City of Sacramento City Council: 915 I Street, Sacramento, CA, 95814

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City of Sacramento

City Council
915 I Street, Sacramento, CA, 95814 8

Meeting Date: 4/12/2011 Report Type: Consent

Title: Downtown On-Street Bikeway Project (K15116800)

Report ID: 2011-00134

Location: Districts 1, 3 and 4

Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution: 1) establishing the Downtown On-Street Bikeway Project

Phases 1 and 2 (K15116800) as a new capital improvement project; 2) approving the transfer of
$629,000 (Fund 2001) from the Central City 2-Way Conversion Project (T15008000) to the prject.

Contact: Edward Williams, Associate Civil Engineer, (916) 808-8288; Ryan Moore, Supervising
Engineering,(916) 808-8279, Department of Transportation
Presenter: None

Department: Transportation Department

Division: Funding and Project Development
Dept ID: 15001121


1- Description/Analysis
2 - Background Information
3 - Resolution
4 - Exhibit A - Phase 1 Map
5 - Exhibit B - Phase 2 Map
6 - Exhibit C - Composite Map
City Attorney Review City Treasurer Review
Approved as to Form Prior Council Financial Policy Approval or
Jerry Hicks Outside City Treasurer Scope
4/1/2011 10:42:56 AM Russell Fehr
3/25/2011 11:26:10 AM
Department Director or Designee: Jerry Way - 3/31/2011 3:45:12 PM
Assistant City Manager: John Dangberg - 3/31/2011 5:24:09 PM

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Eileen Teichert, City Attorney Shirley Concolino, City Clerk Russell Fehr, City Treasurer
Gus Vina, Interim City Manager
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Issue: Despite the substantial number of bicyclists in the Downtown area, there is a
lack of planned bikeways for this area of the City. Amended Resolution 2002-344
directed staff to study conversion options specifically related to increasing bicycle
access in the downtown area. In response, staff is initiating a project to determine
appropriate locations for additional bicycle access in the downtown area and to
implement those improvements.

Phase 1 will be comprised of bikeways that can be added to the existing street
system without removal of any vehicle or parking lanes.

Phase 2 will include conversion of one-way streets from three to two one-way lanes
with both left and right side bike lanes. This phase also requires an environmental
assessment of the reduction in travel lanes.

The project purpose is to make downtown streets more complete by restriping the
streets to add new on-street bikeways. This provides better connectivity for
bicyclists and an expanded network that adds more direct routes between

Policy Considerations: The recommended action is consistent with the City’s

2005 Strategic Plan goals of improving and expanding public safety by creating a
broader network of striped bike lanes to help bicyclists travel in a safer environment.

Environmental Considerations:
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA): The establishment of a CIP
and transfer of funds is an administrative activity that is not subject to CEQA

Sustainability Considerations: This project is consistent with the City’s

Sustainability Master Transportation Goals of reducing dependency on private
automobiles by working with community partners to promote bicycling as an
alternative mode of transportation with a wide network of bikeways to aide in
reaching destinations safely.

Commission/Committee Action: The Sacramento City County Bicycle Advisory

Committee has been briefed on this initiative and is in support of the project. Other
groups that have been briefed and given their input to the initiative are the
Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates (SABA), Sacramento Area Council of
Governments Bike and Pedestrian Committee, Sacramento Transportation
Management Association, Downtown Sacramento Partnership Committee, Capital
Area Development Authority, Southside Park Neighborhood Association and
California Department of General services.

Rationale for Recommendation: Enhanced bicycle facilities/access not only

provides better connectivity for bicyclists but provides transportation choices and
promotes the use of alternative modes of transportation.

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Financial Considerations: The Central City Two Way Conversion Project
(T15008000) has an unobligated balance of $631,419. Approval of the transfer of local
transportation funds (Fund 2001) in the amount of $629,000 from the Central City Two
Way Conversion Project (T15008000) will be sufficient to plan, design and implement
bicycle enhancements for Phases 1 and 2 in the downtown area.

There are no general funds planned or allocated for this project.

Emerging Small Business Development (ESBD): There are no ESBD considerations

as there are no good or services being purchased.

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Attachment 1

In June 2002 City staff came before the City Council and recommended approval of
conversion options to be studied in the second phase of the Central City Two-Way
Conversion Study. Staff also recommended criteria to use in ranking the conversion
options for the Central City Two-Way Conversion Study. The Council amended the
resolution to direct staff to perform additional evaluation to explore opportunities to
improve bicycle access in the Central City. In May 2003 the bicycle access study was
placed on hold pending implementation of the Central City Two-Way Conversion and
resulting available fund balance.
In June 2007 (Resolution 2007-505) City staff appeared before City Council with
recommendations related to approvals for the Central City Two-Way Conversion Study
Project. Section 6 of the resolution directed staff to resume the study to improve bicycle
access in the Central City. The Central City Two-Way Conversion Program has now
been completed and staff is developing the Downtown Bikeway Project. Since that time
City staff has assessed the various ways some of the existing streets in the downtown
area could be re-striped to add on-street bikeways. The results of this assessment are
the preliminary downtown bicycle access project. This project has been broken down
into the following two Phases:
Phase 1 will add bikeways to areas of the existing street system without removal of
vehicle or parking lanes. Work in this phase will include resurfacing and striping of
streets where deemed appropriate. Streets that will be considered in Phase 1 will be
segments of I Street, J Street, 5th Street, 9th Street, 10th Street and P Street. The
implementation of this phase will not require an environmental assessment because this
phase does not remove any vehicular travel or parking lanes.

Phase 2 involves converting one-way streets from three to two one-way lanes with left
and right side bike lanes. The project will require an environmental analysis of the
reduction of travel lanes to accommodate the new bike lanes. Work in this phase will
include resurfacing and striping of streets where appropriate. Streets that will be
considered in Phase 2 will be segments of 5th Street, 7th Street, 8th Street, 9th Street,
10th Street, H Street and G Street. Implementation of this phase will improve bicycle
access to the portions of the Downtown that are least accessible by bicycle.

The City has been awarded a grant to fund a multi-modal Central City Circulation
System Study. This study is to commence upon completion of the Sacramento River
Crossing Study in 2011 or 2012 and will include all modes of transportation. In addition
to looking at vehicular, commercial and transit system circulation, the study will also be
looking at bicycle circulation in the Central City. It is possible that this study will allow
for further development of the Downtown On-Street Bikeway Project (K15116800).

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Back to Table
of Contents RESOLUTION NO.

Adopted by the Sacramento City Council




A. The City desires to add bikeways in the Downtown Area bounded by Alhambra
Boulevard on the east, Interstate 5 on the west, E Street on the north and
Broadway on the south.

B. In June 2007, the City Council approved Resolution 2007-505 directing staff to
resume the study to improve bicycle access in the Central City.

C. Funding in the amount of $629,000 is available from the completed Central City
Two-Way Conversion Project (T15008000) for the design and construction of
Phase I and 2 of the Downtown On-Street Bikeway Project (K15116800).


Section 1. The Downtown On-Street Bikeway Project (K15116800) is established as

a new Capital Improvement Project.

Section 2. The FY 10/11 Capital Improvement Program is amended by transferring

$629,000 (Fund 2001) from the Central City Two Way Conversion Project
(T15008000) to the Downtown On-Street Bikeway Project (K15116800).

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Exhibit A
Phase 1 Map for

Map Contact: E. Cox 0 500’ 2,000’ 3,000’

Map Date: 3/17/11

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Exhibit B

Phase 2 Map for


0 500’ 2,000’ 3,000’

Map Contact: E. Cox FEET

Map Date: 3/17/11

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Exhibit C

Composite Map for


Map Contact: E. Cox 0 500’ 2,000’ 3,000’

Map Date: 3/17/11

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