A Cup of Tea
A Cup of Tea
A Cup of Tea
List of Programs Page No.
Program to accept student name and marks in three subjects. Find the
1. total marks, average and grade (depending on the average marks).
Program, which reads two numbers having same number of digits. The
program outputs the sum of product of corresponding digits.(Hint Input
327 and 539 output 3x5+2x3+7x9=84)
Program to input Start and End limits and print all Fibonacci numbers
3. between the ranges.( Use for loop)
Define a class named Pay with data members String name, double
salary, double da, double hra, double pf, double grossSal, double
netSal and methods: Pay(String n, double s) - Parameterized
constructor to initialize the data members, void calculate() - to
calculate the following salary components, and void display() - to
display the employee name, salary and all salary components.
Program to create a class DISTANCE with the data members feet and
inches. Use a constructor to read the data and a member function Sum (
5. ) to add two distances by using objects as method arguments and show
the result. (Input and output of inches should be less than 12.)
Using the swing components, design the frame for shopping a book
that accepts book code, book name, and Price. Calculate the discount
on code as follows.
Code Discount rate
101 15%
102 20%
103 25%
Any other 5%
Find the discount amount and Net bill amount. Display the bill.