Acoustic Wave Propegation in Pressure Sense Lines
Acoustic Wave Propegation in Pressure Sense Lines
Acoustic Wave Propegation in Pressure Sense Lines
For Phase I of this experiment, a green laser pointer The resonance condition for a tube opened at one end is
was used (5 milliwatts, peak wavelength 532 V
nanometers). The mirror was a first surface gimbaled (2n + 1)- =f ,
laboratory mirror mounted onto the thrust structure with 4L
epoxy. With an effective dispersion of 0.4 milliradians,
the laser spot fit nicely onto the two-inch wide mirror'. where n is an integer index ranging upwards from zero,
The mirror was aligned so as to reflect the spot towards fis the frequency of the sound, v is the speed of sound
a screen staked into the ground in the shade of some in the resonating tube, and L is the length of the tube".
pine trees 250 feet from the test engine. The recording
device was a digital video camera recording at 30 Time of flight analysis depends on the assumption that
frames per second, outfitted with an inexpensive green the transit time for each of the tubes is the same; the
filter. offset in signal onset from one sensor to the next is
solely a factor of the position of the open end of the
MOTIVATION sense line. If this is the case, then it is expected that
v=- Ar
At? (2)
Acoustic Sense Lines
where Ar is the difference in distance from the nozzle
The acoustic phenomena of interest in propulsion for any two sensors, and At is the time delay between
applications often occur in harsh environments where the two sensorstt. It is possible to calculate a mean
heat, high-velocity particulate matter, and volatile value for v by considering the linear fit for the various
chemicals preclude the use of sensitive and expensive data points plotted with time on the horizontal axis, and
sensors. To avoid the compromise between safe radial distance on the vertical axis.
distance and useful data range, a sense line may be used
to passively transmit information as a conduit. The
sense line should either be durable enough to withstand ODtical Off-Axis Thrust Measurements
such conditions, or else inexpensive so that it can be
replaced periodically. Axial thrust structures measure displacement along the
principle axis and infer thrust on this axis. Most
The variation in parameters at one end of the tube will configurations measure off-axis components of thrust
uniquely determine the condition at the closed end of poorly, or not at all. A non-invasive, inexpensive
the tube, where the sensor is to be located. The sense technique was desired for measuring these off-axis
line must have dimensions small enough that it does not components of thrust.
affect the parameters of the system it measures. It
should be emphasized that a sense line does not A system was developed in which a laser beam is
automatically transmit temperature, pressure, and other incident on a mirror mounted on the test stand. The
conditions from one end of the tube to the other. laser and mirror were positioned such that the reflected
Rather, every measurement taken through a sense line beam struck a Lambertian screen positioned several
must be analyzed in terms of temporal shift and transfer hundred feet away. Geometry insures that a small
function losses. In addition, any component of the change in orientation angle
system that alters data introduces potential error into the will lead to large displacements of the order
measurement, and sense lines are no exception.
Transfer functions for fluid-filled sense lines fall to zero Ax=DAB, (3)
for high frequencies as this vibrational energy is
absorbed by the fluid; any information about these high where Ax is the displacement on the screen, and A0 is
frequency components is lost. The time delay due to the change in orientation angle of the mirror. A more
the length of the sense line is a variable quantity that detailed analysis takes into account the incident angle
can depend on conditions (e.g., temperature) inside the of the laser beam, the orientation of the screen with
sense line. respect to the laser and other geometric factors to
produce a transcendental equation for Ax in terms of
Acoustic resonance is a phenomenon via which certain AO.
vibrational frequencies, or modes, are amplified by the
resonating structure. In the analysis of the pressure data
RESULTS None of the transfer functions are line r in the ense
that no sense line power spectrum differs from the
Acoustic Sense Line Transfer Functions freestanding transducer by a multiplicative constant.
All of the sense lines effectively damped out the 60
Various fluids were explored for use in sense lines. A Hertz (and integer multiple) noise indicated by the
fluid was desired that would transmit much of the sharp, low-frequency spikes in the freestanding
energy to the transducer with a known transfer function. transducer.
A laboratory experiment was designed to compare short
sense lines filled with water, agarose, and air to a
control transducer used to measure the unaltered shock. Acoustic Sense Line Time of Flight Results
Agarose is a polysaccharide obtained from agar. The
preparation used in this experiment is a suspension of The propagation rate of shock wave can be determined
agarose in a boric acid buffer with a gelatinous by comparing the onset times for each of the sensors.
consistency". The onset of the shock due to the combustion event
appears as a transient spike followed by a rapid rise to a
much higher plateau on each of the channels. As all
three sensors were separated from the event by identical
lengths of Tygon tubing, the time delay can be
attributed to the time of flight of the acoustic wave
travelling through the air. A linear fit to these three
data points indicated a propagation speed of 1100 feet
per second, comparing very favorably to the reference
value for acoustic waves, 1086 feet per second at STP.
A more extensive array of sensors could detect changes
in propagation speed, including regions where the
Figure 1: Power spectra of (clockwise from top left): propagation was supersonic, as well as directional
the freestanding transducer, and transducers in sense difference in propagation speeds.
lines filled with water, air, and an agarose suspension.
A qualitative comparison of the signals at each sensor
The general shape of the transfer functions of the sense indicates a rather rapid decrease in total energy as
lines can be obtained by taking the ratio of each of the distance increase, and a rapid decrease as the sensors
power spectra to the power spectrum of the freestanding are placed further from the axis. A non-directional
transducer. This ratio is not the true transfer function, ( l/r2) distribution would be independent of direction,
since the power spectra are the squares of Fourier whereas a collimated distribution would not show such
transforms and not the true Fourier transforms, but the a rapid falloff with distance". A more extensive array
general characteristics of the transfer functions should could determine the shape of the advancing profile by
be apparent from such an exercise. integrating power spectrum of the signal to determine
the energy received at each point.
Both water and agarose demonstrate a rough correlation
with the freestanding transducer at higher frequencies, Acoustic Sense Line Helmholtz Resonance
in that both mimic the falloff in power at loo0 Hz. But
these two sense lines also demonstrate high gain in the Helmholtz resonance was clearly observed in the
lower frequencies that correspond to Helmholtz acoustic wave tests. By plotting spectral intensity on a
resonance. This resonance can be seen much more time-frequency plane, broad bands could be observed at
clearly in the air-filled sense line, where the original regular intervals during the combustion event. Each of
profile is lost beneath a sharp resonance spike. This these events was indexed with an odd integer
resonance is analyzed in more detail in the field tests corresponding to a harmonic for a closed tube, and the
below. value for v, was used to solve the Helmholtz resonator
equation for the length of the tube. A value of 9.5 feet
was obtained, very close to the actual length of the tube.
Thrust and acoustic measurement procedures were
proposed and given initial tests with two rocket motors,
one solid and one liquid. The liquid tests showed the
validity of using sense lines, and the solid test showed
the validity of optical techniques in measuring the off
axis torque of engines in test stands. Analysis of the
liquid tests confirmed the presence of Helmholtz
frequencies, and the time of flight analysis was
consistent with a shock wave propagating at sonic
- m u
1 ,
speeds. Other measurements are planned for engines
later in the year.
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* Ibid., (422)
Halliday, D. et al. Fundamentals of Physics, John
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Figure 2: Time-domain data for time of flight '*Griffiths, David. Introduction to Electrodynamics,
measurement; time-frequency plots showing Helmholtz Prentice Hall, Third Edition. 1998. (31)
friquenc ies