And To Apply Logic To Real-Life Situations

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Grade: 11 Semester: FIRST SEMESTER

Core Subject Title: GENERAL MATHEMATICS No of Hours/ Semester: 80

Prerequisites if needed: None

Core Subject Description: At the end of the course, the students must learn how to solve problems involving rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions; to solve business-related problems;
and to apply logic to real-life situations

What to Teach? Why Teach? How To Assess? How to Teach?

Most Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in
Highest Thinking Skill to
Essential Learning Competencies Developing the Highest Thinking Skill
Topics to Assess
Performance Flexible
Content Assessment
Content Standards
Standards KUD Activities
Most Essential KUD Enabling Flexible Learning
Complete Classifica RBT Level (FAA)
(MELCs) Classification General Strategy Strategies (FLS)
First Quarter
1.) The learner 1. Represents
The learners is able to apply and Evaluates a Uploaded Problem
The learner
demonstrate concept of 1. Evaluates a Understan function Set to BB
demonstrates Understanding Applying Problem Set Connection
Functions the functions and function. ding including piece- Learn/Actual
and their understandin accurately wise function Discussion
g of…
Graphs g of the key construct
key concepts
concepts of mathematical 2. Performs 2. Performs
of functions. Understan Uploaded Problem
Functions models to operations on operations on Understanding Applying Connection
ding Problem Set Set to BB
represent real- functions and functions and
life situations composition of composition of Learn/Actual
using functions. functions. functions. Discussion
3. Illustrates and
3. Illustrates and
Rational, one- Posted topic on BB
Rational, one- BB Discussion
to-one, inverse, Discussion Board
to-one, inverse, Knowing Knowing Understanding Board Representation
exponential, and Uploaded guide
exponential, and (Compare and
logarithmic questions for Essay
logarithmic Contrast)
(Additional Essay
Uploaded Problem
4. Determine 4. Determine Problem Set/ Set to BB
2.) Accurately inverse of a one- inverse of a one- Understanding Analyzing Oral Communication Learn/Actual
formulate and to-one function. to-one function. Recitation Discussion (Google
key concepts solve real-life Meet)
of inverse problems Kahoot/Uploaded
functions, involving 5. Illustrates 5. Illustrates Links for
exponential piecewise, laws of Knowing laws of Knowing Applying Connection Games/Uploaded
functions, rational, inverse, logarithm. logarithm. Worksheet to BB
and exponential, and Learn
logarithmic logarithmic 6. Distinguishes
functions. functions with rational,
precision and exponential, and
accuracy. logarithmic
6. Represents
function through Knowing Understanding Online Quiz Representation BB Assessment Tool
equation, and
(a) Table of
values, (b)
Graph, and (c)
Knowing M11GM-Ie-4,
7. Represents
M11GM-If-2, Uploaded materials:
M11GM-Ii-2) Graphic Reading materials
logarithmic Knowing Understanding Representation
Organizer Video presentations
Concept Map
through (a)
Table of values,
(b) Graph, and
(c) Equation.

8. Identifies the Uploaded materials:

parts of the Reading materials
graph of rational Video presentations
function Concept Map
Understanding Analyzing Organizer Communication
(Domain and Worksheet
Intercepts, Actual Discussion
Asymptotes) through Google Meet

7. Represents 9. Identifies the

Uploaded materials:
real-life parts of the Worksheet
Reading materials
situations using graph of
Video presentations
functions exponential Graphic
Understan Concept Map
(M11GM-Ia-1, function Understanding Analyzing Organizer Communication
ding Worksheet
M11GM-Ib-1, (Domain and
M11GM-Id-1, Range, Oral
Actual Discussion
M11GM-Ie-3, Intercepts, Presentation
through Google Meet
M11GM-Ih-1) Asymptotes)
8. Distinguishes
10. Identifies the
rational, Uploaded materials:
parts of the Worksheet
exponential, and Reading materials
graph of
logarithmic Video presentations
logarithmic Graphic
function, Concept Map
Knowing function Understanding Analyzing Organizer Communication
equation, and Worksheet
(Domain and
Range, Oral
(M11GM-Ib-2, Actual Discussion
Intercepts, Presentation
M11GM-Ie-4, through Google Meet
9. Solves 11. Represents Experience-
rational, real-life Based BB Discussion
exponential, and Understan situations using Discussion Board/Uploaded
Understanding Analyzing Communication
logarithmic ding rational guide questions for
equations and functions Reflective Essay
inequalities. Journal
(M11GM-Ib-3, Experience-
12. Represents
M11GM-If-1, Based BB Discussion
M11GM-Ii-1) Discussion Board/Uploaded
situations using Understanding Analyzing Communication
guide questions for
Reflective Essay
13. Represents
Based BB Discussion
Discussion Board/Uploaded
situations using Understanding Analyzing Communication
guide questions for
Reflective Essay
10. Solves
problems 14. Solves Problem Set
involving rational,
rational, exponential, and Procedural
exponential, and logarithmic Report BB Discussion Board
Understan Reasoning and
logarithmic equations and Understanding Evaluating Uploaded Problem
ding Proof
equations and inequalities BB Discussion Set
inequalities (M11GM-Ic-3, Board
(M11GM-Ic-3, M11GM-Ig-2,
M11GM-Ig-2, M11GM-Ij-2)
11. Graphs
(M11GM-Ic-2, Understan
M11GM-Ie-1, ding
15. Solves
M11GM-Ij-1) Problem Set
12. Identifies the
parts of the Oral
exponential, and BB Discussion Board
graph (Domain Presentation
logarithmic Reasoning and Actual Discussion
and Range, Understanding Evaluating
functions Proof through Google Meet
Intercepts, PETA 1: Case
(M11GM-Ia-4, for Oral Presentation
Asymptotes) Problem (PPT
Understan M11GM-Ic-3,
(M11GM-Ib-5, or Video
ding M11GM-Ie-2,
M11GM-Ic-1, Presentation)
13. Solves

14.) Illustrates 16. Illustrates Uploaded materials:

simple and simple and Reading materials
Knowing Knowing Understanding Infographics Representation
compound compound Video presentations
interests. interests. Concept Map

Uploaded File for

15.) 17. Scenario Scenario Analysis
Distinguishes Distinguishes Analysis
1.) Investigate, Understan Reasoning and
between simple between simple Understanding Evaluating BB Discussion Board
analyze and ding Proof
and compound and compound BB Discussion Actual Discussion
solve problems
Key concepts interests. interests. Board through Google Meet
Key concepts involving simple
of for Oral Presentation
of simple and and compound
Basic simple and 16.) Computes 18. Computes
compound interests and
Business compound interest, interest,
interests, and simple and
Mathemat interests, and maturity value, maturity value,
simple and general Worksheet/
ics simple future value, and future value, and BB Assessment
general annuities using Understan Online Quiz-
and general present value in present value in Understanding Applying Connection Tool/Uploaded
annuities. appropriate ding Multiple
annuities. simple interest simple interest Worksheet
business and Choice
and compound and compound
interest interest
environment. environment.
Uploaded materials:
Reading materials
17.) Solves 19. Solves
Problem Set Video presentations
problems problems
Understan Concept Map
involving simple involving simple Understanding Analyzing Communication
ding Reflective
and compound and compound
Journal Actual Discussion
interests. interests.
through Google Meet
Uploaded guide
questions for
Reflective Journal

18.) Illustrates 20. Illustrates Uploaded materials:

simple and simple and Graphic Reading materials
Knowing Knowing Understanding Representation
general general Organizer Video presentations
annuities. annuities. Concept Map

Uploaded File for

19.) 21. Scenario Scenario Analysis
Distinguishes Distinguishes Analysis
Understan Reasoning and
between simple between simple Understanding Evaluating BB Discussion Board
ding Proof
and general and general BB Discussion Actual Discussion
annuities. annuities. Board through Google Meet
for Oral Presentation
20.) Finds the 22. Finds the
future value and future value and
Games/ Kahoot/Uploaded
present value of present value of
Understan Simulation Links for Games
both simple both simple Understanding Applying Connection
annuities and annuities and
Online Quiz BB Assessment Tool
general general
annuities. annuities.
Problem Set BB Discussion Board
21.) Calculates 23. Calculates
Actual Discussion
the fair market the fair market
Oral through Google Meet
value of a cash Understan value of a cash
Understanding Applying Presentation Connection for Oral Presentation
flow stream that ding flow stream that
includes an includes an
BB Discussion Uploaded Problem
annuity. annuity.
Board Set to BB Learn
Problem Set BB Discussion Board
22.) Calculates 24. Calculates
Actual Discussion
the present the present
Understan Oral through Google Meet
value and period value and period Understanding Applying
ding Presentation Connection for Oral Presentation
of deferral of a of deferral of a
deferred deferred
BB Discussion Uploaded Problem
annuity. annuity.
Board Set to BB Learn
Basic Basic 2.) Use
23.) Illustrates 25. Illustrates
concepts of concepts of appropriate Uploaded materials:
stocks and Knowing stocks and Knowing Understanding Infographics Representation
stocks and stocks and financial Reading materials
bonds. bonds.
bonds. bonds. instruments Video presentations
involving stocks Concept Map
and bonds in
conclusions and 24.) 26. Uploaded materials:
making Distinguishes Understan Distinguishes Graphic Reasoning and Reading materials
Understanding Evaluating
decisions between stocks ding between stocks Organizer Proof Video presentations
and bonds. and bonds. Concept Map

Uploaded materials:
Reading materials
25.) Describes 27. Describes
Video presentations
the different the different
Concept Map
markets for Knowing markets for Knowing Understanding Case Study Representation
stocks and stocks and
BB Discussion Board
bonds. bonds.
Actual Discussion
through Google Meet
26.) Analyzes
the different Uploaded File for
market indices Understan Scenario Analysis
28. Analyzes the
for stocks and ding with guide questions
different market Scenario
bonds. for the Essay
indices for Analysis Reasoning and
Understanding Evaluating
stocks and Proof
27.) Interprets BB Discussion Board
bonds. Essay
the theory of Actual Discussion
efficient through Google Meet
markets. for Oral Presentation

BB Discussion Board
28.) Illustrates 29. Illustrates Experienced-
Actual Discussion
business and Knowing business and Knowing Understanding Based Representation
through Google Meet
consumer loans. consumer loans. Discussion
3.) Decide for Oral Presentation
Basic basic wisely on the Uploaded File for
concepts of concepts of appropriateness Scenario
business and business and of business or Analysis/Case Study
29.) 30.
consumer consumer consumer loan Scenario with guide questions
Distinguishes Understan Distinguishes Reasoning and
loans. loans. and its proper Understanding Evaluating Analysis/
between ding between Proof
utilization. Case Study BB Discussion Board
business and business and
Actual Discussion
consumer loans. consumer loans.
through Google Meet
for Oral Presentation
30.) Solves 31. Solves Problem
problems problems Set/Online
Uploaded Problem
involving involving Quiz
Understan Set to BB Learn
business and business and Understanding Applying Connection
consumer loans consumer loans PETA 2: Bank
BB Assessment Tool
(amortization, (amortization, Consumer
mortgage). mortgage). Loan Brochure
31.) Illustrates a 32. Illustrates a
proposition Knowing proposition and
symbolizes Knowing Understanding Online Quiz Representation BB Assessment Tool
32.) Symbolizes proposition.

BB Discussion Board
33 Distinguishes
Distinguishes Uploaded materials:
Understan between simple BB Discussion Reasoning and
between simple Understanding Evaluating Reading materials
ding and compound Board Proof
and compound Video presentations
propositions. Concept Map
The learner
key concepts
demonstrates 1.) The learner
understandin is able to
propositional 34.) Performs
g of key judiciously 34. Performs the Actual Discussion
logic, the different
Logic concepts of apply logic in Understan different types Applying through Google Meet
syllogisms types of Understanding Worksheet Connection
propositional real-life ding of operations on
and operations on
logic; arguments propositions Uploaded Worksheet
fallacies. propositions
and fallacies.
BB Discussion Board
Actual Discussion
35.) Determines 35. Determines
Problem Set through Google Meet
the truth values Understan the truth values
Understanding Analyzing Oral Communication for Oral Presentation
of propositions. ding of propositions.
Uploaded Problem
36.) Illustrates 36. Illustrates
the different the different Uploaded materials:
forms of forms of Graphic Reading materials
Knowing Knowing Understanding Representation
conditional conditional Organizer Video presentations
propositions. propositions. Concept Map
Uploaded materials:
37.) Illustrates 37. Illustrates Reading materials
the difference the difference Video presentations
between between Concept Map
Knowing Knowing Understanding Group Blogs Representation
tautologies and tautologies and Sample Blogs
fallacies. fallacies.
Uploaded guidelines
for Group Blogs
38.) Determines 38. Determines
the validity of the validity of
categorical categorical Understanding Analyzing Online Quiz Communication BB Assessment Tool
syllogisms. syllogisms.

39.) Establishes
the validity and
falsity of real-
life arguments
using logical
syllogisms and
2) appropriately
39. Establishes Short
key methods apply a method 40.) Illustrates Uploaded materials:
the validity and Investigations/
of proof and of proof and the different Reading materials
falsity of real- Debate
disproof. disproof in real- methods of Video presentations
life arguments
life situations. proof (direct and Concept Map
using logical Understanding Analyzing Reflective Communication
indirect) and Knowing
propositions, Journal
disproof Uploaded Guide
syllogisms, and
(indirect and questions for
fallacies. PETA 3: Case
counter Reflective Journal
41.) Justifies
and real-life
statements using Understan
the different ding
methods of
proof and
Performance Task:


This task helps the students to apply their learned skills in a real-life situation. It also leads to the target of the performance standards of the subject to accurately construct mathematical
models to represent real-life situations using functions.
In this task, the students are able to perform concepts using mathematical models. Students are expected to collaborate among the members of the group and present properly and accurately
the task that they have analyzed and found out.
The students should analyze the problem conceptually to demonstrate understanding about mathematical model which they have learned.
GOAL: Search patterns to create a mathematical model using any object or occurrences that can be seen or applied in the University.
ROLE: A student who will represent Adamson University on the demonstration festival.
AUDIENCE: Members of Mathematics Teachers’ Association of the Philippines.
SITUATION: In line with the celebration of International Mathematics Week, Mathematics Teachers’ Association of the Philippines will be conducting a demonstration festival. The said
association selected Adamson University as one of the participating schools on the said event. The University chose you as one of the participants to represent the institution in the said
event. The participants are tasked to demonstrate the mathematical models using any object or occurrences that can be seen or applied in their University.
PRODUCT: Mathematical model/equation.
To choose the best student, he/she must satisfy the following criteria (to be evaluated using rubric):
1. Use of mathematical concepts and accuracy (35%)
2. Organizations (15%)
3. Quality/creativity (20%)
4. Practicality and recommendation (30%)


25 20 15 10
The students demonstrate an in- The students demonstrate The students demonstrate limited The students demonstrate little
depth understanding of the considerable understanding of the understanding of the concepts of understanding of the concepts of
concepts of functions. concepts of functions. functions. functions.
- Identifies all important - Identifies most of the - Identifies some important - Fails to identify important
elements of the problem important elements of the elements of the problem elements or places too
and shows complete problem and shows but shows only limited much emphasis on
understanding of the general understanding of understanding of the unrelated elements.
relationships among the relationships among relationships among them. - May misuse or fail to use
elements. them. - Uses some correct mathematical terminology
- Uses appropriate - Uses mostly correct mathematical terminology and notations
mathematical terminology mathematical terminology and notations. - Attempts an answer
and notations including and notations. - May contain major
labelling answer if - Computations are computational errors
appropriate. generally correct but may
- Executes computations contain minor errors
completely and correctly.
The work is presented in a neat, The work is presented in a neat The work is presented in an The work appears vague and
clear, and organized fashion that is and organized fashion that is organized fashion but may be unorganized. It is hard to know
easy to read. usually easy to read. hard to read at times. what information goes together.
Work includes accurate tables, Work includes tables, pictures, Work includes tables, pictures, Work does not include any visual
CREATIVITY pictures, number lines, and/or number lines, and/or equations but number lines, and/or equations representation.
equations. may contain minor errors. but may contain major errors.
Consistently and actively Contributes knowledge, opinions, Contributes information to the Contribute information to the
contributes knowledge, opinions, and skills without prompting or group with occasional prompting group only when prompted.
and skills without prompting or reminding. and reminding.

Nowadays, loaning house and lot, cars, money for business and other investments is encouraging. Teachers from Adamson University want to avail multipurpose loan. They will choose
from 3 banks that offer loan – BPI, BDO, and PNB (or any bank that will be assigned to each group).
GOAL - You have to convince the teachers to loan in your bank, recognizing and evaluating the offerings of your bank and help the clients decide which offerings would best suit to their
needs and capacity.
ROLE – You serve as a financial adviser and a promoter of the bank. (Your group must select one bank to represent.)
AUDIENCE – Your audience will be the teachers of Adamson University as clients.
SITUATION – The teachers want to see information about loans that a certain bank is offering through presenting the table of values and graphs. They also want to know how to compute
earnings and payments from the money that they will borrow. They have different choices. Thus, prepare supporting evidences (e.g. advantage) to choose your offer.
PRODUCT – You have to present the bank’s offerings with a brochure (written) and a verbal presentation.
STANDARDS – Your output will be evaluated based on your ability to present ideas, logical sequences of your concepts/ideas, accuracy of tables and graphs, correctness of computations,
richness of mathematical concepts in the presentation, group collaboration, and quality of the written presentation (brochure).
This task helps the students to apply their learned skills in real-life situation. It leads to the target of the performance standards of the subject to judiciously apply logic in real-life arguments.
In this task, the students are able to perform concepts of propositional logic, syllogisms, and fallacies. Students are expected to collaborate among the members of the group. They are able
to present properly and accurately the task which shows the following: determine truth values of propositions, illustrate a proposition, symbolize proposition, and perform the different types of
operations on propositions.
GOAL: Your goal is to find a situation from an advertisement or commercial either in television or in any social media that represents propositions.
ROLE: Advertiser of a specific product or services.
AUDIENCE: Group of customers for a specific product or services.
SITUATION: You have been asked to show and review a specific advertisement, including the truthfulness and accuracy of the product or services to the group of customers.
PRODUCT: You need to prepare a written report for the specific commercial or advertisement. It should include the name and brief description of the product or service, can have at least
two premises and a conclusion proposition to show. Using appropriate propositions and symbols apply in the truth table the different operations and find out if it does show validity. Make
a write-up on how a customer will trust the reviewed product or service to bring out the stated conclusion.
STANDARD: Your report must satisfy the following criteria (to be evaluated using rubric):
1. Use of mathematical concepts and accuracy (40%)
2. Relevance of the Idea (30%)
3. Presentation and Organization (20%)
4. Punctuality (10%)
Criteria/Rate 5 4 3 2
Mathematical Concepts The paper shows the correct use of The paper shows the correct use of The paper shows the correct use of The paper shows the correct use of
and Accuracy propositions in symbol and use the propositions in symbol and use the propositions in symbol and use the propositions in symbol and use the
x4 operations accurately in the truth operations with satisfactory operations with limited detail of operations with less accuracy in the
table. It shows full concise accuracy in the truth table. It shows accuracy in the truth table. It shows truth table. It shows limited and
knowledge on the concepts/ideas knowledge on the concepts/ideas brief knowledge on the vague knowledge on the
presented. presented. concepts/ideas presented. concepts/ideas presented.

Relevance of the Idea The paper comprehensively The paper explains insightful The paper explains relevance that a The paper explains relevance that a
x3 explains insightful relevance that a relevance that a customer will trust customer will trust the reviewed customer will trust the reviewed
customer will trust the reviewed the reviewed product or service product or service supported with product or service supported with
product or service supported with supported with strong and clear clear evidence to bring out the evidence to bring out the stated
strong and clear evidence to bring evidence to bring out the stated stated conclusion. conclusion.
out the stated conclusion. conclusion.
Presentation and The paper is well organized with The paper is organized with the The paper has some information The paper has lacking information.
Organization all the information needed and is information needed and is done needed, but not arranged
x2 done very neatly and clearly. clearly. accordingly.
Punctuality The group submitted the paper on The group submitted the paper The group submitted the paper The group failed to submit the
x1 time. minutes late. hours late. paper within the day.

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Noted by: Approved by:

General Mathematics Teacher Mathematics Area Coordinator SHS Academic Head SHS Principal

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