Cement and Concrete Research: M.D.A. Thomas, R.D. Hooton, A. Scott, H. Zibara

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Cement and Concrete Research 42 (2012) 1–7

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Cement and Concrete Research

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : h t t p : / / e e s. e l s ev i e r. c o m / C E M C O N / d e f a u l t . a s p

The effect of supplementary cementitious materials on chloride binding in hardened

cement paste
M.D.A. Thomas a,⁎, R.D. Hooton b, A. Scott c, H. Zibara b
Department of Civil Engineering, University of New Brunswick, 17 Dineen Dr., PO Box 4400, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada E3B 5A3
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, 35 St. George St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A4
Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch, 8140, New Zealand

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper reports the results of a study to determine the effects of supplementary cementitious materials
Received 12 February 2010 (SCMs) on the chloride binding of portland cement pastes. The results show that SCMs with significant
Accepted 12 January 2011 quantities of alumina increase the binding capacity of cement paste. Pastes with metakaolin (45% Al2O3)
showed the greatest chloride binding capacity and pastes with silica fume (b 0.5% Al2O3) showed the least
binding. The chemical binding in solutions of high chloride concentration is mainly attributed to the
Chloride binding
Fly ash (D)
formation of Friedel's salt, C3A·CaCl2·10H2O. When pastes originally exposed to high chloride concentrations
Granulated blast-furnace slag are subsequently exposed to chloride-free solution, a portion of the bound chloride is released, but a
Silica fume (D) significant portion remains irreversibly bound. There is some evidence that Friedel's salt may partially convert
Metakaolin (D) to Kuzel's salt, C3A·(0.5CaCl2)(0.5CaSO4)·12H2O, under these conditions. The binding relationships were best
described by the Freundlich isotherm and binding coefficients are given for all the binders tested.
© 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction chloride binding is normally reduced by the addition of silica fume

despite an increase in C–S–H. Beaudoin et al. [14] suggest that the
Supplementary cementitious materials (SCM), such as fly ash, slag, degree of chloride binding in C–S–H is a function of the calcium/silica
silica fume, and metakaolin and other natural pozzolans, have a (C/S) ratio with a lower ratio resulting in a lower degree of binding,
significant impact on the ability of concrete to resist the penetration of which may explain the reduction in binding when silica fume is
chloride ions. This benefit is largely ascribed to the refined pore present. Much of the information on chloride binding for binders
structure that results from the appropriate use of SCM which, in turn, containing SCM are from studies where chlorides have been
results in reduced permeability and ionic diffusivity. However, SCMs introduced at the time of mixing (admixed) and are thus present to
also alter the composition and, hence, the chloride binding capacity of react directly with the clinker compounds during hydration. Such an
the hydrated phases. Chloride binding has a significant effect on approach likely overestimates the degree of binding that occurs when
chloride penetration and, hence, on the time to corrosion initiation chlorides are introduced after the binder has hydrated (such as in
[1]. It is desirable to include the influence of chloride binding on the marine exposures or exposure to de-icer salts) as much of the C3A will
chloride penetration process in the modeling of service life for have hydrated and formed relatively stable AFm and AFt phases.
reinforced concrete structures; however, this requires knowledge of This paper reports results on the effect of SCM on the binding
the binding isotherms for different types of cementitious materials. capacity of cement pastes where the chlorides are introduced after
It is known that chlorides react chemically with tricalcium hydration. The binding was determined using the equilibrium method
aluminate (C3A) or its hydrates to form calcium chloro-aluminate, developed by Tang and Nilsson [15]. This work forms part of a wider
C3A·CaCl2·10H2O, commonly known as Friedel's salt [2–5]. There is study on the phenomenon of chloride binding conducted by Zibara
also evidence that physical binding occurs due to the adsorption of [16].
chlorides on to the surface of C–S–H [6–10]. The effect of SCMs on
chloride binding is varied, with ground granulated blast furnace slag 2. Experimental methodology
and fly ash generally showing increased chloride binding [11,12] and
silica fume showing a decrease in binding capacity [13]. An increase in The investigation of the effects of binder type and water-to-
C–S–H is generally considered to increase chloride binding, yet cementitious-materials ratio (w/cm) on chloride binding involved
examining six different SCMs at two w/cm. The mixtures included
portland cement (meeting the requirements of CSA A3001 Type MS —
⁎ Corresponding author. moderate sulfate-resistant cement) with various replacement levels
E-mail address: mdat@unb.ca (M.D.A. Thomas). of SCMs including ternary blends. The SCMs were silica fume,

0008-8846/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 M.D.A. Thomas et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 42 (2012) 1–7

metakaolin, blast furnace slag and three fly ashes; the fly ashes were Table 2
selected to have varying calcium contents to cover the range Bogue cement composition.

encountered in North America. The chemical composition of the OPC type MS

cementitious materials is provided in Table 1 and the Bogue
C3S 57.6
composition for the cement in Table 2. The mixture proportions of C2S 17.6
the pastes investigated are presented in Table 3. C3A 5.9
All mixes used in this investigation were prepared as pastes C4AF 8.8
Blaine (m2/kg) 326
containing cementitious materials and distilled water. The w/cm ratios
were 0.30 and 0.50 with a superplasticiser used for the mixes at
w/cm = 0.30. The mixes were prepared using a high-speed blender
under vacuum to minimize the presence of air bubbles. The paste was moved to another bottle. Then either 200 mL or 1000 mL of distilled
cast into 50-mm diameter by 100-mm cylindrical molds. The top of water saturated with Ca(OH)2 (pH = 12.5) was added to the sample.
the molds was covered with a plastic sheet followed by a lid which After a storage period of 4 months, to ensure that the sample reached
was then sealed with adhesive tape. The molds were rotated at equilibrium with the new solution, the free chloride concentration of
12 rpm for a period of 24 h to prevent segregation. The paste samples the solution was measured.
were then cured in sealed molds stored over water at 22 ± 1 °C for a
period of 2 months. 3. Results
At the end of the curing period the pastes were de-molded and the
central portion cut into 3-mm thick discs. The sliced samples were The use of the equilibrium method assumes that after equilibrium
then vacuum-dried for three days in a desiccator containing silica gel is established between the external solution and the pore solution, the
and soda lime. The dried samples were transferred to a glove box reduction in chloride concentration of the host solution is attributed
containing soda lime to remove carbon dioxide from the air, and kept to chlorides being bound by the cement. The amount of bound
at 11% RH for a month. After storage, the 3-mm thick discs were chlorides can be determined from:
broken into small fragments and samples, weighing approximately
25 g, were placed in 125-mL plastic bottles under vacuum for 2 h. The Cb = 35:453V  Ci −Cf = Wd ð1Þ
bottles were then filled with approximately 100 mL of NaCl solution
using 7 different concentrations (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 M),
sealed and stored at 23 ± 1 °C. The 0.30-w/cm samples were stored for where:
6 months while the 0.50-w/cm samples were stored for between 5 and
6 weeks; from preliminary tests, these durations were found to be Cb is the amount of bound chloride in mg Cl/g of the sample
sufficient to ensure that equilibrium was reached between the pore V is the volume of the external solution in mL
solution of the samples and the host solution. The host solutions were Ci is the initial chloride concentration of the external solution
then analyzed for chloride concentration by means of potentiometric in mol/l
titration using 0.01 M AgNO3. Cf is the free chloride concentration at equilibrium of the
Selected 0.30-w/cm pastes were also stored in NaCl solution at 7 °C external solution in mol/l
and 38 °C in addition to a standard curing temperature of 23 °C; only Wd is the dry mass of the sample in g.
data from samples stored at 23 °C are reported here. In some cases the
number of different chloride concentrations was reduced to three Tests on replicate specimens indicated a low variability and a full
(0.1, 1.0 and 3.0 M) as this was found to be sufficient to establish a discussion on the reproducibility of the test procedure is provided in
binding isotherm [16]. Another variation in the test protocol was that Zibara [16].
for selected pastes, additional samples were allowed to cure for The time to reach equilibrium between the external solution and
9 months prior to the start of the chloride binding tests. the pore solution was monitored for a number of samples using a
Desorption isotherms were determined for selected 0.50-w/cm 3-molar chloride solution since it was assumed that the samples with
pastes (OPC, 8SF and 8MK). After equilibrium had been reached in the the highest chloride concentration would take the longest to reach
solution that was initially at 3 M chloride, the solution was removed equilibrium. The time to reach equilibrium was based on measure-
to determine the equilibrium concentration and the sample was ments of the chloride concentrations in the external solutions and
was found to be a function of both the w/cm ratio and the mix
Table 1 composition as shown in Fig. 1. In the case of the 0.50-w/cm samples,
Chemical composition of cement and SCM.

Portland Silica Meta- Slag Fly ash Fly ash Fly ash Table 3
cement fume kaolin (SG) (FA) (FA1) (FA2) Details of paste mixtures investigated.
(OPC) (SF) (MK)
Mix W/CM Portland Silica Meta- Fly ash Slag
SiO2 21.26 94.48 52.01 36.18 53.89 43.07 40.82
cement fume kaolin (%) (%)
Al2O3 4.09 0.24 44.72 10.02 24.65 20.78 11.09
(%) (%) (%)
TiO2 0.2 0.01 1.6 0.67 1.14 1.10 0.47
P2O5 0.07 0.14 0.09 0.01 0.71 0.67 0.10 OPC 0.3, 0.5 100
Fe2O3 2.89 0.63 0.58 0.50 8.63 5.41 6.21 8SF 0.3, 0.5 92 8
CaO 63.58 0.44 0.00 35.49 4.37 17.72 29.89 8MK 0.3, 0.5 92 8
SrO 0.12 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.16 0.54 0.30 25FA 0.3, 0.5 75 25
MgO 2.47 0.38 0.00 0.66 0.83 4.18 4.41 25FA1 0.5 75 25
Mn2O3 0.06 0.03 0.01 13.58 0.05 0.17 0.06 25FA2 0.5 75 25
Na2O3 0.17 0.16 0.32 0.43 0.6 1.46 1.14 40FA 0.3 60 40
K2O 0.62 1.01 0.19 0.50 2.14 0.75 1.71 25SL 0.3, 0.5 75 25
Na2Oe 0.58 0.82 0.45 0.77 2.07 1.95 2.26 40SL 0.3 60 40
SO3a 2.79 0.36 0.12 1.51 0.61 2.17 2.17 25FA6SF 0.3, 0.5 69 6 25
LOIb 0.99 2.87 0.9 1.72 1.53 2.57 1.30 40FA5SF 0.3 55 5 40
25SL6SF 0.3, 0.5 69 6 25
SO3 — based on sulfur determined by LECO.
40SL5SF 0.3 55 5 40
LOI — loss on ignition at 1000 °C.
M.D.A. Thomas et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 42 (2012) 1–7 3

3.1 where α and β are binding constants. The Langmuir isotherm provides
a reasonable fit to the experimental data, but in all cases the
Chloride Concentration (Mol.)

Freundlich isotherm provided a better fit (higher coefficient of

8SF-0.30 determination). The binding constants for the Freundlich isotherm
OPC-0.50 fitted to the experimental data for all cementitious materials tested
are presented in Table 4.
Fig. 3 shows the experimental data and the “best-fit” Freundlich
2.9 isotherms for three pastes, OPC, 8SF and 8MK, with both 0.30 and
0.50 w/cm. In general, pastes with 8% silica fume showed the lowest
chloride binding and pastes with 8% metakaolin showed the highest
2.8 binding, compared with all other types of cementitious materials
when tested under the same conditions. The increased binding
capacity of the paste containing metakaolin is considerable at both
w/cm. The binding capacity increases with w/cm, especially for the
2.7 binder containing metakaolin and to a lesser extent for that contain-
0 28 56 84
ing silica fume. The increase for the control paste (OPC) is relatively
Time (days)
Fig. 1. Time required for chloride concentration of external solutions to reach equilibrium
Fig. 4 shows the effect of fly ash and slag, both at a replacement
for pastes with OPC (w/cm= 0.30 and 0.50) and 8% silica fume (w/cm= 0.30). level of 25%, on the relationship between bound and free chlorides. At
w/cm = 0.30, there is little difference between the control paste (OPC)
and the binders with 25% fly ash or slag, but at w/cm = 0.50 the
the chloride concentration generally started to stabilize after binding capacity of the fly ash and slag pastes is increased
approximately one to two weeks and became constant after three significantly. At higher levels of replacement (40%) both fly ash and
weeks. The use of silica fume, however, resulted in a longer period of slag increased the binding capacity of pastes with w/cm = 0.30 to a
approximately three weeks before stabilization, with fairly constant moderate extent (not shown), but unfortunately the study did not
values attained beyond one month. The chloride content of the include pastes with w/cm = 0.50 at this higher level of replacement.
0.50-w/cm samples was determined therefore after six to eight weeks The behavior of pastes produced with ternary blends of cemen-
of exposure to chloride solution to ensure that equilibrium was titious materials (portland cement + silica fume + either fly ash or
reached. The 0.30-w/cm samples required a longer stabilization slag as the third component) is shown in Fig. 5. The binding capacity of
period of approximately one month with fairly constant values the ternary blends is slightly lower than the control at w/cm = 0.30
attained after two months for the control mix. The chloride and slightly higher at w/cm = 0.50.
concentration of the external solution for the silica fume mix was Fig. 6 shows that the binding capacity of fly ash (w/cm = 0.50)
found to still be decreasing, to a very limited extent, after three varies significantly with different fly ashes. However, there is no trend
month exposure. The chloride concentrations of the 0.30-w/cm with calcium content as the fly ash with the intermediate CaO content
samples were determined after six months to ensure that stable exhibits significantly higher binding than both the low-CaO and high-
concentrations for all samples were obtained. CaO fly ashes. Nor can the trend in binding capacity be explained by
Fig. 2 shows the relationship between the bound chloride (Cb) and the total alumina content of the fly ashes.
free chloride (Cf) for the control paste (OPC) with w/cm = 0.50. The Fig. 7 shows the effect of extending, from 2 to 9 months, the curing
binding is clearly non-linear and the following “best-fit” non-linear period prior to exposure to chlorides. Little significant or consistent
isotherms are shown on the same figure: trend was observed with the increased curing period, indicating that
evaluation of binding isotherms on 2-month old samples should
Freundlich isotherm : Cb = α⋅Cf ð1Þ adequately describe later age isotherms.
XRD analysis of paste samples (w/cm = 0.50) after they reached
α⋅Cf equilibrium with the 3-molar chloride solution showed the presence
Langmuir isotherm : Cb =   ð2Þ of Friedel's salt, C3A·CaCl2·10H2O, for all binder types, however, the
1 + β⋅Cf
intensity of the main peak varied significantly as shown in Fig. 8. After
immersion in the 3-molar solution, only the control paste (OPC)
showed noticeable peaks associated with other AFm and AFt phases;
Bound Chloride,Cb (mg/g sample)

Table 4
“Best-fit” binding coefficients for Freundlich isotherms.

10 Binder w/cm = 0.30 w/cm = 0.50

α β r2 α Β r2

OPC 7.60 0.31 0.999 8.51 0.32 0.994

8SF 4.38 0.33 0.990 6.11 0.37 0.988
5 8MK 9.84 0.43 0.998 14.9 0.46 0.998
Experimental data 25FA 6.78 0.38 0.998 10.0 0.41 0.977
25FA1 14.1 0.43 0.976
Freundlich Isotherm r2 = 0.991
25FA2 9.23 0.35 0.972
40FA 7.55 0.45 0.998
Langmuir Isotherm r2 = 0.868
25SL 7.93 0.30 0.993 10.5 0.39 0.995
0 40SL 8.62 0.33 0.979
0 1 2 3 25FA6SF 4.56 0.59 0.993 7.83 0.47 0.993
Free Chloride, Cf (Mol.) 40FA5SF 4.77 0.55 0.991
25SL6SF 5.59 0.43 0.993 8.57 0.40 0.995
40SL5SF 6.25 0.41 0.997
Fig. 2. “Best-fit” isotherms for control paste (OPC) at w/cm = 0.50.
4 M.D.A. Thomas et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 42 (2012) 1–7

15 OPC

Bound Chloride,Cb (mg/g sample)

Bound Chloride,Cb (mg/g sample)

w/cm = 0.30
8SF w/cm = 0.30 25FA/6SF
20 8MK OPC
OPC 25SG/6SF w/cm = 0.50
w/cm =
8SF 10 25FA/6SF
15 0.50


0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Free Chloride, Cf (Mol.) Free Chloride, Cf (Mol.)

Fig. 3. Chloride binding isotherms for pastes with silica fume and metakaolin Fig. 5. Chloride binding relationships for ternary cement blends (w/cm = 0.30 and 0.50,
(w/cm = 0.30 and 0.50, T = 23 °C). T = 23 °C).

the peaks corresponded to ettringite. Fig. 9 shows a plot of the peak heights shown in Fig. 11 using the relationship shown in Fig. 9,
maximum peak intensity for Friedel's salt (at d = 7.9 Å) against the the results yield 14.0 mg/g and 11.8 mg/g, respectively for the 8MK
bound chloride content, Cb, for the pastes after reaching equilibrium paste after reaching equilibrium with the 200 mL and 1000 mL of
with the 3-molar chloride solution. There is a good correlation chloride-free solution. This compares with 19.2 mg/g and 13.1 mg/g
between these two parameters suggesting that much of the binding calculated based on the solution equilibrium concentration (Table 5).
that occurs at this high concentration of chloride can be attributed to Fig. 11 shows the presence of a second peak (marked K? in the
the formation of Friedel's salt. figures) after the 8MK has reached equilibrium with 1000 mL of
The “desorption isotherm” for the paste with 8% metakaolin is chloride-free solution and this peak coincides with the maximum
shown in Fig. 10 and the results from these tests for all three binders (2-theta) intensity peak of Kuzel's salt, C3A·(0.5CaCl2)(0.5CaSO4)·
tested are shown in Table 5. After adding 200 mL of chloride-free, 12H2O. Kuzel's salt was found at lower chloride concentrations in
saturated Ca(OH)2 solution and allowing equilibrium to be reached, other parts of this research [16], increasing the likelihood that this
all three binders retained about 80% of the bound chlorides. The peak was indeed Kuzel's salt in this instance.
chloride concentrations at equilibrium were in the range of 0.12 to
0.14 M. At these chloride concentrations the bound chlorides from the 4. Discussion
three pastes during sorption were in that range of 3 to 6% (Fig. 2).
With a 1000-mL addition, the equilibrium chloride concentration was The chloride binding capacity of the cement pastes was not only
less than 0.04 M, but still about 40% of the chlorides initially bound influenced by the composition of the binder but also by the w/cm. The
after reaching equilibrium with the 3-molar chloride solution impact of w/cm was particularly pronounced for binders containing
remained bound. Fig. 11 shows the results of XRD analysis of the SCM especially for SCMs that contained large quantities of alumina
8MK paste once equilibrium had been reached after the addition of (e.g. 8MK and, to a lesser extent, 25FA and 25SG). This may indicate
200 mL and 1000 mL of chloride-free solution. Although the main that the hydration and pozzolanic reactions are stifled at the lower
peak corresponding to Friedel's salt diminishes as the paste reaches w/cm and that much of the alumina present does not become available
equilibrium with the lower chloride concentrations, significant for the formation of Friedel's salt.
Friedel's salt still remains even when the free chloride falls below For the 0.50-w/cm pastes there is clearly a link between the
0.04 M. If the bound chloride concentration is estimated from the alumina content of the SCM and the extent to which the incorporation

15 20
Bound Chloride,Cb (mg/g sample)

Bound Chloride,Cb (mg/g sample)


OPC 10
w/cm = 0.30 25SG OPC
5 25FA 25FA
OPC 5 25FA1
w/cm = 0.50 25SG
0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Free Chloride, Cf (Mol.) Free Chloride, Cf (Mol.)

Fig. 4. Chloride binding relationships for fly ash and slag (w/cm = 0.30 and 0.50, Fig. 6. Chloride binding isotherms for pastes with different fly ashes (w/cm = 0.50,
T = 23 °C). T = 23 °C).
M.D.A. Thomas et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 42 (2012) 1–7 5

25 1,000
Bound Chloride,Cb (mg/g sample)

25FA-9m 8MK

Maximum Peak Intensity (cps)

20 8MK-2m 800
15 600
10 400

5 200

0 0
0 1 2 3 8 12 16 20 24
Free Chloride, Cf (Mol.) Bound Chloride,Cb (mg/g sample)

Fig. 7. Chloride binding isotherms for pastes with different fly ashes (w/cm = 0.50, Fig. 9. Relationship between the maximum peak intensity for Friedel's salt (d = 7.9 Å)
T = 23 °C). and the bound chloride of cement pastes after immersion in NaCl solution, Ci = 3 M.

of the SCM increases binding, especially at the higher chloride fume (25FA and 25SG). Nilsson et al. [17] suggested that silica fume
concentrations used in this study. Metakaolin, which comprises influences binding in three ways: (i) dilution of the C3A which may
approximately 45% Al2O3, most of which is assumed to be available, reduce binding, (ii) reduction of the pH of the pore solution which
produces the largest increase in the chloride binding capacity, should increase chloride binding, and (iii) and increase in the amount
whereas silica fume, which contains a negligible amount of alumina of C–S–H which should increase physical binding of chlorides. The
(b0.5% Al2O3), actually reduces the binding capacity compared to the incorporation of silica fume is also known to reduce the C/S ratio of the
control (OPC). Fly ash and slag (10 to 25% Al2O3) increase binding but C–S–H and it has been suggested that this will lead to a reduction in the
not to the same extent as metakaolin. Fig. 12 shows the relationship amount of chloride that can be physically adsorbed onto the surface of
between the bound chloride after immersion in NaCl solution the C–S–H [14,18]. Reductions in the C/S ratio of the C–S–H by slag and
(Ci = 3 M) and the alumina content of the binder (w/cm = 0.50, fly ash also occur, but these SCMs have higher alumina contents and
T = 23 °C). For binders without fly ash, the relationship between these the subsequent formation of C–A–S–H may result in increased binding,
two parameters is clear, however, binders with fly ash do not follow in addition to increased formation of Friedel's salt [19]. Experiments by
the same relationship. Regarding fly ash, there appears to be no clear Zibara [16,20] on lime–silica fume pastes confirmed this phenomenon
criteria, such as total Al2O3 or CaO content, that determine its effect on as the chloride binding was observed to decrease as the lime/silica
binding. However, much of the alumina in fly ash is present in fume ratio decreased. Other workers [21,22] have also observed a
crystalline components such as mullite, which would not be available reduction in binding due to the presence of silica fume.
to form calcium chloro-aluminates. Consequently, the total alumina The desorption tests indicate that chloride binding is not a
content, as reported in Table 1, does not give a reliable indication of completely irreversible process and that a portion of the chlorides that
how a fly ash will behave with regards to chloride binding. What is are bound may be released if the free chloride concentration in the pore
required is some measure of the alumina that is “available” and this solution decreases. However, there is significant hysteresis in the
could be determined using Rietveld quantitative XRD analysis. absorption–desorption process and a significant quantity of chlorides
The binding capacity of paste containing portland cement plus remains bound, mainly as Freidel's salt, even when the free chloride
silica fume (8SF) was lower than that of the control paste (OPC). In concentration approaches zero. In other words, a portion of the
addition, the incorporation of 5% silica fume into ternary mixes with chemically-bound chlorides is irreversibly bound. The XRD pattern for
25% fly ash or slag (25FA/5SF and 25SG/5FA) reduced the binding
compared with binary mixes with fly ash and slag, but without silica
Bound Chloride,Cb (mg/g sample)




0 1 2 3
Free Chloride, Cf (Mol.)

Fig. 8. X-ray diffraction patterns for pastes after immersion in NaCl solution (Ci = 3 M) Fig. 10. Chloride “desorption isotherm” for paste with metakaolin (w/cm = 0.50,
(w/cm = 0.50, T = 23 °C) F = Friedel's salt. T = 22 °C).
6 M.D.A. Thomas et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 42 (2012) 1–7

Table 5 25

Bound Chloride,Cb (mg/g sample)

Results of desorption tests (w/cm = 0.50).

Mixture Initial [Cl−] Water Final Initial Cb Final Cb Remaining 25FA1

(M) added [Cl−] (mg/g) (mg/g) bound (%)
(mL) (M)

OPC 3.0 200 0.123 11.43 8.73 76 15 25FA

8MK 3.0 200 0.138 22.82 19.21 84 25FA2 25FA6SF
8SF 3.0 200 0.137 8.86 6.92 78
OPC 3.0 1000 0.029 11.2 4.26 38 10
8MK 3.0 1000 0.035 21.8 13.08 40
8SF 3.0 1000 0.032 7.94 3.14 39
5 Binders without Fly Ash

Binders with Fly Ash

the 8MK after storage in 1000-mL of chloride-free solution revealed the
formation of a new peak accompanying the partial dissolution of 0
Friedel's salt. The peak is thought to correspond to Kuzel's salt. The 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
formation of Kuzel's salt at low chloride concentrations (~0.1 M) was Alumina Content of Binder (% Al2O3)
confirmed by studies on pure C3A-gyspum binders by Zibara [16]; he
Fig. 12. Relationship between the amount of chloride bound after immersion in NaCl
demonstrated the role of chloride concentration (and other factors) on
solution (Ci = 3 M) and the alumina content of the binder (w/cm = 0.50, T = 23 °C).
the formation and stability of Kuzel's and Friedel's salt.

5. Conclusions 7. There is some evidence that Kuzel's salt, C 3 A·(0.5CaCl 2 )

(0.5CaSO4)·12H2O, may form at the expense of Friedel's salt,
1. The inclusion of SCM has been shown to affect significantly the C3A·CaCl2·10H2O, when the paste samples originally exposed to
chloride binding capacity of the paste. A decrease in the w/cm ratio high chloride concentrations are subsequently exposed to chlo-
from 0.50 to 0.30 was generally found to significantly reduce the ride-free solution.
binding capacity of pastes containing metakaolin, slag, and fly ash.
2. The chloride binding at high free chloride concentrations
(Cf ≥ 1.0 M) is largely due to the formation of Friedel's salt and
the amount of binding generally increases with the (available)
The authors would like to acknowledge the assistance of Dr. S.
alumina content of the SCM. The chloride binding was highest with
Petrov, Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto, with the
metakaolin (45% Al2O3) and lowest with silica fume (b0.5% Al2O3).
X-ray diffraction testing. Financial support for the research was
3. The binding relationships were best described by a Freundlich
provided by Materials and Manufacturing Ontario (MMO) and the
Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada.
4. The partial substitution of OPC with 8% silica fume resulted in a
significant reduction in the chloride binding capacity at w/cm = 0.30
and a smaller reduction at w/cm= 0.50. The reduction cannot be
explained by the mere dilution of C3A but must also be a function of [1] B. Martin-Perez, H. Zibara, R.D. Hooton, M.D.A. Thomas, A study of the effect of
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