Group Assignment - IBS301m
Group Assignment - IBS301m
Group Assignment - IBS301m
Abstract:........................................................................................................................ 3
I. Introduction:..............................................................................................................3
II. Analysis:................................................................................................................... 5
III. Conclusion:...........................................................................................................18
2. Recommendations:..............................................................................................19
References:.................................................................................................................. 20
Table of Figures:
Figure 5: VNPT shares experience in implementing IDC and smart technology solutions with
the Ministry of Post and Telematics of Cambodia...................................................................11
Founded in 1976, Vinamilk is growing and becoming a leading enterprise in the dairy
processing industry, currently occupying 75% of the market share of milk in Vietnam.
Product development is an advantage, but it is also a grudge for Vinamilk because the
marketing strategy is quite outdated and Vinamilk has gradually found a way to
overcome it. This article aims to confirm Vinamilk's position in the international
market and the strategies used by Vinamilk to penetrate international markets.
Accordingly, the market overview, specifically Cambodia and the way of analyzing
and collecting data about the company as well as the market, will be clarified. In
addition, external factors in the Combodia market also made it very difficult for
Vinamilk for the first time to penetrate until it successfully achieved 51% of the
current market share. But factors contributing to Vinamilk's success include
technology, economic and political factors.
I. Introduction:
Overview the domestic market: Currently, the increasing trend of dairy consumption
has helped the dairy industry thrive in recent years. According to the General Statistics
Office, the average growth rate of the dairy market from 2000 to 2009 reached more
than 9% / year, the average milk consumption per capita increased by 7.85% / year.
Grasping the demand, Vinamilk has constantly diversified its products and expanded
dairy farms nationwide. Therefore, although the competitiveness in the current dairy
market is quite high, Vinamilk still accounts for 35% of the market share of
Vietnamese milk.
In addition, Vinamilk also owns one of the second largest dairy processing factories in
Cambodia and Angkor Milk in Phnom Penh special economic zone. It is known that
Angkormilk's revenue still achieved a positive growth, at over 20% over the same
period in 2019 thanks to increased demand in this market, contributing significantly to
Vinamilk's total revenue. Angkor Milk is one of many efforts of Vinamilk to carry out
the mission of bringing Vietnamese dairy brands to the world.
In the first time when entering the market, Vinamilk focused on product
diversification and quality improvement. Besides, marketing to optimize products in
foreign markets has always been a weakness of Vinamilk. Therefore, in order to sell
its products in foreign markets, Vinamilk has focused on developing marketing
strategies and export strategies in order to most effectively promote products in the
eyes of overseas consumers.
Vinamilk is the largest dairy company in Vietnam. Based on the UNDP 2007 Top 200
largest firms in Vietnam report, it was also the 15th largest company in Vietnam and
formerly the most valuable public company listed in Vietnam. The principal activities
of the Vinamilk are to produce and distribute condensed milk, powdered milk, fresh
milk, soya milk, yogurts, ice-cream, cheese, fruit juice, coffee and other products
derived from milk. Vinamilk products such as powdered milk and condensed milk are
also exported to the Middle East, Cambodia, the Philippines and Australia. Exports
accounted for $180m in 2012. Vinamilk's main competitors are Dutch Lady Vietnam
(a division of Friesland Foods), Nestlé Vietnam, Abbott, Mead Johnson, Friso and
Nutifood. In September 2016, Vinamilk signed a strategic cooperation agreement with
Chr. Hansen to develop probiotics.
II. Analysis:
sales of milk and dairy products as well as related equipment and machines in
Vietnam. According to the United Nations Development Program, this was the 15th
largest company in Vietnam in 2007.
Cambodia is one of the new markets in Vinamilk's export market expansion strategy.
On that basis, on January 6, 2014, Vinamilk has contributed capital to the
establishment of a subsidiary in Cambodia, in which the Company contributes 51%,
with a total charter capital of 23,000,000 USD, to create a base. and a solid premise
for the next steps to expand the export market share to this new potential market.
Exports in 2013 accounted for 14% of total revenue. During the year, the Company
exploited new markets accounting for 30%, maintaining old customers accounting for
70%. The company regularly updated customer information, surveys, and collects
price information and market information to enhance export market expansion.
Therefore, in recent years, in addition to maintaining traditional customers, Vinamilk
has also attracted new customers, especially the potential market of neighboring
Cambodia is one of the new markets in Vinamilk's export market expansion strategy.
On that basis, on January 6, 2014, Vinamilk has contributed capital to the
establishment of a subsidiary in Cambodia, in which the Company contributes 51%,
with a total charter capital of 23,000,000 USD, to create a base. and a solid premise
for the next steps to expand the export market share to this new potential market.
Exports in 2013 accounted for 14% of total revenue. During the year, the Company
exploited new markets accounting for 30%, maintaining old customers accounting for
70%. The company regularly updates customer information, surveys, and collects
price information and market information to enhance export market expansion.
Therefore, in recent years, in addition to maintaining traditional customers, Vinamilk
has also attracted new customers, especially the potential market of neighboring
Political Factor:
The political and legal environment creates a different framework in the business
environment and conditions in each country. Expanding overseas investment is a
major policy of the Government in the integration period and it takes many years to
get the initial steps, Vietnamese enterprises will enjoy many benefits when integrating
into the market.
Research the political environment is an indispensable thing for businesses doing
business in foreign markets and that is a country with political and macroeconomic
stability; the government is in favor of business; encouraging investment competition;
investment guarantee; abundant land and labor; has integrated into the international
market and has a strategic position.
In order to achieve great achievements and a special position with prominent brands
of domestic and international Vianamilk in the international market, leaders and staff
of the company constantly foster political factors as well as knowledge to
continuously create value over the past 35 years.
Many generations have matured with the famous vinamilk brand domestically and
abroad and rounding up the export of an economic unit to the state, becoming a bright
spot for WTO integration.
The impact of the political environment on economic development has two directions.
There are conditions but also constraints by state policies because no matter how
much business develops, in a different country, there will be other political, cultural
and social influences. trade relations, consumers.
Stable political institutions will create good conditions for business activities and vice
versa, if there is a conflict, it will affect bad business activities in that territory.
Economic Factor:
The Cambodian government has been making great efforts to take measures to reduce
the inflation rate and stimulate economic growth. Encourage funds to invest in
agriculture, reduce commodity taxes and remove barriers in domestic and
international trade.
Contrary to the opinions that Cambodia's economy is backward and facing many
difficulties, according to the latest report of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on
the global economic outlook, in which the Cambodian economy is forecasted. will
grow - 2.8% by 2020. It is forecasted that by 2021, Cambodia is in the group of 3
countries with the fastest recovery in the region with a growth rate of 6.8%, second
only to Malaysia (7.8%). and the Philippines (7.4%). It is forecasted that by 2025,
Cambodia will lead other partners in the region and achieve 6.9% growth, becoming
the fastest growing economy in the ASEAN region.
GDP >24,5 billion USD
5.9% 2021)
When entering a new market, it is important for businesses to learn about the customs
and culture of that country to come up with appropriate strategies.
According to the research site ProCon, a fact has been shown that although the
dairy market has been developing and growing, more and more investors want to
pour money into the industry, but currently, there is a major obstacle: The number
of people in Cambodia who refuse to tolerate lactose (a sugar found mainly in
milk, accounting for about 2-8% of the mass) into the body, lactose intolerance is
pointed out by ProCon that is a common occurrence among East Asians and
accounts for 70 to 100 of the population there. It is expected that the dairy
replacement market will become a strong growth sector in the Asia-Pacific region
in the future, according to the Markets and Markets report. It is expected that
between 2020 and 2025 sales of the dairy replacement market will increase from
21.6 billion USD to 36.7 billion USD and achieve a compound annual growth rate
of 11.4%.
As people's health awareness gradually gets better, the vegan diet has become
more popular and more widely developed than before, which is also the reason
why dairy alternatives also become popular. variable ahead of time. “Overall, I
have seen an increase in demand [for the products,” said Lucia Mendez, founder of
Lulu Plant Food. milk alternatives], even from those who consume milk regularly.
Has an interest and curiosity about the alternatives, including myself. Also, I think
many people are questioning the impact of their consumption and once you start
thinking more about sustainability, health, or ending cruelty to animals, options
Plant-based alternatives are the best option. Then there were the foodies, who just
wanted to try different dishes!". The NCBI report also showed that as the dairy
replacement market develops, customers will gain more attention for their
consumption of grains and oilseeds or nuts for product uses. new products to
replace the use of milk.
Power of suppliers:
Hidden competitors always create a huge competitive pressure even though they
have not appeared on the industry market yet, but with great incentives and
growth, they will appear in the future. The near future is a completely predictable
thing. Factors to appear hidden competitors can be mentioned as industry
profitability, business market compensation, number of customers, and number of
customers. The current economic situation shows that for more than a decade
Cambodia has been one of the fastest-growing countries with an average annual
growth of 7% and since then the middle classes have emerged. The more and more
means that the cost of paying for food and drinks will increase a lot. In 2014, it is
estimated that 44% of people's spending is on food and non-alcoholic drinks,
especially milk, this is considered as a great opportunity for dairy companies.
The policies from the Cambodian government for foreign investors are also one of
the main reasons why they can invest more money here, such as tax exemption and
reduction policies. Up to 9 years for foreign businesses, Cambodia is also one of
the countries with the lowest tax on business in ASEAN, the special economic
zones in this country always facilitate warehousing. and convert currencies as
easily as possible.
The demand of customers here is a huge opportunity for the dairy industry, with
national nutrition programs organized to improve the health of the people, now
milk and related products. To milk has been incorporated into the diet of the
people of Cambodia.
With extremely favorable factors for the dairy industry in Cambodia, more and
more foreign businesses want to invest here, this can be clearly seen through the
formation and development of Momo farm. and from which it can be seen that in
the future there will be more and more competitors seeking to compete with
Vinamilk in this fertile market.
Power of customers:
Knowing not too many partners right in this market in the future may be one of the
factors that greatly affect Vinamilk and also perhaps this will be the main cause of
competitive pressures from providers.
As people's health awareness gradually gets better, the vegan diet has become
more popular and more widely developed than before, which is also the reason
why dairy alternatives also become popular. variable ahead of time. “Overall, I
have seen an increase in demand [for the products,” said Lucia Mendez, founder of
Lulu Plant Food. milk alternatives], even from those who consume milk regularly.
Has an interest and curiosity about the alternatives, including myself. Also, I think
many people are questioning the impact of their consumption and once you start
thinking more about sustainability, health, or ending cruelty to animals, options
Plant-based alternatives are the best option. Then there were the foodies, who just
wanted to try different dishes! ". The NCBI report also showed that as the dairy
replacement market develops, customers will gain more attention for their
consumption of grains and oilseeds or nuts for product uses. new products to
replace the use of milk.
Targets for the next 5-6 years, the market share is about 10% - 15% (in Cambodia)
The current market share of VNM is 58% (internal market), the next 5-6-years plan
increases 2% market share each year, we put the target it increases by 4%, which
means it has doubled. Thus, the 5-year target will increase over 60% of the market
share (in & ex market).
Products in VNM's growth target, including baby nutritional powder, fresh milk, and
yogurt ... all grew as expected. For non-traditional products such as walnut soybean
milk, soft drinks ... are being carried out under the next 5-6-years plan.
First year Second Third year Four year Five year Sixth year
Along with the level of social development, the need to improve health as well as the
beauty factor has increased dramatically, especially in developing countries like
Cambodia, which focus more on these two factors. In the 5-year plan to contribute to
Vinamilk's market share growth to over 60%, Vinamilk decided to formulate a plan to
cooperate with Duoc Hau Giang Company to launch a line of dairy products with
elements that support health as well as work. As beautiful as a functional food, it still
ensures a full range of health needs.
Vinamilk conceptualized and launched the product "Weight Loss Vinamilk Milk".
Milk weight loss helps overweight people control their weight through diet, reduce
satiety threshold and completely maintain nutrition for daily life. Not only launching
innovative, international quality products that are beneficial to consumers, the
handshake of Vinamlk and DHG Pharma is also expected to contribute to improving
the quality of life for people. improving the community's health and nutritional
conditions, reducing medical costs and putting pressure on health care infrastructure
that is still limited and overcrowded like in Cambodia. Through the above factors, we
can clearly show the Cambodian people and government that we not only want to
develop and increase profits, but also concern about the public health of the
Cambodian people. Specifically, in the first 2 years after the handshake of Vinamilk
and Duoc Hau Giang, the rest of the time Vinamilk continues to coordinate to research
and continue to produce better products to meet health needs through research. to
follow consumers in Cambodia and then implement Plan 2 in addition to a good
product, we also have to prove to them that our product is completely up to the
standard under the strictest production factors through regulations of major countries
by perfecting, researching and developing technology, equipment and machinery to
meet the strict needs of health safety to not only meet the demand for use in Vietnam
and Cambodia but also reaching out to major markets in the world. Continuing to
exploit in parallel to improve the Angkor Dairy Factory, which was built
synchronously from filling, processing, filling to finished packaging, and managed by
the optimal management program from Tetra Pak to fully control. processing, filling,
and interconnected areas with enterprise resource management systems. All stages
from the design, construction of factories to the installation of machinery, equipment,
and production lines are in accordance with international food safety and
environmental standards.
Vinamilk always strictly complies with processes and standards show absolute
commitment to the committed mission to carry providing high quality nutrition and
quality to the community Top. Vinamilk has further improved the production system
basically complete the investment plan according to the plan 5 year as well as
doubling capacity in some products, ensuring to meet consumer demand. At the same
time, Vinamilk has standardize all factories, save raw materials, stabilize quality
chemistry and maximize the use of the equipment.
III. Conclusion:
2. Recommendations:
For the State:
Firstly, continue to create favorable procedures for businesses to borrow capital from
the interest rate support policy to develop production and export.
Second, continue to adjust interest rates in line with market movements. This is an
effective measure to stimulate demand and boost production.
Third, consider extending the time to pay import taxes on raw materials and inputs for
export production, creating conditions for enterprises to reduce production costs and
increase the competitiveness of goods.
Fourthly, to identify the promotion of goods export as one of the key tasks, promoting
the expansion of export markets to areas less affected by the financial crisis and
economic recession.
For Company:
-The company needs to have solutions to synchronize activities from production to
- To further improve the distribution channel system. Expanding new markets as well
as factories.
- Strengthen the planning of areas for raising raw materials to ensure quality and
stabilize output. Implement the mới el of traceability of raw materials to prove the
origin of raw materials, bring peace of mind to customers as well as bring
competitiveness to the product.
References: pp 04-05.
Holy cow! nation's new dairy industry may be moo-ving on - khmer times. (2020, March 19).
Retrieved March 24, 2021, from