Emerging Technology Overivew of Iot Unit-I Part-1
Emerging Technology Overivew of Iot Unit-I Part-1
Emerging Technology Overivew of Iot Unit-I Part-1
A thing in the internet of things can be a person with a heart monitor implant, a farm animal with
a biochip transponder, an automobile that has built-in sensors to alert the driver when tire pressure is low
or any other natural or man-made object that can be assigned an Internet Protocol (IP) address and is able
to transfer data over a network. Organizations in a variety of industries are using IoT to operate more
efficiently, better understand customers to deliver enhanced customer service, improve decision-making
and increase the value of the business.
The connectivity, networking and communication protocols used with these web-enabled devices largely
depend on the specific IoT applications deployed.
IoT can also make use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to aid in making data collecting
processes easier and more dynamic.
Characteristics of IoT
1- Unique Identity
2- Dynamic Nature
3- Self Adapting
4- Self Configuring
5- Heteroginity
6- Integrated to information n/w
As such, IoT is one of the most important technologies of everyday life, and it will continue to pick up
steam as more businesses realize the potential of connected devices to keep them competitive.
IoT encourages companies to rethink the ways they approach their businesses and gives them the tools to
improve their business strategies.
Generally, IoT is most abundant in manufacturing, transportation and utility organizations, making use of
sensors and other IoT devices; however, it has also found use cases for organizations within the
agriculture, infrastructure and home automation industries, leading some organizations toward digital
IoT can benefit farmers in agriculture by making their job easier. Sensors can collect data on rainfall,
humidity, temperature and soil content, as well as other factors, that would help automate farming
The ability to monitor operations surrounding infrastructure is also a factor that IoT can help with.
Sensors, for example, could be used to monitor events or changes within structural buildings, bridges and
other infrastructure. This brings benefits with it, such as cost saving, saved time, quality-of-life workflow
changes and paperless workflow.
A home automation business can utilize IoT to monitor and manipulate mechanical and electrical systems
in a building. On a broader scale, smart cities can help citizens reduce waste and energy consumption.
IoT touches every industry, including businesses within healthcare, finance, retail and manufacturing.
transferring data packets over a connected network saving time and money; and
automating tasks helping to improve the quality of a business's services and reducing the need for
human intervention.
As the number of connected devices increases and more information is shared between devices, the
potential that a hacker could steal confidential information also increases.
Enterprises may eventually have to deal with massive numbers -- maybe even millions -- of IoT
devices, and collecting and managing the data from all those devices will be challenging.
If there's a bug in the system, it's likely that every connected device will become corrupted.
Since there's no international standard of compatibility for IoT, it's difficult for devices from different
manufacturers to communicate with each other.
Sensors are sophisticated devices that are frequently used to detect and respond to electrical or optical
signals. A Sensor converts the physical parameter (for example: temperature, blood pressure, humidity, speed, etc.)
into a signal which can be measured electrically. Let’s explain the example of temperature. The mercury in the glass
thermometer expands and contracts the liquid to convert the measured temperature which can be read by a viewer on
the calibrated glass tube.
Classification of Sensors
The sensors are classified into the following criteria:
1. Primary Input quantity (Measurand)
2. Transduction principles (Using physical and chemical effects)
3. Material and Technology
4. Property
5. Application
There are different types of sensors available in the market which is used for different applications like to collect the
data from the environment. In an IoT ecosystem, there are two main things we have to consider like the internet &
the physical devices such as actuators & sensors. The sensor and network connectivity in the IoT mainly located in
the bottom layer. The main function of this is to collect the information. This bottom layer in the IoT is a very
important part, and it includes connectivity of network to next layer like the gateway & network layer.
The main function of these sensors is to gather information from the surroundings. The connection of these to IoT
can be done directly otherwise indirectly once the conversion of signal & processing is done. All the sensors are not
similar because different IoT applications need different kinds of sensors. For example, the interfacing of digital
sensors with a microcontroller with the help of SPI bus (Serial Peripheral Interface). Although for analog sensors,
either ADC otherwise Sigma-Delta modulator can be applicable for changing the data into SPI o/p.
Temperature Sensor
The temperature sensor is used to detect the heat energy which is produced from an object otherwise
nearby area. These sensors are applicable for the Internet of Things (IoT), which includes from
manufacturing to farming. The main role of these sensors in manufacturing is for temperature monitoring
of machines. Similarly, in the agriculture field, these sensors are used to monitor the temperature of
plants, soil, and water.
Temperature sensors are thermistors, thermocouples, ICs (integrated circuits), and RTDs (resistor
temperature detectors). The applications of temperature sensors mainly include refrigerators, ACs, etc.
Smoke Sensor
Smoke sensors have been using in various applications like homes, industries, etc. These sensors are very
convenient as well as easy to use by the arrival of the Internet of Things. Also, by adding a wireless
connection to smoke detectors, the additional features can be enabled to increase security & ease.
Motion Sensor
The motion sensor is used for security reasons however these are also used in hand dryers, energy
management systems, automatic parking systems, automatic door controls, automated toilet flushers,
automated sinks, etc. These sensors are also applicable for the Internet of Things to check them with the
help of computer otherwise smartphone.
Humidity Sensors
Humidity sensors are used to monitor the level of humidity in the amount of vapor of water within the air.
Otherwise, it will influence the comfort of human & several industrialized processes. The units for
measurement humidity is RH (relative humidity), D/F PT (/frost point) & PPM (parts per million).
Pressure Sensor
The pressure sensors are used in IoT for monitoring devices and systems which are determined by force
signals. As the range of pressure is outside the threshold stage, then the device gives an alert to the user
regarding the issues that must be fixed. The best example of a pressure sensor is BMP180, which can be
used in PDAs, mobile phones; external device, GPS navigation devices, etc. These sensors are also
applicable in aircraft and smart vehicles to decide altitude & force correspondingly. In a motor vehicle,
TMPS (tire pressure monitoring system) can also be used for giving an alert to the driver while tire
pressure is extremely less & it could make unsafe driving situations.
Gas Sensor
Gas sensors are mainly used for detecting toxic gases. The most frequently used technologies are photo-
ionization, semiconductor, and electrochemical. There are different types of gas sensors are available
based on technical specifications & advancements to expand the connectivity of wired & wireless
arranged within IoT applications.
IR Sensors
Infrared sensors are mainly used to measure the heat which is produced by objects. These sensors
are used in the various applications of IoT like healthcare for monitoring the flow of blood, BP,
etc. These sensors are used in smartphones for controlling, wearable devices for detecting the
amount of light, detection of blind-spot within vehicles, etc.
Accelerometer Sensor
Accelerometer sensors are utilized in aircrafts vehicles, smartphones. Similarly, these are used in different
applications to identify the direction of an object, tilt, tap, shake, positioning, and motion, vibration, or
shock. Types of accelerometers are like capacitive, Hall-effect & piezoelectric.
Image Sensor
Image sensors are applicable in medical imaging systems, media house, thermal imaging devices, digital
cameras, night-vision equipment, sonars, radars, & biometric systems. These sensors are used in the retail
industry for monitoring the visiting count of the customers in the store with the help of network like IoT.
The applications of image sensors mainly include offices, corporate buildings for monitoring the
Proximity Sensors
Proximity sensors are used to detect the existence or nonexistence of a near object with no physical
contact. These sensors are classified into different types like capacitive, inductive, ultrasonic, magnetic,
and photoelectric. These sensors are frequently used for process monitoring, control, and object counters.
Unit-1 Part-2
5 Layer Architecture of Internet of Things
Perception Layer :
This is the first layer of IoT architecture. In the perception layer, number of
sensors and actuators are used to gather useful information like temperature,
moisture content, intruder detection, sounds, etc. The main function of this
layer is to get information from surroundings and to pass data to another layer
so that some actions can be done based on that information.
Network Layer :
As the name suggests, it is the connecting layer between perception and
middleware layer. It gets data from perception layer and passes data to
middleware layer using networking technologies like 3G, 4G, UTMS, WiFI,
infrared, etc. This is also called communication layer because it is responsible
for communication between perception and middleware layer. All the transfer
of data done securely keeping the obtained data confidential.
Middleware Layer :
Middleware Layer has some advanced features like storage, computation,
processing, action taking capabilities. It stores all data-set and based on the
device address and name it gives appropriate data to that device. It can also
take decisions based on calculations done on data-set obtained from sensors.
Application Layer :
The application layer manages all application process based on information
obtained from middleware layer. This application involves sending emails,
activating alarm, security system, turn on or off a device, smartwatch, smart
agriculture, etc.
Business Layer :
The success of any device does not depend only on technologies used in it but
also how it is being delivered to its consumers. Business layer does these tasks
for the device. It involves making flowcharts, graphs, analysis of results, and
how device can be improved, etc.
Smart Cities
1. Smart Infrastructure
The global market for smart urban infrastructure in smart cities, include advanced
connected streets, smart parking, smart lighting, and other transportation
innovations. Here’s how they work:
Smart Lighting: With smart lighting, city authorities can keep real-
time tracking of lighting to ensure optimized illumination and deliver
demand-based lighting in different zones. Smart lighting also helps in
daylight harvesting and save energy by dimming out sectors with no
occupancies For e.g. parking lots can be dimmed during work hours
and when a car is entering, it will be detected and appropriate sectors
can be illuminated, while others can be kept at diffused setting.
Today IIoT is mainly used in the scope of Internet of Things applications outside
of the consumer space and enterprise IoT market, as an umbrella term for
applications and use cases across several industrial sectors.
Such systems will increasingly be able to intelligently respond and even change
their course of action based on the information received through the feedback
loops established within the framework.
The IIoT in this sense can be considered a movement towards ‘smart machines’
whereby the accuracy levels of the operations involved in the respective systems
are heightened to a level that cannot be achieved through human interventions.
Industry 4.0
Iphone, ipad, kindle, 4G, uber, android, Instagram, Snapchat, Whatsapp etc.
Telephone- 75 years
Web- 7 years
Facebook- 4 years
Instagram- 2 Years
Pokemon Go- 1 month
Today’s factory:
Understanding the role of smart city and its components in the IoT era
Tokyo, the city with the world’s largest population density keeps growing and
boasting the largest number of people of all the cities in the world. Japan’s capital
is the largest urban area worldwide with a population of more than 38 million
people (38,050,000 people). In addition, more than 31 million people (32,275,000
people) live in Jakarta, Indonesia and around 26 million in Delhi, India. According
to forecasts, 60% of the world’s population will live in major cities by 2030.
The consequences: freshwater scarcity, pile of garbage, collapse of traffic and air
pollution. How can we cope with these challenges? One key is Smart City - the
networked and intelligent city. It stands for better quality of life and lower
consumption of resources. Here are five components of the smart city and their
impact in the IoT era:
1. Smart Infrastructure
3. Traffic Management
4. Smart Parking
Intelligent parking solutions identify when a vehicle has left the parking area
The sensors in the ground report via smartphone the driver, where they can
find a free parking space
Others use vehicle feedback to tell precisely where the openings are and
nudge waiting cars towards the path of least resistance
Smart Parking is reality today and does not require complicated
infrastructure and high investment making them ideal for a mid-size Smart
Vision Van of Mercedes-Benz is a van concept for urban areas and is characterized
by several innovative technologies on board such as an autonomous drone
delivery. The drone can deliver autonomously within a radius of ten kilometres.
Another advantage would be that the parcel carrier saves a lot of time – while
loading and delivering. As a contrast, manual-loading takes up to an hour and a
half and at one-shot loading it only takes about five minutes. The delivery on the
last mile is shortened by the automation technology in the hold and the drones
delivering parallel to the deliverer by up to 50%.
2. Smart Eye
The smart eye technology is very similar to Google’s most ambitious project – the
Glass. The smart eye is equipped with sensors, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to provide
options and accessibility features right in front of your eye but without causing a
distraction. This technology makes it possible to read messages, surf the internet
and more.
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