Core Subject Description : At the end of the course, the students must know how to solve problems involving rational, exponential, logarithmic functions, to solve business-related problems; and to apply logic to real-life
Culminating Performance Standard : The learners are able to apply their knowledge of Functions, Business Mathematics, and Logic in dealing with the intricacies of mathematical and scientific concepts in higher education,
entrepreneurial demands, middle-level skills development, and employment through the use of their critical and analytical thinking skills and appropriate mathematical and financial tools to
make sound and justifiable decisions.
The learner Rational The learner is able 1. represents real- Knowing 1. represents real- Knowing Underst Formative Video Represent 1.Inquiry
demonstrates Functions to life situations life situations anding Assessment Analysis ation Method/Socratic
understanding accurately using rational using rational Activity: and Solving method
of key concepts formulate functions. functions. Identify if a Problems -Graphic
of and solve real-life given function Organizer
rational problems is rational or -Concept Map
functions. involving not. -Q and A
rational functions Brainstorming
2. distinguishes Understanding 2. distinguishes Understanding Analyzi Determine the Communi 4. Lecture
rational function, rational function, ng characteristics cation method(interactiv
rational equation, rational equation, of a rational e learning)
and and rational function given --Powerpoint
rational inequality. its graph or -Printed Modules
inequality. equation. 5. Discovery/
3. solves rational Doing 3. solves rational Doing Applyin Draw the Connectio learning-videos/y
equations and equations and g graph of a ns outube
inequalities. inequalities. rational
function given
its equation or
5. finds the Doing 5. finds the Doing Evaluati Evaluate the Reasoning
domain and range domain and range ng domain and Proof
of a rational of a rational range of a
function. function. rational
The learner Inverse The learner is able 1. represents real- K 1. represents real- K U Formative Video Representa 1.Inquiry
demonstrates functions, to apply the life situations life situations Assessment Analysis tion Method/Socratic
understanding exponential concepts of using one-to one using one-to one Activity: and Solving method
of key concepts functions, inverse functions, functions. functions. Define a one- Problems -Graphic
of and exponential to-one Organizer
inverse logarithmic functions, and function. -Concept Map
functions, functions. logarithmic -Q and A
exponential functions to 2. determines the K 2. determines the K U Restrict the Representa Brainstorming
functions, formulate and inverse of a one- inverse of a one- domain to tion 6. Lecture
and logarithmic solve real to-one function. to-one function. make a one-to- method(interactiv
functions. life problems with one function. e learning)
precision and Define and --Powerpoint
accuracy. apply -Printed Modules
horizontal line 7. Discovery/
test. exploratory
3. represents an K 3. represents an K U Determine Representa outube
inverse function inverse function inverse of a tion
through its: (a) through its: (a) function.
table of values, table of values,
and (b) graph. and (b) graph.
22. graphs U
23. solves D
equations, and
Core Subject Description : At the end of the course, the students must know how to solve problems involving rational, exponential, logarithmic functions, to solve business-related problems; and to apply logic to
real-life situations.
Culminating Performance Standard : The learners are able to apply their knowledge of Functions, Business Mathematics, and Logic in dealing with the intricacies of mathematical and scientific concepts in higher
education, entrepreneurial demands, middle-level skills development, and employment through the use of their critical and analytical thinking skills and appropriate mathematical and
financial tools to make sound and justifiable decisions.
The learner Loans The learner is able 1. illustrates Understanding 1. illustrates Understanding Applying Formative Assessment Video Analysis Connection 1.Inquiry
demonstrate to decide wisely on business and business and Activity: and Solving Method/Soc
s the appropriateness consumer loans consumer loans -Recitation in an online Problems ratic method
understandi of business or class -Graphic
ng basic consumer loan 2. distinguishes Understanding 2. distinguishes Understanding Analyzing - Seatwork Communication Organizer
concepts of and its proper between between -Homework -Concept
business and utilization. business and business and -Contribution to group Map
consumer consumer loans. consumer loans. discussion -Q and A
loans Brainstormi
3. solves 3. solves ng
problems Doing problems Doing Creating Problem Solving 12. Lecture
involving involving method(inte
business and business and ractive
consumer loans consumer loans learning)
(amortization, (amortization, --
mortgage). mortgage). Powerpoint
13. Discove
Logic The learner Propositi The learner is able 1. illustrates a Understanding 1. illustrates and Understanding Applying Formative Assessment Video Analysis Connection Distance:
demonstrat ons to proposition. symbolizes Activity: and Solving Text
es judiciously apply propositions. Case Analysis: Problems Illustration:
understand logic in real-life Students will analyze Discussion
ing of key arguments. 2. symbolizes Understanding 2. distinguishes Understanding Analyzing the given cases and Communication through
concepts of propositions between simple present a solution modules on
proposition and compound supported by the line of different
al logic; propositions. reasoning employed types of
syllogisms and assumptions made. tautologies
and 3. performs the and
fallacies. 3. distinguishes Understanding Understanding Applying Connection fallacies.
between simple different types
and compound of operations on -Recitation
propositions. propositions. - Seatwork
-Homework Pre
-Contribution to group recorded
4. determines discussion videos to be
4. performs the Understanding the truth values Knowing saved in
different types of propositions Understand Representation flash drive
of operations on ing or SD
propositions. Card.
The learner Proof and The learner ris able 1. Determines Knowing 1. Determines Knowing Understand Formative Assessment Video Analysis Representation Distance:
demonstrat Disproof to appropriately the validity of the validity of ing Activity: and Solving Text
es apply a categorical categorical Case Analysis: Problems Illustration:
understand method of proof and syllogisms. syllogisms. Students will analyze Discussion
ing of key disproof in real-life the given cases and through
methods of situations. 2.Establishes 2.Establishes present a solution modules on
proof the validity and the validity and supported by the line of different
and disproof falsity of real- falsity of real- reasoning employed types of
life arguments life arguments and assumptions made. tautologies
using logical Knowing using logical Knowing Representation and
propositions, propositions, Understand fallacies.
syllogisms, and syllogisms, and ing -Recitation
fallacies. fallacies. - Seatwork
-Homework Pre
-Contribution to group recorded
discussion videos to be
saved in
flash drive
or SD
on different
types of
and quizzes
of the
types of
Senior High School Teacher