Wseas Transactions On Power Systems: Issue 8, Volume 1, August 2006
Wseas Transactions On Power Systems: Issue 8, Volume 1, August 2006
Wseas Transactions On Power Systems: Issue 8, Volume 1, August 2006
Issue 8, Volume 1, August 2006
ISSN 1790-5060
Optimal Capacitor Placement in Radial Distribution Systems by Reinforcement Learning Approach 1389
D. Issicaba, A. L. Bettiol, J. Coelho, M. V. P. Alcantara
IEEE Standard 519-1992 Application in Industrial Power Distribution Networks with a New Monitoring 1411
Joao Pedro Trovao, Paulo Pereirinha, Humberto Jorge
Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch using Ant Colony Optimization Technique 1423
Ismail Musirin, Mohd Rozely Kalil, Muhammad Murtadha Othman
Dynamic Model Identification of Induction Motors using Intelligent Search Techniques with taking Core 1438
Loss into Account
Boonruang Marungsri, Nittaya Meeboon, Anant Oonsivilai
Congested Transmission Network Management Algorithm for Wholesale Spot Market 1460
Marta Marmiroli, Masahiko Tanimoto, Yukitoki Tsukamoto, Ryuichi Yokoyama
Power Flow Control Strategy at the Load Bus in the Presence of Dispersed Generation 1475
Aamir Hanif, Mohammad Ahmad Choudhry
Effects of Electric Arc on Dissolved Gas in Transformer Oils and Analysis using Total Combustible Gas, Key 1484
Gases, Roger’s Ratio and Duval Triangle Methods
Suwarno, M. Fadli Salim
Incremental Indicators for Assessing the Performance of Cogeneration Systems with Heat Pumps 1491
Gianfranco Chicco, Pierluigi Mancarella
Study on Leakage Current, Hydrophobicity and Flashover Characteristics of Epoxy Resin for Outdoor 1499
Suwarno, Sigit K. Ardianto
Modelling Arcing High Impedances Faults in Relation to the Physical Processes in the Electric Arc 1507
Naser Zamanan, Jan K. Sykulski
Artificial Neural Networks Used for Failure Diagnosys in ZnO Arresters 1513
Estacio Tavares Wanderley Neto, Edson Guedes Da Costa, Marcelo Jose De Albuquerque Maia
New Approach of Induction Motor Performance Study Under Different Voltage Unbalance Conditions 1519
Hamid Bentarzi, Larbi Refoufi, Fatma Zohra Dekhandji
Economic Evaluation and Scenario Analysis of Wind Generations Based on Environment Factors 1526
Yoh Tsukamoto, Junjiro Sugimoto, Ryuichi Yokoyama, Yicheng Zhou
A High Frequency Model for Simulating Fast Transient Overvoltages in Transformer Windings 1532
V. Venegas, J. L. Guardado, E. Melgoza, A. Gonzalez
Classification of Signals with Voltage Disturbance by Means of Wavelet Transform and Intelligent 1538
Computational Techniques
Raimundo Nonato M. Machado, Ubiratan H. Bezerra, Evaldo G. Pelaes, Roberto Celio L. De Oliveira, Maria
Emilia De Lima Tostes
Neural Networks Method to Forecast Electricity Price for Markets with High Volatility 1543
Marta Marmiroli, Yoshitaka Ohta, Junjiro Sugimoto, Ryuichi Yokoyama
Tabu Search-based Optimal Allocation of Step Voltage Regulators considering the Rate of Operation 1550
Junjiro Sugimoto, Ryuichi Yokoyama, Takao Shinji
Investigation and Mitigation of the Amplification of the Harmonic Current to the Filtering System of an 1557
Aluminum Smelter
Alex Takashi Yokoyama, Maria Emilia De Lima Tostes, Carminda Celia M. De Moura Carvalho, Andre C.
Nascimento, Pedro Paulo C. Souza, Afonso Henrique J. Paz Bittencourt, Giordani L. Tavares, Luiz Antonio C.
An Integrated Auction-Based Market Coupling Approach – Bridging the Exchange and Bilateral Market 1581
Andraz Savli, Borut Rajer, Tomaz Lajovic
Fault Current Limitation in Grids of Power Plants using Resistive HTS Current Limiter 1588
Klaus Pfeiffer, Harald Schwarz
Electromagnetic Disturbances in High Voltage Networks Connected to Large Electrical Installations. 1596
Evaluation of the Power System Contribution
Marilena Ungureanu, Raluca Rosca, Adrian C-Tin Rusu
A Simple Heuristic Approach for Branched Feeder Design in Planning of Radial Distribution Systems 1604
Damanjeet Kaur, Jaydev Sharma
A Knowledge Based Expert System to Optimum Design of Distribution System 1611
Hossein Najafi, Shahram Javadi