Buff SAW Sensors
Buff SAW Sensors
Buff SAW Sensors
W. Buff*
Technische Universität Ilmenau
senTec Elektronik Ilmenau
Abstract – SAW devices have been for using SAW devices as sensors already
proofed to be suitable not only for signal in the seventies of the last century /1/, /2/,
processing but also for sensor aims. /3/. Even though there is a lot of research
Beginning with the early seventies of the done (and corresponding to that numerous
last century, SAW sensors are under publications as well), one can not observe
discussion for several decades. The a high volume production and a mass
physical effect of a change of the elastic application. Because of the simplicity in
constants of the substrate material or a production (only one photolithography)
change in the mass loading under the SAW sensors would be dedicated for mass
influence of changing conditions in the production. But there is no broad
environment lead to a change in the application. At the present time the
phase velocity of the surface acoustic development in the sensor market is
wave and commonly to a frequency shift mainly driven by the automotive field, the
in SAW devices. Numerous solutions for medicine technology and the environment
sensors and sensor systems are based on protection. SAW sensors can contribute in
this effect. However, there is not to see a this regions. Beside the capability for a
mass application of SAW sensors up to high volume production they have unique
now. On the other hand SAW sensors possibilities for sensor solution which are
have some features that allows to create not achievable by using conventional
unique sensor systems for measurements concepts.
which are not possible otherwise. SAW sensors have some special features
The paper will discuss some aspect of which distinguish them from other kinds of
the today’s status from the point of view sensors. They are very small in size with a
of practical application. minimal volume of substrate. So they can
react very fast on changes in the
I. INTRODUCTION environmental conditions. The small
dimensions make it possible get a signal
Electronic elements working with surface even when only a very small amount of the
acoustic waves (SAW) have been success- material under investigation is available.
fully used in electronic circuitries for Most SAW sensors have a frequency shift
several decades. Such elements as filters as the output signal. This makes the
and resonators have to be stable in their accuracy of the senor signal independent
properties under changing environmental on stochastic variations in the amplitude.
conditions. But it is well known that SAW Furthermore the frequency can be resolved
elements react on the change in operation over several order of magnitudes and this
conditions (such as temperature, mass results in a high sensitivity and a high
loading or mechanical stress) by changing accuracy. The sensor signal can often be
both the amplitude and the frequency. directly transmitted to a computer because
Producers of SAW devices for signal of its quasi digital character. Moreover the
processing try to fight against this SAW will be not influenced by magnetic
behaviour. However, while investigating fields. This makes them suitable for
the physical properties came up the idea measurements near conductors for high
electric field lines
currents or fast alternating currents where
other methods fail.
A big advantage is that SAW sensors are propagation
input output
≈≈ 1λλ
Measured Quantities
III D IRECT COUPLING INTO THE CIRCUIT Figure 7: Sensing head (courtesy of
More than by other sensor concepts, the
electronic circuitry for a readout is at least In the particular case of SAGAS the
as important as the sensor itself. In the electronic circuitry uses oscillators with
simplest case, the sensor is connected to SAW resonators being the frequency
the electronic circuitry by wires. determining part of the oscillators. The
In the beginning of the eighties of the last whole circuitry operates in a multiplex
century such systems were first used for regime. The producer declare that the time
gas sensing /7/. of service is 0,5-1 year (depending on the
An example for that is the commercial coating) and the limits of detection are a
available gas sensing system SAGAS or few ppm of organic gas concentration.
GASYS respectively developed by the It is also possible to use the anisotropic
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe and behaviour of crystalline quartz and a Pd
produced by the company Bürkert /8//9/. film as sensing membrane. In this case one
This system consist of 8 sensors with can measure gas concentrations of different
different polymer coatings and one
organic gases in a mixture and the
humidity by using delay lines/10/.
Figure 12: Interrogation unit (block Figure 14: Centre frequency and
diagram) attenuation of the S11-parameter for a
double SAWR for two antenna distances
Experimental measurements with a single (10 cm, 15 cm).
SAW resonator in a telemetry system
showed a high radio channel influence on An example for the practical application of
the resonance frequency in this network. such a system is temperature measurement
To minimize this unwanted influence a equipment for rotational moulding of
difference measurement method with two plastics. The method of rotational
connected SAW resonators has been moulding is performed in huge furnaces
chosen (see figure 14). and by using big metallic moulds with an
completely irregular movement in the
SAW-Resonator 1 furnace. Figure 15 shows a metallic mould
matching interrogation
cable radio channel
for manufacturing plastic parts in
SAW-Resonator 2
dimensions of meters. Figure 16 shows a
antenna antenna
mould with the senor on it.
Figure 14 : Double resonator sensor
Resonator 1
Resonator 2
Antenna Ccom + ∆C
Figure 17: The antenna can “see” the Figure 18: Principle circuitry of the sensor
sensor inside the furnace
The capacity ∆C represents a capacitive
We could show that a temperature sensor which shift the frequency of the
measurement is possible with a sufficient whole equipment (figure 19).
accuracy (about 1%).
S11 LOG 5 dB / REF – 15