2020 AAHAAAFP Feline Vaccination Guidelines
2020 AAHAAAFP Feline Vaccination Guidelines
2020 AAHAAAFP Feline Vaccination Guidelines
Abstract: The guidelines are a consensus report on current recommendations for vaccination of cats
of any origin, authored by a Task Force of experts. The guidelines are published simultaneously in the
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (volume 22, issue 9, pages 813–830, DOI: 10.1177/1098612X20941784) Amy ES Stone
and the Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association (volume 56, issue 4, pages 249–265, Chair of 2020 AAHA/AAFP
DOI: 10.5326/JAAHA-MS-7123). The guidelines assign approved feline vaccines to core (recommended Feline Vaccination
for all cats) and non-core (recommended based on an individualized risk–benefit assessment) categories. Guidelines Task Force*
Department of Small Animal
Practitioners can develop individualized vaccination protocols consisting of core vaccines and non-core Clinical Sciences, University
vaccines based on exposure and susceptibility risk as defined by the patient’s life stage, lifestyle, and place of Florida, Gainesville,
Florida, USA
of origin and by environmental and epidemiologic factors. An update on feline injection-site sarcomas
indicates that occurrence of this sequela remains infrequent and idiosyncratic. Staff education initiatives Gary O Brummet
should enable the veterinary practice team to be proficient in advising clients on proper vaccination practices
Veterinary Teaching Hospital,
and compliance. Vaccination is a component of a preventive healthcare plan. The vaccination visit should College of Veterinary
always include a thorough physical exam and client education dialog that gives the pet owner an Medicine, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign,
understanding of how clinical staff assess disease risk and propose recommendations that help ensure Urbana, Illinois, USA
an enduring owner–pet relationship.
Ellen M Carozza
Keywords: Vaccination principles; vaccines; lifestyle; risk assessment; veterinarian; injection site; rabies; Nova Cat Clinic, Arlington,
leukemia; guidelines; maternally derived antibodies Virginia, USA
Philip H Kass
Abbreviations: DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid); FCV (feline calicivirus); FeLV (feline leukemia virus); DVM, MPVM, MS, PhD,
FHV-1 (feline herpesvirus type 1); FIP (feline infectious peritonitis); FISS (feline injection-site sarcoma); DACVPM (Specialty
FPV (feline panleukopenia virus); Ig (immunoglobulin); IM (intramuscular); MDA (maternally derived in Epidemiology)
Department of Population
antibodies); SC (subcutaneous); WSAVA (World Small Animal Veterinary Association) Health and Reproduction,
School of Veterinary
Medicine, University
These guidelines were prepared by a Task Force Introduction of California, Davis,
Davis, California, USA
of experts convened by the American Animal
Hospital Association (AAHA) and the American As a medically essential and cost-effective Ernest P Petersen
Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) and method of infectious disease control, vaccina- DVM, PhD, DABVP (Feline)
Animal Hospital of Parkland,
were subjected to a formal peer-review process. tion continues to be a mainstay of feline Tacoma, Washington, USA
This document is intended as a guideline only, not practice and a critical component of an indi-
Jane Sykes
an AAHA or AAFP standard of care. These guide- vidualized preventive healthcare plan. These BVSc (Hons), PhD,
lines and recommendations should not be con- guidelines provide the most current informa- DACVIM, MBA
strued as dictating an exclusive protocol, course tion and recommendations for feline vaccina- University of California,
Davis, Davis, California, USA
of treatment, or procedure. Variations in practice tion as determined by a Task Force of experts
may be warranted based on the needs of the indi- in feline practice. The recommendations are Mark E Westman
BVSc (Hons), PhD,
vidual patient, resources, and limitations unique evidence-guided, based on current peer- MANZCVS (Animal
to each individual practice setting. Evidence- reviewed literature and data, and complement- Welfare), GradCert Ed Stud
based support for specific recommendations has ed by clinical insights collectively derived from (Higher Ed))
Sydney School of Veterinary
been cited whenever possible and appropriate. decades of experience. The guidelines update Science, University of
Other recommendations are based on practical the “2013 AAFP Feline Vaccination Advisory Sydney, Sydney,
New South Wales, Australia
clinical experience and a consensus of expert opin- Panel Report” and utilize similar recommenda-
ion. Further research is needed to document some tions from the 2016 “WSAVA [World Small *Corresponding author:
of these recommendations. Because each case is Animal Veterinary Association] Guidelines for
different, veterinarians must base their decisions on
the best available scientific evidence in conjunction
with their own knowledge and experience.
DOI: 10.1177/1098612X20941784
© 2020 by American Animal Hospital Association, American Association
of Feline Practitioners and International Society of Feline Medicine
813_830_AAHA_AAFP Feline Vaccination Guidelines_3.8.2020.qxp_FAB 03/08/2020 13:13 Page 814
kitten at any one time point cannot be predict- This means that the series must be extended 3–4
ed because it varies depending on the titer of weeks beyond the period in which the decline in
the dam and the amount of colostrum ingest- MDA occurs, with the final vaccination dose being
ed after birth. As a result, a series of vaccinations a booster. In the past, it was recommended that
is administered to kittens every 2–4 weeks through revaccination be performed 1 year after the
16–18 weeks of age in order to increase the chance initial kitten series, and then for most vaccines
that successful immunization will occur soon after every 3 years thereafter. However, owing to
the decline of MDA to sufficiently low titers. The studies that suggest up to one-third of kittens
series is started no sooner than 4 weeks of age, may fail to respond to a final core vaccine at
because neonates are more likely to develop 16 weeks and may have blocking MDA at
vaccine organism-associated disease and may 20 weeks, the WSAVA recommends that the
not respond well to vaccination. During 1 year vaccine (feline viral rhinotracheitis–
administration of the series, a window exists calicivirus–panleukopenia only) be replaced
when MDA concentrations are high enough to with revaccination at 6 months of age.2,6,7
interfere with immunization but are not suffi- In this update, this Task Force has adopted the
cient to prevent natural infection. This window same recommendation of revaccination against
of susceptibility can be minimized by decreas- FPV, feline herpesvirus type 1 (FHV-1), and feline
ing the interval between vaccinations in the calicivirus (FCV) at 6 months of age to potentially
series, although use of intervals less than reduce the window of susceptibility in kittens with
2 weeks can interfere with successful MDA toward the end of the kitten series (16–18
immunization, especially with attenuated live weeks). The Task Force recognizes that this
vaccines. means an additional visit will still be neces-
Once vaccination has been successfully sary for administration of the annual feline
achieved after the decline of MDA, it is gener- leukemia virus (FeLV) and rabies vaccinations
ally recommended that a booster vaccine be in young cats.
given 3–4 weeks later (this is especially The risk of infection and disease varies with
important for inactivated vaccines, although a factors such as the age and health of the cat,
boostering effect will also occur following magnitude of exposure to the infectious agent,
revaccination with attenuated live vaccines). the pathogenicity of the agent, and the
Vaccines, Examples FPV, FHV-1, FCV, FeLV, FPV, FHV-1, FCV, FIP, Rabies, FeLV
rabies, Chlamydia Chlamydia, Bordetella
including those
Replication after Does not replicate May replicate locally and at Limited replication, which
from different administration sites beyond the inoculation is then aborted (for
site canarypox-vectored
Initial vaccination With the exception of One dose may be sufficient; Rabies: One dose is
that are in the absence of MDA rabies, two initial doses however, where the likelihood required. Protective
required, 3–4 weeks apart of infection is high, two initial immunity is expected to
licensed to doses are recommended, develop by 28 days
Protective immunity is 3 weeks apart
protect against expected within 7–10 days FeLV: Two initial doses are
of the second dose. For Protective immunity is required, 3–4 weeks apart.
rabies, only one dose is expected within 7–10 days Protective immunity is
the same required, and protection is of the second dose expected within 7–10 days
expected within 28 days of the second dose
Route(s) of Parenteral (SC, IM) Parenteral (SC, IM): FPV, Parenteral (SC)
should not be administration as FHV-1, FCV, Chlamydia
stipulated by the
assumed as manufacturer Mucosal (intranasal): FPV,
FHV-1, FCV, FIP, Bordetella
Adjuvanted Yes, with some exceptions Not required Some products contain
adjuvant; canarypox-
vectored products are
Because vaccine-induced protection is variable tion of rabies, two initial doses of vaccine
3–4 weeks apart in the absence of MDA are
and not absolute, vaccination should not be used absolutely essential to produce an effective
immune response, and if more than 6 weeks
as the only form of protection. elapses between these doses, it is recommend-
ed in other guidelines reports that the series
be repeated.2,8 Full protection may not devel-
vaccination history of the cat. Some of the op until 2–3 weeks after the last dose.
factors that impact an individual animal’s abil- Inactivated vaccines are generally considered
ity to respond to vaccination include interfer- safer than attenuated live vaccines for use
ence from MDA, congenital or acquired during pregnancy and in immunosuppressed
immunodeficiency, concurrent disease, inade- animals, although systemic allergic reactions
quate nutrition, chronic stress, and very young could still jeopardize pregnancy.
or old age. Some vaccines (e.g., those for FPV) < Attenuated live vaccines (modified live
induce a stronger protective response than vaccines) contain microorganisms that are
others (e.g., those for FHV-1). Because vaccine- artificially manipulated so as to reduce their
induced protection is variable and not abso- virulence or are field strains of low virulence.
lute, vaccination should not be used as the Repeated passage through cell culture is the
only form of protection, and other control most common means of attenuation. Because
measures, such as those that reduce exposure organisms in attenuated live vaccines replicate
to infectious agents, should also be employed. in the host, they stimulate an immune response
that more closely mimics protection from
Types of feline vaccines natural infection. There is generally a more
Vaccines, including those from different rapid onset of immunity than with inactivated
manufacturers that are licensed to protect vaccines, and, in the absence of MDA, only one
against the same pathogen, should not be dose of vaccine may be sufficient to provide
assumed as equivalent. Differences in pro- protection. Partial immunity after vaccination
cesses and technology used to produce vac- with a single dose of attenuated live FPV
cines, as well as additives such as adjuvants, vaccines can occur within hours.9–11 In
and vaccine route of administration influence addition, live vaccine organisms that are shed
efficacy, safety, and duration of immunity. can immunize other animals in a population.
Vaccines may be inactivated, attenuated live, However, the potential for vaccine organism-
or recombinant (Table 1). All veterinary vac- induced disease exists. This is most likely to
cines, before licensing, are assessed for effica- occur in immunosuppressed animals, such as
cy, safety, potency, and purity. Vaccine efficacy neonates that are younger than 4 weeks old.
is often expressed as preventable fraction, In addition, use of attenuated live vaccines
defined as the proportion of vaccinated is more likely to result in the generation of
animals that do not develop a disease after false-positive results as indicated by diagnostic
challenge (so-called sterilizing immunity, e.g., tests that are designed to detect the target
FPV, FeLV, and rabies vaccines), compared pathogen (antigen or nucleic acid). With
with unvaccinated animals that do develop prolonged shedding of live vaccine organisms,
the disease. It can also be expressed as mitigat- this can be a problem for weeks after
able fraction (proportion with reduction in vaccination. All bacterial and viral vaccines
severity of clinical signs, e.g., FHV-1 and FCV licensed for intranasal administration in cats
vaccines). Other claims include reduction of are attenuated live, as are a number of
pathogen shedding, prevention of a specific parenteral vaccines.
clinical sign, or prevention of mortality. The < Recombinant vaccines are created through
level or degree of protection claim can there- manipulation of the deoxyribonucleic acid
fore be limited. (DNA) of a pathogen in the laboratory, with
< Inactivated vaccines are vaccines in which reduction in pathogen virulence. Types of
the target pathogen is “killed” and therefore recombinant vaccines include subunit,
unable to replicate in the host. Although these deletion mutant, vectored, and DNA vaccines.
vaccines are unable to revert to virulence, they Currently, the only available recombinant
often contain adjuvants and other excipient vaccines for cats in North America are vectored
proteins to promote an adequate immune vaccines, which use a recombinant canarypox
response, which have been implicated in virus as a vector. In these vaccines, DNA of the
acute and delayed adverse reactions in cats. pathogen that encodes for an immunogenic
Inactivated vaccines produce weaker immune antigen is incorporated into the canarypox
responses of shorter duration when compared genome, which then undergoes aborted
with attenuated live vaccines, and more (limited) replication in the host with expression
frequent booster immunizations may be of the immunogen, in turn inciting a protective
required (generally annually). With the excep- immune response. Compared with inactivated
PARENTERAL No earlier than 6 Two doses q 3–4 Consider at 6 months* of age < Likely safer for use in pregnant cats and
weeks of age and weeks apart rather than 1 year of age those with retrovirus infections
Inactivated then q 3–4 weeks to decrease the potential < Administration should not be avoided in
until 16–20 weeks window of susceptibility if cats with retroviral infection because they can
of age the kitten had MDA at the develop more severe clinical signs if exposed
last kitten booster2,6,7 (see to FPV and upper respiratory infections17
comments in text) < Provides cross-protection to canine
Revaccinate q 3 years < Dual-strain calicivirus vaccines may
thereafter2 provide broader cross-protection23
*Note: This means an < For cats going into boarding or other high-
additional visit for the exposure, stressful situations, revaccination
annual FeLV and rabies 7–10 days prior to boarding may be warranted,
revaccination in young cats particularly if the cat has not been vaccinated
in the preceding year
INTRANASAL No earlier than 6 One dose and Revaccinate annually < Provides faster protection, which
weeks of age and then yearly is especially relevant in high-risk populations
Attenuated live then q 3–4 weeks thereafter Revaccination can be helpful and with kittens against respiratory disease24
until 16–20 weeks in mitigating upper < Consider vaccination simultaneously with
of age respiratory infections in parenteral FPV25
stressful/boarding situations < Might cause transient clinical signs
of respiratory disease
< For cats going into boarding or other high-
exposure, stressful situations, revaccination
7–10 days prior to boarding may be warranted,
particularly if the cat has not been vaccinated
in the preceding year
INTRANASAL Start at 4–6 weeks One dose and Revaccinate annually < No protection against FPV
of age and then then yearly < Provides faster protection, which
Attenuated live q 3–4 weeks until thereafter Revaccination can be helpful is especially relevant in high-risk populations
16–20 weeks of in mitigating upper and with kittens against respiratory disease24
age respiratory infections in < Might cause transient clinical signs
stressful/boarding situations of respiratory disease
Table 2 Core vaccines for pet cats (continued from page 817)
PARENTERAL Two doses 3–4 Two doses 3–4 Revaccinate 12 months after < Considered a core vaccine for kittens
weeks apart weeks apart the last dose in the series, and young adult cats <1 year of age owing
Recombinant beginning as then annually for individual to age-related susceptibility
early as 8 weeks cats at high risk of regular < Considered a non-core vaccine for low-risk
(live canarypox of age exposure through adult cats (no potential exposure to other FeLV+
vector) encountering FeLV+ cats and cats or cats of unknown FeLV status)
cats of unknown FeLV status < Test to establish FeLV antigen status prior
either indoors or outdoors13 to vaccination (see text for comments)
< There is conflicting evidence in the literature
regarding efficacy and safety when comparing
recombinant and inactivated vaccines (see text
for comments)12–14,28–30
< The Task Force acknowledges that if an
FPV–FHV-1–FCV vaccine is administered at
6 months of age, an additional visit will be
required to facilitate vaccinating 12 months after
the last FeLV vaccine in the kitten series
PARENTERAL Two doses 3–4 Two doses 3–4 Revaccinate at 12 months < Considered a core vaccine for kittens
weeks apart weeks apart after the last dose in the and young adult cats <1 year of age owing
Inactivated beginning as series and then consider to age-related susceptibility
PARENTERAL Follow vaccine label instructions < There is conflicting evidence in the literature regarding safety when
and local laws comparing recombinant and inactivated vaccines (see text for comments)12,30
Recombinant < Where rabies vaccination is required, the frequency of vaccination may differ
based on local statutes or requirements. Veterinarians should be familiar with,
(live canarypox and adhere to, local requirements
PARENTERAL Follow vaccine label instructions < There is conflicting evidence in the literature regarding safety when
and local laws comparing recombinant and inactivated vaccines (see text for comments)12,30
Inactivated < Where rabies vaccination is required, the frequency of vaccination may differ
based on local statutes or requirements. Veterinarians should be familiar with,
and adhere to, local requirements
< When local laws/regulations permit, the Task Force recommends a 3-year
vaccination interval using a 3-year labeled vaccine
PARENTERAL Single dose at For adults, single < Vaccination of pregnant queens and kittens <4 weeks of age
intake or where dose at intake or should be avoided because of the theoretical concern for cerebellar
Attenuated live possible at least where possible hypoplasia15,16
1 week before at least 1 week < Because of the theoretical risk of clinical signs due to residual virulence
shelter entry; in before shelter of the attenuated virus in an immunocompromised patient, consider
kittens, the first entry avoiding in cats with retrovirus infections17,18
dose no earlier < Provides cross-protection to canine parvovirus19,20
than 4 weeks, and Second dose < Considered by many clinicians to be their first choice for protection
then q 2 weeks 2 weeks later against FPV, owing to more rapid protective response than inactivated
until 16–20 weeks vaccines16,21,22
of age
Not recommended owing to delayed protective response specifically for FPV (see comments in text)5,9–11
INTRANASAL Not recommended in shelters owing < Do not vaccinate any earlier than 4 weeks of age because of the
to less-than-optimal protection concern for cerebellar hypoplasia15,16
Attenuated live against panleukopenia31 < Shelters should be aware that postvaccinal clinical signs associated
with the use of intranasal vaccines could be confused with those caused
by natural infections
< Provides faster protection, which is especially relevant in high-risk
populations and with kittens against respiratory disease24
< Consider vaccination simultaneously with parenteral FPV
< Might cause transient clinical signs of respiratory disease
INTRANASAL Single dose at Single dose at < Do not vaccinate any earlier than 4 weeks of age because of the concern
PARENTERAL Two doses 3–4 Two doses 3–4 < Optional in individually housed cats but shelters should consider the
weeks apart weeks apart benefits of vaccinating more cats against FeLV
Recombinant beginning as early < Strongly recommended in group-housed cats
as 8 weeks of age < Recommend testing to establish FeLV antigen status prior to vaccination
(live canarypox (see text for comments)
vector) < There is conflicting evidence in the literature regarding efficacy and safety
when comparing recombinant and inactivated vaccines (see text for
PARENTERAL Two doses Two doses 3–4 < Optional in individually housed cats but shelters should consider the
3–4 weeks apart weeks apart benefits of vaccinating more cats against FeLV
Inactivated beginning < Strongly recommended in group-housed cats
as early as < Recommend testing to establish FeLV antigen status prior to vaccination
8 weeks of age (see text for comments)
< There is conflicting evidence in the literature regarding efficacy and safety
when comparing recombinant and inactivated vaccines (see text for
PARENTERAL Follow vaccine label instructions < Necessary for all cats where legally allowed/mandated or in an endemic region
and local laws < The authority to administer rabies vaccine to shelter-housed cats is often
Recombinant stipulated by state or local law and may not be at the discretion of shelter
(live canarypox < In states/provinces where rabies vaccination may not be mandated,
vector) shelters should consider the benefits of vaccinating more cats against rabies
< There is conflicting evidence in the literature regarding efficacy and safety
when comparing recombinant and inactivated vaccines (see text for
PARENTERAL Follow vaccine label instructions < Necessary for all cats where legally allowed/mandated or in an endemic region
and local laws < The authority to administer rabies vaccine to shelter-housed cats is often
Inactivated stipulated by state or local law and may not be at the discretion of shelter
< In states/provinces where rabies vaccination may not be mandated,
shelters should consider the benefits of vaccinating more cats against rabies
< There is conflicting evidence in the literature regarding efficacy and safety
when comparing recombinant and inactivated vaccines (see text for
The Task Force Administration instructions Clinically relevant comments for administration
lists the INTRANASAL For frequency and interval, < Not generally recommended at this time because
follow label instructions its uncertain ability to uniformly prevent disease in
FIP vaccine Attenuated live North American cat populations does not justify its
routine use
as not generally < Only coronavirus seronegative cats have the
potential to be protected, and most cats are
Every effort should be made to ensure that and instead absorb specific MDA through
cats are healthy before vaccination. However, colostrum,4 which provides important protec-
concurrent illness (including retroviral infec- tion during early life. Once MDA have waned,
tions) does not necessarily preclude vaccina- however, kittens become susceptible to infec-
tion.34 The 2020 AAFP Feline Retrovirus tion. Most infectious diseases are more
Testing and Management Guidelines state prevalent in kittens than adults, and therefore,
that vaccines should not be avoided in cats kittens (in particular, those younger than
with retroviral infection because they can 6 months old) represent a principal primary
develop more severe clinical disease related to target population for vaccination. Conversely,
FPV and upper respiratory tract infections adult cats generally have a more robust adap-
after natural exposure compared with tive immune response when challenged
uninfected cats.34 (assuming they are healthy and not immuno-
compromised), whether due to previous
Potential therapeutic benefits natural exposure or vaccination, and age-
of vaccination related resistance to challenge is particularly a
Active immunization can enhance non-specific A balancing act feature of FeLV infection.26 Consequently, vac-
immunity, leading to reduction in disease There is always a cination of mature cats is generally considered
caused by non-target pathogens. One study balance to be struck less critical than vaccination of kittens. The
showed that vaccination of cats with an when considering presence of concurrent disease or stress
intranasal FHV-1–FCV vaccine was associated risks associated with causing immunosuppression should also be a
with reduction in clinical signs following chal- vaccination and consideration prior to vaccination because
lenge with B bronchiseptica.24 More studies are benefits of this may affect an animal’s susceptibility to
needed to assess the non-target effects of vaccination for the infection and response to vaccination.
different vaccine types. There is also interest individual patient:
in whether vaccines might provide therapeu- < A decision TO Patient’s environment
tic benefits in cats already infected with target VACCINATE might Population density and opportunity for expo-
pathogens. Improvement in chronic upper involve a young cat sure to infectious agents are two critical issues
respiratory tract signs that were previously residing in a multi-cat that should form part of the risk–benefit
refractory to other treatments was document- household with assessment. In general, cats and kittens living
ed in 13 cats vaccinated with an intranasal outdoor access, in larger multi-cat households and environ-
FHV-1–FCV vaccine.35 Most vaccines, however, living in an area ments (e.g., boarding, breeding, foster, or shel-
provide no therapeutic benefit, as clearly with a known high ter facilities) have a higher risk of infection
documented for FeLV vaccines.36 prevalence of the than cats living in one- or two-cat households.
pathogen being In addition to the possible presence of infected
Vaccination risk–benefit vaccinated against. animals acting as reservoirs for infection in
assessment < A decision NOT multi-cat households, the immunosuppressive
TO VACCINATE might effects of stress associated with high-density
The Task Force supports the WSAVA’s involve a senior or feline housing may result in reactivation of
recommendation that veterinarians should geriatric cat residing some infections as well as increased suscepti-
vaccinate every animal with core vaccines and in a single-cat bility to new infections. The introduction of
give non-core vaccines no more frequently household with no new cats into multi-cat households also
than is deemed necessary.2 The decision outdoor access, and increases the risk of infectious disease not only
whether or not to administer a vaccine to a a vaccine that has to the cat entering the household but also to
cat, and how frequently, relies on an individu- poor efficacy against the whole group because of possible direct
al case-by-case assessment by the veterinari- a pathogen with low exposure to new infectious agents.
an. This involves consideration of the animal, virulence or limited When assessing the opportunity for expo-
the animal’s environment, and the pathogen local prevalence. sure to a given pathogen for an individual cat,
in question. Additionally, risk–benefit assess- the lifestyle of the cat and other cats in the
ments should consider the safety of the same household needs to be considered. It is
vaccine, other adverse effects of vaccination critical to determine whether the cat is indoor-
(e.g., the effect of feline immunodeficiency only or has outdoor access (including super-
virus vaccination on in-clinic diagnostic test vised outdoor visits on a harness, or boarding)
kits), and the efficacy of the vaccine. The result because cats with outdoor access may be at
of this assessment should be an individual- increased risk of pathogen exposure. Indoor-
ized, evidence-guided recommendation to only cats, however, may still be determined to
vaccinate or not to vaccinate. be at risk of exposure to pathogens, either
from other cats in the household (i.e., subclin-
Patient’s characteristics ically infected or carrier cats), or by fomite
Age is an important factor in assessing an transmission of pathogens brought in from
individual’s risk profile. In contrast to pup- outside on the owner’s body, clothing, or
pies, kittens born to immune queens appear shoes. Indoor-only cats may also be exposed
to lack transplacentally acquired antibodies to infectious agents when brought to a veteri-
rabies) are the reference standards to determine expiration date and manufacturer of the
the presence of effective antibody-mediated vaccine(s) given, date of administration, name
immunity. These test methodologies can only of the person administering the vaccine(s),
be performed in a laboratory setting using live and the site and route of the vaccine adminis-
cell cultures (i.e., they cannot be performed in tration. Adverse events should be recorded in
a practice using rapid patient-side test kits). a manner that will clearly alert all staff mem-
These diagnostic tests are predominantly bers during future visits.
research tools used in vaccine efficacy and
prevalence studies. Prevalence and types of adverse reactions
It is important when attempting to demon- Postvaccination adverse events in cats are con-
strate protective immunity in a patient using an sidered rare.49 In the most substantial survey to
in-clinic antibody test kit that the performance date, any adverse reactions were recorded for
of the kit be compared against the appropriate cats presented to Banfield Pet Hospitals in the
reference standard in order to demonstrate United States between 2002 and 2005.42 During
correlation with protective immunity. this period, more than 1.25 million doses of
The presence of anti-FPV antibodies corre- various vaccines were administered to nearly
lates strongly with protection (Table 7). 500,000 cats. Adverse reactions within 30 days
Currently, experts recommend antibody test- of vaccination were reported at a rate of 0.52%
ing for FPV to assess immunity and inform of cats vaccinated. The most commonly report-
decisions about whether to vaccinate.6,40 ed vaccine reactions are lethargy, anorexia, and
Rapid in-clinic test kits to detect antibodies to fever for a few days after vaccination, or local
FPV, FHV-1, and FCV are available to veteri- inflammation at the site of injection.42,50,51 In the
narians in North America and have been vali- Currently Banfield Pet Hospital population, the risk of an
dated in two different studies using the available feline adverse reaction was greatest in cats around
appropriate reference tests.47,48 Of concern, 1 year of age and/or increased as the total
however, was the occurrence of some anti- vaccines have volume of vaccine and number of vaccines
FPV antibody false-positive results in one administered concurrently increased.42
study, which in practice would lead to some an excellent
unprotected cats not being vaccinated.48 safety record. Hypersensitivity reactions
Although anaphylaxis (type I hypersensitivity
Adverse postvaccination reaction) is rare (approximately 1–5 per 10,000
reactions vaccinations),42,52 it may manifest as vomiting,
diarrhea, respiratory distress, facial or gener-
Although the administration of biological prod- alized pruritus, facial swelling, and col-
ucts is never entirely free of risk, currently avail- lapse.51,53,54 Where revaccination is considered
able feline vaccines have an excellent safety necessary in a cat that has experienced an
record. That said, the true prevalence of adverse allergic reaction, using a different vaccine
reactions is likely to be underestimated owing formulation and premedicating with an anti-
to underreporting by both veterinarians and histamine and glucocorticoid 20–30 minutes
owners.49 Therefore, it is important to report prior to vaccine administration is recom-
any known or suspected negative events mended, followed by close observation of the
associated with vaccination. In the United patient for several hours.42,53 Other forms of
States, veterinarians are requested to contact the hypersensitivity reactions (types II, III, and
manufacturer (Veterinary Technical Services) of IV) almost certainly also occur in cats after
the vaccine(s) considered to be involved. Veteri- vaccination, but these are rarely documented.
narians may also report known or suspected
adverse events directly to the U.S. Department Postvaccination monitoring
of Agriculture; the Center for Veterinary The Task Force recommends that veterinarians
Biologics of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s and owners monitor the vaccination site for
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service swelling or lumps using the “3-2-1” rule. Biopsy
can be contacted by the following means: of any mass present is warranted if it (1) remains
< Website: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/ present 3 months after vaccination, (2) is larger
aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth/veterinary- than 2 cm in diameter, or (3) is increasing in size
biologics/adverse-event-reporting/CT_ 1 month after vaccination.1,55 It is recommended
Vb_adverse_event. to obtain an incisional biopsy on any masses
< Mail: Send the report form to the Center meeting any of these criteria. Fine-needle aspi-
for Veterinary Biologics, 1920 Dayton Avenue, rates may not provide diagnostic cellular tissue,
PO Box 844, Ames, Iowa 50010, USA. whereas excisional biopsies rarely meet appro-
< Telephone: +1 (800) 752-6255. priate margins (5 cm in two fascial planes) as
At the time of vaccine administration, required in the case of injection-site sarcomas,
included in the patient’s permanent medical thus increasing the morbidity and mortality
record should be the name, serial number, risks associated with sarcoma invasion.
Update on feline injection-site < Tail vaccination has also been reported as
sarcomas well tolerated and elicited acceptable serolog-
ical responses to vaccination in the distal
FISSs, largely caused by vaccines (although limbs.57 To facilitate 5 cm margins in the case
other materials have been implicated), have of injection-site sarcoma, vaccinations must be
been recognized since 1991.56 Three decades administered in the distal tail, something that
later, much about them remains unknown. may not be practical for most clinicians.
Within the United States, FISS incidence esti- < Follow the 3-2-1 rule for postvaccination
mates, although low, have varied by at least swelling.1,55 Obtain incisional biopsies for
an order of magnitude, and worldwide FISS appropriate diagnosis.
incidence estimates vary by country depend- The 2013 AAFP Feline Vaccination Advisory
ing on the relative use of vaccine types (e.g., Panel Report included recommendations for
FeLV, rabies) and population susceptibility. specific vaccine antigens to be administered at
The Task Force makes the following obser- specific anatomical locations in the distal
vations regarding vaccination: limbs.1 This technique has helped facilitate the
< Neither vaccinating in the interscapular identification of the vaccine antigen used if a
space nor decreasing vaccine volume is sarcoma developed subsequently at the injec-
recommended. tion site. Since this technique has been widely
< Distal limb injection is recommended to adopted, these injection-site recommendations
facilitate amputation with 5 cm margins in two have also led to a shift in the site of tumor
fascial planes in the case of injection-site formation to the distal limbs, thus facilitating
sarcoma (Figure 1). potentially life-saving surgery for patients suf-
< More recently, ventral abdominal subcuta- fering from these invasive tumors.58 The 2020
neous injections have been used because of AAHA/AAFP Feline Vaccination Guidelines
the perceived relative ease of tumor removal Task Force recognizes and supports the value
without the need for amputation.2 However, of the 2013 recommendations and recognizes
the need to remove two fascial planes and that practitioners may, at times, need to use
5 cm margins would still necessitate aggres- medically appropriate discretion regarding the
sive tissue removal from the abdomen and anatomical location of vaccine administration.
abdominal cavity. Practitioners are strongly advised to keep com-
plete, accurate records for antigen administra-
tion site and route of vaccine administration.
The Task Force offers the following analysis
of current research about vaccine safety:
< Experimental studies of vaccine-induced
inflammation: These studies provide weak
evidence for detecting differential vaccination
effects on sarcoma incidence yet represent
progenitors of the “more vaccine-induced
inflammation leads to increased sarcoma risk”
conjecture. One immediate problem is that
it is unclear how to define inflammation in
the context of tumor induction. Macy and
Hendrick (1996) cite an unpublished study
that defined inflammation as “the size of
the local reaction.”59 Grosenbaugh et al.
(2004) interpreted it as the presence of
“injection-site reaction,” which could have
included “scab, crust, swelling, erosion,
ulceration, or pain at the injection site or
development of lameness.”28 Day et al. (2007)
used histopathological scoring that included
quantifying neutrophils, lymphocytes, and
macrophages (inflammatory phase of tissue
reaction); quantifying fibroblasts, collagen,
and granulation tissue (repair phase); and
assigning a “global severity score” based on
biopsy site reactivity and extension of
involvement of the tissue section.60 Because
the many manifestations of inflammation
in cats do not invariably lead to neoplasia, more
Figure 1 Vaccination sites: recommended injection sites in the distal limbs and tail. sensitive biomarkers such as DNA damage may
© iStock.com/GlobalP
coordinator is often responsible for reconsti- vaccinations in advance as directed by the pre-
tution of vaccines and administration of scribing veterinarian. Non-clinical staff should
vaccinations as directed by the attending understand the potential life-threatening
veterinarian in compliance with state law.66 and minor adverse events that can occur fol-
This individual is also often given responsibil- lowing vaccination that require veterinary
ity for implementing feline-friendly handling assistance.
techniques in the hospital setting to minimize
stress during examinations and vaccine Client education
administration67 and for maintaining effective Pet owner clients are an essential member of a
client education and follow-up, including cat’s healthcare team. Although clients can be
verbal and written instructions on potential instrumental in helping improve healthcare
adverse events after vaccine administration for their cats, the Task Force recom-
and disease prevention. mends that vaccination be performed
by a veterinarian. Vaccination is a
Roles and responsibilities of reception medical procedure. Vaccines are
and other client-service personnel available through sources other
The reception staff is typically charged with ADDITIONAL CLIENT than a veterinarian, but they
maintaining patient files with vaccination EDUCATION RESOURCES may not protect a cat against
information, including date administered, To help educate clients about vaccine and disease unless properly stored,
general health issues, both AAHA and the
along with the production lot serial number handled, and administered. The
AAFP have handouts available to members
and expiration date of the vaccine. and non-members. Additionally, more principles of feline vaccination
Reception personnel are also responsible for extensive information is available at outlined in the box below repre-
contacting clients and scheduling follow-up aaha.org/felinevaccination and sent a basic client education
appointments for booster series and yearly catvets.com/vaccination overview for cat owners.
tVa c c i n a t i o n t a l k i n g p o i n t s f o r c l i e n t s
Vaccines help protect against specific infectious Veterinarian-administered vaccination is particu-
diseases. They stimulate the body’s immune sys- larly important with respect to rabies. Rabies is a
tem to recognize and fight an infection. Without fatal but preventable disease that can be spread to
vaccination, many cats would become seriously ill humans by contact with saliva from an infected
or die from preventable diseases. Some infections individual. If an unvaccinated cat is scratched or
are more difficult to prevent using vaccination bitten by a wild animal, or if it bites a person, it
than others. For example, vaccination is very should be quarantined or euthanized. In many US
effective against feline panleukopenia infection states, it is against the law for anyone other than a
but does not entirely protect against respiratory licensed veterinarian to administer a rabies vac-
virus infections. However, cats vaccinated against cine. Rabies vaccination of cats is required by law
respiratory tract infections generally have milder in many but not all states. Ontario is the only
illness and are far less likely to die Canadian province that requires
from their disease. A veterinarian rabies vaccination of cats. Even in
A veterinarian is the best person areas where it is not required, feline
to evaluate a cat’s individual vacci- is the best rabies vaccination is still recommend-
nation needs. Many factors need to ed (i.e., it is a core vaccine).
be taken into consideration when
person to Severe vaccine reactions are rare.
deciding how often and for what evaluate a cat’s Veterinarians should convey the
diseases a feline patient needs to appropriate risk–benefit analysis of
be vaccinated. These considera- individual any vaccination. Cats may experi-
tions include health status, age, and ence mild, short-lived reactions
lifestyle of the cat; a vaccine’s dura-
vaccination (malaise) such as poor appetite,
tion of immunity; what diseases are needs. lethargy, and fever that will resolve
prevalent in the area; and the sever- without treatment. Clients should
ity of endemic diseases. Even cats seek immediate veterinary attention
living exclusively indoors require if their cat begins vomiting or
regular vaccination because they scratching, develops bumps (hives)
still may be exposed to diseases in or facial swelling, or has difficulty
many circumstances, such as when breathing within a few hours of being
traveling or boarding, visiting a veterinary practice, vaccinated. The client and veterinary practice
interacting with other cats, or through viruses team have the same goal: to provide the best
carried on the pet owner’s hands or clothing. possible care for the pet.
SUMMARY points
< Vaccination protocols for cats should consist of recommended core vaccines and discretionary non-core vaccines
as defined and listed in the guidelines. Vaccines in the latter category are given based on a risk–benefit assessment.
Risk is determined by the patient’s life stage, lifestyle, clinical history, and health status and by environmental and
epidemiologic risk factors.
< Although feline vaccination is universally practiced by primary care companion animal practices, there is no single
protocol suitable for all feline patients. Rather, vaccination of cats should be patient-specific and guided by an individual
risk–benefit assessment using the criteria listed in the guidelines.
< In the case of some vaccines, practitioners have a choice of different types of antigens, including those that are
inactivated, attenuated, and in recombinant form. The patient’s clinical and vaccination status, such as the possible
presence of maternally derived immunity or a history of adverse postvaccination reactions, are factors that may
influence the choice of vaccine type.
< Although most feline patients are household pets, practitioners should anticipate situations in which higher-risk cats
are presented for vaccination, including those from shelter, cattery, feral, or foster care origins.
< Adverse postvaccination reactions unavoidably occur in a small percentage of cats. Because of their neoplastic
etiology, FISSs continue to be the most serious, if infrequent, vaccine-associated adverse event. Detection of patterns
in FISS incidence remains elusive, and their occurrence continues to be idiosyncratic. Advising clients in advance of
the possibility of hypersensitivity or other reactions will help minimize their concerns.
< All members of the practice team, including clinical and non-clinical personnel, should have a well-informed
understanding of the importance of vaccination of feline patients and be able to advise clients of the practice’s
approach to an individualized vaccination plan.
< The vaccination visit is an ideal time for a client education dialog in which the clinical staff has an
opportunity to discuss the role of vaccination as an essential component of preventive healthcare
tailored to the individual patient.
The Task Force gratefully acknowledges the contribution of This work did not involve the use of animals and, therefore,
Mark Dana of Scientific Communications Services, LLC, and the informed consent was not required. For any animals individually
Kanara Consulting Group, LLC, in the preparation of the identifiable within this publication, informed consent (either
guidelines manuscript. verbal or written) for their use in the publication was obtained
from the people involved.
Conflict of interest
Amy ES Stone has received speaking fees from Boehringer
Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc. Jane Sykes receives honoraria 1 Scherk MA, Ford RB, Gaskell RM, et al. 2013 AAFP Feline
and research funding from Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Vaccination Advisory Panel Report. J Feline Med Surg 2013;
USA Inc., Elanco Animal Health, IDEXX Laboratories Inc., and 15: 785–808.
Merck Animal Health. Ernest P Petersen was a stockholder of 2 Day MJ, Horzinek MC, Schultz RD, et al. WSAVA guidelines
Phoenix Central Laboratory prior to its sale to Zoetis Petcare for the vaccination of dogs and cats. J Small Anim Pract 2016;
(after these guidelines were written) but was not employed at the 57: E1–45.
lab nor on the Board of Governors, and was not involved in the 3 Volk JO, Felsted KE, Thomas JG, et al. Executive summary of
sale. The other members of the Task Force have no conflicts of the Bayer veterinary care usage study. J Am Vet Med Assoc
interest to declare. 211; 238: 1275–1282.
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