Public International Law (Sem V)
Public International Law (Sem V)
Public International Law (Sem V)
Bhiwandi Sanchalit
College Name:. Shri . Indrapal Baburao Chaughule Law
Name: Kajal Lallan Gupta
Roll no. : 20
Class : T.Y LLB ( SEM V )
Subject: Public International Law & Human Right
1. Introduction
International economic law is a massive body of law, which is
growing rapidly and changing fast. It seeks to regulate more or
less all aspects of international economic relations between
states. International economic law developed as a separate and
identifiable body of law in the post-Second World War era. Prior to
this, the law relating to international economic activities (e.g. the
protection of foreign investment) was at a rudimentary stage and
was regarded as part of public international law. The Bretton
Woods Institutions were set up in 1944, which are the World Bank,
and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The aim of creating
these institutions was based on notions of consensual decision-
making and cooperation in the realm of trade and economic
A multilateral framework was necessary to overcome the
destabilising effects of the previous global economic
depression and trade battles and to help rebuild the
shattered post-war economy and to promote international
economic cooperation between states. After creations of
Bretton Woods institutions, the General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade was established in 1948 with a view to
eliminate harmful trade protectionism, removing tariffs,
boosting international trade and restoring economic
health to the world after the devastation of World War II.
However, GATT was replaced by the more robust World
Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995.
This article will discuss how economic relations between
peoples and countries have developed over time, giving rise
to new challenges for the law. Much of international
economic law has developed relatively recently in response
to the growth in international economic activity. As the
expansion of international economic activity increased
contacts among people of different nations, this interaction
had to be regulated by international law. In the early years of
the development of international economic law, the law
dealt mainly with the nature of the legal relationship
between a state and a foreign company engaged in the
exploitation of its natural resources.
It is in this context that this article will
examine the evolution of select key principles
of international economic law. This article will
also examine the definition of international
economic law, the fundamental principles of
this body of law and developments in other
areas of international law that have influenced
the development of international economic
2. The Definition of International Economic Law