Orthoptics: Escola Superior de Tecnologia Da Saúde de Lisboa

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Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa

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Professional Activities and Skills

An Orthoptist identifies, quantifies and qualifies visual and ocular

motility anomalies. He /She defines and applies therapeutic
programs for functional and motor rehabilitation in accordance with
diagnosis. He/She helps improve the visual capacity of severely
amblyopic patients, facilitating their rehabilitation and social
integration, and improving their quality of life.

Orthoptists also conduct complementary anatomophysiological

functional operation exams on the visual structures and do contact
lens adaptation work.

Orthoptists work largely in the therapy field. They have direct

contact with the patient. They must be able to interpret and
integrate information from various sources by crossing theoretical
knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology, and psychosocial
behaviour with therapeutic intervention models.

Orthoptists also work in areas related to diagnosis, therapy,

prevention, health promotion, vision and they also work in areas
related to research, management and education.
Career Opportunities

$ Public or private hospital units

$ Private health centres / Associations
$ Private clinics
$ Educational establishments (health services)
$ Industrial establishments (work medicine)
$ Sports centres
$ Specialised re-education establishments
$ Private practice
$ Health centres
$ Private social aid institutions
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Course Coordination: Ilda Poças

Bachelor Degree
1 st Semester 1 st YEAR 1 st Semester 3 rd YEAR
Curricular Units Department ECTS Curricular Units Department ECTS

Anatomophysiology I HS 5 Project I STFATI 4

Epidemiology HS 5 Seminars STFATI 4
Introduction to Psychology SHS 3 Methods of Subvision Rehabilitation STFATI 4
Human Biology NES 4 Screening and Ergo-ophthalmology STFATI 3
Applied Physics NES 4 Health Education SHS 3
Data Processing Methods and Information I NES 4 Internship I STFATI 12
Professional Integration Seminar STFATI 5

2 nd Semester 2 nd Semester

Curricular Units Department ECTS Curricular Units Department ECTS

Anatomophysiology II HS 5 Project II STFATI 4

Pathology I HS 5 Internship II STFATI 26
Sociology of Organisations SHS 3
Biochemistry NES 4
Biophysics NES 4
Data Processing Methods and Information II NES 4
Vision and Ocular Motility STFATI 5 Licentiate Degree

1 st Semester 2 nd YEAR 1 st Semester 4 th YEAR

Curricular Units Department ECTS Curricular Units Department ECTS

Pathology II HS 4 Physiological and Psychophysical Optics of Vision STFATI 5

Healthcare HS 3 Visual Deficiency and Rehabilitation STFATI 5
Ophthalmology I HS 4 Applied Research into Orthoptics I STFATI 5
Sociology of Professions SHS 4 Neurophysiology of Vision STFATI 4
Optometry I STFATI 5 Sociology of Health SHS 3
Orthoptics I STFATI 5 Biostatistics Complements NES 4
Complementary Diagnosis Techniques I STFATI 5 Processing Physiological Signs NES 4

2 nd Semester 2 nd Semester

Curricular Units Department ECTS Curricular Units Department ECTS

Ophthalmology II HS 4 Ergo-ophthalmology STFATI 4

Social Psychology SHS 4 Ocular Motivity STFATI 5
Orthoptics II STFATI 4 Electrophysiological Methods STFATI 5
Optometry II STFATI 5 Applied Research into Orthoptics II STFATI 5
Methods and Techniques in Perimetry STFATI 5 Community Health HS 4
Methods and Techniques in Contactology STFATI 4 Neurophysiology of Vision II STFATI 4
Complementary Diagnosis Techniques II STFATI 4 Psychology of Health SHS 3

STFATI - Sciences and Technologies of Functional Assessment and Therapeutic Intervention NES - Natural and Exact Sciences HS - Health Sciences SHS - Social and Human Sciences
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Curricular Units - 1 Year

Curricular Unit Anatomophysiology I Year 1 Curricular Unit Epidemiology Year 1

Course ORT Semester 1 Course ORT Semester 1

Workload in hours 4 Theoretical-practical ECTS 5 Workload in hours 3 Theoretical-practical ECTS 5

Person responsible for the curricular unit Person responsible for the curricular unit
Rita Santos / Duarte Martelo Madalena Cabeçadas

Aims Aims

To familiarize students with the basic morphology and physiology. To introduce principles and methods of epidemiologic investigation.

Program Program
The body as a whole: anatomy and physiology; organization (plans and cavities); Introduction (definition; epidemiology and clinical medicine).
structural units (cells, tissues, organs, systems)
Measures of disease frequency (incidence and prevalence; computation and
Tegument (skin, hair, nails, glands structure and function). interpretation).
Skeletal system: types of bone; bone histology; bone development; the human
skeleton. Measures of mortality (crude all-cause mortality rate; category-specific mortality
rate; proportionate mortality; case-fatality rate computation and
Muscular system: skeletal muscle, smooth muscle and cardiac muscle; general interpretation).
Types of epidemiologic studies (descriptive studies; cohort and case control
Joints and body movement biomechanics studies; intervention studies basic design).
Nervous system: functional organization; central nervous system; peripheral
nervous system and autonomic nervous system. Measures of association (relative risk; attributable risk; odds ratio computation
and interpretation).
Fluids and electrolytes
Interpretation of the results (association vs. causation; chance, bias and
Blood (plasma and blood cells; coagulation; blood groups). confounding).
Cardio-Circulatory System (heart, arteries, veins).
Assessing the validity of diagnostic and screening tests (sensitivity and
Respiratory system (air-ways, lungs, respiratory physiology). specificity; positive and negative predictive values computation and
Lymphatic system (components and functions; immune response)
Endocrine system Screening (natural history of disease and levels of prevention; primary, secondary
and tertiary prevention).
Digestive system (anatomy: Digestive tract motions: swallowing; peristalsis;
defecation. Digestion: digestive enzymes. Absorption. Nutritional and metabolic Health indicators (concept; types; data sources; analysis of several health
needs). indicators Portugal vs European Union).
Urinary system (kidneys, Ureter, Bladder, Urethra).
Reproductive system: male reproductive system; female reproductive system.
Beaglhehole R, Bonita R, Kjellström T. Basic Epidemiology. Geneve: World
Bibliography Health Organization, 1993.
Mausner, JS. Introdução à Epidemiologia. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste
Seeley, Stephens, Tate. Anatomia e Fisiologia. 6ª ed. McGraw-Hill, 2003.
Gulbenkian, 1990.
Evaluation assessment
Evaluation assessment
2 periodic examinations (mid-term and final) or 1 final examination
2 periodic examinations (mid-term and final) or 1 final examination
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Curricular Unit Introduction to Psychology Year 1 Curricular Unit Human Biology Year 1

Course ORT Semester 1 Course ORT Semester 1

Workload in hours 4 Theoretical-practical ECTS 3 Workload in hours 3 Theoretical-practical ECTS 4

Person responsible for the curricular unit Person responsible for the curricular unit
Teresa Guimarães Helena Soares

Aims Aims
Understand the person in a developmental and motivational perspective To have the concept of the structural and functional complexity of both
in the health context. eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
Program To understand how cells interact to organize tissues and organs
Psychology in Health Professions
Health and Psychology Program
Health models : Medical, biopsychosocial and holist
New determinants of health Introduction To Molecular Biology Of The Cell
Implications of the new models of health for health professions
Humanism in health Study Of The Cells: Organization Of Subcellular Structure And Function
Principles of humanism and holism The prokaryotic cell
Humanistic theories and their implications in health The eukaryotic cell
Rogers's self concept - Membrane structure and function
Mallow's holistic perspective - Cell junctions, Cell adhesion and the extracellular matrix
Ethics - The cytoskeleton
Concepts of ethics and bioethics - The Endoplasmic reticulum
Application of ethical principles in health - The Golgi apparatus
Human Behaviour - Transport from the Golgi apparatus to the cell surface
Application of behaviour models in nuclear medicine: conditioning and social - The Molecular mechanisms of vesicular transport and maintenance of
learning compartmental diversity
Developmental Psychology - Lysosomes
Childhood, adolescence, adulthood and elderly - Peroxisomas
Developmental comprehension of illness and visual impairment - The Mitochondrion
Implications of visual impairment in child development - The genomes of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
- The cell nucleus
Beauchamp, T. & Childress, J. (1994). Principles of biomedical ethics. New York:
Oxford University Press.
Bee, H. L. (1996). The Journey of adulthood. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Bibliography
Malim, T. & Birch, A. (1998). Introductory Psychology. London: MacMillan Press.
THE CELL” (2002) Alberts, B., Bray, D., Lewis, Raff, M., Roberts, K. e Watson,
Martínez, C. (1990). La comprensión infantil de la enfermedad: un estudio
evolutivo. Madrid: Anthropos Editorial del Hombre. J.D., 4th. Ed., Garland Publishing, Inc.,CA, USA
Palmonari, A.(1987). Notes sur l'adolescence. Cousset, Del Val.
Sarafino, E. (1997). Health psychology: Biopsychosocial interactions. New York: John "MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY" (2005) Lodish, H., Baltimore, D., Berk, A. and
Wiley & Sons. Darnell, J. Scientific American Book, Freeman and Company NY
Williams Jr., R. B. & Gentry, W. D. (eds.) (1985). Behavioral approaches to medical
treatment. Bellinger Publishing Company.
Evaluation assessment
Evaluation assessment
Written exam
Test Examination and Group Paper
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Curricular Unit Applied Physics Data Processing Methods

Year 1 Curricular Unit Year 1
and Information I
Course ORT Semester 1 Course ORT Semester 1

3 Theoretical-practical ECTS 2 Theoretical-practical ECTS

Workload in hours 4 Workload in hours 4
and 2 Pratical

Person responsible for the curricular unit Person responsible for the curricular unit
Nuno Machado Gilda Cunha

Aims Aims
To give the Fundamentals of physics and biophysics of Health technologies used. With this curricular unity, the students should be able to: 1) collect data in proper way
2) organize and summarize data 3) analyzed and interpret data 4) use a statistical
Program software - SPSS
Fundamentals of mathematics
Fundamentals of metrology Introduction to statistical analysis.
Some basic concepts, measurement and measurement scales, computers and
The three states of matter statistical analysis.
Fluids. Static and dynamic of fluids Descriptive statistics.
Ideal and real gases. Vapour pressure. Ordered array, frequency distribution for simple and group data , measures of
Liquids. Vaporization heat. Surface tension. Diffusion. Osmotic. central tendency, dispersion, asymmetry and kurtosis, outliers identification
and classification, correlation and association, simple linear regression
Solids. Cristaline structure. Mechanical properties. Thermal expansion.
Probability Distributions.
Sound waves. Ultrassound in medicine.
Elementary properties of probability, calculation the probability of an event,
conditional probability, Bayes Theorem, screening tests.
Electromagnetic waves. Principles of angiography.
Probability Distributions of discrete variables: Binomial, Poisson,
Statistical Software SPSS

Daniel, W., Biostatistics A Foundation for Analysis in the Health Sciences, 7th ed,
John Wiley and Sons, 1999.
Maroco, João, Análise Estatística com utilização do SPSS, Edições Sílabo 2003 .
Bibliography Murteira, Bento; Ribeiro, Carlos S. Andrade e Silva; Pimenta, Carlos, Introdução à
CROMER, A.H. Physics for the Life Sciences. 2ª edição, McGraw-Hill, 1994. Estatística, Mc Graw Hill.
Pestana, Dinis; Velosa, Sílvio, Introdução à Probabilidade e à Estatística, Vol 1
SERWAY, et al Physics for scientists and engineers. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkien, 2002.
IBEAS, J. G. Introduccion a la Fisica y Biofisica. Editorial Alhambra, 1974. ISBN 84- Pestana, Maria Helena; Gageiro, João Nunes, Análise de Dados para Ciências Sociais
205-0481-5. A complementaridade do SPSS, 3ª Edição Revista e aumentada. Edições Sílabo,
Silvestre, Luís António, Análise de Dados. Estatística descritiva, Editora Vulgata.

Evaluation assessment
Evaluation assessment
2 written tests, 35% on the first and 65% in the second. 60% written test plus 40% practical evaluation through exercises resolution
or final exam.
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Professional Integration
Curricular Unit Year 1 Curricular Unit Anatomophysiology II Year 1
Course ORT Semester 1 Course ORT Semester 2

Workload in hours 4 Theoretical-practical ECTS 5 Workload in hours 4 Theoretical-practical ECTS 5

Person responsible for the curricular unit Person responsible for the curricular unit
Ilda Poças/Manuel Oliveira Tiago Monteiro / Jorge Vilela

Aims Aims
To motivate the students for the professional goals in Orthoptic;
To train the skills required for their integration in the profession; To provide students with an in-depth understanding of pharmacy-related
To work up their first research project in Orthoptic. anatomical and physiological issues.

Theoretical module: Program
Characterization of the university level studies;
Joints and body movement biomechanics
The scientific organisation in ESTeSL;
What characterises a profession Muscular system: skeletal muscle, smooth muscle and cardiac muscle; general
The history and development of Orthoptic, a balance and tendencies for its myology.
development; Nervous system: functional organization; central nervous system; peripheral
Orthoptic how and where can we learn? nervous system and autonomic nervous system.
The profile of a professional: within his/hers scope and competencies defined in Senses: vision (internal and external structures; physiology); audition (outer,
law; middle and inner ear; physiology hearing and balance); smell and taste.
Professional Organisations: trade unions;
Ethics and deontology in Orthoptic;
The exercise of Orthoptic in the public or in the private sector.

Practical module:
The relationship of Orthoptist and other Health professions;
Characterisation of the standards demanded for the exercise and teaching in UE;
Working up a scientific paper, according to the American Psychological
Association (2001).

BIREAUD, A., Os Métodos Pedagógicos no Ensino Superior, 1st Ed, Porto, Porto Bibliography
Editora, 1995.
Esperança Pina, JÁ. Anatomia Humana da Locomoção. Lisboa: Lidel, 1995
FARIA, A.L., Antecedentes Históricos das Instituições de Ensino da Tecnologia da
Saúde e Fromação dos Profissionais. Texto não publicado, Lisboa, Escola Superior de Seeley, Stephens, Tate. Anatomia e Fisiologia. 6ª ed. McGraw-Hill, 2003.
Tecnologia de saúde de Lisboa, Conselho Científico, Lisboa, 1995.

Evaluation assessment
A written paper by each student (TI), concerning one of the themes in study
(max.10 pages) Evaluation assessment
A Poster made as work team (no more than 5 students) and its oral presentation (P)
Final Evaluation(CF) CF= P(50%) + TI (40%) + presence and interest (10%) 2 periodic examinations (mid-term and final) or 1 final examination
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Curricular Unit Pathology I Year 1 Curricular Unit Sociology of Organizations Year 1

Course ORT Semester 2 Course ORT Semester 2

Workload in hours 4 Theoretical-practical ECTS 5 Workload in hours 3 Theoretical-practical ECTS 3

Person responsible for the curricular unit Person responsible for the curricular unit
Augusto Filipe Hélder Raposo

Aims Aims

To achieve knowledge about general and systemic pathology of human body This course intends to provide theoretical and empirical instruments that allow
the student:
concerning diseases pathogenesis, pathology and clinical features. To understand and to develop the bases of scientific culture.
To understand the basic mechanisms of sociological inquiry.
To analyse the social organization and the impact of social change in Portugal
Cellular pathology. and Europe in the past decades.
Inflammation. To analyse health organizations.
Neoplasia .
Hemodynamic disorders Sociology
Program and Social Organization
Genetic diseases and disorders of growth. differentiation and morphogenesis. Features of scientific knowledge in the Social Sciences. Reality and knowledge.
Cardiovascular system The subject, concepts and purposes of sociological inquiry: main themes.
Respiratory system. Social systems and social agents.
Blood and lymphatic system. Social diversity. Social Class in the contemporary world. Social Integration and
Gastrointestinal system. exclusion.
Social change in context. The Portuguese society and its re-composing in the
Liver, biliary system and exocrine pancreas.
past decades.
Kidneys and urinary tract. Health Organizations
Male and female reproductive system. Features and characteristics of organizations. Social and scientific division of
Breast. labour.
Endocrine system. Power(s) and strategic relations in organizational context.
Skin. Total Institutions.
Bones and joints. Sociological distinctiveness of health organizations.
Nervous system
ALMEIDA, J. F. (1994), Introdução à Sociologia, Lisbon, Universidade Aberta.
Bibliography Bibliography
BERNOUX, P. (1995), A Sociologia das Organizações, Oporto, Rés.
CARAPINHEIRO, G. (1993), Saberes e Poderes no Hospital, Oporto, Afrontamento.
Damjanov, I Pathology for the Health related professions Ed. W B Saunders
CROZIER, M., FRIEDBERG, E. (1977), L' Acteur et le Système, Paris, Seuil.
Company, 2000.
GIDDENS, A. (1997), Sociology, Cambridge, Polity Press.
Kumar, Cotran e Robbins Basic Pathology Ed. W B Saunders Company, 2004. GOFFMAN, E. (1961), Asylums. Essays on the social situation of mental patients and
other inmates, New York, Doubleday Anchor.
Silveira Sérgio, J. ; Coutinho, Isabel; Marques, Sandra- Fundamentos de Patologia VIEGAS, J. M., COSTA, A. F. (eds.) (1998), Portugal, que Modernidade?, Oeiras,
para Técnicos de Saúde Ed. Luso Ciência, 2002. Celta.
Underwood, J C E General and Systemic Pathology, 4ª edição,- Ed. Churchill
Livingstone, 2004.
The student can choose between two options.
Evaluation assessment Either optionassessment
a): One test examination - 60% of the term grade and One group
paper - 40% of the term grade
2 periodic written tests (mid-term and final) or 1 final examination Or option b): One test examination - 100% of the term grade
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Curricular Unit Biochemistry Year 1 Curricular Unit Biophysics Year 1

Course ORT Semester 2 Course ORT Semester 2

Workload in hours 4 Theoretical-practical ECTS 4 Workload in hours 3 Theoretical-practical ECTS 4

Person responsible for the curricular unit Person responsible for the curricular unit
Luísa Veiga Nuno Machado

To give the Fundamentals of physics and biophysics of Optics.
Introduce the student to the basic principles of Structural Biochemistry and to
Metabolism. Students should be able to identify any of the major biomolecules and
discuss metabolic pathways. Students are expected to interpret data and to present it
graphically as well as to discuss critically scientific data.


Carbon chemistry Geometric
Principal biomolecules Program Optics.
Nucleic acids Biophysic model of the eye. Color vision.
Proteins Diffraction. Holography.
- Amino acids
- Proteins structure and function Digital Image.
Introduction to enzymology
- Enzyme kinetics.
- Enzyme inhibition
- Simple and complex glycids
- Structure and function.
- Lipid metabolism
Hormones and neurotransmitters
Introduction to metabolism CROMER, A.H. Physics for the Life Sciences. 2ª edição, McGraw-Hill, 1994.
- Anabolism and catabolism SERWAY, et al Physics for scientists and engineers.
- Glycid metabolism
- Intermediate metabolism IBEAS, J. G. Introduccion a la Fisica y Biofisica. Editorial Alhambra, 1974. ISBN 84-
D. Voet and J. Voet (2004). “Biochemistry”. 3rd Ed. John Wiley and Sons. New
York. USA.
Nelson D.L. & Cox M.M (2000) Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 3rd edition,
Worth Publishers, New York, T.
Devlin (2002) Textbook of Biochemistry with clinical correlations, 5th edition, John Evaluation assessment
Wiley and Sons. New York. USA.
2 written tests, 40% on the first and 60% in the second.
Evaluation assessment

Individual two written tests.

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Data Processing Methods

Curricular Unit Year 1 Curricular Unit Vision and Ocular Motility Year 1
and Information II
Course ORT Semester 2 Course ORT Semester 2
2 Theoretical-practical ECTS 4 Theoretical-practical
Workload in hours 4 Workload in hours ECTS 5
and 2 pratical and 2 Pratical

Person responsible for the curricular unit Person responsible for the curricular unit
Gilda Cunha Ilda Poças / Manuel de Oliveira
To study the different stages of philogenetic and ontogenetic in the visual system
The objectives of this curricular unity are twofold: 1) to teach the student how he
To identify functions of extrínsic muscles and relationship with its innervation
can obtain the information (data), how it is analyzed and how it is interpreted; 2)
To describe anatomo-physiology of binocular single vision
to teach the student to organize and summarize data; 3) to teach the student how
To identify abnormalities of binocular function
to reach decisions about a large amount of data by examining only a small part of
To differentiate different visual acuity tests
the data. This curricular unity contains a greater emphasis on computer
To identify different oculo-motor abnormalities
applications, namely SPSS.
Be knowledgeable with equipment used in orthoptic diagnosis
Probability Distributions Program
Continuous Probability Distributions: Normal Distribution, t Distribution, Chi- Theoretical teaching:
Sensorial -motor ocular physiology
Square Distribution, F Distribution.
Ocular motility and it's functions
Satistical Inference The efferent system of the ocular motility ( Sistema efector da motilidade)
Some Important Sampling Distributions. Extra - ocular muscles functions
Clinical classification and investigation of ocular muscles
- Distributions of the: Sample Means, Difference Between Two sample Means,
Normal and abnormal binocular single vision
Sample Proportion, Difference Between Two Sample Proportions, Sample Visual Acuity
Variance of a Normally Distributed Population and Ratio of the Sample Clinical Orthoptics Methods and its tecnology
Variances of Two Normally Distributed Populations. Clinical anamnesis
Estimation: Point Estimation; Confidence Interval for: a Population Mean, the Classification and clinical features of ocular deviations (heteroforias e
Difference Between Two Population Means, a Population Proportion, the heterotropias)
Difference Between Two Population Proportions, the Variance… Practical teaching:
Practice and clinical simulation
Hypothesis Testing. The use of various methods to determine visual acuity
- Some Parametric Tests. Study of ocular movements
- Nonparametric Tests: The Chi-Square Test, The Kolmogorov-Smirnov and the How to do diagnostic tests Practice
The use of orthoptic equipment
Shapiro-Wilk Goodness-of-feet Tests.
Statistical Software SPSS Bibliography
Bibliography APIS, David (2000) Estrabimos , México, Editorial Auroch,S. A . de C.V.
BESNARD, M.J.(1978) Orthoptie Pratique, 2ª ed.,Paris, Doin,Editeurs
Daniel, W., Biostatistics A Foundation for Analysis in the Health Sciences, 7th ed, DIAS, Carlos - Estrabismos
John Wiley and Sons, 1999. EDWARDS, K. e LLEWELLYN R. (1993) Optometria, Barcelona, Masson, S.A.
Maroco, João, Análise Estatística com utilização do SPSS, Edições Sílabo 2003 . HUGONNIER, R. & S. (1981) Strabismes, Hétérophories, Paralisies Oculo-motrices, 4ª
Murteira, Bento; Ribeiro, Carlos S. Andrade e Silva; Pimenta, Carlos, Introdução à ed., Masson, Paris
Estatística, Mc Graw Hill. JEANROT, N. e JEANROT, F. (1994) Manual de Estrabologia Prática aspectos clínicos y
Pestana, Dinis; Velosa, Sílvio, Introdução à Probabilidade e à Estatística, Vol 1 terapêuticos, Masson,S.A., Barcelona
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkien, 2002. SCHEIMAN, M. e WICK, B.(1994) Clinical Management of Binocular Vision, J.B.
Pestana, Maria Helena; Gageiro, João Nunes, Análise de Dados para Ciências Sociais Liphincott Company, Philadelphia
A complementaridade do SPSS, 3ª Edição Revista e aumentada. Edições Sílabo, VAN NOORDEN, G.K. (1996) Binocular Vision and Ocular Motility, 5ª ed., Mosby,
New York
Evaluation assessment
Evaluation assessment
60% written test plus 40% practical evaluation through exercises resolution
or final exam. 2 periodic examinations (mid-term and final) or 1 final examination
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Curricular Units - 2 Year

Curricular Unit Pathology II Year 2 Curricular Unit Health Care Year 2

Course ORT Semester 1 Course ORT Semester 1

4 Theoretical-practical ECTS 2 Theoretical-practical ECTS

Workload in hours 4 Workload in hours 3
and 1 Pratical

Person responsible for the curricular unit Person responsible for the curricular unit
Helena Prior Filipe Margarida Fázio

Aims Aims
To make a scope of the different diseases that the professional must dealing with. To familiarize students with the Portuguese health system and to provide
hands-on experience in first aid techniques.


Program Health system organization Portuguese National Health System (development

Ophthalmologic pathology of health care models)
Systemic pathology with ophthalmologic repercussion Health and safety at work (risk: concept and prevention)
Drugs and pharmacotherapy (formulations; methods of administration;
How to approach a patient in an urgent/emergent status (main parameters of
observation and monitoring; victim transport)
Basic life support (theoretical framing and training of cardiopulmonary
resuscitation techniques)
Pathogenesis, clinical parameters, intervention and referral criteria of some
specific disorders:
Allergic reactions
Panic attacks
Infection (mechanisms and aseptic techniques).

KRITZINGER, WRIGHT (1984): A colour atlas of the eye and systemic Disease. Wolfe Manual de Socorrismo da Cruz Vermelha. Porto: Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa,
LOPEZ, FM, HONRUBIA (2002): Oftalmologia Geral.
PALAY, DA, KRACHMER, JH (1997):Principios básicos de oftalmologia. Mosby Year Cross C. Primeiros socorros. Lisboa: Texto Editores, 1998

Evaluation assessment
Evaluation assessment
Two time tests (descriptive) On-going assessment and 1 written examination (final)
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Curricular Unit Ophtalmology I Year 2 Curricular Unit Sociology of Professions Year 2

Course ORT Semester 1 Course ORT Semester 1

4 Theoretical-practical ECTS
Workload in hours 4 Workload in hours 3 Theoretical-practical ECTS 4
and 2 Pratical
Person responsible for the curricular unit
Person responsible for the curricular unit
David Tavares
José Luis Dória; João Miguel Deus

Aims This course intends to provide theoretical and empirical instruments that allow
the student:
Constitution of the Visual System.
Ophtalmological Pathology. To further develop the basic principles of sociological analysis.
To broadly identify the central issues within the scope of the Sociology of
To initiate and widen the reflection on the social phenomena and processes
involving the socio-professional groups in Health.
Program To gain a general knowledge of the sociological profile of the socio-
Anatomy and Physiology of the Visual System professional groups in the health technologies, and specifically to the
nuclear medicine professionals.
The examination of the eye: technical equipment and methods of physical
Sociology of Professions: central issues
Ophtalmological Semeiology Notions of occupation, profession and socio-professional group. Specific
features of professions.
Ophtalmological Pathology Professionalization processes.
Eyelids Legitimacy mechanisms of professional power(s).
Lacrimal Apparatus Analysis of the social processes involving health professions
Motility of the eyes Socialization and professional identity construction.
Conjunctiva Social division of labour in health context. The medical dominance.
Cornea Strategies and trials of the socio-professional groups within the occupational
Sclera field of health.
Lens Features and perspectives of evolution of the socio-professional groups within
Uveal Tract (anterior) the health technologies.
ABBOTT, P., WALLACE, C. (1990), Sociology of Caring Professions, London, Falmer
Bibliography CARAPINHEIRO, G. (1994), Saberes e Poderes no Hospital, Oporto, Afrontamento.
NEWELL, FRANK W. Ophtalmology, Principles and Concepts DUBAR, C. (1991), La Socialization construction des identités sociales et
professionnelles, Armand Colin.
VAUGHAN, D., ASBURY, T. General Ophtalmology FREIDSON, E. (1968), Professional Powers. A study of the institutionalization of
MILLER, S. Parson's Diseases of the Eye formal knowledge, London, The University of Chicago Press.
HUGMAN, R. (1991), Power in Caring Professions, London, Mc Millan.
WOLFRITCH, MUOLI G. Méthodes Actuelles D'Investigation en Ophtalmologie JOHNSON, T., LARKIN, G., SAKS, M. (1995), Health Professions and the State in
Europe, London, Routledge.
RODRIGUES, M. L. (1997), Sociologia das Profissões, Oeiras, Celta.
Evaluation assessment
Evaluation assessment
One individual paper - 50% of the term grade
Two time tests (descriptive) One group paper - 40% of the term grade
Participation and discussion in-class - 10% of the term grade
>> 166

Curricular Unit Optometry I Year 2 Curricular Unit Orthoptics I Year 2

Course ORT Semester 1 Course ORT Semester 1

2 Theoretical-practical ECTS 4 Theoretical-practical
Workload in hours 5 Workload in hours ECTS 5
and 2 Pratical and 2 Pratical
Person responsible for the curricular unit
Person responsible for the curricular unit
Ilda Maria Poças/Manuel de Oliveira
Luís Mendanha Dias
Aims To attain skills in the clinical study of motor and sensory anomalies pursuing a correct diagnosis in all
cases where orthoptics might be involved.
To know the Fundamentals of Physical Optic and of Physiological Optic. To develop capacity for evaluation of problems of ocular motility, monocular and binocular vision
Identify the refractive anomalies of the global ocular. and associated disturbances.
To know the methods of the subjective exploration of the refraction.
Identify the methods that lead to the compensation of the ametropias, knowing its Program
application limits. Theoretical/ Practical teaching
Accommodation and convergence - Methods for measuring accommodation; Components and
mechanisms of convergence; AC/A ratio and its different methods of measurements; How
Program AC/A ration is affected by refractive errors: drugs, glasses and surgery.
Theoretical-Practical Teaching Anomalies of accommodation, convergence and divergence - Aetiology, classification and
clinical features; Treatment of accommodative anomalies: spasm, insufficiency, fatigue and
Physical Optic:Study of the light refraction in the different surfaces, prisms and its paralysis; Aetiology, classification and clinical features. of accommodation; Treatment of
calculation, lens and images, optical systems and construction of images. convergence anomalies: spasm, insufficiency, fatigue and paralysis; Aetiology, classification,
Physiological Optic: Study of the optical system of the eye, schematic and reduced clinical features and treatment of divergence anomalies.
eye, physiological optic defaults. Amblyopias - Aetiology, with special emphasis to the more updated theories; Principles of
Clinical Anomalies: Study and characterization of the different ametropias and investigation and differential diagnosis of the various tips; Prevention and follow-up of
other anomalies, such as: hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism, aphakia, amblyopia; Treatment: indication, prognoses, penalization, occlusion, sectors; Safety cautions
accommodation, presbyopia, anisometropy and aniseikonia. for the treatment.
Eccentric Fixation. - Eccentric Fixation theories; Classification and characterization;
Clinical Investigation: Study of the visual acuity, objective methods of the Treatments objectives.
refraction. Pseudo-strabismus - etiology and diagnosis
Practical Teaching Strabismus Classification - Aetiology, classification, diagnosis and treatment of different types
of heterophoria and convergence insufficiency; Aetiology, classification, diagnosis and
Practical Optometric: Demonstration and application of the theoretical concepts
treatment of the different types of concomitants heterotopias (convergence and divergent
described in points 3 and 4. squints).
Syinoptophore - as a diagnostic tool in oculomotor anomalies in the framework of the study of
Bibliography sensory and motor dysfunctions and in the treatment of binocular vision anomalies
Clinical history
EDWARDS, K., LLEWELLYN, R. (1993). Optometría. Barcelona: Masson-Salvat. Practical Teaching
HECHT, E. (1991). Óptica. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Practical teaching is carried out within a laboratorial setting, being in agreement with the
ARTIGAS, J. M., CAPILLA, P., FELIPE, A., PUJOL, J. (1995). Optica Fisiologica - syllabus and taking into consideration its more relevant contents.
Psicofísica de la visión. Madrid: Interamericana McGraw-Hill,. Development of the syllabus must be pursued in a coherent and logical way.
COTTER, S. A. (1995).Clinical Uses of Prism. St. Louis: Mosby.
DUKE-ELDER'S (1997). Refracção Prática. 10ª ed. Rio Janeiro: Rio Med Livros.
PEDROTTI, L. S., PEDROTTI, F. L. (1998). Optics and Vision. New Jersey: Prentice Bibliography
Hall. Hugonnier, R. & S. (1981), Strabismes, Heterophories, Paralisies Oculo-motrices, 4ª ed., Masson SA,
Van Noorden, G. K. (1996), Binocular Vision an Ocular Motility, 5ª ed., Mosby, New York
Evaluation assessment Lang, j. (1981), Strabismes Diagnostic, Formes Cliniques, Traitement, Maloine SA Editeur, Paris
Edwards K. e Llewellyn, R. (1993), Optometria, , Masson SA, Barcelona
Methodology of the evaluation of the theoretical-practical teaching: Individual Besnard, M. J. (1978),Orthoptie Pratique, Doin, Editeurs, Paris
written tests without subject elimination (two) and evaluation of the Professor in Spielmann, A. (1991), Les Strabismes de l'analyse clinique a la synthèse chirurgical, 2ª ed., Masson
relation to the student in what concerns his/her interest and his/her participation in SA, Paris
the course of the classes. Jeanrot, N. e Jeanrot, F. (1994), Manuel de Estrabología practica aspectos clinicos y terapeuticos,
Masson SA, Paris
Methodology of the practical teaching evaluation:Individual written tests without Lyle, T.K. e Wybar, K. C. (1967), Practical Orthoptics in the Treatment of Squint (and other
subject elimination (two) and evaluation of the Professor in relation to the student in anomalies of binocular vision), 5ª ed. H.K. Lewis & Co. Ltd., London
what concerns his/her interest and his/her participation in the course of the classes.
Calculation of the final evaluation:Theoretical-Practical = (1st test X 0.4) + (2nd test X Evaluation assessment
0.5) + (professor evaluation X 0.1);Practical = (1st test X 0.4) + (2nd test X 0.5) + Methodology of the evaluation of the theoretical-practical teaching: Individual written tests without
(professor evaluation X 0.1); Final = (theoretical-practical X 0.5) + (Practical X 0.5) subject elimination (two).
Methodology of the practical teaching evaluation:Continuous evaluation.
>> 167

Complementary Diagnosis
Curricular Unit Year 2 Curricular Unit Ophtalmology II Year 2
Techniques I
Course ORT Semester 1 Course ORT Semester 2
2 Theoretical-practical ECTS 4 Theoretical-practical
Workload in hours 5 Workload in hours ECTS 4
and 2 Pratical and 2 Pratical
Person responsible for the curricular unit
Person responsible for the curricular unit
José Luis Dória; João Miguel Deus
Helena Vasco
Aims Ophtalmological Pathology.
To learn and apply the basic principles of Ophthalmic Photography.

Ophtalmological Pathology
Uveal Tract (posterior)
Anatomic and physiologic review of the eye, focusing on retinal blood supply.
Anterior Segment Photography.
Simple and monochromatic fundus photography.
Fluorescein angiography.
Visual Psychology
Indocianine green angiography.
Related pharmacology and pathology.
Ocular Oncology
Congenital Diseases
Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Diseases
Injuries to the eye
Operations into the eyeball

AMRESH, Fundus Fluorescein Angiography, Butterworth Heinemann, 1996.
NANJIANI, Fluorescein Angiography Technique, Interpretation and Application, Bibliography
Oxford University Press, 1991. NEWELL, FRANK W. Ophtalmology, Principles and Concepts
VAUGHAN, D., ASBURY, T. General Ophtalmology
MILLER, S. Parson's Diseases of the Eye
WOLFRITCH, MUOLI G. Méthodes Actuelles D'Investigation en Ophtalmologie
Evaluation assessment
2 periodic examinations (mid-term and final)

Evaluation assessment
Two time tests (descriptive).
>> 168

Curricular Unit Social Psychology Year 2 Curricular Unit Orthoptics II Year 2

Course ORT Semester 2 Course ORT Semester 2

3 Theoretical-practical ECTS 4 Theoretical-practical ECTS

Workload in hours 4 Workload in hours 4
and 2 Pratical
Person responsible for the curricular unit
Person responsible for the curricular unit
Teresa Guimarães
Ilda Maria Poças / Manuel de Oliveira
Understand the psychosocial impact of illness and the relevance of
To allow for a more in-depth understanding of oculo-motor functions, its ocular
communication and social interaction in health care. Improve communication alterations and subsequent anomalies.
skills in health context. To reach a good level of know-how in orthoptic research and orthoptic diagnosis, in
recognizing clinical features pertaining to ophthalmologic conditions which might
Program involve an orthoptic component.
Introduction to Social Psychology To develop skills enabling an evaluation of different motor disorders in order to set up
Social Psychology and health an adequate therapeutic and follow-up program.
The psychosocial impact of illness To develop awareness of the importance of appropriate registration in all and every
patient's records as well as that of carefully preparing an orthoptic report fitting each
Health, illness and quality of life; The impact of illness on the family clinical case
Communication and social interaction To ensure maintenance, good functioning conditions and quality control of all
The communication process; The human communication: interaction and technical equipment.
Interpersonal communication in health Program
Theoretical/ Practical teaching
Health professionals relationships and interaction; Communicating with
Ethiology, classification and study of Incomitant Heterotropia:
patients and their families in Nuclear Medicine services
Diagnosis of all types of incomitant squint
The health care teams
Differential diagnosis between congenital and acquired strabismus
Teamwork and efficacy; Interaction and group dynamic; Leadership and its Differential diagnosis between neurological and mechanical conditions
effects in teamwork Paralysis of extra-ocular muscles and cranial nerve lesions
Attitudes and human behaviour Abnormal head postures
The three dimensions of attitudes; The cognitive dissonance theory; Attitude Therapeutical options: medical, orthoptic, surgical and others
change; The theory of planned behaviour: application in nuclear medicine Methods of differential diagnosis in paralytic squint
Bibliography Anatomical strabismus, restrictive and orbital syndromes
Bennett, P. & Murphy, S. (1997): Psychology and Health Promotion. Buckingham: Ethiology, classification and study
Open University press. Abnormal head postures
Conner, M. & Norman, P. (1996). Predicting health behaviour. Buckingham: Open Therapeutical options: medical, orthoptic, surgical and others
University press. Nystagmus
Corner, R. (1991): Developing Communication and counselling skills in medicine. Ethiology, classification, study and management
Routledge. Pratical Teaching
Goodheart, C. D. & Lansing, M. H. (1996). Treating people with chronic disease: a Orthoptic pratice in a hospital setting
psychological guide. Washington: American Psychological Association Bibliography
Marín, J. R. (2001). Psicología social de la salud. Madrid: Sintesis.
Myers, D. G. (2005). Social psychology. New York: Mc Graw-Hill International Hugonnier, R. & S. (1981), Strabismes, Heterophories, Paralisies Oculo-motrices, 4ª
ed., Masson SA, Paris.
Van Noorden, G. K. (1996), Binocular Vision an Ocular Motility, 5ª ed., Mosby, New York
Rapley, M. (2003). Quality of life research: a critical introduction. London: sage Lang, j. (1981), Strabismes Diagnostic, Formes Cliniques, Traitement, Maloine SA
publications. Editeur, Paris
Sarafino, E. (1997). Health psychology: Biopsychosocial interactions. New York: Edwards K. e Llewellyn, R. (1993), Optometria, , Masson SA, Barcelona
John Wiley & Sons. Besnard, M. J. (1978),Orthoptie Pratique, Doin, Editeurs, Paris
Stroebe, W. & Stroebe, M. (1995): Social Psychology and Health. Buckingham: Open
Evaluation assessment
University press.
Evaluation assessment Methodology of the evaluation of the theoretical-practical teaching: Individual written
tests without subject elimination (two).
Test Examination and Group Paper Methodology of the practical teaching evaluation: Continuous evaluation.
>> 169

Curricular Unit Optometry II Methods and Techniques

Year 2 Curricular Unit Year 2
in Perimetry
Course ORT Semester 2 Course ORT Semester 2
2 Theoretical-practical ECTS 2 Theoretical-practical
Workload in hours 5 Workload in hours ECTS 5
and 2 Pratical and 2 Pratical

Person responsible for the curricular unit

Person responsible for the curricular unit
Luís Mendanha Dias
Maria Emília de Oliveira Mouga
To know the practical application of the eye exploration as an optical instrument. Aims
To know and understand the information of the methods of the subjective exploration To know the fundamentals of the Visual Field tests.
of the refraction and its limitations.
To know how to relate the correlation of the refraction with the oculomotor Program
problems and of the binocular vision.
Principles of Visual Field Testing
Program Introductory concepts
Theoretical-Practical Teaching
Clinical Investigation Instruments and strategies (programs)
Subjective verification of the refraction, determination of the accommodation Alternate and supplemental methods of field evaluation
and tests of the near vision.
Aphakia Anatomy and function
Study of the correction systems and compensation of the aphakia with IOL.
Paediatric Optometric The normal visual field
Study of visual accuracy, refraction methods. Scotomas
Particular aspects of the prisms utilization
Study and particularities of the measurements with prisms, practical Localized depressions
considerations about the prisms application.
Practical Teaching Generalized depressions
Practical optometric Topographic classification of visual field defects
Demonstration and application of the theoretical concepts described in points 1,
2 and 3. Visual field loss in glaucoma
Bibliography Purposeful examination of the field
EDWARDS, K., LLEWELLYN, R. (1993). Optometría. Barcelona: Masson-Salvat. Administering the visual field test
HECHT, E. (1991). Óptica. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
ARTIGAS, J. M., CAPILLA, P., FELIPE, A., PUJOL, J. (1995). Optica Fisiologica - Interpretation
Psicofísica de la visión. Madrid: Interamericana McGraw-Hill,. The bases of perimetry
COTTER, S. A. (1995).Clinical Uses of Prism. St. Louis: Mosby.
DUKE-ELDER'S (1997). Refracção Prática. 10ª ed. Rio Janeiro: Rio Med Livros. Technique of Manual Perimetry
PEDROTTI, L. S., PEDROTTI, F. L. (1998). Optics and Vision. New Jersey: Prentice
Hall. Advanced perimetric technique

Evaluation assessment Bibliography

ANDERSON, Perimetry - With and Without Automation, 2nd edition, Missouri,
Methodology of the evaluation of the theoretical-practical teaching: Individual
written tests without subject elimination (two) and evaluation of the Professor in ed.Mosby, 1987
relation to the student in what concerns his/her interest and his/her participation in
the course of the classes.
Methodology of the practical teaching evaluation: Individual written tests without
subject elimination (two) and evaluation of the Professor in relation to the student in
what concerns his/her interest and his/her participation in the course of the classes.
Calculation of the final evaluation: Theoretical-Practical = (1st test X 0.4) + (2nd test X Evaluation assessment
0.5) + (professor evaluation X 0.1) 2 periodic examinations (mid-term and final) or 1 final examination.
Practical = (1st test X 0.4) + (2nd test X 0.5) + (professor evaluation X 0.1)
Final = (theoretical-practical X 0.5) + (Practical X 0.5)
>> 170

Methods and Techniques Complementary Diagnosis

Curricular Unit Year 2 Curricular Unit Year 2
in Contactology Techniques II
Course ORT Semester 2 Course ORT Semester 2
2 Theoretical-practical ECTS 2 Theoretical-practical
Workload in hours 4 Workload in hours ECTS 4
and 2 Pratical and 2 Pratical

Person responsible for the curricular unit

Person responsible for the curricular unit
Rui Gomes da Luz Helena Vasco

Aims Aims
To know the fundamentals of the contact lenses. To learn and apply the basic principles of Ocular Echography, Electrophysiology and
To know the methods for the adaptation. Color Vision Testing.

Anatomy and Topography of ocular globe.
History of the Techniques.
Cornea morphology and lacrimal film I, II, III.
Anatomic review focusing on visual pathway.
Contact Lenses history.
Contact Lenses materials: physical, design and development, general parameter.
Manufacture Methods of Contact Lenses.
Materials classification.
Optical advantage of contact lenses.
Specifical patient adaption of contact lenses.
Normal Colour Vision.
Contact lenses hygiene.
Colour Vision theories.
Clinical Process I, II, III.
Clinical testing and interpretation.
Contact lenses complications.


BIRCH, Diagnosis of Defective Colour Vision, Butterworth Heinemann, 1993.

Bibliography BYRNE, Ultrasound of the Eye and Orbit, Mosby Year Book, 1992.
GOMES da LUZ, O Dióptro Corneano, Camada Lacrimal, a primeira camada, Tese de CARR, Electrodiagnostic Testing of the Visual System: A Clinical Guide, F.A. Davis
Doutoramento em Medicina na especialidade de Oftalmologia. FCM/UNL, Lisboa, Company, Philadelphia, 1990.
CASTILLO, Manual Basico de Electrofisiologia Ocular, 1ª ed., Mac Line S.L., 2002.
MILTON, Manual of Contact lens Prescibing and Fitting with CD-ROM, 2ªed.,
Butterworth-Heinemann, USA.,2000. GERARD, SOKOL, Electrophysiologic Testing in Disorders of the Retina, Optic Nerve
and Visual Pathway, American Academy of Ophthalmology, 1990.
OSSOING, Standardized Ophthalmic Echography of the Eye, Orbit and Periorbital
Region, ed. 3, Iowa City, Goodfellow, 1985.

Evaluation assessment
Evaluation assessment
Theorical (60%) and Pratical (40%).
2 periodic examinations (mid-term and final)
>> 171

Curricular Units - 3 Year

Curricular Unit Project I Year 3 Curricular Unit Seminars Year 3

Course ORT Semester 1 Course ORT Semester 1

Workload in hours 3 Theoretical-practical ECTS 4 Workload in hours 3 Practical ECTS 4

Person responsible for the curricular unit

Person responsible for the curricular unit
Isabel Reich-d'Almeida To be defined each year

Aims Aims
Promote quality in orthoptic practice Scientific and technical development in different fields of the course considering
Understand project methodology based on problem solving the inherent innovative areas of training and the correspondent professional skills.
Develop the capacity to analyse critically problems that occur in real practice
Promote the ability to work in group Program
Themes to be defined each year according to the objectives.
Theoretical concepts
Project concept
Different perspectives on project analysis
Projects and orthoptic
Health education
Providing healthcare
Models of intervention in Physiotherapy
Prevention, education and promotion
Community concept
The role of orthoptist
Project methodology Bibliography

Preparation of a plan for a project To be defined according to the themes.

De Ketele, J., Chastrette, M., Cros, D., Mettelin, P., Thomas, J. (1988). Guia do
formador. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.
Classificação Internacional da Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (2003). OMS;
Direcção-Geral de Saúde

Evaluation assessment
Students assessment will integrate: Evaluation assessment
Periodic reports One write examination by theme.
Group work
>> 172

Methods of Subvision Screening and

Curricular Unit Year 3 Curricular Unit Year 3
Rehabilitation Ergo-ophthalmology
Course ORT Semester 1 Course ORT Semester 1

Workload in hours 3 Theoretical-practical ECTS 4 Workload in hours 3 Theoretical-practical ECTS 3

Person responsible for the curricular unit

Person responsible for the curricular unit
Maria Emília de Oliveira Mouga Maria Jorge Ramires

Aims Aims
To know the fundamentals of the low vision. Despite its short history, the Ergo-ophthalmology in Portugal is more and more
called to collaborate with the medicine of work in screening, exams of admission,
both periodic and occasional.
Identification of possible limitations or other aspects which are determinant or
other aspects which are determinant of pathologies in order to avoid losses and
damages with possible attributions of incapacities.
Vision Anatomy and Physiology (synthesis)

What is low vision? Program

A multidisciplinary team
Functions and roles of hitch one of the members Importance of different senses respecting the information of the labour world.
Prevention programme of the visual function in the work context.
More frequently pathologies in low vision
Child Eye and radiation
Adult Ocular accidents.
Complementary diagnoses techniques for the visually impaired - different

Low vision aids

Non optical
Rehabilitation of the blind and visually impaired
NORTH, RV (1996). Trabajo y Ojo. Masson.
Kinds of illumination related with the different pathologies GIL DEL RIO, E, BOISSIN, JP, MUR, J (1996). Prevention dês accidents et protection de
l'oeil au travail. Editions DGDL Marseille.
CLENET, Basse Vision & Orthoptique, N.º Spécial de L'OEIL en Coin - Mars 1991
du travail. Editions la Decouverte.
NEWELL, Ophtalmology - principles and concepts, 8 edition, St. Louis; Mosby; 1996

Evaluation assessment Evaluation assessment

2 periodic examinations (mid-term and final) or 1 final examination Individual written tests.
>> 173

Curricular Unit Health Education Year 3 Curricular Unit Internship I Year 3

Course ORT Semester 1 Course ORT Semester 1

Workload in hours 3 Theoretical-practical ECTS 3 Workload in hours 15 Practical ECTS 12

Person responsible for the curricular unit

Person responsible for the curricular unit
Ilda Poças
Paulo Sousa

Aims This is a period of training whose goal is to allow students the opportunity to apply and
develop knowledge acquired in previous years within each field of knowledge. It is also
Understand the contribution of health education/promotion in health services, in endeavoured that during this training period students may grasp those skills which are
today's world. inherent in their different professional functions, developing ethical and professional
forms of behaviour.
Development skills to allow students planning, implementing, monitoring, and Apprenticeship is developed along the following chapters: - Orthoptics; Visual
Fields; Electrophysiology; Ultrassonography /Biometry; Low Vision; Contactology;
evaluating health education/promotion programmes or projects. Angiography; Optometry and Triage.
Acquire experience in carrying out a complete Orthoptic evaluation both leading up to programming
Program and adopting specific therapeutics in order to achieve the best re-education of visual sensory and
motor functions.
Long Life Learning in Health Care Professionals Plan and perform exams in diagnosis and treatment of visual disturbances, disturbances of binocular
function, ocular motility and its associated abnormalities.
Health Education/Promotion Framework: National Health Plan 2004 -2010 Regularly and progressively evaluate followed up cases so that continuity, interruption or change of
treatment might be appropriately decided upon.
Settings for Health Education/Promotion: School; Workplace, Community. Apply data and knowledge previously acquired in carrying out exams complementary to ophthalmic
Planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating of Health Education/Promotion diagnosis, namely in Electrophysiology and Campimetry.
Being able to integrate and set up programs of Ophthalmologic Screening.
Programmes. Know how to set up and use a database.
The role of Health Technologies for local development and individual or community Apply those norms of Hygiene and Safety which are inherent in this field of professional activity.
Evaluate professional work and promote its development.
Take part in the management of whatever services he or she may be asked to integrate.
Promote Health Education in the area that is specific for this particular activity, counselling the
patient and/or his or her relatives, being thus part of a team when integrating the patient at the
Bibliography school, social and professional level.
Writing a report summing up the cohort of patients and the total of exams that were performed.
Plotnikoff RC, McCargar LJ, Wilson PM, Loucaides CA.Efficacy of an E-mail This period of training (Apprenticeship-I) is planned in order to provide the student with
intervention for the promotion of physical activity and nutrition behaviour in the maximised opportunities for evaluating and treating patients.
workplace context. Am J Health Promot. 2005 Jul-Aug;19(6):422-9 Throughout this period the student will suitably develop his or her training under the tutorship of
qualified Orthoptists and in Institutions, Places of Training or Hospitals duly recognised by the
Deitz D, Cook R, Hersch R. Workplace health promotion and utilization of health School.
This curricular unit is an integral part of the whole field of theoretical and theoretical-practical
services: follow-up data findings. J Behav Health Serv Res. 2005 Jul-Sep;32(3):306- studies.
19 This period of training (Apprenticeship-1) is conceived so that students may be able to envisage their
professional intervention in the context of global client/customer/patient needs.
Yassi A. Health promotion in the workplace--the merging of the paradigms. Throughout this period aspects of work efficiency, efficacy and safety should be duly
Methods Inf Med. 2005;44(2):278-84 emphasised.
WHO. Luxemburg Declaration., 2000
National Board of Health and Welfare. Health Education: Toward individual or APIS, DAVID (2000)
community Empowerment. 2003
Evaluation assessment
Methodology of evaluation in Practical Teaching.
Evaluation assessment Regular and continuous evaluation through daily Clinical Practice and Research Practice either in
group or individually. Presentation and oral discussion of each individual student's case file
Test and work group purporting to the period of training.
Evaluation of final classification: continuous evaluation (40%) coupled with presentation and
discussion of the period of training case file (60%).
>> 174

Curricular Unit Project II Year 3 Curricular Unit Internship II Year 3

Course ORT Semester 2 Course ORT Semester 2

Workload in hours 3 Theoretical-practical ECTS 4 Workload in hours 30 Practical ECTS 26

Person responsible for the curricular unit

Person responsible for the curricular unit
Ilda Poças
Isabel Reich-d'Almeida

Aims This is a period of training whose goal is to allow students the opportunity to apply and
develop knowledge acquired in previous years within each field of knowledge. It is also
To develop the capacity to: endeavoured that during this training period students may grasp those skills which are
inherent in their different professional functions, developing ethical and professional
analyse forms of behaviour.
identify needs and priorities Apprenticeship is developed along the following chapters: Angiography 4 weeks;
define objectives Contact logy 3 weeks; Ultrasound - 3 weeks; Sub vision 2 weeks; Optometry and
identify resources Triage 3 weeks.
implement a project Program
Promote group work
Perform exams for analysing visual function and evaluating nervous pathways for visual stimuli.
Apply data and knowledge previously acquired in carrying out exams complementary to ophthalmic
Program diagnosis, namely in Angiography, Ocular Photography, Ultrassonography /Biometry.
Take part in the rehabilitation of visually handicapped patients and cooperate in programs of
Project methodology. school, social and professional integration, namely by adopting techniques of Low Vision, with the
ultimate goal of trying to get a maximum of functional achievement and quality of life.
Field work: information collecting in order to prepare the project.
Regularly and progressively evaluate followed up cases so that continuity, interruption or change of
Implementation of an educational or interventional project. treatment might be appropriately decided upon.
Writing a report summing up the total of patients and exams that were performed.
Being able to integrate and set up programs of Ophthalmologic screening.
Know how to set up and use a database.
Apply those norms of Hygiene and Safety which are inherent in this field of professional activity.
Evaluate professional work and promote its development.
Take part in the management of whatever services he or she may be asked to integrate.
Promote Health Education in the area that is specific for this particular activity, counselling the
patient and/or his or her relatives, being thus part of a team when integrating the patient at the
school, social and professional level.
This period of training (Apprenticeship-1) is planned in order to provide the student with
maximised opportunities for evaluating and treating patients.
Bibliography Throughout this period the student will suitably develop his or her training under the tutorship of
De Ketele, J., Chastrette, M., Cros, D., Mettelin, P., Thomas, J. (1988). Guia do qualified Orthoptists and in Institutions, Places of Training or Hospitals duly recognised by the
School .
formador. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget. This curricular unit is an integral part of the whole field of theoretical and theoretical-practical
Classificação Internacional da Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (2003). OMS; studies.
This period of training (Apprenticeship-1) is conceived so that students may be able to envisage their
Direcção-Geral de Saúde
professional intervention in the context of global client/customer/patient needs.
Throughout this period aspects of work efficiency, efficacy and safety should be duly

APIS, DAVID (2000)
Evaluation assessment
Evaluation assessment
Students assessment will integrate: Methodology of evaluation in Practical Teaching.
Regular and continuous evaluation through daily Clinical Practice and Research Practice either in
Project report: 50% group or individually. Presentation and oral discussion of each individual student's case file
purporting to the period of training.
Project implementation: 50% Evaluation of final classification: continuous evaluation (40%) coupled with presentation and
discussion of the period of training case file (60%).
>> 175

Curricular Units - 4 Year

Physiological Optics and Visual Deficiency

Curricular Unit Year 4 Curricular Unit Year 4
Psychophysics of Vision and Reabilitation
Course ORT Semester 1 Course ORT Semester 1
2 Theoretical-practical ECTS 2 Theoretical-practical
Workload in hours 5 Workload in hours ECTS 5
and 2 Pratical and 2 Pratical
Person responsible for the curricular unit
Person responsible for the curricular unit
Manuel de Oliveira
Luís Mendanha Dias
To allow for a more in-depth understanding of psychological problems regarding the
Aims specificity of the disease, clinical situation and it's treatment
To know the basics and the development of the Physiological Optics and Psychophysics To have the knowledge of those rehabilitations techniques which allow for a
better social integration and quality of life
of Vision, being it's fundamental purpose the study of visual perception having as the
main base, the data obtained by psychophysical methods. Establish the classifications Program
of ametropias and know the refractive alterations of the eye in life different stages. Theoretical / Practical teaching
Identify the methods that lead to the compensation of the ametropias, knowing its Philogenetic evolution of the optical pathways.
application limits. Ontogenetic concept of the visual system
Maturation and development of the visual system ocular embryology from
Program blastocyst stage to birth
Cortical development amblyopia and binocular vision
Theoretical-Practical Teaching Causes of visual deficiency pathology of cornea, iris, lens, retina, optic nerve with
Psychophysics of the Vision: Concepts about - photometry, spectral sensitivity of reference to hereditary, degenerative, vascular e infectious diseases
the visual system, retinal light, luminescence threshold, trivariancy and principles Eccentric viewing and functional rehabilitation of the visually impaired person
The study of low- vision
of colorimetric. Visual deficiency
Geometrical Optics - Studies and applicability of the images, lens, prisms, optical Brief History of Visual deficiency
systems and construction of images. Concept of blindness
Optometric - Development of the following subjects: errors of refraction, Concept of rehabilitation
Social capacity of the visually handicapped
accommodation, retinoscopy, computerized study of the refraction, subjective Use and integration of perceptive powers
refraction, binocular refraction, examination of near point, aphakic and Braille language as a fundamental tool for rehabilitation and social integration of
pseudophakic, compensation of the aphakic with IOL, some particularities of the the visually handicapped when compared with other rehabilitation methods in the
contact lens, paediatric optometry, idiosyncrasy of measurements with prisms and communication area
practical considerations about the prisms application. Orientation and Mobillity for the visually impaired
Social integration of the visually handicapped- living together with the others
Practical Teaching although not as the others
Practical Optometry - Demonstration and application of the theoretical concepts Deficient binocular vision in persons with normal visionmotor and sensorial
described in point 3. rehabilitation
Practical teaching
Bibliography Video shows, cd ROMs and other media material concerning the theme will be seen
in the class.
ARTIGAS, J. M., CAPILLA, P., FELIPE, A., PUJOL, J. (1995). Optica Fisiologica - Papers and symposium will take place and is done by group of students
Psicofísica de la visión. Madrid: Interamericana McGraw-Hill,.
COTTER, S. A. (1995).Clinical Uses of Prism. St. Louis: Mosby. Bibliography
DUKE-ELDER'S (1997). Refracção Prática. 10ª ed. Rio Janeiro: Rio Med Livros. DODDS, A. (1993). Rehabilitalion Blind and Visually impaired People. A Psychological Approach.
EDWARDS, K., LLEWELLYN, R. (1993). Optometría. Barcelona: Masson-Salvat. EDWARDS, K., Llewwllyn, R. (1995), Optometria, Barcelona: Masson.
HECHT, E. (1991). Óptica. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. FONSECA, V. (1999), Perturbações do Desenvolvimento e da Aprendizagem, Cruz Quebrada, FMH
PEDROTTI, L. S., PEDROTTI, F. L. (1998). Optics and Vision. New Jersey: Prentice edições.
FONSECA, V. (2001), Psicomoticidade, Lisboa, Ancora Editora.
Hall. FONSECA, V. (2001), Cognição e Aprendizagem, Lisboa, Ancora Editora.
GAZZANIGA, M., Yvry,R., Cognitive Neuroscience - The Biology of the mind - New York: W.W.
Evaluation assessment Norton & Company New.
HARRINGTON, R., Mc Dermott, D. (1993). A model for the interpretation of personality
Methodology of the evaluation of the theoretical-practical teaching: assessments of individuals with visual impairments. "Joumal of Rehabilitation", Alexandria; V,
Individual written tests without subject elimination (two) and evaluation of the 59(4) Oct.-Dec., p.24-29.
Professor in relation to the student in what concerns his/her interest and his/her HERSEN, M., Hasselt,V. (1990). Psychological aspects of developmental and physical disabilities.
participation in the course of the classes. Sage Publications. London.
HOLLWICH, F. (1988), Oftalmología, Barcelona, Salvat Editores, S.A.
Methodology of the practical teaching evaluation: HUBEL, D. (1995). Eye, Brian and Vision, New York: Scientific American Library.
Individual written tests without subject elimination (two) and evaluation of the ISENBERG,S.J.,(1994), The Eye in Infancy, St. Louis: Mosby.
Professor in relation to the student in what concerns his/her interest and his/her LARANJEIRA J. A., Oliveira, L.N., Fonseca, V., Silva, L.S., Ferreira, E.I., Poças, I.M.(2000), A visão
participation in the course of the classes. na idade pré-verbal - Aspectos Filogenéticos, Ontogenéticos e Clínicos: 1 - Aspectos Filogenéticos
e Ontogenéticos. Arquivos Portugueses de Oftalmologia Vol.2, Série XIV, Abril/Junho, 7-15.
Calculation of the final evaluation:
Theoretical-Practical = (1st test X 0.4) + (2nd test X 0.5) + (professor evaluation X 0.1) Evaluation assessment
Practical = (1st test X 0.4) + (2nd test X 0.5) + (professor evaluation X 0.1)
Final = (theoretical-practical X 0.5) + (Practical X 0.5) Test and work group
>> 176

Applied Research into

Curricular Unit Year 4 Curricular Unit Neurophysiology of Vision Year 4
Orthoptics I
Course ORT Semester 1 Course ORT Semester 1
2 Theoretical-practical ECTS
Workload in hours 5 Workload in hours 4 Theoretical-practical ECTS 4
and 2 Pratical
Person responsible for the curricular unit
Person responsible for the curricular unit
Miguel Castelo-Branco; Aldina Aragonês Reis
Isabel Reich-d'Almeida
To understand basic principles in vision physiology and to be able to apply them in
Aims the pratical setting.
To motivate the students for the importance of the contents;
To develop and achieve the skills for research in orthoptic;
To work up a research project centred in a orthoptic problem. Program

Program Magno, parvo and koniocellular systems. Anatomical and functional characteristics.
Theoretical module: Receptive field. Anatomical and functional differences concerning the retina,
Research paradigms; the scientific method; lateral geniculate body and visual cortex.
Qualitative and quantitative methodologies;
Parallel streams in the visual cortex. Dorsal and ventral pathways.
Guide lines for research;
Ethics and research Anatomy and physiology of visual areas. V1, V2, V4, MT.
Planning a research project:
Anatomy and physiology of other areas, related with visual recognition and visual
- Information sources review of material
- Main focus issue starting question;
- Definition of objectives; Retinotopic functional maps of the visual cortex. Neuronal plasticity.
- Questions' or hypotheses' formulation;
Cortical blindness and neglect.
- Variables and indicators;
- Population, sampling and samples; Neuronal factors in visual attention.
- Information gathering techniques and instruments;
Neurophysiology of contrast sensitivity and its relation with spatial frequency.
- Description, data analysis and interpretation.
Practical module:
Working up a research project; Fourier analysis in the Visual Sciences.
Rules/Norms for writing and presenting a scientific paper: Project, scientific
Neurophysiology of the colour perception. Colour constancy. Chromatic contrast.
article; report (monograph)
Spatial and temporal antagonism.
Methods in Visual Psychophysics: Relation between Radiometry and Photometry.
Azevedo, A (1989), Metodologia Científica, 4Th Edition, Oporto, Ed. C. Azevedo Psychometric functions.
Bell, J. (1997), Como Realizar um Projecto de investigação, 1st Ed., Lisbon,
Editorial Gradiva. Electrophysiology of the visual system. Objective responses to chromatic,
Ceia, C., (1997. Normas para apresentação de trabalhos científicos, 2nd Ed., achromatic and dynamic contrast. Comparison with threshold estimates obtained
Lisbon, Editorial Presença. by means of psychophysical methods.
Dias, M., (1999), Métodos e técnicas de estudo e elaboração de trabalhos
científicos, Coimbra, Minerva. Bibliography
Fortin.M., (1999), O Processo de investigação da concepção à realização,
Lusociência Edições Técnicas e Científicas. CHALUPA LM, WERNER JS, The Visual Neurosciences. The Mit Press, Cambridge,
Lopes, Carlos, (2002), Introdução à Psicoogia, Citações e Referências Massachusetts, London, England, 2003.
Bibliográficas, Textos de Apoio, Caderno nº1, ISPA, Centro de Documentação, MACKAY WA, Neurofisiologia sem Lágrimas, Cap. 14, 15 e 16. Fundação Calouste
Gulbenkian, 1999.
Evaluation assessment
ZEKI S, A Vision of the Brain, Blackwell Science, 1993.
Students assessment will integrate:
To work up a scientific research project in orthoptic (max. 20 pages) (EPI) Evaluation assessment
Oral presentation of a research project in orthoptic (API) Written test (60%) and Working group (40%).
Final Classification (CF) EPI (50%) + API (50%)
>> 177

Curricular Unit Sociology of Health Year 4 Curricular Unit Biostatistics Complements Year 4

Course ORT Semester 1 Course ORT Semester 1

Workload in hours 2 Theoretical-practical ECTS 3 Workload in hours 3 Theoretical-practical ECTS 4

Person responsible for the curricular unit Person responsible for the curricular unit
David Tavares Gilda Cunha

Aims Aims
This course intends to provide theoretical and empirical instruments that allow the The goal of this curricular unity is to complement the knowledge achieved on the
student: curricular units of the first year: Data analysis I and Data analysis II. The students
To reflect, in a sociological perspective, on the incidence that social phenomena should be able to: 1) collect data in proper way 2) analyzed and interpret data 3)
have in health and disease. use probability concepts 4) use techniques of inference statistics 4) use statistical
To analyse the impact of the social conditions in the incidence of health and software SPSS.
To analyse sociologically the body, food, and medication as central objects of the
practices related with health. Program
Introduction to biostatistics
Sampling survey
Introduction to the Sociology of Health
Health in the context of sociology. Multiple linear regression
Emerging objects in the Sociology of Health. Introduction to Design and analysis of experiments
Health, illness and Society Some Non parametric tests: Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Qui-square, Wilcoxon, Mann-
The concept of health.
The social construction of health and illness. Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, Friedman
The influence of social values in the perception of health and illness.
The effect of social conditions on health and illness.
Central issues in the Sociology of Health
The body in contemporary society. Bibliography
Medication behaviour in the context of “risk societies”.
Social change e food habits' transformations. Daniel, W; Biostatistics - A Foundation for Analysis in the Health Sciences, 7th ed
John Wiley and Sons - 1999
Montegomery, D. Design and analysis of experiments, 5Th edition John Wiley and
BISSELL, P., WARD, P., NOYCE, P. (2001), “The dependent consumer: reflections on Sons - 2001
accounts of the risks of non-prescription medicines”, Health, Vol. 5 (1).
CARAPINHEIRO, G. (2004), “Sociologia da saúde e da medicina: um campo em Montegomery, D., Peck E., Vining, G Introduction to linear regression analysis, 3rd
construção”, Contextos de Sociologia, n.º 3, pp. 46-54. edition John Wiley and Sons - 2001
FEATHERSTONE, M. et al. (ed.) (1991), The Body: Social process and cultural Vicente, P., Reis, Elizabeth, Ferrão, F. Sondagens Edições Sílabo - 2001
theory, London, Sage.
HARDING, G., NETTLETON, S., TAYLOR, K. (1990), Sociology for Pharmacists, Reis, E., Melo, P., Andrade, R., Calapez, T. Estatística Aplicada Vol 2 Edições Sílabo
London, MacMillan. - 1997
LOPES, N. M. (2001), “Automedicação: algumas reflexões sociológicas”, Sociologia,
Problemas e Práticas, n.º 37, pp. 141-165. Reis, E., Melo, P., Andrade, R., Calapez, T. Exercícios Estatística Aplicada Vol 2
LUPTON, D. (1994), Medicine as Culture: Illness, disease and the body in western Edições Sílabo - 2003
societies, London, Sage.
NETTLETON, S. (1995), The Sociology of Health and Illness, Oxford, Polity Press. Pestana, Maria Helena; Gageiro, João Nunes Análise de Dados para Ciências Sociais
SILVA, L. F. (2004), Sócio-Antropologia da Saúde. Sociedade, cultura e - A complementaridade do SPSS 3ª Edição Revista e aumentada. Edições Sílabo -
saúde/doença, Lisbon, Universidade Aberta. 2003 (36,80 euros)
WILLIAMS, S. J., CALNAN, M. (eds.) (1996), Modern Medicine. Lay perspectives and
experiences, London, U.C.L. Maroco, João Análise Estatística com utilização do SPSS Edições Sílabo - 2003
Evaluation assessment Evaluation assessment
One individual paper - 50% of the term grade
60% written test plus 40% practical evaluation through exercises resolution or final
One group paper - 40% of the term grade
Class participative attendance - 10% of the term grade exam
>> 178

Curricular Unit Processing Physiological Signs Year 4 Curricular Unit Ergo-ophthalmology Year 4

Course ORT Semester 1 Course ORT Semester 2

1,5 Theoretical-practical ECTS 2 Theoretical-practical ECTS

Workload in hours 4 Workload in hours 4
and 1,5 Pratical and 2 Pratical

Person responsible for the curricular unit Person responsible for the curricular unit
Paulo Ferreira Maria Jorge Ramires

The aim is acquiring new knowledge which allows to train professionals who, once
Knowledge about electrical signs, detectors, electrodes, image, artefacts, noise
integrated in occupational medical teams, can guarantee a good accessibility to
reduction, electrical activity of nervous cells, analogical and digital processing
the work place and into the equipments.
applications on ERG, ECG, EEG, EOG, EMG…

Introduction to measurements and units Program
Fundamentals of electricity The eyes as a vision tool
Basic electronic components
Determinant factors of visual exigencies on the work
Magnetic phenomenon
Semiconductor materials Ocular accidents: causes and prevention
Transductores and sensors Ocular protection against radiations and mechanical agents
The electrode Elaboration of a programme for the ocular protection
The cell and the electrical properties of nerves
The importance of age in the work accidents occurrences
Analogical and digital processing
Application to physiological measurements and processing: ECG, EEG, MEG, EMG …
NORTH, RV (1996). Trabajo y Ojo. Masson.
Medical Imaging Physics, Hendee, W. R., Ritenour, E. R., John Wiley and Sons,
2002. GIL DEL RIO, E, BOISSIN, JP, MUR, J (1996). Prevention dês accidents et protection de
Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Brown, B., Small Wood, R., Hose, D. l'oeil au travail. Editions DGDL Marseille.
Institute of Physics Publishing, 1999. CASSOU, B, HUEZ, D, MOUSEL, ML, SPITZER, C,TOURANCHET, A (1985). Les risques
The Essence of Measurement, Morris, Alan S., Prentice Hall, 1996. du travail. Editions la Decouverte.
Física e Instrumentacion Medicas, Zaragoza, Juan R., Masson - Salvat Medicina,
Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology, Hobbie, Russell k., John Wiley and
Sons, 1988.
Tratado de fisiologia Médica, Guyton, Arthur, Interamericana, 1984.
Introduction to Biomedical Equipment and Technology, Carr, J., Brown J., John
Wiley Sons, 1981.
Millman, Halkis McGraw-Hill, 1981.
Instrumentacion y Medidas Biomedicas, Cromwell, L., Weibell, F. J., Pfeiffer, E. A.,
Usselman, L., B., Marcombo Boixareu Editores, 1980.
Medical Physics, Cameron, John R., Skofronick, James G., John Wiley and Sons,
An Introduction to Biomedical Instrumentation, Dewhurst, D. J, Pergamon
International Library; 1976. Evaluation assessment
Evaluation assessment Individual written tests.
A written tests or final exam
>> 179

Curricular Unit Ocular Motility Year 4 Curricular Unit Electrophysiological Methods Year 4

Course ORT Semester 2 Course ORT Semester 2

2 Theoretical-Practical ECTS 2 Theoretical-practical ECTS

Workload in hours 5 Workload in hours 5
and 2 Practical and 2 Pratical

Person responsible for the curricular unit Person responsible for the curricular unit
Orlando Alves da Silva Manuel de Oliveira

To allow for a more in-depth understanding regarding visual neurophysiology
To develop previously acquired knowledge on oculomotor dynamics and to enhance
To allow for a more in-depth study regarding clinical practice in electro diagnosis
knowledge on this subject.
To have necessary knowledge regarding the equipment used in visual
Theoretical / Practical Program
Anatomy, histology and physiology of extraocular muscles. Tonus and phasic Theoretical / Practical teaching
systems. Myofibril characteristics and its fine functioning.
Anatomo-phyisiology of vision
Mechanisms of Sight, spatial perception and oculomotor balance, ocular
Electrodiagnostic tecniques:
convergence disturbances. Accommodation/convergence relation and its clinical
consequences. - Electrorretinography - ERG
Concomitant and non-concomitant deviations, special forms of squint eye, - Electrooculography - EOG
Nistagmus. Notions on proprioception and proprioceptive disorder. General notions - Visual evoked potential - VEP
on squint eye surgery. Botulinum toxin as mean of diagnosis and therapy, indications Electrodiagnosis:
and dosage. - Retinal lesions
Practical - Lesions of the Optic Nerve
Instrument techniques for evaluation of ocular deviation. Synoptophore, - Quiasmal and post-quiasmal lesions
computerized coordimetry and prim rulers.
Analysis and interpretation of results
Baby amblyopia detection. Degracis bi-prism, Preferential looking test.
Practical Teaching
Practice in clinical simulation and use of diagnosis equipment in
Bibliography Electrophisiology
Binocular Vision and Oculomotility, Gunter Von Noorden
Ophthalmology, Myron Yanoff and Jat S Duker Bibliography
Neurophthalmology, Tomas Slamovits and Ronalde Burde, Vol.6 CASTANHEIRA DINIS, A. (1987) A Electrofisiologia Analítica dos Sistemas Retinianos,
Clinique d'Ophtalmo-Pédiatrie, Martine Urvoy, ed. Vigot Sua Abordagem por Electrorretinografia e por Electro-oculografia O potencial
Dislexia - Uma Nova Abordagem Terapêutica, Graciete Serrano e O. Alves da Silva Oscilatório Tardio, Lisboa, Publicações Ciência e Vida, Lda.
La Chirurgie des Strabismes, A. Spielmann CASTRO CORREIA, J. (1996) Clínica das Doenças Hereditárias da Mácula, retina e
Désequilibres Oculomoteurs et Coordimetrie, J.B. Weiss Coróideia, Porto, Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia.
EDWARDS, K. e LLEWELLYN R. (1993) Optometria, Barcelona, Masson, S.A.
SPALTON, D., HITCHINGS, R., HUNTER, P. (1995) Atlas Colorido de Clínica
Evaluation assessment Oftalmológica, São Paulo, Editora Manole Ltda.
Evaluation methodology for theoretical / practical classes: WILLIAM M. HART, J. (1992) Physiology of the Eye, St. Louis, Mosby year book
Mixed test (Development questions and multiple answer). Paper presentation.
Evaluation methodology for practical classes: Evaluation assessment
Performance evaluation on taught areas.
Calculation for final grade: Test and work group.
70% theoretical evaluation, 30% paper and practical performance.
>> 180

Applied Research into

Curricular Unit Year 4 Curricular Unit Community Health Year 4
Orthoptic II
Course ORT Semester 2 Course ORT Semester 2

Workload in hours 2 Theoretical-Practical ECTS 5 Workload in hours 3 Theoretical-practical ECTS 4

and 2 Practical

Person responsible for the curricular unit

Person responsible for the curricular unit
Isabel Reich-Almeida Madalena Cabeçadas
Aims To provide students with an understanding of the modern concept of health and its
Get results from the study planned in the former Semester concerning the research determinants, methods used in public health and health situation in Portugal.
Write down the report referring the study; Program
To write down the report referring the study; Public Health's scope: concept; individual health vs. collective health; aims and core
To present, orally, the research study. functions.
Historical perspective of Public Health: evolution of the concept of health;
Program development of Public Health Services.
Theoretical module Health determinants and health promotion: health (definitions; determinants;
measurements); evolving patterns of disease occurrence; macroeconomical,
Application of a research project; behavioural, demographic, environmental, nutritional and biological factors and
Data collection and processing; health care factors; lifestyle effects on health; impact of selected health
Description, analysis, and interpretation of data; determinants in the European Union.
Methods used in epidemiology and community health: concept of epidemiology;
Writing a research paper or report. measurement in epidemiology (morbidity and mortality measures: calculation and
Practical module interpretation); standardization concept; types of epidemiological studies (general
characteristics, strengths and limitations, results interpretation).
Writing a scientific article;
Health indicators: concept; types of health indicators; health information systems and
Presentation of a scientific research project. their limitations; selected health indicators in Portugal vs. European Union.
Health care needs assessment: measurement of community health status; individual
Bibliography vs. community needs; types of needs; efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency; cost-
benefit, cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analysis.
Azevedo, A (1989), Metodologia Científica, 4Th Edition, Oporto, Ed. C. Azevedo
Prevention and health: natural history; types of prevention (concepts and examples);
Bell, J. (1997), Como Realizar um Projecto de investigação, 1st Ed., Lisbon, screening (criteria do implement a screening program).
Editorial Gradiva. Morbi-mortality pattern in Portugal: main causes of death and disease; confrontation
Ceia, C., (1997. Normas para apresentação de trabalhos científicos, 2nd Ed., with other European countries.
Lisbon, Editorial Presença. Prevention and control of transmissible diseases: transmissible vs. non-transmissible
diseases; concepts; morbidity pattern in developed vs. developing countries;
Dias, M., (1999), Métodos e técnicas de estudo e elaboração de trabalhos infectivity, pathogenicity , virulence; agent, environment and host; community
científicos, Coimbra, Minerva. acquired vs. nosocomial infections; modes of transmission; prevention and control
Fortin.M., (1999), O Processo de investigação da concepção à realização, methods (immunization and surveillance systems); AIDS and tuberculosis: Portugal vs.
European Union.
Lusociência Edições Técnicas e Científicas.
Prevention and control of non-transmissible diseases: non-transmissible diseases
Lopes, Carlos, (2002), Introdução à Psicoogia, Citações e Referências Bibliográficas, characteristics; external etiological factors; screening; health education and health
Textos de Apoio, Caderno nº1, ISPA, Centro de Documentação, Lisbon. promotion; tumours, cardiovascular diseases, external causes: Portugal vs. European
Pardal, L., (1995), Métodos e Técnicas de Investigação em saúde, 1st Editoin,
Introduction to health planning: concepts; health politics and national health plan;
Oporto, Areal Editores. process and components; planning and scheduled assessment; planning process
stages and their characterization.
Evaluation assessment
Students assessment will integrate:
Abramson JH. Survey Methods in Community Medicine. 4th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill
To work up a scientific research project (TI), group work 80% for the final Livingstone,1990
evaluation Detels R et al. Oxford Textbook of Public Health, 4th ed. Oxford: Oxford University
Oral presentation of the written work (ATI), divided for each member of the group Press, 2002
work 20% for final evaluation www.dgsaúde.pt (documents to “download”)
The students will be evaluated by a Jury (at least 3 teachers) Evaluation assessment
Final Classification (CF) CF= TI(80%) + ATI(20%) 2 periodic examinations (mid-term and final) or 1 final examination
>> 181

Curricular Unit Neurophysiology of Vision II Year 4 Curricular Unit Psychology of Health Year 4

Course ORT Semester 2 Course ORT Semester 2

Workload in hours 4 Theoretical-Practical ECTS 4 Workload in hours 2 Theoretical-practical ECTS 3

Person responsible for the curricular unit Person responsible for the curricular unit
Miguel Castelo-Branco; Aldina Aragonês Reis Graça Andrade

Understand patient reactions to diagnostic and illness. Promote communication
To correlate the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the different skills during diagnostic and treatment procedures in Orthoptics. Understand and
neurophysiological pathways with the results of new psychophysical, learn to cope with professional stress.
electrophysiological and image methodologies.
To study structure/function correlations in different acquired and congenital retinal
To understand the concept of physiological channels and its importance for the Program
development of new diagnostic methods with high specificity and sensibility.
Health Psychology and Orthoptics.

Program Visual impairment and psychological implications: Cognitive and emotional

Frequency Doubling Perimetry. Relation with the contrast sensitivity function. reactions of the patient/family.

Blue-on-Yellow Perimetry. Advantages and disadvantages compared with the white- Communication with the patient/family during orthoptic procedures.
on-white perimetry.
Flicker Perimetry. Stress and coping in health professionals.

Colour vision and colour testing.

Electrophysiological methods. Multifocal ERG and its importance in the
neurophysiological study of the macular diseases.
Objective Perimetry. Comparison with the subjective perimetry.
Retinal thickness evaluation. Structure and function correlation. Bibliography
Nervous fiber layer thickness. Structure and function correlation. Dodds, A. (1993). Rehabilitating Blind and Visual Impaired People a psychological
approach. London:Chapman & Hall.
Optic nerve study. Structure and function correlation.
Hilton, D. (1991). Counseling Families of Children with Disabilities. In H. Davis & L.
Bibliography Followfield (ed.), Counseling and Comunication in Health Care, Wiley & Sons
CHALUPA LM, WERNER JS, The Visual Neurosciences. The Mit Press, Cambridge, Marinelli, R., Ort, A.D.(1991). The Psychological and Social impact of Disability.
Massachusetts, London, England, 2003. Springer Publishing Company.
MOLLON JD, POKORNY J, KNOBLAUCH K, Normal and Defective Colour Vision. Thompson, R.J., Gustafson, K.E. (1995). Adaptation to Chronic Childhood Ilness. APA
Oxford University Press, New York, USA, 2003. Odgen, J. (1996): Health Psychology: A textbook. Buckingham: Open University Press.
NORTON TT, CORLISS DA, BAILEY JE, The Psychophysical Measurement of Visual Taylor, S.E. (2000). Health Psychology. McGraw-Hill.
Function. Butterworth Heinmann, Elsevier Science, USA, 2002.
RISSE JF, Exploration de la Fonction Visuelle, Masson, Paris, 1999.

Evaluation assessment Evaluation assessment

Written test (60%) and Working group (40%). Test Examination and Group Paper

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