SRP Mat ENG Grundkompetenzen 2022
SRP Mat ENG Grundkompetenzen 2022
SRP Mat ENG Grundkompetenzen 2022
in Mathematics (AHS)
Fundamental content areas for the core competencies in mathematics
In order to use mathematics and for communicating about and reflecting on mathematics,
a proper handling of basic terms and concepts in algebra is essential. In particular, this
includes various sets of numbers, variables, expressions, equations (formulae), and ine-
qualities as well as systems of equations. A proper handling includes an appropriate inter-
pretation of these terms and concepts in context as well as suitable usage of these terms
and concepts to represent abstract situations and their rearrangement following certain
rules. Reflection on possible solutions and cases as well as the (limits and exploration of
the) applicability of the respective concepts are also significant for certain communicative
The extension of the concept of number to vectors and the determination of suitable rules
to combine these mathematical objects operationally leads to an important generalisation
of the concepts of number and variable.
This connection between algebra and geometry does not only allow geometric situations
to be represented by algebraic means (e.g. vectors as algebraic representations of arrows
or points) and to be treated as such, but also algebraic situations can be considered
geometrically (e.g. lists of three numbers as points or arrows in three dimensions) and to
gain new insights from this shift in perspectives. These interpretations of algebraic objects
in geometry as well as geometric objects in algebra and a flexible exchange between these
representations and perspectives are of great significance for various communicative
Core Competencies
Fundamental Concepts in Algebra
AG 1.1 to be able to apply knowledge of the number sets ℕ, ℤ, ℚ, ℝ, ℂ
AG 1.2 to be able to apply knowledge of algebraic concepts appropriately: variables,
expressions, formulae, inequalities, equations, systems of equations,
equivalency, rearrangements, solvability
For the sets of numbers, the names of the sets and the subset relationships should be familiar, elements of the sets
should be able to be given and assigned, and the set of real numbers should be understood as the basis for continuous
models. Knowledge of the real numbers also includes knowing that sets of numbers exist that go beyond ℝ.
The algebraic concepts should be able to be described/explained using simple examples and to be applied appropriately.
AG 4.1 to be able to understand the definitions of sine, cosine and tangent in
right-angled triangles and apply them to solve right-angled triangles
AG 4.2 to be able to understand and apply the definitions of sine and cosine for angles
greater than 90°
The contexts are restricted to simple cases in two- and three-dimensional space, more complex (measurement) tasks are
not referred to; the sine and cosine rules are not required.
The understanding of the use of the most important function types is central to the funda-
mental knowledge of mathematics: knowing their names and equations, recognising and
knowing the typical behaviours of their graphs, changing between the forms of representa-
tion, knowing their characteristic properties and being able to interpret these.
If an overview of the most important types of functions has been gained and important
characteristics needed to describe functions are known (monotonicity, change in mono-
tonicity, points of inflexion, periodicity, zeros, poles), communication can be extended to
unknown functions as well as compositions of functions.
Core Competencies
Concept of a function, real functions, representations and properties
FA 1.1 to be able to decide whether given relations can be considered as functions
FA 1.2 to be able to interpret formulae as representations of functions and classify
them as a type of function
FA 1.3 to be able to convert between tabular and graphical representations of functional
FA 1.4 to be able to determine (pairs of) values of functions from tables, graphs1 and
equations and interpret them in context
FA 1.5 to be able to recognise properties of functions, name them, interpret them in
context and apply them in constructing graphs of functions: (change of) mono-
tonicity, local maxima and minima, points of inflexion, periodicity, symmetry
about the axes, asymptotic behaviour, points of intersection with the axes
FA 1.6 to be able to determine points of intersection between two graphs of functions
graphically and by calculation and interpret them in context
FA 1.7 to be able to understand functions as mathematical models and thus work with
them appropriately
T he graph of a function is defined as the set of its pairs of values. Following a widely used linguistic convention, we also
call the graphical representation of the graph in the Cartesian coordinate system a “graph”.
Power functions with f(x) = a ∙ x z and functions of the type f(x) = a ∙ x z + b with
z ∈ ℤ\{0} or z = 12
FA 3.1 to be able to recognise and work with these types of relationships in verbal,
tabular or graphical form or represented as an equation (formula) and to convert
between these forms of representation
FA 3.2 to be able to determine (pairs of) values as well as the parameters a and b from
tables, graphs and equations and interpret these in context
FA 3.3 to be able to recognise the effect of the parameters a and b and interpret these
parameters in context
FA 3.4 to be able to describe indirectly proportional relationships as power functions of
the type
f(x) = ax ∙ (bzw. f(x) = a ∙ x –1)
With regard to the ability to communicate, the central concept of integral calculus is the
definite integral. It is important to know what this concept enables in mathematics and
concretely in various application situations. One the one hand, the view of the definite
integral as the limit of a sum of products in different contexts results from this; on the
other hand, the fact that the typical applications of the definite integral can be generally
described and the term itself can be used in various contexts to represent corresponding
relationships (e.g. physical work as a path integral of force or the distance covered as a
time integral of speed) follow from this too.
The mathematical representation of each term is generally a symbolic one with the sym-
bols having a particular meaning within calculus. A knowledgeable understanding of this
formalism is necessary for the accessibility of elementary specialist literature i.e. the
various symbolic representations of the differential quotient, the derivative function as
well as the definite integral should be recognised as such and they should be able to be
interpreted in context and used independently as a means of representation. It is impor-
tant to know that these symbols can also be calculated with and what in each concrete
case is being calculated; the execution of the calculation itself can largely be omitted. It is
sufficient to focus on the simplest rules of differentiation, especially as the symbolic rep-
resentation of the concepts is available alongside the graphical representation of the
corresponding functions, with which the relevant properties and relationships can be
recognised and also quantitatively estimated.
Differentiation rules
AN 2.1 to be able to understand and apply simple differentiation rules: the power rule,
the [k · f(x)]′ and [f(k · x)]′ (see also the content area Functional Relationships)
The independent creation of statistical tables and diagrams is limited to situations of low
complexity (e.g. when communicating with the general public); a similar approach also
applies to the determination of statistical parameters (measures of central tendency and
In the case of probability, too, the content is limited to the fundamental interpretations of
probability, the basic terms (random variable, (random) sample, probability distribution, ex-
pectation value and variance/standard deviation) and concepts (the binomial distribution) as
well as the simplest probability calculations; on the other hand, it is important to understand
probability as a way of modelling and quantifying random chance (from a given level of
Core Competencies
Descriptive statistics
WS 1.1 to be able to read values from tables and simple graphical representations (and
determine composite values i.e. to be able to use data that can be read from
diagrams to calculate further parameters) and interpret them appropriately in
(un)ordered lists, tally charts, pictograms, column graphs, bar charts, line graphs, stem-and-leaf diagrams, scatter plots,
histograms (as a special case of a column graph), percentage strips, box plots
WS 1.2 to be able to create tables and simple statistical diagrams and convert between
forms of representation
WS 1.3 to be able to interpret statistical parameters (absolute and relative frequencies,
mean, median, mode, quartiles, range, empirical variance/standard deviation) in
context and determine the parameters listed above for simple data sets
WS 1.4 to be able to state and use the definitions and important properties of the mean
and the median, determine and interpret quartiles and justify the choice of a
particular parameter for a certain purpose
Although statistical parameters (for simple data sets) should be determined and basic statistical diagrams should be cre-
ated, the focus is on the sensible interpretation of diagrams (taking manipulation into consideration) and parameters. Es-
pecially for the mean and the median (as well as quartiles), the most important properties (defining properties, data type
compatibility, outlier sensitivity) should be known, properly applied and taken into account. For the mean, any necessary
weightings must be observed (“weighted mean”) and used (calculation of the mean from the means of subsets).
Probability Distribution(s)
WS 3.1 to be able to understand and apply the terms random variable, (probability)
distribution, expectation value and standard deviation
WS 3.2 to be able to understand the binomial distribution as a model of a discrete distri-
bution, determine the expectation value as well as the variance/standard devia-
tion of binomially distributed random variables, state the probability distribution
of binomially distributed random variables and apply the binomial distribution in
appropriate situations
WS 3.3 to be able to recognise and describe situations that can be modelled using the
binomial distribution
In this way, pupils learn to define and tackle problems appropriate for their age and to
monitor their own success. The “interdisciplinary” competencies developed in various
areas of education can and should be included in the standardised written school-leaving
examination in mathematics. It is particularly important to note that pupils must be given
the opportunity to connect prior experiences and knowledge to relevant contexts.
The list of contexts given below represents a selection of available areas of application
of mathematics. This list is intended as an aid to prepare for the standardised written
school-leaving examination. In any case, the contexts listed below can arise without de-
tailed explanation in the standardised written school-leaving examination. For all other
contexts, the necessary and sufficient explanations for each task will be given in the intro-
ductory text.
When applying mathematics in everyday situations, one cannot avoid dealing with propor-
tions, (physical) quantities in general and units in particular. In any case, the correct way of
working with (proportions of) amounts and units in unavoidable in communication situa-
tions and demonstrates a deeper understanding of connections.
Prefix Meaning Symbol Ausführung
tera- trillion T 10 = 1 000 000 000 000
Technical-scientific basics
Beziehung 1 Beziehung 1 Beziehung 2 Beziehung 3
ϱ= m
density V
power P= = P= dt
Δt Δt
force F=m∙a
work W=F∙s
F= dW
W = ∫ F(s) ds ds
kinetic energy Ekin = 2
∙ m ∙ v2
uniform linear motion v=
v = ds v(t) = s′(t)
Financial mathematics
The curriculum for mathematics does not only draw on scientific and technical contexts
but also thematises economic affairs. Therefore, basic concepts in this field are also
Compound interest calculations
K0 ... initial capital
Kn ... final capital
p ... annual interest rate in percent
Kn = K0 ∙ (1 + i) n with i =