Class 11 Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Chemistry

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Topics:- What is chemistry?, Chemistry in ancient India, Importance of chemistry,
Classification of Matter

By:- Vijay Kumar Sethi

Science :-
• Continuous human effort to systematize knowledge for describing and understanding nature.
• science is sub-divided into various disciplines: chemistry, physics, biology, geology, etc.

• The branch of science that studies the preparation, properties, structure and reactions of substances is
called chemistry.
• Chemistry deals with the composition, structure, properties and interaction of matter
• Chemistry is also called the science of atoms and molecules.

Branches of Chemistry:-
• Organic chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Physical chemistry, Analytical chemistry, Biochemistry
Chemistry in ancient India:-
• In ancient India chemistry was called Rasayan Shastra, Rastantra, Ras Kriya or Rasvidya.
• Sushruta Samhita explains the importance of Alkalies.
• The Charaka Samhita mentions ancient Indians who knew how to prepare sulphuric acid, nitric acid and
oxides of copper, tin and zinc; the sulphates of copper, zinc and iron and the carbonates of lead and iron.
• Rasopanishada describes the preparation of gunpowder mixture.
• Nagarjuna was a great Indian scientist.
• His work Rasratnakar deals with the formulation of mercury compounds.
• He has also discussed methods for the extraction of metals, like gold, silver, tin and copper
• A book, Rsarnavam, appeared around 800 CE. It discusses the uses of various furnaces, ovens and
crucibles for different purposes. It describes methods by which metals could be identified by flame
Chemistry in ancient India:-
• Chakrapani discovered mercury sulphide. The credit for inventing soap also goes to him.
• Varähmihir’s Brihat Samhita is a sort of encyclopedia, which was composed in the sixth century CE. It informs

about the preparation of glutinous material to be applied on walls and roofs of houses and temples
• Atharvaveda (1000 BCE) mention some dye stuff, the material used were turmeric, madder(a plant), sunflower,
orpiment(a bright yellow mineral consisting of arsenic trisulphide, formerly used as a dye and artist's pigment.),
cochineal (a red colour dye used for colouring food, made from the crushed dried bodies of a female scale insect )
and lac.
• Varähmihir’s Brihat Samhita gives references to perfumes and cosmetics
• Gandhayukli describes recipes for making scents, mouth perfumes, bath powders, incense and talcum power.
Chemistry in ancient India:-
• Vedas and Kautilya’s Arthashastra mention about many types of liquors.
• Charaka Samhita also mentions ingredients, such as barks of plants, stem, flowers, leaves, woods, cereals, fruits
and sugarcane for making Asavas.
• Acharya Kanda, born in 600 BCE, originally known by the name Kashyap, was the first proponent of the
‘atomic theory’.
• He formulated the theory of very small indivisible particles, which he named ‘Paramãnu’ (comparable to
• He authored the text Vaiseshika Sutras.
• Charaka Samhita is the oldest Ayurvedic epic of India
• Charaka Samhita describes the use of bhasma of metals in the treatment of ailments. Now-a-days, it has been
proved that bhasmas have nanoparticles of metals
• Principles of chemistry are applicable in diverse areas, such as weather patterns, functioning of brain
and operation of a computer, production in chemical industries, manufacturing fertilisers, alkalis, acids,
salts, dyes, polymers, drugs, soaps, detergents, metals, alloys, etc., including new material.
• It also plays an important role in meeting human needs for food, healthcare products and other
material aimed at improving the quality of life.
• Chemistry provides methods for the isolation of life saving drugs from natural sources and makes
possible synthesis of such drugs.
• Some of these drugs are cisplatin and taxol, which are effective in cancer therapy. The drug AZT
(Azidothymidine) is used for helping AIDS patients.
 With a better understanding of chemical principles it has now become possible to design and
synthesise new material having specific magnetic, electric and optical properties.
 This has lead to the production of superconducting ceramics, conducting polymers, optical fibres, etc.
 Chemistry contributes to a large extent in the development and growth of a nation.
 Chemistry has helped in establishing industries which manufacture utility goods, like acids, alkalies,
dyes, polymesr metals, etc. These industries contribute in a big way to the economy of a nation and
generate employment.
• chemistry has helped in dealing with some of the pressing aspects of environmental degradation with a
fair degree of success.
1. Supply of food:-Chemical fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides, pesticides, preservatives., to test the
presence of adulterants.
2. Contribution to better health and sanitation:-Discovery of sulpha drugs, penicillin, life saving drugs
like cisplatin, taxol, AZT, discovery of anaesthetics
3. Saving the environment:-CFCs which destroy the ozone layer replaced by environmental friendly
4. Increase in comfort, pleasure and luxuries:-Synthetic fibres, building materials, supply of metals,
articles of domestic use, entertainment.
5. Transport and communication:- fossils fuels, alternative source of energy
6. Application in industry:- useful role in glass, cement, paper, textile, leather, dye, paints, pigments,
petroleum, sugar, plastics, pharmaceuticals industries.
7. Application in war:- explosive TNT, nitro glycerine & dynamite. Poisonous gases like mustard gas,
phosgene etc.
Challenges for the future generation of chemists
• Management of the Green House gases, like methane, carbon dioxide, etc.
• Understanding of biochemical processes, use of enzymes for large-scale production
of chemicals and synthesis of new exotic material
Anything which has mass and occupies space is called matter.
Matter can exist in three physical states viz. solid, liquid and gas.
• Solids:-
• Particles are held very close to each other in solids and there is not much
freedom of movement.
• Solids have definite volume and definite shape.
• Liquids:-
• In liquids, the particles are close to each other but they can move around.
• Liquids have definite volume but do not have definite shape.
• Gases:-
• in gases, the particles are far apart as compared to those present in solid or
liquid states and their movement is easy and fast.
• Gases have neither definite volume nor definite shape
These three states of matter are interconvertible by changing
the conditions of temperature and pressure.

Classification of Matter

Topics:-Measurement of physical properties, The International System of Units (SI),
Basic Physical Quantities and their Units, Prefixes used in the SI System, Mass and Weight,
Volume, Density, Temperature

By:- Vijay Kumar Sethi

Measurement of physical properties
• Examples of physical properties -colour, odour, melting point, boiling point, density, length,
area, volume etc.,
• Many physical properties of matter, such as length, area, volume, melting point, boiling point,
density etc., are quantitative in nature.
• Any quantitative observation or measurement is represented by a number followed by units
in which it is measured.
• For example, length of a room can be represented as 6 m; here, 6 is the number and m
denotes metre, the unit in which the length is measured.
Systems of measurement
• Earlier, two different systems of measurement, i.e., the English System and the Metric System were
being used in different parts of the world.
• The metric system, which originated in France in late eighteenth century, was more convenient as it
was based on the decimal system
• English system, also called the imperial system of measurements, used in United States
• The metric system is a system of measurement that uses the meter, liter, and gram as base units of
length (distance), capacity (volume), and weight (mass) respectively.
• While Yards, feet, inches, pounds, quarts, and miles are all part of the English system of measures
• Systems of measurements may also be classified as
• “Metre” is the British spelling of the unit of length,
• MKS- Metre, Kilogram, Second and “meter” is the American spelling of the same
• CGS- Centimetre, gram, second unit.
• A “meter” in British English is an instrument for
• FPS- Foot, Pound, Second measuring.
The International System of Units (SI)
• It is the common standard system of measurement all over the world
• The International System of Units (in French Le Systeme International d’Unités — abbreviated as SI)
was established by the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM from Conference
Generale des Poids et Measures).
• The CGPM is an inter-governmental treaty organization created by a diplomatic treaty known as
Metre Convention, which was signed in Paris in 1875.
• The SI system has seven base units.
• These units pertain (related) to the seven fundamental scientific quantities.
• The other physical quantities, such as speed, volume, density, etc., can be derived from these
Basic Physical Quantities and their Units

Basic Physical Symbol for Name of SI unit Symbol for SI unit

Quantity Quantity
Length l metre m
Mass m kilogram kg
Time t second s
Electric current I ampere A
Thermodynamic T kelvin K
Amount of n mole mol
Luminous intensity Iv candela cd
Prefixes used in the SI System
• The SI system allows the use of
Multiple Prefix Symbol
prefixes to indicate the
pico p
multiples or submultiples of a nano n
unit micro
milli m
centi c
deci d
deca da
hecto h
kilo k
mega M
giga G
tera T
Some of the quantities which will be often used in XI standard
• Mass and Weight
• Volume
• Density
• Temperature
• Mass and Weight
• Mass of a substance is the amount of matter present in it, while weight is the force exerted by gravity on
an object.
• The mass of a substance is constant, whereas, its weight may vary from one place to another due to
change in gravity.
• The mass of a substance can be determined accurately in the laboratory by using an analytical balance
• Volume is the amount of space occupied by a substance.
• It has the units of (length)3.
• SI units of m3.
• Volume is often denoted in cm3 or dm3 units.
• A common unit of volumeis litre (L)
• 1 L = 1000 mL , 1000 cm3 = 1 dm3= 1 L
• In the laboratory, the volume of liquids or solutions can be measured by
graduated cylinder, burette, pipette, etc.
• A volumetric flask is used to prepare a known volume of a solution
• The two properties — mass and volume are related as follows:

• Density of a substance is its amount of mass per unit volume.

• SI units of density kg m–3
• This unit is quite large and a chemist often expresses density in g cm –3
• Density of a substance tells us about how closely its particles are packed.
• If density is more, it means particles are more closely packed.
• Temperature is a measure of the hotness or coldness of an object or
substance with reference to some standard value
• There are three common scales to measure temperature —
• °C (degree celsius), °F (degree fahrenheit) and K (kelvin). K is the SI unit.
• Temperature is measured with a thermometer
• Generally, the thermometer with celsius scale are calibrated from 0° to 100°,
where these two temperatures are the freezing point and the boiling point of
water, respectively.
• The fahrenheit scale is represented between 32° to 212°.
• Temperature below 0 °C (i.e., negative values) are possible in Celsius scale but
in Kelvin scale, negative temperature is not possible.

Topics:-Scientific Notation, Significant Figures, Rounding off Figures, Dimensional Analysis

By:- Vijay Kumar Sethi

Scientific Notation
• Exponential notation
• N × 10n, where n is an exponent having positive or negative values and N is a number (called digit term)
which varies between 1.000... and 9.999....
• For example 232.508 = 2.32508 ×102 0.00016 = 1.6 × 10–4.
Multiplication and Division

Addition and Subtraction:-numbers are written in such a way that they have the same exponent
(6.65 × 104) + ( 8.95 × 103)
(2.5 × 10–2 ) – (4.8 × 10–3)
=(6.65 × 104) + (0.895 × 104)
= (2.5 × 10–2) – (0.48 × 10–2)
=(6.65 + 0.895) × 104 = 7.545 × 104
= (2.5 – 0.48) × 10–2 = 2.02 × 10–2
Significant Figures
• Every experimental measurement has some amount of uncertainty associated with it
• because of limitation of measuring instrument
• and the skill of the person making the measurement.
• For example, mass of an object is obtained using a platform balance and it comes out to be 9.4g.
• On measuring the mass of this object on an analytical balance, the mass obtained is 9.4213g.
• Therefore, digit 4 placed after decimal in the measurement by platform balance is uncertain.
• This uncertainty can be represented as 9.4
• Uncertainty of 1 in the last digit is always understood.
• The uncertainty is also indicated by mentioning the number of significant figures.
• Significant figures are meaningful digits which are known with certainty plus one which is estimated or
Rules for Determining the Number of Significant Figures
 All non-zero digits are significant.
 For example, 6.9 has two significant figures, while 2.16 has three significant figures.
 A zero becomes significant in case it comes in between non zero digits.
 For example, 2.003 has four significant figures, 4.02 has three significant figures.
 Zeros at the beginning of a number are not significant.
 For example, 0.002 has one significant figure while 0.0045has two significant figures.
• Zeros at the end or right of a number are significant, provided they are on the right side of the
decimal point.
• For example, 16.0 has three significant figures, while 16.00 has four significant figures.
Rules for Determining the Number of Significant Figures
 But, the terminal zeros are not significant if there is no decimal point.
• For example, 100 has only one significant figure, but 100. has three significant figures and
100.0 has four significant figures.
 Such numbers are better represented in scientific notation. We can express the number 100 as
1×102 for one significant figure, 1.0×102for two significant figures and 1.00×103for three significant
• In exponential notations, the numerical portion represents the number of significant figures. For
example, 0.00045 is expressed as 4.5 x 10-4 in terms of scientific notations. The number of
significant figures in this number is 2, while in Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10 23) it is four.
Rules for Determining the Number of Significant Figures
 The decimal point does not count towards the number of significant
 For example, the number 345601 has six significant figures and
345.601 or 0.345601 or 3.45601 all have same number of significant
• Counting the numbers of object, for example, 2 balls or 20 eggs, have
infinite significant figures as these are exact numbers and can be
represented by writing infinite number of zeros after placing a decimal i.e.,
2 = 2.000000 or 20 = 20.000000.
Retention of Significant Figures - Rounding off Figures
• The rounding off procedure is applied to retain the required number of significant figures.
• If the rightmost digit to be removed is more than 5, the preceding number is increased by
one. For example 4.317 is rounded off to 4.32.
• If the rightmost digit to be removed is less than 5, the preceding number is not changed. For
example 4.312 is rounded off to 4.31.
• If the rightmost digit to be removed is 5, then the preceding number is not changed if it is an
even number but it is increased by one if it is an odd number. For example 8.375 is rounded
off to 8.38 while8.365 is rounded off to 8.36.
• Precision:- refers to the closeness of various measurements for the same quantity.
• Accuracy is the agreement of a particular value to the true value of the result.
• For example, if the true value for a result is 2.00 g and student A, B and C takes two
measurements as per the table

• Result which is accurate must be precise.

Addition and Subtraction of Significant Figures
• The result cannot have more digits to the right of the decimal point than either of the original
12.11 + 18.0 + 1.012 = 31.122
• Here, 18.0 has only one digit after the decimal point and the result should be reported only up to one
digit after the decimal point, which is 31.1.
Multiplication and Division of Significant Figures
• In these operations, the result must be reported with no more significant figures as in the
measurement with the few significant figures.
2.5 × 1.25 = 3.125
• Since 2.5 has two significant figures, the result should not have more than two significant figures,
thus, it is 3.1.
Dimensional Analysis
• The method used to convert units from one system to the other is called factor label
method or unit factor method or dimensional analysis.
A piece of metal is 3 inch (represented by in) long. What is its length in cm?
Solution Some important unit conversions
1 inch=2.54 cm
We know, 1 in = 2.54 cm 1 A0 (angstrom)= 10-10 m
unit factors 1 mile =1.609 km
1 pound = 453.6 g
3 in = 3 in x 1 calorie = 4.2 Joule
1 erg = 10−7 Joule
1 atm = 101,325 Pa =1.01325 x 105 Pa
1 atm = 760 mm Hg
1 bar =105 Pa
1 atm = 1.01325 bar
1 L = 103 cm3 = 10-3 m3
Dimensional Analysis
Example :- A jug contains 2L of milk. Calculate the volume of the milk in m 3.
Since 1 L = 10-3 m3 unit factor
2 L= 2 L x
Example:- How many seconds are there in 2 days?
Here, we know 1 day = 24 hours (h)
then, 1h = 60 min 1 min = 60 s
2day = 2day x x x =2 x 24 x 60 x 60 s = 172800 s

Topics:- Atomic Mass, Molecular Mass, Formula Mass, Mole concept, Molar mass,

By:- Vijay Kumar Sethi

Atomic Mass
• The atomic mass or the mass of an atom is actually very-very small because atoms are
extremely small.
• In the nineteenth century, scientists could determine the mass of one atom relative to
another by experimental means
• Hydrogen, being the lightest atom was arbitrarily assigned a mass of 1 (without any units)
and other elements were assigned masses relative to it
• However, the present system of atomic masses is based on carbon-12 as the standard and
has been agreed upon in 1961.
• Here, Carbon-12 is one of the isotopes of carbon and can be represented as 12C.
• In this system, 12C is assigned a mass of exactly 12 atomic mass unit (amu) and masses of all
other atoms are given relative to this standard.
• One atomic mass unit (amu) is defined as a mass exactly equal to one-twelfth of the mass of one
carbon – 12 atom.

• Mass of an atom of hydrogen = 1.6736 × 10–24 g

• Thus, in terms of amu, the mass of hydrogen atom

• At present, ‘amu’ has been replaced by ‘u’, which is known as unified mass.
• When we use atomic masses of elements in calculations, we actually use average atomic masses of
• Average atomic mass of the element is defined as the average mass of all the isotopes of the element,
as compared to 1/12th the mass of one carbon-12 atom
• For example, carbon has the following three isotopes with relative abundances and masses as shown

• the average atomic mass of carbon =

Molecular Mass
• Molecular mass is the sum of atomic masses of the elements present in a molecule.
• It is obtained by multiplying the atomic mass of each element by the number of its atoms
and adding them together.
• For example,
• Molecular mass of methane, (CH4) = 1x atomic mass of C + 4 x atomic mass of H
=1 x (12.011 u) + 4 x (1.008 u) = 16.043 u
• molecular mass of water (H2O) = 2 × atomic mass of hydrogen + 1 × atomic mass of oxygen
= 2 (1.008 u) + 16.00 u = 18.02 u
Formula Mass
• Ionic compounds do not exist as discrete molecules as covalent compounds.
• For example , in the solid state sodium chloride does not exist as a single entity.
• In such compounds, positive (sodium ion) and negative (chloride ion) entities are arranged in a
three-dimensional structure, one Na+ ion is surrounded by six Cl– ion and vice-versa.
• The word formula unit is used for those substances whose constituent particles are ions
• The formula unit mass or formula mass of a substance is a sum of the atomic masses of all atoms in
a formula unit of a compound
• For example, sodium chloride has a formula unit NaCl.
• Its formula unit mass can be calculated as 1 × 23 + 1 × 35.5 = 58.5 u
• Formula unit mass of CaCl2 =Atomic mass of Ca+ (2 × atomic mass of Cl)
= 40 + 2 × 35.5 = 40 + 71 = 111 u
• The mole, symbol mol, is the SI unit of amount of substance
• One mole contains exactly 6.022 × 1023 elementary entities.(An elementary entity may be an atom,
a molecule, an ion, an electron, any other particle or specified group of particles.)
• This number is the fixed numerical value of the Avogadro constant, NA, when expressed in the unit
mol–1 and is called the Avogadro number.
• The Avogadro constant 6.022 × 1023 is defined as the number of atoms in exactly 12 g of carbon-12.

• The mole is the amount of substance of a system that contains 6.022 × 10 23 specified elementary
• 1 mole (of anything) = 6.022 × 1023 in number, as, 1 dozen = 12 nos. 1 gross = 144 nos.
Molar mass
• Mass of 1 mole of a substance in g is called its molar mass.
• The molar mass in grams is numerically equal to atomic/molecular/ formula mass in u.
• Molar mass of atoms is also known as gram atomic mass.
• Molar mass of molecules is also known as gram molecular mass.
• The mass of 1 mole of a substance is equal to its relative atomic or molecular mass in grams.
• For example, atomic mass of hydrogen=1u. So, gram atomic mass of hydrogen =Molar mass of H= 1 g.
• 1 u hydrogen has only 1 atom of hydrogen , 1 g hydrogen has 1 mole atoms, that is, 6.022 × 10 23 atoms of
• 16 u oxygen has only 1 atom of oxygen, 16 g oxygen has 1 mole atoms, that is, 6.022 × 10 23 atoms of
• Molecular mass of water (H2O) is 18 u. Molar mass of water= 18 g
• 18 u water has only 1 molecule of water,
• 18 g water has 1 mole molecules of water, that is, 6.022 × 1023 molecules of water.
• A mole is the chemist’s counting unit
• Mole relates the mass in grams to the number.
• The word “mole” was introduced around 1896 by Wilhelm Ostwald who derived the term
from the Latin word moles meaning a ‘heap’ or ‘pile’.
• A substance may be considered as a heap of atoms or molecules.
• The unit mole was accepted in 1967 to provide a simple way of reporting a large number–
the massive heap of atoms and molecules in a sample.
No. of moles = n
Mass in gram = m
Molar mass in g/mol = M
Number of particles = N
Avogadro Constant= NA

m N

Topics:- Percentage composition, Empirical Formula and Molecular Formula

By:- Vijay Kumar Sethi

• Percent composition is the term used to describe the percent by mass of each element in a
• It is found using the molar mass values for both the elements in the compound and the compound
• Percentage composition of a compound is a ratio of an amount of each element to the total
amount of individual elements in a compound, which is then multiplied with 100
• Mass % of an element =
For example-percentage composition of water (H2O)
Molar mass of water = 2 x1.0+16.0=18.0 g
Mass % of hydrogen =
= 11.11 %
Mass % of oxygen =
• What is the percentage of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in ethanol?
• Answer:-
Molecular formula of ethanol is: C2H5OH
Molar mass of ethanol is: (2×12.0 + 6×1.0 + 16.0) g = 46.0 g
Mass per cent of carbon
Mass per cent of hydrogen

Mass per cent of oxygen

Verify the result:-52.17 +13.04 + 34.78=99.99 100
Empirical Formula and Molecular Formula
• An empirical formula represents the simplest whole number ratio of various atoms present in a
• whereas, the molecular formula shows the exact number of different types of atoms present in a
molecule of a compound.

• If the mass per cent of various elements present in a compound is known, its empirical formula can
be determined.
• Molecular formula can further be obtained if the molar mass is known.
How to find out Empirical Formula and Molecular Formula?
• A compound contains 4.07% hydrogen, 24.27% carbon and 71.65% chlorine. Its molar mass is
98.96 g. What are its empirical and molecular formulas?
Element Mass % Molar Relative No. Whole No.
Mass of moles Ratio
Carbon 24.27% 12 1 1
Hydrogen 4.07% 1 2
Chlorine 71.65% 35.5 1 1

Empirical formula- CH2Cl Empirical formula mass=12 +2 x 1 + 35.5=49.5

Molecular formula= Empirical formula x n
Molecular formula= CH2Cl x 2 = C2H4Cl2
• Determine the empirical formula of an oxide of iron, which has 69.9% iron and 30.1% oxygen
by mass.
Element Mass % Molar Relative No. Whole No.
Mass of moles Ratio
Iron 69.9% 55.8 1 2
Oxygen 30.1% 16 3

Empirical formula- Fe2O3


• Significance of a balanced chemical equation,
• Limiting Reagent,
• Stoichiometry And Stoichiometric Calculations

By:- Vijay Kumar Sethi

Balanced chemical equation
• According to the law of conservation of mass, a balanced chemical equation has the same number of
atoms of each element on both sides of the equation.
• CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) → CO2 (g) + 2H2O (g)
• Here, methane and dioxygen are called reactants and carbon dioxide and water are called products.
• All the reactants and the products are gases in the above reaction and this has been indicated by letter
(g) in the brackets next to its formula.
• Similarly, in case of solids and liquids, (s) and (l) are written respectively and (aq) for aqueous solution
• The coefficients 2 for O2 and H2O are called stoichiometric coefficients. Similarly the stoichiometric

coefficient for CH4 and CO2 is one in each case.

Significance or Implications of a balanced chemical equation:-


It tells about- 1. Hydrogen and Oxygen reacts to give water

1. Name of reactants and products,
2. are composed of 2 atoms of H & O respectively and
2. Composition of each reactant and product, water is composed of 2 atoms of H and 1 atom of
3. Relative masses of reactants and products, 3. 4 g of react with 32 g of to produce 36 g of water.
4. 2 molecules of react with 1 molecule of to give 2
molecule of water.
4. Relative numbers of atoms/ molecules,
5. 2 moles of react with 1 mole of to give 2 moles of
5. Relative numbers of moles of reactants and products, water.

6. Relative volumes of gaseous reactants and products. 6. At STP 2x 22.7 =45.4 L of reacts with 22.7 L of
• The word ‘stoichiometry’ is derived from two Greek words — stoicheion (meaning, element) and
metron (meaning, measure).
• Stoichiometry, thus, deals with the calculation of masses (sometimes volumes also) of the reactants
and the products involved in a chemical reaction.
Limiting Reagent
• If one of the reactant is in more amount than the amount required by balanced chemical
equation, the reactant which is present in the least amount gets consumed after sometime and
after that further reaction does not take place whatever be the amount of the other reactant.
• The reactant, which gets consumed first, limits the amount of product formed is called the
limiting reagent.
Exercise Question 1.23:-
In a reaction A + B2 →AB2
Identify the limiting reagent, if any, in the following reaction mixtures.
(i) 300 atoms of A + 200 molecules of B2 Ans:-B2

(ii) 2 mol A + 3 mol B2 Ans:-A

(iii) 100 atoms of A + 100 molecules of B2 Ans:- None

(iv) 5 mol A + 2.5 mol B2 Ans:-B2

(v) 2.5 mol A + 5 mol B2 Ans:- A

• Calculate the amount of water (g) produced by the combustion of 16 g of methane.
The balanced equation for the combustion of methane is :

CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) ® CO2 (g) + 2H2O (g)

From the above equation, 1 mol of CH4 (g) gives 2 mol of H2O (g).
Given:16 g of CH4 Molar Mass of CH4=12+ 4 x1=16 g/mol

16 g of CH4 = 1 mole of CH4

16 g of CH4 produce= 2 mole of water

Molar mass of water =18 g/mol
Mass of water produced = 2 × 18 g H2O = 36 g H2O
Problem 1.4:-
• How many moles of methane are required to produce 22g CO 2 (g) after combustion?
According to the chemical equation,

CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) ® CO2 (g) + 2H2O (g) 1 mol CO2(g) is obtained from 1 mol of CH4(g)
Molar mass of CO2= 12 + 2 x 1= 44 g/mol

Given: Mass of CO2 to be produced = 22 g

Number of moles of CO2 (g)=
Hence, 0.5 mol CO2 (g) would be obtained from 0.5 mol CH4 (g)
or 0.5 mol of CH4 (g) would be required to produce 22 g CO2 (g).
Problem 1.5:-
50.0 kg of N2 (g) and 10.0 kg of H2 (g) are mixed to produce NH3 (g). Calculate the amount of NH3 (g) formed. Identify the
limiting reagent in the production of NH3 in this situation and mass of NH3 produced
Given- mass of N2= 50.0 kg = 50.0 x 1000=50000 g; mass of H2=10.0 kg=10000 g
According to the above equation, 1 mol N2 (g) requires 3 mol H2 (g), for the reaction.

Hence, for mol of N2, the moles of H2 (g) required would be=3 x 1785.7=5375.1 mol

But we have only 5000 mol H2. Hence, dihydrogen is the limiting reagent in this case.

So, NH3(g) would be formed only from that amount of available dihydrogen i.e., 5000 mol

Since 3 mol H2(g) gives 2 mol NH3(g)

So 5000 mol of H2 gives =


• Explanation of Answers of Exercise Questions of NCERT Book

By:- Vijay Kumar Sethi

Q.1.21 (b) Fill in the blanks in the following conversions:
(i) 1 km = ...................... mm = ...................... pm
Solution:- 1 km = 1000 m
1 m = 1000 mm
1 m = 1012 pm
1 km =

1 km =
Q.1.21 (b)(ii) 1 mg = ...................... kg = ...................... ng
1 mg =


1 mg = 1 mg

1 mg = 1 mg
Q.1.21 (b)(iii) 1 mL = ...................... L = ...................... dm 3

1.34 A welding fuel gas contains carbon and hydrogen only. Burning a small sample of it in oxygen gives
3.38 g carbon dioxide, 0.690 g of water and no other products. A volume of 10.0 L (measured at STP) of
this welding gas is found to weigh 11.6 g. Calculate (i) empirical formula, (ii) molar mass of the gas, and
(iii) molecular formula.
First of all calculate percentage of C and H
% of C=
% of H=
1.34 Continue….
(i) Calculation for empirical formula:-
Element Mass % Molar Relative No. Whole No.
Mass of moles Ratio
Carbon 92.18% 12 1 1
Hydrogen 7.67% 1 1 1

Empirical formula- CH
(ii) molar mass of the gas:-
Given:-A volume of 10.0 L (measured at STP) of this welding gas is found to weigh 11.6 g
At STP mass of 10.0 L of the gas =11.6 g
At STP mass of 22.7 L of the gas=
1.34 Continue….
(iii) molecular formula:-
Empirical formula mass of CH =12 + 1 = 13
Molecular formula= Empirical formula x n
Molecular formula= CH x 2 = C2H2

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