For Internal Use Only For Internal Use Only: Types of Clauses

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Faculty of Linguistics and Cultures of Faculty of Linguistics and Cultures of

English speaking countries/ ULIS – VNU English speaking countries/ ULIS – VNU

Types of clauses
1. In terms of clause types
2. In terms of verb phrase
Lecture 9 finite; non-finite & verbless clauses
3. In terms of clause connection
Types of Clauses
independent & dependent clauses
4. In terms of clause function
nominal, adverbial & adjectival clauses

For Internal Use OnlyFor Internal Use Only

1. Types of clauses
in terms of clause patterns
⚫ A clause is a unit formed around a lexical verb, including
⚫ SV : She smiles.
all optional and obligatory elements associated with the
⚫ SVC : He is a genius.
⚫ SVA : They were out of cash.

⚫ Constituent structure: Subject (NP) + predicate (VP) ⚫ SVO : I lost my key.

⚫ SVOO : They gave him a black box.
⚫ Sentence elements: S, V, O, C, A (They selected him ⚫ SVOC : She found him crying.
chairman yesterday) ⚫ SVOA : He put the vase on the table.

Introduction to Linguistics 1/ Syntax 1 Introduction to Linguistics 1/ Syntax 2

Faculty of Linguistics and Cultures of Faculty of Linguistics and Cultures of
English speaking countries/ ULIS – VNU English speaking countries/ ULIS – VNU

2. Types of clauses in terms of Verb

phrase Types of clauses

By verb phrase Finite clause

By verb phrase Finite clause

Nonfinite clause

Nonfinite clause
Infinitive with to -ing participle

Infinitive without to -ed participle

Verbless clause

For Internal Use OnlyFor Internal Use Only

Types of clauses
Types of clauses
By verb phrase Finite clause
By verb phrase Finite clause

Nonfinite clause
Nonfinite clause
- contains a subject and a predicate
Verbless clause
- verb phrase having tense, person & number concord, & mood
Verbless clause
1. Ellipsis of the verb ‘be’
- Dozens of people died in the accident, many of them children.
- Whether right or wrong, he always dominates the arguments.

Introduction to Linguistics 1/ Syntax 3 Introduction to Linguistics 1/ Syntax 4

Faculty of Linguistics and Cultures of Faculty of Linguistics and Cultures of
English speaking countries/ ULIS – VNU English speaking countries/ ULIS – VNU

4. Types of clauses in terms of

Types of clauses
clause function
By verb phrase Finite clause

By function Nominal clause

Nonfinite clause

Verbless clause Adverbial clause

2. Reduction of non-finite clauses

- Too nervous to reply, he stared at the book in front of him Adjectival clause
and dared not look up.

For Internal Use OnlyFor Internal Use Only

3. Types of clauses in terms of
clause connection
1. Independent clause
⚫ A clause that can form a sentence itself.
⚫ Can be conjoined by means of a coordinating
2. Dependent/Subordinate clause
⚫ A clause that is part of another clause, which may be
introduced by a subordinating marker.
⚫ A subordinate clause can function as S, O, Cs, Co, A,
complement of NP or Adj.

Introduction to Linguistics 1/ Syntax 5 Introduction to Linguistics 1/ Syntax 6

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