Death in The Dojo Worksheet
Death in The Dojo Worksheet
Death in The Dojo Worksheet
Level 5
Chapter 6 Chapter 9
1. Match the questions and answers. 1. Complete the gaps in the summary.
1 ‘Were all the letters a ‘I think he just Kate returned to her ............... and fell asleep.
written by the same thought it was some Later, she was ............... up by a phone call.
person?’ madman.’ It was Naoko’s housekeeper. She told Kate
2 ‘Do you think b ‘He must have that Naoko wanted to ............... to her now.
Kawaguchi had destroyed them so Naoko told Kate that John Blakeston had
any idea who “The his family wouldn’t been her ............... . Naoko’s father was very
Avenger” was?’ find them.’ ............... with his children and tried to stop her
3 ‘Did Kawaguchi c ‘Yes, definitely. from seeing John. Now, Naoko wasn’t sure if
ever report these It was the same ............... had killed Blakeston.
threatening letters handwriting.’ 2. Kate asked Naoko: ‘ ... is it possible that your father
to the police?’ had John Blakeston killed?’ What do you think?
4 ‘Where are they d ‘No, nobody knew
Chapter 10
now, these letters?’ anything about
them.’ 1. Match the beginnings and endings.
2. Read the letter on page 35. Why did Brendan 1 After Kate’s second a and told him
write: ‘Today I am about as low as I’ve ever been meeting with everything that had
in my life’? Naoko happened.
2 While Kate was b she met Kenji, an
Chapter 7 enjoying noodles old friend.
1. Put the events in the right order. and green tea
a Kate stopped Tim from phoning for a doctor. 3 Kenji persuaded c to watch a training
b As Kate entered her flat, she was attacked. Kate to visit the session and meet
c Kate realised that the attack was a warning. dojo Ando-sensei.
d Tim stayed the night to protect Kate. 4 Afterwards, Kate d she did some
e Kate knocked on the ceiling to attract Tim’s had tea with Ando- sightseeing around
attention. sensei old Tokyo.
2. Read the letter on page 39. What was the only
thing Brendan could look forward to? Chapter 11
1. Match the sentences to the person or place.
Chapter 8
a The place was noisy and crowded and full of
1. Look at the words in italics. Who is somebody, me, smoke.
he etc.? b ‘Left here years ago, he did.’
a Somebody was obviously warning me. c The pub itself looked very old, as if it
b Was he still alive now, I wondered? desperately needed repairs.
c He said he would ring her and tell her I was d He looked like he hadn’t shaved for days.
coming. e ‘Oh, he stopped coming here about last
d Now she looked ill and tired, but was as polite November.’
as her brother.