Cement and Concrete Research: Sciencedirect
Cement and Concrete Research: Sciencedirect
Cement and Concrete Research: Sciencedirect
Laboratory of Construction Materials, EPFL STI IMX LMC, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Keywords: In some blended cements, the optimum amount of sulfate addition differs from that observed in OPC. This study
A Hydration aims to understand the mechanism behind the impact of two SCMs, namely metakaolin and limestone, on the
A Kinetics sulfate balance of blended cements. No significant impact of the aluminum content of these SCMs was observed.
B Calcium-Silicate-Hydrate (C-S-H) Instead, it is observed that the filler effect of the SCM, which accelerates the reaction of alite, is the main factor
D Sulfate
impacting the sulfate balance. As the rate of precipitation of C-S-H is increased, more sulfate is adsorbed by the
D Metakaolin
C-S-H and consequently, the depletion of gypsum is reached earlier in time during the hydration process. A
relationship between heat release at the onset of the aluminate peak and the gypsum content of the system was
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: franco.zunino@epfl.ch (F. Zunino).
Received 7 August 2019; Received in revised form 30 September 2019; Accepted 4 October 2019
Available online 03 November 2019
0008-8846/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Zunino and K. Scrivener Cement and Concrete Research 126 (2019) 105918
Scrivener in OPC blended with quartz [18], who also observed a change
in C-S-H morphology due to sulfate adsorption. Both results are also in
good agreement with the measurements by STEM-EDS reported by
Gallucci et al. [19]. These observations show that sulfate not only in-
teracts with C3A during the acceleration period but also with C-S-H.
Despite the primary effect of gypsum addition being to modify the
reaction of C3A, no clear relationship between the content of aluminates
phases and the gypsum requirement for proper sulfation of a system has
been established. A comprehensive approach to sulfate balance that
accounts for the adsorption of sulfate by C-S-H during hydration is re-
quired to better understand the hydration kinetics of blended cements.
Furthermore, the contribution of the aluminate phases from SCMs
themselves, such as metakaolin, to the sulfate amount required to en-
sure a properly sulfated system needs to be better understood. This
paper looks at the effect of a variety of SCMs on the sulfate balance.
2.1. Materials
F. Zunino and K. Scrivener Cement and Concrete Research 126 (2019) 105918
Table 3
Mixture proportions of OPC, LC3-50 and OPC + fLS systems.
Mixture OPC (%) MK (%) LS (%) fLS (%) Added gypsum (%) Added SO3 (%) Total SO3 (%)b w/c w/b SSA (m2/g)
OPC 100 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.45 0.40 0.40 1.41
LC3-50 MK95 55-G 30.0 15.0 0.0 G (0 to 7) 0.0 to 3.26 1.34 to 4.43 0.73a 0.40 5.36
LC3-50 MK71 55-G 22.5 22.5 0.0 G (1.2) 0.56 1.87 0.73a 0.40 4.62
LC3-50 MK63 55-G 20.0 25.0 0.0 G (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5) 0.0 to 0.70 1.34 to 2.01 0.73a 0.40 4.37
LC3-50 MK47 55-G 15.0 30.0 0.0 G (0.85) 0.40 1.72 0.73a 0.40 3.88
LC3-50 MK40 55-G 12.6 32.4 0.0 G (0, 0.4, 0.8, 1) 0.0 to 0.47 1.34 to 1.79 0.73a 0.40 3.64
LC3-50 MK20 55-G 6.3 38.7 0.0 G (0.35) 0.16 1.50 0.73a 0.40 3.02
OPC-fLS SSA MK95 47.7 0.0 0.0 52.3 0.0 0.0 1.17 0.84 0.40 5.36
OPC-fLS SSA MK63 60.8 0.0 0.0 39.2 0.0 0.0 1.49 0.66 0.40 4.37
OPC-fLS SSA MK40 70.5 0.0 0.0 29.5 0.0 0.0 1.72 0.57 0.40 3.64
Value of w/c computed considering an OPC content of 55%. The value will vary as the concentration of added gypsum is increased.
Computed considering the SO3 content of OPC measured as calcium sulfate minerals by QXRD and the OPC fractions given in this table.
alite peak, which was then subtracted from the overall curves, as shown
in Fig. 2 right for an LC3 system. The area associated with the aluminate
peak was computed as the difference in total heat of the original mix-
ture and that of the over sulfated system, between the maximum of the
alite peak and 24 h, as this was the time when the ettringite content was
measured by XRD. Furthermore, in-situ XRD measurements showed
that in all cases, the maximum amount of ettringite formed was reached
before this time.
X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements were carried out on freshly
cut slices of hardened paste at 24 h of hydration to determine the
amounts of ettringite and AFm formed after the aluminate peak.
Rietveld refinement was conducted using the HighScore Plus v4.8
software. The slices were analyzed in a Bragg-Brentano configuration in
a PANalytical X'pert pro diffractometer working at 45 kV and 40 mA
with a copper source. A 1/2° soller slit was used, and scans were ac-
quired between 7 and 70° 2θ in 14 min, equivalent to a step size of
0.0167° 2θ. The external standard method was used to compute the K-
factor of the device and account for the amorphous phases present [21].
A scan of a rutile standard was acquired in the same conditions after the
Fig. 3. Heat flow curve of OPC highlighting the main hydration events during
experiments for this purpose. the first 24 h.
For in-situ XRD experiments, paste specimens were prepared in the
same manner as the isothermal calorimetry samples. In this case, a 1°
3. Results and discussion
soller slit was used. The 14 min scans were collected every 30 min up to
48 h of hydration. The paste samples were mounted on a disc-shaped
3.1. Early hydration of Portland cement
sample holder, and covered with a 12.7 μm thick Kapton film that was
secured on top with a ring. The temperature was controlled at the base
The heat flow curve for the OPC used in this study is shown in Fig. 3.
of the sample holder with a Peltier stage and kept constant at 20 °C.
The main kinetic events related to the alite and aluminate reactions are
highlighted. Previous studies have shown that C3S dissolves quickly
Fig. 2. Identification of the aluminate peak onset using the derivative of the heat flow (left) and decoupling procedure applied to compute the aluminate peak area,
shown as an example in the case of LC3-50 MK95 (right).
F. Zunino and K. Scrivener Cement and Concrete Research 126 (2019) 105918
Fig. 4. Heat flow of LC3-50 MK95 systems with different amounts of gypsum Fig. 5. Heat flow of LC3-50 blends incorporating fine calcined clay with 50%
addition. metakaolin and the MK material (95% metakaolin).
during the acceleration period of the alite reaction. In parallel, during aluminate from the metakaolin does not explain the observed changes
the alite peak, ettringite is precipitated continuously and consequently in the aluminate peak.
the gypsum content decreases. In addition, sulfate becomes adsorbed on The system which has the higher SSA clay (50% metakaolin con-
C-S-H [17]. When the solid gypsum is depleted from the system, there is tent) shows more acceleration and enhancement of the alite peak, re-
an increase in slope of the heat evolution. This leads to the second lated to an increased filler effect of the clay fraction. Simultaneously,
(aluminate) peak, which is linked to an accelerated formation of et- this system exhibits more acceleration of the aluminate reaction. This
tringite during this period (second ettringite formation as described in suggests that the filler effect in LC3 due to the incorporation of fine clay
[17,22]), associated with a higher rate of C3A dissolution. leading to the acceleration of the C3S reaction, might be linked to the
acceleration of the aluminate peak (i.e., gypsum depletion).
3.2. Early-age hydration in LC3 systems Furthermore, this suggests that the degree of reaction of C3S (and
consequently, of C-S-H precipitation) and the onset time of the alumi-
Fig. 4 shows the calorimetry results for LC3-50 MK95 systems nate peak are related.
compared to OPC, normalized per gram of clinker. A significant ac-
celeration (time shift) and enhancement (height) of the aluminate re- 3.3. Early-age hydration in OPC + limestone systems
action is observed in all LC3 systems as compared to the reference OPC.
For the system without additional gypsum added (LC3-50 0% Add. To decouple the possible contribution of the additional aluminates
Gypsum), it is observed that the enhanced aluminate peak is almost phases from the filler effect, additional experiments were carried out in
super imposed on the alite peak, leading to a situation close to under- systems of OPC with fine limestone. In these cases, there are no addi-
sulfation. tional aluminate phases in the system. As shown in Table 3, the SSA of
The addition of 1 to 2% of additional gypsum leads to a situation these systems was matched to each of the reference LC3–50 systems by
where the aluminate peak is delayed and the alite and aluminate peaks varying the OPC and fLS proportions. The isothermal calorimetry re-
are separated similar to the pattern observed in OPC. As the aluminate sults are shown in Fig. 6. As observed, the same acceleration and en-
peak shifts to the right, it becomes lower and broader. hancement of the aluminate peak seen in LC3 is observed in these
In addition, a strong acceleration and enhancement of the alite systems. Moreover, the degree of acceleration of the aluminate reaction
(first) peak is also observed in all LC3 systems, which is linked to the is related to the observed enhancement of the alite peak, in agreement
increased shear rate between particles and the surface provided by the with the results on LC3-50 blends shown in Fig. 5.
addition of limestone and metakaolin [18]. The filler contribution of The effect on the aluminate peak has been observed in
limestone and metakaolin in LC3 appears to be independent of the OPC + limestone and OPC + quartz systems [24] and those with silica
gypsum addition. Other LC3 systems studied exhibit the same behavior fume [25]. Thus, the acceleration of the aluminate peak appears to be
as the LC3-50 MK95 systems shown in Fig. 4 (Appendix B). linked to the amount of surface area supplied to the system, rather than
The incorporation of metakaolin provides another source of alu- the aluminum content of the added material.
minum to the system in addition to C3A. In previous studies, it has been
suggested that the intensity of the aluminate peak in LC3 is linked to the 3.4. Mechanism relating the rate of C3S reaction and the occurrence of the
amount of metakaolin in the system [23]. However, this correlation is aluminate peak
not systematic as seen in Fig. 5. The calorimetry curves for LC3 systems
with pure (95%) metakaolin and a calcined clay with only 50% meta- The results indicate that the effects of SCMs on the aluminate peak
kaolin content are compared. By deconvoluting the calorimetry curves, are mostly explained by the specific surface area of the material, as seen
it was seen that the total heat associated with the aluminate peak differs in the results for OPC + fLS, rather than its chemical composition
by less than 5% between the two systems, and is actually slightly higher (aluminum content). As the filler effect influences hydration by en-
in the system with lower metakaolin content. This further indicates that hancing/accelerating the hydration of C3S and consequently, the rate of
F. Zunino and K. Scrivener Cement and Concrete Research 126 (2019) 105918
Fig. 6. Heat flow of OPC + fLS systems with matched SSA to the different LC3- Fig. 7. Heat released at the aluminate peak (A.P.) onset versus gypsum content
50 blends studied. of the system. P-value of regression 5.89·10−14.
F. Zunino and K. Scrivener Cement and Concrete Research 126 (2019) 105918
Fig. 9. XRD patterns at 24 h of hydration collected from fresh slices. Ett = ettringite; Hc = hemicarboaluminate; Mc = monocarboaluminate; F = ferrite.
F. Zunino and K. Scrivener Cement and Concrete Research 126 (2019) 105918
Fig. 11. Diagram of proposed mechanism involving sulfate adsorption on C-S-H during the acceleration period. Expected phase assemblage (top) and heat flow
profile (bottom).
4. Conclusions to deplete sulfate linearly increases with the initial sulfate content of
the system.
The results presented here relate the filler effects of SCMs to the
calcium sulfate addition required for proper sulfation. The adsorption 4. After gypsum is depleted, sulfate is desorbed from C-S-H following
of sulfate by C-S-H is the important factor linking these two things. the decrease in the concentration in the pore solution, and becomes
Based on the results presented, the following conclusions can be available to precipitate additional ettringite. The heat release during
drawn: the aluminate peak can be solely explained by the precipitation of
ettringite and AFm.
1. Supplementary cementitious materials can have a significant impact
on the sulfate balance of blended cements due to their filler effect. Declaration of Competing Interest
The impact is related to additional surface area, rather than the
chemical composition of the material. In particular, the aluminate The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
content of calcined clay does not influence the sulfate requirement interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
for proper sulfation. ence the work reported in this paper.
2. Sulfate ions are adsorbed in the C-S-H precipitated due to the on- Acknowledgements
going hydration of C3S. The increase in the rate of reaction of C3S
due to the filler effect accelerates the precipitation rate of C-S-H, The authors would like to acknowledge financial support by the Swiss
increasing the amount of sulfate adsorbed. The depletion of gypsum Agency of Development and Cooperation (SDC) grant 81026665. The Swiss
occurs earlier and consequently the aluminate peak shifts left. federal commission for scholarships for foreign students (FCS) is acknowl-
edged for supporting Franco Zunino's studies through scholarship
3. The amount of heat released at the onset of the aluminate peak is 2016.0719. The authors also acknowledge the advice and comments of Dr.
linearly correlated with the sulfate content of the system for a given Xuerun Li on the analysis of the in situ XRD data, and Mr. George Fairlie for
binder composition. This means that the amount of C-S-H required his help in conducting some of the experiments shown in this paper.
F. Zunino and K. Scrivener Cement and Concrete Research 126 (2019) 105918
Appendix A. In-situ XRD results for OPC and OPC + fLS systems studied
Fig. A.1. In-situ XRD results showing the content of the main phases participating in the reaction during the first 48 h of hydration for OPC.
Fig. A.2. In-situ XRD results showing the content of the main phases participating in the reaction during the first 48 h of hydration for OPC + fLS SSA MK95.
F. Zunino and K. Scrivener Cement and Concrete Research 126 (2019) 105918
Fig. B.1. Heat flow of LC3-50 MK63 systems with different amounts of gypsum addition.
Fig. B.2. Heat flow of LC3-50 MK40 systems with different amounts of gypsum addition.
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