04 August

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04 AUGUST, 2021

04 August,2021

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04 AUGUST, 2021
Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here.
Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After
this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really
help you boost up your learning.
Happy learning!!!

1. PLACATE (verb) – श ांत करन

Pronunciation: pluh·keit
Meaning: make someone less angry or hostile
Synonyms: pacify, calm, appease, mollify, soothe, quiet, conciliate, propitiate
Antonyms: provoke, anger
Usage: I tried to placate the sad little boy by giving him a cookie.

2. TRUDGE (verb) – प ांव घसीटन

Pronunciation: truhj
Meaning: move forward slowly because of exhaustion
Synonyms: plod, tramp, plough, slog, footslog, toil, trek
Antonyms: skip, trip
Usage: Even though they are drained of energy, the final marathon walkers manage to
trudge over the finish line.

3. VIGILANCE (noun) – ज गरूकत

Pronunciation: vi·juh·luhns
Meaning: the state of keeping a careful watch for danger
Synonyms: surveillance, alertness, care, attentiveness, caution, wariness, circumspection,
Antonyms: neglect, carelessness, inattentiveness
Usage: Because of my neighbor’s vigilance, the intruder was caught in the act.

4. INCESSANT (adjective) – ननरां तर

Pronunciation: uhn·seh·snt
Meaning: without pause or interruption
Synonyms: ceaseless, unceasing, constant, continual, endless, continuous
Antonyms: intermittent, occasional
Usage: With this incessant rainfall, we might get flooded out.

5. INTERDICT (noun) – प बांदी

Pronunciation: in·tuh·duhkt
Meaning: an authoritative prohibition

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Synonyms: prohibition, ban, proscription, embargo, moratorium, injunction
Antonyms: permission, authorization, consent
Usage: It is casino policy to interdict anyone under the age of twenty-one from entering the
gaming area.

6. TOLERANCE (noun) – सहनशीलत

Pronunciation: to·luh·ruhns
Meaning: ability to withstand problems or discomfort
Synonyms: forbearance, toleration, patience, sufferance, liberality,
magnanimity, understanding
Antonyms: intolerance, bigotry, parochialism
Usage: Human beings have limited tolerance of noise.

7. DEFY (verb) – अवहे लन करन

Pronunciation: duh·fai
Meaning: openly resist or refuse to obey
Synonyms: disobey, flout, resist, disregard, ignore, withstand, confront, face
Antonyms: obey, surrender
Usage: If you defy the law, you may find yourself in prison.

8. INCLINATION (noun) – झुक व

Pronunciation: uhn·kluh·nei·shn
Meaning: tendency or urge to act or feel in a particular way
Synonyms: tendency, propensity, proclivity, leaning, predisposition, disposition,
Antonyms: aversion, disinclination
Usage: A coward’s natural inclination is to walk away from a fight.

9. HOIST (verb) – ऊपर उठ न

Pronunciation: hoyst
Meaning: raise by means of ropes and pulleys
Synonyms: raise, jack up, lift, pull up, upraise, elevate, erect
Antonyms: lower, descent
Usage: We grabbed the flag and began to hoist it up the flagpole.

10. GREGARIOUS (adjective) – सुस म जजक

Pronunciation: gruh·geuh·ree·uhs
Meaning: fond of company
Synonyms: sociable, social, companionable, convivial, clubbable, outgoing, friendly

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Antonyms: unsociable, reserved
Usage: Joe, being gregarious, was always the life of the party.

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