Fixed Assets Manual PDF
Fixed Assets Manual PDF
Fixed Assets Manual PDF
Property Management
Policies & Procedures
Sixth Edition
Blount County, Tennessee
Property Management
Policies & Procedures Manual
Sixth Edition
August 21st, 2014
Table of Contents Page
Accounting Policies
Capitalization Policy 9
Classes of Capital Property 10
Real Property 10
Divisions of Personal Property 10
Fixed Assets 10
Controllable Assets 11
Infrastructure 11
Intangibles 11
Accounting Procedures
Real Property 12
Personal Property 12
Fixed Assets:
Acquired by Purchase 12
Acquired by Donation or Gift 13
Transferred Between Departments 13
Declared Surplus 14
Stolen 15
Lost 15
Controllable Assets:
Acquired by Purchase 15
Acquired by Other than Purchase 16
Annual Inventory
Table of Contents Page
Fixed Assets 17
Motor Vehicles 17
Controllable Asset 18
Placement of ID Numbers 18
Appendix B-Forms
Notice of Designated Property Coordinator
Personal Property Acquisition/Disposition Record
Controllable Assets Inventory List
Personal Property Declared "Scrap"
Motor Vehicle Acquisition/Disposition Record
Real Property Acquisition/Disposition Record
Sixth Edition
The Blount County Budget Committee approved the establishment of a formal Fixed Asset
System for Blount County on April 6, 1992.
A Fixed Asset System can be defined as a system of property management designed for the
collection of all the relevant information on all the assets owned, including the procedures
used to report the data, the defined responsibilities of those participating in administering
the system, and the paper work and forms used in reporting the additions, deletions,
transfers and changes.
Establishing and maintaining a fixed asset system for Blount County can help achieve the
following goals:
Accountability for ALL assets, including unrecorded fixed assets such as lease
Stronger risk management relative to adequate insurance coverage, but not over
accounting for fixed assets, where Fixed Assets are Assets at cost – Accumulated
This manual outlines and defines the plan for future fixed asset purchases and
accounting and administrative procedures proposed for establishing and maintaining a
workable fixed asset system in order to achieve these goals.
Instructions for Fixed Assets:
Currently, fixed assets/controllables are budgeted in operating and capital line items (300-
500/700 lines) in various cost centers. They should now be budgeted as follows:
All controllable assets (capital items $500-$4,999) should go in the following a/c’s:
Fund - Individual cc - 5007__ (700 line per COA) – project
Ex: Acct purchase of a $500 fax machine would go into 101-052100-500719-
Exception: Any item that is ARRA grant related must be in a 58___ cc as
shown in the COA.
All fixed assets (individual capital item > $5,000) should go in the following a/c’s:
Fund – Capital cc per COA – 5007__ (700 line per COA) – project
Construction in fund 189 (school QCAB expenditures in fund 177), all other
FA in regular fund
In fund 101, cc 91190, we will no longer use the current system but will use
projects (project # to follow the cc)
o Ex: Acct purchase of a $5K computer currently would go into 101-
091190-521000-0…new way is 101-091190-500709-52100.
Exception: Any item that is ARRA grant related must be in a 58___ cc as
shown in the COA.
The person responsible for the custody and control of departmental property will be formally
designated by the department head as the Departmental Property Coordinator by filing a
"Department Notice of Property Coordinator" form with the fund accountant at the beginning
of each fiscal year.
Reconciling and reporting differences between the annual inventory and the fixed asset
listing per departmental records.
Working closely with the fund accountant to make sure the department fixed asset
records agree with accounting records.
In the event the Departmental Property Coordinator is replaced for any reason, the
following procedure should be followed:
The departing departmental property coordinator and the newly appointed property
coordinator will conduct a joint inventory.
This new asset inventory listing will supersede all prior listings.
Periodic Review
A listing of the fixed asset file will be provided periodically to the DEPARTMENTAL
PROPERTY COORDINATOR. This listing will include all the property for which the
department is responsible.
The DEPARTMENTAL PROPERTY COORDINATOR will verify the listing; reconcile any
discrepancies; sign, date and return the original copies to the fund accountant.
Assets purchased from multiple funding sources for funds for which Blount County is the
fiscal agent are the responsibility of the County. The property coordinators for these funds
are subject to policies and procedures set forth in this manual.
During each fiscal year a person from Central Accounting WILL RANDOMLY CHECK
SOME LOCATIONS. Over a 3 year period, ALL locations will be RANDOMLY CHECKED by
an employee from Central Accounting. These visits will be unannounced and the purpose
will be to provide independent verification that property coordinators are adhering to
procedures set forth in this manual. If there are any findings, a follow-up check will be done
to prove that the issue has been resolved.
Accounting policies address the capitalization policy, classes of property, and divisions of
personal property.
Capitalization Policy
1. To be classified as a Fixed Asset, the item must have (1) a useful life of more than one
year and (2) a historical cost of $5,000 or more. Historical cost includes installation,
freight and all other costs incurred to make the asset operable. In the case of
construction, cost such as studies, design, engineering, project management, etc. are
to be including in the Capital Cost Structure.
2. If additional expenditures are intended to repair and maintain the original life
expectancy, then the expenditures are maintenance cost. If the expenditures are
intended to refurbish and extend the useful life and/or change its purpose for an
extended useful life, then the expenditures should be capitalized and depreciated over
the remaining years in the new expected useful life.
3. This forms the basis for the Capital Plan, which will be subject to additional County
Commission Approval
Classes of Capital Property
1) Real Property
a) Land
b) Land Improvements
c) Buildings
d) Construction in Progress
2) Infrastructure
a) Roads
b) Bridges
c) Traffic Lights
d) Rights of Way
3) Motor Vehicles
a) Cars
b) Trucks
c) Vans, etc.
4) Personal Property
a) Building services equipment
b) Departmental fixed assets
c) Equipment
d) Capitalized leases
5) Intangibles
a) Intellectual Property (Licenses, Trademarks, etc.)
Real Property
Personal property is divided into two categories: Fixed Assets and Controllable Assets.
Fixed Assets
1. Fixed assets are those personal property items, which fall within the scope of the
capitalization policy defined as those acquisitions that have (1) a useful life of more
than one year AND (2) a historical cost for a single item of $5,000.00 or more.
Purchases, which fall within these guidelines, require a "Numbered Property of
Blount County" tag. Exception: live animals are NOT considered
capitalized/depreciable property.
2. These assets will be handled as a perpetual inventory. That is, all additions, deletions,
transfers, etc., will be tracked from the date of the acquisition through authorized
disposition. These procedures are outlined in detail under Accounting
3. Fixed assets are recorded in 700 line items of the capital cost center in each fund.
Controllable Assets
1. Controllable Assets are ALL County purchased property with an estimated life of 1
year or more which do NOT meet the criteria for a fixed asset, but which should be
included in the property inventory for control purposes.
2. A single item with a cost of $500 to $4,999.99 will be considered a Controllable Asset.
3. Controllable Assets will be accounted for annually at the time of the annual physical
inventory. Procedures for this reconciliation are outlined in detail under Annual
4. No property tag ID number will be attached to these items. However, they should
be clearly marked with a blank "Property of Blount County" asset tag.
5. Controllable items should be accounted for in 700 line items of each individual
department’s cost center.
6. All controllable assets are the responsibility of the individual dept. Each dept. must
keep a current listing of controllables.
7. There shall be no audit of these assets, but the list will need to be provided during the
random audit of fixed assets.
1. Infrastructure should be accounted for at historical cost if available. If not, the Highway
Dept. will provide a reasonable estimate. Such estimate will be reviewed for
reasonableness every 2 years.
2. Bridges will be accounted for at total gross cost, including any state aid
reimbursements. The auditors will record a donated asset for their purposes for any
state monies received.
If a single item meets the above criteria as well as the monetary threshold of a fixed asset, it will
be reported on the books at historical cost. If a perpetual (indefinite) life is apparent, those
items will be reviewed on a case by case basis and if capitalized, we will use a default 10 year
Accounting Procedures outline the guidelines for acquisition and disposition of the four five
classes of property.
Real Property
a. Upon acquisition of Real Property, the Property Coordinator will file a Real
Property Acquisition/Disposition Record with the fund accountant.
Personal Property
Fixed Assets Often surplus property is available which could be adequate for many of
your needs. Therefore, we urge you to investigate the possibility of surplus property
before requisitioning new purchases.
a. This form is completed each year during the budget process and approved by
the Budget Committee and the Blount County Commission.
b. Use of the capital outlay appropriation for a purchase from a line item different
from the line item which was approved at the beginning of the fiscal year
would require prior approval of (1) a budget transfer to the appropriate line
item and (2) a revised Capital Outlay Request Form.
a. The acquiring department files a Requisition for Purchase with the Purchasing
Agent with the proper account charged.
3. Purchase Order
b. As soon as the property has been received in good condition and the invoices
are ready for payment, the receiving department will obtain a property
tag number from Purchasing or the fund accountant (or assign a number
already in custody) and complete the Personal Property
Acquisition/Disposition Record. Also at this time, the property taq should be
placed on the item in a visible place.
1. Obtain a property ID from the accounting staff member or Purchasing and attach it in the
prescribed manner.
a. Complete the four-part Transfer Form or complete the bottom portion of the
original Acquisition/Disposition form.
b. Secure the required signatures. Signature of the Purchasing Agent is not required on
personal property transferred between departments within the same fund.
c. Give the Transfer Form with the original Acquisition/Disposition form
attached to the fund accountant.
d. An accounting department employee will transfer accountability for the asset from
the originating department to the receiving department.
e. The receiving department will then be accountable for the property until it is
declared surplus or disposed of by other approved methods.
Any asset deemed unsafe for use by controlling department won’t be transferred unless solely
1. Real Property
b. The Purchasing Agent will submit resolution to the County Legislative Body for
approval to declare the real property surplus.
c. The Purchasing Department will perform the due diligence to prepare for the
sale of the real property. The sale will be as outlined in the procedures for
Sale of Real Property Surplus.
a. The mayor shall be responsible for any lands acquired during delinquent tax
sales. The county legislative body shall appoint a four member commission
that shall be responsible for the sale of all lands that are not redeemed. The
commission is responsible for determining an appropriate value and what will
constitute a fair bid.
b. This is accordance with TCA 67-5-2507, which can be seen in Apendix?
3. Personal Property
4. Motor Vehicles
a. After a vehicle has been declared surplus by Elected Official/ Department Head
and the Purchasing Agent, the department’s property coordinator will complete
the original Acquisition/Disposition form and submit it to the Purchasing
Department’s property coordinator.
b. If the Purchasing Department determines that a motor vehicle has a useful life,
it will be distributed to a department in need of a vehicle. The priority of need
will be determined by the Mayor. The transfer will be facilitated through the
Purchasing Department
c. If the vehicle is not fit for use as determined by the Purchasing Department,
follow the procedures for Sale of Personal Property Surplus.
1. For stolen property, file a stolen property report with the appropriate law enforcement
agency and provide the accounting department with a copy
2. Complete the "Disposition" portion of the ORIGINAL Acquisition/Disposition Record and
send a copy to the fund accountant.
3. Remove the item from your inventory records, but RETAIN THE ORIGINAL
1. The Sheriff’s Department and the 5th Judicial Drug Task Force should make every effort
to sell seized/confiscated vehicles at least twice during the fiscal year through auction.
The vehicles will be sold by the Purchasing Department by internet auction after
obtaining the court order giving permission to sale.
Controllable Assets
1. Issue purchase requisition and obtain purchase order in the usual manner.
2. When item has been received and paid for, add the item to your Controllable Assets
Controllable Assets Acquired by Means other than Purchase:
When Controllable Assets are acquired by any means other than by purchase, simply
add the item to your Controllable Assets listing.
1. Documentation relative to the County Sewer System will be provided to the fund
accountant by Highways/Public Works.
An annual inventory will be conducted during a designated period each year. A computer printout
of the updated "fixed assets" and a COPY of the "controllable assets" list for the previous year will be
provided at that time.
Fixed Assets
a. Compare the printout of the updated fixed asset listing provided by Central
Accounting to actual fixed assets now in departmental custody.
b. Evaluate and update the condition code. Condition codes are listed and defined
in Appendix A.
c. Verify matches.
d. Reconcile differences.
e. Resolve discrepancies.
2. The new fixed asset inventory listing will be used by the fund accountant to verify,
reconcile differences, and agree department totals with Central Accounting Property
records to establish the new fixed asset inventory.
Motor Vehicles
Controllable Assets
1. Compare the controllable asset listing to the actual controllable assets now in custody:
a. Delete items no longer in your possession and note the reason for the deletion.
b. Add items acquired since the last annual inventory, which may not have been
added at the time of acquisition.
Placement of ID Numbers
1. The fixed asset ID numbers should be physically attached to the property whenever
2. For fixed assets on which the County ID number will not physically adhere, such as bullet-
proof vests, requisition an indelible ink stamp, stamp the item in a conspicuous space, and
write the ID number on the blank line with an indelible ink pen.
3. Assets, such as guns, pistols, etc., which have identifying serial numbers but on
which neither of the above options are feasible, assign an ID number which can be
affixed to the permanent Acquisition/Disposition record which is kept in the
department files.
4. Assets on which enhancements are added will be assigned the same ID number as
is attached to the asset, which is being enhanced. The cost of the enhancement will be
added to the cost of the original item.
1. Sale
a. All sales of county-owned personal property declared surplus shall be made by public auction or
sealed bid in the discretion of the Purchasing Agent in accordance with T.C.A. §5-14-108.
“Public auction” includes sale by internet auction.
c. All monies received by the sale of surplus items (less any applicable auction fees) will be
deposited into the fund account where it was originally purchased.
d. After two failed attempts to sell the surplus item by auction, it will be properly disposed of in a
practical manner such as regular trash, dumpster, or County landfill. County employees may not
take a surplus item for personal use or non-County use.
2. Exceptions to Sale
a. Books, recordings, or other material previously in general circulation at the County public library
may be sold in a public sale at the library in accordance with T.C.A. §5-14-108(o)(3).
b. Upon request of the County Mayor, the Purchasing Agent may sell in the open market or gift,
trade, or barter surplus items with an accumulative estimated value of less than $1,000.00 to a
nonprofit or charitable organization properly incorporated in Tennessee, in accordance with
T.C.A. §5-14-108(o)(4).
2. If a vehicle is only fit for scrap metal as determined by the Purchasing Department property coordinator,
that asset can then be sold to the local scrap yard for current metal pricing.
a. The monies made from the scrap metal shall be deposited to the Trustee’s Office along with a
copy of the receipt.
b. Copies of the deposit and receipt shall be submitted to the Purchasing Department to file with
the scrap form.
Personal Property and Motor Vehicles on the fixed assets list are to be kept current by amending the
Condition Code annually when the physical inventory is taken.
N-2 New or unused property in good condition. Property may be slightly shopworn, soiled, but utility
is not impaired.
N-3 New or unused property in fair condition. Soiled, shopworn, rusted, deteriorated, or
damaged to the extent that utility is slightly impaired.
U-1 Used property, in good condition which has been repaired or renovated.
U-2 Used property which has been repaired or renovated in the past, but has deteriorated to the
extent that utility is impaired.
U-4 Used property in fair condition, but somewhat deteriorated and worn.
U-8 Used property so badly damaged that repair would cost more than its utility value after
S-1 Salvage. 'Property with some value in excess of its basic material content in that parts could be
utilized to repair other units.
S-2 Scrap. Property that has no value except for its basic material content.
Coordinator for
Department / Cost Center Name
Signature Date
VENDOR __________________________________________________________________
DONATED BY ________________________________________________________
I certify the above described equipment has been transferred, stolen/lost, declared surplus,
scrapped or disposed of by other means as indicated above. If the item was declared surplus, it
is available for use by other County Offices / schools or can be sold in the prescribed manner as
surplus. If stolen, a stolen property report has been filed with the Police Department.
PURCHASE PRICE: $695.00 OR APPRAISED VALUE: If acquisition is by means other than by purchase
or transfer, fill in "appraised value" with your BEST EDUCATED ESTIMATE. Fill in only one blank.
OTHER: Required if disposition is by means other than transfer, stolen, lost, surplus or scrap.
SCHOOL___________________________________________________ TAG #
The personal property described above has been judged to have no monetary or useful value and will be
disposed of as follows:
TCA 49-6-.2007.
"Surplus personal property in local school systems which has no value or has a value less than two hundred
fifty dollars ($250) may be disposed of without the necessity of bids as required by this section." (d-1)
"In order for such disposal without bids, the principal of the school with the surplus personal property, the
superintendent of the local school system, and the chairman of the local board of, education must agree in
written form that the property is of no value or is of a value less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250). (d-2)
Instructions for "Scrap" Forms
1. Obtain the required signatures on the Personal Property Declared "Scrap" Form.
3. Attach a COPY of the processed Personal Property Declared "Scrap" Form to a COPY of the
processed Acquisition/Disposition Form and retain for your files.
4. Attach the completed ORIGINAL Personal Property Declared "Scrap" Form to the completed
ORIGINAL Acquisition/Disposition Form and submit the ORIGINALS to the fund accountant.
Date received
Purchased from
Received by ______________________________________________________________________
Donated by ______________________________________________________________________
I certify the above described motor vehicle has been transferred or disposed of in accordance with guidelines of the
Purchasing Agent. If it is declared surplus, it is available for use by other offices or can be sold as surplus. If stolen,
a stolen property report has been filed with the Police Department.
OTHER: Required if disposition is by means other than transfer, trade-in, stolen, surplus Or scrap.
DEED RESTRICTIONS: EXAMPLE: Reverts to heirs when no longer used for public education in
Blount County
NOTE: Attach additional pages if needed to responsibly fill in all blanks and/or add information to better
describe the property.