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San Antonio, Alicia, Isabela


Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (FIDP)

Grade : 11 Semester: First Semester

Core Subject Title : GENERAL MATHEMATICS No. of Hours/Semester: 80 hours (20 Week)

Core Subject Description : At the end of the course, the students must know how to solve problems involving rational, exponential, logarithmic functions, to solve business-related problems; and to apply logic to real-life
Culminating Performance Standard : The learners are able to apply their knowledge of Functions, Business Mathematics, and Logic in dealing with the intricacies of mathematical and scientific concepts in higher education,
entrepreneurial demands, middle-level skills development, and employment through the use of their critical and analytical thinking skills and appropriate mathematical and financial tools to
make sound and justifiable decisions.


Highest Enabling Strategy to
Learning competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Use in developing the Highest
Thinking Skill to Assess
Content Performance Flexible
Content Essential
Standards Standards KUD Assessment Performan Enabling Flexible
Topics KUD RBT
Complete Most Essential Classification Activities ce Checks General Learning
Classification Level
(FAA) Strategy Strategies (FLS)
In person Offline
A. Function The learner Functions The learner is able 1. Rrepresents Knowing 1. Represents Knowing Underst Formative Video Represent 1.Inquiry
and their demonstrates to real-life situations real-life situations anding Assessment Analysis ation Method/Socratic
Graphs understanding accurately using functions, using functions, Activity: and Solving method
of key concepts construct including including piece- Problems -Graphic
of mathematical piece-wise wise functions. Represent a Organizer
functions. models to functions. single function -Q and A
represent real-life as a mapping -Brainstorming
situations using diagram, a table 2. Lecture method
functions. of values, a (interactive
graph, or an learning)
equation. - PowerPoint
-Printed Modules
2. Evaluates a Doing 2. Evaluates a Doing Evaluat Evaluate a Reasoning 3. Discovery/
function. function. ing function given a Proof exploratory
set of ordered learning-videos/y
pairs, a table of outube
values, a graph,
or an equation.

3. Performs Doing 3. Performs Doing Creatin Create different Problem

addition, addition, g representations Solving
subtraction, subtraction, of yourself,
multiplication, multiplication, using various
division, and division, and media, to show
composition of composition of your
functions . functions. characteristics
and roles in life.
This may be in
the form of an
artwork, a skit,
or a song-and-
dance number.

4. solves Doing 4. Solves Doing Evaluati Evaluating Problem

problems problems on problems Solving
involving involving involving
functions. functions. functions.

The learner Rational The learner is able 1. represents real- Knowing 1. represents real- Knowing Underst Formative Video Represent 1.Inquiry
demonstrates Functions to life situations life situations anding Assessment Analysis ation Method/Socratic
understanding accurately using rational using rational Activity: and Solving method
of key concepts formulate functions. functions. Identify if a Problems -Graphic
of and solve real-life given function Organizer
rational problems is rational or -Concept Map
functions. involving not. -Q and A
rational functions Brainstorming
2. distinguishes Understanding 2. distinguishes Understanding Analyzi Determine the Communi 4. Lecture
rational function, rational function, ng characteristics cation method(interactiv
rational equation, rational equation, of a rational e learning)
and and rational function given --Powerpoint
rational inequality. its graph or -Printed Modules
inequality. equation. 5. Discovery/
3. solves rational Doing 3. solves rational Doing Applyin Draw the Connectio learning-videos/y
equations and equations and g graph of a ns outube
inequalities. inequalities. rational
function given
its equation or

4. represents a Knowing 4. represents a Knowing Underst Determine the Represent

rational function rational function anding equation of a ation
through its: (a) through its: (a) rational
table of table of values, function given
values, (b) graph, (b) graph, and (c) its graph or
and (c) equation. equation. characteristics.

5. finds the Doing 5. finds the Doing Evaluati Evaluate the Reasoning
domain and range domain and range ng domain and Proof
of a rational of a rational range of a
function. function. rational

6. determines the: Knowing 6. determines the: Knowing Underst Determines Represent

(a) intercepts; (b) (a) intercepts; (b) anding the: (a) ation
zeroes; and (c) zeroes; and © intercepts; (b)
asymptotes of asymptotes of zeroes; and ©
rational functions rational functions. asymptotes of

7. graphs rational Understanding 7. solves Doing Creating Solves Problem

functions problems problems Solving
involving rational involving
functions, rational
equations, and functions,
inequalities. equations, and
8. solves Doing 8. solves Doing inequalities.
problems problems
involving rational involving rational
functions, functions,
equations, and equations, and
inequalities. inequalities.

The learner Inverse The learner is able 1. represents real- K 1. represents real- K U Formative Video Representa 1.Inquiry
demonstrates functions, to apply the life situations life situations Assessment Analysis tion Method/Socratic
understanding exponential concepts of using one-to one using one-to one Activity: and Solving method
of key concepts functions, inverse functions, functions. functions. Define a one- Problems -Graphic
of and exponential to-one Organizer
inverse logarithmic functions, and function. -Concept Map
functions, functions. logarithmic -Q and A
exponential functions to 2. determines the K 2. determines the K U Restrict the Representa Brainstorming
functions, formulate and inverse of a one- inverse of a one- domain to tion 6. Lecture
and logarithmic solve real to-one function. to-one function. make a one-to- method(interactiv
functions. life problems with one function. e learning)
precision and Define and --Powerpoint
accuracy. apply -Printed Modules
horizontal line 7. Discovery/
test. exploratory
3. represents an K 3. represents an K U Determine Representa outube
inverse function inverse function inverse of a tion
through its: (a) through its: (a) function.
table of values, table of values,
and (b) graph. and (b) graph.

4. finds the D 4. finds the D E Determine Reasoning

domain and range domain and range inverse of a Proof
of an inverse of an inverse one-to-one
function function function.
5. graphs inverse U 5. solves D C Solves Problem
functions. problems Problems Solving
involving inverse involving
functions. inverse

6. solves D 6. represents real- K U Identify an Representa

problems life situations exponential tion
involving inverse using exponential function.
functions. functions.

7. represents real- K 7. distinguishes U A Draw the Communic

life situations between graph of an ation
using exponential exponential exponential
functions. function, function, and
exponential determine the
equation, and characteristics
exponential based on the
inequality. equation or the

8. distinguishes U 8. solves D E Solve Reasoning

between exponential exponential Proof
exponential equations and equations and
function, inequalities inequalities.
equation, and

9. solves D 9. represents an K U Representa

exponential exponential tion
equations and function through
inequalities its: (a) table of
values, (b) graph,
and (c) equation.

10. represents an K 10. finds the D E Reasoning

exponential domain and range proof
function through of an exponential
its: (a) table of function
values, (b) graph,
and (c) equation.

11. finds the D 11. determines the K U Representa

domain and range intercepts, zeroes, tion
of an exponential and asymptotes of
function an exponential
12. determines the K 12. solves D E Determine the Problem
intercepts, zeroes, problems intercepts, Solving
and asymptotes of involving zeroes, and
an exponential exponential asymptotes of
function. functions, an exponential
equations, and function.

13. graphs U 13. represents K U Solve problems Representa

exponential real-life situations involving tion
functions. using logarithmic exponential
functions functions,
equations, and

14. solves D 14. distinguishes U A Distinguish communica

problems logarithmic logarithmic tion
involving function, function,
exponential logarithmic logarithmic
functions, equation, and equation, and
equations, and logarithmic logarithmic
inequalities. inequality. inequality.

15. represents K 15. solves D E Solve Reasoning

real-life situations logarithmic logarithmic Proof
using logarithmic equations and equations and
functions inequalities. inequalities.

16. distinguishes U 16. represents a K U Representa

logarithmic logarithmic tion
function, function through
logarithmic its: (a) table of
equation, and values, (b) graph,
logarithmic and (c) equation.

17. illustrates the U 17. finds the D E Evaluate the Problem

laws of domain and range domain and Solving
logarithms. of a logarithmic range of a
function. logarithmic

18. solves D 18. determines the K U Identify the

logarithmic intercepts, zeroes, intercepts,
equations and and asymptotes of zeroes, and
inequalities. logarithmic asymptotes of
functions. logarithmic
19. represents a K 19. solves D C Solve involving
logarithmic problems logarithmic
function through involving functions,
its: (a) table of logarithmic equations, and
values, (b) graph, functions, inequalities.
and (c) equation. equations, and
20. finds the D
domain and range
of a logarithmic

21. determines the K

intercepts, zeroes,
and asymptotes of

22. graphs U

23. solves D
equations, and


San Antonio, Alicia, Isabela

Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (FIDP)

Grade : 11 Semester: First Semester

Core Subject Title : GENERAL MATHEMATICS No. of Hours/Semester: 80 hours (20 Week)

Core Subject Description : At the end of the course, the students must know how to solve problems involving rational, exponential, logarithmic functions, to solve business-related problems; and to apply logic to
real-life situations.
Culminating Performance Standard : The learners are able to apply their knowledge of Functions, Business Mathematics, and Logic in dealing with the intricacies of mathematical and scientific concepts in higher
education, entrepreneurial demands, middle-level skills development, and employment through the use of their critical and analytical thinking skills and appropriate mathematical and
financial tools to make sound and justifiable decisions.

What to Teach? Why Teach? How to Assess? What to Teach?

Highest Enabling Strategy to
Learning competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Use in developing the Highest
Most Thinking Skill to Assess
Content Performance
Content Essential KUD Flexible Assessment Performance Flexible
Standards Standards
Topics KUD Classification Activities (FAA) Checks Enabling Learning
Complete Most Essential RBT Level
Classification In Person Offline General Strategy Strategies
Quarter: (Quarter 2)
Basic The learner Interest The learner is able 1. illustrates Understanding 1. illustrates Understanding Applying Formative Assessment Video Analysis Connections 1.Inquiry
Busines demonstrate and to investigate, simple and simple and Activity: “Empathy” and Solving Method/Soc
s s Annuities analyze and compound compound Write a slogan for each Problems ratic method
Mathe understandi solve problems interests interests. formula and use of simple -Graphic
matics ng key involving and compound interest, Organizer
concepts of simple and 2. distinguishes 2. distinguishes ordinary annuity or -Concept
Understanding Understanding Analyzing Communication
simple and compound between simple between simple annuity due, and simple Map
compound interests and simple and compound or general annuity for the -Q and A
and compound
interests, and interests. people could easily Brainstormi
and simple general annuities interests. understand the meaning ng
and general using 3. computes of each type of interest 8. Lecture
annuities. appropriate business Doing 3. computes Doing Evaluating and annuity. Reasoning Proof method(inte
and interest, ractive
maturity value,
financial maturity value, learning)
future value,
instruments. future value, --
and present “Self-Knowledge”
and present Powerpoint
value in simple Write a reflection paper
value in simple -Printed
interest and on the purpose and use of
interest and Modules
compound knowing how to compute
compound 9. Discover
interest for the interests and
interest y/
environment. annuities for an
environment. exploratory
investment. Include in the
reflection paper the learning-
4. solves importance of investing videos/yout
4. solves problems your money wisely even ube
problems involving
involving Doing Doing Creating at an early age. Problem Solving
simple and
simple and compound
compound interests.
interests. “Perspective”
5. illustrates Interview a finance
5. illustrates simple and analyst and ask for their
simple and general ideas on proper
general annuities. investment and the proper
Understanding Understanding Applying Connection
annuities. age for making
6. distinguishes investments.
6. distinguishes between simple
between simple and general
and general annuities.
annuities. Understanding Understanding Analyzing Communication
7. finds the
7. finds the future value and
future value and present value of
present value of both simple
both simple Doing annuities and Doing Evaluating Reasoning Proof
annuities and general
general annuities.
8. calculates the
8. calculates the fair market
fair market value of a cash
value of a cash flow stream that
flow stream that includes an
includes an Doing annuity Doing Evaluating Reasoning Proof
9. calculates the
9. calculates the present value
present value and period of
and period of deferral of a
deferral of a deferred annuity
deferred Doing Evaluating Reasoning Proof
The learner Stocks The leaner is able to 1. illustrate Understanding 1. illustrate Understanding Applying Formative Assessment Video Analysis Connection 1.Inquiry
demonstrate and Bonds use appropriate stocks and stocks and Activity: and Solving Method/Soc
s financial bonds. bonds. -Recitation in an online Problems ratic method
understandi instruments class -Graphic
ng basic involving 2. distinguishes Understanding 2. distinguishes Understanding Analyzing - Seatwork Communication Organizer
concepts of stocks and bonds in between stocks between stocks -Homework -Concept
stocks and formulating and bonds. and bonds. -Contribution to group Map
bonds. conclusions discussion -Q and A
and making 3. describes the 3. describes the Brainstormi
decisions. Knowing Knowing Understand Representation ng
different different
ing 10. Lecture
markets for markets for
stocks and stocks and method(inte
bonds. bonds. ractive
4. analyzes the 4. analyzes the --
Understanding Understanding Analyzing Communication Powerpoint
different market different market -Printed
indices for indices for Modules
stocks and stocks and 11. Discove
bonds. bonds. ry/
5. interprets the learning-
Doing videos/yout
theory of
efficient ube

The learner Loans The learner is able 1. illustrates Understanding 1. illustrates Understanding Applying Formative Assessment Video Analysis Connection 1.Inquiry
demonstrate to decide wisely on business and business and Activity: and Solving Method/Soc
s the appropriateness consumer loans consumer loans -Recitation in an online Problems ratic method
understandi of business or class -Graphic
ng basic consumer loan 2. distinguishes Understanding 2. distinguishes Understanding Analyzing - Seatwork Communication Organizer
concepts of and its proper between between -Homework -Concept
business and utilization. business and business and -Contribution to group Map
consumer consumer loans. consumer loans. discussion -Q and A
loans Brainstormi
3. solves 3. solves ng
problems Doing problems Doing Creating Problem Solving 12. Lecture
involving involving method(inte
business and business and ractive
consumer loans consumer loans learning)
(amortization, (amortization, --
mortgage). mortgage). Powerpoint
13. Discove

Logic The learner Propositi The learner is able 1. illustrates a Understanding 1. illustrates and Understanding Applying Formative Assessment Video Analysis Connection Distance:
demonstrat ons to proposition. symbolizes Activity: and Solving Text
es judiciously apply propositions. Case Analysis: Problems Illustration:
understand logic in real-life Students will analyze Discussion
ing of key arguments. 2. symbolizes Understanding 2. distinguishes Understanding Analyzing the given cases and Communication through
concepts of propositions between simple present a solution modules on
proposition and compound supported by the line of different
al logic; propositions. reasoning employed types of
syllogisms and assumptions made. tautologies
and 3. performs the and
fallacies. 3. distinguishes Understanding Understanding Applying Connection fallacies.
between simple different types
and compound of operations on -Recitation
propositions. propositions. - Seatwork
-Homework Pre
-Contribution to group recorded
4. determines discussion videos to be
4. performs the Understanding the truth values Knowing saved in
different types of propositions Understand Representation flash drive
of operations on ing or SD
propositions. Card.

5. determines Knowing 5. illustrates the Connection

the truth values different forms Blended:
Understanding Applying
of propositions. of conditional Discussion
on different
propositions. types of
6. illustrates Connection and
6. illustrates the
Understanding different types Understanding Applying fallacies.
different forms
of conditional of tautologies
propositions. and fallacies.
7. Illustrates and quizzes
different types of the
of tautologies Understanding different
and fallacies. types of

The learner Proof and The learner ris able 1. Determines Knowing 1. Determines Knowing Understand Formative Assessment Video Analysis Representation Distance:
demonstrat Disproof to appropriately the validity of the validity of ing Activity: and Solving Text
es apply a categorical categorical Case Analysis: Problems Illustration:
understand method of proof and syllogisms. syllogisms. Students will analyze Discussion
ing of key disproof in real-life the given cases and through
methods of situations. 2.Establishes 2.Establishes present a solution modules on
proof the validity and the validity and supported by the line of different
and disproof falsity of real- falsity of real- reasoning employed types of
life arguments life arguments and assumptions made. tautologies
using logical Knowing using logical Knowing Representation and
propositions, propositions, Understand fallacies.
syllogisms, and syllogisms, and ing -Recitation
fallacies. fallacies. - Seatwork
-Homework Pre
-Contribution to group recorded
discussion videos to be
saved in
flash drive
or SD
on different
types of

and quizzes
of the
types of

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Senior High School Coordinator Officer in Charge-Principal


School Directress

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