads 3.1 3.2 3.3 &rth roads Gravel roads Recent developments
Bitumen surfaced roads 4.1 ~rrent 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.2 4.3 design methods TRRL Road Note 31 CEBTP pavement design manual for tropical countries AASHTO interim guide Shefl modified design charts Other methods
Comparison of pavement design methods Recent developments 4.3.1. 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 tie loads
Heavy vehicle sirnuktor The design of bituminous Overlay design Impact (square) ro~ers
5. 6.
Concrete roads Assessing risk 6.1 6.2 Decision mtig hproved forms of contract
(C) CROWN COPYRIGHT 1979 Extracts from the text may be reproduced, except for commercial purposes, provided the source is actiowledged
ABSTRACT This Report discusses the reasons for the differences between pavement engineering in temperate climates and in developing countries with tropical or sub-tropical cfimates. The importance of earth and gravel roads in developtig countries is emphasised, and commody used methods of pavement design for bitumen surfaced roads are described and compared. Recent developments in techniques and equipment for improving construction standards and for assessing road performance are described. The use of appropriate forms of contract is briefly discussed and the need to improve knowledge of the factors which would enable total transport costs to be minimised is emphasised.
countries lie in the tropics or sub-tropics the differences between pavement engineering in countries and developing countries are often thought of almost exclusively in terms of these differences are substantial, reasonably satisfactory a considerable body of knowledge exists that enables provisions within their designs for ti but the most
designers to incorporate
differences between pavement engineering in developing countries and industrirdised materials, quahty of construction, and the krger fluctuations
in the volume and weight of road traffic that are typica~y encountered
in developing countries.
Because of the large variability of these factors the design of road pavements in developing countries must either include a higher factor of safety than is usual in industrialised accepted. The latter course is the one most comody adopted. countries, or a higher risk of faflure must be
made by road-buflding on scarce capital resources, and the disadvantages of partial or premature pavement failure are much reduced by the short design life genera~y adopted and the relative ease with which repairs can be made on the typicdy uncontested roads.
ofl-rich developing countries the pavement engineering situation has, however, radic~y risks of faihrre and long design tives are now often demanded in these countries; for the large uncertainties tht remain in
the prediction of traffic and the variability of rnaterirds and quahty of construction.
An important
aspect of pavement engineering in developing countries that has no para~el in most industrirdised to national road networks. In developing countries
unsurfaced roads carrying several hundred vehicles per day are not uncommon, play a vital role in the economic and social hfe of many of these countries. maintaining unsurfaced roads are thus an important
The selected statistics shown in Table 1 illustrate the differences between roads and road transport in developing countries and in industritised countries.
TABLE 1 Selected statistics of roads and road transport in developing and industridised countries
Gross national product per capita us $ (ref. 1) 6670 5 Ho 3590 920 190 140 100
bngth of bitumenised or concrete road km x 103 (ref. 2) 2925 707 331 77 1 409 3
Length of earth or gravel road kmx 103 (ref. 2) 3215 87 12 1235 6 486 6
Density of road networks km per krn2 (ref. 3) 0.66 1.4 1.49 0.15 0.10 0.27 0.007
Numbers of commercial vehicles* per km of road 4.29 2.78 5.36 0.76 0.64 0.46 1.19
United States France United Kngdom Brazil Sierra Leone India Ethiopia * Trucks and buses.
Highway pavement engineering may be defined as the process of designing, constructing, pavements in order to provide a desired level of service for traffic. designers make assumptions about the methods of construction
affect the level of service provided by the pavement, these two factors being very closely interto the interdependence of these factors and the fact that the
and maintatiing
h the case of low-cost roads, typical of most developing countries, the influence of maintenance
on the level
of service provided by the pavement wi~ generally be much stronger than is the case with heavier duty pavements. For unsurfaced roads the level of maintenance mining the level of service provided. is at least as important as the initial construction standard in deter-
that wifl maintain the road, should that wfll provide the level of
service required over the design life of the road in the most cost +ffective way. In practice, in developing countries the designer rarely has sufficient information the initial construction maintenance to make a quantified assessment of the appropriate balance between
when it is needed, he will often tend to enhance the standard of initial construction
Some advances are being made however in providing designers with quantitative and maintenance of roads typical of those
on the trade~fP
In recent years models have been produced that Mow designers not ody to quantify and maintenance standards, but also to calculate their combined effect on strategy that @ minimise the sum
between construction
vehicle operating costs, and hence to produce a design and specify a maintenance of construction, maintenance,
and vehicle operating costs over the design hfe of the pavement. cost, and w~st
three costs has been cafled the total transportation the costs involved in road transport, countries.
they are by far the most significant costs on non-urban roads in developing
Cost models
The initiative for developing cost models for roads in developing countries was taken in the early 1970s by the World Bti. construction The World Bank recognised the need to improve knowledge of the interaction costs, road maintenance between road of invest-
ment decisions in the roads sector in developing countries. of efisthg knowledge 6 . Subsequently
As a first step a computer model was buflt on the basis in East Africa by the Overseas Unit of TRRL78
h co~aboration
with the World Bank to improve knowledge of the effects of road conditions on vehicle operating of road pavements. As a result of these field studies empirical relationships This model calculates the sum of road
were derived that have been incorporated construction costs, road maintenance
costs, and vehicle operating costs over the design fife of the road for a non-
Further improvements
wi~ be forthcoming
.10 ~d India 9and from TRRL studies in the Caribbean. which are in progress in Brazd studies, model development is being undertaken by the Massachusetts hstitute
costs for road networks rather than just for sin#e road
Not surpristi@y the engineering of earth and gravel roads has received much less attention
and research workers thm the engineering of surfaced roads. Most of the technical literature on unsurfaced roads is concerned with the techniques materials for constructing roads on a structural concept of structural and the organisation of maintenance, and the selection and specification of naturrd
gravel roads.
Several methods have been pubtished for designing the thickness of unsurfaced However, the relevance of the
design basis, and three of these methods are described below. design to unsurfaced roads is not widely accepted.
In recent years there has been a growing awareness of the need to improve knowledge of the relationships between the construction and maintenance standards, the climate, the traffic, and vehicle operating costs on planners to improve the quality of investment local knowledge data is very scarce.
unsurfaced roads. The need arises because of the desire of transport decisions in the rural road sector in developing countries. about the interaction
bet ween many of these factors efists in developing countries, but quantified
Earth roads
The distinction between earth and gravel roads is rarely well-defined, but a commonly accepted distinction tit earth roads are constructed ody of the natural materials that are encountered on the road line or immediately
adjacent to it. Gravel roads on the other hand may incorporate gravefly material, but sometimes processed gravels maybe used.
The best service wfll be obtained from earth roads if they are located on the better drained parts of the terrain, and on the more granular sods if any choice of soil type is available. in the landscape is thus fundamental to their subsequent performance. In most situations skifl in locating earth roads Often the location of earth roads is under-
of the ground by an engineer, but in complex terrain much better results 11,12,13 assisted by aerial photography and other remotely wdl be obtained by using terrain evaluation techniques
abflity of earth roads depends heavfly on the type of sod forming the running surface, The abflity of earth roads to carry traffic can be substantially enhanced
moisture conditions.
back from the road so that the sun and wind can more readily dry out the road surface when it is wet, cambering the surface, and cutting suitable side-drains. The principles of good construction circumstances and maintenance practice for
traffic, as is evidenced for example by the behaviour of sabkha roads 14 in certain arid areas, and the roads built on the red-coffee sods in Kenya.
A comprehensive
and maintenance
More recently some interesting research on the trafficabitity of which are illustrated by the nomograph
of wheel loads of different magnitudes that can be carried by soils of different strengths.
terminal condition in this work was when the rut-depth in the soil exceeded 75 mm. If the strength of an earth road is known (in terms of its California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value), the nomograph of the load carrying abflity of the road. permits predictions to be made
Gravel roads
There are two basic attitudes to the design of the thickness of gravel roads. One of these is the quantitative 7. This structural design approach, examples of which are the methods suggested by Mellier 15 and Ha~ttl approach presents the designer with the difficult problem of deciding what moisture content should be assumed for the subgrade soil and the gravel layer, since clearly in seasonal climates there wfll be a large change in moisture content and hence the strength of these materials between the wet and dry seasons.
The other approach to the design of gravel roads is that described by OReifly and ~ardl assumption is made that thickness design of gravel roads is unnecessary, gravel material with specified grading and plasticity characteristics and the important
8 in which the
(150 to 200 mm). This approach is the one usually adopted in developing countries in the tropics in which
support the imposed wheel loads with no more than 150 mm of gravel cover. Table 2 gives values for the plasticity characteristics of gravel surfacing materials typically specified in different climatic zones. In either case provision of gravel that is lost over a period of time due to the action of traffic and
2 8
35 45 55
49 620 1530
sW1 and resources that can be deployed to locate the very best materials that exist within an economic haul distance from the road. The terrain evaluation approachl wittin the landscape. 112>13 can be of great assistance in the location of gravel materials
subgrades that are capable of sustaining traffic throughout circumstances the level of service provided can usudy
be maintained
frequency of grading, or in some areas where this is not possible, roads are closed for short periods after heavy and prolonged rain to prevent traffic causing excessive deformation when the subgrade is saturated.
of gravel roads.
or so vehicles per day most gravel roads require grading at regular intervals of time to remove corrugations, the transverse profile, and to bring back into the centre of the road gravel that action of trafficl 9. In addition, the clearing of side ditches and the restoration are required at regular intervals. is to be maintained, ~ these operations
are necessary if the level of service provided by a gravel road of an adequate camber. Camber must be very
sufficient to prevent rainwater being retained on the surface of the road. If it is not, the road wti deteriorate rapidly in wet. weather.
Recent developments
The tectiques
earth and gravel roads have not cbnged that are of some interest.
years. There are, however, two recent developments among highway planners and engineers in quantifying, traffic volume, construction
of these relationships
past that fink the frequency of grading necessary to maintain an acceptable level of service to the volume of traffic, and also in some cases to the type of gravel surfacing. this kind been based on systematic measurements Only recently, however, have quantified relationships of
or included quantification
of the
effect of surface condition on vehicle operating costs. For example, in the study in East Africa 78 relationships tig the fo~owing variables were established for several types of gravel road:
the depth of ruts formed by the traffic; the amount of gravel lost from the road surface due to the action of traffic and erosion; the longitudinal the rainfa~. gradient of the road;
Further studies are in pro~ess that WW improve these relationships and cfimatic zones.
in developing countries.
other developing count ries, however, the construction undertaken htemationrd qudty
except on a sma~-scale and piecemeal basis. Recent studies sponsored by the World Bank* and the hbour Organisation 21 have shown that labour-intensive as equipment-intensive methods can in general produce the same justifiable in countries
of construction
than forty countries, in several of which national prograrnrnes for labour-intensive been started or are planned.
Very few of the various methods of pavement design that are in general use throughout devised specific~y for the design of pavements in tropical developing countries.
Note 3122, and the French CEBTP design manual for tropical countries 23 . Other popular methods of pavement design, such as the AASHTO method 24 and its derivatives, though derived empiricdy with temperate in industriahsed countries
climates, are nevertheless often used for the design of pavements in the tropics.
* In many developing countries the wages paid often do not reflect the true value of labour to the economy. It is this latter which is relevant when comparing labour and capital intensive methods and it is termed the shadow wage. For further amplification see Ministry of Overseas Development Guide to the Economic Appraisal of Projects in Developing Countries. hndon, 1972 (H M Stationery Office).
roads carrying up to 2.5 mi~on equivalent standard axles per lane in tropical and sub-tropical countries.
offers the designer the choice of two simple standard pavements, and provides for the thickness of the sub-base to be varied to suit the strength of the subgrade.
is given in the guide to two aspects of pavement design that are of special importance
(1) (2)
is given to the influence of tropical ctimates on moisture conditions in road subgrades; approach to road budding in situations
are uncertain.
The guide expresses the strength of the subgrade sofl in terms of its CBR measured at a moisture content equal to the wettest moisture condition likely to occur in the subgrade after the road has been constructed.
Traffic loading is expressed in terms of equivalent standard axles, on the same basis as that used in the MSHTO method.
The expression used by the Overseas Unit, TRRL, for defining the equivalence factor of any atie-load traversing typical roads in developing countries is given by: 4.55 ~= L k) s of the afle-load L causes the same amount of structural damage as N applications of the standard
Ls (8160 kg).
that it cannot be applied with confidence to design situations that lie outside the range of conditions within which it has been derived. Nevertheless it does offer the designer a wide choice of pavement material options and is suitable
for the design of medium and hghtly trafficked roads in any tropical or sub-tropical environment.
Traffic is categorised into four classes and a catalogue of four basic pavements
Subgrade strength is expressed in terms of CBR, and the thickness of the base
and sub-base of each class of pavement can be varied within timits to take account of differences in subgrade strength.
on the basis of the average volume of traffic per day (all vehicles) assuming a design life of 15 years and 30 per cent heavy veticles in the traffic stream; 7
on the basis of the cumulative number of heavy vehicles passing over the pavement during its design life.
A heavy vehicle is defined as one that has a total weight of more than 3 tonnes.
The guide also suggests that if more than 10 per cent of axle loads are greater than 13 tonnes extra pavement thickness may be required.
The manual, which is very simple to use, is essentially a modification It does not attempt to differentiate
between axle loads of different magnitudes, and hence it cannot take account
of the big differences in damaging power that can exist between similar volumes of traffic in different countries, or even on different roads within the one country.
Road Test25 , was produced primarily for the design of pavements in the USA. Nevertheless it is sometimes used, not always very appropriately, for the design of pavements in developing count ties in the tropics.
its design
hfe is expressed in terms of the equivalent number of 8.2 tonne standard afles.
of equivalence factors (see reference 56). These factors relate the damage done to the pavement by an afle load of any magnitude to the damage done by a standard 8.2 tonne axle load. The factors follow approximately a
fourth power law; that is, if an a~e load is doubled, the damage it wi~ inflict on the pavement wfll be sixteen times greater. This concept of atie load equivalence factors is now widely accepted, ahd is incorporated into several
in the power law, and the extent to which it is influenced by overall pavement strength and the types of materials used in the pavement.
The AASHTO guide defines subgrade strength in terms of a soil support value, ranging from one for very weak subgrades, to ten for subgrades as strong as crushed rock base material. Pavement thickness is expressed in terms of This is
a Structural Number (SN), ranging from 1.0 to 6.0, which is an index of the strength of pavement required.
then modified by the application of a Regional Factor which adjusts the design to suit local climatic conditions. Finally, layer thicknesses are determined, the contribution of the layers of the selected pavement materials to the that have been experience.
assigned to the commoner materials on the basis of the results of the AASHTO test and subsequent
The problem facing a designer applying the AASHTO guide to the design of a pavement in a typical developing country situation is the difficulty in estimating the appropriate mining the appropriate Regional Factor to use, and in deterThe same problem arises whenever
an empirically derived design method is apphed in conditions outside the range of experience on which it has been based.
The range of Regional Factors employed in the USA is large, and is rather arbitrarily applied.
In dry frost-
free regions the Regional Factor used can be as low as 0.5, whilst in regions where subgrades freeze in the winter but thaw out in the spring the Regional Factor used may be as high as 4.0 or 5.0. This range represents an increase
in thickness of 50 per cent for pavements with a SN of 2.5 or less, typical of most surfaced roads in developing countries.
h South Africa, where a modified form of the AASHTO design method is employed and the climate ranges from moist sub-tropical to arid, Regional Factors in the range 0.3 to 0.75 are recornmended26. Regional Factor of 0.2 is used in semi-arid situations. h Mexico a
exists about the commoner pavement materials used in the USA, such as asptitic
materials avaflable will often not have any close parallel in North America and designers using the AASHTO method will have to rely on judgement in assigning coefficients to the materials selected.
The shell design charts were first pubhshed in 1963 27, but have been on the moduh of bituminous
They are therefore now better suited to the design of road pavements in developing countries in The charts were derived from consideration of the basic properties of bituminous mixes as detertied
and the Mowable strains in the subgrade and asphalt surfacing layer. The
analytical approach to pavement design, which is the basis of both the original Shefl design charts and the more recent more comprehensive method 28, is fully described in reference 56.
The original charts are held to have been we~-supported the recently modified charts have yet to be similarly vatidated.
of roads, but
In using the modified She~ charts it is necessary to estimate the weighted mean annurd air temperature of the location in question. curve. Simple meteorological with adequate accuracy. This can be obtained from mean montMy air temperatures information
Other methods:
Various other methods of pavement design are used from time to time in developing and the
countries. Qnadian
The most significant of these are RRL Road Note 29 29, the Asphalt Institute method30,
Good Roads Association method 31 . None of these methods is well suited to the design of roads
carrying less than about 500 vehicles a day, which form the majority of the surfaced roads in most developing countries. Moreover, wtist these methods of pavement design can be used to design heavily-trafficked roads
in developing countries, they do not have the facility for adjusting designs to take account of different cfimatic environments.
Vafid comparisons between the different methods of pavement design described above are difficult to make. If common factors of safety and criteria for pavement faflure were shared by au the methods, a comparison on the basis of the recommended thicknesses of simdar materials would be a measure of the relative efficiency or design
In fact, the faflure criteria and factors of safety inherent in the various methods are all different, and in several methods they are not even clearly defined. Nevertheless some measure of the relative efficiency of the by the various
different design methods can be gained by comparing the pavement thicknesses recommended methods for simflar levels of traffic loading and subgrade strength.
it is helpful to express pavement thicknesses in terms of a structural In the AASHTO method SN is given
number, simflar in concept to the SN used in the AASHTO design method. by:
SN = alD1
+ a2D2 + a3D3
It should be
recognised that assigning coefficients to particular materials can only be a very rough guide to the relative contribution different materials can make to the structural strength of a pavement. It is well known that the on the
effective coefficient of a pavement layer is not only a function of the type of material but is also dependent
thickness of the layer, the position of the layer in the pavement, the moduli and thicknesses of the other layers, the subgrade characteristics, coefficients, and other factors. There are thus many reservations about the concept of layer
but nevertheless it wifl suffice for the purpose of making a rough comparison between current methods
of pavement design.
Because the service temperatures much higher than those experienced for bituminous
of bituminous
layers from those given in the AASHTO guide if even rough comparisons between different design The AASHTO guide suggests a coefficient of
methods are to be made in the context of tropical environments. between 0.44 and 0.40 for asphdtic
concrete surfacings, but in a typical developing country situation it is assumed is made on the basis mixtures implicit in the modified Shell design charts 28 , From Figure 3 This assumption
for the purposes of this comparison that 0.20 would be more appropriate. of the temperature/stiffness relationship for bituminous
from which can be deduced the relations shown in Figure 3 between MAAT and layer coefficient. it can be seen that in tropical chmates the effective layer coefficient
for CBR 20 subgrades in the hottest climates, to about 0.37 for CBR 2.5 subgrades in sub-tropicrd cfimates.
Using values of 0.2 for al, and the same values for a2 and a3 as are given in the AASHTO guide (eg granular base a2 = 0.14, sub-base a3 = 0.11 ), the modified structural numbers imptied by the different design recommendations are compared in Figure 4. For convenience the modified structural number is plotted as Tropical Structural Number (TS~, and Figure 4 shows how this is related to traffic loading on an average subgrade of CBR 8.
h calculating the TSN values that are plotted in Figure 4 it was assumed that the pavements had the minimum thickness of bituminous surfacing permitted by each design method. This minimises the influence on TSN of the
value adopted for the coefficient a ~, and is typical of developing country pavements which rarely have thick bituminous surfacings.
It is also assumed in Figure 4 that the subgrade strengths are assessed in the same way for each of the design methods. In fact each method su~ests different ways of estimating the appropriate subgrade moisture content and
Simfiarly, each design method suggests rather different ways of expressing traffic loading. convert the predicted afle load distributions differences in the factors used for this. into an equivalent number of standard ties,
Most methods
very large differences between the designs produced by the various methods of pavement design, even when the same assumptions of subgrade strength and traffic loading are made. The TSN is in effect an index of pavement pavements
thickness, and it can be seen from Figure 4 that the more conservative design methods recommended rdmost twice as thick as the least conservative. specifictiy
for use in tropical developing countries produce the most economical designs. This partly reflects the and failure criteria that are inherent in the different methods, but it also and the absence of the damaging effect of frost in the tropics.
The comparisons
more heavily trafficked road pavements in the tropics, and points to the need for more research in this field.
Recent developments
In afl countries increases in the volume of traffic and the size and weight of vehicles over the the butiding of much stronger road pavements than those that sufficed In part this is a
earlier. In developing countries the rate of growth of traffic loading has been most dramatic.
reflection of the relatively sma~ number of commercial vehicles that were in use in Third World countries twenty years ago, but it also reflects the absence of effective control of the weights and afle loads of vehicles in many count ries. Indeed in some countries there is no restriction at au on ade loads.
As a result of the high rate of growth of traffic loading in developing countries, it is not uncommon to fti prematurely
for roads
because the traffic loading in service is several times greater than was assumed in the design. In has become available about the de loads on the roads in a
This has shown the strong influence that a relatively small number of
vehicles with M@ atie loads can have on the rate of pavement damage of a typical main road in a developing country. For example, it is possible to envisage a situation in which the regular use of as few as one or two hundred vehicles with 20 tonne tie loads could severely damage a significant proportion of the paved road network of a developing loads are modest,
This is because when overafl volumes of traffic are low and tie of vehicles with 20 tonne tie
This conclusion arises directly from the assumption that an afle load of 20 tonnes is rou@y damaging as one of 5 tonnes.
300 times as
This is the ratio given by atie load equivalence factors derived from the AASHO
Road Test that are used in most methods of pavement design in current use. However, there are considerable
doubts about the validity of the AASHO Road Test equivalence factors for use in developing countries. under-estimate or over-estimate the damaging effect of heavy tie
They may
The maximum afle loads used in the AASHO Road Test were 13.6 tonnes for sin@e axles, and 21.8 tonnes for tandem axle sets. In developing countries, sin~e ade loads in excess of 20 tonnes are not uncommon, hence it is necessary to extrapolate these loads. well beyond the AASHO test results to derive equivalence factors for
that have been made of the AASHO 36 hddles analysis35 is most widely used, the analysis made by Shook and Finn give quite different results for the damaging
is also used to a considerable extent and these two interpretations effect of very heavy axle loads.
Frost was a critical factor in the deterioration factor in most developing countries.
of the AASHO Road Test pavements, but it is a ne~igible of the results an attempt was made to separate effects, but this was not wholly
In the interpretation
The Road Test pavements were constructed countries are budt on strong subgrades.
Clearly there is a need to reduce the uncertainty developing country situations. where consideration
loads in typical
Eventually the analytical pavement design approach will be developed to the point derived tie load equivalence factors wifl become irrelevant. However, this goal
of empiricdy
is stifl some way off, and in the shorter term research such as that being undertaken vehicle simulators37 problems. offers the best chance of providingpractical
In recent years the world-wide growth in the movement of freight by road, and the production generation of larger and more powerful commercial vehicles, has prompted re-exarrdne the maximum tie loads permitted
of a new
and the heavier the aAe load, the cheaper is the tonne -tiometre and industriahsed countries 39 attempts have been made to deduce the optimum axle load at which the combined cost of vehicle operation, the relationships maintenance. road construction, and road maintenance is minimised.
In general, the larger the vehicle 38 operating cost. In both developing countries
There are of course big differences between the ideal optimum axle load, the legal ade load hrnit, The influence of the legal tie load limit
and the range of afle loads that are actually applied to a road system. on the actual distribution enforcement
of ade loads naturafly varies from country to country, depending on the degree of Clearly this aspect must be carefufly considered when making an analysis of the
merits of a particular legal axle load limit. Simflarly if an increase in legal afle load fimit is being considered careful thought must be given to the effects on existing bridge structures and roads; it may we~ be that the costs of strengthening structures and adding expensive overlays to existing roads outweigh the benefits that would accrue operating costs.
Nevertheless, studies in some countries, notably Austraha w , have concluded that raising afle load limits would bring substantial national economic benefits. It is probable that simflar conclusions could be reached in
several developing countries, and that in the future legal axle load limits in the Third World WU tend to rise, but that in pardel there wi~ be stricter enforcement of these fimits.
The Overseas Unit of TRRL has developed a portable weighbridge, and has gained experience with it in tieload surveys in many parts of the World. The results of this experience have been incorporated Note 4041, which gives guidehes developing countries. into TRRL Road
for carrying out axle-load surveys, using the weighbridge, on paved roads in
An important
has been the buflding of four Heavy Vehicle Simulators (HVS) in South Africa 37 . Whilst the contribution
machines are Wely to make to the advance of pavement design is of world-wide interest, the fact that they will be used, initiafly at least, in the sub-tropical climate of South Africa, will be of special interest to those concerned with improving pavement design in developing countries in the tropics.
Repeated loading tests of pavement materials at laboratory part to play in the development
of a dependable analytical method of pavement design. However, many research models based on laboratory Indeed
workers believe that the essential vahdation by fu~-scale experience of theoretical experiments udn be greatly assisted by the use of intermediate
some research workers befieve that without this intermediate a reliable mechanistic method of design.
The great asset of road machines is that they apply the load to test pavements through a rolling wheel, and hence they induce the same sort of changes in the directions and magnitudes of the stresses experienced elements of the pavement as are experienced by all
used for pavement design research in the past, but the HVS is the first fun-scale machine that can be moved easfiy from place to place and can be used to load in situ both ordinarily-constructed fu~-scde experimental roads and pilot scale pavements. roads as wefl as specia~y-built
The HVS can apply a load of up to 100 kN through a dual or singe wheel assembly which is traversed over the pavement for a distance of 8m at a speed of up to 14 km/hour. steel frame and can apply up to 1400 repetitions to apply hdf a m~on repetitions The wheel assembly reciprocates in a heavy It is thus possible
The prototype
HVS has been in use for some time and some limited but useful results have been obtained. cracking in cement -treated road-
It has been used to verify a model that predicts the initiation of traffic-induced
bases. The HVS proved to be successful for this purpose and it enabled load equivalence factors for a limited number of examples of this type of pavement to be studied 42 . It was found that a power law of 6.0 to 6.7 applies to such pavements, as opposed to the power of 4.0 to 4.5 that has been generally assumed hitherto. has considerable This result
significance for pavement engineering in tropical developing countries where cement bound countries.
materials are more commonly used for roadbases than in most industriafised
The large increase in recent years of the surfacing has focused the For many
length of road in tropical developing countries that requires a premixed bituminous attention
of highway engineers on the need to improve the design of surfacings for tropical conditions.
years bituminous
surfacings of the asphaltic concrete type have been widely used in hot climates, and the mix Experience has shown, however, that such It is now
design procedures for achieving high stability mixes are well-established. mixes, whilst having a high resistance to deformation, recognised that even for high temperature
should be given in designing mixes to the properties of flexibility, durability and workability y. The high stability of asphaltic concrete is mainly dependent careful proportioning on aggregate interlock and inter-particle friction which are enhanced by the graded mixture.
climate, such mixes have never been popular and virtua~y all heavy-duty In effect
wearing courses are composed of a gap-graded type of mix known as hot rolled asphalt.
this is a stone-fdled sand asphalt in which the stiffness of the sand-fdler-binder of the mix. ~ilst such mixes are more prone to deformation than continuously
mortar provides the overall stability graded mixes, they are more At British temperatures gap-graded
tolerant of variations in mix composition, mixes have proved to be very satisfactory, in the tropics43.
and interest is growing in the use of such materials for road surfacings
It has been found that modified forms of hot-rolled asphalt can be produced with adequate stabihty at high temperatures without sacrificing the advantages of this type of mix 28M. To enhance
to resist deformation
the stability of these mixes it is desirable to use a stiffer bitumen (60/70 pen, or 40/50 pen if avaflable) than that normally used for asphaltic concrete (80/100 pen). The problems of mix design for both gap-graded rolled asphalt and continuously-graded asphaltic concrete are fully discussed in reference 58.
For less-heavdy trafficked roads in developing countries, which nevertheless require a premix bituminous surfacing, bitumen-macadams asphaltic-concrete are being used successfully. Dense bitumen-macadam Open-textured is virtua~y the same as bitumen-macadams, however,
provide a low-cost mix which is easy to make and lay, and which has a wide tolerance to variations in mix composition. They are thus well suited for overlaying lightly trafficked roads that still retain an impermeable
In many developing countries the most economic and appropriate is a single or multiple surface dressing 45 . Unfortunately
cent rol of the surface-dressing process means that the lives of surface dressings are much shorter than they could be. Great difficulty is experienced the required rate of spread. and cleanness. in maintaining binder distributors so that they can apply an even film of binder at
Some of the effects of these deficiencies can be minimised by such techniques as the pre-treatment Deficiencies in
of the chippings with a light coating of tar, creosote or diesel to suppress dust and to aid adhesion. binder distribution
are virtually impossible to counter, though they can be mitigated to some extent by the applic-
ation of a light fog-spray of binder and a sprinkling of sand or rock dust after the chippings have been spread on the main binder film. This technique has value whether or not the main binder film has been sprayed satisfactory.
Overlay design:
methods to use for assessing residual pavement strength and in the stiffnesses of the pavements being strengthened.
In developing countries Benkelman beams are very appropriate roads. More sophist icat ed equipment cost of such equipment such as the deflectograph
and the difficulty of servicing and operating it in remote areas, WM outweigh the advantages
it offers as compared with the use of deflection beams. It has been found that wefl-trained teams equipped with two deflection beams and a loaded truck can achieve rates of survey adequate for a typical road strengthening programme in a developing country, and survey techniques have been developed for this purpose48.
materials needs to be carefufly considered when that deflection measureof deflection are
corrected to their equivalent value at a standard reference temperature road surface temperatures establish by investigation, rarely, if ever, fa~ below this temperature the typical local deflection/temperature
Tentative deflection
been suggested for typical developing country pavements 21 . Further research is needed to extend and vatidate these criteria in different conditions. The thickness of overlay required to reduce pavement deflections to the required
design level is best established by local experience, but if this is lacking the curves derived from British experience49 can be used as a guide, suitably modified by judgement conditionsso. to take account of differences in materials and service
The idea of an impact roller was first considered in the 1930s and five-sided these machines were used successfu~y in the 1960s5 1
to compact material in thick layers, the machines were impractical because of the problems created by the widely fluctuating loads at the drawbar. The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in South Africa52
have studied and solved these problems and have developed a four-sided square rofler of 8000 kg or 10000 kg weight. Its compactive effort is derived from the energy of the mass fafling from the corners to the faces w~st This compactive effort is m~y times greater than that obtained from the static
mass of the ro~er. The ro~er can be raised free of the ground onto carrier wheels to pass over bridges or culverts which might be damaged by the impact blows.
The main advantage of impact rollers is their ability to compact non-cohesive materials in thick layers and at low moisture contents. A considerable amount of experience has now been gained in the compaction of uniform
Kalahari sands with impact roflers. It has been shown that these rollers are very effective in compacting material below 0.5m and up to depths of 4m below the surface. compaction process, and must subsequently The upper 0.5m may sometimes be loosened by the impact In very loose materials compaction
may have to be carried out through a blanket layer of more cohesive material.
In a series of tests52 to compare the effectiveness of impact and vibratory rollers on a uniform marine sand it was suggested that the depth influence for the impact roller was about 3m compared with 1.8m for the 4500 kg vibratory roHer and 2.2m for the 9000 kg vibratory roller. It has also been su~ested roller may give a performance comparable to a 10000 kg impact ro~er. that a 15000 kg vibratory
The main disadvantage of impact compaction loosening of the top layers in certain materials. earthworks and subgrade preparation
of pavement layers.
cement has been in short supply for many years and road construction nearest cement factory. is transported Hence cement, if it is obtainable,
is likely to be relatively very expensive by the time it of roads in stages makes sound economic Furthermore, the advantages of concret e
pavements over flexible pavements are most marked on weak subgrades, whilst in general, subgrades in tropical developing countries are relatively strong.
For these and other reasons very few concrete roads have been built in developing countries.
On the other
hand, the rapid rise in the price of bitumen in recent years may prompt a renewed interest in concrete road construction in those countries that have adequate supphes of cement. It is also possible that more concrete roads as seems possible.
Decision wking
Formal decision analysis is not widely used in highway engineering, nor indeed in civil engineering as a whole. This may be because in most civd construction much emphasis is placed on design against faflure, rather than on This attitude is perfectly legitimate in cases where the failure of
design for the optimum use of available resources. a structure would be catastrophic, engineering construction,
such as the failure of a dam or a major bridge. There are other types of civil and the costs of accepting Highway pavements and seldom
are in this category since pavement failures rarely have disastrous economic or social consequences, result in a road becoming completely unusable by vehicles.
pavement is very arbitrary, and is usually expressed in terms of a certain degree of cracking or surface deformation. Formal decision analysis, which provides a means of balancing technical and financial risks, should therefore be part of the pavement design process. assessments of uncertainties53, In the process it may be necessary to make subjective as well as quantitative
but this is much better than ignoring entirely the lack of precision that is inherent
in pavement engineering, and it is tikely to result in a more efficient use of the available resources.
is undertaken
the size and efficiency of the direct labour organisation maintenance programme.
The tradition
W@ risks mean high contract prices, and clearly it is in the chents interest to apply a system of contract that can operate efficiently and fairly in a situation of uncertainty that has been undertaken on appropriate without incurring excessive costs. Recent research54 is particularly of the target price
forms of contract for use in conditions of uncertainty This research indicates that an adaptation
in developing countries.
incentives buflt into them to encourage afl parties to reduce costs. The form of contract tends to compel the client to make a detafled appraisal of the true objectives of a project and the risks likely to be encountered Such an approach is likely to focus the clients attention and the use of low-grade materials. on policy issues guch as the appropriateness in its execution. of specifications
There is an urgent need to improve knowledge of the many factors that influence the cost of transport gravel roads in developing countries. Better knowledge is required of the interaction
on earth and
on which they run, with a view to balancing both vehicle design and road design so as to minimise total transport costs. Improved quantification maintenance of the rates of deterioration of earth and gravel roads is necessary in order to assess maintenance strategies. In quantifying the rat es
of deterioration
of unsurfaced roads it will be necessary to separate the effects of traffic and ctimate, and to define of unpaved roads that have the greatest influence on vehicle operating costs. costs of the method of construction of roads, whether plant-intensive, intermediate,
developing countries in the tropics is certainly needed. doubt be undertaken, assisted by laborato~-scale
studies of pavement materials and full-scale pavement studies In the longer term, however, a universal the
analytical method of pavement design is required, sufficiently well calibrated to enable it to accommodate 55 wide range of environmental conditions and materials that are encountered in developing countries .
The interaction
for locafly-occurring
h conclusion, it is necessary for pavement engineers in developing countries to think more in terms of the design, construction, and maintenance of road pavements as being parts of a system, all parts of wtich interact
with each other and with the vehicles that use the roads. The function of the pavement engineer is to manage this system in such a way that the service the system supphes to the community effective as possible. over a period of time is as cost-
The preparation
of this Report forms part of the research programme of the Overseas Unit (Head:
Mr J N Bulman),
11th Edition.
INTERNATIONAL (hternationd
Road Federation).
27th Edition.
HUDSON, W R. State of the art in predicting pavement reliability from input variability.
US Army En~.neer,
Watemays Experiment Station Contract Report 5-75-7. Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1975 (US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station).
pavements over 50 years. Ministry of Transport, RRL Report LR 256. Crowthorne, hboratory).
F. Investment strate~es
in highway transportation.
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cost study:
cost study:
research 1975
on vehicle operating costs. Department of the Environment, (Transport 18 and Road Research Laboratory).
ROBINSON, R, H HIDE, J W HODGES, S W ABAYNAYAKA and J ROLT. model for developing countries. 1975 (Transport Department of the Environment,
A road transport
Transported (GEIPOT).
The application
of the Conference on Road Engineenng in Asia and Australasia, Kuala Lumpur, 11 1 6 June, 1973, sponsored by the Institution of En@.neers, Malaysia and the Public Works Department, 1973 (hstitution of Engineers), p7. West Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur,
of land forms. (Paper No. 9) Conference on Civil Problems Overseas. bndon, of Citi Engineers) pp 20936.
TRANSPORT transport
A technique with particular value for developing countries. of Transport, TRRL Report SR 448. Crowthorne,
1978 (Transport
The use of salt-laden sofls (Sabkha) for low-cost roads. Conference on 1974, sponsored by Arab Engineers Federation and Kuwait Society of Engineers).
of a
Board Special Report 160. Washington DC, 1975 (National Research Councfl, National Academy of Sciences),
US Army
Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Project 3782-65, 1970 (US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station).
materials and pavement design in tropical and sub-tropical 1969 (Road Research hboratory).
Their formation,
and prevention.
in civd
road construction.
design of bitumenof
surfaced roads in tropical and sub-tropical countries. Transport, Road Note 31. hndon,
Department Office).
1977 (H M Stationery
(Available in French
interim guide for design of pavement structures State Highway and Transportation Officials).
Board Special Report No. 61 G. Washington DC, 1962 (National Research Council).
roads 1970. National Institute for Road Research Technical Recommendation Pretoria, 1971 (National Institute for Road Research).
Petroleum Company).
CLAESSEN, A I M, J M EDWARDS, P SOMMER and P UGE. Asphalt paving design, the She~ method. Fourth International Conference on the Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements, University of Michigan, 2226 August 1977. fioceedings. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1977 (University of Michigan).
A guide to the structural design of pavements for new roads. 1970 (H M Stationery Office). Third Edition.
Thickness design fufl depth asphalt pavement structures for highways and streets, Eighth Edition.
load distribution
on loads overseas:
1973 (Transport
1976 (Transport
JONES, T E. Atie loads on paved roads in Kenya. Department TRRL Report LR 763. Crowthorne, 1977 (Transport
of Transport,
LIDDLE, W J. Application
First International Conference on the Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements, Universiw of Michigan, 2024 August 1962. Proceedings. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1963 (University of Michigan), pp 425 1.
First International
Conference on the Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements, University of Michigan, 2024 August 1962. Proceedings. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1963 (University of Michigan), pp 5283.
RICHARDS, R G, W D O PATERSON and M D LOESCH. The NITRR heavy vehicle simulator: and operational logistics. NITRR Technical Report RP/9/77.
legal tie
load limits.
1977, organised by the Economic Commission for Africa with the cooperation of the Governments of the United Kingdom, France and the Federal Republic of Germany. Economic Commission for Africa). Addis Ababa, 1977 (United Nations (Avtiable in French).
BRINCK, C E. Optimalt axeltryck (Optimum axle loads). Statens Va~.nstitut Meddelande 92. Stockholm, 1966 (Statens Vaginstitut).
1976 (Australian
developing countries using a portable weighbridge. Road Note 40. London, 1978 (H M Stationery
PATERSON, W D O. An evaluation of the heavy vehicle simulator as a tool for measuring pavement behaviour. Research). NITRR Technical Report RP/5/76. Pretoria, 1977 (National Institute for Transport and Road
the South African Scene. Proceedings of Second Conference Pretoria, 1974 (National
on Asphalt Pavements for Southern Africa, Durban, 29 July 2 August 1974. Institute for Road Research).
GROTH, P J. Overlay design in Natal. Proceedings of First Conference on Asphalt Pavements for Southern Africa, Durban, 1969. Pretoria, 1969 (National Institute for Road Research).
NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR ROAD RESEARCH. bituminous surface treatments for newly constructed
Technical recommendations
Road Research).
of strengthening
on Highway EnD.neenng in, Addis A baba, 1974, organised by the Economic Commission for with the cooperation of the Bn.tish and French Governments. Commission for Africa). Addis Ababa, 1974 (United Nations Economic
A deflection survey technique for pavement evaluation in developing countries. TRRL Report LR 525. Crowthorne, 1973 (Transport
of the Environment,
Fourth International Conference on the Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements, Universip Proceedtigs. Volume 1. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1977 (University of
BULMAN, J N and H R SMITH. Pavement performance Department of the Environment Department (Transport and Road Research bboratory).
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1976 (Australian
ELLIS, C 1. Risk and pavement design decision in developing countries. TRRL Report LR 667. Crowthorne, 1975 (Transport
of the Environment,
Construction Indust~
The influence of climatic factors on the structural design of fletible Design of Asphalt Pavements, London,
in highway pavement
1978 (Apphed
. --------
earth track
This scale should be redrawn 27 mm to the right before the nomogram is used.
i Cove rages
or equivalent
2000 I
800 600
200 F
iOO 80 60
25 Tyre
50 70 psi
r 20
10 8[
150 200
These curves have been drawn derived from the modified each design situation al= total total where material 0.14 pavement pavement using information For as layers ~ 0,4 layers base . Shell design curves.
of unbound
I I g m < I
a. -c 6
0 I
I 10
3 1
1 35 (Shell) C
15--20.25.30 MAAT
R = 1.0 /:
PSI = 2.0
(2 AC)
/ /
/ /1
S~ll ]lO,O
= 0.5
PSI = 2.0
(2 AC)
/ 3.0
.A....y <, / .. . . . . . 7 :/ / . . . . . . . . . .: . / / ,. / ~/ .
/ 0,
. . . . . ,,
< %::. jz~Shell . : AJ 1
.0 ESA/veh
(all base+
~&;@:~ ;;;volved
x 106 standard axles
, 5.0
Notes R=l,O PSI=2.O AASHTO (2 AC) AASHTO methti with R = 1.0 and PSI = 2.0 for a pavement with 2 inches (50mm) of asphaltic wncrete (al= 0.44) and using UTAH correlation between S and CBR AASHTO method as above but with regional factor R = 0.5 Shell modified design method assuming surface dressing on a crushed rock base (take al D1 = 0.05). All unbound materials are assumed to be of base quality Shell method as above but assuming wrface dressing + 8 inches (200 mm) mushed rock base + subbase to make up total thickness of unbound material Shell modified design method assuming 2 inches of dense asphalt on a crushed rwk base. All unbound materials are assumed to be of base quality.
. . . . . . ..- . . . .
-.-. -. ... .. -
Asphalt Institute design method assuming quoted minimum thickness of surfacing asphaltic mncrete, 6 inches (150 mm) of crushd rock base if neces=ry and the balance of subbase material if required Road Note 31. TRRL muntries method for developing
Road Note 31
................. .................
1.0 ESA/veh
CEBTP method for tropiwl developing muntries assuming that traffic is equivalent to 1.0 standard axle per wmmercial vehicle CEBTP method as above for traffic equivalent to 10 standard axles per mmmercial vehicle
10.0 ESAlveh
\ .\.
\ . TC (Total costs)
q U
i I i I .
\., . > - =
and costs)
I I I 0 Axle (Optimum)
load limit
Fig. 5 THE
ABSTRACT PAVEMENT ENGINEERING IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: C Z Ellis: Department of the Environment Department of Transport, TRRL Supplementary Report 537: Crowthorne, 1979 (Transport and Road Research bboratory). This Report discusses the reasons for the differences between pavement engineering in temperate chmates and in developing countries with tropical or sub-tropical climates. The importance of earth and gravel roads in developing countries is emphasised, and commonly used methods of pavement design for bitumen surfaced roads are described and compared. Recent developments in techniques and equipment for improving construction standards and for assessing road performance are described. The use of appropriate forms of contract is briefly discussed and the need to improve knowledge of the factors which would enable total transport costs to be minimised is emphasised. ISSN 03051315
ABSTRACT PAVEMENT ENGINEERING IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: C1 Ellis: Department of the Environment Department of Transport, TRRL Supplementary Report 537: Crowthorne, 1979 (Transport and Road Research bboratory). This Report discusses the reasons for the differences between pavement engineering in temperate climates and in developing countries with tropical or sub-tropical climates. The importance of earth and gravel roads in developing countries is emphasised, and commonly used methods of pavement design for bitumen surfaced roads are described and compared. Recent developments in techniques and equipment for improving construction standards and for assessing road performance are described. The use of appropriate forms of contract is briefly discussed and the need to improve knowledge of the factors which would enable total transport costs to be minimised is emphasised. ISSN 03051 315