(ENG B1) 270921 Listening Handout

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A IM S : Language related to: cultures across the world, language, food, dress, housing

• Recognizing contrasts • Identifying categories • Collocations with make • Matching

sentences • Short-answer questions • Multiple-choice questions

Part 1: Vocabulary
Cultures across th e world

1 Use the pictures above and the clues to complete the word puzzle.

Across: Down:

3 This little girl is wearing her 1 This is an example o f ........

costume. writing.
4 In villages in Africa and South America, many 2 This is the national dish of
people live in ..............................like these.

2 Complete the word maps on the opposite page with words from the box below.

scarf vegetarian spicy pronunciation silk brick block of flats alphabet

74 Get Ready for IELTS: Listening

Unit 11

( 1) 2

Speaking Writing


Listening for key w ords

^ ))) 3 You will hear four conversations between students discussing their projects on world
27 cultures. Circle the topic of each conversation from the key words in the word m ap.

A language, dress, housing, diet C clothes, festivals, hom es, com m unication
B costum e, housing, culture, literature D com m unication, food, costum e, art

H))) 4 Listen again and write, in your notebook, any words from the word maps that are mentioned.
5 The verbs m ake, have and do are often confused. Circle the correct verb.

1 Every year in April w e {m a ke/ ha ve/ do) a W ater Festival.

2 Recently, our country has {m ade/ h a d / done) progress in improving education.
3 In som e places tourism has (m a d e/ h a d / done) a lot of damage to the environm ent.
4 Global warm ing has (made / h a d / done) a negative effect on many rare animals.
5 In the spring, we (m a ke /h a ve / do) a lot of w o rk in the garden.
6 W hen people get married, they (make / have / do) a big party to celebrate.

Comparing cultures 75
Part 2: Skills development

Listening for comparisons and contrasts

Compare means to look at things to see how they are similar and how they are different.
Contrast means to look at things to see how they are d iffe rent.

^))) 1 You will hear a conversation between a tutor and a student about a project on how much
28 people talk in public in different countries. Underline the comparing and contrasting words
that you hear in the conversation.

the same as different from more [adjective] than much more [adjective]
in comparison w ith [a d je ctive ].......er than like

We often use other words with comparisons to emphazise or limit any similarity.

For exam ple:The pronunciation of Spanish in South America is not exactly the same as
the pronunciation of Spanish in Spain.
This means that the pronunciation of Spanish in South America is similar in some wavs
to the pronunciation of Spanish in Spain, but not in others.

2 Copy and complete the table with the words in the box. The first one has been done for you.

I ve ty a bit extremely incredibly quite not a little exactly rather

To emphazise similarity To limit similarity


We also use words like and, as well as, too to show that things are similar, for example:

Rice is popular in India as well as in China.

Rice is popular in India and in China, to o .

We use words like but, except, a pa rt from to show that things are different, for example:

M ost houses in the UK are made of brick, but blocks of flats are made of concrete.
Many homes in the UK are made of brick, except / apart from blocks of flats, which are
made of concrete.

Exam Information I Multiple-choice - matching information

In this type of question you w ill have to match information in the recording w ith
different speakers. You have to choose from several options, but you w ill not hear
them in the same order as they appear on the question sheet. Make sure you read all
the options before you listen to the recording.

76 Get Ready for IELTS: Listening

Unit 11

^))) 3 You will hear three people discussing eating habits in their home countries. Choose THREE
29 letters (a-g). Listen carefully for the relevant part of the conversation.

M atch the coun try w here they eat this food for lunch.
a potatoes d noodle soup g chicken
b cereal toast and eggs e rice and vegetables
c bread w ith lentils f a sandwich

1 in the UK ...... 2 in India ............. 3 inChina .............

Exam tip
In this type of multiple-choice question, try turning the firs t half of the sentence, or
sentence stem, into a question. It m ight help you find the right answer.

4 Turn these sentence stems into questions.

1 In traditional Indian fam ilies the bride and groom m eet for the firs t tim e a t ...

2 In India the father of the bride used to ...

3 Recently it has becom e very popular for Indian fam ilies to ...

4 Afte r they are married the couple live ...

^))) 5 Listen to two students comparing marriage customs in their countries and choose a, b or c.
/ Intraditional Indian families the bride and groom used to m e e t fo r the firs t tim e at the
a marriage. b girl's hom e. c boy's home.

ii In India, the father o f the bride used to give the

a bride a gift. b groom some money. c groom's family agift.

Hi Recently it hasbecom e popular for Indian fam ilies to

a use w e bsites to find marriage partners for the ir children,
b ask their children to get married online,
c send th eir children abroad to find a partner.

iv These days, in India, m ore and m ore m arried couples live

a w ith the girl's family,
b on their own.
c w ith the groom 's family.

Comparing cultures 77
Part 3: Exam practice

Exam tip
Listen to the introduction to each recording. It w ill give you an idea of w h at the
conversation will be about. You w ill have tim e at the beginning of the test, and
between each recording, to read the questions and think about possible answers.

Section 3

4))) Questions 1-2

You will hear two students discussing a project on international festivals with their tutor.
Complete the sentences with the correct answer from the list.

1 The students are planning to study

a different types of celebration,
b how the festivals started.
c people's attitudes to festivals.

2 The students have already discovered

a the seasons in different countries.
b how the Carnival is linked to different tim es of the year,
c sim ilarities between countries that are far away from each other.

^))) Questions 3 -5
Now you will hear the next part of the recording. Choose THREE letters (a-g).

What do the students say about the changes in the Carnival since it s tarte d?

a It has turned into a church celebration,

b It celebrates the end of winter,
c It is only celebrated in Europe,
d It is celebrated in many different regions,
e It takes place during the rainy season,
f It is not connected w ith the seasons,
g It is celebrated w hen the w eather is very hot.

3 w hat ............
4 w here ............
5 w hen ............

78 Get Ready for IELTS: Listening

Unit 11
4))) Questions 6 -1 0

Listen to the next part of the recording and answer the questions. W rite no more than

6 W hat else are the students going to research?

7 How many countries do they know of w h ere festivals involve w ater?

8 W hat three meanings can w a ter have?

9 W hat do w a te r festivals celebrate?

10 H ow are the Carnival and the seasons linked?

Progress check

How many boxes can you tick? You should work towards being able to tick them all.

Did you ...

turn the first half of the sentences into questions?
listen fo r phrases that compare and contrast?
listen to the introductions to the recordings?

Comparing cultures 79

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