SSS Record Blanks v19
SSS Record Blanks v19
SSS Record Blanks v19
Record Blanks
Designed to be used with the Simply Safe & Suitable Template Food
Control Plan.
There are many ways to keep records. These record blanks are just one way. You do
not need to use these unless you want to.
You may already have your own process for recording and won’t need to make any changes,
so long as you meet the requirements in your plan and you are able to show these to your
There is a list of all the records you will need to keep at the back of this pack.
Some parts of these record blanks, are not required under a Food Control Plan, but can be
useful to have. These are marked with an asterisk (*).
Examples have been provided for most records with blank records for you to use and copy.
Some ideas for other ways you might keep your records:
pest control
photos of photos of
cleaning fridge temps
photos of
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 1
23 Hot smoking to cook your food – 49 Sous vide control sheet
batch records
51 Proving a cooking method for sous vide
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 2
See the ‘Training and
competency’ card in SS&S
Topic (Part of the plan that has been covered) Employee initials Supervisor initials Date
Wash hands
(wash with soap, 20 sec rule, dry TJ GW 12/04/17
thoroughly, know when to wash them)
Separating Food
(raw vs cooked, allergy awareness, TJ GW 12/04/17
managing chemicals)
Cleaning up
(what to clean, when and how) TJ GW 12/04/17
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 3
See the ‘Training and
competency’ card in SS&S
Topic (Part of the plan that has been covered) Employee initials Supervisor initials Date
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 4
See the ‘Protecting food from
Protecting food from contamination by staff contamination by staff’
card in SS&S
– Staff sickness
Name Symptoms* Date Action taken* Checked by
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 5
See the ‘Protecting food from
Protecting food from contamination by staff contamination by staff’
card in SS&S
– Staff sickness
Name Symptoms* Date Action taken* Checked by
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 6
See the
See‘Keeping food cold’
the ‘Keeping food cold’
Keeping Food cold card in SS&S
card in SS&S
°C °C °C °C °C °C °C
1 5°c 4°c 5°c 4°c 3°c 3°c -- 1
°C °C °C °C °C °C °C
2 3°c 3°c 4°c 3°c 3°c 3°c -- 2
°C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C
3 3
°C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C
4 4
°C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C
5 5
°C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C
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°C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C
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°C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C
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°C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C
1 1
°C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C
2 2
°C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C
3 3
°C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C
4 4
°C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C
5 5
°C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C
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°C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C
10 10
°C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C
1 1
°C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C
2 2
°C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C
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°C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C
5 5
°C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C
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10 10
This record is optional to help you or your staff know what is in your food so that you can tell your
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 9
See the ‘Separating food’
card in SS&S
This record is optional to help you or your staff know what is in your food so that you can tell your
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 10
See the ‘Sourcing, receiving &
storing food’ card in SS&S
My approved suppliers
Day to place orders Days to receive delivery Day to place orders Days to receive delivery
Mon Tues Wed Thu Mon Tues Wed Thu Mon Tues Wed Thu Mon Tues Wed Thu
Fri Sat Sun__ Fri Sat Sun__ Fri Sat Sun__ Fri Sat Sun__
Comments Comments
closes at 2pm on
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 11
See the ‘Sourcing, receiving &
storing food’ card in SS&S
My approved suppliers
Phone Phone
Email Email
Address Address
Day to place orders Days to receive delivery Day to place orders Days to receive delivery
Mon Tues Wed Thu Mon Tues Wed Thu Mon Tues Wed Thu Mon Tues Wed Thu
Fri Sat Sun__ Fri Sat Sun__ Fri Sat Sun__ Fri Sat Sun__
Comments Comments
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 12
See the ‘Sourcing, receiving &
storing food’ card in SS&S
Batch number Name and contact Type of food Quantity Temp Checked
/ Lot ID* details of supplier (if applicable) by
fresh chicken
4/4/17 4251708 south farm 5kg 4°c Tony
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 13
See the ‘Sourcing, receiving &
storing food’ card in SS&S
Batch number Name and contact Type of food Quantity Temp Checked
/ Lot ID* details of supplier (if applicable) by
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 14
See the ‘Cooking poultry,
minced meat and chick liver’
Cooking poultry, card in SS&S
Type of check
Temp How
°C long Checked
Date Time* Food
at this by*
a batch
One of
to temp
baked chicken
01/04/17 1:20pm 65°c 15 mins JW
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 15
See the ‘Cooking poultry,
minced meat and chick liver’
Cooking poultry, card in SS&S
Type of check
Temp How
°C long Checked
Date Time * Food
at this by*
a batch
One of
to temp
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 16
See the ‘Proving the method
you use to kill bugs works
Proving the method everytime’ card in SS&S
Standard kombucha ferment, 7 days, 25°C 20L water, 4kg sugar
Date* Checked
Batch Date Finish pH start pH finish
Start by*
Batch Date* Date Finish pH start pH finish
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 17
See the ‘Proving the method
you use to kill bugs works
Proving the method everytime’ card in SS&S
Batch Date*
Batch Date*
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 18
Proving that a time/ See the ‘Proving the method
you use to kill bugs works
temperature cooks everytime’ card in SS&S
Put in pre-heated oven at 220°C for 2 hours intended that the thickest part of the meat
reaches 75°C for 30 secs
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 19
Proving that a time/ See the ‘Proving the method
you use to kill bugs works
temperature cooks everytime’ card in SS&S
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 20
See the ‘Cooling freshly
Cooling freshly cooked food cooked food’ card in SS&S
Time started Temp after an
Date Food item How the food was cooled Temp after 2 hours Checked by
cooling extra 4 hours of
of cooling
15/07/18 Small steak pies x12 Rack at room temp, then chiller 9am TW
19 °C 4 °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 21
See the ‘Cooling freshly
Cooling freshly cooked food cooked food’ card in SS&S
Time started Temp after an
Date Food item How the food was cooled Temp after 2 hours Checked by
cooling extra 4 hours of
of cooling
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 22
See the ‘Using water activity,
acid or hot-smoking to control
Hot smoking to cook your food – batch records bugs’ card in SS&S
Product/Food Type of the batch* Smoke house Time the batch Time batch Food core Further time If Y, what was Checked by*
air temperature started in finished in temp at the needed? done to ensure
smoker smoker end of cooking food was
period Y/N cooked*
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 23
See the ‘Using water activity,
acid or hot-smoking to control
Hot smoking to cook your food – batch records bugs’ card in SS&S
Product/Food Type of the batch* Smoke house Time the batch Time batch Food core Further time If Y, what was Checked by*
air temperature started in finished in temp at the needed? done to ensure
smoker smoker end of cooking food was
period Y/N cooked*
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 24
See the ‘Using water activity,
acid or hot-smoking to control
Time taken for
Date* Food item house Checked by
smoking process
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 25
See the ‘Using water activity,
acid or hot-smoking to control
Time taken for
Date* Food item house Checked by
smoking process
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 26
See the ‘Transporting your
food’ card in SS&S
Transported food
temperature checks
You only need to use this sheet if your food is out of temperature control for more than 4 hours.
Date* Type of food* (taken +4 hrs out Checked by*
of temp control)
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 27
See the ‘Transporting your
food’ card in SS&S
Transported food
temperature checks
You only need to use this sheet if your food is out of temperature control for more than 4 hours.
Date* Type of food* (taken +4 hrs out Checked by*
of temp control)
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 28
See the ‘Selling your
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 29
See the ‘Selling your
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 30
See the ‘Cleaning up’
card in SS&S
Cleaning up
Items and areas to be
Dates/Frequency Method of cleaning* Who cleans it Notes*
cleaned (cleaning task)
Preparation benches after every use clean debris, wipe with new or freshly cleaned all staff
cloth with hot soapy water, dry with paper
towels, apply spray sanitiser
(no rinse)
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 31
See the ‘Cleaning up’
card in SS&S
Cleaning up
Items and areas to be
Dates/Frequency Method of cleaning* Who cleans it Notes*
cleaned (cleaning task)
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 32
Maintaining equipment and facilities record See the ‘Maintaining
equipment and facilities’
card in SS&S
• This includes water supply checks
• When something goes wrong with your equipment / factilities (e.g broken fridges, flooding) use to the ‘When something goes wrong record’
Grease Trap 6 monthly - Greg’s Grease Trap Services Full service and clean out of
Feb and Aug passive grease trap
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 33
Maintaining equipment and facilities record See the ‘Maintaining
equipment and facilities’
card in SS&S
• This includes water supply checks
• When something goes wrong with your equipment / factilities (e.g broken fridges, flooding) use to the ‘When something goes wrong record’
Grease Trap 6 monthly - Greg’s Grease Trap Services Full service and clean out of
Feb and Aug passive grease trap
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 34
See the ‘When something
goes wrong’ card in SS&S
How you kept food safe or made sure no unsafe ore unsuitable food was sold
Moved food to beer fridge
- Checked temp for food: all still at 5°C
- Used most of it today,
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 35
See the ‘When something
goes wrong’ card in SS&S
How you kept food safe or made sure no unsafe ore unsuitable food was sold
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 36
See the ‘Dealing with customer
complaints’ card in SS&S
Customer complaints
Customer name and contact details
Fred Smith
Claims pie made them sick
(The following can also be filled in on the When something goes wrong template)
Cause of the problem
See investigation below. Does not appear to be caused by us
Signed by
Sam Mornings
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 37
See the ‘When something
goes wrong’ card in SS&S
Customer complaints
Customer name and contact details
(The following can also be filled in on the When something goes wrong template)
Cause of the problem
Signed by
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 38
See the ‘Tracing your
food’ card in SS&S
— importing food
Tracing your imported food (this record is required if you are importing food).
Other information
Ying Yang has provided certificates of registration with Shanghai food authority - reg no
The product is transported using a registered food distributor in Shanghai (World Wide Food
Received product specifications from Ying Yang. Cross referenced specs with Food Standards
Code to ensure it meets NZ Standards
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 39
See the ‘Tracing your
food’ card in SS&S
— importing food
Tracing your imported food (this record is required if you are importing food).
Other information
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 40
See the ‘Making sushi with
acidified rice’ card in SS&S
You can also use this record blank for your weekly batch checks if you have proved your method.
pH of Checked pH of Checked
Date Batch/type of rice* rice by Date Batch/type of rice* rice by
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 41
See the ‘Making sushi with
acidified rice’ card in SS&S
You can also use this record blank for your weekly batch checks if you have proved your method.
pH of Checked pH of Checked
Date Batch/type of rice* rice by Date Batch/type of rice* rice by
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 42
See the ‘Making sushi with
acidified rice’ card in SS&S
Use this record blank to prove your method works by checking it with 3 different batches. If you
prove your method, you must still check one batch of acidified rice every week.
Type of rice*
Type of rice*
Type of rice*
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 43
See the ‘Making sushi with
acidified rice’ card in SS&S
Use this record blank to prove your method works by checking it with 3 different batches. If you
prove your method, you must still check one batch of acidified rice every week.
Type of rice*
Type of rice*
Type of rice*
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 44
See the ‘Making Chinese style
roast duck’ card in SS&S
Cooking details
Date* Temperature
Time Time taken Action taken to correct drying if core
started Checked
from drying temperature is greater than 25°C
drying Half- by*
Start area for
way cooking
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 45
See the ‘Making sushi with
acidified rice’ card in SS&S
Cooking details
Date* Temperature
Time Time taken Action taken to correct drying if core
started Checked
from drying temperature is greater than 25°C
drying Half- by*
Start area for
way cooking
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 46
See the ‘Making sushi with
acidified rice’ card in SS&S
Proving a drying
See the ‘Proving the method
method for Chinese you use to kill bugs works
every time’ card in SS&S
style roast duck
Use this record blank to prove your method works by checking it with 3 different batches. If you
prove your method, you must still check one batch of duck every week. These can be recorded
using the ‘Drying methods for Chinese style roast duck’ record blank.
1.75 kg duck. Dip in boiling water with 2 tsp five-spice, 2 tsp sugar, 2 tps salt, 3 tsp
vinegar. Hang duck in cooler part of kitchen for 3 hours. Check temp at start and after
1.5 hrs
Cooking details
Cooking details
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 47
See the ‘Making sushi with
acidified rice’ card in SS&S
Proving a drying
See the ‘Proving the method
method for Chinese you use to kill bugs works
every time’ card in SS&S
style roast duck
Use this record blank to prove your method works by checking it with 3 different batches. If you
prove your method, you must still check one batch of duck every week. These can be recorded
using the ‘Drying methods for Chinese style roast duck’ record blank.
Cooking details
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
Cooking details
°C °C
°C °C
°C °C
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 48
See the ‘Cooking using sous
vide’ card in SS&S
Served immediately*
Time for food to reach
Chilled storage*
food was added
internal temp
Checked by
63 25 62 2 65
24/06/17 Chicken breast n / a EA
°C mins °C hours °C
°C °C °C
°C °C °C
°C °C °C
°C °C °C
°C °C °C
°C °C °C
°C °C °C
°C °C °C
°C °C °C
°C °C °C
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 49
See the ‘Cooking using sous
vide’ card in SS&S
Served immediately*
Time for food to reach
Chilled storage*
food was added
internal temp
Checked by
63 25 62 2 65
24/06/17 Chicken breast n / a EA
°C mins °C hours °C
°C °C °C
°C °C °C
°C °C °C
°C °C °C
°C °C °C
°C °C °C
°C °C °C
°C °C °C
°C °C °C
°C °C °C
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 50
See the ‘Cooking using sous
vide’ card in SS&S
Proving a cooking method for sous vide
Use this record blank to prove your method works by checking it with 3 different batches. If you prove your method, you must still check
one batch of sous vide food every week. (These can be recorded using the ‘Sous vide control sheet’ record blank)
Food item and details (i.e. weight, size, thickness of cut, ingredients etc.):
- 1 chicken breast (200-220g)
- Season with salt and pepper
-Use vacuum bag (small), put chicken breast into bag and seal according to manufacturers instructions.
- Water bath >60°C before bag is immersed
Cooling time
Water bath temp Time for food to
Temp at start of Length of Temp at end of (food cooled Served Checked
Date* before food was reach internal Chilled storage
added temp
holding time holding time holding time and stored for immediately* by
later service
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 51
See the ‘Cooking using sous
vide’ card in SS&S
Proving a cooking method for sous vide
Use this record blank to prove your method works by checking it with 3 different batches. If you prove your method, you must still check
one batch of sous vide food every week. (These can be recorded using the ‘Sous vide control sheet’ record blank)
Food item and details (i.e. weight, size, thickness of cut, ingredients etc.):
Cooling time
Water bath temp Time for food to
Temp at start of Length of Temp at end of (food cooled Served Checked
Date* before food was reach internal Chilled storage
added temp
holding time holding time holding time and stored for immediately* by
later service
1st °C °C °C
2nd °C °C °C
3rd °C °C °C
any items marked with a * are not required by law to record but you may find them useful 52
Record list
If you do the following activities you will need to keep records for them. The list below outlines
which sections require records and what needs to be on them. You can either use the record
blanks in this pack or create your own.
Record list
Transporting you food Temperature your food was transported at (if required)
Selling food to other Business details that you supply food to Date
businesses Products you supply to them Amount supplied
When things go wrong What went wrong Date How you fixed it
Steps to prevent it happening again
How you keep food safe or made sure no unsafe and unsuitable
food was sold
Record list
Tracing your food Any information that shows the food is transported safely
Description of the food (commodity, brand, lot / batch ID etc.)
Any info which allows food to be traced from supplier to importer,
• Doner kebab Temperature of each duck at the time it was hung up to dry and
the time the drying started
• Sous vide
Temperature of the duck half way through drying process and how
you brought temperature down if higher than 25°C.
The time the duck was taken from the drying area to be cooked.
Doner kebab
Food type
Temperature food cooked to
Time food stayed at temperature for
Sous vide
Water bath temperatures before adding food
Time take for the food to reach the selected internal temperature
Length of holding time once the food has reached the selected
Internal temperature of the food at the start and end of holding
Cooling time