Reviewer in Biology 2 1ST Quarter
Reviewer in Biology 2 1ST Quarter
Reviewer in Biology 2 1ST Quarter
Each haemoglobin molecule Platelets are cell fragments Capillaries allow exchange of
can carry four oxygen atoms. used in blood clotting. nutrients, wastes and gases.
The presence of oxygen turns
hemoglobin bright red. Platelets are derived from Arteries:
megakaryocites. Because
RBC Lifespan:
they lack a nucleus, platelets Arteries are thick-walled, and lined
with smooth muscle.
Arterioles: Low pressure in the venules lungs. Contractions of the atria
allows the capillary beds to send blood through a valve to
Arterioles can constrict to direct drain into them. the ventricles.
and control blood flow. They may,
for example, increase or decrease Veins Ventricles: receive blood from
blood supply to the skin. atria, contract to send blood to
Veins have thinner walls than body or lungs.
Capillaries: arteries.
Two chambered heart:
Body tissues contain a vast Atherosclerosis
network of thin capillaries. The simplest vertebrate
LDL cholesterol forms heart is the two-
Capillary walls are only one plaques in arteries, triggering chambered heart, seen in
cell thick, allowing exchange inflammation. fishes.
of gases, nutrients, and
wastes. The immune system forms a A single atrium receives
hard cap over the plaque, blood from the body cells.
Capillaries are so fine that partially blocking the artery. A ventricle sends blood to
RBCs must line up single-file Caps can rupture, creating the gills to collect oxygen
to go through them. clots that can close off an
artery. Three chambered heart: