2013 - 2014 Seattle City Council Green Sheet Ready For Notebook
2013 - 2014 Seattle City Council Green Sheet Ready For Notebook
2013 - 2014 Seattle City Council Green Sheet Ready For Notebook
Add $1M REET II & $250K VLF in 2013 & $250K VLF in 2014 & amend SDOT CIP projects for neighborhood greenways, downtown cycle track & West Seattle bridge trail, impose provisos & rescind GS 77-1-A-2 Bagshaw; Clark; Rasmussen Norm Schwab
Councilmembers: Staff Analyst: Council Bill or Resolution: Date Yes No Abstain Absent Total
2013 Increase (Decrease) General Subfund General Subfund Revenues General Subfund Expenditures Net Balance Effect Other Funds Cumulative Reserve Subfund - REET II Subaccount (00161) Revenues Expenditures Net Balance Effect Transportation Operating Fund (10310) Revenues Expenditures Net Balance Effect $0 $0 $0
$0 $1,000,000 ($1,000,000)
$0 $0 $0
$1,250,000 $1,250,000 $0
$250,000 $250,000 $0
This green sheet would rescind GS 77-1-A-2 so that the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) amendments associated with this action can be reflected. This green sheet would add $1M REET II Page 1 of 6
* CIP Amendment, Has Proviso * Note: This action will rescind 77-1-A-2
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and $250K VLF in 2013 and $250K VLF 2014 to the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) to increase overall funding for implementation of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans. The added $1.5M combined with $2.1M from the Mayors 2013-2014 Proposed Budget for the Mobility-Capital and Major Maintenance and Replacement Budget Control Levels (BCLs) in SDOT are to be used to address Council priorities for advancing design and development of neighborhood greenways in Ballard and Delridge, the creation of an initial Downtown cycle track network, and access improvements to the West Seattle lower bridge multimodal trail. This green sheet also adds two new positions in SDOT to implement these accelerated bicycle and pedestrian programs 1 FTE Senior Transportation Planner and 1 FTE Senior Civil Engineer. This green sheet would impose the following budget provisos on the entire $3.6M: Of the appropriation in the 2013 budget for the Seattle Department of Transportations MobilityCapital and Major Maintenance and Replacement BCLs, $1,075,000 is appropriated solely for design and construction of an initial 2.1 mile segment of the Ballard Neighborhood Greenway and $100,000 is appropriated solely to complete 10% concept design with cost estimates for the remaining portions of the Ballard Neighborhood Greenway, and may be spent for no other purpose. Of the appropriation in the 2013 budget for the Seattle Department of Transportations MobilityCapital and Major Maintenance and Replacement BCLs, $525,000 is appropriated solely for design and construction of an initial 1.25 mile segment of the Delridge Neighborhood Greenway and $100,000 is appropriated solely to complete 10% concept design with cost estimates for the remaining portions of the Delridge Neighborhood Greenway, and may be spent for no other purpose. Of the appropriation in the 2013 budget for the Seattle Department of Transportations MobilityCapital BCL, $750,000 is appropriated solely for 30% design, including identifying specific routes and improvement types and cost estimates for the Downtown cycle track network, and may be spent for no other purpose. Of the appropriation in the 2013 budget for the Seattle Department of Transportations MobilityCapital BCL, $725,000 is appropriated (and of the amount endorsed for 2014, $250,000 is expected to be appropriated) solely for final design and construction of an initial .25 mile segment of the Downtown cycle track network, and may be spent for no other purpose. Of the appropriation in the 2013 budget for the Seattle Department of Transportations MobilityCapital BCL, $75,000 is appropriated solely for 10% concept design with cost estimates for intersection and access improvements to the West Seattle lower bridge multimodal trail, and may be spent for no other purpose. In addition, this green sheet would revise SDOTs 2013-2018 CIP for the Bike Master Plan Implementation Project (TC366760) and the Pedestrian Master Plan Implementation Project (TC367150) as shown in the attachments to this green sheet. 2 of 6
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This Green Sheet has a companion Statement of Legislative Intent 77-2-A-1. Background: It is Councils intent in passing this green sheet that SDOT address the projects identified in this green sheet as priorities for implementation of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans. In addition, it is Councils intent in passing this green sheet that SDOT use funds for the identified projects to demonstrate the Citys ability to construct projects with design innovation and excellence. Ballard neighborhood greenway: The Ballard neighborhood greenway is envisioned to be about 6 miles in length in a square shape of four routes generally in the area between NW 58th Street and NW 77th Street and between 6th Avenue NW and 34th Avenue NW. In 2012, SDOT currently has $275,000 budgeted for portions of this project. SDOT has developed a very preliminary planning level cost estimate of $5M to $7M to design and construct the entire greenway, depending on the specific streets selected during preliminary design and outreach. Delridge neighborhood greenway: The Delridge neighborhood greenway is envisioned to create an approximately 3.5 mile loop connecting 26th Avenue SW from SW Andover Street to SW Graham Street and 21st Avenue SW from the West Seattle lower bridge trail to SW Myrtle street with a connector along SW Andover Street to Delridge Way SW at an estimated planning level cost of about $1.9M. In 2012, SDOT currently has $225,000 budgeted for portions of this project. The planning level cost estimates for neighborhood greenways developed by SDOT include design and outreach, and where indicated construction. Cost estimates will be refined as projects are further developed. Costs include sidewalk repair, signs and pavement markings, pavement repair, speed humps, and crossing improvements at arterials (signals, curb ramps, or other treatments as appropriate). According to SDOT, sidewalk repair is an important part of making the neighborhood greenways accessible for all ages and abilities. It can account for one-quarter to one-half of total estimated project costs. Sidewalk repair has not been previously factored by SDOT into neighborhood greenway costs, and SDOT has not previously funded sidewalk repairs on non-arterial streets at this scale. West Seattle lower bridge multimodal trail: The existing West Seattle lower bridge trail approaches from Delridge Way SW and Harbor Ave SW/SW Avalon Way, and the 5-way intersection of Delridge Way SW, SW Spokane St, W Marginal Way SW, and Chelan Ave SW create confusing pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular movements. This Green Sheet would fund an evaluation of existing conditions and development of potential concepts to improve traffic operations and make physical improvements through a design charrette would be the first step (10% design) in developing a capital project. Downtown cycle track network: The Bicycle Master Plan update includes recommendations for a connected bicycle network to, through, and within the Downtown area as part of the broader citywide bicycle network. This will include identifying corridors where a separated on-street bicycle facility such as a cycle track (or buffered bicycle lane) could be built. The Downtown cycle track network is envisioned to be somewhere between Denny Way and Yesler Street and 2nd and 7th 3 of 6
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Avenues. The Mayors 2013-2014 Proposed Budget includes $150,000 for concept development work (10% design), which would include identifying specific routes and improvement types, and developing preliminary cost estimates. The 30% design work funded through this Green Sheet will begin after this concept development work is complete and will likely extend into 2014. SDOT was awarded a $1.7 million grant for design of a 1.25 mile two-way cycle track along Westlake Avenue N between the existing trail to the north that leads to the Fremont Bridge and an existing trail at Aloha Street to the south. Design will begin in 2013. In addition, the Amazon development along 7th Avenue will construct a cycle track in front of their properties on 7th Avenue between Blanchard and Virginia Streets. Amazon has also provided the City with $250,000 to advance design work to extend the cycle track south from Virginia to Pine Streets. Cycle tracks vary in cost depending on factors including pavement condition, type of barrier, grades, drainage, utility conflicts, signal modification, lighting, number of intersections and driveways, etc. SDOT preliminarily estimates the cost of cycle tracks between $4M and $5M per mile. This green sheet increases funding to accelerate design and outreach so that an initial Downtown cycle track segment can start construction by the end of 2014. This green sheet appropriates $1M in REET II and $500,000 in VLF funds for bicycle and pedestrian improvements. Real Estate Excise Tax (REET II) revenues are projected to be higher due to the sale of properties in the South Lake Union area. Based on experience and data on Vehicle License Fee (VLF) revenue over the past year, Council staff is revising VLF revenues upward for the 2013-2014 biennium.
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Budget Action Transactions Budget Action Title: Add $1M REET II & $250K VLF in 2013 & $250K VLF in 2014 & amend SDOT CIP projects for neighborhood greenways, downtown cycle track & West Seattle bridge trail, impose provisos & rescind GS 77-1-A-2 # Transaction Description Position Title Number of Positions FTE Dept BCL or Revenue Source Summit Code 379100 Fund Year Revenue Amount $1,000,000 Expenditure Amount
Increase use Fund Balance for bike & ped improvements Increase support for Transportation Fund for bike & ped improvements Increase REET II support for bike & ped improvements Increase revenue for bike & ped improvements Add appropriation in SDOT for bike & ped improvements Add appropriation in SDOT for bike & ped and improvements Add appropriation in SDOT for bike & ped improvements Add 1 FTE Civil Engineer, Sr
OPER TR IN-FR Cumulative Reserve Subfund - REET II Transportation Benefit District - VLF Mobility-Capital
Civil Engr,Sr FT
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Transaction Description
Add 1 FTE Sr, Transportation Planner Increase revenue for bike & ped improvements Add appropriation in SDOT for bike & ped improvements Add 1 FTE Civil Engineer, Sr Add 1 FTE Sr, Transportation Planner
Number of Positions 1
Revenue Amount
Expenditure Amount $0
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This ongoing program implements the Seattle Bicycle Master Plan. Typical improvements may include installing bike lanes and sharrows, bicycle route signing, completing key links in the urban trails network, adding bicycle/pedestrian signals to complete the network, and reconstructing key sections of the trails. The goals of the program are to increase bicycle safety and access, while reducing bicycle crashes. This program includes funding for street improvement and trail construction and is consistent with the focus in the City's Transportation Strategic Plan (TSP) on encouraging walking and biking. In 2010, this project has been restructured to include, as sub-projects, the funding and scope from two former projects: the Bike Spot Safety Improvements and the Urban Trail and Bikeways Spot Improvements. This program supports Walk Bike Ride by implementing the Bicycle Master Plan. LTD Actuals 2012 Rev 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total
Revenue Sources
Real Estate Excise Tax II Vehicle Licensing Fees Federal Grant Funds Transportation Funding Package - Parking Tax Transportation Funding Package - Business Transportation Tax Transportation Funding Package - Lid Lift State Gas Taxes - Arterial City Street Fund General Subfund Revenues State Grant Funds 242 0 0 161 2,227 18 1,200 0 0 0 0 285 1,200 1,450 338 0 0 0 1,200 1,369 0 0 0 1,200 0 0 0 0 1,200 0 0 0 0 1,200 0 0 0 0 1,200 0 0 0 260 545 8,400 8,650 1,707 161 2,227
4,283 0 0 0 6,852
4,379 0 0 0 5,579
4,448 0 0 0 5,648
4,556 0 0 0 5,756
4,729 0 0 0 5,929
Fund Appropriations/Allocations
Cumulative Reserve Subfund Real Estate Excise Tax II Subaccount Transportation Operating Fund 242 18 0 285 5,777 6,027 5,777 6,312 0 0 0 0 0 260 545 57,156 57,406 57,416 57,951
14,923 15,165
6,692 6,710
6,852 6,852
5,579 5,579
5,648 5,648
5,756 5,756
5,929 5,929
*This detail is for information only. Funds are appropriated in the budget at the Budget Control Level. Amounts are in thousands of dollars.
4,761 4,779
6,852 6,852
5,579 5,579
5,648 5,648
5,756 5,756
5,929 5,929
*This detail is for information only. Funds are appropriated in the budget at the Budget Control Level. Amounts are in thousands of dollars.
This ongoing program implements the Pedestrian Master Plan. Typical improvements may include the construction of new sidewalks, the installation of curb ramps at high priority pedestrian locations, the installation of pedestrian lighting, and the rehabilitation or replacement of stairways. The goals of the program are to reduce the number and severity of crashes involving pedestrians; make Seattle a more walkable city for all through equity in public engagement, service delivery, accessibility, and capital investments; develop a pedestrian environment that sustains healthy communities and supports a vibrant economy; and raise awareness of the important role of walking in promoting health and preventing disease. This program supports Walk Bike Ride by implementing the Pedestrian Master Plan. LTD Actuals 2012 Rev 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total
Revenue Sources
Real Estate Excise Tax II Real Estate Excise Tax I Vehicle Licensing Fees Federal Grant Funds Transportation Funding Package - Parking Tax Transportation Funding Package - Business Transportation Tax Transportation Funding Package - Lid Lift State Gas Taxes - Arterial City Street Fund General Subfund Revenues State Grant Funds Rubble Yard Proceeds 4,252 188 0 95 5,050 456 23 0 1,180 150 1,301 0 49 764 0 1,180 0 1,191 19 49 0 1,180 1,430 0 1,223 0 49 0 1,180 0 1,259 0 49 0 1,180 0 1,277 0 49 0 1,180 0 1,323 0 49 0 1,180 0 1,363 0 4,569 5,284 188 8,260 8,510 245 13,987 475
*This detail is for information only. Funds are appropriated in the budget at the Budget Control Level. Amounts are in thousands of dollars.
Fund Appropriations/Allocations
Cumulative Reserve Subfund Real Estate Excise Tax II Subaccount Cumulative Reserve Subfund Real Estate Excise Tax I Subaccount Transportation Operating Fund 4,252 23 49 764 0 49 49 49 49 49 4,569 5,284 188
16,433 20,873
7,024 7,047
5,724 5,773
5,827 5,876
5,992 6,041
6,169 6,218
5,749 5,772
5,724 5,773
5,827 5,876
5,992 6,041
6,169 6,218
*This detail is for information only. Funds are appropriated in the budget at the Budget Control Level. Amounts are in thousands of dollars.