Employee Handbook (A6)
Employee Handbook (A6)
Employee Handbook (A6)
Mission Statement
Make our customers, employees and investors
more successful.
To become the Logistics company of the world.
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Performance Feedback
Individual performance levels, development, and career
opportunities are important considerations for both the Company
and the Employee. Therefore, every Manager/
Supervisor will conduct a Performance Feedback Review a minimum
of once per calendar year for each of their Salaried Employees.
Progress Reviews and Feedback
Meetings may take place at shorter intervals than the minimum
requirement. This may occur when a specific performance
improvement has been identified.
Discipline Policy
Disciplinary rules and procedures are necessary for promoting
fairness and order in the treatment of individuals and in the conduct
of Employee relations. The Company has adopted a progressive
discipline practice. Rules set standards of conduct and expected
behavior at work.
The Company recognizes that an individual may be required to be
absent from work due to illness or other exceptional circumstances.
Attendance records are maintained and reported to the Human
Resources Department. An absence of three (3) or more
consecutive days requires a doctor’s certificate.
Note, however, that in certain circumstances, a doctor’s note may be
required for the first day of absence.
Employees must be fully prepared for work and in their designated work
area at their starting time.
A minimum of two (2) hours notice is required if an Employee is unable to
report to work.
If an Employee must be absent, it is his or her responsibility to telephone
their immediate Supervisor each day, regarding their status and expected
return to work, unless prior arrangements have been made with the
immediate Supervisor.
Employees are expected to remain on the job during their full shift, unless
otherwise authorized by their immediate Supervisor
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Several supplementary benefits programs are made available to
Employees by DHL Ghana. For all full-time and part-time
personnel, a benefits information and enrolment kit will be
provided to you when you are hired. If you still have questions
after reading the kit, please ask your Supervisor for clarification
or contact the Human Resources Department.
Salaried vacation entitlement is determined by years of service.
Effective January 1, of each calendar year, the vacation period
will be based on the calendar year for all Salaried Employees. All
allotted vacation time should be taken between January 1 and
December 31 of each calendar year. Employees who have not
taken all of their vacation for the year will be allowed to carry
over to be used no later than March 31 of the following year.
Any vacation time not taken by March 31 of the following year
will be forfeited. There will be no banking of unused vacation
days as of January 1, of the previous calendar years. Salaried
Vacation Entitlement will be as follows:
Employee Records
Accurate employment records are essential to ensure that
Employees receive all of their benefits and to comply with
government requirements. It is the Employee’s responsibility to
inform his or her immediate Supervisor, in writing, of any change
in the following:
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Privacy Policy
DHL Express (Ghana), Ltd. (the “Company”) is committed to
protecting the privacy of individuals concerning personal
information under its control and keeping their personal
information confidential, secure, and private, with guidelines
from the Data Protection Commission.
DHL Express (Ghana), Ltd. provides courier and express parcel
service. In the course of business, DHL receives confidential
information from Customers and establishes procedures,
Customer lists, tariffs, systems, techniques, forms, methods and
other information relating to the business (“Confidential
1. The Internet should be used for DHL business only. Any communications
sent or received, and information obtained, will remain at all times, the
property of DHL.
2. Employees may not spend work time on personal use of the Internet or
otherwise allow personal use of the Internet to interfere with their own,
or any fellow Employee’s, job performance. Employees may not use the
Internet for personal use in ways that generate any cost to DHL. Finally, at
no time can Employees use the Internet for commercial purposes that are
not work-related, or use it in any way that may offend other Employees or
otherwise violate Company Policy.
5. Internet access must not be used to visit interactive chat rooms, (e.g.
MSN), or for access to Internet based radio stations, etc. These activities
increase network traffic and could interfere with business related network
traffic. DHL’s network is owned and controlled by DHL, and Employees’
access to the Internet through this network is subject to DHL’s approval
and consent. DHL may, at any time and for any reason, access, monitor,
and/ or disclose Employee Internet usage. Employees should be aware
that DHL tracks the use of its Internet gateways, records specific website
visits, and may, from time to time, block access to certain websites. This
access and monitoring may occur during or after work hours by any
Supervisor, Manager, or security personnel designated by DHL.
Personal Appearance
Employees must wear the prescribed uniform or adhere to the
dress code of their work area.
A good reputation is critical to the success of any company, and in 2006
Deutsche Post DHL declared its commitment to ethical, responsible and
legal business practices, by introducing its Code of Conduct.
We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and work
constantly to improve our products, services, management and behavior
to ensure our customers’ success.
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Where gifts and entertainment are exchanged, these must reflect good
business practice and be in accordance with the DPDHL Anti-Corruption
and Business Ethics policy.
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The full version of the DPDHL Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption and Business
Ethics policies are available from your HR representative, or on COIN.
Health & Safety
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All vehicles must be locked, windows closed, and the keys
removed from the ignition at all times when the vehicle is
Collision Reporting
In the event you are involved in a collision while on
Company business – whether or not there are injuries
involved – render as much assistance to the injured as possible,
attempt to gather names and addresses of witnesses, and
contact your Supervisor. Do not make any statements that may
be construed as an admission of liability or fault.
Complaint Procedures
Each Employee has the right to seek a solution to any complaint,
problem, difference, or dispute relating to their employment with
DHL Ghana Ltd. The Employee also has the right to be
accompanied by a colleague if he or she feels it is appropriate. It
is the intention and commitment of DHL Ghana that any
complaint be settled as fairly and as quickly as possible. In order
to do so, all parties to a complaint are expected to act in
accordance with this code at all times:
All Employees are encouraged to first address any issue with their direct
Supervisors, where appropriate. For access required beyond the direct
Supervisor level, contact the Supervisor’s direct Manager or the
Company’s Human Resource Management Team to investigate and
facilitate the appropriate steps for resolution;
Anti-Discrimination Policy
It is the purpose of this Policy to ensure that all Employees are
aware of the scope of the Ghanaian Human Rights Act and
appreciate the need to prevent discrimination in the prohibited
areas covered by the Act.
(iii) Is motivated by, directed towards, or based upon one of the prohibited
grounds listed above. Harassment may be in many forms. It may occur as
a result of a single incident or repeated incidents. It may occur between
colleagues, Supervisor to Subordinate, Subordinate to Supervisor,
Employee to Client, or Client to Employee.
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Sexual Harassment
One of the most serious forms of harassment is sexual harassment.
This form of harassment can occur on a one-time basis, or as a
series of incidents. While the following is not an exhaustive list,
sexual harassment may include:
Harassment Policy
It is the Policy of this Company to require all Employees to
maintain proper standards of conduct in all work related settings.
This includes, but is not limited to, Company offices, wherever
Company business is conducted, as well as at any offsite Company
related functions.
b. If you are unable to speak with the person(s) causing you to feel
uncomfortable, or if the actions persist, do the following:
1. Make a written record of all incidents, noting the behavior involved,
date, time, witnesses, and location. Use the method of who, where,
when and what.
When, upon investigation, a complaint is found to have
substance, the individual against whom the complaint has been
laid will be subject to immediate disciplinary action up to, and
including, dismissal.
DHL Ghana Ltd
C913/3 North Ridge Crescent Road
North Ridge
P O Box 207
In Country: 030-2213090-7
From Outside: +233-302-213090-7