Complaint Against Barnevernet: The International Criminal Court in The Hague
Complaint Against Barnevernet: The International Criminal Court in The Hague
Complaint Against Barnevernet: The International Criminal Court in The Hague
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate hereby addresses the International Criminal Court (ICC) with a request
that the Barnevernet leaders or any other persons determined by the prosecutor of the International Criminal
Court be brought to responsibility before the ICC for crimes against humanity and for genocide committed
on the territory of Norway from 1990 onwards, covered by Articles 5, 6, 7 of the Rome Statute of the
International Criminal Court.
Barnevernet is in fact an independent fascist state in Norway hunting for children. It has its own laws and is not
accountable to the Norwegian government, Norwegian king or Norwegian courts, or even to the United
Nations. Barnevernet (Child Welfare Service) is absolutely dispunishable. Abductions of children by the so-
called social services have become the foundation of a gigantic business. In 2015, Barnevernet had 4,300
employees. They persecute on average 53,000 children every year. Some of them have already been stolen,
some are at risk of being kidnapped piratically. The number of children born in Norway annually is only
60,000. Norway has a total population of 5,000,000. Barnevernet costs for 2015 amounted to 11.8 billion
Norwegian kroner, which is about € 1.25 billion, or about $ 1.4 billion!
For what reasons does Barnevernet steal children from their parents?
- The mother does not make an omelette to the liking of a Barnevernet child psychologist and gives her child
too thick slices of bread.
- When washing her child, the mother used a lot of soap.
- The father has injured his leg and cannot climb the ladder; therefore, he cannot dust off the top of the window
- The mother is of small stature – if her daughter will be taller in adolescence, the mother will not be able to
reach her.
- The parents love their child and so they do not want it to be removed from them. This is allegedly evidence
that the parents cannot cooperate with the social services.
Although the European Court of Human Rights pointed out human rights violations by Barnevernet, nothing
has changed! Moreover, Norway was criticized by the UN High Commissioner for systematic violation of
human rights and fundamental freedoms as well as violation of international conventions. Again, nothing has
changed, on the contrary – crime intensifies!
Given that the above-mentioned unlawful acts contain elements of especially serious crimes against humanity
which fall within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate,
which defends God’s laws and moral values, hereby lodges a complaint with the International Criminal Court.
We demand that the International Criminal Court identify the culprits committing crimes against humanity
under Articles 5, 6, 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and bring to responsibility the
Barnevernet leaders and other persons determined by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.
+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate
20 July 2016
Vatican Secretariat of State and Catholic bishoprics
Patriarchate of Moscow and Constantinople and Orthodox bishoprics
Representatives of other Christian Churches
Presidents and governments of Europe
Presidents and governments of the USA, Canada, Brazil, China
Postscript: We appeal to the religious leadership of the Vatican, to the leadership of the Orthodox patriarchates
as well as the leaders of Protestant denominations but also to various civic organizations and individuals to
lodge complaints against Barnevernet, following our example. If they remain indifferent, they make it
manifest that they agree with the satanization of children! It is a system of inhuman torture and sexual abuse
of children. The crimes of Barnevernet bring down a curse not only upon Norway but also upon those
states that stand idly by in silence!
Mass media have a duty to disclose mass crimes! Silence is a crime of collaboration on autogenocide even of
their own nation! “Unless you repent, you will all perish!” (Lk 13:3)
People of all nations, unite! Write, knock, shout until the Barnevernet criminals are justly punished and