DCPR 2034 - Spaceage
DCPR 2034 - Spaceage
DCPR 2034 - Spaceage
1. Short title, extent and commencement
(I) Title: These Regulations shall be called the “Development Control and
PromotionRegulations for Greater Mumbai,2034” (hereinafter called “these
(III) Protection: No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against any person
for any thing which is in good faith done or intended to be done under the MR&TP Act
or any rules or regulations made their under. (EP-2)
(IV) Date of coming into force: These Regulations shall come into force onfrom the date
of publication in Maharashtra Government Gazettesanction by theGovernmentunder
section 31 of Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 (Mah. Act No. XXXVII
of 1966)and shall replace the existing Development Control Regulations for Greater
Mumbai framed under the MR&TP Act, 1966.
(I) General:In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, the terms and
expressions shall have the meaning indicated against each of them.
(II) Meaning as in the Acts, Rules, etc.: Terms and expressions not defined in these
Regulations shall have the same meanings as in the MR&TP Act, 1966 or the Mumbai
Municipal Corporation Act, 1888 (Mumbai Act No. III of 1888)and the rules or bye-
laws framed thereunder, as the case may be, unless the context otherwise requires.
(III) Terms and expressions neither defined in these Regulations nor defined in (I) and
(II) above shall be interpreted with reference to the latest National Building Code
in the relevant context.
(IV) Definitions.
(IV) Definitions.
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(2) "Accessory building" means a building separated from the main building on a plot,
and put to one or more accessory/ancillary use.
(3) "Accessory/Ancillary use" means use of the building, subordinate and customarily
incidental to the principal use.
(4) “Accommodation Reservation” means a accordance with these Regulations plot of
land reserved for public purpose, where land owner has an option of handing over
specified the part of land alongwith developed amenity to MCGM, for the intended
public purpose free of cost and free from any encumbrances and developing balance
land with permissible basic FSI and Development Right (DR) potential of the entire
plot with the provision of these regulations.
(i) The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966(Mah. Act No. XXXVII of
(ii) The Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act, 1888 (Mumbai Act No. III of 1888)
(7) "Advertising sign" means any surface or structure with characters, letter or
illustrations applied thereto and displayed in any manner whatsoever out of doors
for the purpose of advertising or giving information regarding or to attract the
public to any place, person, public performance, article or merchandise, and which
surface or structure is attached to, forms part of, or is connected with any building,
or is fixed to a tree, or to the ground or to any pole, screen, fence or hoarding or
displayed in space or in or over any water body included in the limits of Greater
Mumbai i.e. Island City, Suburbs or extended Suburbs as defined in section 3 of the
Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act, 1888, and area specified in Part II to IV of
Schedule `A` to the Greater Mumbai Laws and Mumbai High Court (Declaration of
Limits) Act,1945.
However, advertising sign shall not include hoarding displayingdetails of the
project as per IOD/IOA condition, at the site of the project.
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(9)“Alcove” means a cooking place with direct access from the main room without a
communicating door.
(10) “Amenity Space” means a statutory space provided in any layout/plot to be used
for any of the amenities/utilities specified in these regulations
“Affordable Housing” means social housing in the nature of housing meant for
economically weaker section, lower income group and middle income group.
(11) "Architect" means a person registered as an architect under the provisions of the
Architects Act, 1972.
(12) “Atrium” means the area comprised of entrance lobby or common entrance hall of the
building or common area at any Single floor level which serves as a Common Open Spaces
for more than one floor.
(15) "Basement or cellar" means the lower storey of a building below, or partly below the
ground level.
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(16) “Biotechnology Unit” means and includes Biotechnology units which are certified by
the Development Commissioner (Industries) or any other officer authorized by himon
his behalf.
(17) "Building” means a structure, constructed with any materials whatsoever for any
purpose, whether used for human habitation or not, and includes-
(i) Foundation, plinth, walls, floors, roofs, chimneys, plumbing and building services,
fixed platforms;
(ii) Verandahs, balconies, cornices, projections; (iii)
part of a building or anything affixed thereto;
(iv) any wall enclosing or intended to enclose any land or space, signs and outdoor display
(v) tanks constructed for storage of chemicals or chemicals in liquid form;
(vi) all types of buildings defined in (a) to (q) below; but tents, shamianas and tarpaulin
shelters erected for temporary purposes for ceremonial occasions, with the
permission of the Commissioner, shall not be considered to be "buildings".
(a) "Assembly building" means a publicbuilding or part thereof where groups of people
congregate or gather for amusement, recreation, social,religious, patriotic, civil,
travel and similar purposes. "Assembly buildings" include buildings of drama and
cinema theatres, drive-in-theatres, assembly halls, city halls, town halls, auditoria,
exhibition halls, museums, mangalkaryalayas, skating rinks, gymnasia, stadia,
restaurants, eating or boarding houses, places of worship, dance halls, multipurpose
hall,clubs, gymkhanas,malls,road, air, sea or otherpublic transportation stations, and
recreation piers.Public for this purpose shall mean use open for public at large.
(b) "Business building" means any building or part thereof used for transaction of
business and/or keeping of accounts and record therefor; offices, banks, professional
establishments, IT establishments, call centers, offices for private entrepreneur
provided their principal function is transaction of business and/or keeping of books
and records.
(c) "Detached building” means a building with walls and roofs independent of any other
building and with open spaces on all sides.
(d) "Educational building" means a building exclusively used for a school or college,
recognized by the appropriate Board or University, or any other competent authority
involving assembly for instruction, education or recreation incidental to
educational use, and including a building for such other uses incidental thereto
such as a library, multipurpose hall,auditorium or a research institution. It shall
also include quarters for essential staff required to reside in the premises, and a
building used as a hostel captive to an educational institution whether situated in its
campus or not.
(e) "Hazardous building" means a building or part thereof used for-
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(vi) in relation to its existing use, constitutes a hazard to safety or health or public welfare
by reasons of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation or abandonment.
(r) "Wholesale establishment" means an establishment wholly or partly engaged in
wholesale trade and manufacturers wholesale outlets, including related storage
facilities, warehouses and establishments engaged in truck transport, including truck
transport booking agencies.
(18)"Building line" means the line up to which the plinth of a building extends in any
(19)"Built-up area" means the area covered by a building on all floors including cantilevered
portion, if any, but excluding cladding and the areas specifically exempted under these
Regulations for the purpose of computation of FSI.
(22) "Carpet area" would have the same meaning as defined in Real Estate (Regulation
and Development) Act, 2016. ”
Provided further that in case of redevelopment schemes under the provision of DCPR 33(5), 33(7),
33(7) (A), 33(9), 33(9)A, 33(10), 33(10)A for the purpose of rehabilitation area and incentive thereon
only, "Carpet area" means the net usable floor area within a building excluding that covered
by the walls or any other areas specifically exempted from floor space index computation
in these Regulations.
(23) "Chimney" means a construction by means of which a flue is formed for the purpose of
carrying products of combustion to the open air and includes a chimney stack and
the flue pipe.
(24) "Chajja" means a structural overhang provided over openings on external walls for
protection from the weather.
(25) "Chowk" means a fully or partially enclosed space permanently open to the sky
within a building at any level; inner chowk being enclosed on all sides and an
outer chowk having one unenclosed side.
(26) "Chute" means a vertical system passing from floor to floor provided with ventilation and inlet
openings for receiving refuse from successive floors with or
without sprinklers for cleaning and ending at the ground floor on the top of the collecting
(27) “Cluster” means any defined areawith proper access comprising dwelling units,
buildings, chawls, etc.
(28) "Combustible material" means that material which when burnt adds heat to a fire
when tested for combustibility in accordance with the IS: 3808-1966 Method of
Test for combustibility of Building Materials, National Building Code.
(29) Commissioner means Municipal Commissioner of Greater Mumbai or any other officer
designated by him.
(30) "Contiguous holding" means contiguous piece of land under one ownership irrespective of
separate property register cards.
(32) "Convenience shopping,” means shops, each with a carpet area not exceeding 30
sq.m except where otherwise indicated and comprising those dealing with day to
day requirements, as distinguished from wholesale trade or shopping,provided
on the ground and/or first floor of building with internal means of access. It
With the special permission, the Commissioner may from time to time add to, alter
or amend the above list.
(34) "Courtyard" means a space permanently open to the sky within the site around a
structure or surrounded by structure and may be paved/concreted.
(35) “Curb Cut” means a small solid (usually concrete) ramp that slopes down from the
top surface of a side walk or footpath to the surface of an adjoining street. It is
designed for ease of access for pedestrians, bicyclists and differently abled people.
(39) "Drain" means a system or a line of pipes, with their fittings and accessories such as
manholes, inspection chambers, traps, and gullies, floor traps used for
drainage of buildings or yards appurtenant to the buildings within the same curtilage.
A drain includes an open channel for conveying surface water or a system for the
removal of any liquid.
(41) “Eating House” means any premises where any kind of food is prepared or supplied
for consumption of public for the profit or gain of any person owning or having an
interest in or managing such premises.
(42) "Enclosed staircase" means a staircase separated by fire resistant walls and door
from the rest of the building.
(43) “Energy Efficient Building” means the building (having connected load 100 KW or greater and
having conditioned area of 1000 sq. m or more) compliant with the provisions of ECBC code.
(44) “Escalator” means a power driven, inclined, continuous stairway used for ascending or
descending between floors or bridge over the road/railway line.
(45) "Escape route" means any well ventilated corridor, staircase or other circulation
space, or any combination of the same, by means of which a safe place in the open
air at ground level can be reached.
(46) "Existing building" means a building or structure existing authorisedly before the
commencement of these Regulations.
(47) "Existing use” means use of a building or a structure existing authorisedly before the
commencement of these Regulations.
(48) "Exit" means a passage channel or means of egress from any building, storey or
floor area to a street or other open space of safety; horizontal, outside and vertical
exits having meanings at (i), (ii) and (iii) respectively as under:
(i) "Horizontal exit" means an exit which is a protected opening through or around a
fire wall or a bridge connecting two or more buildings.
(ii) "Outside exit" means an exit from a building to a public way, to an open area leading
to a public way or an enclosed fire resistant passage leading to a public way.
(iii) "Vertical exit" means an exit used for ascending or descending between two or more
levels, including stairways, smoke-proof towers, ramps, escalators and fire escapes.
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(49) "External wall" means an outer wall of a building not being a partition wall even
though adjoining a wall of another building and also means a wall abutting on an
interior open space of any building.
(50) "Fire and/or emergency alarm system" means an arrangement of call points or
detectors, sounders and other equipment for the transmission and indication
of alarm signals, activated automatically or manually in the case of fire or other
(52) "Fire lift" means a special lift designed for the use of fire service personnel in the
event of fire or other emergency.
(53) "Fire proof door" means a door or shutter fitted to a wall opening, made of fire
resistant material to prevent the transmission and spread of heat and fire for a
specified period.
(54) "Fire Pump" means a machine, driven by external power for transmitting energy to
fluids by coupling the pump to a suitable engine or motor, which may have varying
outputs/capacity but shall be capable of having pressure of 3.2 kg/cm2 at the
topmost level of a high rise building.
(55) "Fire resistance" means the duration of time which a fire resistant material i.e.
material having a certain degree of fire resistance, fulfills its function of contributing
to the fire safety of a building when subjected to prescribed conditions of heat and
load or restraint. The fire resistance test of structures shall be done in accordance
with IS: 3809-1966 Fire Resistance Test of Structure.
(56) "Fire separation" means the distance in meters measured from any other building on
the site or from another site, or from the opposite side of a street or other public
space to the building.
(57) "Fire service inlet" means a connection provided at the base of a building for
pumping up water through in-built fire-fighting arrangements by fire service pumps
in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief Fire Officer.
(58) "Fire tower" means an enclosed staircase which can only be approached from the
various floors through landings or lobbies separated from both the floor area and
the staircase by fire-resisting doors and open to the outer air.
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(59) “Fitness centre/Yogalayain a building” means and includes the built-up premises
including toilet facilities provided in the building including gymnasium for the
benefit of its inmates and for the purpose of fitness, physical exercises, yoga, reading
and such other activities as may be permitted by the commissioner from time to
(60) "Floor" means the lower surface in a storey on which one normally walks in a
building, and does not include a mezzanine floor. The floor at ground level with a
direct access to a street or open space shall be called the ground floor; the floor
above it shall be termed as floor 1, with the next higher floor being termed as floor
2, and so on upwards.
(61) "Floor space index (FSI)" means the quotient of the ratio of the combined gross
floor area of all floors, excepting areas specifically exempted under these
Regulations, to the gross area of the plot, viz.:
Total covered area on all floors
Floor Space Index (FSI) = ---------------------------------------
Plot area
(62) "Footing" means a foundation unit constructed in brick work, stone masonry or
concrete under the base of a wall or columnfor the purpose of distributing the load
over a large area.
(63) "Foundation" means that part of the structure which is in direct contact with and
transmitting loads to the ground.
(64) "Front Open Space" means the space between the boundary line of a plot abutting the
means of access/road/street and the building line. Plots facing two or more means
of accesses/roads/streets shall be deemed to front on all such means of
(65) “Fungible Compensatory Area” means any built-up area permitted over and above
the admissible FSIby a special permission of the Commissioner in accordance with
the Regulation No. 31(3).
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(67) “Gaothan” means portion of the land shownas such in the Revenue Records.
(68) "Garage" means a place within a project having a roof and walls on three sides
for parking any vehicle, but does not include an unenclosed or uncovered parking
space such as open parking areas.
(70) “Grey Water” means waste water from kitchen sink, bathrooms, tubs, showers,
wash basins, washing machines, and dish washers excluding the waste water
from water closet (W.C.).
(71)"Habitable room" means a room occupied or designed for occupancy for human
habitation and uses incidental thereto, including a kitchen if used as a living room,
but excluding a bath-room water closet compartment, laundry, serving and storing
pantry, corridor, cellar, attic,and spaces not frequently used.
i) radioactive substances;
ii) material which is highly combustible or explosive and/or which may produce
poisonous fumes or explosive emanations or storage, handling, processing or
manufacturing of which may involve highly corrosive, toxic or noxious alkalis or
acids or other liquids;
iii) other liquids or chemicals producing flame, explosive, poisonous, irritant or
corrosive gases or which may produce explosive mixtures of dust or fine
particles capable of spontaneous ignition.
(73) "Height of a building" means the vertical distance measured, in the case of flat
roofs, from the average level of the ground around and contiguous
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to the building to the topmost terrace level and, in the case of pitched roofs, upto
the point where the external surface of the outer wall intersects the finished surface
of the sloping roof, and, in the case of gables facing the road, the mid-point
between the eaves level and the ridge.
(74) "Height of a room" means the vertical distance measured, from the finished floor
surface to the finished ceiling/soffit of slab. The height of a room with a pitched roof
means the average height between the finished floor surface and the bottom of the
eaves and the bottom of the ridge.
(75) “High Rise Building” means a building having height more than 32m above the
average surrounding ground level.
(76) "Home occupation" means customary services provided to the general public other
than that of eating or a drinking place, by a member of the family residing on the
premises without employing hired labour, and for which there is no display to indicate
from the exterior of the building that it is being utilised in whole or in part for any
purpose other than a residential or dwelling use, and in connection with which no
article or service is sold or exhibited for sale except that which is produced therein,
which shall be non-hazardous and not affecting the safety of the inhabitants of the
building and the neighborhood, and provided that no mechanical equipment is used
except that as is customarily used for purely domestic or household purposes
and/or employing licensable goods. If motive power is used, the total electricity load
should not exceed 0.75 KW. "Home Occupation" may also include such similar
occupations as may be specified by the Commissioner and subject to such terms and
conditions as may be prescribed.
(78) “Ledge” or “Tand” means a shelf- like projection supported in any manner, except by
vertical supports, within a room itself but without a projection of more than half a
(81) "Loft" means a structure providing intermediate space in between two floors
with maximum height of 1.50 m, without having permanent access.
(83) “Marginal Open Space/Distance” means the minimum distance measured between
the front, rear and sides of the building line and the respective plot boundaries
(86)"Non-combustible" means not liable to burn or add heat to a fire when tested for
combustibility in accordance with the IS-3808-1966 Method of Test for
Combustibility of Building Materials.
(87) “Non-Conforming User” means any lawful use/building existed on the site but
which does not conform to the zoning shown in the Development Plan.
(88)"Occupancy" or "Use" means the principal occupancy or use for which a building or
a part of it is used or intended to be used, including contingent subsidiary
occupancies; mixed occupancy buildings being those in which more than one
occupancy are present in-different portions of the buildings.
(89) "Owner" means a person who receives rent for the use of the land or building or
would be entitled to do so if it were let, and includes:
(i) an authorised agent or trustee who receives such rent on behalf of the owner;
(ii) a receiver, executor or administrator, or a manager appointed by any court of
competent jurisdiction to have the charge of or to exercise the rights of the
(iii) an agent or trustee who receives the rent of or is entrusted with or is concerned with
any building devoted to religious or charitable purposes; and
(iv) a mortgagee in possession.
(90) "Parapet" means a low wall or railing built along the edge of the roof or a floor.
(91) "Parking space,” means an enclosed or unenclosed, covered or open area or area
provided by mechanical means sufficient in size to park vehicles. Parking spaces shall
be served by a driveway connecting them with a street or alley and permitting
ingress or egress of vehicles.
(92)"Partition" means an interior non-load bearing barrier, one storey or part storey in height.
(i) if it is a street,
(ii) if its freedom from encroachment is protected by any law or contract ensuring that
the ground below it is either a street or is permanently and irrevocably appropriated
as an open space.
In Determining the open-air space required for construction of a building, any space
occupied by an existing structure may, on its planned demolition to become a
permanently open air space, be treated as if it were already such a place.
(94) "Permission” means a valid permission orauthorisation in writing by the competent authority
to carry out development or a work regulated by the Regulations.
(95)"Plinth" means the portion of a structure between the surface of the surrounding ground and
surface of the floor immediately above the ground or basement or any storey level.
(96)"Plinth area" means the built-up covered area measured at theplinth level.
(97) "Porch" means a covered surface supported on pillars or otherwise for the purpose of a
pedestrian or vehicular approach to a building.
(98) “Podium” means one or morefloors of a building extending beyond building line/s
used for parking, providing other services and incidental purposes as prescribed
under these Regulations.
registered with the Competent Authority wherever applicable and under taking the
responsibility for the particular work as prescribed by the Appropriate Authority in
these Regulations.
(100)“Refuge Area” means an area within the building for a temporary use during egress. It
generally serves as staging area which is protected from the effect of fire and smoke.
(104)"Road/Street line" means the line defining the side limits of a road/street.
(105)"Road width" or "Width of road/street" means the whole extent of space within
the boundaries of a road when applied to a new road/street, as laid down in the
city survey or development plan or prescribed road lines by any act or law and
measured at right angles to the course or intended course of direction of such road.
(106)"Row housing" means a row of houses with only front, rear and interior open spaces.
(108)"Service road" means a road/lane provided at the front, rear or side of a plot for
service purposes.
(110)"Site, Corner" means a site at the junction of land fronting on two or more roads or
(111)"Site, Depth of” means the mean horizontal distance between the front and rear site
(112)"Site with double frontage" means a site having a frontage on two streets
other than a corner plot.
(113)"Site, Interior or Tandem" means a site access to which is by a passage from a street
whether such passage forms part of the site or not.
(114)"Smoke-stop door" means a door for preventing or checking the spread of smoke
from one area to another.
(115)“Solar Energy System” means a device to heat the water or generate power using
solar energy.
(117)“Stilt” means a space within framework of columns, beams and slabs without enclosure of
walls over which the building rests. It is used for parking purposes/other services as
provided under these Regulations.
(118)"Storey" means the portion of a building included between the surface of any floor
and the surface of the floor next above it, or if there be no floor above it, then the
space between any floor and the ceiling next above it.
appurtenant equipment and any buildings used for that purpose and the site thereof.
(121)"Theatre" means a place of public entertainment for the purpose of exhibition of motion
picture and or dramas and other social or cultural programs.
(122)"Tower-like structure" means a structure in which the height of the tower-like portion
is at least twice that of the broader base.
(124)"Volume to plot ratio (V.P.R.)" means the ratio expressed in meters of the volume of a
building measured in cubic meters to the areas of the plot measured in square meters.
(125)"Water closet (W.C.)" means a privy with an arrangement for flushing the pan with
water, but does not include a bathroom.
(127)"Water course, Major" means a water course which carries storm water discharging
from a contributing area of not less than 160 hectares, the decision of the Commissioner
on the extent of the contributing area being final. A minor water course is one which
is not a major one.
(128)"Window" means an opening other than a door, to the outside of a building which provides
all or part of the required natural light, ventilation or both to an interior space.
(129)“Wing of a building” means part of a building with independent access, staircase & lift connected
to other parts with common basement/stilt/ podium/terrace/common wall/connecting
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3. Applicability
(1) Development and construction: Except as hereinafter otherwise provided, these
Regulations shall apply to all development, redevelopment, erection and/or re-erection of
a building, change of user etc. as well as to the design, construction or reconstruction of,
and additions and alterations to a building.
(3) Change of occupancy: Where the occupancy of a building is changed, except where
otherwise specifically stipulated, these Regulations apply to all parts of the building affected
by the change.
(4) Reconstruction: The reconstruction in whole or part of a building which has ceased to
exist due to fire, natural collapse, demolition having been declared unsafe or which is likely
to be demolished by or under an order of the Corporation or the Bombay Housing and
Area Development Board and for which the necessary certificate has been given by either
the said Corporation or the Board shall be allowed.
(5) Exclusions: Nothing in these Regulations shall require the removal, alteration or
abandonment or prevent the continuance of the lawfully established use or occupancy of
an existing building or its use unless, in the opinion of the Commissioner, such a building is
unsafe or constitutes a hazard to the safety of adjacent property.
4. Interpretation
(1) In these Regulations, the use of the present tense includes the future tense, the
masculine gender includes the feminine and neuter genders, the singular number includes the
plural number and plural number includes singular number. The word "person" includes a
corporation as well as an individual; "writing" includes printing, typing, e-communication
and "signature" includes e-signature, digital signature and thumb impression of a person
unable to sign, provided that his name is written below such impression.
(2) Sizes and Dimensions: Wherever sizes and dimensions of rooms and spaces within
buildings are specified, they mean the clear dimensions, unless otherwise specified in these
(3) If any question or dispute arises with regard to interpretation of any of these
Regulations the matter shall be referred to the State Government which, after considering
the matter and, if necessary, after giving hearing to the parties, shall give a decision on the
interpretation of the provisions of these Regulations. The decision of
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the Government on the interpretation of these Regulations shall be final and binding on the
concerned party or parties.
(5) If there is a conflict in interpretation of any clause between English & Marathi
versions of these Regulations, then the interpretation of English version shall prevail
5. Delegation of powers
Except where the Commissioner's special permission is expressly stipulated, the powers or
functions vested in him by these Regulations may be delegated to any municipal official
under his control, subject to his revision if necessary and to such conditions and limitations, if
any, as he may prescribe. In each of the said Regulations, the word "Commissioner" shall, to
the extent to which any municipal official is so empowered, be deemed to include such official.
6. Discretionary powers
(a) In conformity with the intent and spirit of these Regulations, the Municipal
Commissioner may: -
(i) modify the limit of a zone where the boundary line of the zone divides a plot, village
boundary, CS/CTS No. as per records of revenue by a special permission; and
(ii) authorize the erection of a building or the use of premises for a public service
undertaking, Government, Semi-Government, Local Bodies for public utility purposes
only, where he finds such an authorization to be reasonably necessary
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for public convenience and welfare, even if it is not permitted in any land use
classification/zone by a special permission.
(iii) decide on matters where it is alleged that there is an error in any order,
requirement, decision, determination made by any municipal officer under
delegation of powers in application of the Regulations or in interpretation of these
(iv) interpret the provisions of these Regulations where a street layout actually on the
ground varies from the street layout shown on the development plan;
7. Power to delegate
The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette delegate by a general
or special order any of its powers under these Regulations, subject to such conditions as it
may consider appropriate, to any officer of the State Government not below the rank of
Deputy Secretary, except those relating to any matter which is required to be dealt with
under the special permission of the Commissioner.
8. Amendment/modification to Appendices/Annexures
Except where the same are prescribed in Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act, 1888, or
Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 or the rules or bye-laws framed
thereunder, the Commissioner may, from time to time, add to, alter or amend Appendices
and Annexures appended to these Regulations.
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i. Railways;
vii. Regional grids, towers, gantries, switchyards, control room, Relay room for
transmission,distribution, etc. of electricity;
ix. Any other essential public services as may be notified by the State Government.
xi. Facilities & services of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai such as Roads,
Water Supply, Sewerage, Storm Water Disposal and any other essential public
services as decided by the Municipal Commissioner.
All such constructions shall, however, conform to the prescribed requirement for the
provision of essential services, water supply connections, drains, etc. to the satisfaction
of the Commissioner.
b) platforms, goods sheds and offices, parcel offices, sub-stations, foot- over
bridges turn-tables, lifting towers, gantries, signal and signal boxes or
control cabins in hump yards;
c) running (loco) sheds, carriage and wagon depots, carriage washing places,
overhead or ground level water tanks, pipelines and pumping station;
running rooms, train examiners' offices, yard depots, permanent way
inspectors' and signal inspectors' stores in railway yards and all overhead
electric equipment for traction.
Provided that, for the construction of new railway lines or tracks the approval of the
State Government shall be necessary. For construction of new buildings, goods stores,
sheds or platforms, parcel offices and workshops or for purposes of major
remodeling,the approval of the Commissioner shall be necessary.
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
Where development has commenced as per the development per mission/IOD issued
prior to publication of these Regulations, the CC shall be issued or revalidated till
completion of development in accordance with the plans/ concessions approved for full
permissible FSI, in respect of the said IOD including minor amendment thereof as per
the then Regulations
(b) In case of such plots or layouts that started with due permission before DCPR 2034 have come
into force, where part development is completed commenced and Part or full Occupation
Certificate or Building Complition Certificate is granted or building/building stand assessed to
the Muncipal taxes,and if the owner /developer, at his option, thereafter seeks further
development of plot/layout/buildings as per DCPR 2034, then the provisions of DCPR 2034 shall
apply to the development. The development potential of such entire plot shall be computed as
per DCPR 2034 from which the sanctioned FSI as per the approved plans in respect of building(s)
having part and / or full Occupation Certificate or Building Completion Certificate or
building/buildings stand assessed to the Municipal taxes shall be deducted to arrive at the
balance development potential of such plot or layout. However, for soomth implementation
and removal of difficulties in transinal proposals, the Municipal Commissioner may formulate
a policy.
(i) Notice: The notice referred to in sub Regulations (2) of Regulation No 11 shall be
accompanied by as many copies of plans as the Commissioner may prescribe after taking
into consideration the clearances required from other agencies.
(ii) Size: The size of drawing sheets shall be any of those specified in Table 1 hereunder.
1 A0 841-1189
2 A1 594-841
3 A2 420-594
4 A3 297-420
5 A4 210-297
(iii) Colouring notations for plans: The plans shall be coloured as specified in Table 2
hereunder. The prints of the plans shall be on one side of the paper only.
Colouring of Plans
(i) Key plan, site plan, etc. to accompany notice. The notice shall be accompanied
by the key plan (location plan), a site plan, sub-division/lay out plan, building
plan, specifications and certificate of supervision, ownership, title, etc. as
prescribed in clauses (ii) to (xiii) below.
(ii) Ownership title and area. -Every application for development permission and
commencement certificate shall be accompanied bya copyof certificate of the
title of the land under development, obtained from an Advocate who has
experience in this field of a minimum 10 years. In case the application for
Development Permission or Commencement Certificate is submitted by the
holder of power of attorney, then a certificate from an Advocate certifying that
the power of attorney in favour of the applicant is valid and subsisting shall be
accompanied. In addition to abovethe certificate, the following documents for
verifying the area of the land shall be submitted, accompanied by anIndemnity
Bond indemnifying MCGM and its officer against legal consequences on
account of ownership disputes, if any.
a) Property register card of a date not earlier than twelve months prior to the date
of submission of the development proposal;
c) Affidavit from the owner regarding non-holding of contiguous land to the site
under development.
e) In case of property owned by more than one owner, certificate from an advocate
who has experience in this field of a minimum 10 years, certifying that all co -
owners have consented for development.
i)In the case of land leased by the Government or local authorities, clearance of
Government or such authorities regarding observance of the lease conditions
shall be obtained and attached to the application for development permission
in respect of such land.
(iii) Key plan or location plan-A Key plan drawn to a scale of not less than 1: 4000shall
be submitted along with the application in Appendix IIfor development
permission and commencement certificate showing the boundary, locations of
the site with respect to neighborhood land-marks.
(iv) Site plan-The site plan sent with an application for permission drawn to a scale
of 1:500 shall be duly signed by the Owner & licensed Surveyor or
architectshowing in addition to the details in Form-II of Annexure I the following:
a) The boundaries of the site and of any contiguous land belonging to the owner
of the site;
d) All existing buildings contained in the site with their names (where the buildings
are given names) and their numbers;
e) The position of the building and of other buildings, if any, which the applicant
intends to erect upon his contiguous land referred to in(iv)(a) above in relation
i. the boundaries of the site and in a case where the site has been
partitioned, the boundaries of the portions owned by others;
ii. all adjacent streets, buildings (with number of stories and height) and
premises within a distance of 12 m of the work siteand of the contiguous
land(if any) referred to in (iv)(a); and
iii. if there is no street within a distance of 12m of the site, the nearest existing
street with its name;
f) The means of access from the street to the building, and to all other buildings
(if any) which the applicant intends to erect upon his contiguous land referred
to in (iv)(a) above;
g) The space to be left around the building to secure free circulation of air,
admission of light and access for service purposes;
h) The width of the street (if any) in front and of the street (if any) at the side or
near the building;
i) The direction of the north line relative to the plan of the building;
k) The ground area of the whole property and the back-up of the covered area
on each floor with the calculations;
a) Scale used andthe direction of the north line relative to the plan of the
b) The location of all proposed and existing roads with their names,
existing/proposed/prescribed width within the land;
c) dimensions of the plot along with the building lines showing the set- backs
with dimensions of each plot;
d) The location of drains, sewers, STP, tanks, wells, trees, public facilities
and services, electric lines, etc.;
e) A table indicating the size,area and use of all the plots in the sub-
division/lay-out plan;
f) A statement indicating the total area of the site, area utilized under roads,
open spaces for parks, playgrounds,recreation spaces and development
plan designations, reservations and allocations,amenity space,
school,shopping and other public places along with their percentage with
reference to the total area of the site;
g) In the case of plots which are sub-divided in built-up areas, in addition
to the above, the means of access to the sub-division from existing streets
and in addition, in the case of plots which are sub- divided in built up area,
the means of access to each sub-plot from existing streets.
h) Contour plan of site, wherever necessary.
(vi) BuildingPlan -The plans of the building with elevations and section
accompanying the notice shall be drawn to a scale of 1:100 and shall-
a. Include floor plans of all floors together with the covered area clearly indicating
the size of the rooms, the positions and width of staircases,
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
ramps and other exit ways, liftwells, lift machine rooms and lift pit details, meter
room and electric sub-station. It shall also include the ground floor plan as well
as the basement plan and shall indicate the details of parking spaces, loading and
un-loading spaces, if required to be provided around and within the building,
as also the access ways and appurtenant open spaces with projections in dotted
lines, the distance from any building existing on the plot in figured dimensions
along with the accessory building. These plans will also contain the details of FSI
b. Show the use or occupancy of all parts of the buildings;
c. Show the exact location of essential services, e.g. water closet (WC), sink, bath,
d. Include sectional drawing showing clearly the sizes of the footings, thickness
of basement wall, wall construction, size and spacing of framing members,floor
slabs and roof slabs with their materials. The section shall indicate the heights of
the building and rooms and also the height of the parapet and the drainage and
the slope of the roof. At least one section should be taken through the staircase
&Lift well. The certifiedstructural planby Structural Engineer/Consultantgiving
details of all structural elementsand materials used along with structural
calculations can be submitted separately, but under any circumstances, before
the issue of the development permission/commencement certificate;
e. Show relative levels of streets;
f. Give dimensions of the portions projecting beyond the permissible building line;
g. Include a terrace plan indicating the drainage and the slope of the roof; h.
Indicate the north line relative to the plans;
i. Give a schedule of doors, windows and ventilators;
j. Show the pump rooms, Rain Water Harvesting System, Sewage Treatment Plant,
if any.
k. Provide such other particulars as may be prescribed by the Commissioner;
Provided that with the building plans forhigh rise or special buildings, the
following additional information shall be furnished or indicated on the building
l. Access to fire appliances/vehicles with details of vehicular turning circle and
clear motorableaccess way around the building;
m. Size (width) of main and alternate staircases along with the balcony approach,
corridor, ventilated lobby approach;
n. Location and details of lift enclosures;
o. Location and size of fire lift;
p. Smoke stop lobby door/Fire resistant door, where provided;
q. Refuse chutes, refuse chamber, service duct, etc.
r. Vehicular loading and unloading and parking spaces;
s. Refuse area if any;
(vii) Service plan - Plan and sectional elevations of private water supply, sewage
disposal system and details of building services, where required by the
Commissioner, shall be made available on a scale of not less than 1:100 before
undertakingsuch work.
(viii) Specifications. - General specificationsof the proposed construction, giving the type
and grade of materials to be used in the form in Annexure 2 to 9 signed by a licensed
surveyor/engineer/structural engineer, supervisor, architect, town planner or
qualified professionalas the case may be, shall accompany the notice.It shall be ensured
that the construction materials to be used shall bein accordance with the relevant I S
Codes, by the developer/owner.
(x) Development permission fee receipt - The notice shall beaccompanied by an attested
copy of the receipt of payment of the development permission application fee.
(xi) Security deposit - To ensure compliance with these Regulations and the directions given
in the sanctioned plan and other conditions, a security deposit, shall be charged at
rates specified by the Commissioner. It shall be returned to the owner
immediatelyafter the issue of the full occupancy certificate and after the
(xii) Clearance certificate for tax arrears - The notice shall also be accompanied by self-
certification by the owner/developer regarding payment of tax up to datewith certified
copies of latest payment receipt.
(xiii) No objection certificate - For occupancies requiring clearance from authorities like the
Civil Aviation Department, Directorate of Industries, Maharashtra Pollution Control
Board, Inspectorate of Boilers and Smoke Nuisances, electrical distribution licensers
regarding requirements of electrical transforming stations, the no objection certificate
from these authorities, applicable to the occupancy, shall also accompany thenotice.
(xiv) Other facilities to be provided during construction. - The notice shall also be
accompanied by an undertaking from the owner/developer/contractor to the effect
that during the period of construction facilities will be made available for day-care
centre, crèche, adult-literacy and non-formal education programs for the construction
workers, directly by him or through a voluntary agency.
(i) Signing of Plans - All the plans shall besigned by the owner and the licensed
surveyor/engineer/structural engineer/supervisor or architect or any Professional on
Recordas the case may be, and shall indicate their names in block capital letters,
addresses and license numbers when so licensed, allotted by the Commissioner. The list
of Professionals on Record is as per Annexure 10.
(i) Grant of permission or refusal. - The Commissioner may either sanction or refuse
to sanction the plans and specifications or may sanction them with such modifications
or directions as he may deem necessary, and thereupon, he shall communicate his
decision accordinglyto the person giving the noticein the formats specified in Annexure
11 and 12
(ii) Fire brigade scrutiny. -The plans for all high rise and special buildings shall also be
subject to the scrutiny of the Chief Fire Officer, and development permission shall be
given by the Commissioner only after clearance by the Chief Fire Officer.
(iii) Deemed permission.-If within sixty days of the receipt of the notice under sub-
Regulations (1) of Regulations 10, the Commissioner fails to intimate in writing to the
person who has given the notice, his refusal or sanction, or sanction with modifications
or directions, the notice with its plans and statements shall be deemed to have been
sanctioned, provided that this shall not be construed to authorize any person to do
anything on the site of the work in contravention of or against the terms of lease or titles
of the land, development plan, these Regulations or any law in force.
(iv) Revised plans. - Once the plans have been scrutinized and objections have been
pointed out, the ownergiving notice shall modify the plans to comply with the
objections raised and resubmit them. The plans submitted for final approval shall not
contain superimposed corrections. The Commissioner shall scrutinize the revised
plans and shall grant or refuse development permission/commencement certificate
within sixty days from the date of resubmission.
(6) Commencement of work:
A development permission/commencement certificateshall remain valid for four years
in the aggregate, but shall have to be renewed before the expiry of one year from the
date of its issue. The application for renewal shall be made before expiry of one year,
if the work has not already commenced. Such renewal can be done for three consecutive
terms of one year each, after which proposals shall have to be submitted to obtain
development permission afresh.
For the purpose of this Regulation, `Commencement` shall mean as under: -
(a) For a building work including Upto plinth level or where there is
additions and alterations no plinth,
upto upper level of basement or stilt,
as the case may be.
NOTE: The Commissioner with special permission may decide the modalities of
procedure for Development Permission, including online approval process,from the
point of view of Ease of Doing Business.
While allowing development, the Commissioner shall ensure that The relevant
provisions of The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control), Rules 2000 be adhered to
in letter and spirit.
(2) Notice to start of work: The owner shall give notice to the Commissioner of his intention
to start work on the building site in the format given in Annexure 13 The owner may start
the work after 7 days have elapsed from the date of the service of such notice to the
Commissioner or earlier, if so permitted.
(i) Results of tests- Where tests of any material are made to ensure conformity with
the requirements of these Regulations, record of the test data shall be kept available
for inspection during the construction of the building and for such period thereafter as
required by the Commissioner.
(a) posted in a conspicuous place, on the site for which permission has been
issued, a copy of the development permission/commencement
certificates; and
(b) a copy of the approved drawings and specifications referred to in
Regulations 10on the site for which the permission was issued.
(c) list of Professionals on Record with their contact details.
(d) copies of various remarks obtained from various departments related to
the development.
(4) Checking of plinth columns upto plinth level:The ownerthrough his licensed surveyor,
or his architect shall give notice in the formgiven atAnnexure 14to the Commissioner on
completion of work upto plinth level to enable the Commissioner to ensure that the work
conforms to the sanctioned plans. The Commissioner may inspect the work jointly with
the licensed technical personal or architect within fifteen days from the receipt of such
notice and either give or refuse permission for further construction as per the sanctioned
plans in the form given atAnnexure 15.If within this period, the permission is not refused,
it shall be deemed to have been given provided the work is carried out according to
the sanctioned plans.
(5) Deviation during constructions: If during the construction of a building, any departure
of a substantial nature from the sanctioned plans is intended by way of internal or external
additions, priorsanction of the Commissioner shall be mandatory. A revised plan showing
the deviations shall be submitted and the procedure laid down for the original plans here
to shall apply to all such amended plans. Any work done in contravention of the sanctioned
plans, without prior approval of the Commissioner, shall be deemed as unauthorized.
(6) Completion certificate:The owner, through his licensed plumber, shall furnish a
drainage completion certificate to the Commissioner in the form given atAnnexure 17. The
owner through his licensed surveyor/engineer/structural engineer/supervisor or his
architect, or any professional on record, who has supervised the construction,
shall furnish a building completion certificate to the Commissioner in the form given
atAnnexure 18. These certificates shall be accompanied by three sets of plans of the
completed development. The Commissioner shall inspect the work and, after satisfying
himself that there is no deviation from the approved plans, issue a certificate of
acceptance of the completion of the work in the form given atAnnexure 19. Further on
receipt of development completion certificate for entire development in the form of
Annexure 16, and after satisfying himself that there is no deviation from the sanctioned
plans, may issue Building Completion certificate in the form given at Annexure 22 or refuse
the Building Completion Certificate within 21 days from the date of receipt of the request
for the said Building completion certificate.Deviation in outer dimension to the extent of
25 mm shall be tolerated subject to condition that carpet area shall remain unchanged.
12. Inspection –
(1) Inspection at various stages:The Commissioner may at any time during erection of
a building or the execution of any work or development, make an inspection thereof
without giving previous notice of his intention so to do.
(2) Inspection by Fire Departmental: For all high-rise and special buildings, the work shall
also be subject to inspection by the Chief Fire Officer, and the Commissioner
shall issue the occupancy certificate/acceptbuilding completion certificate only after clearance by
the said Chief Fire Officer.
(3) Unsafe building:All unsafe buildings shall be considered to constitute danger to public
safety, hygiene and sanitation and shall be restored by repairs or demolished oras
otherwise directed by the Commissioner.
(a)In case of unauthorized development, the Commissioner shall take suitable action which
may include demolition of unauthorized works as provided in section 53 of the
Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 and the relevant provisions of
the Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act, 1888.
Provided that where the Commissioner with special written permission, decides that
the said existing amenity is no longer required in view of the available amenity in the
vicinity, then the amenity shall be developed for other public purpose considering the
deficiency in the administrative ward.
If schools which have been developed on unreserved plots and are now shown as
existing amenity in RDDP 2034 considering their land use, desire to can be
redeveloped in future with the additional benefits of FSI available in DCPR, provided
that they shall comply with all other regulations of DCPR/ terms & conditions / policy
of Govt. regarding schools issued from time to time. Merely by virtue of showing
the existing land use as existing amenity in respect of school will not give the status of
authorization unless it is constructed authorisedly as per the then prevailing DCR
Regulations/ terms & conditions / policy of Govt.
Provided further that ifa land is shown as existing amenity and such existing
amenity is spread over a number of adjoining plots as per DP 2034 and if any
of such plot has not contributed towards its reservation as per DP 1991 now
forming Part of existing amenity, then such plot will be deemed to be reserved
for such purpose and shall be developed as per Regulation No 17.
Exception: Traffic Islands constituting part of the road may be merged with
carriageway in order to improve the traffic movement with the special written
permission of Commissioner.(Unless these are shown in open space calculation)
(a) to any site being developed for education, wherein a branch of a bank/ATM
may be allowed,
(b) to any site being developed for health, wherein shops of pharmacists or
chemists / ATM may be permitted,
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(4) Reservation for Multiple Public Purposes: Where land is reserved for multiple public
purposes in the DP, the distribution of land area/BUA under reservation for each public
purpose shall be preferably equal.
Provided that, if the plot is reserved for some public purpose with plus (+) sign, then at
least 50% of the plot area shall be developed for the purpose for which it is reserved in DP
and rest of the plot can be developed for other purposes related to plus (+) sign
considering the deficiency in that ward.
Provided further that where specific percentages of multiple public purposes are specified
in DP, the said percentage shall prevail.
Provided further that where reservations for public amenities are proposed on plots
already designated (with developed amenity, but with potential of the land not fully
utilized), then in such cases, the areas of reservation/s will be as decided by the
Municipal Commissioner, if not defined by DP.
(5) Area of reserved land: The area of the reservation shall be considered after deduction
of area under proposed DP Road/PrescribedRegular line/Existing Municipal Road
affecting the reservation
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
(6) Shifting and/or interchanging the purpose of existing amenity /reservations: In the case of
specific existing amenity /reservations in the DP, the Commissioner, with the consent of
owners may shift, interchange the existing amenity /reservation in the same or on adjoining
lands/buildings in the same zone, provided that the relocated existing amenity/reservation
abuts a public street of same width or more width as per DP and shall have the same visibility
from the road and it is not encumbered and the area of such existing amenity /reservation
is not reduced.
The Municipal Commissioner shall pass the reasoned order for the aforesaid changes and
intimate the same alongwith certified copy of plan to the Director of Town Planning, Pune &
State Govt.
(b) beyond the same holding of the owner in which such reservation is located;
(c) unless the alternative location and size at least is similar to the original location and size of
the DP as regards to access original DP reservation.
(e)Balance part of the reservation shall have sufficient area and proper access.
(7) Art and Culture:The Commissioner maypermit temporary use of POS such as Gardens,
Leisure Parks, multi-purpose community centers, libraries, reading rooms, public
halls, Heritage area and Heritage Precincts, educational complexes, parking lots,
institutional areas and the like for the purpose of Art and Culture including
circus,jatra, folk dance, meditationand related activities in defined time slots, when
the primary functions and uses of such spaces are not being performed. In allowing
such use, it should be ensured that the primary use is not compromised/ impaired.
(8) Temporary Vending Zone: The Commissioner may, through by special permission,
allow certain existingamenity lands or premises,as determined by the Commissioner,
such as public parking lots, to be brought undervending zone. During such time slots
(not more than one to four hours per week on weekends), the primary user of the
existing amenity land/premises shall remain temporarily suspended. In allowing
such use, it should be ensured that the primary use is not compromised/ impaired.
(9) Art & Culture, Temporary Vending Zone/Bajar-hat/Athawadi Bazar/Equal Street: The
Municipal Commissioner shall identify and provide space for Art & Culture,
Recreational/Play area/Temporary Vending Zone or Bazar-hat/Athawadi Bazar/Equal
Street, on street/road, on weekend/holidays etc. on such days, as specified by the
Municipal Commissioner, such streets/roads or stretch of streets/roads, can be used as
recreational/play area & space for activity as stated hereinabove. The Municipal
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
14 Amenities
(A) In Plots/lay-outsof the land admeasuring4000 sq. m or more:
In case of development of land admeasuring 4000 sq.m and more (excluding the area
under Road set back/DP Road) in Residential and Commercial Zones, amenityareas
as specified below shall be provided fronting, a on public road or shall be fronting, a
public road or shall be provided with a perpetual independent right of way. Such
amenity area shall be exclusive of area under perpetual independent right of way.
(i) Development of plots with area 4,000 sq.m and more and up to 10,000 sq. m shall
require handing over 5% of plot area to MCGM as POS.
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(ii) Developments of plot with area exceeding 10,000 sq. m shall require handing over
of500 sq. m plus10% of plot areain excess of 10000 sq. m to MCGM as amenity.50%
of such amenity shall be used exclusively for POS and the balance 50% shall be
used for provision of such amenities as education, health, social and other
amenities as approved with the special permission of the Commissioner. In
determining the amenity, the Commissioner shall give due regard to amenity
deficits in the ward.
(iii) Such amenitiesor facilities (i) and (ii) above shall be deemed to be designations
or reservations in the DP thereafter.
Provided further that, in cases where DP has provided any reservation on the plot
under development excluding the D P Road /Road set back, the following criteria
would be applicable:
c) Such amenity shall not be deducted from the plot for the calculation of FSI
permissible on the balance plot.
d) These areas will be in addition to the LayoutRecreational Open Space(LOS) as
required under Regulation No. 27.
e) The minimum dimension of any side of such amenity shall not be less than 7.5 m
and if the average width of such amenity is less than 16.6 m, the length thereof
shall not exceed 2 1/2 times the average width.
Note: No amenity plot will be carved out of any land entirely reserved for
(B) Conversion of Industrial Zone to Residential or Commercial Zone for the Uses
permissible in Residential or Commercial Zone
With the previous approval of the Commissioner, any open landin theIndustrial
Zone, (I- Zone) (including industrial estates), excluding lands of cotton textile
mills, may be permitted to be converted into Commercial or Residential zone for
permissible uses in the Residential Zone (R- Zone) or Commercial Zone (CZone)
The area for conversion shall be considered after deduction of area under
proposed DP Road/PrescribedRegular line/Existing Municipal Road affecting the
Such conversion shall be subject to payment of the premium at the rate of 20%
of Annual Schedule of Rates (ASR rate) of developed land (for FSI 1) or as may be
decided by Government from time to time out of which 50% amount towards
Government share shall be deposited in the office of the Deputy Director of Town
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2 2 ha or more, but less than 5 ha 2000 plus 20% of plot area in At least 50% of the amenity n
excess of 2 ha shall be designated as POS
20 reservation.
3 5 ha or more 8000 plus 25% of plot area in excess
of 5 ha
However, if the Developer provide constructed amenity alongwith land appurtenent as
decided by the Commissioner on the plot to be handed over and Commissioner shall give
due regard to amenity deficits in the ward. In such cases, TDR in lieu of cost of construction
of built up amenity to be handed over shall be as per the provisions of Regulation 17(1)
note 1(d).
(d) These areas will be in addition to the LOS as required to be provided under Regulation
No. 27.
(e) The required segregating distance as prescribed under these Regulations shall be
provided within such land intended to be used for residential or commercial purposes.
(g) Such provisions for public utilities, amenities shall be considered to be reservations
in the DP.
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(h) Public utility and amenity hall not be developed under AR as per Regulation No.17. The
entire plot of amenity shall be developed entirely for the purpose of public amenity/ or
POS alone as per sub regulation No. 14(B)(c)(ii) above of this regulation.
I. Conversion from industrial zone to residential/commercial zone shall be applicable to
the part area of land holding subject to the condition that total area of the entire land
holding shall be considered for deciding the payment of premium andpercentage of
and land to be reserved of the said part area of land for amenity, as per this Regulation.
However necessary segregating distance shall be provided from industrial use.
a. If the area under DP reservation to be handed over to MCGM(excluding the areas under
DProads/ road setback) is less than the required area of amenity as per this Regulation,
only the additional land area shall be provided for amenity.
b. If the area under DP reservation to be handed over to MCGM, (excluding the areas under
DP roads/ road setback), is more than the required area of amenity as per this
Regulation, then the provision for amenity is not necessary.
c. In case plot area under conversion is less than 4000 2000 sq. m, land component either
10% amenity in the form of open land or 5% built-up amenity shall be considered for the
purpose of calculation of amenity as per note (a) and (b) above.
III. Out of the total floor area proposed to be utilized for residential development, as per
basic FSI, 20% of the same shall be built for residential tenements,each having BUA
carpet area up to 50sq.m (without fungible compensatory area) or 67.50 sq. minclusive
of fungible compensatory area. (EP-25)
IV. If the development is already in progress and if full Occupation Certificate has not been
granted to any of the buildings in the layout, then the land owner/developer may
convert the proposal in accordance with the provisions of this Regulationsubject to the
following conditions:
V. Out of the built up area proposed to be utilized for residential purpose as per zonal
basic FSI, minimum 20% built up area shall be used for commercial purpose as
permissible in these regulations.
VI. If the lands for industrial units are acquired under the provisions of part VII of the land
acquisition Act 1894, then prior permission of the Government is necessary before
permitting residential / commercial use in such lands and additional terms and
conditions mentioned in Revenue Department, G.R. No. MISC-01/2017/C.R.11/A-2,
Dated. 11/01/2018 shall be applicable. (EP-25B)
a) The revised provisions will be applicable in totality. The benefit of both old and revised
Regulations shall not be allowed.
b) The benefit of revised Regulations will be applicable only in cases where (a) full
Occupation Certificate has not been granted to any of the buildings in the layout and
(b) required amenity or DP reservation, if any, has not been handed over to the
1 a) For construction of EWS/LIG tenements, minimum 20% of the plot area (excluding the
area under Road set back/D P Road/existing amenity/reservation)shall be handed
over to MCGM free of cost.The FSI of the plot handed over to MCGM shall be allowed to
be utilized on the remaining plot.
b) The aforesaid plot shall be handed over to MCGM within24months from the date of
approval /approval of the layout. The FSI of such plot can be utilized on remainder plot
only after handing over of such plot toMCGM or before availing Zonal (basic) FSI beyond
75%of gross plot area or granting Occupation Certificate to last 25% of Zonal(basic) FSI in
any of the building, whichever is earlier. The ownership of such plot shall be transferred
in the name of MCGM in Revenue records before seeking occupation to any of the
buildings in the layoutother than IH.
Provided that in case the Landowner/Developer desires not to utilize such FSI in the same
land, fully or partly, then he shall be eligible for TDR in lieu of such unutilized FSI. The
utilization of this TDR shall be subject to the prevailing provisions of DCR and as per the
following formula.
X= (Rg/Rr) *Y
Rg = Land Rate in Rs. per sq. m as per the Annual Schedule of Rates (herein after referred
to as “ASR") of generating plot in the year when IOD/IOA is issued.
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
Rr = Land Rate in Rs. per sq. m as per ASR of the receiving plot of the same year of
generating plot.
Y = Unutilized FSI.
d) In case the owner/developer opts to utilize the FSI on the remainder plot/within
layout, the permissibility of the FSI for the purpose of development on balance plot shall
be considered on the gross plot area including excluding the area to be handed over to
MCGM for IH. (EP-26)
2) EWS/LIG Housing in the form of tenements of size ranging between carpet area of size
25 to 27.88 sq.mt. or as decided by the Housing Department, Government of
Maharashtra, from time to time. (hereinafter referred to as 'IH tenements') and shall be
constructed at least to the extent of 20% of the Zonal(basic) FSI. Such housing shall
preferably be in separate wing/building and shall be handed over to MCGM subject to
the following conditions: -
(a) The BUA of the IH tenements constructed under the scheme shall not be counted
towards FSI and such built up area shall be allowed over & above the permissible BUA
under these regulations.
(b) The Landowner/Developer shall construct the stock of IH tenements in the same plot
and the Planning Authority shall ensure that the Occupation Certificate for the rest of
the development under the said Scheme is not issued till the Occupation Certificate is
issued for IH tenements under the said Scheme and handed over to MCGM.
“Provided that the BUA of IH i.e. 20% of the Zonal (basic) FSI of the plot can also be
provided at some other location (s) within the same Administrative Ward of the
Municipal Corporation provided that the BUA to be handed over to MHADA shall be of
equivalent value as per ASR of that year. Such construction shall be free of' FSI to the
extent of 40% of Zonal (basic) FSI over & above of the permissible BUA of' such
plot/alternative plot
c) The completion of IH tenements under the said Scheme, along with necessary
particulars, including a copy of the Occupation Certificate granted by the Planning
Authority in respect thereof, shall be immediately intimated by the Landowner/Developer
to concerned department of MCGM. The disbursement of such 20 % IH tenements shall
be as under:
If MCGM does not require tenements as per sr. no (i) above within six months from the
date of receipt of such intimation, then the same may be sold as per sr. no ii) above.
iii) Money so received from proceeds of the sale shall be utilized by MCGM for
implementation of DP.
iv) The developer/owner shall be entitled for the BUA in lieu of cost of construction of
tenements as stated below:
v) BUA in lieu of cost of construction of IH = 1.25 1.5 [Rate of construction per sq. m as
per ASR rate/Rate of developed land per sq. m as per ASR (for FSI 1)]* BUA of IH
1) BUA in lieu of cost of construction of IH shall be allowed over and above the permissible
FSIas specified in Regulation No.30, table 12 orcan be adjusted against permissible
TDR/Additional FSI on payment of premium.
2) Commencement Certificate in lieu of BUA of IH can be granted only after handing over
of such BUA to MCGM or before availing Zonal (basic) FSI beyond 75% of plot area or
granting Occupation Certificate to last 25% of admissible FSI in any of the building
other than IH, whichever is earlier.
3) For arriving at number of tenements, ratio of BUA to carpet area shall be considered
as 1.2 (including requirements as per provision of these Regulations). No separate
compensation shall be given for areas under Regulation No.31 (1). BUA for the
construction of staircase/lift/staircase and lift lobby& other areas as per 31(1) shall not be
counted in BUA to be handed over and shall be without charging premium for the
provision of IH tenements.
Yellow highlighted text- Changes as per Corrigendum dtd. 29.6.2018 Bold Italic Text- Portion which was under EP
Blue highlighted text- Changes as per Notification for sanctioned EP dtd. 21.9.2018
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
Provided further that, if existing carpet area of some of the residential tenements, in Co-
operative Housing Society/federation of societies/association/condominium/
/apartment owners association is more than 80 sq. m, then the obligation to hand over
the BUA in the form of IH tenements/plot area would be proportionate to the ratio of
BUA of such tenement having carpet area more than 80 sq. m and existing BUA,
otherwise required as per this Regulation considering plot area.
(4) After layout approval, the area may be further subdivided if necessary to earmark
separate plots for the IH component and the other component. The Plot area and the BUA
in terms of square meters on the said plot shall be separately mentioned in the lease
agreements and Record of Rights. The CTSO/SLR, of the district on payment of such fees
as may be decided by the Govt. ensure that the City Survey sheet and property cards are
corrected accordingly and fresh property cards are opened for each of the plots giving
details regarding the area of the plots and the total area of the floors of the built-up
property and TDR given that is, the FSI used on that plot.
Yellow highlighted text- Changes as per Corrigendum dtd. 29.6.2018 Bold Italic Text- Portion which was under EP
Blue highlighted text- Changes as per Notification for sanctioned EP dtd. 21.9.2018
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
i. The owner will be allowed to develop the land if he agrees to construct BUAequivalent
to‘X’% of Basic ( zonal) FSIand agrees to hand it over to MCGM/Appropriate Authority
in lieu of FSI/TDR, as specified in this regulation along with ‘Y’% of area of reserved plot,
free of cost as per the designs, specifications, terms and conditions duly approved by
the Commissioner.
Yellow highlighted text- Changes as per Corrigendum dtd. 29.6.2018 Bold Italic Text- Portion which was under EP
Blue highlighted text- Changes as per Notification for sanctioned EP dtd. 21.9.2018
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
ii. The owner will be entitled to avail the full permissible BUAof the entire reserved plot
for other permissible uses in the zone under these Regulationson the remaining land
[(100- ‘Y’) %of the land]
iii. The values of ‘X’ and ‘Y’ for the respective reservations as mentioned in Sr. No. I and
ii above are given in Table No.5 below.
iv. The construction of built up amenity (with all requirements as per the provisions of
these Regulations) to be handed over to MCGMalong with the land as stated above under
ARmay be allowed to be developed in independent building/semi- detached to the
structures of other permissible development on the same plot or layout proposed by the
owner/developer on the remaining land. The ownership of such plot or alongwith
BUAto be handed over to MCGMshall vest with MCGM. Immediately an application to
Revenue Authorityfor making a mutation entry shall be submittedby
owner/developer.Thereafter, Commissioner shall also take up the matter withRevenue
departmentfor the necessary mutation entry. Revenue department shall enterin other
rights column a mutation entry of plot or alongwith BUA handed over to MCGM andcorrect
the revenue records accordingly on receipt of such intimation and on payment of such fees
by owner as may be decided by the Government. A separate property register card in
words & figures thereof in the name of MCGM shall be submitted by owner before seeking
Occupation Certificate for any part of building/buildings beyond75%of permissible BUA as
per Zonal (basic) FSI, or granting Occupation Certificate any of the building other than
amenity, whichever is earlier other than amenity.
i)(a)The owner may exercise the option to construct BUA equivalent to ‘X’% of Basic
( zonal) FSI and agrees to hand it over to MCGM/Appropriate Authority in lieu of
FSI/TDR, as specified in this regulation along with ‘Y’% of area of reserved plot, free of
cost as per the designs, specifications, terms and conditions duly approved by the
Commissioner as per 1) above.
ii) The construction of built up amenity (with all requirements as per the provisions of
these regulations) to be handed over to MCGMas stated above under accommodation
reservation may be allowed to be developed in independent building/wing/
semi-detached to the structures/in the building premises of other
Yellow highlighted text- Changes as per Corrigendum dtd. 29.6.2018 Bold Italic Text- Portion which was under EP
Blue highlighted text- Changes as per Notification for sanctioned EP dtd. 21.9.2018
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
iii)The ownership of such BUA to be handed over to MCGM shall vest with MCGM.
Immediately an application to Revenue Authorityfor making a mutation entry shall be
submittedby owner/developer. Thereafter, Commissioner shall also take up the matter
with Revenue department for the necessary mutation entry. Revenue department
shallenter in other rights column a mutation entry of BUA handed over to MCGM.
The mutation entry in respect of built up area to be handed over to MCGM shall be made
in property register card/Revenue records. On receipt of such intimation and on
payment of such fees by owner as may be decided by the Government, Revenue
department shall correct the revenue records accordingly. The owner shall submit property
register card with the mutation entry before seeking Occupation Certificate for any part
of building/buildings beyond 75%of permissible BUA as per Zonal (basic) FSI, or granting
Occupation Certificate to last 25% of admissible FSI in to any of the building, whichever is
4) In cases, where proposals are already approved as per the provisions of Regulations
in force prior to these Regulations, the lands/BUAwhich are required to be handed over
to MCGM or the Appropriate Authority, as the case may be, for public purpose, as per
the provisions of regulations in force prior to these Regulations, such lands/BUAshall
be deemed to be reservations/existing amenityof DP and shall be developed for the
intended purposes, even if such reservations/ existing amenity/amenities are not
reflected on the DP.
5) Constructions required for ingressand egressof passengers using Public Mass Transit
Facilities shallbe permitted on any land reserved/existing amenityfor any public purpose
irrespective of its permissibility given in any land use classification.
Table No: 3
Yellow highlighted text- Changes as per Corrigendum dtd. 29.6.2018 Bold Italic Text- Portion which was under EP
Blue highlighted text- Changes as per Notification for sanctioned EP dtd. 21.9.2018
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
Reservation basis.
Za Maximum % of plot area that can be used for ancillary uses.
Zb Maximum % of permissible built up area at as per Zonal (basic)FSI of the built up
reservation area that can be used for ancillary users.
X Maximum % of development rights, permissible at Zonal (basic) FSI, of the
reservation area affecting the plot, to be constructed as built-up amenity/amenity
for reservation under AR.
Y Maximum % of reserved plot to be set aside for built-up amenity developed
under AR and to be handed over to MCGM, along with the built-up amenity.
Table No: 4
Reservations to be developed for the intended purposes along with permissible uses &
ancillary activities.
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034
nt Plan 2034 Municipal
Corporation of Greater
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
watchman’s cabin,
gardener’s chowky,
instrument room,
Sport Store/Shop
- - - - -
- -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
RPU2.1 Administrative 1 or 2
Fuel Station building,area,Ancilla
Fuel filling station with ry uses of ATM, book
vehicle washing, City gate shop, cafeteria, Za=10
station, Gas distribution canteen(without Zb=10
Public stationand battery cooking with open
6 chargingfacility.
Utility flame)with subject
and to NOC from CFO
Facilities and NOC from
controller of
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
Table No 5
1 purposes Auditorium,art
and culture related users
After hours of principal
uses, other educational /
permitted usesincluding
Aadhar Kendra with skill
development centre,
Yogalaya, welfare
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034
nt Plan 2034 Municipal
Corporation of Greater
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
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t Plan 2034 Municipal
Corporation of Greater
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
Other compatible 1 or 2 or 3
14 RH3.4 Veterinary Veterinary hospital uses, Medical Zb=20
Hospital Stores/Shops In case of 3
Art and culture 1 or 3
Play Play Ground related In case of
15 Public ROS1.4 Ground uses,Vipassana/ 3,
Open yoga Y=70and
Spaces meditation,Watch minimum
man cabin, area of
Gardener chowky, reserved
toilet block. plot shall
be 1000
sq. m.
b) Y=40
nt Plan 2034 Municipal
Corporation of Greater
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
nt Plan 2034 Municipal
Corporation of Greater
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
Workshop a) X=50
b) Y=40
62 RP1.1 Fish & Net Fish & Net Drying yards, Art and culture 1 or 2 or 3
Drying fish drying related related uses, a) Za= 15
yards industries along with Footstalls/
other uses if any, such as, Restaurant, Bank b) Zb=15
diesel storage, Fish Branch In case of
Primary Godown, Fishing Related 3,
Activity Industry Y=70and
area of
plot shall
be 1000
sq. m.
63 RP2.1 Dhobi Art and culture related Public Toilet 1 or 2 or 3
Ghat uses facilities Za= 10,
In case of
a) X=50
b) Y=40
Note: -
1) a) The plot area to be handed over to MCGM / appropriate Authority under AR shall not
be deducted from the gross plot area for the purpose of calculation of full permissible
BUA under these regulations and may be utilized on the balance plot, Additional BUA
equal to area of the plot so surrendered to MCGM free of cost and free of encumbrances
shall be permissible over and above the permissible BUA or TDR as specified in the
Regulation No.30(A) except in respect of proposal processed under Regulation No 33(5),
33(7), 33(7)(A), 33(8), 33(9), 33(9)(A), 33(9)(B), 33(10), 33(10) (A), 33(20) (A), 33(21). (EP-
b) The BUA handed over to MCGM shall be free of FSI and balance plot will be allowed
to bedeveloped as per these Regulations, without taking into account said BUA so
handed over
c) BUA of staircase, lift &lift lobby and BUA permissible free of FSI as per the provisions
of Regulation no 31(1) shall not be counted in BUA to be handed over to MCGM and
the same shall be without charging premium for the provision of built up amenity
under AR.
d) The developer/owner shall be entitled for the BUA / TDR in lieu of cost of
construction of built up amenity under AR as follows:
= 1.25 1.50 (Rate of construction per sq. m as per ASR rate /Rate of developed land
per sq. m as per ASR) * BUA of constructed built up amenity handed over under AR.
(e) In case of Sr. N0 66(PPL), the incentive BUA shall be 50% of the above cited
Development Plan 2034
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Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
(f) No separate compensation shall be given for areas under Regulation No.31 (1). BUA
for the construction of staircase/lift/staircase and lift lobby & other areas as per 31(1)
shall not be counted in BUA to be handed over and shall be without charging premium
for built up amenity under AR.
(g) In case of residential amenity for arriving at number of tenements, ratio of BUA to
carpet area shall be considered as 1.2
(h) The applicable rate of ASR shall be ASR rate of the year in which amenity is handed
over to MCGM IOD/IOA is issued.
i) The constructed built up amenity along with plot to be handed over to MCGM
under AR shall have structural provisions for vertical extension in order to
consume additional FSI permissible as per provisions of these Regulations in
(j) The Owner/Developer shall be eligible for grant of TDR againstunutilized BUA including that
of Zonal (basic) FSI.
2) If the land is reserved as per the DP and owner desires to hand over the landwithout
any encumbrances to MCGM/ Appropriate Authority, then he shall be entitled for
the grant of TDRas per Regulation No 32.
4) The owner shall give advanced possession of the land wherever applicable (to
be handed over) to MCGM/Appropriate Authority at the time of seeking Approval for
Development of plot. It shall be responsibility of the land owner to clear all the
encumbrances and complete the formalities towards transferring the land in the
name of MCGM/Appropriate Authority. Proforma of possession receipt shall be as
per Appendix V.
5) The area of built up amenity shall be counted in FSI initially and after handing
over of said built up amenity the area of built up amenity shall be allowed free of
FSI.Commencement Certificate in respect of BUA in lieu of the built-up amenity
handed over to MCGM under AR can be granted only after handing over of such built
up amenity or before availing Zonal (basic) FSI beyond 75% of plot area or before
seeking Occupation Certificate part of building/ buildings 75% admissible other
than the built-up amenity.
6) In case where Principal and Ancillary users are not reflected in the above table
but are compatible to the reservation development, such uses shall be permissible
with the special permission of the Commissioner.
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Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
7) In case of development of the plot reserved for Public Open Spaces under AR as
per Serial No. 15,16&48 of Table No 5, the provisions of Regulation No.27 may not
be insisted.
10) In case of social amenities, the built-up amenities received under AR will be
made available by the MCGM to GOM for operation, either through its own
departments or through other institutions, only for the intended purposeonterms
& conditions as decided by GOM. MCGMshall have the option of running such
facility wherever it decides to do so, by formulating the guidelines for the
11) In case of development, of unreserved plot, for the purposes mentioned in Table
No 4 & 5, the ancillary activity as specified in Table No 4 & 5 shall will be permissible.
12) Structures constructed in existing designated POS, with due sanction of Competent
Authority, before coming into force of these regulations stand protected. However
such protected structures, shall earmark an exclusive space/area of 8 sq. m to serve
as Baby Feeding Room
13) Existing Designated POS, with encumbered structures shall be cleared of the
encumbrances and shall be maintained entirely for the intended purpose only and
cannot be developed under any redevelopment scheme.
14) Existing Play Ground attached to Educational and Medical
Institutions/Museum/Trust and under same ownership, shown as designation
Existing Play Ground in DP, shall not be subject to mechanical acquisition and shall
be for the use of that Educational and Medical Institution/ Museum/Trust.
(17) Green belt (ROS 2.7) shall not be treated as reservation but it’s the nature of
restriction and shall not be subjected to acquisition.
Provided that when the development is composite and where it is not possible to hand over
part of land to MCGM in such cases entire area shall be deemed to be marked as existing
amenity with the + sign indicating other uses on the said plot.
shall be handed over to the Planning Authority or Appropriate Authority, as the case may
be. In such cases no compensation of proportionate undivided land share shall be
permissible to the land owner / developer.
iii) The above permissions for development of reservations shall be granted by the
Municipal Commissioner as per the norms mentioned in these regulations.
iv) The area / built-up area to be handed over to the Planning Authority under these
Regulations shall be earmarked on the sanctioned building plan clearly mentioning the
same, and registered agreement to that effect shall be executed. After completion of
construction, the said amenity shall be handed over by executing the deed of transfer in
this respect and expenses thereon shall be borne by the owner. The occupation certificate
to the construction belonging to owner shall be granted only after handing over said
amenity to the Planning Authority. The constructed amenity shall be made available to
the general public by the Municipal Commissioner within 3 6 months from possession as
per the condition as the Municipal Commissioner may deem fit.
vi) Provisions of Regulations of Inclusive Housing, Amenity Space if any, shall not be
applicable for development of Reservation under this Regulation.
vii) Not withstanding anything contained in these regulations, for development under
Accomodatin Reservation (AR) there shall be no cap on the remaining plot, for utilization
of available in-situ FSI/ and TDR potential of the entire plot on the remaining plot in lieu
of plot to be handed over to MCGM or appropriate Authority.
viii) Once sanction is granted under this regulation, the owner /developer shall have to
complete the development and hand over the developed reservation to Planning
Authority within the period as specified by the Planning Authority Municipal
Commissioner. Thereafter Planning Authority The Municipal Commissioner may levy
penalty for any delay if any.
ix) The TDR generated of any reservations in lieu of accommodation reservation can be
utilized plot in same layout belonging to the same owner subject to following conditions.
c) Necessary entry has to be made in the development plan sheet that there is no
(21) The existing amenity can be allowed by the Municipal Commissioner to be retained and
run by the Owner, then the owner shall be allowed to develop the remaining site, up to the
full permissible FSI of the plot under reservation by taking into account the FSI utilised for the
construction of the amenity building.
Provided that in specific cases, where a clearly demonstrable hardship is caused and it is not
possible to develop and /or handover individual plot alongwith built-up amenity, then in such
cases Municipal Commissioner may allow composite development on the said land subject to
condition that the built up area mentioned as above may be allowed to be develop and / or
handed over to the Public Authority as the case may be preferably in separate structure / wing
or on the ground floor or composite building. If ground floor is utilized for parking then on stilt
/ above floors with separate entry and exit from public street. In such cases the Municipal
Commissioner may recover the cost of 40 % land area as per prevailing Ready Reckoner Rate,
as per policy of Municipal Corporation.
(b) For land owned by Appropriate Authority: Development of reserved plot shall be subject
such conditions as may be prescribed by the Government.
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Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
Further for Cinema/Theater having number of seats 1000 600 or more mentioned
in the last license, in the old existing cinema/Theater may be developed with at
least 300 200 seats without insisting provision of 33% of the number of seats
mentioned in the last license, in the old existing cinema/Theater.
BUA of such redeveloped theatre will be in addition to zonal (basic) FSI. However,
it will be within the overall permissible FSI as mentioned in column 7 of table 12.
No premium shall be charged for this BUA. Existing one screen cinema/Theater
can be converted into multiple screens subject to observing above conditions and
these Regulations.
The Owner/Developer may develop the entire designated/allocated plot for the
purpose of entertainment of general public such as Drama theatre /Opera theatre
/Mini-theatre/Multiplex/ or for Production facilities/studio/s for cinema/ Tele-
serial /Dubbing & Recording studio/Preview Theater etc. Art Gallery/Video Hall
/Libarary/Reading rooms/ Hall for Musical events or Experiment Theatre or
children Theatre/Acting Schools /Preview Theatre etc. along ancillary uses
Development Plan 2034
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Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
ii) The Built-up amenity shall be in the form of the activity related to the public
entertainment as decided by the Commissioner such as Opera theater/Mini-theater/
Production studio for cinema & or Tele-serial/Dubbing & Recording studio/ Preview
theater. In case of plots up to 2000sq. m, such activity shall preferably be located in a
separate wing and with the separate access.
iii) The owner shall be entitled for the development of the balance potential as per
the provision ofRegulation No17(1) and uses permissible in residential/commercial
zones. Provided further that residential use shall be allowed in a separate building.
iv) The owner shall be entitled for the development of the balance plot as per the
provisions of these Regulations.
(ii) Where the area of site having non-buildable/open space reservation/Cemetry, is more than
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Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
500 sq. m & if the land component of existing structures is more than or equal to 70% 65% such
sites may be allowed for the redevelopment subject to condition that the ground area of the
land so used shall not be more than 70% 65% of the reservation and leaving 35% rendered clear
thereafter for the reservation. If the land component of existing structures is less than 70% 65%
such sites may be allowed for the redevelopment subject to condition that the ground area of
the land so used shall not be more than land component of existing structures and leaving
balance reservation land rendered clear thereafter for the reservation
(iii) Existing structures on lands reserved for Municipal School (RE 1.1)/ Primary and Secondary
School (RE1.2) or a Higher Education (RE2.1) may be developed subject to the following:
(a) In case of land reserved for Municipal School (RE 1.1), Primary and Secondary School (RE1.2)
in the DP, a building for accommodating such number of students as may be decided by the
Municipal Commissioner, but in any case, for not less than 500 students, shall be
constructed. The BUA occupied by the constructed building shall be excluded for the purpose
of FSI computation. Thereafter, the land may be allowed to be redeveloped with the full
(b)In the case of lands affected by reservation of a Higher Education (RE2.1) in the DP, a building
for accommodating such number of students as may be decided by the Municipal
Commissioner, but in any case for not less than 800 students, shall be constructed. The BUA
occupied by the constructed building shall be excluded for the purpose of FSI computation.
Thereafter the land may be allowed to be redeveloped with full permissible FSI of the plot
according to this Regulation.
(iv) In case of the plot reserved for the Parking Lot, 100% 125%BUA as per Zonal (basic) FSI of
such reserved area shall be constructed.
(v) Existing structures on lands reserved for Rehabilitation & Resettlement (RR 2.1) shall be
treated as sites for development of such structures and shall be allowed for redevelopment
according to this Regulation. (vi) For other buildable reservations excluding (ii),(iii), (iv) & (v)
above and reservations as reflected in the table no 4 of Regulation No 17(1), BUA equal to 25
percent of the area under that reservation in that plot, shall be constructed.
c. If the area under a non-buildable/ open space reservation is more than 500 sq. m,
minimum 50% of the area under reservation shall be developed for the same purpose
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Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
and handed over to MCGM, subject to a minimum of 500 sq. m and the remaining land
shall be allowed for development.
d. All the reservations in the DP shall be rearranged, if necessary, with the same area
and the same width of access road or as required under DCPR, whichever is more.
e. For the reservation of parking lot on a land included in CDS, 125% BUA equivalent to
as per Zonal (basic) FSI for the area under reservation in that plot shall be made
available free of cost to the MCGM or to any other Appropriate Authority. Such BUA
to be handed over shall be free of FSI.
f. For other buildable reservations on land, BUA equal to 60% of the Zonal (basic) FSI
under such reservations or existing BUA of the amenity(designation) whichever is
more, on that plot shall be made available free of FSI and free of cost to the MCGM or
the Appropriate Authority. The reservations of compatible nature can be preferably
constructed in one or more separate blocks, depending on the area and nature of such
reservations and Municipal Commissioner may permit composite development of
reservations in case of such reservations. However, if the HPC/Planning Authority
requires BUA under any designation/reservation in excess of the Zonal (basic) FSI, then
such excess area shall be considered as rehabilitation FSI, and incentive FSI as
admissible under this Regulation shall be permissible.
g. Where a proposed DP Road or Regular line of street passes through theUDS area,
the entire FSI admissible under this Regulation for the area of the road may be given
in the same Scheme.
The location of and the area under DP road/ existing roads falling in theUDS may be
allowed to be rearranged based on the comprehensive traffic study without affecting
the continuity of the existing traffic movement and without reducing the total area of
the existing road & DP Road. The existing roads may be realigned or relocated as per
provisions of MMC Act.
h. No premium shall be charged for the fungible compensatory area admissible as per
Regulation 31(3) for rehabilitation component of an UDS CDS as sanctioned by HPC and for
the tenements to be handed over to MHADA and for the areas of reservation to be handed
over to MCGM/Appropriate Authority. This fungible compensatory area admissible to the
rehabilitation tenements shall be utilized for rehabilitation component only, its utilization for
Sale Component under the UDS shall not be permissible.
b. Any land under non-buildable reservations, admeasuring only up to 500 sq. m may be
cleared by shifting the existing tenants from that site.
c. If the area under a non-buildable reservation is more than 500 sq. m., minimum 50% of
the area under reservation shall be developed for the same purpose and handed over to
Planning Authority, subject to a minimum of 500 sq. m and the remaining land shall be allowed
for development.
d. All the reservations in the Development Plan shall be rearranged/relocated, if
necessary, with the same area and the same width of access road or as required under DCPR,
whichever is more.
e. For the reservation of parking lot on a land included in URC, BUA equivalent to Zonal
(basic) FSI for the area under reservation in that plot shall be made available free of cost to
the Officer appointed by the Planning Authority. Such BUA to be handed over shall be free of
f. For other buildable reservations on land, built up area equal to 60% of the Zonal (basic)
FSI under such reservations or existing built up area of the amenity whichever is more, on that
plot shall be made available free of FSI and free of cost to the Planning Authority. The
reservations of compatible nature can be preferably constructed in one or more separate
blocks/plot depending on the area and nature of such reservations and Officer appointed by
the Planning Authority may permit composite development of reservations in case of such
reservations. The vacant plot of DP reservation shall be allowed for residential development,
if the BUA of DP reservation is amalgamated and constructed on one or more block/plot.
However, ifthe Empowered Committee requires BUA under any designation /reservation in
excess of the Zonal(basic) FSI, then such excess area shall be consideredas rehabilitation
F.S.I, andFree sale FSI as admissible under this Regulation shallbe permissible.
g. Where a proposed Development Plan Road or Regular line of street passes through the
Urban Renewal Scheme area, the entire FSI admissible under these Regulations for the area
of the road may be given in the same Scheme.
(1) Slums situated in lands falling under Residential/Commercial Zone and affected by the
reservation in the DP shall be developed in accordance with the following provisions.
(ii) Where the area of site having non-buildable/open space reservation, is more than 500
sq. m such sites may be allowed to be developed for slum redevelopment subject to
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
condition that the ground area of the land so used shall not be more than 67%65% of the
reservation and leaving 33%35% rendered clear thereafter for the reservation.
(3) Existing slum structures on lands reserved for Municipal School (RE 1.1)/ Primary and
Secondary School (RE1.2) or a Higher Education (RE2.1) may be developed subject to the
(i) In case of land reserved for Municipal School (RE 1.1), Primary and Secondary School
(RE1.2) in the DP, a building for accommodating such number of students as may be decided
by the Municipal Commissioner, but in any case, for not less than 500 students, shall be
constructed by the owner or developer at his cost according to the size, design, specification
and conditions prescribed by the Municipal Commissioner. The BUA occupied by the
constructed building shall be excluded for the purpose of FSI computation, and where it is
intended for a Municipal School (RE 1.1) Primary and secondary school (RE1.2), the building or
part thereof intended for the school use shall be handed over free of cost and charge to the
Corporation. Thereafter, the land may be allowed to be redeveloped with the full permissible
FSI of the plot according to this Regulation
(ii) In the case of lands affected byreservation of a Higher Education (RE2.1)in the DP, a
building for accommodating such number of students as may be decided by the Municipal
Commissioner, but in any case for not less than 800 students, shall be constructed by the owner
or developer at his cost according to the size , design, specification and conditions prescribed
by the Municipal Commissioner, the BUA occupied by the constructed building shall be
excluded for the purpose of FSI computation. The constructed building shall be handed over to
the Corporation free of cost and charge and the Municipal Commissioner may hand over the
same or part thereof intended for the School use to a recognized and registered educational
institution for operation and maintenance on terms decided by him. Thereafter the land
may be allowed to be redeveloped with full permissible FSI of the plot according to this
(iii) In case area under reservation of Municipal School (RE 1.1)/ Primary and secondary school
(RE1.2) or a Higher Education (RE2.1) is spread on adjoining plot and the plot under
development, then in such cases Commissioner with special permission may insist upon
construction of Municipal School (RE 1.1)/ Primary and Secondary School (RE1.2) or a Higher
Education (RE2.1) in proportion to the area under reservation affecting the plot under
development. Requirements of Play Ground as per Regulation No 38 (I) (2) of these regulations
may not be insisted for (i) above.
(4) For other buildable reservations excluding Municipal School (RE 1.1)/ Primary and
Secondary School (RE1.2) or a Higher Education (RE2.1)on lands under slum, BUA equal to 25
percent of the area under that reservation in that plot, shall be demanded free of cost by the
Slum Rehabilitation Authority for the Municipal Corporation or for any other appropriate
(5) In case of the plot reserved for the Parking Lot, 125% BUA as per Zonal (basic) FSI of such
reserved area shall be handed over to MCGM.
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034
nt Plan 2034 Municipal
Corporation of Greater
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
The developer/owner shall be entitled for the Built-Up Area (BUA) in lieu of cost of
construction against handing over of built up amenity as per Note (d) of Regulation 17(1)in
case of clause 3,4& 5 above.
(6) Existing slum structures boundary excluding non-slum area / nala as certified by
Competent Authority on lands reserved for Rehabilitation & Resettlement (RR 2.1) shall be
treated as sites for development of slum structures and shall be allowed for redevelopment
according to this Regulation.
(7) However, reservation area beyond the slum structures boundary on open land/ non-
slum area /nala shall have to be developed entirely for the intended purpose only.
(8) In case where LOI/IOA was issued by CEO (SRA) prior to sanction of DP 2034 in respect
of plot affected by reservations as per SRDP 1991, then those reservations shall remain in
force as per DCR 1991 even after the sanction of DP 2034 and shall be developed as per DCR
(9) In case of conversion/revision of LOI as per this regulation and where plot is reserved
for different/same public purpose for equal or more area of reservation in DP 2034 than DP
1991, then development shall be as per this regulation. The DP road shall be reckoned with
as per DP 2034.
Slums in Industrial Zone (I) shall be allowed to be redeveloped in-situ without going
through the process of change of zone. In the free-sale component in any zone, in addition to
residential uses, all the uses permitted for the original zone shall be permitted. For industrial
uses, the segregating distance shall be maintained from the existing industrial unit
Any plot/layout having area excluding area under DP Road/ prescribed RL as per MMC
Act as mentioned in the table below, may be allowed to be developed under this
Regulationby insisting handing over of 50 % amenity as detailed below of the required under
Regulation No. 14(B) (c).
2 More than 2000 sq. m, but up to 1 BUA equal to 14% of plot area under
ha development
3 More than 1 ha, but up to 2 ha BUA equal to 12% of plot area under
development or 10% of plot directly accessible
from public road or an uninterrupted means of
access as per this regulation from the public
4 More than 2 ha, but up to 5 ha BUA equal to 10% of plot area under
development or 8% of plot directly accessible
from public road or an uninterrupted means of
access as per this regulation from the public
(3) Requirement of LOS as per the provisions of Regulation No.27 (1)(a) shall be insisted.
a. If the area under DP reservation to be handed over to MCGM (excluding the areas under
D P roads/ road setback) is less than the land component of built up amenity required as per
this Regulation, only the additional land area shall be provided for amenity.
b. If the area under DP reservation to be handed over to MCGM, (excluding the areas under
DP roads/ road setback), is more than the land component of built up amenity required as per
this Regulation, then the provision for amenity is not necessary.
5) The owner shall give advanced possession of the land wherever applicable (to be handed
over) to MCGM/Appropriate Authority at the time of seeking Approval for Development of
plot. It shall be responsibility of the land owner to clear all the encumbrances and complete
the formalities towards transferring the land in the name of MCGM/Appropriate Authority.
Proforma of possession receipt shall be as per Appendix V.
6) The area of built up amenity shall be counted in FSI initially and after handing over of said
built up amenity the area of built up amenity shall be allowed free of FSI. Commencement
Certificate in respect of BUA in lieu of the built-up amenity handed over to MCGM can be
granted only after handing over of such built up amenity or before availing zonal (basic) FSI
beyond 75% of gross plot area or before seeking Occupation Certificate to any part of building/
buildings beyond 75% of admissible BUA, other than the built-up amenity.
(7) The developer shall be entitled to the cost of construction of development of buildable
amenity as per provision of regulation 17(1) Note (d).
(E)Metro Station interchanges: The buildable reservations if any, on plots abutting Metro Station
interchanges shall cease to exist on identification of such Metro Station interchanges within
500 m. from such interchange to that extent, subject to condition that minimum 20% of
plot area shall be kept reserved for parking lot, which can be developed under accommodation
reservation policy under regulation 17(1). However the non-buildable (open spaces)
reservations shall be implemented to the full extent. (EP-41)
(a) if the Commissioner considers that the site is insanitary or that it is dangerous to
construct a building on it or no water supply is likely to be available within a reasonable
period of time;
(b) if the site is within 6.0 m from the edge of the water mark of a minor water course,
or 15m from the edge of the water mark of a major water course, unless
arrangements to the satisfaction of the Commissioner are made to drain the flow
of the water course;
Provided that wherea water course passes throughlow-lying land without well- defined
banks, the Commissioner may, as determined by him, permit the owner of the property
to restrict or divert the water course to an alignment and cross section.
Provided that, in case of trained nallah 6.0m marginal open space shall have to
be maintained
(c) if the building is proposed on any area filled up with carcasses, excreta, and filthy
and offensive matter, till the production of a certificate from the Commissioner to
the effect that it is hygienically fit to be built upon;
(d) if the use of the said site is for a purpose which, in the Commissioner's opinion, may
be a source of danger to the health and safety of the inhabitants of the
(e) if the level of the site is lower than the Datum Level prescribed by the Commissioner
depending on topography and drainage aspects. This shall not be less than reduced
level of 27.55m of the Town Hall Datum;
(g) if the building is nearer than 24.5 m in the case of residential buildings and 36.5
m in the case of other buildings from the centre line of a National Highway, State
Highway or Major District Road;
(h) if it is situated-
(i) within 2438 m from an international civil airport unless the application for
development permission is accompanied by a certificate of consent from the Civil
Aviation Authorities,
(ii) within 1829 m from any other civil airport unless the application for
development permission is accompanied by a certificate of consent from the Civil
Aviation Authorities.
(i) for places of public worship unless the site has been previously approved by the
Commissioner and the Commissioner of Police;
(k) for industrial use, other than a service industry unless the application is
accompanied by NOC from the appropriate officer of the Industries Department of
the Govt. according to the prevailing Industrial Location policy;
(1) Every site to have access free of encroachment: Every site proposed to be developed or
redeveloped shall have access from a public street/road as required in these Regulations.
Such access shall be kept free of encroachment.
(2) High Rise and Special Buildings: The Commissioner may permit access to such
buildingsfrom any streetas stated below in the Table No6
Table No 6
Development on plot along the road with width less than that specified in the above
Table shall be allowed if along the entire stretch ofaroad, the plot owners/owner
Note: EP EP
Note: shown in in
shown Bold and
Bold andItalic
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
(a) through the existing 6.0 m wide road which is proposed to be widened to 9.0 m or more,
either in DP or by a sanctionedprescribed regular line under the MMC Act, 1888provided
that road is not dead end road and if the total width of 9.0 m including width of the road
and front open space of the building is made available without construction of the compound wall for the
movement of Fire engine.
(b) Through two numbers ofexisting roads each having minimum width of 6.0 m.
c) b) Provided further that in case of redevelopment under Regulation No 33(5), 33(6), 33(7),
33(7)(A),33(7)(B),33(10),33(10) (A),33(15),33(20) (A)width of Road 9 m shall be deemed to be
adequate for any heightfor the development up to the FSI permissible under that regulation.
NOTE: -1. MCGM shall convert all roads of width less than 9 m to 9 m and above as per
site condition through MR&TP Act or MMC Act.
2. Roads excluding existing public road/Municipal road, reflected in DP shall not be treated
as public Road, unless and until declared under appropriate section of MMC Act& shall not
be subjected to acquisition.
(i) any street 6.0 m wide or more (including streets in a gaothan which give access to other
properties outside the gaothan),
(ii) any existing street not less than 3.6 m wide which is proposed to be widened either
in DP or by sanctioned regular line of street under the MMC Act, 1888,
(iii) any street less than 3.6 m wide in a gaothan/Koliwada/Adivasipada if the plot boundary
is shifted 2.25m from the central line of the street. Provided that shifting of plot
boundary to 2.25 m from central line of the street will be insisted upon only in respect
of identified streets forming part of Traffic Circulation System in
gaothan/Koliwada/Adivasipada. Such streets will be identified with specific approval
of the Municipal Commissioner. In all other cases, existing access will be considered
as adequate in gaothan/Koliwada/Adivasipada areas, subject to the physical
verification on site,
(iv) any street or road more than 52.0 m in width specifically identified in the DP for giving
direct access except where NOC has been granted by the appropriate road authorities,
For intersection of roads, the rounding off, cut-off or splay or similar treatment shall
be done to the satisfaction of the Commissioner depending upon the widths of the
roads, the traffic generated, the sighting angle, etc. to provide clear side distance.
(b) Access to plot at the Carriage Entrance-The sloping portion for deriving vehicular
access from the carriage-way to the plot shall be provided within the plot boundary.
No site excepting one proposed to be used for highway amenities like petrol pumps
or motels or hospitals shall have direct access from a highway or specified road 52m
or more in width, unless the same is permitted by Appropriate Authority.
Provided that this shall not apply to any lawful development along the highways and
other specified roads which have existed before these Regulations have come into force
and alternative measures are provided for their continuance.
provided then, additional FSI equal to Zonal (basic) FSI prevailing in adjoining
zone, for area of access provided to land locked plot shall be granted to plot
owner who is providing the access to such land locked property subject to
condition that such access being handed over to MCGM.
(EP-46) Refused to accord Sanction
(1) Minimum road width vis-à-vis the area served- Plots which do not abut on a street
shall abut/front on a means of access, the width and other requirements of which shall
be as given in TableNo 7 hereunder for residential and commercial zones and as given
in Table No8 hereunder foran industrial zone.
Width of access for Residential and Commercial Zones for plot area to be served
More than 9 9 9 12
150 & up to 300
Over 300 12 12 12 12
Provided that in residential layouts, straight cul-de-sacs upto 150 m. long roads are
permissible. An additional length upto 125m. will be permissible, if an additional turning
space is provided at 150 m. The dead end shall be at a level higher than the main road
from where the cul-de-sac road takes off. The turning space, in each case, should not be less
than 81sq.m. in area, no dimension being less than 9 m.
Width of access for industrial zonesforplot area to be served
(2) Access for residential, commercial and industrial zones- as in table No 7 and
(a) shall be clear of marginal open spaces but not less than 3m from the building line;
(b) may be reduced by 1 m from the prescribed widths if the plots are on only one
side to the access;
(c) shall be measured in length from the point of its origin to the next wider public
street it meets.
In the interest of the general development of any area, the Commissioner may
require the means of access to be of larger width than that required under these
Notwithstanding the above, in partially built-up plots where the area still to be built
upon does not exceed 5,000 sq.m an access of 3.6m width may be considered
adequate. If such an access is through a built over arch, this access shall have a
height of not less than 4.5m.
Types of Development Length of Widt
(1) Pathway in h in (m)
meters (m) meters
(2) (3)
Upto 50 3.0
(i)Residential Upto 40 2.5
Upto 30 2.0
Upto 20 1.5
(ii) Non-residential building Upto 20 1.5
more than and upto 3.0
(2) Private Street:If any private street or other means of access is not constructed or
maintained as specified in sub-regulation (1) above, or if structures or fixtures
arise thereon in contravention of that sub-rule, the Commissioner may, by written
notice, direct the owner or owners of the several premises fronting or adjoining
the said street or other means of access or abutting thereon or to which access is
obtained through such street or other means of access or which shall benefit by
works executed, to carry out any or all of the aforesaid requirements in such manner
and within such time as he shall direct. If the owner or owners fail to comply with
this direction, the Commissioner may arrange for its execution and recover the
expenses incurred from the owner or owners.
(3) How to measure the length of access-ways- The length of main means of access shall
be determined by the distance from the farthest plot or building plot and
the main street. The length of a subsidiary access-way shall be measured from the
point of its origin and the next wider road it meets.
(a) when more than one building (except for building accessory to the main building)
is proposed on any land;
(b) when development or redevelopment of any tract of land includes its division or
(c) when the land under development admeasures 2000 sq. m or more in any zone in
‘R’, ‘C’ & ‘I’ Zone, except ‘G’ & ‘N.A.’ Zone , where the development is permissible.
Provided that the Commissioner may, without any reduction in area, allow
adjustment in the boundaries of DP Roads/reserved /allocated sites within the same
holding and conforming to the zoning provisions to suit the development. In doing
so, he will ensure that the shapes of altered, allocated/reserved sites are such that
they can be developed in conformity with these Regulations.
(3) Minimum plot areas: The minimum plot areas permissible for different
categories of use types of development permissible and the minimum dimension
shall be as in Tables No 10 here under:
Minimum Plot areas for various Uses
Sr. Land use Plot area (sq.m) Type
No ofDevelopment
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Residential and Commercial (i)25 and above but less than 40 Row
(except those in 2,3 and 4 below)
(ii)40 and above but less than 125 Row/semi-
Notes: -
individual plots with single building in a residential and commercial zone, LOS shall
be provided as under.
places shall be not less than 1000 sq. m in size. Such LOS will not be necessary in
the case of land used for educational institutions with attached independent
Provided further that the provisions of LOS in case of the redevelopment schemes under
the regulation no 33(5),33(7),33(8), 33(15) and 33(20) (A) may be reduced due to planning
constraints, minimum of at least 10% shall be maintained. Provided further that in case of
redevelopment proposal under Regulation No 33(5), the existing area of LOS shall be
maintained. If it is more than 10% of layout
(b) Minimum area: No such LOS shall measure less than 125 sq. m.
(c) Minimum dimensions: The minimum dimension of such LOS shall not be less than
7.5 m, and if the average width of such LOS is less than 16.6 m, the length thereof
shall not exceed 2 1/2 times the average width.
(d) Access: Every plot meant for a LOS shall have an independent means of access,
unless it is approachable directly from every building in the layout.
(e) Ownership: The ownership of such LOS shall vest by provision, in a deed of
conveyance, in all the property owners on account of whose holdings the LOSis
(f) Tree growth: Excepting for the area covered by the permissible structures
mentioned under (g) below, the LOS shall be kept permanently open to the sky and
accessible to all owners and occupants as a. LOS and trees shall be grown as under: -
(a) at the rate of 5trees per 100 sq. m or part thereof of the said LOS to be grown
within the entire plot
(b) at the rate of 1tree per 100 sq. m or part thereof to be grown in a plot for which
LOS is not necessary
(c) In between the trees planted along the boundary of plot shrubs with grass shall be
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
(g) Structures/uses permitted in SLOS:
(i) In a LOS exceeding 400 sq. m in area (in one piece), elevated/underground water
reservoirs/tanks, electric sub-stations, pump houses, facility for treatment of wet
waste in situ may be built and shall not utilize more than 10 per cent of the LOS
in which they are located.
(ii) In a LOS of 1000 sq. m or more in area (in one piece and in one place), structures for
pavilions, gymnasia, club houses, swimming pools and other structures for the
purpose of sports and recreation activities may be permitted with BUA not
exceeding 15 per cent of the total required LOS. The area of the plinth of such a
structure shall be restricted to 10 per cent of the area of the total required LOS
in these regulations. The total height of any such structure, which may be Ground
+ one storey shall not exceed 8 m. The height may be increased to 13 m to
accommodate badminton court/squash court. Where club house is proposed in
LOS, then provision for gymnasium/fitness centre/yogalaya in club house shall be
insisted upon. Structures for such sports and recreation activities shall conform to
the following requirements: -
(a) The ownership of such structures and other appurtenant users shall vest, by
provision in a deed of conveyance, in all the owners on account of whose cumulative
holdings the LOS is required to be kept as LOS in the layout or sub-
division/amalgamation/plot of the land.
(b) The proposal for construction of such structure should come as a proposal from
the owner/owners/society/societies or federation of societies shall be meant for
the beneficial use of the owner/owners/members of such
society/societies/federation of societies.
(c) Such structures shall not be used for any other purpose, except for recreational
(d) The remaining area of the LOS shall be kept open to sky and accessible to all
members as a place of recreation.
(f) LOS in a private layout shall be for the exclusive use of the residents of such
private layout only and shall not be subjected to acquisition by
MCGM/Appropriate Authority. Further in such cases area of existing
(h) Unpaved strip: The area of 1.5 m. wide strip within the plot boundary shall be kept
unpaved for ground water recharge and plantation of trees and it shall not be counted in
required LOS:
(i) Structures/Uses permitted in recreational open spaces:
“Construction of Solid Waste Management System as per the National
Building Code of India, Part 9 Plumbing Services, Section 1-Water
Supply, Drainage & Sanitation (including Solid Waste Management)
paragraph 6 /bio degradable waste treatment plant, in the layout RG,
having plot area 2000 Sq.mt. & above within 10% of the plot LOS area.”
(i.) such LOS shall have proper means of access and shall be so located that it can
be conveniently utilized by the persons working in the industry;
(ii.) such LOS shall be kept permanently open to sky and accessible to all the owners
and occupants and trees shall be grown therein at the rate
of 5 trees for every 100 sq. m of the said open space or at the rate of 1 tree for
every 100 sq. m in other cases. In between the trees planted along the boundary
of plot, shrubs with grass shall be planted. The native species which have the
capacity to attract birds for nesting shall be preferably selected.
1. The above area of LOS shall be calculated on the area excluding the areas
under DP road/ setback/ reservations area to be handed over to appropriate
2. The minimum 60% of the required LOS shall be provided exclusively on the ground and
at least 50% of this shall be provided on mother earth to facilitate the percolation of
waterand balance 40% of required LOS may be provided on podium area extending
beyond the building line. The LOS on mother earth shall not be paved and all LOS shall
be accessible to all the occupants of the plot/layout. Rest of the compound pavement
other than stated above shall be paved with perforated paving having adequate
strength, in order to facilitate percolation of rain water into the ground.
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034 Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
The entire LOS may be provided on the terrace of top most podium / open to sky
subject to condition that 1.5 m. unpaved distance shall be kept for planting of
trees and thereafter marginal open space required as per these Regulations 47(1)
for the maneuvering of fire fighting engine (& other equipments) on site from where
light & ventilation is derived shall be provided on two sides. The area of said 1.5 m. wide
strip shall not be counted in required LOS. If R.G is proposed on podium, then no parking
shall be allowed on the same and rain water harvesting shall be provided for podium also.
Table No.11.
Sr. No Plot Area (Sq. m) Maximum area of land for CSS/DSS in sq.
(a) If the CSS is forming a part of a building, it shall comply with all the safety precautions
insisted upon by the concerned Electricity Distribution Company and the requirements of
Chief Fire Officer.
(b) Such allotted public spaces shall be developed and maintained by the concerned
(c) For installation of above, the height as required by the technical requirements of such
installations and the ancillary installations necessary for effective functioning of the system
shall be permitted without taking into account the height parameter in FSI.
(d) The provision for CSS shall not be made mandatory by the Electricity Distribution Company
in each development. The experts in Electricity Distribution Company shall assess the
requirement of CSS considering the existing facilities available in the neighborhood.
(e) CSS/DSS may be permitted to be constructed in LOS in such a way that area shall not
exceed the limit prescribed in the Regulation No.27.
(f) Ownership of the space/land, where substation is proposed shall vest with concerned
owner/society/association or the person deriving the title, and easement rights will vest with
concerned Electric Authority till CSS/DSSremain inexistence and functional.
(g) The sub-station proposed to be constructed in open space shall be in such a manner
that it is away from the main building at a distance of at least 3 m and in general does not
affect the required side margin open spaces or prescribed width or internal access or larger
open space. The substation can be provided in stilt/podium/within building line subject to
compliance of fire safety requirements, or as may be decided by the Commissioner.
a) The height as required by the technical requirements of such installations and the
ancillary installations necessary for effective functioning of the system shall be permitted
without taking into account the height parameter in FSI.
b) DSS/RSS/EHVRS may be permitted to be constructed below the POS in such way that the
effective area occupied by DSS/RSS/EHVRS shall not exceed the 20% of developed area of
such POS. However, in exceptional cases the said limit may be allowed to be exceeded with
special permission of the Commissioner. Specific permission of Municipal Corporation shall
be obtained for constructing underground DSS/RSS/EHVRS and shall be subject to terms
and conditions and applicable payment. Such allotted POS shall be developed and maintained
by the concerned Electric Distribution Company at its own cost and will have to be kept
open for the use of general public except minimum area required for ingress and egress.
d) It shall comply with all the safety precautions insisted upon by the concerned Electricity
Distribution Company and the requirements of Chief Fire Officer.
Stores or shops for the conduct of retail business. There will, however, be no storage
or sale of combustible material except with the Commissioner's permission.
(c.) Cleaning and pressing establishments for clothes, each occupying floor area not more
than 200 sq. m and not employing solvents with a flash point lower than 590C,
machines with dry load capacity exceeding 30 kg and employing not more than 9
persons, with a total power requirements of not more than 4 KW
(d.) Shops for goldsmiths, lock-smiths, watch and clock shops and their repairs, bicycle
shops and their rental and repairs, optician’s shops and optical glass grinding and
repairs shops, musical instruments shops and their repairs, picture framing, radio,
television and household appliance shops and their repairs, umbrella shops and their
repairs and upholstery work, each employing not more than 9 persons.
(e.) Coffee selling shops and grinding establishments, each with electric motive power not
exceeding 0.75 KW (0.025 KW individual motor each);
(f.) Bakeries with no floor above, not occupying for production an area in excess of 75 sq.m
and not employing more than 9 persons, if the power requirement does not exceed 4
KW, where only electrical ovens are used and additional heating load upto 12 KW
(g.) Confectioneries and establishments for the preparation and sale of eatables not
occupying for production, an area in excess of 75 sq. m per establishment and not
employing more than 9 persons or motive power exceeding 1.12 KW, as well as
sugarcane and fruit crushers, each not employing more than 6 persons with motive
power not exceeding 1.12 KW, in an area not more than 25 sq. m.
With the special permission, the Commissioner may from time to time add to,alter or
amend the above list
(B) If a public amenity like a kindergarten school, milk Centre, electric sub-station, bus
shelter, is provided within the project, the area of such facility not exceeding 5 percent
of the total plot area shall be allowed free of FSI.
1 The total area of a plot shall be reckoned in FSI/BUA calculations applicable only
to new development to be undertaken hereafter as under: -
Floor Space Indices in Residential, Commercial and Industrial Zones
Note- 1) The plots abutting public roads having existing width of minimum 6m but less than 9m which are
proposed to be widened to 9.0 m or more then permissible FSI shall be as admissible for 9m road width.
2) TDR & paid additional FSI on payment of premium Ratio can be change by Government from time to
time keeping the total Cap as it is.
2 The permissible FSI shall be on plot area excluding area under DP roads/ roads for which
sanctioned Regular line as per MMC Act is prescribed, as per regulation 16, 14 (amenity plots), and
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a) TDR as per regulation 32 Table 12(A) of the land surrender to MCGM / Appropriate
Authority as per Sr.No.2 above may be allowed to be consumed in the form of FSI as per
coloum No.6 of Table no. 12 above on the remainder / balance plot within the admissible
limit of TDR.
b) TDR in lieu of cost of construction of built up amenity to be handed over as per the
provisions of Regulation number 17(1) note 1(d) in lieu of cost of construction of amenity
under Regulation 14, 15 & 17 shall be permissible within permissible BUA or owner may
avail the TDR if not consumed on the remainder land elsewhere as these Regulation.
4 The permissible FSI shall be on gross plot area including areas to be surrendered to
MCGM/Appropriate Authorityunder Regulation no14 (amenity plots), 15 (inclusive
housing) and35 (development of cotton textile mills).
Provided further that BUA in lieu of cost of construction of built up amenity required to
be handed over to MCGM under Regulation Nos 15, if any, shall be permissible over
and above permissible BUA(as per column no 7 of Table No 12 above) or owner may avail
the TDR thereof, if not consumed on the balance plot.
5. BUA so arrivedshall be allowed to be consumed on the balance plot after handing over of
Reservation/Amenity/Plot/DP road/roads for which sanctioned Regular line is prescribed
as per MMC Act to MCGM.
6. Premium shall be charged for ‘additional FSI on payment of premium’ (as per column no
5 of table no 12) for BUA at the rate of 60% of the land rates as per ASR (for FSI 1) of the
year in which such FSI is granted or as may be decided by Govt. from time to time.
Premium so recovered shall be shared between the State Govt., MCGM, MSRDC and
Dharavi Authority on 25:25:25:25 basis. The MCGM shall utilize the premium for
implementation of DP.
Provided further that of the admissible TDR as per column6 of the Table 12 of this
regulation, utilization of minimum20% of admissible TDR generated from slum
redevelopment scheme, shall be compulsory, but shall not exceed 50% of the
admissible TDR as per column 6. Refused to accord sanction. Provision is deleted.
7. A Development cess at the rate of 100% of Development charge, for BUA over and above
the Zonal (basic) FSI / Protected BUA whichever is higher (excluding fungible
compensatory area) in accordance with the Time Schedule for such payment as may be
laid down by the Commissioner, MCGM shall be paid. This development cess shall not be
applicable to BUA to be handed over to MCGM/Appropriate authority & BUA which are
excluded from FSI computation. This Development cess shall be in addition to development
charges levied as per section 124 of MR&TP Act 1966. This development cess shall not be
applicable for proposals of Govt. /MCGM executed departmentally.
The payment of Development cess as detailed above will not be payable in cases where
development cess is proposed under Regulation no 33(3), 33(3)(A), 33(3)(B), 33(5), 33(7),
33(7)(A), 33(9), 33(9)(B),33(10),33(11) and for development where the payment of off-site
infrastructure charges/development cess is applicable and for these Regulations
development cess/off-site infrastructure charges shall be payable as described in the
concerned Regulations.
8 The owner shall give advance possession of the land to be handed over to
MCGM/MHADA/Appropriate Authority,wherever applicable, at the time of seeking
permission for development of plot. It shall be the responsibility of the land owner to clear
offall encumbrances and complete the formalities towards transferring the land in the
name of MCGM/MHADA/Appropriate Authority in Land Revenue Record.
10 The area of built up amenity shall be counted in FSI initially and after handing over of said
built up amenity, the area of built up amenity shall be allowed free of FSI. Commencement
Certificate in respect of BUA in lieu of the built-up amenity to be handed over to MCGM
under AR can be granted only after handing over of such built up amenity.
11 Fungible Compensatory Area/BUA shall be permissible over and above permissible FSI as
per column no 7 of Table No.12 above andas per the provisions of Regulation no 31(3).
13 TDR in lieu of balance BUA after loading of “additional FSI on payment of premium &
Admissible TDR’’ as per table 12 above shall not be permissible.
14 In case of development as per this regulation and/or under the provisions of 33(2), 33(3),
33(3) (A), 33(3) (B), 33(8) (B), 33(11), 33(20) (A) the premium shall be applicable to the
Central Govt. and their statutory bodies/Central Govt. undertaking/State Govt.
undertaking etc. except State Govt. and MCGM itself.
Note: (1) Area of recreational open spaces as required under Regulation No 27 shall not
be deducted for the computation of BUA/FSI.
(2) In case of new Development/Redevelopment proposal under this Regulation,
where the plot is affected by Road line/DP Road/Reservation andwhere the land
affected by Road line/DP Road/Reservation is either merged or handed over to
MCGM/Appropriate Authority &where FSI benefit of the same had already been
taken in the earlierdevelopment proposal as per then prevailing Regulation or
monetary compensation had been claimed in the past, but ownership has not been
transferred in the name of MCGM/Appropriate Authority, in such cases the gross
plot area shall be reckoned after deduction of such areas.
(3)The Occupation Certificate for buildings constructed out of last 25% of admissible
FSI for residential/commercial use shall be granted by the Commissioner only after
recreational area is developed and structure for recreational activities are actually
provided on site.Provided further that in case of layout having 2 or more buildings,
development of proportionate recreational area may be permitted subject to
completion of entire recreational area & structure thereon for recreational activities
prior to seeking occupation of last buildings.
1. Maximum tenement density shall be 450 per ha for FSI 1.00 and shall be appropriately
increased/reduced proportionate to FSI 1.00.
2. Minimum tenement density for Rehabilitation and Resettlement/ affordable housing
plots shall be 325 per ha for FSI 1.00 and shall be appropriately increased/reduced
proportionate to FSI 1.00.
(a) The FSI permitted as per Table No. 12 will be allowed to be exceeded for
redevelopment of existing authorized building to the extent of existing authorized
development rights/BUA and shall be also entitled for the additional FSI as per
relevant regulations.
Provided further that in cases where benefit of additional FSI as per the then prevailing
regulations was availed for the purpose of educational, medical, starred category
hotels, religious development and Information Technology establishments and if
redevelopment is proposed by discontinuing such users, then such additional BUA
will not be protected. The development shall have to be in consonance with the
provisions of these Regulations. The premium paid in past
(b) In cases where development is not completed, it shall be permissible to avail the balance
development rights as permissible under these Regulations by utilizing the TDR or
additional FSI on payment of Premium by adjusting the payments made earlier for
availing FSI if any, or payments made for grants of any concessions, condonations etc.
but no refund shall be permissible.
However, such additional utilization of the development right in the plot/layout, shall be
permissible on the plot area beyond the land componentof the buildings for which
occupation is granted/existing building as specified in RegulationNo 9 as per the then
prevailing Regulation under which the development was approved.
Provided that if the development is proposed to the extent of protected built-up area only
as per a) above, 9 m. road width shall consider adequate. However, if development is
proposed with more area than protected as per regulation then, the restrictions as per
regulation 19(2) shall be applicable.
(i) Areas of structures permitted in ROSLOS under clause (g)of sub-Regulation (1) of
Regulation No 27.
(ii) Areas covered by features permitted in open spaces as listed in Regulation No.42 except
for Regulation 42(i) (b), 42(ii)(d),42(ii) (e) (ii)&(iii), 42(ii) (f) (ii)&(iii).
(iii) Areas covered by staircase rooms, lift machinerooms above topmost storey, staircase/lift
wells and passages in stilt, basement and floors exclusively used for parking and other
ancillary uses as permitted in this Regulation No.31(1)
(iv) Areas covered by staircases/lift wells including lobbies as specified, excluding those
covered under DC Regulation No.31 (1) (iii) with special written permission of the
Commissioner subject to payment of premium.
Such exclusion from FSI computation shall not be applicable in case of existing buildings.
Provided further that where the permissible FSI has not been exhausted in the case of
existing buildings and cases decided by the Corporation prior to coming into force of these
Regulations, the exclusion from FSI computation as in these Regulations will be available for
construction of balance potential,
Development Plan 2034
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
Provided further that for the reconstruction scheme under Regulation No. 33(6), 33(7)(A),
33(7)(B), such exclusion will be permissible as hereunder.
If staircase, lift & lift lobby areas are claimed free of FSI by charging premium as per
then prevailing Regulation, then such areas to that extent only will be granted free of FSI
without charging premium. If staircase, lift & lift lobby areas are counted in FSI in earlier
development, then incentive additional FSI as stated in Sr. No 1 shall also be given on such
area & such areas may be availed free of FSI by charging premium as per these Regulations.
(v) Area of the basement used exclusively for parking and other ancillary uses as
permitted in Regulation No. 37(7) (iv) (b, c, d, e&j).
(vi) Area of covered parking spaces as provided in sub-Regulation (6) (a)of Regulation
Provided, however, that additional parking to the extent of 50% of the required
parking may be permitted without payment of premium.
(xii) A chajja, cornice, weather shade, sun-breaker, vertical fins (excluding column); at
lintel level, only; projecting not more than 1.2 m. from the face of the building as
provided in sub regulation no. 42 (ii) (e)(i).
(xiii) A chajja, cornice, weather shade, sun-breaker over a balcony or gallery, as provided
in sub regulation no. 42(ii)(f)(i)
(xv) Area covered by new lift and passage thereto in an existing building with a height
upto 16m. in the Island City [vide clause (ii) (f) of sub-Regulation (17) of Regulations
(xvi) Area of a covered passage of clear width not more than 1.52m (5ft.) leading from
a lift exit at terrace level to the existing staircase so as to enable descent to lower
floor in a building to reach tenements not having direct access to a new lift in a
building without an existing lift.
(xvii) Area of one fitness centre /Yogalaya for a Co-Op. Housing Society or Apartment
Owners Association as provided in sub-regulation 37(28).
(xxi) Entrance lobbies in stilted portion, height not exceeding 7.2 m. or height equivalent
to two floor or height of stilt whichever is more.
(xxii) Open to sky swimming pool at the terrace above the top most storey or on the top
most podium only.
(xxiii) Area of the service ducts abutting Sanitary Block, kitchen not exceeding 1.2 m. in
depth. In case of high rise buildings higher width/size as per requirement and design
approved by Commissioner but not exceeding 2.0 m.
(xxv) Area covered by chimney, elevated tanks (provided its height below the tank from
the floor does not exceed 1.5 m)
(xxvi) Area of sanitary block for use of domestic servants engaged in the premises, not
exceeding 2.2 sq.m at staircase mid-landing level or at stilt level, area of sanitary
block for use of drivers engaged by the car owners not exceeding 2.2 sq. m at
each of the parking floor level. In case number of car parks exceeds 200 per
parking floor level, additional sanitary block for every 200 cars or part there of
shall be allowed.
(xxix) Area of DG set at stilt and podium level as specified in Regulation No 37(31)
(xxxi) Electrical Duct/ fire ductof clear width not more than 0.45 m and not abutting to any
habitable room.
(xxxiv) Elevation feature or dome like structure above water tank/lift machine
room/staircase room up to 2 m for building with height beyond 32 m & up to 70 m,
6 m for the building height beyond 70 m and up to 120 m and up to 9 m for building
with height beyond 120 m with 60% voids in surface area/profile may be allowed.
(xxxv) Area required for Rain Water Harvesting Arrangement, Non-conventional Energy
System as per these Regulations.
(xxxvi) Advertisements and sky signs, covered areas required on topmost terrace for
antenna/dish antenna/communication tower used for Telecom not exceeding 20
sq. m.
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(xxxvii) Area required for Cooling Towers/Chilling Plants (open to sky) only beyond the
required marginal open spaces or on terrace floor.
(xxxxviii) Area for Laundry, Boiler Room for Hotels, Hospitals & Hostels as specified in
Regulation No.37(7).
Room with maximum size 5 sq. m, for Battery back-up for solar water heater and/or
for common lighting in basement or on terrace.
i. Areas covered by the projections exceeding those specified in clauses xii, xiii, xxiii,
xxiv and xxxiii above shall be counted in FSI.
ii. Open to sky swimming pool at any level other than (xxii) above and excluding at
ground level as provided in Regulation No 42 (ii)(a), shall be counted in FSI.
iii. Any passage by whatever name not covered under DCR 31(1) shall be counted in
(iii) Area of Sanitary block for the use of domestic servants engaged in the premises,
other than as provided as per Regulation No 31(1) ((XXVI).
(iv) Part/Pocket/Covered terraces, for whatever purpose, except open terrace above
the top most storey and the part terrace at top most storey due to planning
constraints but accessible from common staircase, terraces created due to
restriction imposed by the Railway Authority and above shopping/Non-
residential/Industrial area at one level only with a slope of 1:5, in case of
residential/Non-residential/Industrialdevelopment on upper floors.
(v) Area below open to sky swimming pool, clearance exceeding 1.5 m. from floor level.
(vi) Air conditioning plant room/Air handling unit room, D.G.set room
exceptprovided in basement.
(vii) Service floor other than specified in Regulation No. 37(32) and 31(1)(xx).
(x) Area of one public telephone booth and one telephone exchange (PBX) room per
(xi) The ornamental projection, including the voids, flower beds, etc. projecting from the
face of the building except at the terrace level other than allowed as per Regulation
No 31(1) (ii).
(xii) Ornamental projection, flower bed etc. over a balcony or gallery other than allowed
as per Regulation No 31(1) (ii).
(xiii) Area of one room for installation of telephone concentrators as per requirements
of Mahanagar Telephone Nigam limited.
(xvi) The parking floor in excess of required parking under these regulation [31(1)(vi)]and
for which the premium has been paid. Deck parking inclusive of car lifts and
passages thereto on habitable floors.
(xvii) Driver’s room/sanitary block on podium and or parking floorother than mentioned
in Regulation No.31(1)(xxvi).
(xix) Area of DG set room at stilt and podium levelother than mentioned in Regulation
No 31(1)(xxx)
Notwithstanding anything contained in the D.C.Regulations 30, 32 & 33, the Commissioner
may, by special permission, permit fungible compensatory FSIarea, not exceeding 35% for
residential/Industrial/Commercial development, over and above admissible FSI/BUA, by
charging a premium at the rate of 60% of ASR (for FSI 1),which is to be shared between
MCGM, State Govt. and MSRDC (for Sea Link) in 50%, 30% and 20% respectively.
In case of redevelopment under regulation 33(5), 33(6) & 33(7)(B) of the Regulation the
fungible compensatory FSI area admissible on existing BUA shall be granted without
charging premium.
Provided further that such fungible compensatory area for rehabilitation component
shall not be used for free sale component and shall be used to give additional area over
and above eligible area to the existing tenants/occupants.Fungible compensatory area
admissible to one rehabilitation tenement cannot be utilized for anotherrehabilitation
Provided that, this Regulation shall be applicable only in respect of the buildings to be
constructed or reconstructed.
Provided also that in case of development under Regulation No. 33(15), the fungible
compensatory areashall be admissible without charging premium.
“Provided that in case of development under Regulation No. 33(2) excluding buildings of
private medical institutions under Regulation No. 33(2)(A),the fungible compensatory
area shall be admissible on 50 % rebate in premium to be charged as per this regulation
the fungible compensatory area for development under Regulation No 33(3) shall be
admissible without charging premium for MCGM and State Government only.
Explanatory Note: -
(i) Where IOD/IOA has been granted butthe building is not complete then this
Regulation shall apply, only at the option of the owner/developer,
(ii) For plots/layouts, where IOD is granted for partial development, this Regulation will
apply for the balance potential of the plot,
(iii) The fungible compensatory areaFSI is useable as regular FSI,
(a) The premium paid for fungible compensatory area prior to coming into force of this
Regulation particularly in case of Commercial/Industrial development will not be adjusted;
for grant of additional fungible compensatory area under this regulation, and premium if
any, as per this Regulation shall have to be paid. Fungible Compensatory F.S.I. granted
under Regulation 35(4) of DCR 1991 shall be continued as Fungible Compensatory Area
under Regulation 31(3) of DCPR 2034 & no premium shall be demanded or refunded or
adjusted for such area.
(b) The premium amount collected shall be kept in a separate Account to be utilizedfor
infrastructure development.
(c) The deficiency in open space created due to utilization of fungible compensatory
area shall be condoned by charging premium at 25% of normal premium.
Transferable Development Rights (TDR) is compensation in the form of Floor Space Index (FSI) or
Development Rights which shall entitle the owner for construction of built-up area subject to
provisions in this regulation. This FSI credit shall be issued in a certificate which shall be called as
Development Right Certificate (DRC).
Development Rights Certificate (DRC) shall be issued by Municipal Commissioner under his signature
and endorse thereon in writing in figures and in words, the FSI credit in square meters of the built-
up area to which the owner or lessee is entitled, the place from where it is generated and the rate of
that plot as prescribed in the Annual Statement of Rates issued by the Registration Department for
the concerned year.
i) lands under various reservations for public purposes, new roads, road widening etc. which are
subjected to acquisition, proposed in Draft or Final Development Plan, prepared under the provisions
of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act,1966;
ii) lands under any deemed reservations according to any regulations prepared as per the provisions
of Maharashtra Regional & Town Planning Act, 1966;
iii) lands under any new road or road widening proposed under the provisions of Mumbai Municipal
Corporation Act, 1888;
Development Plan 2034
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
v) unutilized FSI of any structure or precinct which is declared as Heritage structure or Precinct under
the provisions of Development Control these Regulations, due to restrictions imposed in that
vi) in lieu of constructing housing for slum-dwellers according to regulations prepared under the
Maharashtra Regional & Town Planning Act, 1966;
vii) the purposes as may be notified by the Government from time to time, by way of, modification
to, new addition of, any of the provisions of sanctioned Development Control and promotion
viii) If the owner of a Unreserved accessible plot not falling in NDZ SDZ/NA and if owner is willing to
offer the land for public purpose and the Municipal Commissioner, MCGM needed the said land is of
the opinion that such land is suitable for public purpose then such land shall be deemed to be a
reservation and eligible for grant of TDR under this regulation.
ix) The TDR of lands owned by Central Govt. / State Govt. and it’s undertakings under reservations
shall be granted to the Central Govt. and it’s undertakings and which are allotted by payment of
market value and which are reserved in the Development Plan for public purpose shall be eligible.
However, it will TDR shall not be eligible to the lands under reservations which are granted on lease
at concessional rates by the Central Govt. and State Govt.
It shall not be permissible to grant Transferable Development Rights (TDR) in the following
i) For earlier land acquisition or development for which compensation has been already paid partly
or fully by any means;
ii) Where award of land has already been declared and which is valid under the Land Acquisition Act,
1894 or the Right to Fair Compensation & Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and
Resettlement Act, 2013 unless lands are withdrawn from the award by the Appropriate
Authority according to the provisions of the relevant Acts.
iii) In cases where layout has already been sanctioned prior to these Regulations and layout roads
are incorporated as Development Plan roads prior to these regulations.
iv) In cases plotted layout, where layout is submitted along with proposed Development Plan Road,
in such cases TDR shall not be permissible for the width of road that would be necessary
according to the length as per Development Control these Regulations;
v)If the compensation in the form of FSI / or by any means has already been granted to the owner.
vi) Where lawful possession including by mutual agreement /or contract has been taken.
vii) For an existing user or retention user or any required compulsory open space or recreational
layout open space or recreational ground, in any layout required / provided as per these
viii) For any designation existing amenity, allocation of the use or zone which is not subjected to acquisition.
x) Existing nalla, River, Natural Stream, Natural Pond, Tank, Water bodies etc.
4.1.1 For Surrender of the gross area of the land which is subjected to acquisition, free of cost and
free from all encumbrances, the owner shall be entitled for TDR or DR irrespective of the FSI
permissible or development potential of the very said land to be surrender and also that of land
surrounding to such land at the rate as given below:-
b) Development of lands of cotton BUA as per the Zonal Only where land is not
textile mill under the provision of (basic) FSI of land so handed over and FSI
Regulation No. 35 in lieu of land to transferred. benefit is not approved
be transferredin the name of in the development
MCGM/MHADA/ Appropriate proposal and not
Authority proposed to be utilized
on remainder plot nor
TDR is availed, then
TDR of unutilized BUA.
3 Encumbered plots which are To the extent of 50% of BUA as Project Implementing
required for implementation of per Zonal (basic) FSI of the plot authority shall
public project on very urgent area. separately certify the
basis (i) For the portion of land which area of land which was
a. In case of land which are is/was vacant as per serial no vacant and the area of
fully encumbered and where 1(a) of this table land under
encumbrances had/have to encumbrance along
(ii) For the portion of land which with details as per the
be removed and is/was encumbered to the joint
rehabilitated elsewhere by measurement
extent of 50% of BUA as per survey carried out in
the project implementing Zonal (basic) FSI of the vacant this respect with the
authority, plot area.
b. which are partly City Survey Officer. The
encumbered and where area of vacant land and
encumbrance are/were land under
removed and rehabilitated encumbrance shall be
elsewhere by the Project clearly distinguished
Implementing authority, and demarcated,
otherwise the land
under part
encumbrance shall be
treated as fully
encumbered land.
The owner has to
follow the procedure
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034 laid down by the
Development Plan 2034
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
MCGM for availing
Note: EP shown in Bold and Italic the DRC.
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
(Explanation: Above entitlement may also be applicable to the compensation paid in the form of FSI
to the owner to be utilised on unaffected part of same land parcel and in such cases the procedure of
DRC shall not be insisted.)
Provided that, if leveling of land and construction/erection of the compound wall / fencing as per
Clause No. 4.1.2 to the land under surrender is not permissible as per the prevailing
Development Control Regulations / not insisted by MCGM then the developer will have to pay the cost
construction / leveling to MCGM as per policy of MCGM or else the quantum of TDR shall be reduced
to 1:2.35 and 1:1.85 in Mumbai City area (island city) and Mumbai Suburban /Extended Suburban
area respectively.
Provided also that Additional / incentive Transferable Development Rights (TDR) to the extent of 20
%, 15 %, 10% and 5% of the surrendered land area shall also be allowed to the land owners who
submit the proposal for grant of Transferable Development Rights (TDR ) within 1, 2 ,3 and 5
years from this notification respectively. if land is surrender to MCGM within 24 months and 36 months
respectively from the date of coming into force of these Regulations. The owner may opt for the said
entitalment in the form of FSI on the balance plot or in the same layout as permissible under these
Provided that the quantum of Transferable Development Rights (TDR) generated for D.P. Road/
reservation in CRZ/BDP/HTHS/Low Density Zone/ Hazardous Zone/ Special Development Zone areas
or in areas which have some natural or full legal impediment or constraint on construction or
development etc. shall be as decided by the Government separately. 50% of normal TDR generated as
prescribed above in Table 12 A of these Regulation. Provided that the Municipal Commissioner shall
be satisfied that the said land can be used for the intended purpose.
Provided further that in case of Govt. land which are fully encumbered then the TDR of such
encumbered plot shall be granted as per the clarifications given by the Govt. from time to time.
4.1.2 DRC shall be issued only after the land is transferred to the Municipal Corporation, only after
compliance of conditions stipulated in these regulations and after handing over and taking over
possession of the reserved land for which TDR is sought at free of cost and free from encumbrances
and after leveling the land to the surrounding ground level and after constructing
/ erecting a 1.5 m. high compound wall / fencing i.e. brick/stone wall up to 0.60 mt above ground level
and fencing above that up to remaining height with a gate, at the cost of the owner and to the
satisfaction of the Municipal Commissioner. Provided that, if on certain lands such construction /
erection of compound wall / fencing is prohibited or restricted by any regulation, or not insisted by
MCGM, then the developer will have to pay the cost of construction / leveling to MCGM as per policy
of MCGM or else then quantum of Transferable Development Rights (TDR ) shall be reduced as
prescribed in proviso to Clause 4.1.1.
Provided further that such construction/erection of compound wall/fencing shall not be necessary
for area under Development Plan roads / set back due to road widening. In such cases TDR equivalent
to entitlement as mentioned in regulation no 4.1.1 shall be granted without any reduction.
4.1.3 If any contiguous land of the same owner/developer, in addition to the land under
surrender for which Transferable Development Rights (TDR) is to be granted, remains
unbuildable, the Municipal Commissioner may grant Transferable Development Rights (TDR) for
such remaining unbuildable land also if the owner / developer hands it over free of cost and free
from all encumbrance and encroachment. If such land is from the proposed roads then such land
shall be utilized for road side parking, garden, open space or road side amenities including bus
bays, public toilets or any compatible user as the Commissioner may decide and if the such land
is from the proposed reservation then same shall be included in such proposed reservation and
shall be developed for the same purpose. The Municipal Commissioner shall quarterly report
such cases to Government.
4.1.4 In case of lessee, the award of Transferable Development Rights (TDR ) shall be subject
to lessee paying the lessor or depositing with the Planning Authority for payment to the lessor,
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an amount equivalent to the value of the lessors’ interest to be determined by the Planning
Authority on the basis of Land Acquisition Act, 1894 or the Right to Fair Compensation and
Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 against the area of
land surrendered free of cost and free from all encumbrances.
When an owner or lessee with prior approval of Municipal Commissioner, may develop or
construct develops or constructs the amenity on the surrendered plot to be surrendered or on the
land which is already vested in the Planning Authority, at his own cost subject to such
stipulations as may be prescribed and to the satisfaction of the Municipal Commissioner and
hands over the said developed/constructed amenity along with amenity plot free of cost to the
Municipal Commissioner then in addition to land TDR he may be granted a Transferable
Development Rights (TDR ) against construction of such amenity in the form of FSI as per the
following formula:-
A= cost of construction of amenity in rupees as per the rates of construction mentioned in Annual
Statement of Rates (ASR) prepared by the Inspector General of Registration for the year in which
construction of amenity is commenced.
B = land rate per sq.m. as per the Annual Statement of Rates (ASR) prepared by the Inspector
General of Registration for the year in which construction of amenity is commenced.
Provided that in case Slum Redevelopment Scheme under clause 3.11 of Regulation 33(10) the
Construction Amenity TDR shall be increased by 1.35 times the TDR generated as per above
5.1 A holder of DRC who desires to use FSI credit therein on a particular plot of land shall attach
valid DRCs to the extent required with his application for development permission. Proposal for
Transferable Development Rights (TDR) utilisation shall be submitted alongwith the documents
as may be prescribed by the Commissioner or by the Government from time to time.
5.2 With an application for development permission, where an owner seeks utilisation of
DRC, he shall submit the DRC to the Municipal Commissioner who shall endorse thereon in
writing in figures and words, the quantum of the TDR proposed to be utilised, before granting
development permission. Before issuance of Occupation Certificate, the Commissioner shall
endorse on the DRC, in writing in figures and words, the quantum of TDR/DRs actually used
and the balance remaining if any.
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
5.3 The Transferable Development Rights (TDR) generated from any land use zone shall be
utilised on any receiving plot irrespective of the land use zone and anywhere in Mumbai City
area ( island city) and Mumbai Suburban /Extended Suburban area. The equivalent quantum
of Transferable Development Rights (TDR ) to be permitted on receiving plot shall be governed
by the formula given below:-
Rg = Rate for land in Rs. per sq.m. as per ASR of generating plots in generating year
Rr = Rate for land in Rs. per sq.m. as per ASR of receiving plot in generating year
i) Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai shall convert all roads of width less than 9.00m.
to 9.00m. and above as per site conditions through MR & TP. Act or MMC Act provisions.
i) The maximum permissible TDR that can be utilised on any plot shall be as per regulation
30(A) and/or as specified in these Regulations. Provided that specific area based restriction where
TDR utilisation is not permissible by earlier Regulations shall remain in force except for Gaothan/
congested areas.
Provided also that the above utilisation of TDR would be available to an existing road
width of 9 mt and above so marked under the relevant Municipal Corporation Act.
ii) Maximum permissible TDR loading as mentioned above on any plot shall be exclusive of FSI
allowed for inclusive housing if any.
iii) The priority and quantum of maximum permissible TDR loading mentioned above shall
include slum TDR atleast 20 % and maximum to the extent of 50% of column no. 6 of Table No.
12 regulation 30(A) or as decided by Govt. time to time. Slum TDR (wherever applicable) as per
this regulation and DRC generated from the vary said land and/or DRC generated from other
location up to the permissible limit mention above.
iv) If a plot is situated on internal road having dead end within 50 mt. from the main road, having
minimum width of 9m or morethen such plot shall be treated as fronting on main road for the
purpose of utilisation of TDR.Similarly if the plot derives from 9m wide internal road then such
plots also eligible for the purpose for utilisation of TDR.
v) The relaxation premiumfor the use of slum TDR i.e.10% of normal premium shall be charged
while condoning deficiencies in open spaces.
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
5.4.2 Provided that, The restrictions of total maximum permissible built up area in terms of FSI
with respect to road width mentioned above in these Regulation, shall not be applicable in cases
where, the permissible FSI is more than the basic FSI in various schemes, like Slum Rehabilitation
Scheme, Redevelopment of cess buildings, redevelopment of dangerous buildings, Urban
Renewal Scheme, Redevelopment of MHADA buildings/Colonies, Metro Influence Zone, BRTs,
TODs etc. where specific provisions which are sanctioned by the Government shall apply.
5.4.3. Provided that, The additional FSI permissible in certain categories of buildings such as,
Educational building, Registered Charitable Institutional/ Medical / Hospital Building, Star
Category Hotel, Religious Building etc. as per prevailing Development Control Regulations, if
any, can be availed either by full or part utilization of TDR if permissible in this regulation or full
or part utilization of additional FSI at the option of owner. However, the restriction of road width
mentioned as above these regulations shall not be applicable when the owner exercises his
option of availing utilization of additional FSI and in such cases limitation of maximum building
potential as mentioned in regulation no 5.4.1 shall not be applicable.
Utilisation of Transferable Development Rights (TDR) shall not be permitted in following areas:-
DRC shall not be valid for use on receivable plots in the areas listed below:-
(a) Coastal areas and Areas in Special Development Zones and areas for which the Mumbai
Metropolitan Region Development Authority or Maharashtra Housing and Area
Development Authority or Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation or Mumbai
port trust or any other Authorities appointed by Government as a is the Special Planning
(b) On plots for housing schemes of slum dwellers for which additional FSI is permissible under
sub-regulation (7), (9) & (10) of Regulation 33;
On plots for housing schemes of slum dwellers for which additional FSI is permissible under
sub-regulation (10) of Regulation 33. However, in cases where non-slum plot is
amalgamated with the slum plot for the purpose of better planning etc. then DRC will be
receivable on the non-slum plot/ non-cessed plot. In such cases utilization of DCR shall be
governed as per procedure and provisions stipulated in this Regulation and sub clause (B).
(c) Areas where the permissible zonal (basic) FSI is less than 1.0.
(d) Coastal regulation zone, except in cases where it is permissible to Utilised TDR as per CRZ
Notification 2011 and subsequent amendment from time to time’.
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
(e) Area having developmental prohibition or restrictions imposed by any notification issued
under the provisions of any Central/State Act (like CRZ regulations, Defense restriction
areas, etc.) or under these regulations.
6.1 Development Rights (DRs) will be granted to an owner or lessee, only for reserved lands
which are retainable and not vested or handed over to the Government /Urban Local Bodies and
not exempted under section 20 or 21 of the then Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulations) Act, 1976
and undertaking to that effect shall be obtained, before a Development Right is granted. In the
case of schemes sanctioned under section 20 or 21 of the said Act, the grant of Development
Rights (DRs) shall be to such extent and subject to the conditions mentioned in section-20
scheme and such conditions as the Government may prescribed. In case of non- retainable land,
the grant of Development Rights shall be to such extent and subject to such conditions as the
Government may specify. The provisions of this Regulation shall be subject to the orders issued
by the Government from time to time in this regard.
Provided that, in case of lands having tenure other than Class-I, like Inam lands, tribal
lands etc., N.O.C. from Competent Authority, mentioning i)share of Government and land holder
ii)transfer of such land in the name of Planning / Appropriate Authority, shall be produced by
the land holder at the time of submission of application for grant of TDR.
6.2 DRC shall be issued by the Municipal Commissioner as a certificate printed on bond paper in
an appropriate form prescribed by him. Such a certificate shall be a “transferable and negotiable
instrument” after the authentication by the Municipal Commissioner. The Municipal
Commissioner shall maintain a register in a form considered appropriate by him of all
transactions, etc. relating to grant of, or utilisation of, DRC.
6.3 The Commissioner shall issue DRC within 180 days from the date of application or reply from
the applicant in respect of any requisition made by him, whichever is later.
6.4.1 The Commissioner shall allow transfer of DRC in the following manner -
i) In case of death of holder of DRC, the DRC shall be transferred only on production of the
documents as may be prescribed by the Commissioner him from time to time, after due
verification and satisfaction regarding title and legal successor.
ii) If a holder of DRC intends to transfer it to any other person, he shall submit the original DRC
to the Commissioner with an application alongwith relevant documents as may be prescribed by
the Commissioner and a registered agreement which is duly signed by Transferor and
Transferee, for seeking endorsement of the new holders name, i.e., the transferee, on the said
certificate. The transfer shall not be valid without endorsement by
Development Plan 2034
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
the Commissioner and in such circumstances the Certificate shall be available for use only to the
holder / transferor.
6.4.2 The utilisation of TDR from certificate under transfer procedure shall not be permissible,
during transfer procedure.
6.5 The Commissioner may refrain the DRC holder from utilizing the DRC in the following
ii. Where the Commissioner has reason to believe that the DRC is obtained a) by producing
fraudulent documents b) by misrepresentation,
6.6 Any DRC may be utilised on one or more plots or lands whether vacant, or already
developed fully or partly by erection of additional storeys, or in any other manner consistent
with the prevailing Development Control these Regulations,
6.7 DRC may be used on plots/land having Development Plan reservations of buildable nature,
whether vacant or already developed for the same purpose, or on the lands under deemed
reservations, if any, as per prevailing these Regulations.
6.8 DRC may be used on plots/land available with the owner after surrendering the required
land and construction to the Planning Authority under the provisions of Accommodation
Reservation. In such circumstances, for the purpose of deciding Transferable Development Rights
(TDR) receiving potential, the total area of the reservation before surrender, shall be considered.
7.1 The Commissioner, before issuing DRC, shall verify and satisfy himself that the ownership
and title of the land proposed for surrender is with the applicant, and get the Record of Right
Property Register Card (PRC) to be corrected in the name of Planning Authority.
7.2 In case the Appropriate Authority for reservation is other than Planning Authority, it shall
be permissible for the Commissioner on the request of such authority to grant TDR under this
regulation and hold such possession as a facilitator. Provided that, the Municipal Commissioner
shall handover the possession of such land to concerned Appropriate Authority, after receipt
of value of land, from such Appropriate Authority as per Annual
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
Statement of Rates prevailing at the time of handing over possession of land under
Provided also that, if such Appropriate Authority is the State Government Department, the
Municipal Commissioner shall handover the possession of such land to the concerned
Department free of cost.
Provided also that old slum and heritage TDR purchased for utilisation on a specific plot
with registered documents of sale and/or specific proposal for utilisation of such TDR
pending in the ULBs prior to these regulations shall be allowed completely as per the old
regulations the DCR 1991".
(B) Additional Regulations for the grant of TDR to the Developers/Co-operative Housing
Societies/NGOs in respect of slum rehabilitation scheme vide DCR 33(10) and DCR 33(11)
1. The developer/society/NGO on a plot of land for which the Slum Rehabilitation Project
is sanctioned under these Regulations shall be eligible for the award of TDR for the FSI, if
any, difference between sanctioned FSI and FSI that can be utilized in-situ.
The developer/society/NGO on a plot of land for which the Slum Rehabilitation Project is
sanctioned under these Regulations shall be eligible for the award of TDR for the FSI, if any,
2. DRC for the TDR will be issued by the Commissioner, MCGM himself on
recommendation by CEO (SRA). DRC shall state the DRs credit of BUA in square meters
in figures and in words along with the details of place i.e. village/TP Scheme/Division, CS
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No/CTS No/FP No from where it is generated, year of issue of DRC and Ward in which the
DRs are earned.
3. The BUA for the grant of DRC shall be equal to BUA of the sanctioned Slum Rehabilitation
Project allowed to be taken in the form of TDR& as approved by CEO SRA.
4. When a buildable amenity on the reserved plot for which slum rehabilitation project is
sanctioned, is handed over free of cost to the MCGM, the Commissioner may grant a
further TDR due for the construction of the said amenity, as per Sr. No 3 of the table. A
DRC will be issued only on the satisfactory compliance with the conditions prescribed in
this Regulation.
1 As provided in Regulation No. 52 DRs of the owner/lessee of any Heritage building who
suffers loss of DRs due to any restrictions imposed by the Commissioner or Government
under Regulations No 52 shall be eligible for award of TDR in the form ofFSI to the extent
and on the conditions set out below at 2. Such award will entitle the owner of the
Heritage Building to FSI in the form of a DRC which he may use himself or transfer to any
other person.
2 For generating TDR, agreement with MCGM shall be executed stating that the heritage
structure will be maintained by the Owner as decided by the Commissioner along with a
clause of penalty for breach of conditions of agreement as may be decided by
Commissioner and potential of the plot shall be perpetually reduced to the extent of
existing BUA of the structure.
The Municipal Commissioner may permit 0.5 FSI in addition to the Zonal (basic) FSI
in respect of buildings of Registered Public Trust subject to following terms and
i. NOC shall be obtained from PoliceAuthority and Collector before applying for
ii. Additional FSI shall be used for religious purpose alone. However, without taking into
account the additional FSI, ancillary residential/commercial uses will be permissible
up to 10% of Zonal (basic) FSI.
iii. Additional FSI shall be permissible to existing authorized religious user subject to
structural stability.
iv. Additional FSI shall be permissible subject to payment of 25 % premium as per ASR
of the year in which such FSI is granted and shall be equally shared between GoM&
Provided that in the case of additional FSI allowed to the above cited
institutions, except institutional buildings of State Govt. & MCGM, premium
for BUA, at the rate of 10% of the land rates as per ASR (for FSI 1) for educational
institutions, at the rate of 10% 15% of the land rates as per ASR (for FSI 1) for
medical institutions, at the rate of 20% of the land rates as per ASR (for FSI 1) for
the private hospitals, medical institutions and at the rate of 30% of the land
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Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034 Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
rates as per ASR (for FSI 1) for other institutional buildings shall have to be
paid, beyond Zonal (basic) FSI. or as fixed by Govt. may from time to time
change the rate of premium. The amount of premium shall be equally shared
between Govt. and MCGM.
Out of the additional FSI beyond Zonal (basic) FSI, 50% may be availed by
utilizing TDR (without payment of premium), provided that the utilization of
such TDR will be allowed as per the option of the owner/developer.
In regard to other Institutional Buildings covered under Regulation (2) (IV) (17)
(g), Govt. /Municipal Commissioner may from time to time specify terms and
(A) Terms and Conditions for Medical Institutions and Institutional Building
(a) Additional BUA beyond Zonal (basic) FSI shall be utilized for bonafide medical
purpose only.
(b) 20% of the total bedsand free treatment shall be given to EWS/persons below
poverty line. In addition, 10% of the total number of patients in OPD shall be
provided treatment at rates charged in Govt. hospitals. Such facility,
proportionate to cited percentages, shall be in separate building/wing, or if not
possible, on separate floor.
(c) The Director of Health Services, GoM shall be the competent authority
forobservance of (a) & (b) above, including determination of penalties for
breach of conditions.
(e) The Medical Institution shall file an undertaking to abide by the cited terms
and conditions before allowing utilization of 50% of additional permissible FSI
beyond Zonal (basic) FSI.
(a) Additional BUA beyond Zonal (basic) FSI shall be utilized for bonafide
educational purpose only.
(b) Such Institutions shall make available some rooms to Govt as and when
(c) 10% of the total seat capacity shall be reserved for Govt nominees on
recommendation by the Department of Education/Higher and Technical
Education, GoM.
(d) The Directors of School Education/Higher and Technical Education, GoM shall
be the competent authority for observance of (a),(b) & (c) above, including
determination of penalties for breach of conditions.
(e) The Educational Institution shall maintain records of free/concessional
education, furnish such records periodically and make them available to the
Directors of School Education/Higher & Technical Education, GoM on demand.
(f) The Educational Institution shall file an undertaking to abide by the cited terms
and conditions before allowing utilization of 50% of additional permissible FSI
beyond Zonal (basic) FSI.
(C) Terms and Conditions forBuildings of Private Medical & Educational Institutions
(a) Such additional FSI (except the TDR component) will be permissible subject to
the payment of premium as decided by Govt. from time to time, to be shared
equally between GoM and MCGM.
(b) Conditions stipulated in (A) & (B) above shall be adhered to.
(2) If the additional FSI as per the above provisions has availed and subsequently it is
found that the built-up space is being used for non medical/educational /institutional
commercial activities / any other activity, not permitted as per these regulations, a penal
action as below will be taken, the payment shall be shared between the MCGM and the
Government in the ratio of 3:1.
a) The misuse shall be ascertained by physical site verification by a team of officers from
the MCGM, which has approved the building plans.
b) A per day penalty equal to 0.3% of the prevailing ready reckoner value of the builtup
area that has been found to be used for non medical/educational/institutional activities,
shall be imposed.
c) The penalty will be recovered from the date of commencement of unauthorized use
till the day non medical/ educational /institutional activities.
After payment of the penalty to the MCGM, which has sanctioned the building plans
of the concerned medical/educational/institutional, the said medical/ educational
/institution will restore the use of premises to the original purpose for which LOI/
Registration was granted. If the said medical/educational/institutionl fails to pay penalty
and / or restore the use to its original intended use, the MCGM will take suitable action
under the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act 1966, against the concern.
These provisions will be over and above the penal provisions of the MRTP Act, 1966.
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3 27m Up to 5
Provided further that in case of Public Sector Undertaking the premium for
FSI beyond Zonal (basic) FSI shall be payable as decided by Govt. from time to
Premium shall be applicable for additional FSI BUA in lieu of additional FSI at
the rate of 50% of ASR of developed land (for FSI 1) or as decided by the
Government from time to time, except for the development by State
Government & MCGM as decided by the Government from time to time.
Premium shall be applicable for additional FSI BUA in lieu of additional FSI at the
rate of 50% of ASR of developed land (for FSI 1) or as decided by the Government
from time, except for the development by State Government & MCGM as
decided by the Government from time to time.
2. The total permissible FSI under this Regulation shall be utilized for
construction of staff quarters for the User Authority subject to the following:
(i) The area of staff quarters/free sale component for various categories of
employees shall be as per the norms prescribed by the concerned User
(ii) (a)Commissioner may also permit upto 1/3rd of the total permissible FSI
under this Regulation for construction of free sale area (hereinafter referred
to as “free sale component”) to be disposed of by the Implementing Public
Authority to recover the cost of project implementation as provided herein.
The free sale component shall preferably be constructed in a separate block.
Sub-division of plots shall be permissible on the basis of equitable
(c) The flats constructed under the free sale component shall be first
offered to the Central Govt, its statutory bodies, Central/ State PSUs for
purchase as staff quarters and if the Central Govt. or its statutory Bodies
or Central/ State PSUs do not indicate willingness to purchase the same
within the prescribed time limit, then such flats shall be sold in open
3. Development cessat 7% of the Land Rate for the BUA as per ASR (for FSI 1) of
the year of approval beyond Zonal (basic) FSI (excluding fungible
compensatory area) shall be paid to MCGM. The Development cess shall be
in addition to development charges levied as per section 124 of MR&TP Act
(ii) No premium shall be payable for stair case, liftand lift lobby for the
construction of staff quarters of MCGM & State Government.
(iii) Open space deficiency shall be charged at the rate of 2.5% of the land
rate of ASR (for FSI 1).
to dispose of the flats constructed under the free sale component of the
project wherever applicable.
Table A
(iii) FSI including Zonal (basic)/permissible FSI shall be used on the same plot
and as stated in the Table below.
(iv)(a) No premium shall be charged for features permitted as per DCR 31 (1)
and 31(3), for the constructionof staff quarters to be handed over to
MCGM/Appropriate Authority.
(b) Open space deficiency shall be charged at 2.5% of the land rate of ASR (for
FSI 1).
(c) The provision of IH shall not be applicable for development under this
i. Development cess at 7% of the Land Rate for the BUA as per ASR (for FSI
1) of the year of approval beyond Zonal (basic) FSI (excluding fungible
compensatory area) shall be paid to MCGM. Development cess shall be in
addition to development charges levied as per section 124 of MR&TP Act
ii. Development/redevelopment of a vacant plot belonging to a private
landholder for constructing staff quarters for a user Authority shall be
permitted by the Municipal Commissioner with prior approval of the location
and requirement of such Staff Quarters by the Committee formed for this
purpose by GoM.
iii. In case of flats proposed for conservancy staff quarters under this
Regulation, a percentage of flats as decided by GoM shall be available on
ownership basis underShramSaphalya scheme.
Subject to payment of premium for BUA at the rate of 30% of the land rates as
per ASR (for FSI 1) or as decided by Govt. from time to time, equally to be
shared between Govt. & MCGM, and subject to other terms and
conditions, the maximum permissible FSI [including Zonal (basic) FSI] shall
be as below for all residential hotels on independent plots and satisfies
other related provisions of these Regulations and under one establishment.
Sr No Minimum Maximum
Road Permissible FSI
1 12m Up to 3
2 18m Up to 4
3 27m Up to 5
(1) 5% of total rooms shall be reserved for total 30 days in a year for Govt./MCGM
free of cost (only room charges) & it may be monitored by the MTDC and Protocol
Department. The Municipal Corporation shall intimate the MTDC and Protocol
Department regarding grant of building permission/ occupation certificate to
enable MTDC and Protocol Department to comply with these conditions.
(2) Development cess at 7% of the Land Rate for the BUA as per ASR (for FSI 1) of
the year of approval beyond Zonal (basic) FSI (excluding fungible compensatory
area) shall be paid to MCGM. Development cess shall be in addition to
development charges levied as per section 124 of MR&TP Act 1966.
(3) Commercial uses up to 20% of Zonal (basic) FSI, in addition to uses permissible in
hotel i.e. banquet hall, conference hall and meeting room etc. shall be permissible.
(4) In respect of star category Hotel, projects classified as Mega/Ultra Mega Project
as per Maharshtra Tourism Policy-2016, up to 20% of additional FSI available by
charging premium can be used for Tourism support activities on payment premium
at the rate decided by Government from time to time for the uses as proposed by
Tourism Department from time to time.
(5) All concessions available to star category Hotel are also applicable to Tourism
Units classified under Mega Projects, Ultra mega Projects and Large tourism units.
(6) No condonation in parking and other requirements as in these Regulations shall
be allowed except in the side and rear Marginal open spaces condonation upto 25%
may be granted with the special permission of the Commissioner.
(I) Out of the additional FSI beyond Zonal (basic) FSI, 50% may be availed by
utilizing TDR (without payment of premium), provided that the utilization of
such TDR will be allowed only after availing of the remaining additional FSI.
(II) If mixed user other than 3 above alongwith star category hotel is proposed
subject to fulfillment of road width for such mix use, then no additional FSI will
be available at concessional rate. Separate entrances, Parking arrangements,
lifts/ Lobbies shall be provided to segregate such mix uses.
(a) The Plot under redevelopment means the land demarcated by MHADA for
Provided that the maximum entitlement of rehabilitation area shall in no case
exceed the maximum limit of carpet area prescribed for MIG category by the
Govt, as applicable on the date of approval of the redevelopment project.
(b) For the purpose, “existing Carpet area/carpet area” means the net usable floor area
within a tenement excluding that covered by the walls or any other areas specifically
exempted from floor space index computation as per then/ prevailing Regulation but
including the areas of balcony, if allowed free of FSI as per then Regulation.
B) Incentive FSI: Incentive FSI admissible against the FSI required for
rehabilitation, as calculated in (A) above, shall be based on the ratio (hereinafter
referred to as Basic Ratio) of Land Rate (LR) in Rs/sq. m. of the plot under
redevelopment as per the Annual Schedule of Rates (ASR) and Rate of
Construction (RC)* in Rs/sq. m applicable to the area as per the ASR of the date
of approval of plan and shall be as given in the Table B below:-
Table B
Provided that the above incentive will be subject to the availability of the FSI
on the Plot under redevelopment and its distribution by MHADA.
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Provided further that in case there are more than one land rate applicable to
different parts of the plot under redevelopment, a weighted average of all the
applicable rates shall be taken for calculating the Average Land Rate and the
Basic Ratio. Provided further that the Land Rate (LR) and the Rate of
Construction (RC) for calculation of the Basic Ratio shall be taken for the year
in which the redevelopment project is approved by the Competent Authority.
* RC is the rate of construction in respect of R.C.C. Construction, as published
by the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority & Inspector General of
Registration, Maharashtra State in the Annual Schedule of Rates.
Provided that in case of plots up to 2000 4000 sq. m, MHADA without
insisting MHADA’s Share in the form of BUA, may allow additional BUA over
and above existing BUA up to 3.00 FSI by charging premium at the percentage
rate of ASR defined in table C1 below:-
Table C1
0 to 2 40% 60% 80%
2 to 4 45% 65% 85%
4 to 6 50% 70% 90%
above 6 55% 75% 95%
Note: - The above percentage may change with prior approval of the Govt.
from time to time.
Provided further that in case of plots having area of 4000 sq. m or above
which front on roads having width of 18.00 m or more, the FSI 1.00 over
and above 3.00 shall be permissible in the form of Social Housing stock
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in the ratio of 1 MHADA: 0.5 Cooperative Society and it shall be handed over to
MHADA free of cost & without any compensation.
Provided that at the option of or with the approval of MHADA, the tenements
coming to the share of MHADA can also be provided by the Promoter/Developer
elsewhere within the same or adjoining Municipal Ward. Provided that the BUA area
to be handed over to MHADA shall be as per equivalent value of BUA as per the
market value (as per ASR of that year)
Provided that in case of plots having plot area between 2000 to 4000 sq. m may
allow additional BUA over and above existing BUA up to 3.00 FSI, however for this
plot area over and above 2000 sq. m to 4000 sq. m the social housing stock as per
above Table C shall be handed over to MHADA. In this case the Social Housing Stock
in situ will have to be handed over to MHADA.
C) Sharing of the balance FSI: Sharing of the balance FSI shall be the same
as in (C) of 2.1
3) For the purpose of calculating the FSI, the entire area of the layout including
Development Plan roads and internal roads but excluding the land under the
reservation of public amenities shall be considered. Sub- division of plots shall
be permissible on the basis of the compulsory open spaces as in these
The reservations in the MHADA layout may be developed as per the provisions
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3) For the purpose of calculating the FSI, the entire area of the layout including
Development Plan roads and internal roads but excluding the land under the
reservation of public amenities shall be considered. Sub- division of plots shall
be permissible on the basis of the compulsory open spaces as in these
The reservations in the MHADA layout may be developed as per the provisions
of Regulation No. 17(1) 17(3).
4) For the purpose of this Regulation, the carpet areas for EWS, LIG or MIG
tenements shall be as determined by the Government from time to time.
(b) (i) Each eligible residential or residential cum commercial slum dweller
shall be entitled to a tenement of carpet area of 25.00 sq. m (269 sq. ft.)
Reconstruction of buildings that existed on or after 10th June 1977 and have
ceased to exist for reasons cited above, shall be allowed to be reconstructed
with FSI as per the Regulation No 30(C).
Provided that if the area covered under staircase/lift has not been claimed free of FSI
as per then prevailing Regulation as per the occupation plan, the area covered under
staircases/ lifts shall be considered while arriving protected BUA in such cases the
premium for entire staircase lift area in the proposed building as per these
Regulations shall be recovered.
7) If the existing FSI is less than the permissible FSI then the owner may opt for
development upto permissible FSI by availing TDR/Additional FSI on payment
of premium as per Regulation 30.
a) Requirements of open spaces shall be as per Regulation nos. 41(1) and 41(2)
and & 43
b) Premium at the normal rate for area covered under Regulation No.31(1) &
31(3) beyond the existing FSI/BUA shall be applicable.
an irrevocable written consent by not less than 51% of the occupiers of the old
(b) All the eligible occupants of cessed and non- cessed building/structures (existing
prior to 30.09.1969) certified by MBRRB, existing on the plot having cessed building
only, shall be re-accommodated in the redeveloped building.
2. Each occupant shall be rehabilitated and given the carpet area occupied by him
for residential purpose in the old building subject to the minimum fixed carpet area
of 27.88 sq. m (300 sq.ft.) and/or maximum carpet area upto 120 sq.m (1292 sq.
ft.) as provided in the MHAD Act, 1976. In case of non- residential occupier, the
area to be given in the reconstructed building will be equivalent to the area
occupied in the old building. Provided that if carpet area for residentialpurpose
exceeds 120 sq. m (1292sq. ft.) the cost of construction for the area over and above 120
sq. m shall be paid by tenant /occupant to the developer. The cost of construction shall
be as per ASR of that year. However, the carpet area exceeding 120 sq. m (1292 sq. ft.)
shall be considered for rehab FSI but shall not be considered for incentive FSI. Provided
further that each eligible residential cum commercial occupant shall be entitled to a
tenement of minimum carpet area of 27.88 sq. m (300 sq. ft.).
3 The list of eligible occupants and area occupied by each of themof cessed and non-
cessed building/structures (existing prior to 30.09.1969) shall be certified by the
Mumbai Repairs and Reconstruction Board and the irrevocable written consent
as specified in 1 (a) above shall be verified by the Board.
Provided that the area equivalent to the market value (as per ASR of thatyear)
of area admissible as per the prescribed percentage of BUAto MHADA can be
made available within the same oradjoiningmunicipal ward of MCGM.
Provided further that, the above provision 5(b) shall also be applicable to
Development Plan 2034
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034 Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
6. The entire FSI available under clause 5 shall be allowed to be utilised on plot/plots
under redevelopment scheme. However, if the owner/society so desire, they
can avail the incentive FSI on the same plot or can avail the benefit of TDRs to
be used in in accordance with the Regulations no. 32.
Even if the amenity layout open space (LOS) is reduced to make the project viable a
minimum of at least 10% of open space shall be maintained.
9. 20% of the incentive FSI can be used for non-residential purposes otherwise
permissible in the DCPR.
10(a) In case of redevelopment scheme in progress and such schemes where LOI
has been issued, the Owner/Developer/Co-op. Housing Societymay convertwith
the priorapproval ofVice President and Chief Executive Officer, Maharashtra
Housing and Area Development Authority, Authority as decided byGovt.may
Development Plan 2034
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034 Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
11. FSI under these Regulations should be allowed by the Commissioner only after
Mumbai Repairs and Reconstruction Board is satisfied that the said redevelopment
proposal fulfills all conditions to be eligible for the benefits under these
13. Since the permissible FSI in clause 5 above is dependent upon the number of
occupiers and the actual area occupied by them, no new tenancy created after
13.6.1996 or date as decided by GoM from time to time shall be considered.
Further unauthorized constructions made in the cessed buildings shall not be
considered while computation of existing FSI.
14. For smooth implementation of the redevelopment scheme undertaken by
owners and/or Co-operative Housing Society of the occupiers, temporary transit
camps may be permitted on the same land or landsituated elsewhere belonging to
the same owner/developer with the concessions permissible under SRS project
under Regulations 33(10) of these Regulations. Such transit camps should be
demolished within one month from the date of occupation certificate granted by the
Corporation for the reconstructed buildings for the existing tenants/occupants.
addition to development charges levied as per section 124 of MR&TP Act 1966.
19. Non-Deduction of non-cessed Structure area in the schemeof 33(7) for FSI
purpose: In case of mix of the structure i.e. cessed & non cessed structure and if
the area of non cessed structure existing prior to 30/9/69, area of land component
under non-cessed structure works out upto a limit of 25% of plot area, then FSI
shall be considered on total plot area. If this area exceeds 25% of the total area,
then area above 25% shall be deducted from plot area. FSI for deducted area shall
be as per Regulation No 30 and the FSI for the remaining plot area shall be as per
33(7). Provision of clause no 2 above shall be made applicable to non-cessed
20. (a) In case of layout of MCGM owned plots/ Municipal plot where development is
proposed under this Regulation and where such land is observed to be partially
occupied by slum, under section 4 of Slum Act existing prior to 1.1.2000 or such other
reference date notified by the Govt., then for integrated development of the entire
layout area and in order to promote flexibility, MCGM may propose development,
including area occupied by the slum, under this regulation.
MCGM shall be the Planning Authority for the areas declared as slum under section 4
of Maharashtra Slum Area (Improvement) Act, 1971 on Municipal land existing prior
to 01.01.2000 or date as notified by Govt., wherein slum area do not constitute more
than 50% of the plot area under redevelopment.
(b) (i) Each eligible residential or residential cum commercial slum dweller shall be
entitled to a tenement of carpet area of 25.00 sq. m (269 sq. ft.) and
(c) If such land occupied by slum is observed to be affected by reservation then the
development of reservation on land occupied by slum shall be regulated by the
Regulation No 17(3)(D)
(d) Corpus fund: An amount of Rs.40000 or as may be decided by SRA as per Regulation
No 33(10) shall be deposited with MCGM for each eligible slum dwellers
21) Notwithstanding anything contained in these Regulations existing 9m. width
of road shall be essential for any height of building above 32 m. height.
a) In case of the plot consisting of only tenant occupied building, the F.S.I. shall
be equal to F.S.I. required for rehabilitation of existing lawful tenant plus 50% incentive
F.S.I. and the occupier shall be eligible for 5% additional rehab carpet area.
b) In case of composite development i.e. the plot consisting of tenant occupied building
along with non-tenanted building such as owner occupied building/existing Co-op
Housing Society buildings etc., the FSI available shall be equal to FSI required for
rehabilitation of existing lawful tenant plus 50% incentive FSI plus FSI that has already
authorisedly been utilized/consumed by the non-tenanted
additional rehab carpet area and for plots six or more then incentive shall be 70% and
the occupier shall be eligible for 12% additional rehab carpet area.
1. The F.S.I. permissible for the new building shall be as given in sub-regulation (7)
(A) of Regulation No.33
(b) All the tenants of the old building shall be re-accommodated in the redeveloped
3. Each tenant shall be rehabilitated and given the carpet area occupied by him for
residential purpose in the old building subject to the minimum fixed carpet area of
27.88 sq. m (300 sq. ft) and/or maximum carpet area up to 70 sq. m (753 sq. ft) 120 sq.
m (1292 sq. ft) free of cost. In case of non-residential occupier the area to be given free
of cost in the reconstructed building shall be equivalent to the area occupied in the old
Provided that if carpet area for residential purpose exceeds 70.00 sq. m (753
sq. ft.) 120 sq. m (1292 sq. ft) the cost of construction shall be paid by tenant to the
developer. The cost of construction shall be as per ready reckoner rate of that year.
However, the carpet area exceeding 70.00 sq. m (753 sq. ft.) 120 sq. m (1292 sq. ft)
shall be considered for rehab FSI but shall not be considered for incentive FSI. Provided
further that each eligible residential cum commercial occupant shall be entitled to a
tenement of minimum carpet area of 27.88 sq. m (300 sq. ft.).
For purpose of existing "Carpet area"/ rehabilitation “carpet area” means the net
usable floor area within a tenement excluding that covered by the walls or any other areas
specifically exempted from floor space index computation as per then Regulation but
including the areas of balcony if allowed free of FSI as per then Regulation. This shall not
be applicable for non tenanted buildings.
4. No new tenancy created after 13/6/96 shall be considered. Further, unauthorized
construction made in buildings for creating new tenancy in the existing tenancies shall
not be considered while doing computation of existing FSI. A certified inspection
extract of the Municipal Corporation for the year 1995-96 or Court Order proving the
existence of tenements prior to 13/6/96 shall be considered adequate evidence to
establish the number of tenements. However, the Govt. may issue comprehensive
guidelines for determination of eligibility of occupiers and tenants therein.
5. The list of tenants and area occupied by each of them in the old building and the
irrevocable written consent as specified in 2 (a) above shall be certified by the Municipal
Corporation of Greater Mumbai.
6. The tenements in the reconstructed building shall be allotted by landlord/s or Co-
operative Housing Societies of existing tenants to the tenants as per list certified by the
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai.
Development Plan 2034
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034 Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
7. The entire FSI available under this regulation shall be allowed to be utilized on
plot/plots under redevelopment scheme.
8. Reconstruction of a new building on the plot should strictly conform to the provisions
of the development plan and these Regulations.
10. For the purpose of calculating the FSI for tenanted building, the entire area of the
plot/layout including Development Plan roads and internal roads but excluding the
land under the reservation of public amenities shall be considered.
New building shall be reconstructed in accordance with these Regulations and all
other Regulations and orders as applicable from time to time. The Municipal
Commissioner may exercise his powers under Regulation No 6 for condonation of minor
variations in respect of such reconstruction.
20% of the incentive FSI can be used for non-residential purposes otherwise
permissible as per the DCPR.
13. The fungible compensatory area admissible on rehab component shall be granted
without charging premium and such fungible compensatory area for rehabilitation
component shall not be used for free sale component and shall be used to give
additional area over and above eligible area to the existing tenants .
An amount of Rs.5000/- per sq. m shall be paid by the landlord/s or Co- operative
Housing Societies of existing tenants, as additional development cess for the built-up
area over and above the F.S.I. permissible as per table 12 under Regulation 30, for the
rehabilitation and free sale components. This amount shall be paid to the Municipal
Corporation in accordance with the time schedule for such payment as may be laid
down by the Municipal Commissioner, MCGM, provided the payment of instalments
shall not go beyond the completion of construction. This amount shall be used for
Scheme to be prepared for the improvement of off-site infrastructure in the area around
the development. The above development cess shall be enhanced @ 10% every three
20. The State Government/ Municipal Commissioner shall prescribe the guidelines for
better implementation of the scheme in respect of model agreement, alternate
accommodation of existing tenants, eligibility criteria for tenants etc. separately.
21. 20. If the rehab plus incentive as per this regulation is less than the
permissible FSI as per regulation 30, then the owner may opt for development
up to permissible FSI by availing TDR/Additional FSI on payment of premium
as per Regulation 30.
Provided further that if the existing authorized BUA and incentive thereon as stated
above is less than the permissible FSI as per regulation 30(A)(1), then society may
avail ‘Additional FSI on payment of premium/TDR’ up to limit of permissible FSI.
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
2. If staircase, lift & lift lobby areas are claimed free of FSI by charging premium as per
then prevailing Regulation, then such areas to that extent only will be granted free of
FSI without charging premium. If staircase, lift & lift lobby areas are counted in FSI in
earlier development, then incentive additional FSI as stated in Sr. No 1 shall also be
given on such area & such areas may be availed free of FSI by charging premium as per
these Regulations.
3. This Regulation shall be applicable only when existing members of the societies are
proposed to be re-accommodated.
Explanation: -Age of a building shall be as on the 1st of January of the year in which a
complete redevelopment proposal is submitted to the Commissioner and shall be
calculated from the date of Occupation Certificate or alternately, from the first date of
assessment as per the property tax record in respect of such building or building on
which balance/admissible FSI has been consumed by way of vertical extension as per
then prevailing Regulation, available with the MCGM.
7. Fungible compensatory area admissible under Regulation No. 31(3) on the existing
authorised BUA shall be without charging premium and over the incentive additional
BUA by charging of premium.
(A) General
(I) Private land following in SDZ
The provision of this Regulation shall apply to any contiguous, unbroken and
uninterrupted piece of land, not less than 2.0 ha, and not disqualified from development,
on account of other laws or regulations that are binding. Owners of land parcels having
plot area lesser than 2 ha may come together to create contiguous land parcels of 1ha
or more & submit proposal for development under this Regulation along with proper
access as per these Regulations. However, the Municipal Commissioner shall sanction the
proposal shall be submitted with prior approval of Govt.
The Owner shall submit his proposal as per above to the Commissioner MCGM. While
making such submission, he will take care of the following:
(a) He shall distinctly mark lands for AH, POS, OA and Owner’s share in the layout. Further
earmarking of lands for other amenities like education, health and social amenities
cited above shall be done by the Commissioner taking the amenity standards prescribed
as minimum.
(b) Advance possession of all lands other than the Owner’s Share as detailed in the table
above shall be handed over to MCGM at the time of approval of layout. The ownership
shall be transferred in the name of MCGM within one year from the date of advance
possession or seeking commencement certificate beyond plinth of the development of
Owner’s share, whichever is earlier.
(c) The Land Owner shall have the option of developing AH, OA and handing them over to
the MCGM. However, area earmarked for POS, AH, OA shall be levelled along with
construction of compound wall before handing over to MCGM.
(d) The development of AH & OA shall be as per specifications laid down by the
Commissioner, within three years from date of approval to the individual building plans
of AH and OA, unless extended by the Commissioner for valid, recorded reasons.
(e) Provision of amenities as per Regulation No. 14(A) and 15 shall not be applicable for
development under this Regulation.
(f) The carpet areas of the tenements to be constructed shall be for EWS, LIG and MIG or
as decided by Govt. from time to time subject to a minimum 25 sq. m.
(g) The proposal under this Regulation shall be considered with the approval of the
Municipal Commissioner.
(h) (g) Requirement of LOS as per the provisions of Regulation No.27 on AH plot and
owner’s share of land shall be 15%. Thus overall 25% cumulative LOS of entire holding
shall be achieved by considering POS to be handed over to MCGM and owners share
of land/AH plot.
(C)Infrastructure Development
The owner shall develop the infrastructure network within the layout (AH,POS &OA) to
be handed over to MCGM (road + water supply mains + sewer line + storm water drain +
street lights pertaining to that specific scheme) as per the requirements of the concerned
(D)Permissible FSI
(a) If the Owner opts out of the responsibility of developing AH & OA, he will get FSI
1.0 of the gross plot (AH + POS+OA + area covered under road to be handed over to MCGM
+ land forming Owner’s share of that specific scheme) on the Owner’s share of land.
(b) If the Owner opts to develop the cited AH & OA, the Owner shall be entitled for FSI 1
of the gross plot (AH + POS+ OA + area covered under roads to be handed over to MCGM
+ land forming Owner’s share of that specific scheme) on the Owner’s share of land along
with cost of construction in the form of BUA as per Clause (E) (a)
(c) The Owner would also be compensated for all infrastructure developed by him that is
not attributable to infrastructure pertaining to Owner’s share of land and construction
of the AH tenements & OA as described below.
(d) The Development of the plot handed over for AH shall be with FSI 2.5 on the plot of the
AH area. The Development of the plot handed over for OA shall be with FSI 2 on the plot
of OA with the structural provision for vertical extension for consumption of FSI up to 4
on OA plot. AH Tenements & constructed amenities shall have to be handed over to
MCGM. The cost of construction of AH tenements & built up amenities shall be paid in the
form of BUA.
(e) ‘TDR’ or ‘Additional FSI on payment of premium’ as per Regulation No 30 (1) (A) [except
Fungible Compensatory area as per Regulation No. 31(3)], shall not be permissible on
Owner’s share of land.
(f) The land handed over to MCGM for OA as stated above shall not be allowed to be
developed under AR as stipulated in Regulation No 17 and shall have to be used entirely
for the intended purpose as per these Regulations.
(g) Notwithstanding anything contained in these Regulations, residential/commercial uses
otherwise permissible, independent of road width to which it abuts shall be permissible
on the Owner’s share of land. 15% of admissible FSI on AH plot shall be exclusively used
for the purpose of convenient shops for use of residential occupants of layout.
(h) Development charges and premium shall not be recovered for any relaxations in open
spaces, exclusion of staircase, lift and lobby areas from FSI computation & for Fungible
compensatory area as per Regulation No. 31(3) for BUA to be handed over to MCGM.
(i) Development cess at 7% of the Land Rate (for FSI 1) for the BUA (excluding fungible
compensatory area) to be constructed on owner’s share of land as per ASR of the year of
approval shall be paid to MCGM. The Development cess shall be in addition to
development charges levied as per section 124 of MR&TP Act 1966.
BUA in lieu of cost of construction of 2.0[Rate of construction per sq. m as per ASR
AH/Built up Amenities including entire rate/rate of developed land
infrastructure development for MCGM = per sq. m as per ASR(for FSI 1)]x BUA
share of Land of all amenities & all AH
b) The ratio of BUA to carpet area shall be considered as 1.2 (including provisions of for
considering the various requirements as per these Regulations).
c) Area covered under staircase/lift/staircase and lift lobby
for AH tenements/Amenities shall not be counted in FSI/BUA and shall be without
charging premium.
d) Commencement Certificate beyond 75 % of the admissible BUA shall not be issued
unless the infrastructure development in the entire layout and construction of AH
tenements/Amenities is completed & occupation is granted.
e) The Commencement Certificate beyond 75 % of the admissible BUA may be released
once the Occupation Certificate for AH tenements/Amenities is granted.
f) BUA in lieu of development of infrastructure and construction of AH
tenements/Amenities, as detailed above may be released in proportion of 0.50 sale
(incentive) area: 1 AH/Amenity area and the construction shall progress
simultaneously in the said proportion, and 100% of incentive area in lieu of AH
tenements/Amenities& infrastructure development can be released only after
handing over of entire AH tenements/Amenities as per (e) above.
g) Consumption of FSI on owner’s share of land shall be restricted to 4 only.TDR in lieu of
unconsumed incentive BUA, as per provision (a) above in proportion to handing over
of such completed AH tenements/Amenities may be allowed at the option of
owner/developer. However, 20 % of such admissible TDR for unconsumed BUA shall
be released only after handing over the entire area of AH tenements/Amenities to
(B) Land of Govt. /Semi. Govt. /Appropriate Authority appointed by Govt. falling
1. General
& OA after levelling of land along with construction of compound wall to MCGM.
d) Provision of amenities as per Regulation No. 14(A) and 15 shall not be applicable for
development under this Regulation.
e) The carpet areas of the tenements to be constructed shall be for EWS, LIG and MIG
or as decided by Govt. from time to time subject to a minimum 25 sq. m.
f) The proposal under this Regulation shall be considered with the approval of the
Municipal Commissioner.
g) Requirement of LOS as per the provisions of Regulation No.27 on AH plot and
Govt./Semi-Govt./Appropriate Authority’s share of land shall be 15%. Thus overall 25%
cumulative LOS of entire holding shall be achieved by considering POS to be handed
over to MCGM and owners share of land/AH plot.
3. Infrastructure Development
Govt./Semi-Govt./Appropriate Authority shall develop the infrastructure network
within the layout (AH, POS & OA) to be handed over to MCGM (road + water supply
mains + sewer line + storm water drain + street lights pertaining to that specific
scheme) as per the requirements of the concerned departments.
4. Permissible FSI:
Provided further that HPC may consider after veryfing traffing simulation study to allow
CDS on a plot having access from existing minimum 12m. wide dead end road originating
from 18 m. wide public road.
1) Under the Cluster Development Plan (CDP) for the concerned area, to be
prepared by the Commissioner, who may revise the same as and when required;
Under the Development Plan (DP), where the DP contains such well-defined cluster
1. The land under CDS, irrespective of the tenure of the plots comprised therein, shall
be treated as one plot for the purpose of FSI and computation of marginal distances.
In specific cases where CDS is not bounded by roads, nallas and railway lines, the
boundary of the Cluster may be decided by the Municipal Commissioner.
(i) Cessed buildings in Island City, which attract the provisions of MHAD Act, 1976.
(ii) (a) Buildings at least 30 years of age and acquired by MHADA underMHAD
Act, 1976.
(b) Authorized buildings at least 30 years of age
Explanation: Age of a building shall be as on the 1st of January of the year in which
redevelopment proposal for CDS is submitted to the Commissioner and shall be
calculated from the date of occupation certificate or where such occupation certificate
is not available, from the first date of assessment as per the property tax record in
respect of such building, available with the Municipal Corporation.
(iii) (a) Buildings belonging to the Central Govt, the State Govt, Semi-Govt
Organizations and the MCGM, as well as institutional buildings, office buildings,
tenanted municipal buildings and buildings constructed by MHADA, that are at least
30 years of age.
(b) Any land belonging to the State Govt, any semi-GovtOrganization, MCGM and
MHADA (either vacant or built upon) which falls within the area of the proposed CDS
including that which has been given on lease or granted on the tenure of Occupant
Class II.
Provided that in case of buildings or lands belonging to the Central Govt, the State Govt,
Semi-Govt Organizations, MCGM or MHADA, prior consent of the concerned
Department shall be obtained for including such buildings or lands in any proposal of
(v) Slum areas declared as slums under section 4 of Slum Act or slums on Public lands
existing prior to 1.1.2000 or such other reference date notified by theGovt, provided
such slum areas do not constitute more than 50% of the area of CD.
ii. The list of occupants and the area occupied by each of them in municipal buildings and
their irrevocable written consents shall be certified by the MCGM. The list of occupants
in other buildings excluding slums and the area occupied by each of them
and their irrevocable written consents as specified in clause 4(a) shall be certified by
the MBRRB.
i. All the protected Occupiers as defined in Chapter IE of Slum Act and orders issued
thereunder and certified by competent authority thereof.
ii. A structure shall mean all the dwelling areas of all persons who are enumerated as
living in one numbered house in the electoral roll of the latest date, upto 1st January
2000 or such other reference date Notified by the Govt. and regardless of the
number of persons, or location of rooms or access.
The Promoter of CDSshall try to pool lands belonging to various categories of land
holders including Public lands by obtaining their consent for including their lands in
the proposed CDS, by resorting to any of the following methods of land pooling:
Provided that if the Promoter wishes to include any building or land belonging to the
State Govt. or MCGM or MHADA or any Agency under the control of State Govt.
(hereinafter collectively referred as "Public Authority"), then he shall make a written
request in this regard through the Municipal Commissioner to an Empowered Committee
(EC) headed by the Chief Secretary. This EC shall be as formulated by GoM.
The EC shall examine the request made by the Promoter in terms of the desirability of
making the land belonging to a Public Authority available for CDS and would decide the
terms of transfer of such land to the Promoter for the purpose of implementing CDS. In
case the land sought by the Promoter belongs to an Authority created by or under a
statute, the decision of theEC shall be subject to ratification/approval by such Authority.
2) Exchange of such land with a suitable land of at least equivalent value as per ASR
land rates.
4) Transfer of all lands included in the CDS to a legal entity (e.g: Registered Society or
Company, Co-operative Housing Society, Charitable Trust, etc.) to be created by the
Promoter for implementing the CDS where different landholders have stakes
proportionate to their share in the total land under CDS; or
5) Acquisition of lands, provided the Promoter has purchased or procured DRs over at
least 70% land comprised in the CDand there are dangerous buildings, declared as such
by the Competent Authority, on the balance lands contained in the CD. In such a
situation, the Promoter may approach the HPC for recommending the proposal to the
Govt. for acquisition of such balance lands. Upon receipt of such request, the HPC may,
after due examination, recommend to the Govt. as to which lands are required to be
acquired for the purposes of CDS. The Govt., thereafter, shall take necessary steps to
acquire such balance lands under the provisions of the relevant law and transfer the
same to the Promoter only for the purpose of implementing CDS after executing an
agreement with him in this regard, subject to the Promoter depositing with the Govt.
necessary amount of money for the land acquisition. For the purpose of land acquisition,
CDS shall be regarded as public purpose.
The Developer shall be required to submit along with the CDS proposal, proof of
ownership or procurement of DRs in respect of at least 70% of the land under the
proposed CDS(excluding Municipal Roads if maintained as existing in proposed CDS) and
it shall be mandatory for him to submit such proof of ownership or procurement of
development rights in respect of the balance area within one year from the date of issue
of the LOI.
5.Conditions of Rehabilitation:
(i) Each occupant/tenant shall be rehabilitated and given on ownership basis, carpet area
equivalent to the area occupied by such occupant/tenant in the old building. However,
in case of residential/residential cum commercial occupants, such carpet area shall not
be less than 27.88 sq. m.This shall be the “basic area”.
In addition to (i) above, there shall be ‘’additional area’’ for the rehabilitation of
residential/residential cum commercial Occupants governed by the size of the CD in
accordance with the Table-A below
Area of the Cluster Development Additional Area (over & above basic
Above 1 ha up to 2 ha 15%
Above 2 ha up to 5 ha 20%
Above 5 ha up to 10 ha 25%
Above 10 ha 30%
Provided that if the carpet area of any occupant/tenement in the old building is
100 sq. m or more then he shall be eligible for additional area only on the basis of carpet
area of 100 sq. m
Provided further that the above provision of "Additional Area" shall be applicable
only in case of CDS having maximum FSI of 4.00.
a)Each eligible residential or residential cum commercial slum dweller shall be entitled
to a tenement of carpet area of 25.00 sq. m (269 sq. ft.) and
(b)Existing or max 20.90 sq.m whichever is less in case of non-residential.
a) The total permissible FSI for an CDS shall be 4.00 on gross plot area, but excluding the
reservations/designations, road set back, area under existing Municipal Roads but
including the BUA under reservation/designation, road set back or sum total of the
Rehabilitation FSI + Incentive FSI, whichever is more.
Provided that the aforesaid FSI shall be exclusive of the Fungible Compensatory area
admissible under the provision of DCR 31(3).
b) The incentive FSI admissible against the FSI required for rehabilitation shall be based
on the ratio (hereinafter referred to as Basic Ratio) of Land Rate (LR), in Rs/sq. m., of the
lands included in the URC; as per the ASR and Rate of Construction (RC)* in Rs/sq. m,
applicable to the area as per the ASR and shall be given as per the Table-B below:
(i) *RC is rate of construction in respect of RCC Construction andLand Rate (LR) is the
rate of Open Land for FSI 1.
Provided further that in case there is more than one land rate applicable to
different parts of the plot under the CDS, a weighted average of all the applicable rates
shall be taken for calculating the Average Land Rate and the Basic Ratio.
Provided further that for calculation of the Basic Ratio, the Land Rate (LR) and the
Rate of Construction (RC) shall be taken for the year in which the Cluster Development
Project is approved and LOI is issued by the Authority competent to approve it and the
said ratio shall remain unchanged even if such Scheme undergoes any revision or
modification subsequently during its course of completion.
Provided further that if any new area is allowed to be added to or deleted from
the CDS after such Scheme has been approved and if there is change in the slab
prescribed above, the incentive FSI for the total area of the revised Scheme shall
be determined as per the new slab.Provided further that any new area being added to
a CDS shall not be less than 75% of the minimum area required for CDS.
Provided further that augmentation of area of CD shall not be allowed after
further CC has been issued in respect of more than 75% of the total permissible BUA
sanctioned under the original Scheme and there shall be no revision of individual areas
as a result of such amalgamation of area. However, deletion of area from a sanctioned
scheme will be permissible, provided the construction of rehabilitation component has
not commenced and such deletion does not break the contiguity of the area under CDS.
c) If the total of rehabilitation FSI + incentive FSI is less than 4.00, then the Balance FSI over
and above total of "rehabilitation FSI + incentive FSI" as per (b) above upto the limit of
4.00 shall be shared in terms of BUAbetween MHADA and the Promoter/Developer in
accordance with Table-C below:
Area of tenements coming to MHADA's share at location 'B' in CDS = Area of tenements
coming to MHADA's share at location 'A' in CDS X land rate as per ASR value of location
'A'/ land rate as per ASR value of location 'B'
Where location 'A' refers to the location where tenements coming to MHADA's share
under the Scheme are required to be given.
Location 'B' is the new location where such tenements are allowed to be given.
Provided further that the tenements so received by MHADA under its share shall first be
offered free of cost to the MCGM and MMRDA for use as PAP tenements or as transit
accommodation. If the MCGM and MMRDA do not require such tenements for PAP's
or as transit accommodation, then the tenements received under its shareshall be used
by MHADA for PAPs or Transit Accommodation or shall be sold as AHwith prior
permission of the Govt.
Explanation: The term "tolerated structure" means structure used for residential or non-
residential purpose and existing prior to 17th April 1964 or 1st April 1962 respectively or
date as decided by Govt.
e) It shall be permissible to implement the sanctioned CDS in phases provided the area
of CD is more than 8000 sq. m (2 acres) in Island City and 12000 sq. m. in Suburbs and
Extended Suburbs and the development in each phase is strictly in conformity with the
Master Plan/Layout Plan approved for the entire CDS.
Subject to the master plan for the whole cluster being followed, phase wise
implementation of CDS may be allowed, with pro rata utilization of the total admissible
Provided further that, while giving permission for phased implementation of the CDS, the
time frame for implementation of each phase shall also be given.
The minimum area for each phase shall be 4000 sq. m. in Island City and 6000 sq. m. in
Suburbs and Extended Suburbs.
Provided further that, while giving permission for phased implementation of CDS, the
incentive FSI as per Table-B shall be first released as per the area of the plot under a
given phase and the balance incentive FSI shall be released while giving approval to the
last phase.
7. From the total FSI available under Clause 6, entire FSI towards rehabilitation
component and MHADA's share shall have to be utilized on plot/plots under the Scheme.
In case a part of incentive FSI is not proposed to be utilized on the same plot, the benefit
of TDR as per Regulation No 32 shall be given. However, the quantum of TDR shall be
governed by the following formula.
= Incentive FSI at location ‘A’ in CDS X ASR value of Land at location ‘A’/ASR value of Land
at location ‘B’
Where, location ‘A’ refers to the location where incentive FSI in CDS is
Location ‘B’ is the new location where such incentive FSI is to be utilized.
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
8. Development of DP Reservations:
Construction or reconstruction of slums/buildings falling under Reservations
contemplated in the DP shall be permissible as stipulated in the Regulation
ga. Where a proposed DP Road or Regular line of street passes through the URSCDS area,
the entire FSI admissible under this Regulation for the area of the road may be given in
the same Scheme.
The location of and the area under DP road/ existing roads falling in the URSCDS may be
allowed to rearranged based on the comprehensive traffic study without affecting the
continuity of the existing traffic movement and without reducing the total area of the
existing road & DP Road. The existing roads may be realigned or relocated as per
provisions of MMC Act.
hb. No premium shall be charged for the fungible compensatory area admissible as per
Regulation 31(3) for rehabilitation component of CDS as sanctioned by HPC and for the
tenements to be handed over to MHADA and for the areas of reservation to be handed
over to MCGM/Appropriate Authority. This fungiblecompensatory area admissible to the
rehabilitation tenements shall be utilized for rehabilitation component only. Its
utilization for Sale Component under the URS shall not be permissible.
This development cessshall not be applicable to the BUA to be handed over to the MCGM
or any Public Authority in lieu of reservation or to the amenity areas to be handed over
to the MCGM as per the requirement indicated by the MCGM or the HPC.
11. Temporary transit camps may be permitted in the same CD or elsewhere in MCGM
limits on land belonging to the Promoter/Developer up to 4.00 FSI with the concessions
permissible under SRA Scheme under Regulation 33(10). Such transit camps shall have
to be demolished after full occupation certificate is granted to the Rehabilitation
Component by the Corporation for the reconstructed building. Till the transit camps are
fully demolished, the Commissioner shall not release FSI for the free sale area under
theCDS in excess of 75% of the total admissible Incentive FSI.
Development Plan 2034
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034 Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
12. Non-conforming Activities: All activities which are existing shall be allowed to be re-
accommodated regardless of the non-conforming nature of such activities excepting
those that are hazardous and highly polluting and those where alternative
accommodation has to be provided elsewhere by the Promoter/Developer/MCGM.
13.1 Calculation of FSI for all purposes shall be on gross area of the CDS. Provision of LOS,
to be kept on the site as per prevailing D.C. Regulations.
13.3 Front and marginal open spaces, for a building having height up to 32.0 m. in the
rehabilitation component or a composite building, shall be 3.0 and 4.5 mrespectively.
Provided that for a building having height more than 32.0 m and up to 70 m, open space
of the width of 6 m at least on one side at ground level within the plot, accessible from
the road side shall have to be maintained for the maneuverability of a fire engine,
unless the building abuts two roads of 6 m or more on two sides, or another access of 6
m to the building is available, apart from the road abutting the building.
13.5 Where the location of the CDplot abuts a trained nallah, the marginal open space
along the nallah shall be 6.0 m from the edge of the trained nallah,
13.6 The distance between any two rehabilitation buildings up to 32 m height shall not
be less than 6.00 m
13.7 If the height of any building constructed under CDS is more than 32.0 m, marginal
open space shall be as per the Regulation No 41(5).
13.8 A composite building under CDS shall have at least 50 percent of BUA as
rehabilitation component.
13.9 Wherever more than minimum front and marginal spaces have been provided, such
Development Plan 2034
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034 Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
additional area provided may be considered wherever necessary, as part of the AOS
under the CDS comprising both rehabilitation and free sale components, without
charging any premium, in relaxation of the stipulation inRegulation No. 27.
13.10 The means of access shall be normally governed by the provisions of Regulation
No. 23 However, in the CDS, wherever the design of the buildings up to 32.0 m height
requires relaxation in the width of access, the same may be given. However, high rise
buildings shall be permissible as per Regulation No 19.
13.11 Even if the LOSis reduced to make the project CDSviable, at least 10 percent of
CDplot area shall be provided as LOS. In addition, 10 percent of CD plot area shall be
earmarked for LOS which can be adjusted against the DP reservation/land component
of built up amenity, to be handed over to MCGM, if any, existing on such plot.
13.12 Premium shall not be charged for exclusion of staircase and lift well etc. as
covered under the provisions of Regulation 31(1)
13.13 In order to make the CDS viable, the Municipal Commissioner shall be competent
to sanction any relaxation in marginal open spaces except front marginal open space and
parking requirements wherever necessary due to bonafide hardship, for reasons to be
recorded in writing which shall not affect general health, fire and safety requirements.
However, the Govt. shall have the power to relax any of the provisions in these
13.14 All relaxations outlined hereinabove shall be admissible only in respect of the
rehabilitation component and the composite buildings under the CDS. Premium shall not
be charged for all or any of the relaxations given hereinabove or for any other relaxations
mentioned in Regulation No 31(1).Provided that if any further relaxation in open spaces
is granted by Municipal Commissioner then the same shall be subject to compliance of
CFO requirement and recovery of premium at the rate 2.5% of ASR.
If any relaxation in open spaces except front open space in sale component is granted by
Municipal Commissioner, then the same shall be subject to compliance of CFO
requirement and recovery of premium at the rate 2.5% of ASR.
14. The approving/sanctioning authority for the building plans under the CDS shall be
the Municipal Commissioner as per the MMC Act and MRTP Act, 1966 even if the CDS
partly consists of declared slums/slums on Municipal/ Govt. lands existing prior to 1st
January 2000 or such/other reference date notified by the Government.
and thereafter the same shall be governed by the provision of Maharashtra Co-op.
Societies Act. However, tenements constructed for slum rehabilitation shall not be
transferable for a period of 10 years.
17. Corpus Fund: An amount of minimum Rs 50,000/- per tenementor as directed by the
HPC shall be created by the Promoter/Developer as a Corpus fund, which will be utilised
for maintenance of the rehabilitation buildings for a period of 10 years.
18. Any ongoing scheme under Regulation 33(7) which fulfills the criteria under this
Regulation can be included in the proposal under Regulation 33 (9) for approval or
converted into a CDS under this Regulation 33(9). However, all dilutions of reservations
under Regulation 33(7) shall have to be restored as per this Regulation.
19, Heritage buildings of Grade-I and II as well as authorized and structurally sound
retainable buildings may be included in the CD, but shall have to be kept as they are,
alongwith land appurtenant, and this area shall be counted towards the slab of Incentive
FSI, but shall not be considered for FSI under this Regulation. As regards such Heritage
Structures, the Promoter/Developer shall have to contribute Heritage Cess at 5% of ASR
on the basis of BUA of the Heritage structure. Existing provisions under the DCPR shall
apply to Heritage Buildings of Grade-III and buildings in heritage precincts. However, if
the URS contains Grade I structure, the HPC shall consult the MHCC before granting
21. HPC, headed by Municipal Commissioner and constituted by the Govt., shall be
competent to approve the CDS with the previous sanction of the Govt. under this
Regulation. On approval by HPC, the proposal shall be submitted to the Municipal
Commissioner, MCGM for approval of plans. The decision of HPC shall be appealable as
if it is an appeal under section 47 of the MR&TP Act, 1966.
Provided that no CDS shall be sanctioned by the Govt without giving due regard to the
Impact Assessment study referred to in clause 1.1 above.
22. Regardless of its area, any Cluster Renewal Scheme (CRS) for which LOI has been
issued under Regulation 33(9) of DCR 1991 prior to the date of coming into force of this
Regulation can be allowed to be converted as per this Regulation at the request of the
Promoter/Developer, with the prior approval of the State Govt.
Provided that:
a) For the purpose of calculation of Basic Ratio, as specified in Clause 6(b) above, the
land rate (LC) and the Rate of construction (RC) shall be taken forthe year in which such
CRS was approved and LOI was issued by the competent authority.
b) The surcharge on development leviable on such CRS after its conversion under
thisregulation, shall be calculated in accordance with the date on which the development
cess had been paid and shall be recovered before issuing CC after the conversion of the
Scheme. Any excess amount paid towards Development Cess shall be adjusted against
any other charges due, but shall not be refunded.
c) Conversion of such CRS, which has not been sanctioned by the Govt. earlier, shall
require Govt. approval.
Provided further that after the coming into force of this Regulation, land pooling and the
development of buildable reservations and construction of Transit Camps in the CRS
approved prior to the coming into force of this Regulation may be done as per the
provisions of this Regulation, if the same has not been completed so far, even where such
CRS has not been converted to be developed as per this Regulation.
tenements/units. The BUA of such construction with 1.72 FSI or more shall be termed
as RRC
3) (a) If areas redeveloped earlier under SRD/SRA schemes are included in the DRP Area
for renewal and redevelopment under DRP, the TDR generated from the plot in the said
SRD/SRA scheme would be deducted from overall calculation of FSI 4.00.
(b) For private unencumbered plot/s situated within DNA but presently excluded, the
FSI shall be 4.00 on their inclusion in DRP. The developer however, shall have to pay
premium as decided by DRP on BUA equivalent to 2.67 FSI of that plot upon which he
couldgo up to BUA equivalent to 4.00 FSI in his free sale component.
4)The construction of RRC will be carried out by the developer so appointed under DRP
at his cost as per the specifications, planning and requirements of DRP (SRA). Each
eligible occupant shall be rehabilitated and given the carpet area occupied by him for
residential purpose in the old building subject to the minimum fixed carpet area of 27.88
sq. m (300 sq. ft.) and maximum area equivalent to the area occupied in the old
building. The carpet area upto 70 sq. m shall be part of RRC and shall be provided free of
cost. However, area above 70 sq. m will be at construction cost to be determined by OSD,
DRP (SRA) and the said cost to be paid by the respective occupant to the developer.
Such surplus residential renewal area shall not qualify for calculating incentive RSC.
In case of non-residential occupier, the area to be given will be equivalent to the area
occupied in the old building. The renewal tenements in the so completed buildings shall
be handed over to the respective eligible occupiers of the old building as certified by
the concerned Competent Authority free of encumbrances.
“Planning Sector” and “Implementing Sector” will have the same meaning as defined
in the Regulation No 33(10)(A).
For URS, the existing tenants/occupants residing as on 1st January, 2000 shall be
considered eligible. A certified inspection extract of the MCGM for the year 1999- 2000
or Courts Order proving the existence of tenements prior to 1.1.2000 shall be considered
adequate evidence to establish number and size of tenements. No new
tenancy/occupancy created after 1.1.2000 shall be considered. Further unauthorized
construction made in buildings/chawls, and unauthorized extensions to the tenements
shall not be considered for any computation.
6) (a) An area equal to 13.33 sq. m BUA as Renewal Sale Component (RSC) shall be made
available against the RRC of 10 sq. m for disposal in the open market. RSC can be
clubbed with Slum Sale Component and Amenity Sale Component generated under
DCR 33(10) (A) within the same planning sector.
(b) If the FSI required for rehabilitation of existing eligible occupants plus RSC exceeds
FSI 4.00 of a particular plot, such excess quantum shall get absorbed while calculating
overall FSI of 4.00 on entire DRP Area.
8)RRC shall be located at a suitable location within the respective planning sector layout
and not necessarily be on the plot where they exist at present. In case of any site
constraints, the same may be allowed to be located outside the particular sector layout,
but within the DNA, with the special permission of OSD, DRP(SRA).
9)After the proposed RRC buildings are constructed in the sector layout, at approved
location, in all respect including amenities such as water supply, sewerage lines,
electricity etc., the present occupiers of the respective buildings, chawls, tenanted
properties etc. of the concerned authorities shall be shifted to their respective newly
built tenements as per the allotment to be finalized by the concerned authorities.
12) In respect of those eligible occupiers on site who do not join the project willingly the
provisions laid down under clause no 1.14 of Regulation No.33 (10) (A) and provisions of
MHADA Act shall be applicable.
13) The Managing Committee of the proposed Co-operative housing society of occupants
to be formed after allotment of reconstructed tenements shall have women to the
extent of one-third of the total strength of actual members on the committee at any
14) The tenement obtained under this scheme cannot be sold/leased/ assigned or
transferred in any manner for a period of ten years from the date of
allotment/possession of the tenement. In case of breach of conditions, except transfer
to legal heir, the tenement will be taken over by DRP (SRA).
15) Building permissions for the Urban Renewal development shall be as per the
procedure laid down under clause no. 2.1 to 2.8 of Regulation No.33(10) A.
16) Temporary transit accommodation shall be provided within DNA. If it falls on the area
of amenity open space excluding D P road/open space reservation in accordance with
the procedure laid down underRegulation No. 4 of 33(10) (A).
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
17) Relaxation in building and other requirements for the Urban Renewal development
shall be as per the provisions laid down under clause no. 6.1 to 6.17 of Regulation No.
33(10) (A).
18) Urban Renewal Development and DP Reservations shall be as per the provisions laid
down under clause no. 7.1 to 7.9 of Regulation No.33(10) A.
19) The concerned land owning authority shall give DRs of their land to DRP (SRA) in lieu
of 70% of net premium that is payable by the developers, proportionate to the RRC
generated on the said land. In case project is to be undertaken by Public Authority, the
premium payable shall be as decided by the Government.
20) Ownership and Terms of lease – If land on which the RRC of DRP is to be constructed
is part of Govt./MCGM/MHADA/MMRDA/Any Undertaking land, the same shall be
leased to the Co-operative Housing Society of the occupants on 30 years’ lease with a
rent as decided by GoM from time to time and shall be renewable for a further period of
30 years. The same conditions shall prevail for land under the free sale component and
the land shall be leased directly to the Society/Association of the purchasers in the free
sale component and not through the society of renewal rehab occupants.
21) As soon as the approval is given to the Project, the no objection certificate for building
permission of the land-owning authority shall be given in respect of that property to be
developed under this Urban Renewal Scheme on lands belonging to any department,
undertaking, agency of the State Government including MHADA, or any local self –
Government such as the Municipal Corporation within 60days after the intimation of such
approval to the Project is communicated. In the event of its refusal to grant NOC, reasons
thereof shall be stated and in the eventnot been given within the period, it shall be deemed
to have been given.
22) An amount of Rs 40,000/-or such an amount as may be decided by the Govt. from time
to time per tenement/ unit will have to be deposited by the developer with DRP as a corpus
fund for utilization by the co-operative housing society of the renewal rehab occupants for
the purpose of maintenance, in accordance with the time-schedule for such payment as
may be laid down by OSD, DRP (SRA). However, by the time of completion of
construction for occupation of tenements by the hutment dwellers, thetotal amount at the
rate of Rs 40000 per tenement completed should have been deposited in full.
The building permission for the last 25 percent of the free sale component would be given
only after the entire required amount is deposited in full with DRP (SRA).
23) An amount equal to 2% of land rate as per ASRfor FSI 1shall be paid by the Developer
for the BUA over and above the Zonal (basic) FSI, for the rehabilitation and free sale
components. This amount shall be paid to DRP(SRA) in accordance with the time
schedule for such payment as may be laid down by OSD,DRP(SRA), provided the
installments shall not exceed beyond the completion of construction. This entire amount
will remain with DRP (SRA) and the same shall be used for Schemes to be prepared for
the improvement of infrastructure within Dharavi Redevelopment Project Areas.
24. SRA, after consultation with the concerned authorities may add, alter or amend the
conditions under these Regulations with the previous approval of the Govt.
The provisions of the DCR for Greater Mumbai, and all other applicable sections of the
MR & TP Act, 1966, shall apply mutatis mutandis to the development of land with the
modification that the expressions "Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai" and
"Municipal Commissioner" shall be substituted by the expressions "Slum Rehabilitation
Authority" and "Officer on Special Duty, DRP (SRA)” respectively.
Regulation for Reconstruction or Redevelopment of Cluster(s) of BDD chawls at
Naigaon, Worli, N.M.Joshi Marg and Shivdi by implementing Urban Renewal
1.1 “Urban Renewal Scheme” (URS) of BDD Chawls means a scheme for
redevelopment of the cluster of buildings and structures constructed by Bombay
Development Division in the Island City of Mumbai, at four locations and boundaries
of the area as shown in DPhereinafter referred to as " Urban Renewal Cluster or URC
" shall be a cluster identified for urban renewal :--
1) Under the Development Plan (DP) , where the DP contains such well- defined
Clusters; or
2) Under the Urban Renewal Plan (URP) for the concerned area, prepared and
notified by the Officer appointed by the Planning Authority, who may revise the same
as and when required; or
3) By Planning Authority, where such clusters of BDD Chawls are not shown on
the DP and the URP is yet to be prepared.
1. The land under URS, irrespective of the tenure of the plots comprised therein, shall
be treated as one plot for the purpose of FSI and computation of marginal distances.
2 In specific cases where URS is not bounded by roads, nallas and Railway lines, the
boundary of the Cluster may be decided by the Officer appointed by the Planning
1.2 The Urban Renewal Cluster may consist of a mix of structures of different
characteristics such as –
(i) Cessed buildings in Island City, which attract the provisions of MHAD Act,
(iii) (a) Buildings belonging to the State Government and Central Government
(b) Any land belonging to the State Government, any semi-Government Organization,
MCGM and MHADA (either vacant or built upon) which falls within the area of the
proposed Urban Renewal Scheme including that which has been given on lease or
granted on the tenure of Occupant Class II.
Provided that in case of buildings or lands belonging to the Central Govt.,
the State Government, Semi-Government Organizations and MCGM or MHADA, prior
consent of the concerned Department shall have to be obtained for including such
buildings or lands in any proposal of Urban Renewal Scheme.
ii. The list of eligible tenants and the area occupied by each of them in BDD Chawls
shall be certified by the Competent Authority appointed by Government for this purpose.
3. Rehabilitation Entitlements:-
a) The total permissible FSI for an Urban Renewal Scheme shall be 4.00 o n
gross plot area, but excluding the reservations/designations, Road set back, are a
under existing Municipal Roads but including the built up area unde r
reservation/designation, Road set back or sum total of the Rehabilitation FSI +
Incentive FSI, whichever is more.
Provided that the aforesaid FSI shall be exclusive of the Fungible FS I
admissible under the provision of DCPR 31 (3).
b) The FSI for Urban Renewal Schemes in CRZ area shall be governed by th e
MOEF Notifications issued from time to time.
c) The incentive FSI admissible against the FSI required for rehabilitation ,
shall be based on the ratio (hereinafter referred to as Basic Ratio ) of Land Rate (L R
), in Rs/sq. m, of the lands included in the Urban Renewal Cluster, as per th e
Annual Statement of Rates (ASR ) and Rate of Construction (RC )* in Rs/sq. m. ,
applicable to the area as per the ASR and shall be given as per the Table-B below :-
Table B
Basic Ratio Incentive
( LR/RC)* ( As % of Admissible Rehabilitation Area )
For 0.4ha For 1.0 ha to For 5.0 ha to For 10ha
to1.0 ha. 5.0 ha 10.0 ha and above
Above 6.00 55% 60% 65% 70%
Above 4.00 and 65% 70% 75% 80%
upto 6.00
Above 2.00 and 75% 80% 85% 90%
upto 4.00
Upto 2.00 85% 90% 95% 100%
(i) *RC is the rate of construction in respect of R.C.C. Construction, as published by the
Chief Controlling Revenue Authority & Inspector General of Registration,
Maharashtra State in the Annual Statement of Rates.
Provided further that in case there are more than one land rates applicable to different
parts of the plot under the Urban Renewal Scheme, a weighted average of
all the applicable rates shall be taken for calculating the Average Land Rate and the
Basic Ratio.
Provided further that for calculation of the Basic Ratio, the Land Rate (LR) and the
Rate of Construction (RC) shall be taken for the year in which the Cluster Development
Project is approved and LOI is issued by the Authority competent to approve it and the
said ratio shall remain unchanged even if such Scheme undergoes any revision or
modification subsequently during its course of completion.
d) "tolerated structures" encroaching upon the roads in nearby vicinity shall be allowed
to be included in the Urban Renewal Scheme and its BUA shall be included in
rehabilitation area, provided such structures are permanently removed.
Explanation: -The term “tolerated structure” means the structure used for residential
or non-residential purpose and existing prior to 17th April 1964 or 1st April 1962
Subject to the master plan for the whole cluster being followed, phase wise
implementation of Urban Renewal Scheme may be allowed, with pro rata utilization of
the total admissible FSI for rehab and incentive component simultaneously.
Provided, further that, while giving permission for phased implementation of the Urban
Renewal Scheme, the time frame for implementation of each phase shall also be given.
The minimum area for each phase shall be as decided by the Planning Authority.
5. Development of DP Reservations:--
Construction or reconstruction of slums/buildings falling under Reservations
contemplated in the Development Plan shall be permissible asper Regulation
6.30% of the Incentive FSI can be used for non-residential purposes as otherwise
permissible under the DCPR.
addition to development charges levied as per section 124 of MR&TP Act 1966.
This surcharge shall not be applicable to the BUA to be handed over to the
MCGM or any Public Authority in lieu of reservation or to the amenity areas to be
handed over to the MCGM as per the requirement indicated by the MCGM or the
Empowered Power Committee.
8. The temporary transit camps may be permitted in the same Urban Renewal Cluster
or elsewhere in MCGM limits on land belonging to the Planning Authority up to 4.00
FSI with the concessions permissible under SRA. Scheme under Regulation 33(10) of
these DCPR. Such transit camps shall have to be demolished after full occupation
certificate is granted to the Rehabilitation Component by the Officer appointed by the
Planning Authority for the reconstructed building. Till the transit camps are fully
demolished, the Officer appointed by the Planning Authority shall not release FSI for
the Incentive component area under the URS in excess of 75% of the total admissible
Incentive FSI.
10. Non-conforming Activities – All activities which are existing shall be allowed to be
re-accommodated regardless of the nonconforming nature of such activities excepting
those which are hazardous and highly polluting and those where alternative
accommodation has to be provided elsewhere by the Planning Authority.
11.1 Calculation of FSI for all purposes shall be on gross area of the URS i.e. without
deducting any percentage for recreational open space. This shall not affect the
requirement of physical recreational open space, to be kept on the site as per prevailing
11.2 The provision in Regulation 37(20) relating to balcony shall apply to the URS with
the following specifications: -Balcony shall not reduce marginal open space to less than
3.00 m. However, at ground level, minimum 4.5 m clear margin shall be maintained.
11.4 Front and marginal open spaces, for a building having height up to32.0 m. in the
rehabilitation component or a composite building, shall be 4.5 m.
Provided that open space of the width of 6 meters at least on one side at ground level
within the plot, accessible from the road side shall have to be maintained for the
maneuverability of a fire engine, unless the building abuts two roads of 6 meters or
more on two sides, or another access of 6 meters to the building is available, apart from
the road abutting the building.
11.5 Notwithstanding the provisions in Regulation41 (Table 18) where the location of
the URC plot abuts a DP Road having width of 18.3 m and above. The front marginal
open space shall not be insisted upon beyond 4.5 m provided, such road is not an
Express Highway or a road wider than 52 m
11.6 Where the location of the URC plot abuts a trained nallah, the marginal open
space along the nallah shall be 6.0 m from the edge of the trained nallah, or as required
by SWD Department of MCGM, whichever is greater.
11.7 The distance between any two rehabilitation buildings shall not be less than
6.00 m
11.8 If the height of any building constructed under URS is more than 32 m,
marginal open space of 6 m or as required by CFO whichever is greater shall be
11.9 Wherever more than the minimum front and marginal spaces have been
provided, such additional area provided may be considered wherever necessary, as part
of the amenity open space under the URS comprising both rehabilitation and incentive
FSI components, without charging any premium, in relaxation of the stipulation in
Regulation No. 27.
11.10 Pathways and Means of Access.—the ratio between the length of the pathway
and the width thereof shall be as follows:
Length Width
Upto 20 m 1.5m
21 to 30 m. 2.0m
31 to 40 m. 2.5m
41 to 59 m 3.0m
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
11.11 Between the dimensions prescribed for the pathway and the marginal distances,
the larger of the two shall prevail. The pathway shall act as access wherever necessary.
The building shall be permitted to touch pathways.
11.13 Even if the recreational open space is reduced to make the project URS viable,
at least 10 % of URC plot area shall be provided as recreational open space. In addition
to this, 10% of URC plot area shall be earmarked for amenity space which can be
adjusted against the D.P. reservation if any, existing on such plot. The type or location
of the amenity to be decided by Officer appointed by the Planning Authority and shall
be handed over free of cost to Planning Authority. The BUA of such amenity shall be
added to the Rehab component while calculating the share of incentive component.
11.14 Premium shall not be charged for exclusion of staircase and lift well etc. as
covered under the provisions of Regulation No 31(1)
11.15 In order to make the Urban Renewal Scheme viable, the Officer appointed by
the Planning Authority shall be competent to sanction any relaxation in marginal open
spaces except front marginal open spaces and parking requirements wherever necessary
due to bonafide hardship, for reasons to be recorded in writing which shall not affect
general health, fire and safety requirements. However the Govt. or Empowered
Committee shall have the power to relax any of the provisions in these Regulations.
11.16 All relaxations outlined hereinabove shall be admissible to entire project area
under the URS. Premium shall not be charged for all or any of the relaxations given
hereinabove or for any other relaxations mentioned in Regulation No 31(1).
11.17 The parking in the scheme shall be provided as per Regulation No. 44.
12.The approving / sanctioning authority for the building plans under the URS shall be
the Officer appointed by the Planning Authority as per the MRTP Act, 1966 even if
the URS partly consists/of declared slums/slums on Municipal/Govt. lands existing prior
to 1st January 2000 or such/other reference date notified by the Government.
Government from time to time, shall not, following such redevelopment, have area
exceeding their area prior to redevelopment.
15. CORPUS FUND.—A Corpus fund shall be created by the Planning Authority as
directed by the Empowered Committee, which will be utilised for maintenance of the
rehabilitation buildings for a period of 10 years.
16.If Empowered Committee as per Govt. GR dated 30/03/2016 approves areas for
amenities such as Fire Stations/Hospitals/Police Stations/Schools, etc. other than the
reservations/designations under the Development Plan, such amenities shall be handed
over to the Planning Authority free of cost and the BUA of such amenity shall be
considered towards rehabilitation F.S.I, and Incentive FSI as admissible
under this Regulation shall be permissible.
(a) A person eligible for redevelopment scheme shall mean a protected occupier as
defined in Chapter IB of Maharashtra Slums Areas (Improvement, Clearance and
Redevelopment) Act, 1971 as amended time to time, hereinafter referred to as Slum Act
and orders issued there under.
(b) Subject to the foregoing provisions, only the actual occupants of the hutment shall be
held eligible, and the so-called structure-owner other than the actual occupant if
any, even if his name is shown in the electoral roll for the structure, shall have no right
whatsoever to the reconstructed tenement against that structure.
(i) Slums shall mean those censused, or declared and notified, in the past or hereafter
under the Slum Act. Slum shall also mean area/pavement stretches hereafter notified or
deemed to be and treated as Slum Rehabilitation Areas.
(ii) If any area fulfils the condition laid down in section 4 of the Slum Act, to qualify as
slum area and has been censused or declared and notified shall be deemed to be and
treated as Slum Rehabilitation Areas.
(iii) Slum Rehabilitation area shall also mean any area declared as such by the SRA
though preferably fulfilling conditions laid down in section 4 of the Slum Act, to qualify
as slum area and/or required for implementation of any slum rehabilitation project. Any
area where a project under Slum Rehabilitation Scheme (SRS) has been approved by CEO,
SRA shall be a deemed slum rehabilitation area.
(iv) Any area required or proposed for the purpose of construction of temporary or
permanent transit camps and so approved by the SRA shall also be deemed to be and
treated as Slum Rehabilitation Areas, and projects approved in such areas by the SRA
shall be deemed to be Slum Rehabilitation Projects.
(v) A pavement shall mean any Municipal/Govt. /Semi-Govt. pavement, and shall
include any viable stretch of the pavement as may be considered viable for the purpose
of SRS.
(vi)A structure shall mean all the dwelling area of a protected occupier as defined in
Chapter I-B of Slums Act, and orders issued thereunder.
(vii) A composite building shall mean a building comprising both rehab and free-sale
components and part thereof in the same building.
(viii) Censused shall mean those slums located on lands belonging to Govt., any
undertaking of Govt., or MCGM and incorporated in the records of the land-owning
authority as having been censused in 1976, 1980, or 1985 or prior to 1st January, 1995,
and 1st Jan 2000
III Joint ownership with spouse: The reconstructed tenement shall be of the ownership
of the hutment dweller and spouse conjointly, and shall be so entered and be deemed
to be so entered in the records of the co-operative housing society, including the share
certificates or all other relevant documents.
1.1 Hutment-dwellers, in the slum or on the pavement, eligible in accordance with the
provisions of this Regulationshall in exchangeof the protected dwelling structure, be
given free of cost a residential tenement having a carpet area of 25 sq. m including
balcony, fungible compensatory area,bath and water closet, but excluding common
For this purpose of “carpet area” means the net usable floor area within a tenement
excluding that covered by the walls or any other areas specifically exempted from floor
space index computation as per prevailing Regulation.
1.2 Even those protected dwelling structures having residential areas more than 25 sq.
m will be eligible only for 25 sq. m of carpet area where Carpet area means area of
tenements exclusive of all areas under walls including partition walls if any in the
1.3 All eligible hutment dwellers taking part in the SRS shall have to be rehabilitated in
accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. It may be in situ and in the same
tschemeas far as possible.
1.4 Pavement dwellers and hutment dwellers in the slum on land required for vital public
purpose or such location which are otherwise unsuitable for human habitation or non-
suitabledue to other statutory restriction shall not be rehabilitated in- situ but in
other available location and in accordance with these Regulations. Competent Authority
appointed by the State Government in Housing Department shall on the basis of
verification of documents as may be prescribed shall decide on the eligibility of hutment
1.9 Transfer of Photopasses- Since, only the actual occupant at present will be eligible
for redevelopment, there shall be no need to regularize the transfers of photopasses that
have occurred so far. A photopass will be given after the new tenement has been
1.10 Any person who owns a dwelling unit on ownership basis in MCGM area, shall not
be held eligible under this scheme. Any person who can be held eligible under more
than one SRS, shall be held eligible in only one scheme.
In addition to above, the Developer/Co-op. Housing Society shall pay premium at the rate
of 25% of ASR of the year of issue of LOI,in respect of SRS proposed to be undertaken on
lands owned by Government, Semi-Government undertakings and Local Bodies and
premium shall go to land owing authoritysuch as MHADA, MCGM, MMRDA as the case
may beas prescribed by the land-owning authority. The premium installment so
recovered shall be remitted to concern land owing authority within 30 days from the
date recovery.
1.12 Automatic cancellation of Vacant Land Tenure and leases- If any land or part of any
land on which slum is located is under vacant land tenure, the said tenure/lease created
by MCGM or Municipal Commissioner shall stand automatically terminated as soon
asletter of Intent is issued by SRA for a SRS, which is a public purpose, on such land is
prepared and submitted for approval to the SRA. Any arrears of dues to be collected by
MCGM shall not be linked to the issue of any certificate or NOC relating to the Slum
Rehabilitation Scheme.
On sanction of SRS, rights of imla malik, municipal tenants or any other tenancy
shall stand terminated in respect of the sanctioned SRS.
1.15 Where 70 percent or more of the eligible hutment-dwellers in a slum and stretch
of road or pavement contiguous to it at one place agree to join a rehabilitation scheme,
it may be considered for approval, subject to submission of irrecoverable written
agreements of eligible hutment-dwellers before LOI. Provided that nothing contained
herein shall apply to Slum Rehabilitation Projects undertaken by the State Government
or Public authority or as the case may be a Govt. Company as defined in Sec. 617 of the
Companies Act 1956 and being owned & controlled by the State Government
1.16 In respect of those eligible hutment-dwellers on site who do not join the Project
willingly the following steps shall be taken:
(i) Provision for all of them shall be made in the rehabilitation component of the scheme.
(ii) The details of the tenement that would be given to them by way of allotment by
drawing lots for them on the same basis as for those who have joined the Project, will
be communicated to them in writing by the Managing Committee of the Co- operative
Housing Society if it is registered, or the developer. In case of dispute, decision of the
CEO/SRA shall be final and binding on all the parties concerned.
(iii) The transit tenement that would be allotted to them or rent payablewould also be
indicated along with those who have joined the Project.
(iv) If they do not join the scheme within 15 days after the approval has been given to the
Slum Rehabilitation Project on that site, then action under the relevant provision
including sections 33,33(A) and 38 of the Slum Act, as amended from time to time, shall
be taken and their hutments will be removed, and it shall be ensured that no obstruction
is caused to the scheme of the majority of persons who have joined the scheme willingly.
(v) After this action under the foregoing clause is initiated, they will not be eligible for
transit tenement along with the others, and they will not be eligible for the reconstructed
tenement by lots, but they will still be entitled only to what is available after others have
chosen which may be on the same or some other site.
(vi) If they do not join till the building permission to the Project is given, they will
completely lose the right to any built-up tenement, and their tenement shall be taken
over by the SRA, and used for the purpose of accommodating pavement-dwellers and
other slum dwellers who cannot be accommodated in-situ etc.
(vii) Pitch of about 3 m x 3.5 m will be given elsewhere if and when available, and
construction therein will have to be done on their own.
1.18 Restriction on Transfer of Tenements; the tenement obtained under this scheme
cannot be sold/leased/assigned or transferred (except to legal heir) in any manner for
a period of ten years from the date of allotment/possession of the tenement. In case of
breach of conditions, except transfer to legal heir, the tenement will be taken over by
2.1 The proposal for each Slum Rehabilitation Project shall be submitted to the SRA
with all the necessary documents, no-objection certificates, and the plans as may be
decided by the SRA from time to time.
2.2 Approval to the Project shall be given by the SRA within a period of 60 days from
the date of submission of all relevant documents. In the event of failure by SRA to do
so, the said approval shall be deemed to have been given, provided the Project is in
accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.
2.3 The SRA while giving the approval may lay down terms and conditions as may be
2.4 The SRA shall adopt the procedure laid down in the MR & TP Act, 1966 for giving
building permission to any Slum Rehabilitation Project under this Scheme.
2.5 On compliance with the terms and conditions, the building permission shall be
given, in accordance with the provisions under section 45 of the MR & TP Act, 1966 to
the Project under the SRS, first to the Rehabilitation component and thereafter to the
free-sale component subject to the provisions in clause below.
2.7 Where the Project is being implemented directly by an NGO approved by SRA,
CEO (SRA) may sanction 20 percent of the free-sale component without waiting for any
expenditure on the rehabilitation component. The approval for remaining part of free-
sale component will be given only after at least 30 percent of rehabilitation component
is completed on site.
2.8 As soon as the approval is given to the Project, the NOC for building permission
of the landowning authority shall be given in respect of that slum located on lands
belongingto any department, undertaking, agency of the State Govt. including MHADA,
or any local self-Government such as the MCGM within 60 days after the intimation of
such approval to the Project is communicated. In the event of its refusal to grant NOC,
reasons thereof shall be stated and in the event of its not being given within the period, it
shallbe deemed to have been given’.
2.9 Occupation certificate shall not be held up only for want of lease documents to
be executed, in all slum rehabilitation projects taken up on lands belonging to any
department, undertaking, agency of the State Govt., including MHADA, and any local self-
Government such as the MCGM.
3.1 FSI for rehabilitation of eligible slum/pavement-dwellers includes the FSI for the
rehab component, and for the free-sale component. The ratio between the two
components shall be as laid down herein below.
3.2 BUA for rehabilitation component shall mean total construction area of
rehabilitation component, excluding what is set down in 31 (1) of D. C. Regulations, but
including areas under passages,aaganwadi, health centre / outpost, community hall
/gymnasium / fitness centre, skill development centre, women entrepreneurship centre,
yuvakendra/ library, Balwadi/s society office, religious structuresas permitted under
Government Home Department Resolution dt. 05/05/2011 and 18/11/2015, other social
infrastructure like School, Dispensary, Gymnasium run by Public Authority or Charitable
Trust, 5 percent incentive commercial areas for the Co-
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
operative society, and the further 5 percent incentive commercial area for the NGO,
Govt./Public Authority/Govt. Company wherever eligible.
3.3 In Island City, if rehab component is 10 sq. m of built-up area, then an additional
7.5 sq. m built-up area will be permitted so that this additional 7.5 sq. m can be utilised
for disposal in the open market and the rehab component subsidized.
3.4 In suburbs and extended suburbs, if rehab component is 10 sq. m of built-up area,
then an additional 10 sq. m of built-up area will be permitted so that this additional 10
sq. m can be utilised for disposal in the open market and the rehab component
3.5 In difficult areas as may be notified by the SRA hereafter, if the rehab component
is 10 sq. m of built-up area, then an additional 13.33 sq. m of built-up area will be
permitted and this area of additional 13.33 sq. m can be utilised for disposal in the open
market and the rehab component subsidized.
The incentive FSI/BUA shall depend on size of the scheme and rate of developed land and rate of
construction as per ASR of year in which LOI is sanctioned.
Ratio Incentive (As Admissible Rehabilitation Area)
up to 0.40 More than More than More For more For more
0.4 ha up 1 ha up to than 5 ha than 10 ha than 20
ha to 5 up to 10
upto 20 ha ha
1 ha ha ha.
0.8 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.0 1.05
4.00 and 0.90 0.95 1.0 1.05 1.1 1.15
upto 6.00
2.00 and 1.0 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25
upto 4.00
*RC is rate of construction in respect of RCC Construction and Land Rate (LR) is the rate of Open
Land for FSI 1.
3.6 In addition to the entitlement under Provisions in 3.3 and 3.4 herein above, for slum
rehabilitation schemes that attempt larger agglomerated development allowing
enhanced planning & quality of life, the following additional BUA incentive will be
admissible under free sale component of Slum Rehabilitation Schemes as shown in table
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
3.7 FSI to be sanctioned on a Slum Rehabilitation scheme site may exceed 3.0
3.8 Maximum FSI Permissible for consumption on the Plot: FSI that can be utilized
sanctioned in- situ on any slum site shall be 4 or sum total of rehabilitation FSI plus
incentive FSI whichever is more with Minimum Tenement Density of 650 per Net Hectare.
Due to local planning constraints and viability of the Slum Rehabilitation Project the
density norms of 650 per net hectare may be reduced up to 25% by Chief Executive
Office. Thereupon the difference between sanctioned FSI that can be utilized and in-
suit permissible FSI will be made available in the form TDR in accordance with the
provisions of Regulation no 32. The computation of FSI shall be done for both rehab and
free-sale components in the normal manner, that is giving the benefit of what is set down
in Regulation No. 31(1). While the areas referred in sub regulations No 6.6and 8.2 of this
Regulation shall not be included for computation of FSI the said areas shall be included
for computation of the rehab component of 10 sq. m in sub-Regulations 3.3 to 3.5 herein
above. In all such cases where permissible in-situ FSI sanctioned cannot be utilised in situ
even after relaxation of 650 per net hectare norms by Chief Executive Officer the
difference between sanctioned permissible FSI and that can be constructed in-situ, will be
made available in the form of TDR in accordance with the provisions of Regulation No.
32.Provided that if the existing tenement density is more than 650 hectares,the
CEO(SRA) after ascertaining and due verification of proposal may allow FSI
consumption in-situ to be exceeded up to 4. The difference between sanctionedFSI
(rehabilitation FSI plus incentive FSI) and that can be constructed in-situ, will be made
available in the form of TDR in accordance with the provisions of Regulation No. 32.
Provided that permissible in-situ FSI shall be as below.
in situ FSI
Access road of 9.0m. and above but less than
13.0 m.
Access road of 13.0m. and above 4.00 or More upto sanctioned FSI of the
scheme. No concessions in marginal spaces is
Provided that the aforesaid FSI shall be exclusive of the Fungible compensatory area
admissible under the provision of DCR 31(3).
3.10 The rehabilitation component shall mean all residential tenements as well as
non-residential built-up premises given free of cost in accordance with the provisions of
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034 Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
the SRS outlined in this Regulation excluding what is set down in Regulation No.31(1)
and including aaganwadi, health centre / outpost, community hall
/gymnasium / fitness centre, skill development centre, women entrepreneurship centre,
yuvakendra /library existing eligible religious structure, school, dispensary, gymnasium
run by Public Authority or charitable trust etc. as per provision of 8.1 &
8.2 but excluding built-up area given for buildable DP reservations.
3) If the Agency fails to identify the slum dwellers needed to be shifted for a vital
public purpose, as above, then the tenements so constructed shall be offered;
4) Further provided that in all above cases the relocation of. slum dwellers in any
case will be undertaken not with reference to individuals but reference to assembly of
slum dwellers for the purpose of releasing the plot of land wholly from slums and not
only the patches of land.
Provided that notwithstanding anything mentioned above, project affected persons due
to any vital Public Projects undertaken by MMRDA including PAP’s under Mumbai
Urban Transport Project
Development Plan 2034
Provided further that in case of the ongoing scheme as per this provision and where
the work as per tenements of size 20.90 sq. m or less in building for which full
commencement certificate/occupation permission is issued/work competed but not
occupied and where the TDR in lieu of this rehab area is already availed; in such cases
at the option of owner/developer and with cancent of ocupants and with the approval
of CEO(SRA), developer may convert this these tenements as per this regulation (of
size 25 sq. m), and then the TDR for additional BUA as per size of 25 sq. m difference
of carpet area may be made permissible. (while granting the additional TDR as per
this regulation the quantum of the land TDR already availed shall not be permissible.)
deducted from the total admissible TDR).
This proviso is also applicable to other scheme under Regulation 33(10) werein the buildings are
declared dangerous and dilapidated.
Provided further that, for rehabilitation of adivasi in Sanjay Gandhi National Park and Adivasi/
encrochera in AAREY Colony Govt. Land, if undertaken on Govt. land by the developer, shall be
eligible for TDR in lieu of consturction of rehabilitation and resettlement tenements through a
competative Tender process by the Govt. or the implementing Govt. agency.
3.12(A) Minimum Density on the Plot Including Non-Residential Units: The minimum
density of rehabilitation so as to generate adequate number of additional rehabilitation
tenements and affordable tenements in situ under any Slum Rehabilitation Project will
be 650 tenements per net hectare as, that is, after deducting all reservations actually
implemented on site including the land appurtenant thereto, but not deducting the
recreational/amenity open space on the remaining area. If the number of tenements to
be provided to all eligible hutment dwellers is less than the minimum so constructed as
per minimum density of 650 per net hector, the balance shall be handed over free of cost
to the SRA. The Authority shall use them for the purpose of transit or Project-affected
persons or pavement-dwellers or slum dwellers from other slums or distribution would
be done as per policy decided by the GOM.
(B) If there is balance FSI available in a slum scheme, after in situ development of
rehab as well as sale component, development of additional tenements for the purpose
of rehabilitation of slum dwellers on untenable land or for any other category as per
policy & priority decided by Government, may be allowed in the scheme up to an extent
such that this development and corresponding sale component development remains
within the limit of maximum permissible FSI in the said scheme.
Provided that any ongoing Slum Rehabilitation Scheme where the eligibility of Slum
Dwellers is revised and certified in accordance with guidelines contained in
Government Resolutions zopudho-100/C.R.125/14/ zopasu-1, dt 16/05/2015, the
scheme parameters shall be revised in accordance with above norms on certification
of structural stability from competent Government/ Semi- Government Reputed
Technical institutions such as IIT, VJTI etc.
Provided further that in case of slum redevelopment where there are no eligible
commercial slum dwellers and where it is possible to provide commercial tenements on
ground floor, then in such cases commercial PAP tenements of size of carpet area
20.90 sq. m (225 sq. ft.) or of required sizein consultation with MCGM shall be provided
as decided by CEO(SRA)and same shall be handed over free of cost to SRA.’
Provided if SRS is undertaken by a Federation, Co- Op. Housing society consisting of
members who are serving or retired State Govt. Employees/Employees of the State Govt.
Undertakings/Employees of local bodies of State Government for providing housing to
its members, such tenements which are generated over and above the tenements to be
provided to the existing eligible hutment dwellers, shall be handed over back to the said
Federation/Co.-operative Housing Society for providing housing to its above mentioned
members and subject to further additional terms and conditions as would be imposed by
the CEO, SRA to ensure adequate membership of class III and class IV employees.
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034 Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
No. or F.P. No. for which no separate approval for amalgamation/subdivision of land
would be necessary.
3.14 Boundaries and the Slum Rehabilitation Area shall be declared by the competent
authority after actual measurement of plot area on site and the same shall be adopted
for planning purpose for calculation of density and floor space index.
3.15 The CEO, SRA may if required, adjust the boundary of the plot declared as slum
rehabilitation area so as to suit the building design and provide proper access to these
Scheme. Provided further that the encumbered area under D P Road/Sanctioned
Regular line road abutting the SRS shall be included in the scheme to be developed.
3.16 After approval is given to the Slum Rehabilitation scheme, the area may be
further subdivided if necessary to earmark separate plots for the rehab component and
the free sale component. The Plot area and the built-up area in terms of square meters
on the said plot shall be separately mentioned in the lease agreements and Record of
3.17 The CTSO/SLR, of the district on payment of such fees as may be decided by the
Govt. ensure that the City Survey sheet and property cards are corrected accordingly and
fresh property cards are opened for each of the plots giving details regarding the area of
the plots and the total area of the floors of the built-up property and TDR given that is,
the FSI used on that plot.
4.1 The multistoried temporary transit camp shall be provided on the site itself or
outside the SRA project site on portion of plot which is not designated/reserved for
public purpose or not affected by road widening and is preferably close to the site.
4.2 The eligible slum dwellers shall be shifted to temporary transit camp or on rent as
may be mutually decided between the proposed society and developer.
4.3 The area of temporary transit tenements shall be excluded from the computation of
FSI, but the safety of the structure shall be ensured by a license structural consultants.
The minimum area of individual transit tenement shall be 14.5 sq. m.
4.4 Such building permission shall be given within 15 days from the date of application
and after approval to the project by Slum Rehabilitation Authority, failing which it shall
be deemed to be given.
4.5 On any nearby vacant site without any reservation in the DP construction of
temporary transit tenements made of light material with the consent of the land-
owners, shall be allowed uptoan FSI of 4.0 and this shall be applicable in Island City as
well as in suburbs and extended suburbs. Temporary shall mean made of detachable
material such as tubular/prefabricated light structures.
4.6 In all such cases where the temporary transit camp is erected, the condition shall be
that the structures shall be demolished by the Developer/Society/NGO within 30 days of
granting Occupation Certificate to the rehab buildings and the site should be brought
back to the original state. Till the transit camps are fully demolished, development rights
for the free sale area shall not be permitted to be used beyond 75% of the total
admissible free sale area permissible under this Regulation.
5. Commercial / Office / Shop / Economic Activity Free of Cost:
5.1 The eligible existing area under commercial/office/economic activity shall be
computed on actual measurement/inspection, and/or on the basis of official documents
such as License under the Shops and Establishment Act, Electricity bills, Photo pass etc.
5.2 In the rehabilitation component, the BUA for
commercial/office/shop/economic activity that existed prior to the date as decided by
the Govt.subject to the provisions in the sub-regulation below, shall be given. Where a
person has both residential and commercial premises without common wall between
residential and commercial premises, for commercial/office/shop/economic activity in
the slum/ pavement, he shall be considered eligible for a residential/Commercial unit
including BUA for commercial/office/shop/economic activity, both free of cost and
carpet area of such unit shall not exceed 25 sq. m.
5.3 BUA for commercial/office/shop/economic activity upto 20.90 sq. m. (225 sq. ft.)
carpet area or actual area whichever is less, shall be provided to the eligible person free
of cost as part of the rehabilitation project. Any area in excess of 20.90 sq. m to the
extent of existing area may, if required, be sold on preferential basis at the rate for
commercial area in the free-sale component.
For this purpose of “carpet area” as per 5.2 and 5.3 above means the net usable floor
area within a tenement excluding that covered by the walls or any other areas specifically
exempted from floor space index computation as per prevailing Regulation.
5.4 Such area may be allowed on any side of the plot abutting 3.0 m wide pathway
and deriving access from 3.0 m wide pathway/open space. Back-to-back shopping on
ground floor shall also be allowed for the purpose of rehabilitation. After exhausting
these provisions, it may be allowed on the first floor to the extent necessary.
5.5 Non-Conforming Activities: All activities which were previously existing shall be
allowed to be relocated regardless of the non-conforming nature of the activities, except
those which are hazardous and highly polluting, and except in cases where the
alternative accommodation has already been allotted elsewhere by the MCGM.
5.6 Convenience Shopping in Free-Sale Component: Convenience shopping in the
free-sale component vide DCR 2(IV) 32 shall be permitted along the layout roads. The
CEO, SRA may add to alter or amend the said list for convenience shopping.
5.7 Incentive Commercial Areas for Society and NGO
(a) The scheme, when undertaken by a Co-operative Housing Society of slum dwellers,
may provide an additional 5 per cent built-up area on the rehabilitation area free of
cost for commercial purpose. This area will be at the disposal of the Co- operative
Housing Society of the hutment-dwellers. The corpus amount shall not be spent, but the
income from the property/corpus alone shall be used by the Society for maintenance
of the building and premises, and such other purposes as may be laid down by the SRA.
(b) Where the scheme is undertaken by a Non-Government Organization Govt. or Public
Authority or Govt. Company another additional 5 per cent BUA on the rehabilitation
area may be given free of cost for commercial purpose. This area shall be at the disposal
of the Non-Governmental Organization Govt. or Public Authority or Govt. Company in
consultation with the cooperative housing society.
6. Relaxation in Building and Other Requirements:
6.1 Separate kitchen shall not be necessary. Cooking space (alcove) shall be allowed
without any minimum size restrictions. Where a kitchen is provided, the minimum
area shall be 5 sq. m provided the width shall be at least 1.5 m.
6.2 There shall be no size restriction for bath or water closet unit. Moreover, for
bathroom, water closet or kitchen, there shall be no stipulation of one wall abutting
open space, etc. as long as artificial light & ventilation through any means are
6.3 In water closet flushing system shall be provided with minimum seat size of
0.46 m (18 inches).
6.4 A septic tank filter bed shall be permitted with a capacity of 150 liters per
capita, where the municipal services are likely to be available within 4-5 years
6.5 In the rehabilitation component, lift shall not be insisted upon, upto ground
plus five floors.
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
6.14 Premium shall not be charged for exclusion of staircase and lift-well etc. as
covered under the provisions of DCR 31(1).
6.15 All relaxations outlined hereinabove shall be given to the rehabilitation
component, and also to the composite buildings in the project. Premium shall not
be charged for all or any of the relaxations given herein above. Provided that if
any further relaxation in open spaces is granted by Chief Executive Officer then the
same shall be subject to compliance of CFO requirement and recovery of premium
at the rate 2.5% of ASR.
6.16Relaxations for the free sale component – Relaxation contained in sub regulation
No. 6.9 above, as well as other necessary relaxation shall be given to the free sale
components on payment of premium at the rate of 2.5% of Ready Reckoner Rate or
10% of normal premium whichever is more.
6.17 In order to make the SRS viable, the CEO of SRA shall be competent to
7.1 Slums situated in lands falling under various reservations/zones in the DP shall be
developed in accordance with the Regulation No 17(3)(D).
7.1 Wherever slum and municipal/MHADA property are found together or adjoining, it
would be eligible for redevelopment using provisions of both DCR 33(7) and of DCR
33(10) Development of slum and contiguous non-slum area provided slum area shall
be more than 75% of the scheme areaunder anyother provisions of regulations may be
allowed together in order to promote flexibility of design as well as to raise more
resources, provided that the FSI of non-slum quantum of area shall
8.1 There shall be Balwadi, Welfare hall and any of two amenities mentioned
above .There shall be health Centre/ outpost, Aaganwadi, skill
development centre, women entrepreneurship centre, yuvakendra / library of size 25 sq.
m for every multiple ofor part of 250 hutment dwellers. In case of misuse, it shall be
taken over by the SRA which will be competent to allot the same to some other
organization /institution for public use. Balwadi shall also be provided for on a similar
scale. An office for the Co-operative housing society shall be also constructed for every
100 rehab tenements in accordance will D.C. Regulations No. 37(119). However, if the
number of rehab tenements exceeds 100 then for every 100 rehab
Development Plan 2034
8.2 All the areas underlying Aaganwadi, health centre / outpost, communityhall
/gymnasium / fitness centre, skill development centre, women entrepreneurship centre,
yuvakendra / library community hall/s, society office, balwadi/s, religious structure/s,
social infrastructure like School, Dispensary, Gymnasium run by Public Authority or
Charitable Trust, the commercial areas given by way of incentives to the co-operative
society and the nongovernmental organisation shall be free of cost and shall form part
of rehabilitation component and it is on this basis the free-sale component will be
computed. These provisions shall apply to construction of transit camps under DC
Regulations 33(11) also.
8.3 Aaganwadi, health centre / outpost, community hall /gymnasium / fitness centre,
skill development centre, women entrepreneurship centre, yuvakendra / library society
office, Balwadi/sand religious structures, social infrastructure like School, Dispensary and
Gymnasium run by Public Authority or Charitable Trust in the rehab component shall not
be counted towards the FSI even while computing permissible FSI on site.
9.1 An amount of Rs. 40,000/- or such an amount as may be decided by the Planning
Authority from time to time per tenement including the welfare hall and balwadi in the
rehab component as well as in the case of permanent transit camp tenements will
have to be deposited by the owner/developer/society with the Slum Rehabilitation
Authority, in accordance with the time-schedule for such payment as may be laid down
by the CEO, SRA. However, by the time of completion of construction for occupation of
tenements by the hutment dwellers, the total amount
at the rate of Rs. 40,000/- per tenement completed should have been deposited in
full. The building permission for the last 25 percent of the free-sale component would
be given only after all the required amount is deposited in full with SRA.
9.2. An amount at the rate of 2% of ready reckoner rate as prevailing on the date
of issue of LOI per sq. mor such an amount as may be decided by GOM from time to
time shall be paid by the Owner/Developer/Society/NGO for the BUA over and above
the Zonal (basic) FSI (excludingfungible compensatory area ),for the rehabilitation and
free-sale components. Similarly, it shall be paid for the built- up area over and above
the normally permissible FSI for construction of permanenttransit camps in accordance
with the provisions under DCR 33(11). This amount shall be paid to the SRA in
accordance with the time-schedule for such payment as may be laid down by the CEO,
SRA provided the installments shall not exceed beyond the completion of construction.
This amount shall be used for Schemes to be prepared for the improvement of
infrastructure in slum or slum rehabilitation areas. These infrastructural charges shall
be in addition to development charges levied as per section 124 of MR&TP Act 1966.
10 Clubbing:
This provision shall not apply to the plots wherein permissible Zonal F.S.I. is less than
The developer shall have to pay premium equal to 40% of unearned income calculated
with the rates of construction as well as sale given in ASR of the year of payment. The
unearned income shall be computed by calculating valuation of sale component
awarded in lieu of component for Planning Authority after deducting cost of
construction of sale as well as Planning Authority’s component and the cost incurred
to various authorities towards statutory payments relating to Planning Authority as
well as sale component. In case there is shifting of base FSI within plots in clubbing
scheme, difference of land valued in ASR shall be taken into account while finalizing
unearned income, and this difference shall be calculated as 100% towards premium.
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034 Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
Such clubbing can be allowed for the schemes falling within the distance of 5 km.
Provided further that the development under this regulation and under regulation
33(11) on non-reserved plot having the zonal (basic) FSI 1 or more, shall be
The entire rehabilitation components for resettlement & rehabilitation of slum as applicable
and the corresponding sale components from the additional FSI amongst two or more
schemes under this regulation can be permitted to be interchanged. A developer /
developers making an application under this regulation may club more than one plot
belonging to single or multiple owners and offer resettlement & rehabilitation of slum on a
single plot while shifting sale component as well as base FSI of the plot to other plots
provided all right holders of these plots agree and make a joint application. However,
clubbing shall be allowed only if it leads to an independent plot / building / wing as the case
may be with tenements being handed over to Planning Authority.
The developer shall have to pay premium as an unearned income Equal to 30% of sale value of
interchanged BUA of Sale component as per ASR. Provided further that, if Scheme under this
Regulation is clubbed with Scheme under clause 3.11 of Regulation 33(10) or 33(11), then the
premium as uneraned income at the rate of 40% of Sale of interchanged BUA of Sale component
as per ASR shall be recovered from the developer.
Provided further that, the non-vaiable scheme if CEO, SRA directed to club compalsarily with
onther scheme under this Regulation then same shall be allowed by charging premium at the rate
of 20% of the ASR. Such clubbing can be allowed for the schemes falling within same
administrative ward or within adjoining ward. Provided that, for a scheme were clubbing has been
permitted by the earlier DCR, the same can be continue for the slum dewllers who become eligible
at latter stage. Note (I) :- This provision shall not apply to the plots wherein permissible Zonal F.S.I.
is less than 1.00
Such clubbing shall not be permissible for development under the provision of scheme
under the clause 3.11
Note: The premium amount so collected under rehabilitation scheme under this
regulation shall be kept in the separate account to be utilized as shelter fund for the State
of Maharashtra.
11.1 Projects, where LOI has been granted, shall be treated as per the DCR provisions
existing on the date of LOI. In case such a project comes up for revised LOI or change of
developer or any other change, including recording and resubmission without change in
slum boundary, prevailing DCR provisions shall apply. Provided further that for
clubbing of schemes or amalgamation of schemes being sought and for schemes
thathave been sanctioned under different regulations (earlier as well as current one), FSI
calculations shall apply as per the DCR regulations as on LOI dates of different schemes.
11.2 Exceptions
The slum rehab schemes where LOI has been issued by SRA prior to the date of coming
into force of these Regulations and which is valid (where not opted for revision) may
continue to be governed by the regulation applicable prior to these Regulations.
33 (10) (A) Slum Rehabilitation Scheme withinDharavi Notified Area (DNA) for
DharaviRedevelopment Project (DRP):
(a) For redevelopment of slums including pavements, whose inhabitant’s names and
structures appear in the electoral roll prepared with reference to 1st Jan, 2000 or a date
prior thereto, but where the inhabitants stay at present in the structure, the provisions
of this Regulation shall apply on the basis of a tenement in exchange for an
independently numbered structure.
(b) Subject to the foregoing provision, only the actual occupants of the hutments shall
be considered eligible, and the so-called structure owner other than the actual
occupant if any, even if his name is shown in the electoral roll for the structure, shall
have no right whatsoever to the reconstructed tenement against that structure.
i) For this purpose, slums shall mean those censused, or declared and notified, in
the past or hereafter under the Maharashtra Slum Areas (Improvement, Clearance and
Redevelopment) Act. 1971 as amended time to time, hereinafter referred to as Slum Act.
Slums shall also mean areas/portions of pavement stretches, existing & proposed roads,
Railway Lands, area under electric H.T. power lines, Nalla banks hereafter notified or
deemed to be and treated as DRP Area.
ii) If any area fulfills the condition laid down in section 4 of the Slum Act to qualify
as a slum area and has been censused or declared and notified shall be deemed to be
and treated as DRP Area.
iii)DRP Area shall also mean any area declared as such by the SRA though preferably
fulfilling conditions laid down in section 4 of the Slum Act to qualify as slum area and/or
required for implementation of (DRP). Any area where a scheme under DRP within DNA
has been approved byOfficer on Special Duty (OSD),DRP (SRA)shall be a deemed DRP
iv) Any area required or proposed for the purpose of construction of temporary or
permanent transit camps and projects on any/adjacent land for the amalgamated land
for developments so approved by the SRA shall also be deemed to be and treated as
DRP Area, and projects approved in such area by the DRP cell of SRA shall be deemed
to be DRP.
vi) A structure shall mean by all dwelling areas of all persons who were
enumerated as living in that one numbered house in the electoral roll of the latest date,
upto 1st Jan 2000 and regardless of the number of persons, or location of rooms or
vii) A composite building shall mean a building comprising both rehab and free-
sale components and part thereof along with built up amenity, if proposed, in the same
viii) Censused shall mean those slums located on lands belonging to Govt., any
undertaking of Govt., or MCGM and incorporated in the records of land owning authority
as having been censused in 1976, 1980, 1985, 1995 or prior to 1st Jan 2000.
Note: EP
EP shown
shown in
in Bold
Bold and
and Italic
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
ix) “Dharavi Notified Area (DNA)” shall mean the area of Dharavi for which GoM,
by exercising the powers conferred by sub-section(1B) of section 40 of MR & TP Act,
1966, have appointed ‘SRA’ as SPA for Planning & Development and which is specifically
defined in the Govt.’s notification no.TPB-4304/322/CR-56/04/UD-11 dt. 9/3/2005. and
no.TPB-4308/3499/CR-83/09/UD-11 dtd. 25.6.2009.
x) “Planning sector” shall mean the plot of lands comprising C.S. Nos. /CTS Nos.
partly or wholly derived from DNA and which will be bounded mainly by existing major
roads, railway lines, village boundary and the proposed major roads so as to achieve well
planned and controlled development of DRP along with various amenities and facilities
to be provided for people at large within the boundaries of such plots/areas. Such
divided plots/areas are termed as planning sectors. The extent of area and number of
planning sectors shall be as per approval obtained from the Committee of Secretaries
appointed to monitor DRP vide Government Resolution of Housing Department No.
SRA/2003/CR-189/SI-1A dt. 4.2.2004 (hereinafter referred to as “Committee of
III Joint ownership with spouse: The reconstructed tenement shall be of the
ownership of the hutment dweller and spouse co-jointly, and shall be so entered and be
deemed to be so entered in the records of the co-operative housing society to be formed
after getting allotment in the completed rehab building through Asst. Register of
societies (SRA), including the share certificates or all other relevant documents.
IVDenotification as DRP Area: OSD, DRP (SRA) on being satisfied that it is necessary so
to do, or when directed by the state GoM, shall denotify the DRP Area.
The properties which are not part of DRP as defined above shall be developed in
accordance with Regulation No 30 only. The other provisions of DCR allowing higher FSI
which are permitted under Regulation No 33 shall not be applicable to such properties
which are not part of DRP.
1.1 Hutment-dwellers having existing carpet areas upto 27.88 sq. m (300 sq.ft.), in
the slum or on the pavement, eligible in accordance with the provisions of DCR 33(10)
(A) shall in exchange for their structure, be given free of cost a residential tenement
having a carpet area totaling to 27.88 sq. m (300 sq.ft.) with a separate living room,
kitchen, bedroom, bath and water closet, but excluding common areas. Carpet area shall
mean exclusive of all areas under walls including partition walls if any in the tenement.
1.2 For those structures having residential areas more than 27.88 sq. m (300 sq. ft.)
will be eligible for residential tenement having carpet area totaling to 37.16 sq. m (400
sq. ft.). Out of this total 37.16 sq. m area, 27.88 sq. m (300 sq. ft.) area will be free of
cost and area above 27.88 sq. m (300 sq. ft.) admeasuring 9.29 sq. m (100 sq. ft.) will be
at construction cost to be determined by OSD, DRP (SRA) and the said cost to be paid by
the hutment dweller to the developer. Carpet area shall mean exclusive of all areas under
walls including partition walls if any in the tenement. Only 37.16 sq. m (400 sq. ft.) carpet
area shall be given and if proposal contains more area, it shall not be taken up for
1.3 All eligible hutment dwellers taking part in the DRP shall have to be rehabilitated
according to the provisions in this Regulation. It may be in the same sector or other
sectors within the jurisdiction of DRP.
1.4 Pavement dwellers and hutment dwellers in the slum on the land required for
vital urgent public utility/purpose or on the hazardous location or affected by DP
proposals shall not be rehabilitated in-situ but in other available plots within jurisdiction
of DRP.
1.5 A certified extract of the relevant electoral roll shall be considered adequate
evidence to establish the eligibility of a person provided he is found residing in the
structure. This is to avoid the possibility of persons who have left the structure coming
back to claim free tenement under the scheme even though they have in the normal
course left the slum and gone away into a proper non-slum area or out of DRP Area. If
the hutment dwellers are found resident in the structure, but the names are on the
electoral roll on or prior to 1st Jan 2000, at another slum/pavement site in Brihan
Mumbai, they shall be considered eligible but only at the place of present residence. In
case of doubt or dispute, the decision of the Competent Authority to be appointed by
the Govt in Housing Department shall be final and binding on all the parties concerned.
1.7 The individual agreement entered into between hutment dwellers and the land-
owning authority/SRA/developer shall be in the joint names of pramukh hutment
dweller and spouse for every structure.
1.9 Transfer of Photo passes – Since only the actual occupant at present will be
eligible for redevelopment, there shall be no need to regularize the transfers of photo
passes that have occurred so far.
1.10 Any person whose name is enrolled in a non-slum area in Brihan Mumbai but has
purchased a hutment in DRP area and therefore got his name also included in electoral
roll for the slum area, i.e. he has his name in the electoral roll at two places, he shall not
be eligible for the scheme.
In addition to above, the Developer/Co-op. Housing Society shall pay premium at the
rate of 25% of ASR in respect of SRS proposed to be undertaken on lands owned by
Government, Semi-Government undertakings and Local Bodies and premium
shall go to land owing authority such as MHADA, MCGM, MMRDA as the case may
be. The premium installment so recovered shall be remitted to concerned land owing
authority within 30 days from the date of recovery.
In the case of Govt. land, the premium shall be deposited in Nivara Nidhi.
1.12 Automatic cancellation of Vacant Land Tenure – If any land or part of any land on
which slum is located is under vacant land tenure the said tenure/lease created by
MCGM or Municipal Commissioner shall stand automatically terminated as soon as DRP,
which is a public purpose, on such land is prepared and submitted for approval to the
DRP cell of SRA. Any arrears of dues to be collected by MCGM shall not be linked to the
issue of any certificate or NOC relating to the DRP.
1.14 In respect of those eligible hutment dwellers on site who do not join the Project
willingly the following steps shall be taken:
ii) The transit tenement that would be allotted to them would also be indicated
along with those who have joined the Project
iii) If they do not join the scheme within 15 days after the developer informs OSD,
DRP (SRA) of the unwillingness of the said dweller, then action under the relevant
provisions of the Slum Act, shall be taken and their structures will be removed, and it
shall be ensured that no obstruction is caused to the scheme of the majority of persons
who have joined the scheme willingly.
iv) After this action under the foregoing clause is initiated, they will not be eligible
for transit tenement along with the others, and they will not be eligible for the
reconstructed tenement by lots, but they will still be entitled only to what is available
after others have chosen which may be on the same or some other site.
v) If they do not join till the building permission to the Project is given, they will
completely lose the right to any built-up tenement, and their tenement shall be taken
over by the SRA and used for the purpose of accommodating pavement dwellers and
other slum dwellers who cannot be accommodated in situ etc.
vi) A pitch of about 3m x 3.5m will be given elsewhere if and when available, and
construction therein will have to be done on their own.
1.15 The Managing Committee of the Co-operative Housing Society of hutment
dwellers to be formed after allotment of reconstructed tenements shall have women to
the extent of one-third of the total strength of actual members on the committee at
any time.
1.16 Restriction on Transfer of Tenements: The tenement obtained under this scheme
cannot be sold/leased/assigned or transferred in any manner for a period of ten years
from the date of allotment/ possession of the tenement. In case of breach of conditions,
except transfer to legal heir, the tenement will be taken over by Slum Rehabilitation
1.17 In respect of those eligible occupiers on site who do not join the project willingly
the provisions laid down under clause No. 1.14 of Regulation No. 33(10)(A) and
2.1 The proposal for each planning sector of DRP shall be submitted to the DRP cell
of SRA with all the necessary documents, no-objection certificates and the plans as may
be decided by the SRA from time to time.
2.2 The approval to the Project shall be given by the DRPcell of SRA within a period
of 60 days from the date of submission of all relevant documents. In the event of a
failure by SRA to do so, the said approval shall be deemed to have been given, provided
the Project is in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation.
2.3 For DRP the SRA while giving the approval may lay down terms and conditions as
may be necessary.
2.4 DRP (SRA) shall adopt the procedure laid down in the MR&TP Act, 1966 for giving
building permission to any development in DRP under this Scheme.
2.5 On compliance with the terms and conditions, the building permission shall be
given in accordance with the provisions under Section 45 of the MR&TP Act, 1966 to the
sectoral development under DRP, first to the Rehabilitation component and thereafter
to the free sale component subject to the provisions in clause below.
2.7 As soon as the approval (Letter of Intent) is given to the Project, the NOC for
building permission of the landowning authority shall be given in respect of that lands
belonging to any department, undertaking, agency of the State Govt including MHADA,
or any local self – Govt such as the MCGM within 60 days after the
2.8 Occupation certificate shall not be held up only for want of lease documents to
be executed in all sectoral developments under DRP taken up on lands belonging to
any department, undertaking, agency of the State Govt, including MHADA and any local
self-Govt such as the MCGM.
3.1 FSI for rehabilitation of eligible slum/pavement dwellers includes the FSI for the
rehab component and for the free sale component. The ratio between the two
components shall be as laid down herein below.
3.2 BUA for rehabilitation component shall mean total construction area of
rehabilitation component, excluding what is set down in 31(1) of D.C. Regulations,
including areas under passages,aaganwadi, health centre/outpost, community hall
/gymnasium / fitness centre, skill development centre, women entrepreneurship centre,
yuvakendra/ library balwadis, welfare centers, society office, religious structures, as
permitted under Government Home Department Resolution dt. 05/05/2011 and
18/11/2015‘other social infrastructure like school, dispensary, Gymnasium run by Public
Authority or Charitable trust’ 5 percent incentive commercial areas for the Co- operative
society, and the further 5 percent incentive commercial area for the NGO, Govt./Public
Authority/Govt. Company wherever eligible.
3.3 If the rehab component is 10 sq. m of BUA, then an additional 13.33 sq. m of BUA
will be permitted and this area of additional 13.33 sq. m can be utilized for disposal in
the open market and the rehab component subsidized.
3.4 (a) If the FSI required for rehabilitation of existing hutment dwellers plus free sale
component exceeds FSI 4.00 of a particular plot, such excess quantum shall get absorbed
while calculating overall FSI of 4.00 on entire DRP Area.
(b) The FSI in CRZ area within DNA, shall be governed by the MOEF
notifications issued from time to time.
3.5 The rehabilitation component shall mean all residential tenements as well as
non-residential built up premises given free of cost in accordance with the provisions of
the DRP outlined in this Regulation excluding what is set down in Regulation 31(1)
includinganganwadi, health centre /outpost, community hall /gymnasium / fitness centre,
skill development centre, women entrepreneurship centre, yuvakendra / library existing
eligible religious structure, school, dispensary, gymnasium run by Public Authority or
Charitable Trust etc. as per provision of 8.1 & 8.2
and additional amenities & facilities to be provided as per regulation no. 7.1 below.
3.6 Minimum Density on the Plot including Non-Residential Units: The minimum
density of rehabilitation component on plot shall be 650 tenements per net ha that is,
after deducting all reservations actually implemented on site including the land
appurtenant thereto, but not deducting the recreational/amenity open space on the
remaining area. If the number of tenements to be provided to the hutment dwellers is
less than the minimum, the balance shall be handed over free of cost to the SRA, the
Authority shall use them for the purpose of transit or Project affected persons or
pavement dwellers or slum dwellers from other slums.
3.7 All non-residential BUA shall be included in the computation of minimum density
and on the scale of 27.88 sq. m. of carpet area being one tenement. The calculation of
FSI for all purposes shall be on gross area, that is, without deducting any percentage
for recreational/amenity open space. This shall not affect the requirement of keeping
aside the said recreational/amenity open space physically on site, subject to the
provisions in this Regulation in that regard.
3.9 Boundaries and the measurement of plot areas of the DRP Area shall be declared
by the competent authority after actual measurement of plot area on site and the same
shall be adopted for planning purpose for calculation of density and floor space index.
3.10 The OSD, DRP(SRA) may if required, adjust the boundary of the plot declared as
DRP Area so as to suit the building design and provide proper access to the Project/any
other plot/s located within Sector/s.
3.11 After approval is given to the DRP, the area may be further subdivided if
necessary to earmark separate plots for the rehab component, amenity plot and the free
sale component. The Plot area and the BUA in terms of square meters on the said plot
shall be separately mentioned in the lease agreements and Record of Rights.
4.6 In all such cases where the temporary transit camp is erected, the condition shall
be that the structures shall be demolished by the Developer within 30 days after such
intimation given by SRA and as per phase programme of development as approved by
DRP Cell and the site should be brought back to the original state.
BUA for Commercial and Industrial establishment upto 20.90 sq. m (225 sq. ft.) carpet
area or actual area whichever is less, shall be provided to the eligible person free of cost
as part of the rehabilitation project. Any area in excess of 20.90 sq. m may, if required,
be sold to the extent of area in the following manner:
The rehab area in excess of 20.90 sq. m (225 sq. ft.) will be at construction cost to be
determined by OSD, DRP/SRA and the said cost to be paid by the hutment dweller to the
5.4 Such area may be allowed on any side of the plot abutting atleast 6.0 m wide
pathway and deriving access from atleast 6.0 m wide pathway/open space. Back-to- back
shopping on ground floor shall also be allowed for the purpose of rehabilitation. After
exhausting these provisions, it may be allowed on the first floor to the extent necessary.
6.2 There shall be no restriction on zone and balcony shall not reduce marginal open
space to less than 2.0 m for calculating of area of 27.88 sq. m and 37.16 sq. m size of
rehab tenements, the area of the balcony shall be included.
6.4 Corridors formed under the podium up to 12.00 m in width giving access to the
sale commercial component shall also be considered free of FSI.
6.5 Front and marginal open spaces for building having height upto 32m in the rehab
component or composite building for the ground + 1 podium to be proposed to
accommodate rehab commercial/industrial units as well as sale commercial areas in
composite structures, the front and marginal open space shall be at least 3.0 m for these
6.7 Where the location of the plot abuts a nallah, the marginal open space along the
nallah shall not be insisted upon beyond 36 m from the edge of the trained nallah.
6.8 The distance between any two rehab/composite buildings shall not be less than 6 m
for the height up to 32 m and for the building with height more than 32 m the open
spaces shall be as per Regulation No 41(5).
6.9 A composite building shall contain at least 40 percent of the built-up area as
rehabilitation components.
6.10 Wherever more than the minimum front and marginal spaces have been
provided, such additional area provided may be considered as part of the AOS in the
project comprising both rehabilitation and free sale components, and without charging
any premium in relaxation of the stipulations in DCR No.27, wherever necessary.
6.11 The pathway shall act as access wherever necessary. The building shall be
permitted to touch pathways.
6.12 The means of access shall be normally governed by the provisions of Regulation No.
23. However, in the project, wherever the design of the buildings in the same land
requires relaxation, it may be given. Access through existing pathways including the
roads maintained under Section 63K of the MMC Act, 1888 but not less than 3.6 m in
width, shall be considered adequate for any slum rehabilitation project, containing
buildings having height up to 32 m including stilts.
6.13 Even if the AOS is reduced to make the planning of the rehab sub-plot viable, a
minimum of 15 percent of amenity open space shall be maintained.
6.14 Premium shall not be charged for exclusion of staircase and lift-well etc. as
covered under the provisions of DCR 31(1).
6.16 Relaxations for the free sale component – Relaxation contained in sub- regulation
No.6.6, 6.7, 6.11, 6.12, 6.13 above, other necessary relaxation shall be given to the free
sale components for deficient area on payment of premium at the 2.5% rate of ASR for
open land (for FSI 1)or 10% of normal premium whichever is more.
6.17 In order to make the Slum Rehabilitation Scheme viable, the OSD, DRP shall be
competent to make any relaxation wherever necessary for reasons to be recorded in
writing by charging 2.5% rate of ASR of open land (for FSI 1.)or 10% of normal premium
whichever is more.
(i) (a) Lands in residential (R) and commercial (C) zones occupied by existing
slums/structures under renewal be allowed to be developed in accordance with the
provisions contained in this Regulation.
(b) Lands in industrial zones (I)/Industrial estate may be allowed to be converted into
residential users in accordance with Regulation No 14(B). Such lands occupied by
existing slums/structures under renewal may further be allowed to be developed in
accordance with the provisions contained in this Regulation.
(ii) Lands in industrial zone (I) occupied by existing slums/structures under renewal
shall be allowed to be developed in accordance with the provisions contained in this
sub-regulation 33(10) (A) and 33 (9) (A).
7.4 (b) For other buildable reservations on lands under slum which are not covered under
clause no. 7.4(a) above, BUA equal to 25 percent of the area under that reservation in
that plot shall be demanded free of cost by the SRA for MCGM or any other appropriate
Authority. The BUA of such amenity shall be excluded for the purpose of FSI computation.
Thereafter the development for DRA be allowed as per the full permissible FSI of the
entire plot according to regulation 33(10) (A) read with this Regulation and subject to
provisions in clause No. 7.1
7.5 Where DP road/Proposed road passes through DRP area, the entire 100 percent
FSI of the road may be given in the same site, on the remainder of the plot.
7.6 Development of Slum Plots under DCR 33(10) (A) and Urban Renewal plots under
DCR 33(9) (A) in a planning sector may be allowed to be developed together in order to
promote flexibility of design as well as to raise more resources. The power under
Regulation 13(6) for shifting and/or interchanging the purpose of
7.7 In case of DRP adjoining railway tracks, a boundary wall of minimum, 2.4 m in
height shall be constructed.
8.1 There shall be health Centre/ outpost, Aaganwadi, skill development centre, women
entrepreneurship centre, yuvakendra / library of size 20.90sq. m for every 100 hutment
dwellers. In case of misuse, it shall be taken over by the DRP(SRA) which will be
competent to allot the same to some other organization
/institution for public use. Balwadi shall also be provided for on a similar scale. An
office for the Co-operative housing society shall be also constructed for every 100 rehab
tenements in accordance will D.C. Regulations No. 37(9). However, if the number of
rehab tenements exceeds 100 then for every 100 rehab tenements such
additional society office shall be constructed. There shall be a community hall for rehab
bldg. of the Project as a part of the rehabilitation component. The area of such hall
shall be 2% of rehab built up area of all the buildings or 200 sq. m whichever is less.
All the areas underlying Aaganwadi, health centre / outpost, community hall/gymnasium
/ fitness centre, skill development centre, women entrepreneurship centre, yuvakendra
/ library community hall/s, society office, balwadi/s, religious structure/s, social
infrastructure like School, Dispensary, Gymnasium run by Public Authority or Charitable
Trust, the commercial areas given by way of incentives to the co-operative society and
the nongovernmental organisation shall be free of cost and shall form part of
rehabilitation component and it is on this basis the free-sale component will be
These provisions shall apply to construction of transit camps under DC Regulations 33(11)
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
Aaganwadi, health centre / outpost, community hall /gymnasium / fitness centre, skill
development centre, women entrepreneurship centre, yuvakendra / library, society
office, Balwadi/s, and religious structures, social infrastructure like School, Dispensary
and Gymnasium run by Public Authority or Charitable Trust in the rehab component shall
not be counted towards the FSI even while computing permissible FSI on site.
9.2 An amount at the rate of 2% Rs. 840 per Sq.Mt. of ASR for BUAorsuch an
amountas may be decided by Govt from time to time shall be paid by the Developer for
the BUA over and above the normally permissible FSI, for the rehabilitation and free sale
components. This amount shall be paid to the SRA in accordance with the time schedule
for such payment as may be laid down by the OSD, DRP of SRA, provided the
installments shall not exceed beyond the completion of construction. These
infrastructural charges shall be in addition to development charges levied as per section
124 of MR&TP Act 1966.
9.3 The part of land premium to be made available to the land-owning authority as per
rates to be decided by GoM shall be exclusively used for schemes to be prepared for the
improvement of infrastructural developments in the benefit of DRP.
10. Additional amenities and facilities to be provided under DRPto be read with clause
7.1 of Regulation no. 33 (10) (A):
Sr. Description of
Legends Units Additional amenities & facilities to be provided under DRP
No. the Amenity
Sr. Description of
Legends Units Additional amenities & facilities to be provided under DRP
No. the Amenity
Buildable Amenities
for which Sale
Incentive is available.
Primary School sq. m
9066.97 16433.89 13600.46 12467.09 5100.17 56668.58
2 sq. m (with 2
6066.97 16433.89 12650.55 11517.18 56668.58
3 Dispensary/
sq. m
Homes/Polyclinics 6272.00 11368.00 9408.00 8624.00 3528.00 39200.00
4 Welfare Centres
+ Gysm sq. m 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 1000.00
Community Hall
12 Best Bus
RT1.4 Ha 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.06
Development Plan 2034
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034 Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
Sr. Description of
Legends Units Additional amenities & facilities to be provided under DRP
No. the Amenity
13 Tata Receiving
ha 0.00 1.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.30
15 ITI
(Other RE3.1 Ha 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.30
17 Public Open
Spaces (can be
ha 1.58 0.00 1.58 1.58 1.58 6.32
mixed user / part
of layout)
18 Layout RG that
would be
provided in sale ha 0.77 1.39 1.15 1.06 0.43 4.81
and rehab areas
to be multi used
19 Play Ground
attached to
schools (mixed Ha 0.40 0.73 0.60 0.55 0.23 2.50
use / part of
20 Mahim Nature
Extension (1.33
(0.83 ha) and RG
Ha 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.20 3.2
below HTL (1.04
Sr. Description of
Legends Units Additional amenities & facilities to be provided under DRP
No. the Amenity
Not All the additional amenities and facilities to be provided within DRA are deemed to be treated as DP Proposals.
e All proposed roads having width of 12 m & above are deemed to be treated as DP Proposals.
The SRA may add, alter or amend category and quantum of additional amenities and facilities to be provided within
DNA with the approval of GoM.
The provisions of the DC Rules for Greater Mumbai, and all other applicable sections of
the MA & TP Act, 1966, shall apply mutatis mutandis to the development of land with
the modification that the expressions "MCGM" and "Municipal Commissioner" shall be
substituted by the expressions "SRA" and "OSD, DRP (SRA)” respectively.
Total FSI on plot area may be allowed to be exceeded upto 4 for construction of Transit
Camp tenements for SRA.
(A) The FSI & distribution of additional FSI for the construction of Transit Camp
Tenements/Rental Housing shall be as shown below:
Locatio Plot area Minimu Total Zon Addition %FSI for %FSI for
n excluding area m Road permissib al al FSI Transit sale
to be handed Width le FSI FSI tenemen component
over in lieu of ts for of total
Reservation SRA/ additional
/Designation FSI
in the DP
except of total
affected by addition
proposed DP al FSI
ned RL under
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Note: On the plot area excluding area to be handed over to MCGM/ Appropriate Authority
in lieu of Reservation/ Existing amenity in the DP/ proposed DP roads/ prescribed RL
under MMC Act
(C)Transit tenements for SRAout of additional FSI could be used for construction ofTransit
Campof tenements having carpet area of 25 sq. m (269sq.ft.). Ground floor shall be
used forcommercial tenementshaving carpet area of 20.90 sq. m (225 sq. ft.) for
project affected commercial tenements & same shall be handed over free of cost
to SRA. Alternatively, residential tenements can be used for GovtStaff Quarters etc.
(E) Additional FSI over & above Zonal (basic) FSI may be released in co-relation
to the BUA of the tenements that are required to be handed over free of cost
to SRA/ MCGM as the case may be. Alternatively, TDR in lieu of unconsumed
sale component of additional FSI, as per this Regulation, may be permittedfor
Permanent Transit Camp (PTC) and Rental Housing for which SRA will be the
Planning Authority.
(F) Only after the Transit Camps are handed over free of cost to the SRA, the
Occupation Certificate, water connection, power connection etc. for the
other portion shall be given by the Appropriate Authority.
(G) This provision shall not apply to the plots wherein permissible Zonal F.S.I.
is less than 1.00.
Such clubbing can be allowed for the schemes falling in same ward or within
the distance of 5 km.
The premium shall be paid to the Planning Authority in two stages 50% at the
time IOA and 50% at the time of issuing C.C. for the incentive FSI. or the
developer has to surrender equivalent sale FSI in form of constructed BUA to the
extent of premium in the scheme to be valued at ASR rate of sale in the year of
such surrender of built up area.
c. The tenants not listed in the records of TP Scheme but residing in contravening
structure or such structures which have come up after TP Scheme is finalized, but are
existing on date as notified by the GoM from time to timeand where structures and
inhabitants names are appeared in the Legislative Assembly Voter’s List of year as
notified by the GoM from time to timeshall also be eligible for being included in the
Redevelopment Scheme. Such tenants shall also be granted accommodation at the rate
of 25 sq. m. in case of residential/residential cum commercial occupants and in case of
commercial occupants, existing area or 20.90 sq. m, whichever is lessprovided the
total FSI of the plot does not exceed 4.0.
d. BUA equivalent to the area held by the tenant or 25sq. m whichever is less shall be
handed over free ofcost to the respective tenant by the Developer/Owner, while for
Development Plan 2034
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
e. For the purpose of this redevelopment scheme, the owner/ developer shall get further
additional FSI to the extent of 50% of the area of the structures covered under Sr. No.
(a),(b),(c)&(d) above provided further that the overall FSI of the Final Plot shall not
exceed 4.0.
f. The Fungible compensatory area shall be permissible for rehab component without
charging premium and to the incentive BUA by charging premium for the tenants as
recorded in the TP Scheme Book and residing in the contravening structures without
charging premium and to the incentive BUA by charging premium.
Notes: For the purpose of this Regulations the contravening structures shall mean:
i. Structure situated outside the original plot but included fully or partly within the final
plot allotted to a person in the TP Scheme.
ii. Structures which are partly included in the final plot allotted to a person and partly
included in the roads sites reserved for public purpose/adjoining final plot.
iii. Structures which are included in the TP Scheme area but situated outside the final plot
allotted to a person and are affected by sites reserved for public purpose, provided the
Planning Authority has no objection for rehabilitation of such structures.
iv. However, structures included in the common area comprising of original plots and final
plots shall not be treated as contravening structures.
a) The tolerated residential structures shall be existing since prior to 17.04.1964 and
non-residential structure shall be existing since prior to 01.04.1962 falling in the
alignment of existing road or widening of existing road for which road line has been
prescribed or DP Road.
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
b) The structures shall be reflected in the true extract of Revenue Record prior to 1961-
62 or in the assessment records prior to datum line as mentioned (a) above.
c) The scheme plot and the tolerated structures as mentioned above falling in the
alignment of the road shall be relocated in the same administrative ward.
d) The provisions of this Regulation shall not be applicable to the structures where
development of plot, where such tolerated/protected structures are situated, is
proposed to be undertaken or in progress.
e) It shall be responsibility of the scheme owner/developer who wishes to seek benefit
under this Regulation to execute tri partyregisteredagreement with the owner of the
plot where such tolerated/protected structures are situated and with the occupiers of
such structures in respect of removal of structures falling on road and the copy of the
same shall be submitted to MCGM.
g) The owner of the plot shall be eligible for TDR as per Zonal (basic) FSI of the plot
in lieu of handing over of the land affected by road. TDR for such land shall be issued
only when ownership of land has been transferred in PR card in the name of MCGM.
h) The existence of the structure on site, carpet area of the structures and
occupancy of the eligible occupants in case of non-cess structures shall be certified as
detailed above by the Assistant Commissioner of respective ward and by MHADA in case
of cessed structures.
k) The owner of scheme shall be eligible for the BUA required for rehabilitation of
existing tenants/occupants plus incentive BUA to the extent of 50% of BUA required
for rehabilitation. However, the FSI on plot/layout shall not be allowed to be exceeded
up to 4.0.
l) If the part of the structures is falling in alignment of roads, then such occupants
shall, be eligible for the benefit as above. However, TDR equivalent to Zonal (basic) FSI
of the land so handed over will be eligible.
m) The owner shall be eligible for the commencement certificate for the incentive
BUA only after rehabilitation of occupants of affected tolerated structure
/removal of structures falling in the alignment of road line/DP Road.
1 12m Up to 3
2 18m Up to 4
3 30 27 m Up to 5
The grant of additional FSI as stated above shall be subject to following conditions,
(Explanation: - Premium charges shall be calculated on the value of lands under such zones,
determined by considering the land rates of the said land as prescribed in Annual Statement
of Rates (ASR). These charges shall be paid at the time of permitting additional
F.S.I. by considering the ASR for the relevant year without applying the guidelines)
c) Maximum 20% of total proposed Built-up area (excluding parking area) inclusive of
such additional F.S.I. may be permitted for support services as defined in IT/ITES Policy
2015, in IT Parks and remaining built-up area shall be utilized for IT/ITES.
d) Maximum 40% of total proposed Built-up area (excluding parking area) inclusive of
such additional F.S.I. may be permitted for support services in IT Parks in Municipal
Corporations which are not covered under Serial No. c) above and remaining built- up
area shall be utilized for IT/ITES.
e) New said unit shall allocate at least 2% of the total proposed built-up area, for
providing incubation facilities for new units. This area would be treated as a part of the
Park to be used for IT activities and eligible for additional FSI benefits accordingly.
Provided that in the event, the developer come forward for providing such off
site infrastructure at his own cost, instead of paying premium as prescribed above,
then the Planning Authority may determine the estimated cost of the work by using
rates prescribed in District Schedule of Rates (DSR) of the relevant year, in which order
for commencement of such work is issued. The Planning Authority shall also prescribe
the standards for the work. After completion of the works, the Planning Authority shall
verify and satisfy itself that the same is developed as per prescribed standards and
thereafter, by deducting the cost of works, the balance amount of premium shall be
recovered from such developer before issuing Occupancy Certificate.
Provided that, in case the cost of work is more than the premium to be
recovered, such additional cost to be borned by such developer.
g) Permission for erecting towers and antenna upto height permitted by the Civil Aviation
Department shall be granted by the Commissioner as per the procedure followed for
development permission or otherwise as may he decided by the Government.
h) While developing site for IT/ITES with additional FSI, support services as defined in the
IT Policy 2015, shall be allowed.
i) Notwithstanding anything contained in these regulations, no amenity space is required
to be left for development of plot/land upto 2.00 Hect. for IT/ITES.
j) The Directorate of industries will develop a web portal on which the developer of every
IT park will be bound to provide/update detailed information about names of the units
in the park, utilization of built-up area and activities being carried out, manpower
employed in the It Park for IT/ITES and support services on yearly basis.
If a private IT park has availed additional FSI as per the provisions of IT/ITES
policy and subsequently it is found that the built-up space in the park is being used for
non IT/ITES / commercial activities/ any other activity not permitted as per the IT/ITES
policy under which the said park was approved, a penal action as below will be taken,
the payment shall be shared between the concerned Planning Authority and the
Government in the ratio of 3: 1.
a) The misuse shall be ascertained by physical site verification of the said private IT
park by a team of officers from the Directorate of industries and the Planning
Authority which has approved the building plans of the said private IT park.
b) A per day penalty equal to 0.3% of the prevailing ready reckoner value of the built-
up area that has been found to be used for non- IT/ITES activities.
c) The penalty will be recovered from the date of commencement of unauthorized use
till the day non IT use continues.
After payment of the penalty to the concerned Planning Authority which has
sanctioned the building plans of the concerned private IT park, the said private IT Park
will restore the use of premises to the original purpose for which LOI/Registration was
granted. If the private IT Park fails to pay penalty and / or restore the use to its original
intended use, the concerned Planning Authority will take suitable action under the
Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act 1966, against the erring private IT Park
under intimation to the Directorate of Industries. This provision will also be applicable
to existing IT Parks.
These provisions will be over and above the penal provisions of the MRTP Act.
1965 1966.
Provided that additional FSI shall be permissible only on plots having an access road
of minimum 18 meters width and subject to approval by committee chaired by the
Principal Secretary, Information Technology and comprising representatives of
Industries, Finance and Urban Development Department (UD-1).
Provided further that, the premium so collected shall be shared between the
Planning Authority and the Government in the proportion of 50 : 50. The share of the
Government shall be deposited in the Fin Tech Corpus fund which is being set up by
Director of Information Technology.
(Explanation :- Premium charges shall be calculated on the value of lands under such
zones, determined by considering the land rates of the said land as prescribed in
Annual Statement of Rates (ASR). These charges shall be paid at the time of permitting
additional F.S.I. by considering the ASR for the relevant year without applying the
2) The total maximum permissible F.S.I. shall not exceed limit of 3.00. in suburbs and
extended suburbs and Mumbai City. In case of plot having area of 2,00,000 sq. mtr.
or above, which front on roads having width of 24.00m or more, the
F.S.I. may be permitted to be exceeded upto 4.00.
4) At least 85% of total proposed Built-up area (excluding parking area) shall be
permitted for business of Fin Tech (start-ups, incubators, and accelerators), banking,
financial service including NBFC and insurance, and IT/ITES with focus on Fin Tech.
5) The Directorate of Information Technology will develop a web portal on which the
developer of every Smart Fin Tech Centre will be bound to provide / update detailed
information about names of the units in the park, utilization of built-up area and
activities being carried out, manpower employed in the Smart Fin Tech Centre on
yearly basis.
6) If a Smart Fin Tech Centre has availed additional FSI as per the provisions of Smart
Fin Tech Centre policy and subsequently it is found that the built-up space in the
Smart Fin Tech Centre is being used for non-Fin Tech / commercial activities / any
other activity, not permitted as per the Smart Fin Tech Centre policy under which
the said Centre was approved, a penal action as below will be taken, the payment
shall be shared between the MCGM and the Government in the ratio of 3:1.
a) The misuse shall be ascertained by physical site verification of the said Smart
Fin Tech Centre policy by a team of officers from the Directorate of Information
Technology and the MCGM, which has approved the building plans of the said Smart
Fin Tech Centre.
b) A per day penalty equal to 0.3% of the prevailing ready reckoner value of the
built-up area that has been found to be used for non-Fin Tech activities, shall be
c) The penalty will be recovered from the date of commencement of unauthorized
use till the day non-Fin Tech activities.
After payment of the penalty to the MCGM, which has sanctioned the building plans of
the concerned Smart Fin Tech Centre, the said Smart Fin Tech Centre will restore the
use of premises to the original purpose for which LOI/ Registration was granted. If the
Smart Fin Tech Centre fails to pay penalty and / or restore the use to its original
intended use, the MCGM will take suitable action under the Maharashtra Regional and
Town Planning Act 1966, against the erring Smart Fin Tech Centre under intimation to
the Directorate of Information Technology.
These provisions will be over and above the penal provisions of the MRTP Act,
7) In this regulation the terms and expression shall have the meaning specified in Fin Tech
Policy declared by Directorate of Information Technology vide Govt. Resolution
No.DIT-2018/CR-17/D-1/39 dated 16th February 2018. Notwithstanding anything
contained in the existing regulation, the above provisions shall be applicable for Smart
Fin Tech Centre. Other provisions of existing regulations, which are not specifically
mentioned in this regulation shall be applicable.
For Development of lands becoming vacant consequent upon shifting of cattle sheds
existing thereon, to places outside Greater Mumbai, additional FSI to the extent of 33%
over and above Zonal (basic) permissible FSI, shall be allowed on land occupied by cattle
sheds and subject to the following conditions:
(i) Such additional FSI shall be available for authorized /tolerated (existing prior to
01/04/1962) cattle sheds existing in Suburbs & extended Suburbs only;
(ii) The development of such lands that have become vacant consequent upon
shifting of cattle shall be regulated by the zoning Regulations of the zone in which such
lands are situated.
(iii) The additional FSI shall be worked out case by case by a Committee comprising
of following members as constituted by Govt in Urban Development Department.
1. The Chief Engineer (D.P), Municipal Corporation of Greater Chairman
Mumbai, Mumbai
2. Cattle Controller, ADF Department, Mumbai Member
3. The Deputy Director of Town Planning Greater Mumbai, Mumbai Member
4. The Superintendent of Land Records, Mumbai Suburban District, Member
The proposed development shall further be subject to such conditions as may be
prescribed by the Committee and payment of such amount of premium as may be fixed
by Govt. in Urban Development Department.
33(15) - Development of land earmarked for the MHADA/Mill Workers Housing under
Regulation No 35.
(i) The development of land earmarked for mill workers shall be exclusively used for mill
workers housing,
(ii)The development of land earmarked for MHADA for public housing, at least100%FSI
shall be exclusively used for mill workers housing and balance FSI for transit camp only.
Relaxation in buildings and other requirements:
1) The permissible FSI shall be calculated on gross plot area.
2) Recreational Open Spaces up to 8% shall be allowed. 3)Requirement
of open spaces shall be as per the Regulation No 41(5)
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For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
(a) For plots fronting on roads below 9 m widthbut more than 6.0 m,permissible FSI will
be 1.5
(b) for plot fronting on road width of 9 m and above (existing or proposed), additional
0.5 FSI shall be allowed for commercial use subject to condition that margin and
parking space as required under these Regulations are provided.
Provided that for (a) & (b) above, consumed FSI of existing buildings, utilized
authorizedly shall be permitted.
With the Special permission, the Commissioner may permit the floor space indices to be
exceeded beyond Zonal (basic) FSI specified in this Regulation No. 30 Table No. 12 up to
5.0as specified in the following table, in respect of buildings in independent plots for
exclusively developing Biotechnology units set up by Public Bodies like MHADA, SEEPZ,
MIDC, SICOM, CIDCO or their joint venture companies having more than 11% stake of
these bodies or their lessees.
1 12m Up to 3
2 18m Up to 4
3 30 27 m Up to 5
Note: On the plot area excluding area to be handed over to MCGM/Appropriate Authority in lieu
of Reservation/ Existing amenity in the DP/ proposed DP roads/prescribed RL under MMC Act.
Provided that in the above cited cases of grant of additional FSI for Biotechnology units,
premiumrecovered for the BUA at the rate of 80% 40% of ASR for open develop land
(for FSI 1) or as may be determined by Govt shall be paid to MCGM out of which 50%
shall be payable to the Govt.
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
I. The minimum area of plot shall be 1000 sq. m.The minimum number of Motor Vehicle
public parking spaces provided shall not be less than 50 subject to minimum parking
space of 700 sq. m. The location of parking spaces can be in basement, ground floor or
upper floors, with access through ramp/lift or combination of both subject to clearance
from CFO with special emphasis on fire hazard.
II. Till the formation of Parking Authority, aCommittee under the Chairmanship of
Municipal Commissioner, MCGM shall earmark/select the plots for public parking, on the
basis of their suitability. The Committee shall comprisethe following or their
representatives (i) Metropolitan Commissioner, MMRDA. (ii) Joint Commissioner of
Police (Traffic), (iii) Dy. Director of Town Planning, Greater Mumbai (iv) Chief Engineer
(Road), MCGM (Member Secretary).
III. The incentive FSI given on this account will be over and above the Zonal (basic) FSI
permissible under any other provisions of DCPR. This incentive FSI shall be allowed to be
used on the same plot in conformity with DCPR/DP, within the overall cap/limit of total
maximum permissible FSI as given at (vii) below.
IV.The proposed development shall be subject to any other conditions prescribed by the
Municipal Commissioner.
V. Concerned land owner/development/society/company shall not be allowed to
operate the public parking.
VI. Area covered under parking shall not be counted towards FSI consumption.
VII. The incentive FSI permissible under this Regulation against BUA of the PPL, shall be
50% of the BUA of the PPL, such that the total permissible FSI including the incentive FSI
under this Regulation does not exceed as detailed below: -
IX. The maximum cap on BUA per parking shall be 50 sq. m for LMVs, 65 sq. m for LCVs
and 120 sq. m for HMVs/Buses. Incentive FSI shall be calculated as per BUA of the PPL,
based on these norms or the actual BUA of the PPL, whichever is less.
X. The developer of the PPL shall pay ‘premium’, worked out as per the following
Premium = 60% of [Value of the additional BUA corresponding to the incentive FSI
admissible under this Regulation, as per A.S.R. – (Cost of construction of PPL + cost of
any extra amenities/facilities provided + cost of construction of BUA corresponding to
the incentive F.S.I. admissible under this Regulation)]
For the purpose of calculating premium as above, the cost of construction of PPL
including amenities/facilities and the cost of construction of BUAcorresponding to the
Incentive FSI admissible under this Regulationshall be 75% and 125% respectively of the
rate of RCC construction as per ASR.
(XI) The Premium shall be paid in two stages – 50% before the issuance of I.O.D. for the
PPL and 50% before the issuance of C.C. for the incentive FSI admissible under this
Upon Payment of 100% premium as foresaid, C.C. shall be issued in respect of 50% of
incentive FSI.In no case, shall the remaining 50% Incentive FSI be released without the
handing over of the PPL, complete in all respects, to MCGM.
The year in which 50% premium is paid before the issuance of I.O.D. for the PPL shall be
taken as the year for determination of construction cost as well as ASR for calculation of
the premium. Out of the total premium payable, 50% shall be paid to the GoM and the
remaining 50% to MCGM.
Provision of this Regulation may also be applicable to lease hold plots of Govt and MCGM
with prior approval from Gov. /Municipal Corporation.
33(19) Additional FSI for Commercial user development in Central Business District
(CBD)or plot situated in Residential or Commercial Zone or Independent plot converted
in Residential or Commercial Zone from Industrial zone:
The Commissioner may allow FSI up to 5.0including permissible FSI as per provision of
Regulation 30(A)1 Table No 12 for commercial user/development on plots in marked as
CBD or independent plot converted in Residential or Commercial zone from Industrial
zone after compliance of Regulation 14(B) of these Regulations subject to the
condition that permissible FSI as per Table 12 will be utilized first and the additional FSI
under this Regulation on payment of premium subject to following conditions: -
1) Additional FSI shall be allowed only for plots situated in CBD which are not
reserved/designated in the DP except affected by proposed DP roads/Sanctioned RL
under MMC Act.
2) The development of reserved/designated plots in CBD shall be governed by
provisions of these Regulations.
3) Development for residential purpose to the extent of maximum 30% of the
permissible FSI as per provisions of Regulation No.30 (A) 1, Table No 12 may be allowed.
Additional FSI as per this regulation shall not be permissible for residential
4) Premium for granting such additional BUA beyond permissible FSI as per Table
No 12 shall be charged at the rate of 80 % of ASR for open developed land of FSI 1 and
shall be equally shared between the GoM. and MCGM.
5) Provision of IHshall not be applicable for development in CBD.
Provided further that in case the entire commercial development is on aplot situated
in Commercial Zone/Independent plot in Residential Zone, and satisfies other related
provisions of these Regulations, the Commissioner may allow FSI as detailed below
including permissible FSI as per provision of Regulation 30(A)1 Table No 12 for
commercial uses/development on area of plots excluding area covered under
Reservation/Designation in the DP except affected by proposed DP roads/Sanctioned RL
under MMC Act, on payment of premium for BUA @ 80 % of ASR for open developed
land for FSI 1 and shall be equally shared between the GoM and MCGM. In this case,no
residential development will be allowed on such plot.
1 12m 3
2 18m 4
3 30 27 m 5
Note: On the plot area excluding area to be handed over to MCGM/Appropriate Authority in lieu
of Reservation/ Existing amenity in the DP/ proposed DP roads/prescribed RL under MMC Act.
1) The carpet areas of the tenements to be constructed under the concept of “AH”shall be
for EWS, LIG and MIG, or as decided by Govt. from time to time subject to a minimum 25
sq. m. Development of other types of tenements shall not be permissible under this
2) No premium shall be charged for fungible compensatoryarea and for features covered
under the provision of Regulation No 31(1) for the development for
3) The MCGM/Public Authority shall make provision for offsite infrastructure charges at the
rate of 7% of land rate as per ASR for FSI 1 for BUA beyond Zonal (basic) FSI. Out of 7%
charges, 5/7 of such charges shall be transferred to the fund allocated for infrastructural
development for developing necessary offsite infrastructure.
4) The requirement of open spaces shall be as per Regulation No 41(5) subject to clearance
from CFO.
5) Once the development of AH/R&R tenements is completed and Occupation Certificate
is granted, it shall be the responsibility of the MCGM/Public Authority of allotment of
AH/R&R tenements within 12 months from the date of grant of occupation or earlier.
Once development proposal is approved for AH/R&R, the MCGM/Public Authority may
start process of sale proceeds.
6) The fund so received on account of sale proceeds of such tenementsi.e. EWS,LIG,MIG,
after deduction of cost of development including off site infrastructure charges for
development of AH/R&R, 50% amount shall be utilized towards implementation of D.P.
and rest amount shall be used for the development of AH/R&R tenements at other
7) The MCGM/Public Authority may develop AH/R&R in the plot of land reserved for
Rehabilitation & Resettlement, but the same shall not be applicable when private owner
undertakes development.
8) The land with approved BUA shall be leased out to such society of occupants of building.
9) In case of layout 25% of Zonal (basic) FSI shall be exclusively used for the purpose of
convenienceshopping along layout road for use of residential occupants of layout.
The permissible FSI may be allowed to be exceeded up to 4.0 when the private owner
other authorityproposes to develop non-reserved/non-designated private land for
Development Plan 2034
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034 Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
AH/R&Rtenements and hand over the area of AH/R&Rtenements free of cost to MCGM.
(a) The FSI & distribution of additional FSI for the construction AH/R&R shall be as shown
Locatio Plot area Minim Total Zon Additio %FSI for % FSI for
n excluding um permissi al nal FSI Transit sale
area to be Road ble FSI FSI teneme componen
handed over Width nts for tof total
in lieu of SRA/ additional
Reservation Rental FSI
/Designation Housing
in the DP of total
except addition
affected by al FSI
proposed DP
ned RL under
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Note: On the plot area excluding area to be handed over to MCGM/Appropriate Authority in lieu
of Reservation/ Existing amenity in the DP/ proposed DP roads/prescribed RL under MMC Act.
to MCGM’’.
(f) The additional FSI over & above Zonal (basic) FSI may be released in co-relation as per
BUA of tenements that are required to be handed over free of cost to MCGM, in
proportion 0.50 sale: 1 AH/R&Rarea and 100% sale area can be released only after
handing over of entire AH/R&R tenements.
Alternatively, TDR in lieu of unconsumed sale component of additional FSI, as per
provision of this Regulation in proportion as stated above can be released. However, 20
% of such admissible TDR shall be released only after handing over the entire area of AH
to MCGM.
(g) After AH/R&R tenements are handed over free of cost to MCGM, Occupation
Certificate forsale portion shall be given.
(h) No premium shall be charged for fungible compensatory areaand features permitted
free of FSI as per Regulation No 31 for the development for AH/R&R tenements.
However, payments of the premium shall be applicable on the owners share wherever
(i) The offsite infrastructure charges at the rate of 7% of land rate as per ASR for FSI
1.0 for BUA beyond Zonal (basic) FSI shall be payable.
(j) The owner shall be allowed to utilize the Zonal (basic) FSI and BUA as per column no
(7) of above tablefor the uses permissible in the zone.
(k) In case of layout, 25% of Zonal (basic) FSI shall be exclusively used for the purpose
of convenience shopping along layout road for use of residential occupants of layout.
(C) Shramamsafaly/AshrayYojana
The tenements required forShramsafalya/Ashrayyojana may be allowed to be
constructed as per the provisions of Regulation (A) & (B) above with the special
permission of Municipal Commissioner subject to condition that the sizes of tenements
constructed shall be governed by the requirements of such schemes.
33(21) Development and Redevelopment of Municipal Market/Public Amenities by
(A) Development and Redevelopment of Municipal Market
If development/redevelopment of existing Municipal Market of MCGM orland Reserved/
for Municipal Market/Existing Municipal market on land belonging to MCGM is
proposed by MCGM itself, then development/redevelopment of such existingMunicipal
market/reserved land of Municipal Market shall be as follows:
1 12m 3
2 18m 4
3 30 27 m 5
Note: On the plot area excluding area to be handed over to MCGM/Appropriate Authority
in lieu of Reservation/ Existing amenity in the DP/ proposed DP roads/prescribed RL under
MMC Act.
ii. The existing licensed vendors on such lands, if any, as certified by Market Department
of MCGM, shall be allotted spaces in the proposed redevelopment. While reallocating,
they shall be reallocated with 20% more carpet area over and above their existing carpet
area (excluding fungible compensatory area). The status of the licensed vendor shall
remain as it was prior to redevelopment.
iii. BUA as per Zonal (basic) FSI or BUA required for accommodation/rehabilitation of
existing licensed vendors certified by the Market Department of MCGM, whichever is
more, shall be exclusively developed for Market purpose and balance potential may be
utilised for the users permissible in the respective zone and conforming with these
regulations or the user as stated below in this Regulation.
iv. The commercial galas so constructed and available with MCGM, will be first allocated to
existing licensed vendors certified by Market Department, second to PAPs of vital public
purpose projects, third to new licensees as per policy decided by the MCGM.
v. Balance BUA may be used for (a) Municipal Office, (b) PAPs displaced due to Municipal
Projects, (c) Municipal essentialStaff Quarters, (d) Municipal Maternity
Home/Dispensary, (e) Drama Theatre (f) hawker’s plaza or any other uses permissible
under these Regulationsand as decided by Municipal Commissionermaximum upto 50%.
vi. The MCGM may undertake such development on its own
vii. Minimum 6 m open space or open spaces as required under Regulation no 41(5) shall be
deemed to be sufficient subject to fulfilment of requirement from fire safety point of
viii. Separate access for the market area and other development shall be provided.
ix. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Regulation, where the existing
Market/designated land is having combination of user/reservation, the existing BUA of
such user shall be necessarily put to such use.
x. No premium shall be charged for Fungible compensatory areaas per Regulation No 31(3).
(B) Public Amenities by MCGM/Government:
For the construction of building for public purpose/ public amenities by the
Corporation/Govt.on their own, on the plot of land belonging to them, the FSI shall be as
specified below:-
1 12m 3
2 4
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3 30 27 m 5
Such additional FSI will not be available when private owner undertakes
development as per Regulation No. 17.
No premium shall be charged for Fungible compensatory areaas per Regulation No
(b) large congregations for the purpose of conventions, meetings, conferences, assemblies,
rallies, concerts, cultural activities and performances.
i) For the purpose of calculating the FSI, the remaining area after excluding the land under the
Development Plan Roads / Reservation of public amenities shall be considered.
ii) In case of plots in Residential (R2)/Industrial (Il, I2, I3)/ Commercial (C1, C2) Zone, the Floor
Space Indices specified in Table 14 12 above may be permitted to be exceeded up to 4.00
F.S.I by charging premium at the rate of 10% of the land rate as prescribed in Annual Statement
of Rates published by Revenue Authority for the relevant year of granting such
F.S.I. without applying the guidelines mentioned therein.
iii) In case of plots in No Development Zone, if infra-structure facilities are sufficient or land
owner/ developer is ready to provide it, then the Maximum permissible F.S.I. may be permitted
to be exceeded upto 2.00 by charging premium above 0.20 F.S.I. , at the rate of 10% of the land
rate as prescribed in Annual Statement of Rates published by Revenue
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Authority for the relevant year of granting such F.S.I. without applying the guidelines
mentioned therein.
a. Such Plot should have a minimum area of 5 hectares excluding Development Plan proposals
of reservation and/or roads, if any.
b. Entry Gates of the Exhibition-cum-Convention Centre must abut a main road/ highway
having a minimum width of 18.30 mtr. with minimum 2 each of ingress and egress of proper
c. The ground coverage of the Exhibition-cum-Convention Centre on such plot shall not exceed
2/ 3rd of the gross plot area excluding Development Plan proposals of reservation and/ or
roads, if any.
d. Recreation Ground and Amenity Area shall be provided on such plot as prescribed for
Industrial layouts in Regulation 23(2) in Regulation 27.
Provided that the limit of maximum area of 2500 sq.mtrs. shall not apply for the
development under this Regulation.
The Recreation Ground area shall be counted in 1/3 open space required as per
regulation Clause 3(c) above.
e. Out of the total permissible built up area on such plot, at least 2/3rd shall be allocated for
Exhibition-cum-Convention Centre buildings/ halls, toilet blocks, Organiser's office; protocol
lounge; VIP lounge; Press lounge; registration areas; pre-function areas; refreshment & snack
centres; meeting rooms; business centre; creche; meditation rooms; wellness centre; bank &
forex service counters; surveillance & security rooms; service contractor's office; audio-visual/
sound room; green room; maintenance workshop; maintenance staff office; strong rooms, first
aid and emergency room.
f. Remaining permissible built up area, not exceeding 1/ 3rd of the total built up area, on such
plot may be allocated for Support Services as described below in Table-1.
g. Occupation Certificate (OC) in respect of a minimum of 1/6th built-up area of the Exhibition-
cum-Convention Centre shall be obtained prior to obtaining Commencement Certificate in
respect of Support Services.
FSI computation for areas shall be as per these Regulations Regulation 35(2) and 35(3).
Provided that height of any Exhibition Hall or Convention Hall greater than 3.90 4.20
meters shall not be deemed to have consumed an additional FSI of 50% of the relevant floor
i) The marginal open space shall be minimum 12.00 mt. from all sides of the plot.
ii) Canopies may be permitted in front open space, provided the marginal open space
does not become less than 6.00 mt.
6) General Requirements for Exhibition / Convention Halls shall be as under:
i) The size of each hall shall not be less than 4,000 sq. m.
ii) Minimum width of the hall shall not be less than 50m.
iii) The minimum floor to floor height of the Exhibition Hall / Convention Hall shall be
8.00 mt.
iv) It shall be permissible to construct the Exhibition-cum-Convention Centre buildings
/ halls in multiple levels.
v) For the planning of all the other habitable / non habitable areas for amenities areas
and Support services, Regulation 38 37 shall be applicable.
vi) Minimum width of the internal road shall be 13.40 mtr.
vii) Requirement of fire shall be as per Regulation 43 47 of these Regulations.
i) Allotted parking space for one (1) Fire Engine and one (1) Ambulance shall be
compulsorily provided.
ii) (a) Convention Center- For every 10 seats, parking space for 2 cars
shallbe provided.
(b) Exhibition Area-- For every 1000 Sq. mtrs of exhibition area,
including open exhibition area, parking space
for 25 cars shall be provided.
1. For 2-wheeler vehicles, minimum 25% of the total number of required parking
for 4-wheelers, shall be provided.
2. Taxi Stand for minimum 25 taxis and 50 Auto Rikshaws.
3. Bus Terminal for minimum 10 buses shall be provided.
iii) For the area of Support Services, parking shall be provided as per Regulation 36
iv) The additional parking space may be granted without counting the such area of
parking into F.S.I.
8) In CRZ areas, the FSI for such proposals, shall be governed by the MoEF Notification issued
for time to time.
33(23) The regulations for Transit Oriented Development (TOD) FSI with the other
conditionality to promote densification along Mass Transport Corridor will be
formulated separately Kept in Abeyance
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1 General:
In case of development of any land, the intended use shall conform to the
permissible uses of the zone in which the land is situated.
2 Zoning definitions:
Following land use zones are demarcated on the Proposed Land-use Plan.
Table No. A
Zoning Definitions
Note: In conformity with the intent and spirit of these Regulations, with the
special permission of the Commissioner may modify the boundary limit of a zone
where the boundary line of the zone divides a plot.
zone on a given plot of land and specifically prevent non-compatible uses. Where an
activity not specifically listed in these Regulations is proposed, its approval or rejection
will be decided with the special permission of the Commissioner
The conditions under which land-uses are permissible in the zones and which
are required to be complied with as detailed in Table No. C are described in this
Regulation listed in Table No. B below.
Table No. B.
Table No. C.
Sr. Uses and Occupancies Conditions/Parameters under which land uses and
No. occupancies will be permitted in zones
R C I Additional Conditions/
4 Short term
(i) 4 or 5 Star category hotels 1 or 2& 1 or 2 1 or 2
11,16,21 & 11,16,21 &11,16,21
, ,28
(iii)Other categories of 1 or 2 or 1 or 2 or 1 or 2 or
Hotels 3,&14,21 3&14,21 3& 21,28
Sr. Uses and Occupancies Conditions/ Parameters under which land uses and
No. occupancies will be permitted in zones
R C I Additional Conditions/
hostels and boarding / lodging or 4 & 13 or 4 &28 residential premises, it shall
houses, Dharmashala be subject to condition no
Sr. Uses and Occupancies Conditions/ Parameters under which land uses and
No. occupancies will be permitted in z ones
R C I Additional Conditions/
institutions for children, the aged &16 &16 be located not less than
or widows sanatoria and hospitals 36 m. from any
(except veterinary hospitals) boundaries. In case of 3 in
residential premises, it
shall be subject to
condition no 18
Sr. Uses and Occupancies Conditions/Parameters under which land uses and
No. occupancies will be permitted in zones
R C I Additional Conditions/
&Civil Defense center.
10 Electricity consumer/ 1 or 2 or 3 1 or 2 or 3 1 or 2 or 3 or
distribution sub stations or 6 or 7 or 6 or 7 6 or 7 or 8
or 8 or 8
Sr. Uses and Occupancies Conditions/Parameters under which land uses and
No. occupancies will be permitted in zones
R C I Additional Conditions/
Each employing not more
than 9 persons. Tailoring,
embroidery and button- hole
making shopsmay be
permitted in service
industrial estate
Sr. Uses and Occupancies Conditions/Parameters under which land uses and
No. occupancies will be permitted in zones
R C I Additional Conditions/
Sr. Uses and Occupancies Conditions/Parameters under which land uses and
No. occupancies will be permitted in zones
R C I Additional Conditions/
31 Retailing of building materials, open 1 or 2 & 14 P With not more than 500 sq.
or enclosed, 16,17 m of area per
33 Repair, cleaning shops and analytical 1 or 2 or3 P Each employing not more
experimental or testing laboratories or 6 or 20 14 than 15 persons (but not
& 16,17 including cleaning and
dyeing establishments,
using a cleaning or dyeing
fluid having a flash point
lower than 50 degree C and
machines with dry- load
capacity not
exceeding 30 kg. or any
Sr. Uses and Occupancies Conditi ons/Parameters under which land uses and
No. occupa ncies will be permitted in zones
R C I Additional Conditions/
establishment carrying on
activities that are offensive
because of emission of
odour, dust, smoke, gas,
noise or vibration or
otherwise dangerous to
public health and safety),
provided that the motive
power requirement of each
such establishment does
not exceed 7.5 KW.
34 Paper-box manufacturing, NP 1 or 2 or P
including paper- cutting, 5 or 6,14
Sr. Uses and Occupancies Conditions/ Parameters under which land uses and
No. occupancies will be permitted in zones
R C I Additional Conditions/
&22 &22
46 Gymnasiums, 1 or 2 or 3 P NP In case of 3 or 9 in
or 9 residential premises it
shall be subject to
condition no 18,if
proposed other than
permissible as per
regulation no37
Sr. Uses and Occupancies Conditions/Parameters under which land uses and
No. occupancies will be permitted in zones
R C I Additional Conditions/
statutory safety requirements.
53 Bus stations, taxi stands, auto- 1 & 14 & 1 & 14 & 1 & 14 &
rickshaw stands, Bus Shelters, Bus 23 23 23
Depots and Railway stations.
60 Warehousing, NP N P
Sr. Uses and Occupancies Conditions/ Parameters under which land uses and
No. occupancies will be permitted in zones
R C I Additional Conditions/
65 Biotechnology units NP NP 14
67 Prisons NP 1 or 1 or 2 &
2 & 22
Sr. Uses and Occupancies Conditions/Parameters under which land uses and
No. occupancies will be permitted in zones
R C I Additional Conditions/
furnace portion. If only
electrical ovens are used an
additional load upto 24 KVA
may be permitted.
69 Research & experimental & 1or 2or 3 P P Not involving any danger of
testing laboratories fire or explosion or of any
obnoxious nature and
located on a plot not less
than 4 ha. in area, provided
that the
laboratory is at least 30 m.
from any of the boundaries
of the site and the
accessory residential
building is at least 30 m.
from the laboratory.
70 Industrial manufacturing, NP N P
fabrication, assembly and P
processing activities other than
Service Industries
Sr. Uses and Occupancies Conditions/ Parameters under which land uses and
No. occupancies will be permitted in zones
R C I Additional Conditions/
I Food Products-
IX Transport Equipment
xlPhoto-processing, 3.75 9
laboratories, Xeroxing, 50
photocopying, video taping
and their laboratories.
Note 1 i) Service industrial uses amended from time to time by government shall be allowed.
ii) With the special permission, Commissioner may from time to time add to, alter or
amend the above Tables.
Note 2 :( a) Conditions governing other uses permitted in Residential Zone: The uses
permissible in the Residential zone shall be restricted and subject to the conditions
(i) A depth of 12 m. measured from the building line along the front portion abutting
the street shall be provided.
(ii) Shops, except convenience shopping, may be permitted up to second floor with
separate access unless otherwise specified, subject to road having width of 18 m or more,
except as stated in condition no 17 of Table B.
(iii) Motive power, no of persons working in shops shall be such that it shall not attract
provisions of Factory Act
(iv) Power may be discontinued if the Commissioner is satisfied that the particular
use is a nuisance to the residents.
(b) Other uses in the Industries Zone (I-Zone): If a plot in the Industrial Zone (I- Zone)
becomes un-buildable for industrial use because of restrictions in the Industrial
Location Policy of GoM or restrictions regarding segregating distances under these
Regulations, the following uses may be permitted on such plot without maintaining
the required segregation distances:
3.3 Exceptions
a) The existing authorized uses in the zone that are not listed in the permissible uses
will be allowed to continue and will not be considered as non- conforming.
b) Any lawful use of land/building premises existing before the coming into force of
these Regulations may continue even after redevelopment/reconstruction of
land/building even if it does not conform to the use provisions of these Regulations
provided such non-conforming use is not extended or enlarged except as provided in
these Regulations.
Provided that the uses in a residential building permissible under this Regulation which
are compatible with the residential use unless & otherwise specified may be permitted
on the ground floor.
3) All Municipal land of the Municipal Octroi Nakas, shown for existing ‘Truck Terminus ’
or otherwise, shall be developed as ‘Comprehensive Transport Hub’, which will
interalia include a bus/truck terminus and such land shall be considered as falling in
commercial zone for development apart from primary function and shall be developed
as per relevant provisions of these Regulations.
Provided that, if development is proposed by MCGM on its own, then the payment of
premium for BUA beyond zonal (basic) FSI, shall not be applicable. However, payment
of premium shall be applicable if the project is developed through PPP model/ allowed
to be developed through any other agency excluding the area to be handed over to
3.4 Special Development Zone (SDZ):-Special Development Zone (SDZ) is a zone which
is to be developed predominantly for society at large with emphasis on Affordable
Housing, POS and necessary Social infrastructures. The development of SDZ shall be
under the provision of regulation 33(8)
Provided that the structures attracting the provisions of Maharashtra Slums Areas
(Improvement, Clearance and Redevelopment) Act, 1971shall be developed under the
provision of Regulation 33(10)
The following uses are also permissible provided, no services of any kind or
Limited/available services will be provided by the Corporation. No subdivision of the
land creating size of plot less than 2.0ha or less shall be permissible.
a. Maximum FSI limit shall be 0.20 (excluding area of DP road). As far as possible, the
development shall be at one place of the total land.
b. Ground coverage shall not exceed 10% of the area of plot.
c. tree plantation shall be done at the rate of 500 trees/ha on the remaining land
excluding the BUA and the surrounding open space/utility space.
d. Essential residential development for the staff/officer's accommodation shall be
permitted up to the extent of 33% of the permissible BUA.
a) The total permissible FSI shall not exceed 0.2 (excluding area of DP road).
b) Out of the permissible BUA equivalent to 0.2 FSI; BUA of supporting uses shall not
exceed 1/3 of permissible FSI 0.2.
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(III) Information Technology & Information Technology Enabled Services (IT/ITES) &
Biotech units
IT/ITES Parks/Units or, set up by public or private sector; shall be permissible
with the special permission of Commissioner, subject to following conditions:
B) Construction of buildings for IT/ITES shall be permitted to the extent of 20% on 10%
of the total plot area and shall be located such that, as much of remaining open space
is available in a contiguous manner and on remaining 90% of plot area, trees shall be
planted at the rate of at least 500 trees per ha.
C) The permission from the Director of Industries to set up IT/ITES Parks/Units shall be
Sites or plots identified by the Tourism Department of GoM. in consultation with the MTDC,
and as specified by GoM from time to time as suitable for promotion of tourism to serve
as holiday or beach resorts, hotels or motels may be included in a Tourism Development
Area (TDA), and allowed to be developed for activities like beach resorts, hotels, motels,
restaurants, health farms, water sports facilities, arts and crafts complexes, golf courses,
gliding, powered gliding, grass skiing facilities, marinas, jetties and pontoons for docking
of boats and swimming pools.
If such specified sites are situated in the SDZ , they shall be permitted to be developed for
the aforesaid purposes with a FSI 0.50(excluding area of DP road) notwithstanding anything
contained in these Regulations, additional FSI in such Zone shall not be admissible.
Note- If such sites are situated in zone other than SDZ and Natural Area, the FSI permissible
shall be that corresponding to the FSI permissible in the respective zones as stipulated
in Table 12 of Regulation No.30(1)(A).
ii) These guidelines shall be applicable for TDA, as set out herein below.
iii) Proposals for lands to be specified as TDA shall be approved by UD department, GOM
and shall not be permissible on plot Reserved/Designated for Play
Ground/Park/Garden/Any other POS reservation
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6 Environmentalist Member
This Committee may be called “Tourism Development Area Committee” (TDAC). The
persons at 5, 6& 7 of the Committee may be nominated by Secretary, Tourism
Department and the tenure of these members shall change after every 3 years, provided
that the same person shall be eligible for reappointment as a Member.
After deducting the area of TDA, FSI will be available for the rest of the land in
SDZ, as provided for the area in SDZas per clause (VI) (xii).
In case of plots having area more than 2 ha in SDZ, no subdivision of plots shall be
iii Areas from SDZ directly abutting the Residential Zone without being separated by
road having width not less than 18.30 m.
(e) Environment:
Places where rare species of migratory birds are known to visit and where there is a heritage of
flora and fauna shall be given preference for development as TDA.
(f)The projects identified as Mega Tourism Projects by Tourism and Cultural Affairs
Department of the State Govt. under the Tourism Policy of Maharashtra - 2006 2016”
shall be governed by the following special provisions:-
Mega Tourism Projects:-
1) The ground coverage shall be 1/2 of the gross plot area under TDA.
2) The uses which are not covered under this Regulation like studio and Film School with
their shooting stages and screening rooms, performing Arts Academy, Students Hostels
and faculty residences, Auditoria, Art Gallery, Museums, Multiplex, Food & Beverage
areas and also a combination of compatible uses may be allowed, with the approval
of the Urban Development Department of GOM.
3) The height up to 70m may be allowed for Building of Film Studio, subject to the
provisions of Regulation 43 47
4) The height of a room in occupancy mentioned at Sr. No.1(e) (ii) of Table15 of
Regulation 37, may be permitted for Studio, Museum, Screening Rooms, Multiplex and
5) The 20% 35% fungible Compensatory Floor Space Index may be allowed, subject to the
provisions of Regulation 31(3).
Note: - The development in the Eco Sensitive Zone and Coastal Regulation Zone shall be
governed and regulated as per MoEF's Notification in this regard and Circulars issued
from time to time
Amusement park in a plot of not less than 4 ha. in area, with recreational and amusement
devices like a giant wheel, roller coaster, merry-go-round or similar rides, ocean -park,
swimming pool, magic mountain and lake, ethnic village, shops for souvenirs, toys,
goods, refreshments and beverages shall be permissible with the special permission of
commissioner. The Permissible FSI shall not Exceed 0.025 (excluding area of DP road)
a) The entire land for the amusement park shall vest in a single ownership and the land
shall not be sub-divided at any time.
b) The required infrastructure, like proper and adequate access to the park, water supply,
sanitation, conservancy services, sewage disposal and adequate off-street parking will
have to be provided and maintained by the promoters of the project at their cost and to
the satisfaction of the Commissioner.
c) The promoters of the project shall provide adequate facilities for collection and
disposal of garbage at their cost, and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner and will
keep, at all times, the entire environment clean, neat and hygienic.
e) Structures permitted in the amusement park (except those intended for park
apparatus, entertainment such as magic mountain etc. and other equipment) should be
ground floor structures, with the construction blending with the surrounding environment
and landscape.
f) Except for minor dressing, hills and natural features, if any, shall be maintained in
their natural condition and beautified with planting of trees etc.
g) All trees already growing on the land shall be preserved to the extent possible, except
that if it becomes necessary to cut any tree, the required permission of the Competent
Authority should be obtained under the law. At least 5 trees per 100 sq. m shall be
planted and grown within the area of the park.
i) Sufficient parking facilities and ancillary facilities for cars, buses, transport vehicles
etc. shall be provided on site as prescribed by and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner
and Commissioner of Police.
j) The promoters of the project will prepare a suitable layout with appropriate land-
scaping of the recreational and other facilities and obtain approval of the Commissioner.
m) Proper arrangements for safety, regulations of traffic approaches to the park etc.
shall be made to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Police from the law and order
and traffic aspects.
The following uses shall be permissible where the permissible where FSI shall not exceed
0.025(excluding area of DP road)
(i) Agriculture, horticulture and animal husbandry (except for keeping animals on a
commercial scale), subject to a limit of 10 head of cattle per acre and providing necessary
buildings, garages, pig sties, stables and storage buildings
(ii) Gardens and poultry farms;
(iv.) Golf clubs and links;
(v.) Public parks, private parks, play fields, stadia, gymkhanas, swimming pools,
gliding facilities, temporary camps for recreation of all types.
(vi.) Race tracks and shooting ranges.
(vii.) Fish curing on open land/fish farming. (viii.)
Salt manufacture from sea water.
(ix.) Public utility establishments such as electric sub-stations, receiving stations, switch
yards, over-head line corridors, radio and television stations, receiving stations, main
stations for public gas distribution, sewage treatment and disposal works, Storm Water
Drain Pumping Station, facilities for the disposal of Solid Waste, water works along with
residential quarters for essential staff for such works, with the special permission of
the Commissioner.
(x.) Cemeteries and crematoria and structures incidental thereto.
(xi.) Structure for watchmen's quarters each not exceeding 20 sq. m numbers of
such structures in each plot to be decided by the Commissioner
(xii.) A residential building, not more than ground and one story with a height not exceeding
9.75 m including the height of stilted portion.
In order to prevent erosion of soil and silting in lakes, an exclusive green belt of 100
m shall be provided around the periphery of Vihar and PawaiLake, in which no
construction whatsoever shall be allowed.If within 100 m from the periphery of Vihar
and Pawailake there exists Municipal/Public Road, then buffer of green belt beyond
Municipal/Public Road may not be insisted.
3.7Natural Areas (N A)
It is an environmentally sensitive zone amenable to buildable development with
the approval of the Competent Authoritywhere following facilities may be permissible
a) Board walks in mangroves, trekking facilities, Public Sanitary Conveniences for
visitors, Sewerage Pumping Station.
b) Uses permissible as per the notifications issued by the Ministry of Environment and
Forest, if any, as amended from time to time.
Note: - 1.Structures constructed in NA, with due sanction of Competent Authority, before
coming into force of these regulations stand protected.
2. Reservation proposed in Natural Area shall be allowed to be developed at par with
other zones subject to approval of the Competent Authority and subject to compliance
of conditions as mentioned in the notifications issued by the Ministry of Environment
and Forest, if any, as amended from time to time.
b) Uses approved by GoM. with permission from the Ministry of Environment and
c) Rehabilitation and Resettlement of the original inhabitants of the forest
(adiwasis,tribals of Sanjay Gandhi National Park) as per the provisions of Regulation
No.30 with Zonal (basic) FSI.
Note: - 1. Structures constructed in GZ, with due sanction of Competent Authority, before
coming into force of these regulations stand protected.
2. Reservation proposed in Green Zone if any shall be allowed to be developed at par
with other zones subject to approval of the Competent Authority and subject to
compliance of conditions as mentioned in the notifications issued by the Ministry of
Environment and Forest, if any, as amended from time to time.
(1) Lands of sick and/or closed cotton textile mills:- With the previous approval of the
Commissioner to a layout prepared for development or redevelopment of the entire open land
and built-up area of a sick and/or closed cotton textile mill and on such conditions deemed
appropriate and specified by him and as a part of a package of measures recommended by the
Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) for the revival/rehabilitation of a
potentially viable sick and/or closed mill, the Commissioner may allow:-
(a) The existing built-up areas to be utilised-
(i) For the same cotton textile or related uses subject to observance of all other Regulations;
(ii) For diversified industrial uses in accordance with the industrial location policy, with office
space only ancillary to and required for such uses, subject to and observance of all other
(iii) For commercial purposes, as permitted under these Regulations;
(b) Open lands and balance FSI shall be used as in the Table below:-
1 2 3 4 5
1 No limit 33 33 34
(kept in abeyance)
(i) In addition to the land to be earmarked for garden/playground or any other open use as in
column (3) of the above Table, open spaces, public amenities and utilities for the lands shown in
columns (4) and (5) of the above Table as otherwise required under these Regulations shall also
be provided.
(ii) Segregating distance as required under these Regulations shall be provided within the lands
intended to be used for residential/commercial uses.
(iii) The owner of the land will be entitled for the FSI as per the Regulation No 30(A) (1) and (4),
excludingarea of notional plot of residential buildings/chawls located on the lands of Cotton
Textile Mills if any.
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(iv) Where FSI is in balance but open land is not available, for the purposes of column (3) and
(4) of the above Table, land will be made open by demolishing the existing structures to the extent
necessary and made available accordingly.
(v) Where the lands accruing as per Columns (3) & (4) are, in the opinion of the Commissioner, of
such small sizes that they do not admit of separate specific uses provided for in the said columns,
he may, earmark the said lands for use as provided in Column (3);the commissioner may allow
any other POS Lands for any Mills received as Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai's share
of Mill land as per column no.(3), to be earmarked for MHADA in exchange of such plots, for using
as per column no. (4), special permission of Commissioner.
(v) It shall be permissible for the owners of the land to submit a composite scheme
for the development or redevelopment of lands of different cotton textile mills, whether
underdifferent/common ownership or otherwise, upon which the lands comprised in the
integratedscheme shall be considered by the Commissioner in an integrated manner.The land to
be handed over as per column no (3) and (4) shall be preferably handed over in the respective
land of mills. Provided further that where owner intends to hand over the share of land as per
column no (3) and (4) at other mill within the integrated scheme having different stamp duty
ready reckoner rate then area to be handed over shall be in proportion to the stamp duty ready
reckoner rate of these lands of mills.
(vii) Notwithstanding anything above, the layout of mill land shall be submitted by the mill owner
within six months of closure of the mill or within six months from sanction of these Regulations
whichever is later and the lands earmarked for MHADA & POS shall be handed over to the
concerned Authority within six months after the approval of layoutand such period of handing
over shall not be more than six months.
(2) Lands of cotton textile mills for purpose of modernization.- With previous approval of the
Commissioner to a layout prepared for development or redevelopment of the entire open land
and/or built-up area of the premises of a cotton textile mill which is not sick or closed, but
requiring modernization on the same land as approved by the competent authorities, such
development or redevelopment shall be permitted by the Commissioner, subject to the condition
that it shall also be in accordance with scheme approved by Government, provided that, with
regards to the utilization of built up area, the provisions of clause (a) of sub- Regulation (1) of this
Regulation shall apply.
(3) Lands of cotton textile mills after shifting--If a cotton textile mill is to be shifted outside
Greater Mumbai but within the State, with due permission of the competent authorities, and in
accordance with a scheme approved by Government, the provisions of sub-clauses (a) and
(b) of Sub-Regulation (1) of this Regulation shall also apply in regard to the development or
redevelopment of its land after shifting.
(4) The condition of recommendation by the Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
(BIFR) shall not be mandatory in the case of the type referred to in sub-Regulations (2) and (3)
(5) Notwithstanding anything contained above, the Commissioner may allow additional
development to the extent of the balance FSI on open lands or otherwise by the cotton textile mill
itself for the same cotton textile or related use.
(6) With the previous approval of the Commissioner to a layout prepared for development or
redevelopment of the entire open land and/or built up area of the premises of a cotton textile
mill which is either sick and/or closed or requiring modernization on the same land, the
Commissioner may allow:--
(a) Reconstruction after demolition of existing structures limited to the extent of the built up area
of the demolished structures, including by aggregating in one or more structures the built up
areas of the demolished structures;-
Difference between FSI 4.00 and FSI used for rehabilitation of existing occupants shall be used
and shared as follow:
B. If and when a cotton textile mill is shifted or the mill owner establishes a diversified industry,
he shall offer on priority in the relocated mill or the diversified industry, as the case may be,
employment to the worker or at least one member of the family of the worker in the employ
of the mill on the 1st January 2000 who possesses the requisite qualifications or skills for the
C. For purposes of clause (b) above, the cotton textile mill owner shall undertake and complete
training of candidates for employment before the recruitment of personnel and starting of
the relocated mill or diversified industry takes place.
D. Notwithstanding anything contained above, if and when a cotton textile mill is taken up for
development / redevelopment for any industrial/commercial purposes, the mill owner or
the developer or the occupier of the premises shall on priority provide employment to the worker
or at least one member of the family of the worker in the employ of the mill on the 1st January,
2000 who possesses the requisite qualifications or skills for the job.
(E) Notwithstanding anything contained above, the reconstruction / redevelopment to be
undertaken by landlord / or co-op. Housing Society of occupiers in respect of residential buildings
/chawls located on the lands of cotton Textile Mills shall be carried out simultaneously with the
reconstruction / redevelopment of mill land.
(8)(a) Funds accruing to a sick and/or closed cotton textile mill or a cotton textile mill requiring
modernization or a cotton textile mill to be shifted, from the utilization of built up areas as per
this Regulationshall be credited to an escrow account to be operated as hereinafter provided.
(b) The funds credited to the escrow account shall be utilised only for the revival/ rehabilitation
or modernization or shifting of the cotton textile mill, as the case may be, provided that the said
funds may also be utilised for payment of workers dues, payments under Voluntary Retirement
Schemes (VRS), repayment of loans of banks and financial institutions taken for the
revival/rehabilitation or modernization of the cotton textile mill or for its shifting outside
Greater Mumbai but within the State. The escrow account may be closed after compliance of all
the terms and conditions.
(9)(a) In order to oversee the due implementation of the package of measures recommended by
the Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) for the revival/rehabilitation of a
potentially sick and/or closed textile mill, or schemes approved by Government for the
modernization or shifting of cotton textile mills, and the permissions for development or
redevelopment of lands of cotton textile mills granted by the Commissioner under this Regulation,
the Government shall appoint a Monitoring Committee under the chairmanship of a retired
High Court Judge with one representative each of the cotton textile mill owners, recognised trade
union of cotton textile mill workers, the Commissioner and the Government as members.
(b) The Commissioner shall provide to the Monitoring Committee the services of a Secretary and
other required staff and also the necessary facilities for its functioning.
(c) Without prejudice to the generality of the functions provided for in clause (a) of this Sub-
Regulation, the Monitoring Committee shall:--
(i) lay down guidelines for the transparent disposal by sale or otherwise of built up space, open
lands and balance FSI by the cotton textile mills;
(ii) lay down guidelines for the opening, operation and closure of escrowaccounts;
(iii) approve proposals for the withdrawal and application of funds from the escrow accounts;
(iv) monitor the implementation of the provisions of this regulation as regards housing,
alternative employment and related training of cotton textile mill workers.
(d) The Monitoring Committee shall have the powers of issuing and enforcing notices and
attendance in the manner of a Civil Court.
(e) Every direction or decision of the Monitoring Committee shall be final and conclusive and
binding on all concerned.
(f) The Monitoring Committee shall determine for itself the procedures and modalities of its
(10) Notwithstanding anything stated or omitted to be stated in these Regulations, the
development or redevelopment of all lands in Gr. Mumbai owned or held by all cotton textile
Development Plan 2034
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
mills, irrespective of the operational or other status of the said mills or of the land use zoning
relating to the said lands or of the actual use for the time being of the said lands or of any other
factor, circumstance or consideration whatsoever shall be regulated by the provisions of this
regulation and not under any other Regulation except TDR and Fungible
Compensatory FSI .
However the lands reserved for public purposes which is owned or held by CottonTextile Mills,
shall not be regulated by the provisions of this regulations and reserved lands shall be handed
over to MCGM or the Appropriate Authority in lieu of TDR or shall be developed as per the
provisions laid down under Regulation No 17
If the residential buildings/chawls are situated on a reserved parcel of land, then land
component of the chawl shall be developed as per the provisions of clause (7) of this Regulation
without considering the reservation & remaining reserved land shall be developed as per the
provisions laid down under Regulation No 17.
11) The provisions of sub Regulation no 1(b) of this Regulation shall not be applicable where the
share of MHADA and MCGM land has already been handed over as per then prevailing
Regulations. Kept in Abeyance)
12) "Not withstanding anything contained above, the provisions of this regulation will not be
applicable to any future amendments which may be proposed in the layouts of existing integrated
Development schemes for Textile Mills which have been approved under Regulations 58 of DCR
1991 and where the proportionate share of land of MCGM / MHADA as per the approved layout
has been handed over to MCGM / Appropriate Authority prior to the coming in force of this
However, the total permissible FSI in such cases will be restricted to a maximum of 4 FSI. Provided
further that in such cases the total permissible FSI may be allowed to be utilized by way of NTC
FSI, TDR or Additional FSI by payment of premium in various combinations, at the option of the
developer.- (Kept in Abeyance)
Table No: 13
Occupant Load
1 Residential 8
2 Educational 25
3 Institutional 6.6*
4 Assembly :
(a)With fixed or loose seats and dance 166.6**
floor 66.6**
(b)without seating facilities including
dining rooms
5 Mercantile :
(a)Street floor and sales basement 33.3
(b)Upper sales floors 16.6
8 Hazardous 10
*The occupant load in dormitory portions of homes for the aged, orphanages or
mental hospitals, etc. where sleeping accommodation is provided shall be calculated
at not less than 13.3 persons per 100 sq.m.
** The plinth or covered area shall include, in addition to the main assembly room
or space, any occupied connecting room or space in the same storey or in the storeys
above or below, where entrance is common to such rooms and spaces and they are
available for use by the occupants of the assembly place. No deductions shall be made
in the plinth/covered area for corridors, closets and
other sub-divisions; that area shall include all space serving the particular
assembly occupancy.
37. Requirements of parts of buildings
(1) Plinth: The plinth or any part of a building or outhouse shall be so located with respect
to the surrounding ground level that adequate drainage of the site is assured.
(i) Main Building: The height of the plinth shall not be less than 30 cm with respect to
the surrounding ground level or plinth shall not be less than 15 cm with respect to
the surrounding ground level in case of stilt/covered parking spaces. In areas subject to
flooding, the height of the plinth shall be at least 60 cm above the high flood level or
shall be at least 45 cm above the high flood level in case of stilt/covered parking spaces.
Architect on record shall certify that the plinth has been proposed after taking due
cognizance of High Flood Level (HFL) with reference to available Contour map.
(ii) Interior court-yards, covered parking spaces and garages: These shall be raised at
least 15cmabove the surrounding ground level and shall be satisfactorily drained.
Table No: 14
Multipurpose Room
4 (with provision of alcove) 12.5 2.4
Shop 1.2
6 6.0
Vending stalls & kiosks 1.2
7 3.0
38.0 or area
at the rate of
0.8 sq.m. per
8 Class room in an Educational
student or as 5.5
decided by
Govt. from
time to time.
Institutional building
(a) special room .. .. 3.0
9 9.5
(b) general ward .. .. 5.5
(ii) Height-(i) The minimum and maximum height of a habitable room shall be as given in
Table No 15hereunder: -
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(ii) Notwithstanding the above restriction as stated in TableNo. 15, any telematics equipment
storage or erection facility can have a height as required for effective functioning of that system.
(iii) Notwithstanding the above restrictions as stated in TableNo.15, for cinema/TV films
production, shooting, editing, recording studios, more height as required for their effective
functioning shall be permitted.
Table No: 15
1. Flat roof.
(f) Shops.
2. Pitched roof –
(a) Any habitable room 2.75 4.2
(average (Average with 2.8 m at the
with 2.4 m lowest point).
at the
* Subject to the special permission of the Commissioner greater height may be
Provided that- (i) the minimum clear head-way under any beam/tie beam of pitched roof
shall be 2.4 m.
(ii) In all occupancies except those included in Sr. No. 1(d) & (e) in the table above, any height in
excess of 4.2 m shall be deemed to have consumed an additional F.S.I. of 50% of the relevant
floor area.
(iii) Other requirements- One full side of a habitable room must abut an exterior open space
same as provided in sub-regulation(2) of Regulation 41.
(iv)Other Requirements of Kitchen- Every room to be used as a kitchen shall have-
(a) unless separately provided in a pantry, means for the washing of kitchen utensils which
shall lead directly or through a sink to a grated and trapped connection to the waste pipe;
(b) on an upper floor, an impermeable floor;
(c) at least a window not less than 1 sq.m in area, opening directly on to an interior or
exterior open space.
the openings (windows, ventilators, louvers) not less than 0.3 sq.m in area or 0.3 m
in width.
(b) No bathrooms or water closet shall be situated directly over any room other than
another water closet, washing place, bathroom or terrace unless the said floor is made
impervious with adequate water-proofing treatment. However, in no case shall a
water closet or bathroom be provided over a kitchen.
(c) Every bathroom or water closet shall have the platform or seat or flooring made of
water-tight non-absorbent material.
(d) It shall be enclosed by walls or partitions and the surface of every such wall or partition
shall be finished with a smooth impervious material to a height of not less than 1m
above the floor of such a room.
(e) It shall be provided with an impervious floor covering sloping towards the drain with
a suitable grade and not towards a verandah or any other room.
(f) Every water closet and/or a set of urinals shall have a flushing cistern of adequate
capacity attached to it.
(g) All the sewerage outlets shall be connected to the municipal sewerage system.
Where no such system exists, a septic tank shall be provided within the plot
conforming to the requirements of sub-regulation 27 of Regulation 37.
(4) Loft:
(i) Location: Lofts may be provided over kitchens, habitable rooms, bathrooms, water
closets and corridors within a tenement in residential buildings, in shops and in
industrial buildings.
(ii) Height: The height of the loft shall not be more than 1.5 m. If it exceeds 1.5 m,it shall
be counted towards FSI.
(iii) The lofts in non-residential buildings shall be located at least 2 M away from the
Note- Lofts having head room more than 1.5 m above shall be treated as mezzanine
(ii) Height-The minimum height/head-room above a mezzanine floor shall be 2.2m. The
head-room under a mezzanine floor shall not be less than 2.2m.
(iii) Other
Requirements-A mezzanine floor may be permitted over a room or a
compartment, if
(a) it conforms to the standards of living rooms in regard to lighting and ventilation in
case its size is 9.5 sq.m or more;
(b) it is so constructed as not to interfere under any circumstances with the ventilation
of the space over and under it;
(c) no part of it is put to use as a kitchen/sanitary block;
(d) it is not closed, so that it could be converted into an unventilated compartment;
(e) it is at least 1.8 m away from the front wall deriving access of such room;
(f) access to the mezzanine floor is from within the respective room below only;
(g) where it is in an industrial building, NOC from the relevant authorities of the Industries
Department is obtained for the additional floor area.
(6) Garage:
(i) Size-The size of a private garage shall not be less than 2.5 m x 5.5 m or 2.3 mx
4.5m as provided in clause (ii) and the note under it in sub-regulation (1) of
Regulation 44.
(ii) Location-If not within the building the garage may be located at its side or rear, but
at least 7.5 m away from any access road.
(iii) Area of garage shall be counted in FSI & it shall be at least 1.5m meter away from
compound wall.
Explanation: For purposes of this Regulation, the term "garage" means a detached ground
floor structure in the open space of the plot or on the ground floor of a building and
intended for parking or shelter of mechanically controlled vehicles but not for their
(i) The basement may be allowed to be constructed beyond building line in the required
front open space under the provision of these regulations provided clear distance of 3.0
m between plot boundary/edge of road and basement line is maintained. The open
spaces from the other boundaries of the plot except front open space shall not be less
than 1.5 m. Basement may be at one level or more.
Provided further that if total depth of basements exceed beyond 8.4 m then the open
spaces from the boundaries of the plot shall be increased by 1.5 m f or every 8.4 m or
fraction thereof beyond the open spaces as described above.
(ii) Height- The height of the basement from the floor to the underside of the roof- slab
or ceiling or under side of a beam when the basement has a beam shall not be less than
2.4 m. The height of basement below soffit of the slab shall not be more than 3.9 m. In
case of mechanical parking more height as per the requirement may be allowed.
(iii) Ventilation- The extent of ventilation shall be the same as required by the particular
occupancy for which the basement is used. Any deficiency must be made good by
resort to a mechanical system, viz. blowers, exhaust fans, air- conditioning system,
according to the standards in Part VIII Building Services Section I-Lighting and
Ventilation, NBC.
(iv) Uses permitted – A basement may be put to the following uses only:
Provided that the uses mentioned at (a), (g), (h) & (j)above shall be permitted in the 1st
basement and the uses as mentioned in (f) above shall be permitted in lower basement
only by counting in FSI subject to compliance of requirements of habitable rooms
subject the to following conditions:
i) All requirements regarding access, safety (including fire safety), ventilation, etc. shall
be complied with.
ii) All the planning standards (particularly as regarding parking) should be strictly
adhered to.
(a) The ceiling of an upper basement shall be at least 0.6 m and not more than 1.2 m above
the average surrounding ground level within the building line & may be
flush with the average surrounding ground level beyond building line, Provided further
that the height of basement above average surrounding ground level within building
line may be reduced up to 0.15 m case of stilt and 0.30 m in case ground floor, when
basement beyond building line is flush with average surrounding ground level, subject
to provision of artificial light and ventilation.
(b) Adequate arrangements shall be made to ensure that surface drainage does not enter
the basement.
(c) The walls and floors of the basement shall be water-tight and the effect of the
surrounding soil and moisture, if any, should be taken into account in design and
adequate damp-proofing treatment shall be given.
(d) Any access to the basement through a staircase or pedestrian ramp shall meet
requirements of clause (16) of this Regulation. Open ramps may be permitted in the
open spaces except in the front open space within plot boundary, subject to
(b) above and the fire protection requirements.
(e) Any access to the basement through vehicular ramps shall meet the requirements of
item, (ii)of clause (16) of this Regulation.
(8)Cabin: Where cabins are provided, a clear passage not less than 0.9 m wide will be
maintained. The size of a cabin shall not be less than 3 sq. m and the distance from
the farthest space of cabin to the nearest exit shall not be more than18.5 m. If the cabin
does not derive direct light and ventilation from any open spaces/mechanical means, its
maximum height shall be 2.2 m.
(10)(a) Letter Box Room: A separate letter box room of appropriate dimensions shall be
provided on the ground floor /stilt floor/over podium or any other convenient location
in residential, commercial and industrial occupancy in each wing.
the electric supply undertaking. The door to the room shall have fire resistance of
not less than two hours.
(13) Corridor: The minimum width of a common corridor shall be as shown in Table No
16 hereunder. Provided that any corridor identified as an exit (vide Regulations 47) shall
also conform the requirements therein.
(14) Door: Doors shall conform to the under mentioned provisions. In addition, in
order to satisfy fire-fighting requirements, any doorway identified as an exit shall
conform to the requirements stipulated in Regulation 47,
(i) Width- A door shall be at least 0.9 m wide, except that doors to bathrooms, water-
closets or stores may at least be 0.7 m wide.
(ii) Height-The minimum height of a doorway shall be 2 m.
(15)Stairway: Stairways shall conform to the following provisions in addition to items (i)
to (ix) below. In addition, in order to satisfy fire-fighting requirements, any stairway
identified as an exit stairway shall conform to the requirements stipulated in Regulation
(i) Width- The minimum width of a staircase other than a fire escape shall be as given
in Table No 16 hereunder.
Table No: 16
1 Residential buildings-
(a) General 1.50 2.00
(b) Row housing (2 storeyed) or 0.90 -
internal staircase in duplex
(c) Hotels 1.50 2.0
2 Educational buildings
(a) Upto 32 m high 1.50 -
Width of stairways or corridor in case of 1(b) above shall be limited to 1.20 m.
(ii) Flight- No flight shall contain more than 12 risers, but in residential buildings, in narrow
plots a single flight staircase may be permitted.
(iii) Risers- The maximum height of a riser shall be 17.50 cm in any occupancy. However,
on an internal stairway within a dwelling unit a riser may be 25 cm high. (iv)Treads- The
minimum width of the tread without nosing shall be 25cm for staircases of a residential
building, other than fire escapes. In other occupancies, the minimum width of the
tread shall be 30cm it shall have a non-slippery finish. (v)Head-room- The minimum head-
room in a passage under the landing of a staircase and under the staircase shall be
(vi) Floor Indicator- The number of each floor shall be conspicuously painted in figures
at least 15cm large on the wall facing the flights of a stairway or at such suitable place
as is distinctly visible from the flights.
(vii) Hand rail- Handrails with a minimum height of 0.9m from the center of the treads
shall be provided.
(viii) Except for the row houses or for the internal staircase of a duplex tenement, no staircase
shall be made of wooden or other combustible material.
(ix) Corridors and Stairway side identified as fire exits shall conform to other relevant
provisions of National Building Code.
(i) Ramps for pedestrians-
(a)General: The provision applicable to stairways shall generally apply to ramps. A
ramp in a hospital shall not be less than 2.25 m wide. In addition, to satisfy the fire-
fighting requirements, a ramp shall conform to sub-regulation (7) of Regulation 48
(b)Slope: A ramp shall have a slope of not less than 1 in 8 for vehicular traffic & 1
in12 for pedestrian. It shall be of non-slippery material.
a) Handrail- A handrail shall be provided on both the sides of the ramp with minimum
height of 0.90 m above the surface of the ramp.
b) For every 9 m of ramp length, a landing of 1.5 m shall be provided
c) Landing of minimum 1.5 m length shall be provided at every entry & exit of ramp.
(ii) Ramps for basement or podium, multi-storeyed parking- For parking spaces in a
basement and upper floors, ramps of adequate width as tabulated below and
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adequate slope shall be provided preferably at the opposite ends. Such ramps may be
permitted in the side and rear marginal open spaces after leaving sufficient space for
movement of fire-fighting vehicles subject to the provision of sub-regulation (7) of
Regulation 48. Provided that, when a building abuts 3 or more roads, then ramps shall be
allowed in front marginal open space facing the road having least width. Alternatively, for
ingress & egress of vehicles minimum two numbers of car lifts for vehicles up to 200
parking and one additional car lift for every 100 parking beyond200 parking or part
thereof shall be provided.
Note- a) In case of two-way ramp with dividers, each carriageway will be considered as
one way ramp.
b) At turnings, width of ramp mentioned above shall be enhanced/increased for smooth
maneuvering as per the sketch of Annexure 23 appended herewith.
c) The gradient of the ramp shall not be more than 1 in 8.
d) Separate provision for ingress & egress shall be made.
(17)Lifts: Lifts shall conform to the provisions given below and to the provisions of sub-
regulation (2) of Regulation 50.
(i) At least one lift shall be provided in every building more than 16m in height. In case
of buildings more than 24m high at least two lifts shall be provided in order to serve each
dwelling unit. One of these lifts shall be fire lift & shall be in conformity with the fire
safety regulations. It shall be ensured that atleast one lift must serve access to the lowest
level of basement & may also extend up to terrace floor except in areas where civil
aviation and other restrictions operate.
(ii) Other requirements. -
a. The number, type and capacity of lift shall satisfy the requirements of part 8, Sec.5,
and those of Installation of Lifts and Escalators National Building Code of India and
modified provision thereof from time to time.
b. At ground floor level, a grounding switch shall be provided to enable grounding the
lift cars in an emergency.
c. The lift machine room shall be separate and no machinery other than required for the
lift shall be installed therein.
d. The number of each floor shall be conspicuously painted in figures at least 15cm. large
on the wall opposite the lift/lifts opening or on other suitable surface so as to be
distinctly visible from the lift cage.
e. In high rise residential buildings having height more than 70m, one of the lifts installed
shall be a freight lift. The freight lift will be designed in such a way that it shall serve as
stretcher lift also.
f. A new lift with passage thereto in an existing building with height up to 16m may be
permitted with the permission of the Commissioner.
(18)Porch: A porch, if any, shall be at least 1.5 m clear of the plot boundary, shall have
a level difference of 0.3 m in relation to the level of the floor; the area of a porch upto
5.5 m in length (parallel to the main building) shall not be counted towards FSI. A parapet
wall 0.23 m in height is permissible over a porch. The Commissioner may permit
larger porches for mercantile,
institutional,IT,Mall,Commercial,hotel and public buildings.
(19) Canopy: A cantilevered and un-enclosed canopy with level difference of 0.3 m in
relation to the floor level may be permitted over each entrance and staircase, if a clear
distance of at least 1.5 m is maintained between the plot boundary and the outer edge
of the canopy. The minimum clear height of the canopy shall be 2.2 m. The
Commissioner may permit larger canopies for mercantile, institutional, IT, Mall,
Commercialhotel and public buildings.
(21) Roof:
(i) Effective drainage of rain water- The roof of a building shall be so constructed or framed
as to permit effective drainage of the rain water therefrom by means of rain water pipes
at the scale of at least one pipe of 10cm diameter for every 40-sq.m of roof area. Such
pipes shall be so arranged, jointed and fixed as to ensure that the rain water is carried
away efficiently.
(ii) Rain water pipes shall be connected to Rain Water Harvesting system, if required to
be provided under these Regulations or to a drain through a covered channel formed
beneath the public footpath to connect the rain water pipes to the road side storm water
drain or in any other approved manner.
(iii) Manner of fixing rain water pipes- Rain water pipes shall be affixed to the outside
of the walls of the building or in recesses or chases cut or formed in such walls or in
such any other manner as may be approved by the Commissioner.
(22) Common Terraces: Common Terraces shall not be sub-divided and shall be accessible
by a common staircases/lift. The terraces may be used for additional recreational green
area over and above the mandatory LOS requirement under these Regulations, provided
that the terrace shall be designed and made impervious considering recreational green
area. The terraces will also serve as community open spaces for the occupants of the
building. The terraces may allowed for roof top farming/ gardening Overhang of terrace
to the extent of 1.20 m beyond building line subject to requirement of open spaces as
per Regulation no 42(e) & 42(f)may be allowed from elevation point of view.
Provided further that completely commercial buildings including buildings of residential
hotels, terraces may be permitted to be used as restaurant; subject to condition that no
inflammable material shall be used and safety and security shall be ensured. No
construction whatsoever, temporary or permanent, except service platform & toilet
block, shall be permissible.
(23) Parapet: Parapet walls and hand-rails provided on the edges of the roof terrace,
balcony, etc. shall not be less than 1.50m from the finished floor level. Parapet wall
having height more than 1.50m may be allowed on top most common terrace level with
the approval of commissioner. For the height of building beyond 32 m &up to 70 m
parapet wall of height 2 m, for the building height beyond 70 m parapet wall with
height up to 5 m with 60% voids in surface area beyond height of
1.30 m only on two sides of common terrace may be allowed.
(a) Except with the permission of the Commissioner, the maximum height of a boundary
wall shall be 2.4 m above the surrounding ground level of plot. A boundary wall more
than 2.4 m height may be permitted if the top 0.9m is of open type construction, to
facilitate through vision.
(b) At a corner plot, the height of the boundary wall shall be restricted to 0.75m for a length
of 10m on the front and side of the inter-section and the balance height of
0.75m if required in accordance with (i) above may be made up of open type construction
(through railings).
(c) The provisions of (a) and (b) above will not apply to the boundary walls of correction
facilities (jails/prison/remand home).
(d) In case of transformer stations, institutional buildings like sanatoria, hospitals,
educational buildings like schools, colleges, including hostels, industrial buildings and
other uses of public utility undertakings, a height upto 2.4m may be permitted However,
in case of electric sub-stationsa height up to 3.6 m may be permitted.
(e) In case a boundary wall around a POS such as Play Ground, is contemplated, the height
of Boundary shall not be preferably higher than 0.45 m & shall have width of
0.45 m or wider (in any case the height of boundary wall shall not exceed 1.50 m or as
per the requirements of Commissioner) with smooth top finish which can be comfortable
for sitting purpose. However, for Gardens & Parks boundary wall up to
1.5 m height may be permitted if the top 0.9 m is of open type construction, to facilitate
through vision.
(ii) Main Entrance-The main entrance to a plot accommodating a high rise or a special
building shall be at least 4.5m wide and shall be so designed as not to obstruct easy
movement of a fire-engine or truck. The entrance gate to it shall open inside and fold back
against the compound wall.
Provided further that ornamental entrance gate with the height not less than
4.5m or as required for movement of fire Engine shall be permissible.
(26) Overhead Tanks: Every overhead water storage tank shall be maintained in proper
hygienic condition. The distance between terrace & soffit of the overhead water tank
shall not exceed 1.5 m. The construction of the water storage tanks shall be as per the
guidelines issued by Hydraulic Engineering Department of MCGM.
(27) Septic Tanks-Location and sub-soil dispersion: A sub-soil dispersion system shall not
be closer than 12m to any source of drinking water such as a well, to mitigate the
possibility of bacterial pollution of water supply. It shall not be closer than 3 m from
Tube well/Bore well. It shall also be as far removed from the nearest habitable building as
economically feasible but not closer than 2 m to avoid damage to the structure.
The construction of septic tank shall be carried out as per the relevant provisions of IS Code 2470-
1985 Part I & II.
(29) Special Provisions for Institutional, Assembly, Business or Mercantile and Industrial
Buildings: A Crèche of minimum 40 sq. m BUA shall be provided for Institutional,
Assembly, Business or Mercantile Building where total number of employees is 1000or
(30) Parking floor: The parking floors above ground/stilt floor within building line, for
the provision of parking, accessible either by ramp or by minimum two car lifts up to 200
parking and one additional car lift for every 100 parking beyond 200 parking or part
thereof. The height of the parking floor shall not be more than 2.4m below soffit of the
beam& maximum height of the floor permitted in this regulation below soffit of slab. In
case of mechanical parking more height as per the requirement may be allowed.
(31) Podium: A podium may be permitted in plot admeasuring 1000 sq.m or more.
The podium provided with ramp may be permitted in one or more level, total height not
exceeding 32 m above ground level.
Podium not provided with ramp but provided with car lifts may be allowed subject to
minimum two numbers, for vehicles up to 200 parking and one additional car lift for
every 100 parking beyond 200 parking or part thereof.
The podium shall be used for the parking of vehicles, provision of DG set, and substation
as per requirement of electric supply company. Further, drivers’ room, toilet block,
society office, Air Handling Unit (AHU) and Yogalaya or Fitness Centre, swimming pool on
top most podium open to sky may also be permitted without affecting recreational area
if provided and if other requirements of these Regulations are fulfilled.
The LOS as laid down under Regulation No 27, may be provided as per note therein.
The additional LOS, if any, may be provided on the podium.
Podium may be allowed to be constructed beyond building line in the required front open
space under the provisions of these Regulations provided clear distance of 3.0 m
between plot boundary/edge of road and podium line is maintained.
Such podium may be extended beyond the building line in consonance with provisions
of DC Regulation 47(1) on one side whereas on other side and rear side it shall not be less
than 1.5 m from the plot boundary.
Ramps may be provided in accordance with DCRegulation37(16).
(32) Service Floor: A service floor of height not exceeding 1.8 m may be provided in a
building exclusively for provision/diversion of services. Provided further that a service
floor with height exceeding 1.8 m may be allowed in a building of medical use or in
building having height more than 70 m with the special permission of Commissioner
with reasons recorded in writing.
(33) Helipad: A helipad may be allowed on the rooftop of the building having height
more than 200 m or at a suitable location subject to;
(i) prior permission from Director General of Civil Aviation(DGCA)as per the guide
lines issued by Ministry of Civil Aviation,
(ii) prior permission from Ministry of Defense and Government of Maharashtra,
(iii) structural stability certificate from the registered Structural Engineer,
(iv) provision for firefighting as prescribed by DGCA/CFO,
(v) unrestricted access as required by MCGM/any Government agencies in case of
emergency and submission of registered undertaking to that effect.
(1) In addition to the class-rooms and other areas, every educational building shall be
provided with-
(a) a tiffin room with a minimum area of 18 sq. m for every 800 students or part thereof;
(b) a separate tiffin room for teachers where strength of students exceeds 1000;
(c) a room/space with drinking water facilities for every 300 students or part thereof on
each of the floors.
These requirements may be amended by the Commissioner in consultation with the Education
Department of the State Government.
under Differently Abled People. The provisions made under Differently Abled People are
also applicable to elderly, pregnant women and mothers with small children on prams.
1 Scope:
These bye laws are applicable to all existing and proposed public buildings & facilities
having BUA more than 2000 sq. m.
In case of proposed residential buildings and public buildings/facilities having BUA less
than 2000sq. m the access path and walkways up to lift/staircase on ground
level/stilt/podium from drop off zone shall be provided for differently abled persons.
2. Site Development:
Level of the roads, access paths and parking areas shall be described in the plan along
with specification of the materials.
2.1 Access path/walk way-
Access path from plot entry and surface parking to building entrance shall be of minimum
1.5 m width having even surface without any slope. Slope if any shall not have gradient
greater than 1 in 20. Finishes shall have a nonskid surface with a texture traversable by
a wheel chair. Where transfer has to be made from a vehicular surface to a pedestrian
surface, the driveway and the pavement or footway surfaces shall be blended to a
common level or ramp. Kerb Ramps shall be preferably provided.
Provision Kerb Ramps are to be provided where the vertical rise is less than
and 0.15m, located or protected to prevent obstruction by parked
Location vehicles and should be free from any obstruction such as signposts,
traffic lights, etc.
Dimensions The gradient of a kerb ramp should not be steeper than 1:12, the
and slopes flared sides should not be more than 1:10 and width should not be
less than 0.9 m.
B) Drop-off Zone
C) Access Path:
Dimensions Access path from plot entry and surface parking to building
entrance shall be of minimum 1.5 m width and for a two- way
traffic, it should be 1.8 m wide.
Slope ● Slope if any shall not have gradient greater than 1 in 20.
● Such access shall be free from protrusion, hazards, steps,
kerbs other than dropper kerbs, doors or doorways which will
impede the passage of a wheelchair, or other form of barrier
which will prevent access by Differently Abled persons.
Design and Finish ● The surface of an access route shall be firm and non- slippery.
● Tactile guiding path is requirement to ensure visually impaired
person familiarize with the road and path. It shall be avoided
with the vehicular movement.
D) Ramps:
Provision and ● When the horizontal run of the approach ramp exceeds
Location 9 m length, an alternative stepped approach (Refer
Staircases section) is to be provided in addition to the ramp
Design and Finish ● Single row of tactile warning blocks should be placed at
beginning and end of each ramp at also at beginning and end
of each run.
● Ramps and landing surfaces should be slip resistant.
2.2 Parking- For parking of vehicles by Differently abled individuals, the following
provisions shall be made:
a) Minimum two surface parking spaces for the first 100 parking spaces and one parking
space for next 200 parking spaces or part thereof shall be provided near entrance for the
Differently abled persons with maximum travel distance of 30 m from building entrance.
b) The width of parking bay shall be minimum 3.6 m.
c) The information stating that the space is reserved for wheel chair users shall be
conspicuously displayed.
d) Indication/directional signage along driveway showing the way leading to the parking
spaces reserved for Differently abled persons should be provided
3. Building Requirements:
The specified facilities for the buildings for Differently abled persons shall be as
1. Approach to plinth level.
2. Corridor connecting the entrance/exit for the Differently abled persons.
Development Plan 2034
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
3. Stairways.
4. Lift.
5. Toilet.
6. Drinking Water.
3.1 Approach to Plinth Level- Every building shall have at least one entrance
accessible to the Differently abled persons and shall be indicated by proper signage. This
entrance shall be approached through a ramp together with the stepped entry.
3.1.1 Ramped Approach- Ramp to enter the building shall be finished with non- skid
material. Minimum width of ramp shall be 1.5 m with maximum gradient 1:12. Length of
ramp shall not exceed 9.0 m having 0.9 m high hand rail on both sides extending 0.3 m
beyond top and bottom of the ramp. Minimum gap from the adjacent wall to the hand
rail shall be 0.050 m.
3.1.2 Stepped Approach- For stepped approach size of tread shall not be less than
0.3 m and maximum riser shall be 0.15 m with provision of 0.9 m high hand rail on
both sides of the stepped approach similar to the ramped approach.
3.1.3 Exit/Entrance Door: -The details shall be as under: -
3.1.4 Entrance Landing- Entrance landing shall be provided adjacent to ramp with the
minimum dimension 1.8 m x 2.0 m. It shall have a non-skid surface with a texture
traversable by a wheel chair. Kerbs wherever provided should blend to a common level.
3.2 Corridor Connecting the Entrance/Exit for the Differently abled persons - The
corridor connecting the outdoors to a place where information concerning the overall use
of the specified building can be provided to visually impaired persons either by a person
or by signs, shall be provided as follows:
a) The minimum width shall be 1.5 m
b) In case there is a difference of level, slope ways shall be provided with a slope of 1:12.
c) Hand rails shall be provided for ramps/slope ways.
d) No appliances, fixtures and fittings shall project beyond 90 mm from the surface of
any wall in corridors, paths and lobbies below a level of 2000mm above the finished
floor level unless they are unavoidable, in which case they shall also be extended
downwards to the finished floor level or guided by tactile flowing materials.
e) To facilitate the way-finding for persons with visual impairment, surfaces and finishes
with luminous contrast between the wall and the ceiling, and between the wall and the
floor should be adopted. Appropriate lighting design with adequate illumination should
be considered.
f) All corridors should have non-slippery-resistant surfaces.
g) A minimum luminous contrast of 30% should clearly define between wall, floor and
door surfaces.
3.3 Stair Ways- One of the stair-ways near the entrance/exit for the Differently abled
persons shall have the following provisions:
a) The minimum width shall be1.5 m.
b) Height of the riser shall not be more than 0.15 m and width of the tread 0.3 m. The
steps shall not have abrupt (square) nosing.
c) Maximum number of risers on a flight shall be limited to 12.
d) Hand rails shall be provided on both sides and shall extend 0.3 m on both sides and
shall extend 0.3 m on the top and bottom of each flight of steps.
e) The minimum clear headroom in pedestrian area such as walkways, halls, corridors,
passageways or aisles shall be 2.2 m.
f) A detectable guardrail or other barrier having its leading edge at or below 0.580 m from
the floor level shall be provided where the head room of an area adjoining an accessible
route is reduced to less than 2.2 m as shown in the Sketch No 3 in Annexure 23
g) The provision of Braille and high luminous contrast signs is recommended along with
tactile guiding path
3.4 Lifts- Wherever lift is required as per bye-laws, provision of at least one lift shall
be made for the wheel chair user with the following cage dimensions:
Clear internal depth: 1.2 m
Clear internal width: 1.4 m
Entrance door width: 0.9 m
a) A hand rail not less than 0.6 m long at 1.0 m above floor level shall be fixed adjacent
to the control panel. Also, switch control /call button shall be at an operating height of
0.9 m to 1.2 m.
b) The lift lobby shall be of an inside measurement of 1.8 m x 1.8 m or more.
c) The time of an automatically closing door should be minimum 5 second and the closing
speed should not exceed 0.25 m/sec.
d) The interior of the cage shall be provided with a device that audibly indicates the floor
the cage has reached and indicates that the door of the cage for entrance/exit is either
open or closed.
e) The gap between the lift floor and floor landing shall not be more than 12 mm.
f) Grab bars shall be placed on all three internal sides of the lift car at a height of 0.9 m
from the finished floor level. Grab bars shall not have a gap of wider than 0.15 m at the
corners as shown in the Sketch No 4 in Annexure 23.
g) Audio announcement system in lift shall be provided.
3.5 Toilets- One special W.C. in a set of toilet with non-skid surface shall be provided
for the use by the Differently abled persons with essential provision of wash basin
near the entrance: -
a) The minimum size shall be 1.5 m x 1.75 m
b) Minimum clear opening of the door shall be 0.9 m and the door shall swing out.
c) Suitable arrangement of vertical/horizontal handrails with 50 mm clearance from
wall shall be made in the toilet.
d) The WC seat shall be 0.5 m from the floor. The flushing control shall be mounted on
the wide side of the cubicle at a height from 0.6 m to 1.05 m above the finished floor
e) The wash basin shall be mounted with the rim not higher than 0.75 m above the finished
floor level. A clearance of 0.55 m shall be maintained from the finished floor level to
the bottom of the apron.
f) Two horizontal grab rails not less than 0.35 m to 0.50 m shall be provided on the rear
side and on other side (different side from the one with wash basin). Drop down
vertical grab bars shall be provided on both sides of WC. Grab bars shall have 50 mm
clearance from the wall. The grip space shall be 0.30 m clear of mounting
Development Plan 2034
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
wall. One folding grab rail on the wide side of the cubicle adjacent to the WC at a height
from 0.725 m to 0.75 m above the finished floor level when lowered from the wall.
g) If more than one urinal is provided, at least one urinal shall have a clear leveled space
of not less than 0.80 m wide x 1.5 m deep in front. A vertical grab rail near urinal.
h) An emergency call bell shall be provided in an accessible WC cubicle.
3.6 Drinking Water- Suitable provision of drinking water shall be made for the
Differently abled persons near the special toilet provided for them.
3.7 Designing for Children- In the buildings, including toilet, meant for the predominant
use by children, it will be mandatory to adjust the height of the handrail and other
fittings and fixtures, etc. suitably.
1. Objects or obstructions, with their leading edges at any height above 0.580 m from
the floor level shall not protrude more than 0.1 m in to pedestrian areas as illustrated in
Sketch No 5 in Annexure 23.
2. Objects or obstructions, with their leading edges upto a maximum height of 580
mm from the floor level, may protrude more than 0.1 m into pedestrian are as
illustrated in Sketch No 5 in Annexure 23.
3. Free standing objects placed between the height of 0.58 m and 2.0 m from the floor
level shall have an overhang of not more than 0.3 m as illustrated in Sketch No 6 in
Annexure 23.
4. The maximum height of the bottom edge of free standing objects with a space of
more than 0.3 m between supports shall be 0.58 m from the floor level as illustrated in
Sketch No 6 in Annexure 23.
a) Appropriate identification of specific facilities within a building for the differently abled
persons should be done with proper signals.
b) Visually impaired persons make use of other senses such as hearing and touch to
compensate for the lack of vision, whereas visual signals benefit those with hearing
disabilities. Signs should be designed and located so that they are easily legible by using
suitable letter size (not less than 20 mm high).
c) For visually impaired persons, information board in brail should be installed on the
wall at a suitable height and it should be possible to approach them closely.
d) Directional signs and tactile guiding path should readily identify and provide a logical
sequence from a starting point to a point of destination and a clear indication of return
routes to the named exits. Clear indication of the existence of steps or ramps on a route
should be provided at both ends of the route
d) To ensure safe walking, there should not be any protruding sign which creates
obstruction in walking.
e) Public Address System may also be provided in busy public areas.
f) The symbols/information should be in contrasting colour and properly illuminated
because people with limited vision may be able to differentiate amongst primary colours.
g) International Symbol Mark for wheel chair be installed in a lift, toilet, staircase, parking
areas, etc., that have been provided for the differently abled
Road Intersections, Median Refuge, Traffic Signals, Subways & Foot over Bridges
a. Guide strips should be constructed to indicate the position of pedestrian
crossings for the benefit of people with visual impairments and have kerb ramps
b. Raised Median Refuges are to be cut through and levelled with the street and
should have kerb ramps.
c. A coloured tactile marking strip at least 0.6 m wide should mark the beginning
and the end of a traffic island, to guide pedestrian with visual impairments to its
d. Pedestrian traffic lights should be provided with clear audible signals and these
acoustic devices should be installed on a pole at the point at the origin of crossing and
not at the point of destination
e. Signages for Foot over bridges and Subways are to be provided.
(1) Adequacy and manner of provision- All parts of any habitable room shall be adequately
lighted and ventilated. For this purpose, every room shall have -
(a) one or more apertures, excluding doors, with area not less than one-sixth of the floor
area of the habitable room, with no part of any habitable room being more than7.50 m
away from the source of light and ventilation. However, a staircase shall be deemed to
be adequately lighted and ventilated, if it has one or more openings, their area taken
together measuring not less than 1 sq. m per landing on the external wall;
(b) an opening with a minimum area of 1 sq. m in any habitable room including a kitchen,
and 0.3 sq. m with one dimension of 0.3 m for any bathroom, water closet or store;
(c) all the walls, containing the openings for light and ventilation fully exposed to an
exterior open space either directly or through a balcony not exceeding 2m. in width
provided that a room meant for non-residential user shall be considered as adequately
lighted and ventilated if its depth from the side abutting the required open space does
not exceed 12 m and in case centrally air-conditioned building may be allowed to be
exceeded up to 20 m.
(2) Artificial Lighting & Mechanical Ventilation- Where lighting and ventilation
requirements are not met through day-lighting and natural ventilation, they shall be
ensured through artificial lighting and ventilation in accordance with the provisions of
Part VIII, Building Service Section I, Lightning and Ventilation, National Building Code.
(3) In any residential hotel where toilets are provided with a mechanical ventilation
system, the size of the ventilation shaft prescribed in this Regulation may be suitably
relaxed by the Commissioner
(1) (a) Open spaces separate for each building or wing. -The open spaces required under
these Regulations shall be separate or distinct for each building and where a building
has two or more wings, each wing shall have separate or distinct open spaces as
required under these Regulations;
Provided that if one of the wings does not depend for light and ventilation on the open
space between the two wings, the said open space shall be the one required for the
higher wingor one required for deriving the light and ventilation whichever is higher.
Open spaces to be provided for the full consumption of FSI-The open spaces to be left
at the sides and rear shall relate to the height necessary to consume the full FSI
permissible, for the occupancy in the zone.
(b) Manner of computing front open space/setback where the street is to be widened-
If the building plot abuts any road which is proposed to be widened under the
Development Plan or because of the prescription of regular lines of streets under the
Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act, 1888, the front open space
/road-side set back shall be measured from the resulting road widening line.
Development Plan 2034
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
(c) The front open space shall be measured perpendicular to the road line. The open
spaces for light and ventilation shall be measured perpendicular to the building line.
The open spaces for dead wall shall be measured perpendicular to compound wall.
(2) Side and rear open space in relation to the height of the building for light and
(i) Residential and Commercial Zones-
(a) The open spaces on all sides except the front side of a building shall be as
Table A
Sr. Ht. of Side & rear marginal open space Side & rear marginal open space
No. Building
(H) Plot up to 1000 sq. m or where Plot size more than 1000 sq. m
average width/depth of plot is less and average width/depth of
than 20 m plot more 20 m
Note i) Provision of glass facade without construction of dead wall inside the facade
shall be treated as side deriving Light & Ventilation.
ii) In case of residential building Glass façade shall be permissible in the portion, which
does not derive light and ventilation.
iii) In case of High Rise building with height more than 32 m the requirements of Fire Safety
as specified in these Regulations/Fire Brigade Authorities shall be fulfilled.
(b) Step-back at upper level- The Commissioner may permit smaller step-backs at
upper levels and also permit additional floor area upto a limit of 10sq. m over the
permissible FSI to avoid structural difficulties or hardship but so as not to affect
adversely the light and ventilation of an adjoining building or part thereof.
(c) Tower-like structures- Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, a tower- like
structure may be permitted only with 6 m open space at the ground level and
onestep-back at the upper levels provided that the total height does not exceed 32m.
If it exceeds 32m but does not exceed 70m, the minimum open space at ground
level shall be6 m on rear and one side and 9mon another side accessible from road. In
case of building exceeding the height of 70 m minimum open space at ground level
shall be 9 m and two step-back at upper level up to the height of 70 m and for the
height more than 70 m and up to 120 m three step-backs and for the height beyond
120 m four step-backs may be allowed. The step-backs shall be provided in such a way
that the required open spaces as per the provisions of Regulation No.
41(1)(a),41(2)(i)(a) & 43(1)are maintained at upper level. The terrace created by the
step-back shall be accessible through a common passage and /or common staircase
Provided further that such step backs as stated above may also be allowed on one or more
sides, however on other sides than the step back, shall have to maintain the regular
open spaces as per these regulations.
(a) Buildings upto 4 storeys or 16 m in height - The minimum width of the open
space around each building shall be 6m.
(b) Building more than 4 storeys or 16 m in height- The open space dimension prescribed
in (a) above shall be increased by at least 0.25m for every 1 m of height or part
thereof, above 4 storeys or 16 m.
Provided that no such increase in open spaces is necessary if (i) it is a front margin or
(ii) when only store rooms and stairways derive light and ventilation from the open
(3) Provisions in marginal open spaces if the height of the building is restricted -
Table No 17
(i) Such side open space will not be required for row housing, but will be required for
semi-detached structure which will have open spaces around the entire structure.
Such side open space shall not be reckoned as the main source of light and ventilation
for habitable rooms of the structure.
(ii) In plots, less than 60sq. m in area, no front open space need be provided if the means
of access serving such plots is at least 3 m in width.
(iii) A row housing scheme developed as a block shall not be more than 45 m in length
and the distance separating two such blocks shall not be less than 1.5 m.
(iv) Where the amenity open space is accessible from all the lay-out plots and has no
exclusive means of access, the rear marginal open spacein plots abutting such amenity
open space shall not be less than 3 m
(4) Front Set-backs from the Street Line/Plot Boundary and set-backs from the zonal
boundary in the different zones shall be as in Table No 18hereunder.
Table No 18
A. Front set-back from Street Line/Plot Boundary (in meters)
4 For plots in
gaothans/Koliwadas/Adiwasipada, in
suburbs extended suburbs
smaller than 250 sq. m.
i) streets less than 6 m NIL N.A. N.A.
ii) streets 6m and more and less 1 N.A. N.A.
than 9m 1.5 N.A. N.A.
iii) streets 9m and more
5 On island city roads listed below* 4.5 4.5 Not
NOTE:With the approval of the Corporation, the Commissioner may add, alter or amend this list
of roads. For high rise buildings front marginal distance shall be as per Regulation No.43.
B. Segregating distance from Zonal/plot Boundary in Industrial Zones (in meters)
(ii) These segregating distances from the adjoining plot as stated above shall not be
insisted upon where non-industrial development has already been permitted by
conversion of zone in the said adjoining plot situated in Industrial zone.
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
The following provisions shall only be applicable in case of rehab and composite building.
Composite building in Rehab scheme is the building where the rehab component is equal
to or more than 50%.
(i) For a building up to height 32m the front open space shall be 3.0 m.
(ii) For a building, up to height 32 m, side and rear marginal open spaces may be reduced
to 3.0 m.
(iii) for a building with height more than 32 m but upto 70 m the side and rear marginal
open spaces shall not be less than 6 m and for a building with height more than 70 m the
side and rear marginal open spaces shall not be less than 9 m and 12 m beyond 120 m
subject to fulfillment of fire safety requirement as specified in these Regulations.
(b) Cinemas/theatres:
(i) Front open space- A minimum open space 12 m wide from edge of the road or
37 m from the centre of National Highway/State Highway/Major District road, whichever
is more is required.Provided that if adequate parking is provided, and then with the
special permission of the commissioner, minimum front open space may be reduced to
6 m wide from edge of the road without charging premium.- (Refuse to accord sanction)
Provided further that in case the cinema theater is proposed along with other permissible
uses in building then open spaces as per requirement of special building will be
considered deemed to be sufficient where waiting area for patron is provided within the
(ii) Side and rear open space- The side and rear marginal distances to be left open shall
not be less than 6 m wide.
(c) For high rise and special buildings, the provisions as stipulated in Regulation No. 47(1)
shall apply.
(a) Narrow plots in residential and commercial zones, viz those less than 15 m wide or
deep will be permitted the relaxation shown in column 3 of Table No 19 hereunder
subject to the restrictions in column 4 thereof.
Table No: 19
Open Space Relaxation in Narrow plots in Residential and Commercial Zones.
1 Depth less than 15 Rear open space may be No room except store-room
m reduced to 3 m and staircase derives light and
ventilation from reduced open
2 Width less than 15 Side open space may be No room except store-room
m but more than reduced to 3 m and staircase derives light and
11.5 m ventilation from reduced open
3 Depth less than Front open space may be (i) Depth of the building not to
11.5 m but more reduced to 3 m and rear exceed 5.5 m
than 9 m open space reduced to (ii) Height not to exceed,
1.8 m 5storeys or 15 m.
4 Width less than One side open space (i) Width of the building not to
11.5 m but more may be reduced to 3 m exceed 5.5m
than 9 m and the other side open (ii) Height not to exceed 5
space may be reduced storeys or 15 m
to 1.8 m
Development Plan 2034
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
5 Depth or width less Semi-detached structure (i) Depth of the building not to
than 11.5 m on adjoining plots with exceed 5.5 m
open spaces as at (ii) Height not to exceed 5
Sr. Nos. 3 or 4 above. storeys or 15 m
6 Depth or width less Open space may be Only ground floor or stilt + one
than 9 m reduced to 1.5 m all structure.
Explanation to Table No 19
(b) Narrow plots in industrial zones, viz. those having one dimension smaller than 16 m
will be allowed the relaxation subject to the restrictions in Table No 20 hereunder.
Table No: 20
Open Space Relaxation in Narrow Plots in Industrial Zones
2. dimension
s, etc.-
(i) 6m 30 m 6m 30 m 6m 30 m
Maximum 30 m 6m 30 m 6m 30m 6m
-um 4.5 m 4.5 m 8m 8m 8m 8m
(iv)No. of
storeys One One Two Two Two Two
Note: -i) The restriction in Table No 20 shall not apply to any narrow plot where in
reconstruction/redevelopment scheme under the Maharashtra Housing and Area Development
Authority Act, 1976 and Slum Act is undertaken.
ii) For the purpose of this regulation plot area shall be reckoned after deduction of ‘area
of the plot to be handed over to MCGM/Appropriate Authority’ under these Regulations.
(a) Inner chowk-Unless it abuts on a front, rear, or side open space, the whole/part of
one side of every room other than a habitable room shall abut on an interior open
space, courtyard or chowk, whose minimum width shall be 3 m. Such interior space,
courtyard or chowk shall be accessible at least on one side at ground floor level through
a common passage or space. Further, the inner chowk shall have an area at all its levels
of not less than the square of one fifth of the height of the highest wall abutting the
Provided further that the maximum dimension of an inner chowk may not be insisted
more than the required open spaces as stipulated in this regulation.
Provided further that when any room (excluding the stairway bay, the bathrooms and
water closet) depends for its light and ventilation on an inner chowk, the dimension shall
be such as is required for each wing of the building.
(b) Outer chowk. - The minimum width of an outer chowk (as distinguished from its depth)
shall be 2.4 m, but if the depth exceeds the width, the open space between the wings
shall be regulated by Regulation 41(2)(i)(a), when any habitable room depends on light
and ventilation on such outer chowk. A recess less than 2.4 m wide shall be treated
as a notch and not as a chowk.
(9). Open spaces to be unencumbered- Every open space whether interior or exterior
shall be kept free from any erection thereon and shall remain open to the sky except
the feature covered by the next Regulation42.
Certain features may be permitted in the prescribed open spaces(except in case of high
rise buildings where minimum 6m clear marginal open space shall be observed from two side)
as per Regulation 47(1) as enumerated below:
(i) Permitted in the side or rear marginal open spaces:
(a) Where the facilities in an existing building are inadequate, a sanitary block (i) not
exceeding 3 m in height and 4 sq. m in carpet area. (ii) at least 7.5 m from the road line
or the front boundary and 1.5 m from other boundaries and (iii) at least
1.5 m away from the main building.
(b) Covered parking spaces at least 7.5 m away from any access road, subject to
Regulation No. 44 (6)(d)
(c) Suction tank, pump room, electric meter room or sub-station, garbage shaft/refuse
chute, facility for treatment of wet waste in situ, space required for fire hydrants,
electrical and water fittings, water tank, dust-bin, etc.
(a) A rockery, well and well structures, plant nursery, water pool, or fountain swimming
pool (if uncovered and only beyond the required open space as required under these
Regulations), platform around a tree, tank, bench, gate, slide, swing, ramp, compound
wall without affecting maneuverability of vehicles;
(b) A cantilevered and unenclosed canopy over each entrance and staircase not more
than 5.5 m long may be permitted as specified in Regulation No 37(19)
(c) An unenclosed porch open on three sides, not more than 5.5 m in length parallel to
the main building in front of common entrance only and except rear open space with
level difference of 0.3 m in relation to the floor level as specified in Regulation No. 37
(18). No part of such porch shall be less than 1.5 m from the plot boundary.
(e) (i) A chajja, cornice, weather shade, sun-breaker; at lintel level, only and Vertical
fins (excluding columns) projecting not more than 1.2 m from the face of the building. No
chajja, cornice, weather shade, sun-breaker etc. shall reduce the width of the required
open space to less than 2.5 m. Further chajja, cornice, weather shade, sun breaker or
other ornamental projections etc. shall be permissible upto0.60m in Gaothan area for
the plots admeasuring upto 250 sq.m. However, in case of redevelopment scheme under
Regulation No.33(7) where marginal distances are less, chajja projection maximum up
to 0.45 m may be allowed.
(ii) The ornamental projection, flower beds, etc. projecting not more than 1.2 m from
the face of the building. No ornamental projection, flower beds, etc. shall be permissible,
which will reduce the width of the required open space to less than 2.5 m
(iii) Platform of width not more than 0.45 m and length 2.0 m at the height not less than
0.60 m above floor level for installation of Air-conditioning split unit not reducing the
open spaces as per above
(f)(i) A chajja, cornice, weather shade, sun-breaker over a balcony or gallery, its projection
not exceeding 0.75 m from the balcony or gallery face with a level difference of 0.6 m in
relation to the floor level. However, in case of redevelopment scheme under Regulation
No.33(7) where marginal distances are less, chajja projection maximum up to 0.45 m may
be allowed.
(ii) The Ornamental projection, flower bed etc. over a balcony or gallery, its projection
not exceeding 0.75 m. from the balcony or gallery.
(iii) Platform of width not more than 0.45 m and length 2.0 m at the height not less than
0.60 m above floor level for installation of Air-conditioning split unit not reducing the
open spaces as per above.
(g)Watchman's booth not over 3 sq. m in area.
(1) Height vis-à-vis the road width- The height of a building shall not exceed twothree
times the total of the existing or prescribed width of the street on which it abuts and the
required front open space. The restrictions of height of the building spelt out in this
Regulation shall however, cease to apply in case where the plot fronts on road having
width as specified in Regulation No.19 and where front marginal open space of minimum
9m in case of abutting road having width up to 9m &12 m in case of abutting roadhaving
width more than 12 m or more is available, provided that open spaces as on other sides
are made available as required from the fire safety point of view.
Explanation- (i) "Prescribed width" here means the width prescribed in the DP or the
width resulting from the prescription of a sanctioned regular line of the street under the
MMC Act, whichever is larger.
(ii) If a building abuts two or more streets of different widths, it shall be deemed for the
purpose of this Regulation to abut the wider street
Provided however, that restrictions on height spelt out in this Regulations shall not
be applicable for reconstruction and redevelopment undertaken underRegulations33(5),
33(6), 33(7), 33(7)(A),33(9),33(9)(B),33(10),33(10)
(A),33(11),33(15)and33(20) (A)of these Regulations.
(2) Buildings intended for hazardous godowns, storage of inflammable materials or
storage of explosives shall be single-storeyed structures only.
(3) The height and character of an industrial chimney in the area for which clearance of
the Civil Aviation Authorities is required under these Regulations shall be prescribed by
the Civil Aviation Authorities.
Wherever a property is developed or redeveloped, parking spaces at the scale laid down
in these Regulations shall be provided. When additions are made to an existing
building, the new parking requirement will be reckoned with reference to the
additional space only and not to the whole of the building and to the area where the use
is changed.
(i) Types-The parking spaces mentioned below include parking spaces in basements,
parking floor, and podium or on a floor supported by stilts, or on upper floors, covered
or uncovered spaces in the plot.
(ii) Size of Parking Space-The minimum sizes of parking spaces to be provided shall be
as shown below-
Table No: 21
Off Street Parking Spaces
iv) For Hotels One parking space for every 100sq. m of total
floor area of a lodging establishment
b) For hotels and eating houses, one parking
space for every 25sq.m of restaurant
including hall, dining room, pantry & bar
2 Educational One Parking space for35 sq.m carpet area of
5 Mercantile (Markets, One parking space for every 40-sq.m of floor area
Departmental stores, upto 800 sq.m and one parking space for every 80-
Shops and other sq.m of space for areas exceeding 800 sq.m
commercial uses). provided that no parking space need to
(I.T.Parks) be provided for floor area upto 50 sq.m
6 Industrial One Parking space for every 150-sq.m thereof
subject to a minimum of two spaces
8 Hospitals and Medical One parking space for every 150-sq.m of total
Institutions floor area, except that it would be one
parking space for every 600-sq.m of the total
floor area in the case of Govt. and Municipal
hospitals and Medical institutions. In
addition, one parking space for ambulance
parking measuring 10 m x 4 m for hospitals or
medical institutions with bed strength of 100
or more.
9. Cinemas and theatres Parking spaces equivalent to eight per cent of the
total number of seats with additional parking as
otherwise also required for other permissible users
in conjunction with that of cinema/theatre.
10. Shopping/Convenience One parking space for every 150-sq.m of total floor
Shopping (not included area in the case of shopping user with
under Mercantile each shop upto 20 sq.m in area and one
Occupancy) parking space for every 50-sq.m of total floor
area for shops each over 20 sq.m area.
11 Stadia and Clubs One parking space for every 100 seats plus
(included under Assembly additional parking as in these Regulations for
Occupancy) occupancies like those of restaurants, etc.
within such stadia or clubs
(i) In gaothan/koliwada/Adivasi padaareas and on narrow plots up to 9m in width, the
requirement of parking spaces may not be insisted upon. Further in case of
addition/alteration/reconstruction/redevelopment of Heritage Grade I & II structures
where plinth/façade of building is required to be retained, requirement of additional
parking spaces as per this Regulation, over and above the existing parking shall not be
(iii) In case of uses of Data Centre, Data ware houses the requirements of the parking
to the extent of 50% as stated in this regulation shall be permissible. Provided that
However in future if change of user/activity is sought in such case then provision of
parking requirement as per this regulation will have to be provided.
(iv) In case of educational Institutional buildings Sr. No 2 of Table 21, school bus parking
( 3.75 m x7.5 m each ) at the rate of 1 bus for 40 Number of students for 50% strength of
students may be provided at the option of owner/ developer.
(4) Two wheeled motor cycle - Two wheeled motor cycle parking space one for every
two residential tenements may be provided. For other occupancies, two wheeled motor
cycle parking space equal to the required number of four wheeled parking spaces may
be provided. If such parking for two wheeled motor cycle is proposed, the same may be
distinctly shown in the plan. Development Plan 2034
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
(5) Transport Vehicles- In addition to the parking spaces provided for mercantile
(commercial) buildings like offices, markets, departmental stores and for industrial
and storage buildings, parking spaces for transport vehicles shall be provided at the rate
of one space for each 2000 sq.m of floor area or part thereof exceeding the first 400
sq.m of floor area. The space shall not be less than 3.75mx
7.5 m in size and more than 6 spaces need not be insisted upon.
(i) The deck parking inclusive of car lifts & passages thereto shall be counted in FSI.
Moreover, in Mall, the provision of parking can be made at the floor level wherein
shopping has been proposed, separated by the construction of shear wall with a gap of
1.5 m. between Mall building and parking floor.
(ii) Additional parking spaces beyond the parking spaces as stipulated in this regulation
at the option of developer is proposed then the construction area for the additional
parking to the extent of 25% shall be allowed on payment of premium at the rate of
25% of ASR of open land (for FSI 1), beyond 25% and upto 50% on payment of premium
at the rate of 50% of ASR of open land (for FSI 1) and beyond 50% on payment of premium
at the rate of 100% of ASR of open land (for FSI 1). For this purpose, maximum area
of construction per car parking space shall be considered at 40 sq. m including the
area required for effective maneuvering, passages, slopes/ramps columns, car lifts etc.
(iii) Where entire parking is proposed by mechanical/automatic means, additional
parking to the extent of 10% of the required parking shall be permitted free of FSI as
vehicle holding area.
(b) In the side and rear open spaces, but not in the amenity open spaces, if- (i.)
they are unenclosed but uncovered except as provided in (d) below;
(ii.) they do not consume more than 50 percent of the open space;
(iii) a minimum distance of 3 m around the building is kept free of parking for proper
maneuverability of vehicles;
(iv) they are at least 7.5 m from the road boundary in case of detached covered garages;
(v) the parking layouts meet the requirements of the Chief Fire Officer in the case of
multistoried, high rise and special buildings.
(c) in a residential zone, beyond the compulsory side and rear open spaces stipulated
in Sr. No g of Regulation 28 of, if other conditions under sub-rule (b) above are satisfied.
Here the parking space may be an unenclosed covered space.
(d) in a residential zone, with covered parking garages with open type enclosures of
a size of 2.5 m x 5.5 m with a height of 2.75 m above ground level, at the rate of one
covered garage for every 400-sq.m or part thereof of plot area, in side or rear open
spaces, at a distance of not less than 7.5 m from any street line or the front boundary of
the plot:
Provided that the same is 1.5 m from the building and the condition in (b) (v) above
is complied with.
(7) Cinemas, Theatres and Assembly Halls-Subject to the provisions of sub regulation
(6) above, in sites of cinemas, theatres, auditoria and assembly halls, one row of
uncovered parking may be allowed in the front margin space of 12 m or more, if the clear
vehicular access way is not reduced to less than 6 m
(8) Common Parking Space if the total parking space required by these Regulations
is provided by a group of adjoining property owners for their mutual benefit, such use
of this space may be construed as meeting the off-street parking requirements under
these Regulations subject to the approval of the Commissioner. If such common
parking space is proposed for a group of buildings, the owners of such buildings
shall submit a parking layout thereof and also a registered undertaking stating that
the area earmarked for the parking space will not be built upon.
Provided however that, restrictions on height spelt out in this Regulation in areas
around the Nehru Centre building shall not be applicable for the buildings to be
constructed for implementation of slum Rehabilitation Scheme under Regulations No.
33 (10) & 33 (11) of these Regulations,as well as for
(c)Preserving the eastern and southern view of the Backbay Area, Marine Drive-
Notwithstanding anything contained in these Regulations, to preserve the eastern and
southern view of the Backbay and the Marine Drive area from Kamla Nehru Park on
Malabar Hill, a funnel of vision has been marked on the land use(development) plan of
“D’’ Ward.
No building shall in this funnel of vision shall be raised or erected to the height of more
than 21.35 m or such lesser height as the Commissioner may prescribe which would
include the terrace, staircase or lift room, elevated water storage tank or any other
building feature.
Provided that the Commissioner may, with the prior approval of the Government,
permit a building more than 21.35 m high after due consideration of the contours of
the area, surrounding developments and plot location, the objective being not to
obstruct the view within the funnel of vision
(d)The Commissioner may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, prescribe for any
building or structure a maximum height, which may be less than that permissible
otherwise under these Regulations.
(e)The height restriction as in clauses (a) above will apply only to the portion of plot
falling within the lines of the funnel of vision as marked on the DP
The height permitted by CCZM is indicated Above Mean Sea Level i.e AMSL Building
height permitted i.e. Above Ground level (AGL) shall be calculated as CCZM height
minus the site elevation of the plot.
Height of building (AGL)=CCZM height – site elevation.
Explanation(I) Irrespective of their distance from the aerodrome, even beyond the 20-
km limit from the aerodrome reference point, no building, radio masts or similar
installation exceeding150 m in height shall be erected without the permission of the
Civil Aviation Authorities.
(II) The location of a slaughter house/abattoir/butcher house or other areas for
activities like depositing of garbage which may encourage the collection of high flying
birds, like eagles and hawks, shall not be permitted within 10 km from the aerodrome
reference point.
(C) Building sites abutting railway track boundary- Subject to the requirements of set-
backs from roads and side and rear marginal open spaces under the relevant
Regulations, no new construction of a building or reconstruction of an existing building
shall be allowed within a distance of half the height of the said building from the
railway track boundary, and in any case not within a distance of 3 m from such boundary.
(D). Distance from electricity lines- No verandah, balcony or the like shall be
constructed/reconstructed or any additions or alterations shall be made to a
building on a site within the distance stated below from any overhead electric
supply line:
Vertically Horizontally
(a) Low and medium voltage lines and service 2.5 m 1.2 m
(b) High voltage lines upto and including 3.7 m 2.0 m
33,000 V.
(c) Extra High voltage beyond 33,000 V. 3.7 m 2.0 m
(Plus 0.3 m for (Plus 0.3 m
every additional for every
33,000 V or part additional
thereof) 33,000 V or
Explanation- (i) the minimum clearance as above shall be measured from the maximum
sag for vertical clearance and maximum deflection due to wind pressure for horizontal
(ii) In the development of plot affected by overhead transmission electric lines the
portion of plot under overhead electric supply lines may be used as LOS as required
under Regulation No 27by observing all safety measures without allowing any
habitable construction in the said LOS under said Regulation and shall be free of
(iii) The electric company shall phase out removal of these overhead electric supply
lines in time bound manner as per prevailing section of Central Electricity Authority
Regulations, 2010.
(E) Other restrictions in height- For the purpose of operational requirement of
buildings, structures or installations or for the purpose of telecommunications or other
forms of communications of the Departments of the Government of India or the State
Government or public sector undertakings, the Commissioner may for reasons to be
recorded in writing, restrict the height of any building in the vicinity of such buildings,
structures or installation, and may also permit the prescribed heights to be exceeded
for such buildings, structures or installations themselves or for any other statutory
communication requirement.
retaining minimum area required as per these Regulations for existing filling and
service station of Petrol, Diesel, Compressed Natural Gas or any other Motor Vehicle
Fuel, for the uses as permissible under these Regulations with separate plot &
access subject to NOC from Controller of Explosive and CFO.
(G) Structures notincluded in reckoning height-
The following appurtenant structures shall not be included in reckoning the height of
a building except while considering the requirement of Civil Aviation Authorities and
other statutory communications requirements:
Roof tanks and their supports, ventilation/air-conditioning shafts, lift-rooms and similar
service equipment, stair covers, chimneys and parapet walls, architectural features not
exceeding 1.5 m in height, television antenna, booster antenna, IT Equipment and wireless
transmitting and receiving towers.
Note: Provided that if due to the aforesaid restrictions, the Zonal(Basic) FSI/Protected
BUA as per Regulation No. 30 (C) cannot be consumed fully, then the unconsumed
Zonal (Basic) FSI/Protected BUA can be availed in the form of TDR.
(1) National Building Code to apply- The display of advertising signs and outdoor display
structures on buildings and land shall be in accordance with Part X-Signs and Outdoor
Display Structures, National Building Code of India as amended from time to time.
(2) Residential/Commercial/Industrial Building-The following non-flashing and neon
signs with illumination not exceeding 40 Watt light-
(a) One name plate with an area not exceeding 0. 1sq.m for each dwelling unit/unit.
(b) For other uses, permissible in the zone, one identification sign or bulletin board
with an area not exceeding 10 sq. m provided the height of the sign does not exceed
1.5 m.
(c) "For sale" or "For rent” signs for real estate, not exceeding 2 sq. m in area provided
they are located on the premises offered for sale or rent.
(4) In no case, the sign/display structure erected on buildings shall exceed the height
of topmost part of the Building/height prescribed by the Civil Aviation Authority
(5) No signs /display structure shall obstruct the light and ventilation of the building.
(1) General: The planning, design and construction of any building shall be such as to ensure
safety from fire. For this purpose, unless otherwise specified in these Regulations, Fire
Protection Chapter, National Building Code as amended time to time shall apply.
For high rise and special buildings, additional provisions relating to fire protection contained
in Appendix I shall also apply,
Provided, if the building abuts another road of 6 m or more, this condition shall not be
insisted upon.Provided, however, if podium is proposed it shall not extend 6 m beyond
building line so as to have clear open space of 6 m beyond podium for height up to 70 m
& 9 m beyond 70 m.
(a) Buildings having height more than 32 m upto 70 m, at least one side, accessible from road
side, shall have clear open space of 9 m at ground level.
Provided, if the building abuts another road of 6 m or more, this condition shall not be
insisted upon.
Provided, however, if podium is proposed it shall not extend 6mfrom 2 sides beyond
building line so as to have clear open space of 6m beyond podium.
Provided that, if the building abuts 9 m. or more wide road then 6 m. open space from
one side will be adequate.
(b) Buildings having height more than 70 m, at least two sides, accessible from road side, shall
have clear open space of 9 m at ground level.
Provided however, if podium is proposed it shall not extend 6 m beyond building line so as
to have clear open space of 9 m beyond podium. No ramps for the podium shall be provided
in these side open spaces.
(d) These open spaces shall be free from any obstruction & shall be motorable.
Note-The additional fire safety requirements shall be as per fire manual approved by Municipal
Commissioner based on the Fire Act andFire Protection Chapter of NBC amended time to
b) Materials used for interior finishes shall not have a flame spread ability rating exceeding
Class I, section and of Part 4 of National Building Code& amended from
time to time.
(3) Exits: Every building meant for human occupancy shall be provided with exits
sufficient to permit safe escape of its occupants in case of fire or other emergency
for which the exits shall conform to the following:
(i) Types: Exits should be horizontal or vertical. A horizontal exit may be a door- way,
a corridor, a passage-way to an internal or external stairway or to an adjoining
building, a ramp, a verandah or a terrace which has access to the street or to the
roof of a building. A vertical exit may be a staircase or a ramp, but not a lift.
(ii) General requirements:Exits from all the parts of the building, except those not
accessible for general public use, shall-
(a) provide continuous egress to the exterior of the building or to an exterior open
space leading to the street;
(b) be so arranged that, except in a residential building, they can be reached without
having to cross another occupied unit;
(e) be clearly visible, with the routes reaching them clearly marked and signs
posted to guide any person to the floor concerned;
(f) be fitted, if necessary, with firefighting equipment suitably located but not as
to obstruct the passage, clearly marked and with its location clearly indicated on
both sides of the exit way;
(g) be fitted with a fire alarm device, if it is either a high-rise, high-use or a special
building so as to ensure its prompt evacuation;
(h) remain unaffected by any alteration of any part of the building so far as their
number, width, capacity and protection thereof is concerned;
(i) be so located that the travel distance on the floor does not exceed the following
limits: -
Note- The travel distance to an exit from the dead end of a corridor shall not exceed
half the distance specified above. When more than one exit is required on a
floor, the exits shall be as remote from each other as possible:
Provided that, in case of high rise and special buildings, a minimum of two enclosed
type staircases shall be provided, at least one of them opening directly to the
exterior, to an interior open space or to any open place of safety.
The width of an exit, stairway/corridor and exit door to be provided at each floor
in occupancies of various types shall be as shown in columns 3 and 5 of Table No 22
here under. Their number shall be calculated by applying to every 100-sq.m of
the plinth or covered area of the occupancy, the relevant multiplier in columns 4
and 6 of the said Table, fractions being rounded off upward to the nearest whole
Table No: 22
row-housing/Duplex Flats 0.90 0.213
(2 storeys)
1.5 0.107
2 Educational-
-upto 32m high 1.5 0.333 …. 0.667
3 Institutional i.e.Hospitals-
-upto 10 beds
-over 10 beds 1.5 .089* …. 0.044
2.0 .067* 0.044
4 Assembly** …. …. 1.0 ….
-fixed seats or loose seats
and dance floor. 2.0 0.694 …. 0.926
-no seating facilities and
dining rooms
2.0 0.278 …. 0.370
5 Mercantile-
-street floor and basement 1.5 0.222 …… 0.222
-upper sales floors
1.5 0.111 0.111
*For the dormitory portions of homes for the aged, orphanages, mental hospitals, etc.,
these multipliers shall be doubled.
**The plinth or covered area shall include, in addition to the main assembly rooms or
space, any occupied connecting room or space in the same storey or in the storey
above or below where entrance is common to such rooms and space and they are
available for use by the occupants of the assembly place.
No deductions shall be made in the gross area of the corridors, closets or other sub-
divisions. All space serving the particular assembly occupancy shall be reckoned.
(1) Corridors:
(a) Exit corridors shall be of a width not less than the total required width of exit doorways
leading from them in the direction of travel to the exterior/stairway.
(b) Where stairways discharge through corridors, the height of the corridors shall not be
less than 2.4 m.
(c) Where there is more than one staircase serving a building, there shall be at least one
smoke-stop door in the space between the staircases.
(2) Doorways:
(a) Every exit doorway shall open into an enclosed stairway, a horizontal exit or a corridor
or passageway providing continuous and protected means of egress;
(b) An exit doorway shall open outwards i.e. away from the room, but shall not obstruct
the travel along any exit. No door, when opened, shall reduce the required width of
a stairway or landing to less than 90 cm.
(c) An exit door shall not open immediately upon a flight of stairs; a landing equal to at least
the width of the door shall be provided in the stairway at each doorway; the level of
the landing shall be the same as that of the floor which it serves.
(d) Exit doorways shall be open able from the side which they serve, without the use of
a key.
(a) Revolving doors shall not be used as required exits except in residential, business and
mercantile occupancies; they shall not constitute more than half the total required door
Development Plan 2034
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034 Development Plan 2034
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
Development Control andPromotionRegulation-2034 Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
Note: EP shown in Bold and Italic
61 EP shown in Bold and Italic
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
(i) the multiplier in Table 22 shall be increased by 33 1/3 per cent, and;
(ii) revolving doors shall not be located at the foot of a stairway. Any stairway served by
a revolving door shall discharge through a lobby or foyer.
(b) Any interior staircase shall be constructed as a self-contained unit with at least one side
adjacent to an external wall and shall be completely closed.
(c) A staircase shall not be arranged around a lift shaft unless the latter is entirely enclosed
by a material of fire resistance rating as that for type of construction itself. For high rise
and special buildings, the staircase location shall be to the satisfaction of the Chief Fire
(d) In high rise and special buildings, access to main staircases shall be gained through at
least half-an-hour fire-resisting automatic closing doors, placed in the enclosing walls
of the staircases. They shall be swing type doors opening in the direction of the
(e) No living space, store or other space, involving fire risk, shall open directly into a
(f) The external exit door of a staircase enclosure at ground level shall open directly to
the open space or should be accessible without passing through any door other than a
door provided to form a draught lobby.
(g) In high rise and special buildings, exit signs with arrows indicating the escape route
shall be provided at a height of 1.5 m from the floor level on the wall and shall be
painted with fluorescent paint. All exit way signs should be flush with the wall and so
designed that no mechanical damage to them can result from the moving of furniture
or other heavy equipment.
(h) Where a building has a single staircase, it shall terminate at the ground floor level, and
the access to the basement shall be by a separate staircase. Where the building is
served by more than one staircase, one of the staircases may lead to the basement
level, by either a ventilated lobby or a cut-off screen wall without opening, having a fire
resistance of not less than 2 hours with discharge point at two different ends or
through enclosures. It shall also be cut-off from the basement area at various
basement levels by protected and ventilated lobby/lobbies. Staircase leading from
basement shall be staggered at ground floor and then diverted to upper floors
(i) Travel distance does not exceed that mentioned in sub regulation (3)(ii)(i) (i&ii)of
regulation 47 and;
(ii) If floor area on any floor does not exceeds 500 sq. m
Note: These staircases shall be of enclosed type having minimum width of 2.0m.
(b) Buildings having height 70 m or more, shall be provided with two enclosed type
staircases, each having width not less than 2.0 m.
(c) Whenever two staircases are necessary, both the staircases shall open & terminate at
ground floor or to any other place of safety. The staircases shall be as remote as possible
from each other
(d) Staircase leading from basement shall be staggered at ground floor and then diverted
to upper floor
(e) The fire escape staircase other than one required per building/wing shall be free of
FSI without charging premium.
(a) For industrial buildings, a fire escape balcony not exceeding 1.5 m in width shall be
provided at the periphery of every floor level and shall be connected to staircase and
shall have a railing / parapet of 1.1 m height on external sides.
(i) It shall always be kept free from obstructions & no partitions shall be erected.
(ii) It shall be provided with wall type sprinklers at every floor level.
(7) Ramp:
(a) All the requirements of sub regulation (4)of this Regulation shall apply to any ramp as
they apply to a staircase.
(b) Ramps shall lead directly to outside open spaces at ground level or courtyards or other
safe places.
(c) In a high rise and special building, access to ramps from any floor shall be through a
smoke-stop door.
(iii) One side of the shaft shall be at external face of the building with proper ventilation.
(iv)The dimension of the shaft shall not be less than 2.5 m x 1.5m.
(v) The access to the fire escape chute’s shaft shall be made at every floor level from lobby area
or from staircase mid-landing with self-closing door having fire resistance of at least one hour.
(vi) The fire chute shall be of staggered type with landing of each section at the vertical height
of not more than 21 m.
(B) For High rise building having height more than 70 m, “Controlled Lowering Device for
Evacuation” or “External Evacuation System” as approved by CFO shall be provided.
A high rise building having height more than 70 m, shall be provided with fire check floor
(entire floor) at every 70 m level.
Height of the fire check floor shall not be more than 1.8 mts.
The fire check floor shall not be used for any purpose and it shall be the responsibility of the
owner/occupier to maintain the same clean and free of encumbrances and encroachments
at all times.
Fire Drenchers shall be provided at the periphery of the each fire check floor externally. Refuse to accord
(a) The structural design of foundations, elements made of masonry, timber, plain
concrete, reinforced concrete, pre-stressed concrete and structural steel shall conform
to the provisions of Part VI Structural Design Section1 - Loads, Section 2- Foundation,
Section 3-Wood, Section 4-Masonry, Section5-Concrete, Section 6- Steel, National
Building Code of India and as per relevant I S code.
(b) The structural design shall comply with Indian Standard Codes of structural design
for structural safety, seismic safety and against cyclone/wind storms as listed below
and as amended upto date:
a. Indian Standard Code of Practice for Earthquake Resistant Design IS1893,
d. IS Code as would be made applicable by Bureau of Indian Standard from time to time
In Natural Hazard, prone areas viz, Earth quake Prone areas as per IS: 1893,the cyclone
prone areas as per IS: 875 Part-3 and flood prone areas as per the Flood Atlas prepared
by the Central Water Commission and/or the Disaster Management Department of
MCGM, development shall be regulated to ensure special protection from hazards
for any type of development irrespective of use of zones.
The supervision certificate and the completion certificate of every such building shall
contain a certificate recorded by the Structural Engineer and Architect/Licensed
Surveyor that the norms of IS: 1893-2002 have been followed in the design and
construction of buildings for making the buildings resistant to earthquake and
compliance with other structural safety and fire safety requirements
ii. All burrow pits dug in the course of construction and repair of buildings, roads,
embankments, etc., shall be deep and connected with each other in the formation
of a drain directed towards the lowest level and properly stepped for discharge into
a river, stream, channel or drain, and no person shall create any isolated burrow
pit which is likely to cause accumulation of water that may breed mosquitoes.
(4) Tests:
Whenever there is insufficient evidence of compliance with the provisions of these
Regulations or evidence that any material or method of design or
(2) Lifts:
(a) Planning and design:The planning and design of lifts including their number, type
and capacity depending on the occupancy of the building, the population on each
floor based on occupant load and the building height shall be in accordance with
section 5- Installation of lifts and Escalators,National Building Code of India.
(b) Maintenance:
(i) The lift installation should receive regular cleaning, lubrication, adjustment and
adequate servicing by authorized competent persons at such intervals as the type
of equipment and frequency of service demand. In order that the lift installation is
maintained at all times in a safe condition, a proper maintenance schedule shall be
drawn up in consultation with the lift manufacturer and rigidly followed. A log
book to record all items relating to general servicing and inspection shall be
maintained. The electrical circuit diagram of the lift with the sequence of
operation of different components and parts shall be kept readily available for
reference by persons responsible for the maintenance and replacement, where
necessary, to the satisfaction of the competent authority i.e., Lift Inspector of the
Government of Maharashtra.
(ii) Any accident arising out of operation or maintenance of the lifts shall be duly
reported to the competent authority i.e., Lift Inspector of the Government of
(i) “Conservation” means all the processes of looking after a place so as to retain its historical
and/or architectural and/or aesthetic and/or cultural significance and includes maintenance,
preservation, restoration, reconstruction and adoption or a combination of more than one of
(ii) “Preservation” means and includes maintaining the fabric of a place in its existing state and
retarding deterioration.
(iii) “Restoration” means and includes returning the existing fabric of a place to a known earlier
state by removing accretions or by reassembling existing components.
(iv) “Heritage Site” means the area within the boundary / extent of the heritage building /
Precinct / natural area included in the heritage list and as shown on the map.
(v) ”Natural heritage site” shall include, natural sites or precisely delineated natural areas
which are of outstanding value from the point of view of science, heritage conservation or
natural beauty; geological and physiographical formations and precisely delineated areas
which constitute the habitat of threatened species of animals and plants and are of
outstanding value from the point of view of ecology or conservation; natural features
consisting of physical and biological formations or groups of such formations, which are of
outstanding (special) value from the aesthetic or scientific point of view.
2. Applicability:
This Regulation shall apply to the heritage listas shall be notified by GoM from time to time
(hereinafter referred to as Listed Heritage Buildings/Structures/Precincts/Sites) and to any
draft Heritage List (s) as published by the GoM. /Municipal Commissioner.
3. Restriction on Development/Redevelopment/Repairs, etc.:
powers of special permission, the Commissioner, may overrule the recommendation of the
MHCC. The decision of the Municipal thereon shall be final.
(iii)In relation to religious buildings in the said List, the changes, repairs, additions, alterations
and renovations required on religious grounds mentioned in sacred texts or as a part of holy
practices laid down in religious codes shall be treated as permissible, subject to their being
in accordance and consonance with the original structure and architecture designs, aesthetics
and other special features thereof. Provided that before arriving at his decision, the
Commissioner shall take into consideration the recommendations of the Mumbai Heritage
Conservation Committee.
The said heritagelist to which this Regulation applies shall not form part of this Regulation for
the purpose of Sections 37 of the MR&TP Act, 1966. This List may be supplemented, altered,
deleted or modified from time to time by Government on receipt of proposals from the
Commissioner or by the Government suo-motu, provided that objections and suggestions
from the public be invited and duly considered by the Commissioner and/or by GoM before
Provided that any draft list which is published and pending for the approval of GoM shall, in
the interim period, be deemed to be part of the heritage list and provisions of this regulation
shall be applicable to the said draft list.
conserve the heritage building in the prescribed manner as recommended by MHCC and
approved by Municipal Commissioner. In such cases the potential of the plot shall be
perpetually reduced to the extent of existing BUA of the Structure.
6. Maintaining Sky-Line:
Buildings included in listed/published draft Heritage Precincts shall, as far as possible, maintain
the sky-line in the precincts as may be existing within the Precinct boundaryexcluding any high-
rise new development.so as not to diminish or destroy the value and beauty of the said listed
Heritage buildings/Heritage Precincts. The development within the precincts shall be in
accordance with respective Precinct guidelines as formulated by the MHCC and approved by
the Municipal Commissionerin consultation with MHCC or as may be decided by the
MunicipalCommissioner, shall require sanction by Government.Guidelines for display of
hoarding, sinage, advertisement boards, street furniture, pavement shall be formulated by the
Non-cessed buildings included in the said list shall be repaired/restored by the owners/lessees
of the said buildings themselves or if they are cessed buildings, those can be repaired/restored
by MHADA or by the owner or by the Co-operative Society of the owners and/or occupiers of
thebuilding. With a view to give monetary help for such repairs /restoration, a separate fund
may be created, which would be kept at the disposal of the Commissioner, who may consult
Heritage Conservation Committee while disbursement of such funds. Provisions for such a fund
may be made through District Planning and Development Council Budgetor any other budget.
If there are any DP Reservations on listed heritage structure and due to development of such
site if adversely affects its character, then Municipal Commissioner on recommendation of
MHCC shall initiate the process of modification/deletion of such reservation following due
In the last column of the said list of Heritage Building, Heritage precincts, “Grades” such as I,
II, or III have been indicated. The chart showing definitionof these Grades and and Precincts,
objectives, scope for changes and procedure for obtaining development permissionare as follows
53. Under Ground Public Utility/Conveniences/Amenity Provision
Subject to the conditions as may be prescribed by the Commissioner, MCGM, Sewage
Treatment Plant, storage and allied facilities as per design and specification and at location as
may be considered necessary by the Commissioner for treatment of sewage/effluent, water
pumping station and storage facility, Electric Substation/Distribution/Receiving
Station,underground parking and shopping shall be allowed below existing or proposed DP
Roads and below lands reserved for Playground/Gardens/Parks and Public Open Spaces both
existing and proposed and to be used at one or two levels below the ground. Provided no such
uses will be allowed below the following.
Oval Maidan, Cross Maidan, Azad Maidan, Shivaji Park, all parade grounds, Nare Park,
JambhoriMaidan, Five Gardens and Recreational Ground opposite Scottish School, Dadar,
Cadell Road (Veer Sawarkar Marg) situated to the north of Hinduja Hospital.
And provided further that the area to the extent of 10 m along the road side below the surface
within the boundary of the aforesaid Maidans/Parks/Gardens/Public Open Spaces may be used
for the purpose of ingress and egress to the underground area.
54. UsesPermissiblebelowFlyovers:
Following uses may be permitted below the flyovers:
(1) Garden,park, Promenades
(4) Policechowky, RTO vehicle chowky, pay and park facility/ bus stands/ taxi
stands/auto- rickshaw stand;
(5) Homeless shelters, welfare centres for street children/activities centers for destitute
(6) BEST street light chowky, BEST electricity bill & cash collection centre, BEST relief shelter
with toilet block for bus operation staff.
Provided further that the plantation/green space of width not less than 1.0 m shall be
developed all along the edge of carriageway below the flyover or central median with width
not more than width of pillar, except the accesses wherever necessary or as may be required
by the Commissioner.
After finalization of site for Metro Car shed by the Competent Authority, the The portion of
land reserved/earmarked for the Metro Car Shed in DP, if not required by the Competent
Authority subsequently, will fall automatically in the Zone prevailing on land adjoining to
land under reservation of Metro Car Shed. shall be deemed to be deleted from the said
reservation and included in adjoining predominant zone. In such case, the Municipal
Commissioner shall issue a written, well reasoned, speaking order modifying the DP to that
effect and copy of such order alongwith certified part plan, shall be forwarded to Govt. and
Director of Town Planning, Pune for record.
56. Forest Land
Development in the forest land which has been designated as Natural Area in DP will be
governed by the notifications issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forest as amended
from time to time.
In case of The land owned by Forest Department and reserved for public purpose shall have
to be developed with the special permission of the Municipal Commissioner as per the
provisions of Forest Act.
(i) Structures for protection from the rain or covering of the terraces during the
monsoon only;
(ii) Pandals for fairs, ceremonies, religious functions,circus, jatra, folk danceetc;
(iv) Temporary site offices and watchmen chowkies and labourer hutmentswith
crèche, sales office/sample or show flat within the site only during the phase of
construction of the main building;
(vi) For factories in industrial lands, structureswithin the site for storage of
machinery before installation;
(vii) Structures for ancillary works for quarrying operations in conforming zones;
(x) Structures for educational and medical facilities within the site of the proposed
building during the phase of planning and constructing the said permanent buildings:
(xi) On site, Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) plant for the use at site under
Provided that temporary construction for structures, etc. mentioned at (iii), (iv), (vi),
(ix), (x)and (xi) maybe permitted to be continued temporarily by the Commissioner but
in any case, not beyond completion of construction of the main structure or building,
and that structure in (viii) may be continued on annual renewable basis by the
Commissioner beyond a period of three years.
unication/Digital Communication/Service: -
In every Building the provision for
(2) Ducting for laying of piped gas connection service in the surrounding of
requirement and
c) Plinth Checking For Moderate Risk building proposal:- The concern Architect
/L.S./Engineershall apply for certificate of plinth checking in prescribed
13 Authorisation to Authority:-
a) In case of any deviations/irregularities noticed in the process or after
completion, the Planning Authority may immediately issue notice to the owner
and or to the concerned licensee to suspend the further work and rectify the
deviations/irregularities. Only after satisfaction of rectification made by the owner
or concerned licensee, the Planning Authority issue intimation to start the work.
In major violations, the Planning Authority shall authorise to take appropriate
action against Architect/L.S./Enginee r as the case may be, as per the DCR or
as per respective Acts and Laws.
b) Municipal Commissioner/Chief Officer, as the case may be, of the respective
Authority are authorised to prepare common application forms, proformas , affidavit
etc. wherever required for the smooth implementation of this
c) The above procedure shall be integrated with the Online Building Permission
Management System (BPMS) by the concerned Authority.
14 Exceptions from this Procedure:- The above Procedure for Building Permission
shall not bar the owner / Architect/L.S./Engineer to obtain development permission
as per Regular provisions of the DCR/DCPR.Also this Directives shall not be
applicable to the proposals who desired to obtain Development
Permission as per Type Design Pattern which was issued by Government vide
TPS-1813/3200/CR 520/13/UD 13, Dated 03/01/2015.
vii) The PSC to the extent specified shall be permissible free of FSI.
viii) Availability of PSC shall be displayed insucha way that it isclearly seen from Public Street.
ix) Substation can be provided above PSC as per the requirement of Electric Supply Company
subject to NOC from CFO.
Provided that the professional on record shall certifythat the RWHSystem /Structures have
been constructed as per the specification or of specifications different from those in Schedule,
subject to the minimum capacity of RWHSystem being ensured in each case.
The owner/society of every building shall ensure that the RWH structure/system is maintained
in good condition for storage of water for non-potable purposes or recharge of ground water
at all times.
The Authority may impose a levy of not exceeding Rs.1000/- per annum for every 100 Sq.Mt.
of built-up area for the failure of the owner of any building mentioned in the (a) above to
provide or to maintain Rain Water Harvesting structures as required under these byelaws.
RWH in a building site includes storage or recharging into ground of rain water falling on
the terrace or on any paved or unpaved surface within the building site.
1. The following systems may be adopted for harvesting the rain water drawn from terrace
and the paved surface.
(i) Open well of a minimum diameter of 1m andminimum depth of 6m OR open well of a
minimum diameter of 0.3 m and minimum depth of 2 m at every 6 m in the StormWater
Drain,into which rain water may be channeled, after filtration for removing silt and
floating material. The well shall be provided with ventilating covers. The water from the
open well may be used for non-potable domestic purposes such as washing, flushing and
for watering the garden.
(ii) RWH for recharge of ground water may be done through a bore well around which a pit of
one meter width may be excavated upto a depth of at least 3 m and refilled with stone
aggregate and sand. The filtered rain water may be channeled to the refilled pit for
recharging the borewell.
(iii) An impervious surface/underground storage tank of required capacity may be constructed
in the open space and the rain water may be channeled to the storage tank. The storage
tank shall always be provided with ventilating covers and shall have drawn-off taps suitably
placed so that the rain water may be drawn off for domestic
washing, gardening and such other purposes. The storage tanks shall be provided with an
(iv) The surplus rain water after storage may be recharged into ground through percolation pits
or trenches or combination of pits and trenches. Depending on the geomorphological and
topographical condition, the pits may be of the size of 1.20 m width x 1.20 m length x 2.00
m to 2.50 m depth. The trenches can be of 0.60 m width x
2.00 to 6.00 m length x 1.50 to 2.00 m depth. Terrace water shall be channeled to pits or
trenches. Such pits or trenches shall be back filled with filter media comprising the
following materials.
a) 40 mm stone aggregate as bottom layer up to 50% of the depth;
e) Top 10% of the pits/ trenches will be empty and a splash is to be provided in this portion
in such a way that roof top water falls on the splash pad.
f) Brick masonry wall is to be constructed on the exposed surface of pits/ trenches and the
cement mortar plastered.
The depth of wall below ground shall be such that the wall prevents lose soil entering into
pits/trenches. The projection of the wall above ground shall be atleast 15 cm.
(v) If the open space surrounding the building is not paved, the top layer upto a sufficient
depth shall be removed and refilled with course sand to allow percolation of rain water
into ground.
(vi) ` For effective drainage of rain water, the roof of building shall be so constructed or framed
as to permit effective drainage of the rain water therefrom by means of rain water pipes.
Such pipes shall be so arranged, joined and fixed so as to ensure that the rain water is
carried away from the building without causing dampness in any part of
the walls or foundation of the building or those of adjacent buildings.
covered with mosquito (insect) proof wire net. For the efficient discharge of rain water,
there shall be at least two rain water pipes of 100 mm dia. for a roof area of 100 sq. m.
3. RWH structures shall be so sited as not to endanger the stability of building or earthwork.
The structures shall be designed such that no dampness is caused in any part of the walls
or foundation of the building or those of an adjacent building.
4. The water so collected/ recharged shall as far as possible be used for non-
drinking and non-cooking purpose.
Provided that when the rain water in exceptional circumstances will be utilised
for drinking and/ or cooking purpose, it shall be ensured that proper filter
arrangement and the separate outlet for by passing the first rain-water has been
Provided further that it will be ensured that for such use, proper disinfectants and
the water purification arrangement have been made.
63. Special Provisions; for installation of Solar Water Heating (SWH) Systems.
Solar Water Heating (SWH) Systems shall be installed in the buildings for Hospitals, Hotels,
Guest Houses, Police/Army Barracks, Canteens, Laboratories and Research Institutions, Hostels
of Schools and Colleges and other Institutions.
1. The SWH systems shall be mandatory in hospitals and hotels, where the hot water
requirement is of continuous nature. In these buildings, the system shall be
provided with auxiliary electrical back-up.
1) Guest House
2) Police/Army barracks
3) Canteens
4) Laboratory and Research Institutions where hot water is needed
5) Hostels of Schools and Colleges and other Institutes.
3. The use ofSWH system may be allowed in any other building.
The installation of the electrical backup in all such water heating systems shall be
optional depending on the nature of requirement of hot water.
It is suggested that SWH systems of the capacity of about 100 liters per day on
thermosyphon with necessary electrical back-up be installed at residential buildings
like hostels.
In order to facilitate the installation of the SWH systems, the new buildings of aforesaid
types shall have the following provisions.
1) All such buildings where SWH systems are to be installed will have open sunny
roof area available for installation of SWH system.
2) The roof loading adopted in the design of such building should be at least 50
kg/sq. m for the installation of SWH system.
3) SWHsystems can also be integrated with the building design. These can either
be put on the parapet or could be integrated with the south facing, vertical wall
of the building. The best inclination of the solar energy collector for regular
use throughout the year is equal to the local Latitude of the place. The solar
energy collector should be facing south. However, for only winter use, the
optimum inclination of the solar energy collector would be Latitude+15 degrees
of the south.
4) All the new buildings of aforesaid types to be constructed shall have an installed
hot water line from the roof top and also insulated distribution pipelines to each
of the points where hot water is required in the building.
5) The capacity of the SWH system to be installed on the building shall be decided
on the basis of the average occupancy of the buildings. The norms for hospitals,
hotels and other buildings are given below:
6) An open area of 3 sq. m would be required for installation of a solar energy collector
which supplies about 100 liters of water per day. At least 60 per cent of the roof area
may be utilised for installation of the system.
7) The specification for the SWH system laid down by the Ministry of Non- Conventional
Energy Sources can be followed. Flat plate Collector conforming to IS 12933 shall be
used in all such solar water heating systems.
Note: 1. The Commissioner may add to the list of buildings mentioned above on
which installation of SWH systems can be made mandatory.
Provision of recycling and reuse of waste water system may also be permissible in any
development other than mentioned above.The professional on record shall certify the detailed
scheme for therecycle and reuse of waste water.
i) Waste water other than from water closet, laundries, and hospitalsshall be recycled.
ii) The system shall not constitute a nuisance of foul gases and/or cause public hazard due
to its installation and operation.
iii) The waste water recycling system shall be designed considering the anticipated
occupancy load and seasonal fluctuations in discharge.
(b) Separate plumbing network shall be installed to collect waste water from kitchens, bath
rooms, washing machines and dish washers leading to recycling plant with separate
underground and overhead tanks provided for this purpose.
(c) The entire connecting network shall be painted in purple blue color.
(d) Recycled Waste Water system shall be maintained in good condition and shall comply
with the requirements of Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB), if any.
i) The treated waste water shall be used only for gardening, toilet flushing, landscape,
irrigation, cooling towers, car washing, etc.and in no case for drinking, bathing, or washing
clothes and utensils.
ii) The output water quality shall conform to the standards of non-potable water as may be
prescribed by the MPCB.
iii) A clause must be included by the owner/developer in the purchase agreement with the
purchaser, owner of the premises/organization or society of the occupiers or the society of
purchasers stating that recycled waste water system has been provided in the development
and shall have to be maintained in good condition as per the requirements of MPCB, if any.
b) There shall not be any foul odour around the STP area or in the ambient environment.
c) STP shall not require continuous monitoring and operation and shall work well with
inconsistent inflow.
d) Treated water quality shall be of non-potable standards and can be reused for gardening,
toilet flushing, landscape, irrigation, cooling towers, car washing, etc. but in no case for
drinking, bathing, or washing clothes and utensils.
f) A clause must be included by the owner/developer in the purchase agreement with the
purchaser, owner of the premises/organization or society of the occupiers or the society of
purchasers stating that, STPhas been provided in the development and shall have to be
maintained in good condition as per the requirement of the Maharashtra Pollution Control
Board (MPCB).
All buildings shall be provided with separate coloured bins to collect dry waste (paper, plastic,
metal, glass, etc.) and wet waste (organic waste). Dedicated space shall be allocated for
collecting waste before transferring waste for recycling/disposal separately.
Separate bins shall be provided for safe disposal of hazardous waste (batteries, e-waste, lamps,
medical waste, etc.) as provided in hazardous waste management guidelines prescribed by the
Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF), Government of India.
Provision for treating the wet waste in situ will have to be made and a clause must be included
by the owner/developer in the purchase agreement with the purchaser, owner of the
premises/organization or society of the occupiers or the society of purchasers stating that, wet
waste will be treated in situ and shall have to be maintained in operational condition as per
the requirement of MCGM if any.
The planning design, construction and installation of Solid Waste Management System shall
be as per the National Building Code of India, Part 9 Plumbing Services, Section 1- Water
Supply, Drainage and Sanitation (Including Solid Waste Management) Paragraph 6.
On the plots having total construction area 20,000 Sq.mt & above Bio-degradable
Waste Treatment Plant of required capacity shall be provided and maintained.
The area under construction of Solid Waste Management System /Bio-degradable
waste treatment plant shall be free of FSI.
The Completion Certificate for the Solid Waste Management System /Bio- degradable
Waste Treatment Plant issued by Environmental Consultant shall be submitted before
asking for Occupation Certificate/Building Completion Certificate.”
i) The development in any plot of land shall be such as to preserve, as far as practicable,the
existing trees.Where trees are required to be felled, twice the number of trees shall be planted
for every tree to be felled.
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
(b) at the rate of 1tree per 80 sq. m or part thereof to be grown in a plot for which
a sub-division or layout is not necessary.
iii) Trees shall be planted taking care that they shall not obstruct the maneuvering of
firefighting vehicles during an emergency.
iv) In between the trees planted along the boundary of plot, shrubs with grass shall be
69. Environment Impact Assessment (EIA)
This Regulation shall be applicable to developments as specified in provisions of amended
Environmental Impact Assessment Notification No.S.O.1533 dated 14.09.2006 as amended
from time to time. The compliance of conditions of NOC/Remarks shall be the responsibility
of the owner/developer/project proponent.
(Regulation 47)
Additional Fire Protection Requirements for High Rise and special Building: -
1. General
In addition to the provisions of fire Protection, National Building code of India, the Chief
Fire Officer may insist on suitable provisions in, high rise and special buildings or premises
from the fire safety and fire-fighting point of view depending on their occupancy and
2. Construction: -
(i) Load bearing elements of construction and elements of construction for which the
required fire resistance is one hour or more shall be of non-combustible material.
Interior finish materials (wall paneling, floor coverings etc.) may be permitted of
materials having their rating for flame spread and smoke developed not exceeding a
very low flame spread limit in accordance with IS:1642,1960 (Class I) Ceiling linings
shall be non-combustible or of plasterboard.
(2) Structural members such as supports and load bearing walls shall have fire resistance
rating of 3 hour, transoms and ceilings at least 2 hours.
(3) Internal walls and partitions separating corridors from areas on floors that are used for
any purpose other than circulation shall have a fire resistance of not less than one
hour. There shall be no openings in such walls other than for doors or delivery hatches
with fire resistance not less than half an hour. Fire sections (fire walls) sub- dividing the
building to prevent fire spread, shall have a fire resistance, rating not less than two
(4) Facades excluding windows and doors shall consist of non-combustible building
materials. The minimum distance between the top of the opening on a lower floor and
the sill of that on the floor above it shall be 0.9 m., so that the fire would have to
travel at least 0.9 m. between storeys.
3. Staircase enclosures: -
(1) The internal enclosing walls of staircase shall be of brick or R.C.C. construction with
a fire resistance of not less than two hours. All enclosed staircases shall be reached via
a ventilated lobby and shall have access through self-closing doors of at least half
an hour fire resistance. These shall be single swing doors opening in
the direction of the escape. The door shall be fitted with check section door
closers. The floor landing of staircases shall not form part of common corridor.
(2) The staircase enclosures on the external wall of a building shall be ventilated to the
atmosphere at each landing or mid-landing.
(3) A permanent vent at the top equal to 5 per cent of the cross-sectional area of the
enclosure and open able sashes at each landing level with area not less than 0.5 sq.
m. on the external wall shall be provided. The roof of the shaft shall be at least 1
m. above the surrounding roof. There shall be no glazing or glass bricks in any internal
enclosing wall of a staircase. If the staircase is in the core of the building and cannot
be ventilated at each landing, a positive pressure of 5 mm. water gauge by an
electrically operated blower shall be maintained.
(4) The mechanism for pressuring the staircase shaft shall be so installed that it operates
automatically and also manually when the automatic fire alarm operates.
4. Lift enclosures: -
(1) The walls enclosing the lift shafts shall have a fire resistance of not less than two hours.
Shafts shall have permanent vents at the top not less than 1800 m. m. (0.2 sq. m.) in
clear area. Lifts motor rooms should preferably be sited at the top of the shaft and
shall be separated from lift shafts by the enclosing wall of the shaft or by the floor
of the motor rooms.
(2) Landing doors in lift enclosures shall open into the ventilated or pressurised
corridor/lobby and shall have fire resistance of not less than one hour.
(3) The number of lifts in one lift bank shall not exceed four. The shaft for the fire lift
in a lift bank shall be separated from each other by a brick masonry or R.C.C. wall of
fire resistance of not less than two hours. Lift car doors shall have fire resistance of not
less than one hour.
(4) If the lift shaft and lift lobby are in the core of the building, a positive pressure of not
less than 2.5 mm. and not more than 3 mm. water gauge by an electrically operated
bower shall be maintained in the lift lobby and positive pressure of not less than 5
mm. water gauge shall be maintained in the lift shaft. The mechanism for pressuring
the lift shaft and lift lobby shall be so installed that they shall operate automatically
and also manually when the detector & automatic fire alarm operates. The
mechanism shall have facilities to operate manually.
(5) Exit from the lift lobby, if located in the core of the building, shall be through a self-
closing smoke stop door of a half-hour fire resistance.
(6) The lift machine room shall be separate and no other machinery shall be installed
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(7) Lifts shall not normally communicate with the basement. However, one of the lifts
may be permitted to reach the basement level provided the lift lobby at each basement
level shall be pressurized and separated from the rest of the basement areas, by a
smoke-actuated fire resisting door of two hours’ fire resistance. These doors can also
be kept in hold-open position by an electro- magnetic device to be linked with a smoke
5. External windows.
The area of the open able external windows on a floor shall be not less than 2 1/2 per cent
of the floor area. The locks for these windows shall be fitted with budget lock of the
carriage key type (which can be opened with the point of a fireman's' axe).
6. Fire lifts
(a) To enable fire services personnel to reach the upper floors with minimum delay, one
or more of the lifts shall be so designed as to be available for the exclusive use of
such personnel in an emergency and be directly accessible to every dwelling/lettable
floor space of each floor.
(b) The lift shall have a floor area of not less than 1.4 sq. m. with a minimum dimension
of 1.12 m. It shall have a loading capacity of not less than 545 kg. (8 persons lift) with
automatic closing doors.
(c) There shall be an alternate electric supply from a generator of an adequate capacity
apart from the electric supply in the building and the cables shall run in a route safe
from fire, i.e. within the lift shaft. In case of failure of normal electric supply, it shall
automatically trip over to alternate supply. For apartment buildings, this change
over of supply could be done through a manually operated change-over switch.
(d) The operation of a fire lift shall be by a simple toggle or two button switch situated
in a glass fronted box adjacent to the lift at the entrance level. When the switch is on,
landing call-points will become inoperative and the lift will be on care control only
or on priority control device. When the switch is off, the lift will return to normal
working. This lift can be used by the occupants in normal times.
(e) The words 'FIRE LIFT' shall be conspicuously displayed in fluorescent paint on the lift
landing doors at each floor level.
(f) Collapsible gates shall not be permitted for lifts; the lifts shall have solid doors with
fire resistance of at least one hour.
(g) The speed of the fire lift shall be such that it can reach the top floor from ground level
within one minute.
7. Basements: -
(1) Each basement shall be separately ventilated. Vents with cross, sectional area
(aggregate) not less than 2.5 percent of the floor area spread evenly around the
perimeter of the basement shall be provided in the form of grills or breakable stall
boards lights or pavement lights or by way of shafts. Alternatively, a system of air
inlets shall be provided at basement floor level and smoke outlets at basement ceiling
level. Inlets and outlets may be terminated at ground level with stall boards or
pavement lights as before but ducts to convey fresh air to the basement floor level shall
have to be laid. Stall boards and pavement lights should be in position easily
accessible to the Fire Brigade personal and rescue teams and clearly marked 'SMOKE
OUTLET' or AIR INLET' with an indication of area served at or near the opening.
(2) The staircase of basements shall (a) be of enclosed type having fire resistance of not
less than two hours; (b) be situated at periphery of the basement to be entered at
ground level only from the open air and in such a, position that smoke from any fire in
the basement shall not enter and exit serving the ground and upper storeys of the
building; and (c) communicate with basement though a lobby provided with fire-
resisting self-closing doors of one hour fire resistance. If the travel distance exceeds
the values mentioned in Regulation No 47(3)(i) (I &ii), additional staircases at proper
places shall be provided.
(3) Intake ducts may serve al basement levels but each basement and basement
compartment shall have separate smoke outlet duct or ducts.
(4) Mechanical extractors for smoke-venting system from lower basement levels shall also
be provided. The system shall be of such design as to operate on actuation of heat
sensitive detectors or sprinklers if installed and shall have a considerably higher
performance than the standard units. The system should also have an arrangement to
start it manually and shall be designed to function at a temperature not less than
550 0C.
The floor space division on floors and in basements shall be as per provisions of N.B.C.
9. Service ducts.
(1) Service ducts shall be enclosed by walls having a fire resistance of not less than two
hours. Doors for inspection or access shall also have a fire resistance of not less than
two hours.
(2) If the cross-sectional area of a duct exceeds 1 sq. m it shall be sealed where it passes
a floor with non-combustible light material. The seal within the duct
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maybe pierced for any service pipe or ventilated trunk and shall fit as closely as possible
around any such pipe or trunk.
(3) A permanent vent shall be provided at the top of the service shaft of cross- sectional
area not less than 460 sq. cm or 6.25 cm. for each 900-sq. cm of the area of the
shaft, whichever is more.
(1) Hoppers under refuse chutes shall be situated in a well-ventilated position and the
chutes shall be continued upwards with an outlet above roof level and with an enclosure
wall of non-combustible material with fire resistance of not less than two hours. The
hoppers shall not be located within the staircase enclose.
(2) Inspection panels and hopper (charging station) opening shall be fitted with light fitting,
metal doors, covers, having a fire resistance of not less than one hour. Flap doors/covers
i.e. push-in or lift-up type shall not be permitted.
(3) Refuse chutes shall not be provided in staircase walls and air conditioning shafts, etc.
(4) Refuse chambers shall have walls and floors or roofs constructed of non- combustible
and impervious material and shall have a fire resistance of not less than two hours. They
shall be located at a safe distance from exit routes.
(a) The electric distribution cables wiring shall be laid in a separate duct. The duct shall
be sealed at every floor with non-combustible materials having the same fire
resistance as that of the duct.
(b) Water mains, telephone lines, inter-com lines, gas pipes or any other service line
shall not be laid in the duct for electric cables.
(c) Separate circuits for water pumps, lifts, staircase and corridor lighting and blowers
for the pressurizing system shall be provided directly from the main switch gear
panel and these circuits shall be laid in separate conduit pipes so that a fire in one
circuit will not affect the others. Master switches controlling essential services
circuits shall be clearly labelled.
(d) The inspection panel doors and any other opening in the shaft shall be provided
with air-tight fire doors having a fire resistance of not less than two hours.
(e) High, Medium and low voltage wiring running in shafts, and within a false ceiling,
shall run in metal conduits.
(f) An independent and well ventilated service room shall be provided on the ground
floor with direct access from outside or from the corridor for the purpose of
termination of electric supply from the licensees' service and alternative supply
cables. The doors provided for the service room shall have fire resistance of not
less than two hours.
(g) If the licensees agree to provide meters on upper floors, the licensees' cables shall
be segregated from consumers' cables by a partition in the duct. Meter rooms on
upper floors shall not open into staircase enclosures and shall be ventilated
directly to open air outside.
These pipes shall be run in shafts exclusively for this purpose and shall be on external
walls, away from the staircases. There shall be no inter-connection between these
shafts and the rest of the floors, Gas meters shall be housed in a suitable constructed
metal cupboard located in a well-ventilated space at ground level.
(a) The staircase and corridor lighting shall be on separate circuits and shall be
independently connected so that they could be operated by one switch
installation on the ground floor easily accessible to fire-fighting staff at any time
irrespective of the position of individual control of light points, if any.
(b) Staircase and corridor lighting shall also be connected to alternate supply as
defined in sub-Regulations (4). However, for assembly and institutional buildings
less than 32 m. when the alternate source of supply may be provided by battery
continuously trickle-charged from the electric mains.
(c) Double throw switches should be installed to ensure that the lighting in the
staircase and the corridor do not get connected to two sources of supply
simultaneously. A double throw switch shall be installed in the service room to
terminate the stand-by-supply.
(d) Emergency lights shall be provided in the staircase/corridors for multistoried high
rise and special buildings.
(5) Transformer
(a) If transformers are housed in basement, they shall be necessarily in the first
basement in a separate fire resisting room of four house rating, at the periphery
of the basement. The rooms shall be protected by carbon dioxide or BCF fixed
installation system to protect transformers. The entrance to the room shall be
provided with a steel doors of two hours’ fire rating. A curb (sili) of a suitable
height shall be provided with at the entrance in order to prevent the flow of oil
from a ruptured transformer into other parts of the basement. Direct access to
the transformer room shall be provided preferably from outside. The switch
gears shall be housed in a separate room separated from the transformer bays by
a fire resisting wall with fire resistance of not less than four hours.
(c) Transformers housed at ground floor level shall be cut-off from the other portion
of the premises by fire resisting walls of four hours' fire resistance.
(d) They shall not be housed on upper floors except stilt at upper level & podium if
dry type.
(e) A tank of RCC construction of capacity capable of accommodating the entire oil
of the transformers shall be provided at lower level, to collect the oil from the
catch-pit in an emergency. The pipe connecting the catch-pit to the tank shall be
of non-combustible construction and shall be provided with a flame- arrester.
(6) Air-conditioning
(a) Escape routes like staircases, common corridors, lift lobbies etc. shall not be used
as return air passages.
(b) The ducting shall be constructed of substantial gauge metal in accordance with
IS-655-1963 Metal Air Ducts (Revised).
(c) Wherever the ducts pass through fire-walls or floors, the opening around the ducts
shall be sealed with fire-resisting materials such as asbestos rope or verniculire
concrete glass wool.
(d) As far as possible, metallic ducts shall be used even for the return air instead of
space above the false ceiling.
(e) The materials used for insulating the duct system (inside or outside) shall be of
non-combustible materials such as glass wool, spun glass with neoprene facing.
(f) Area more than 750 sq. m on the individual floor shall be segregated by a fire-wall
and automatic fire dampers for isolation shall be provided where the ducts pass
through fire walls. The fire dampers shall be capable of operating manually.
(g) Air ducts serving floor areas, corridor etc. shall not pass through the staircase
(h) The air handling units shall as far as possible be separate for each floor and air
ducts for every floor shall be separate and in no way interconnected with the
ducting of any other floors.
(i) Automatic fire dampers shall be provided at the inlet of the fresh air duct and the
re-turn air duct of each compartment on every floor.They shall be so arranged as
to close by gravity in the direction of the air movement and to remain tightly closed
upon operation of a smoke detector.
(j) If the air handling unit serves more than one floor, the requirements given above
shall be compiled with an addition to the conditions given below: -
(ii) When the automatic fire alarm operates, the respective air handling units of
the air-conditioning system shall automatically be switched off.
(k) The air filters of the air-handling units shall be of non-combustible materials.
(l) The air handling unit room shall not be used for storage of any combustible
(m) Inspection panels should be provided in main trunking to facilitate the cleaning
of the duct of accumulated dust and to obtain access for maintenance of fire
(n) No combustible material shall be fixed nearer than 15 cm. to any duct unless such
duct is properly enclosed and protected with non-combustible material (glass
wool) or spun glass with neoprene facing enclosed and wrapped with aluminum
sheeting) at least 3.2 mm. thick and which does not readily conduct heat.
(o) Materials used for false ceilings, runners and suspenders shall be of non-
combustible type.
Boiler and boiler rooms shall conform to the Indian Boilers Act.The following
additional aspects should be taken into account in the location of boiler/boiler room:
(a) Boilers shall not be allowed in a lower basement but may be allowed in basements
at first level and away from the escape routes.
(b) The boilers shall be installed in a fire-resisting room of 4 hours' fire resistance
rating situated on the periphery of the basement. Catch-pitch shall be provided
at the low level.
(c) Entry to this room shall be provided with a composite door of two hours’ fire
(d) The boiler room shall be provided with fresh air inlets and smoke exhausts directly
to the atmosphere.
(e) The furnace oil tank for the boiler, if located in the adjoining room, shall be
separated by-fire resisting walls 4 hours rating. The entrance to this room shall
be provided with double composite doors. A kerb of suitable height shall be
provided at the entrance in order to prevent the flow of oil into the boiler room in
case of tank rupture.
(f) Foam inlets shall be provided on the external walls of the building near the ground
level to enable the fire services to use foam in case of fire.
(1) First-aid firefighting equipment shall be provided on all floors including basements
lift rooms, etc. in accordance with IS: 2217-1963 Recommendations for providing First-
Aid Fire Fighting Arrangements in Public Buildings.
(2) The firefighting appliances shall be distributed over the building in accordance with
IS: 2190-1971 Code of Practice for Selection, Installation and Maintenance of Portable
First-Aid Fire Appliances.
(1) Buildings shall be protected by wet riser, wet riser-cum-down corner, automatic
sprinkler, installation, high pressure water spray or foam generating system as
prescribed in sub-Regulations (2) to (6) below: -
(2) The wet riser/riser-cum-down comers' installation with capacity of water storage tanks
and fire pumps shall conform to the requirements specified in Table hereunder.
Sr. Type of the Water Supply Pump Capacity
No. building
Type of und Terrace Near the
Installation Static Tank underground Terrace Level
Tank Static Tank
/Special type
(a) Upto 15 m. in Nil 50,000 Nil Nil
height. litres
900 litres per
1400 litres per
(b) Above 15 m. Wet riser- 1,00,000l 20,000l minute giving a
minute giving
but not cum-down itres itres pressure not less
a pressure not
exceeding 32 m. corner. than 3.2 kg/cm2
less than 3.2
in height except at the top
kg/cm2 at the
educational hydrant.
buildings. hydrant
(d) Above 32 m.
2400 litres per 900 litres per
but not 1,50,000l 30,00
Wet riser- minute giving minute giving a
exceeding 70 m. itres litres
cum-down a pressure not pressure not less
(If area of plot is
corner. less than 3.2 than 3.2 kg/cm2
more than 600
kg/cm2 at the at the top
sq. m
topmost hydrant.
4. The performance of pumps specified above shall be at R.P.M. not exceeding 2,000.
5. The above quantities of water shall be exclusively for firefighting and shall not be
utilised for domestic/or other use. The layout of underground static water tank
shall be as per the requirement of CFO/CFO manual.
6. The size of the riser in the non-residential buildings over 32 m. high shall be 15 cm.
(internal dia.) with twin hydrant outlets and hose reel on each floor.
7. A facility to boost water pressure in the riser directly from the mobile pump shall
also be provided to the wet riser system with suitable fire service inlets (collecting
head with two 63 mm inlets for 10 cm rising main and four 63 mm inlets with check
valves for 15 cm. Dia rising main) and a non-return valve and a gate valve.
8. Hose Reel-The Internal diameter of rubber hose for the hose reel shall be a minimum
of 19 mm. A shut-off branch with a nozzle of 4.8 mm. size shall be provided.
They shall conform to IS: 3644-1966 Code of Practice for Installations of Internal Fire
Hydrants in high-rise buildings. In addition, the wet-riser shall be designed for zonal
distribution ensuring that unduly high pressure does not develop in risers and hose
In addition to wet-riser, wet riser-cum-down corner, first aid hose reels shall be installed on
the floors of buildings above 32 m. and shall conform to IS :884-1969 Specifications for First
Aid Hose Reel for Fire Fighting (Fixed Installation). The first
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aid hose reel shall be connected to one of the female couplings of twin couplings of
landing valves directly to the wet riser in the case of single outlet of the wet riser
installations by means of adapter: -
(i) Static Water Storage Tank: - A satisfactory supply of water for the purpose of
firefighting shall always be available in the form of an underground static storage
tank with capacity specified for each building with arrangements of replenishment
by main or alternative source of supply at 1,000 liters per minute. The static
storage water supply should easily be accessible to fire engines. Provision of
suitable number of manholes shall be made available for immersion, repairs
and inspection of suction hose etc. The covering slab shall be able to withstand a
vehicular load of 18 tonnes. The domestic suction tank connected to the static
water storage tank shall have an overflow capable of discharging 2250 litres per
minute to a visible drain point from which by a separate conduit the overflow
shall be conveyed to a storm water drain.
(ii) To prevent stagnation of water in the static water storage tank, the suction tank
of the domestic water supply shall be fed only through an overflow arrangement
to maintain the level therein at the minimum specified capacity.
(iii) The static water storage tank shall be provided with a fire brigade collecting
breaching with four 63 mm. Dia. (two of 63 mm. dia. for pump with capacity 1,400
liters/minute) instantaneous male inlets arranged in a valve box at a suitable point
at street level and connected to the static tank by a suitable fixed pipe of not less
than 15 cm dia. to discharge water into the tank when required at a rate of 2250
litres per minute.
(4) Automatic High Pressure Water Spray (emulsifying): - This system shall be provided
for protection of indoor transformers of a substation in a basement area.
(5) Foam Generating System: - This system shall be provided for protection of boiler rooms
with ancillary, storage of furnace oils in a basement.
(6) Carbon-dioxide (Co2) Fire Extinguishing System: - Fixed Co2 fire extinguishing
installation shall be provided as per IS: 6382-1971 Code of Practice for Design and
Installation of Fixed Co2 Fire Extinguishing System on premises where water or foam
cannot be used for extinguishing fire because of the special nature of the contents of
the buildings/areas to be protected. Where possible, BCF installation may be provided
instead of Co2 installation.
All buildings mentioned below shall be equipped with fire alarm systems as given below: -
(a) Such buildings shall be equipped with a manually-operated electrical fire alarm
system with one or more call boxes located at each floor. The call boxes shall
be so located that one or other of them shall be accessible to all occupants of the
floor without having to travel more than 30 m.
(b) The call boxes shall be of the 'break-glass' type without any moving parts where
the call is transmitted automatically to the control room without any other action
on the part of the person operating the call box.
(c) All call boxes shall be wired in a closed circuit to a control panel in the control
room located as given in this rule so that the floor number where the call box is
actuated is clearly indicated on the control panel. The circuit shall also include
one or more batteries with a capacity of 48 hours normal working at full load.
The battery shall be arranged to be continuously trickle- charged from the electric
mains. The circuit may be connected to an alternate source of electric supply.
(d) The call boxes shall be arranged to sound one or more sounders so as to ensure
that all the occupants of the building are warned whenever any call box is
(e) The call boxes shall be so installed that they do not obstruct the exit-ways and
yet their location can easily be noticed from either direction. The base of the call
box be at a height of 1 m. from the floor level.
These buildings shall, in addition to the manually operated electrical fire alarm
system, be equipped with an automatic fire alarm system. The latter shall be in
addition to any automatic fire-extinguishing system installed in any particular
occupancy in accordance with these rules. The detectors for the automatic fire
alarm shall conform to the relevant IS Specification Heat Smoke Sensitive Type Fire
Detector and the system shall be installed in accordance with IS: 2189-1976 Code
of Practice for Automatic Fire Alarm System of any other relevant Indian Standard,
prescribed from time to time.
The lightning protection systems for buildings shall be in accordance with the provisions of Part
III, National Building Code of India amended up to date.
For all buildings mentioned in clause no 14 above except residential buildings, there shall
be a control room on the entrance floor of the building with communication system
(suitable public address system) to all floor planers along with the details of firefighting
equipment and installations shall be maintained in the control room. The control room shall
also have facilities to detect a fire on any floor through indicator boards connecting fire
detecting and alarm systems on all floors. The staff in-charge of the control room shall
be responsible for the maintenance of the various services and firefighting equipment
and installations. Control room shall be manned around the clock.
a) The refuge area shall be so located that it shall preferably face the access road/s or
otherwise face the wider open space on the side of the building perpendicular to the main
access road.
b) The cantilevered Refuge area on cantilever will be permissible at the mid-landing of the
staircase only. All other refuge areas shall be within the building line only.
e) R.C.C. covering shall be provided above the topmost cantilever refuge area.
f) The refuge area shall have a door which shall be painted or fixed with a sign in luminous
paint mentioning “REFUGE AREA”
g) The lift/s shall not be permitted to open into the refuge areas.
h) The refuge area provided within building line shall be accessible from common passage/
a)The refuge area shall be earmarked exclusively for the use of occupants as temporary shelter
and for the use of Fire Brigade Department or any other organization dealing with fire or
other emergencies when occur in the building and also for exercises/drills if conducted by
the Fire Brigade Department.
b) The refuge areas shall not be allowed to be used for any other purpose and it shall be the
responsibility of the owner/occupier to maintain the same clean and free of encumbrances
and encroachments at all times.
a) The necessary facilities such as emergency lighting, drinking water etc. shall be provided.
b) The access door/s from the enclosed staircase/s to the terrace floor shall have louvers at
top half portion of the door. The entrance doors to the terrace shall be painted or fixed with
sign painted in luminous paint mentioning "REFUGE AREA”
All the buildings having glass façade shall comply with fire safety requirements as per Model
Building Bye Laws/NBC
Form of Notice and first Application for development Under Sections 44,45,58,69 of the Maharashtra
Regional and Town Planning Act 1966 and to erect a building under section 337/342 of the Mumbai
Municipal Corporation Act, 1888.
The ……………………..
I intend to carry out development in the site/to erect, to re-erect/to make material alteration in the
building…………………….on/in plot No. C.S.No./C.T.S.
No………………………..of……………………..Division/village/Town Planning Scheme
No…………………………situated at Road/Street………………………
ward ........................ and in accordance with section 44,45, 58,69 of the Maharashtra Regional and
Town Planning Act, 1966/section 337, 342 of the Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act, 1888, and
the Maharashtra Development Plan Rules, 1970.
2. I enclose the following plans and statements (Items 1 to 6) wherever applicable, in quadruplicate
or architect, who has prepared the plans and designs on my behalf and copies of other
statements/documents as applicable (Items 7 to 14): -
Yours faithfully,
Appendix III
Regulation NO 59
Table.List of special purpose NOCs.
Appendix IV
(Regulation 60)
Repairs to existing Building
(1) Repairs to be carried out can be categorized as detailed below:
Partial repairs- The repairs to the extent of 75% of BUA will be termed as partial repairs.
The partial repairs shall be allowed with the permission of the Commissioner.
Extensive repairs- The repairs beyond 75% of BUA will be termed as extensive repairs
which shall be allowed with the special permission of the Commissioner.
(2) Type of Repairs:
Category- I-The building neither affected by the road widening nor by DP Reservations.
Category-II-The buildings affected by the road widening or by reservations or by both
(3) Pre-requisites while submitting the proposal:
(i) Notice under section 342 of MMC Act and notice under section 44/69 of MR & TP Act
1966 duly signed by owner/NOC Holder.
(ii) NOC from M.B.R & R Board (if cessed building)
(iii) Structural audit report/Statutory Notice issued by MCGM/MHADA
(iv) Photographs showing condition of building as under:
a) Front roadside view from ground to top floor in one or more photographs as possible.
b) Side view elevation photographs wherever possible.
c) Dangerous portions proposed for repairs
d) Type of existing material in mode of construction
e) Roof photographs.
(v) Plan showing block plan, location plan and all the details existing on site
(vi) List of all the existing tenants/occupants signed by NOC Holder and countersigned by
Architect, in case of non cessed building and list of all the existing tenants/occupants
signed by Ex. Engineer M.B. R. & R Board in case of cessed building.
(vii) Owner’s consent for the proposed repairs/authority under section 499 of MMC Act where
Owner’s consent for proposed repairs is not possible.
(viii) The onus of submitting authenticity of the structure for which repairs have been proposed
shall entirely vest with owner/NOC holder
(4) Guidelines
(1) The buildings which are in need of Extensive Repairs shall be preferably developed or
redeveloped under the provisions of these Regulations. However, if
development/redevelopment is not possible due to various reasons such as size/shape
of plot, disputes and other reasons, then Extensive Repair may be allowed.
(2) Except those buildings affected by setback of important roads from the point of view of
their widening, in all other cases repairs will be allowed inclusive of setbacks, with
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registered undertaking for not claiming any compensation on account of repairs for the
structure and shall handover the portion of road setback as per prevailing
policy/provision, when required by MCGM. The provision of Twin column arrangement
shall be insisted at the sanctioned R.L / D.P. Road so as to detach the part of the building
falling within the setback as and when required by MCGM for widening of roads.
(3) When repairs are allowed in the setback/widening of the road portion only then, Standing
Committee shall be intimated as per the section 297(3) of MMC Act.
If a road is already widened on either side of the building which is to be taken up for
repairs, such building can be taken up for repairs in conformity with (2) and (3) above, if
it requires extensive repairs.
(4) Repairs may be allowed on sites under reservation, if the same is not under acquisition.
Incase of reserved sites which are under acquisition, the repairs may be allowed with
special permission of the Commissioner. In both the cases, registered undertaking
shall be insisted upon from the NOC holder/owner stating that no compensation will
be claimed on account of repairs for the structure as and when the property is acquired,
and grant of permission for repairs will not in any way affect the process of acquisition
and shall not be used as a tool to impede the process of acquisition.
(5) It shall be the responsibility of the owner/NOC holder to ensure that the existing
tenements/existing authorised uses are maintained.
(6) No repairs to the unauthorised structure/unauthorised part of structure shall be allowed.
(7) In case of cessed properties MHADA/MBRRB may carry out repairs of buildings after
obtaining remarks from MCGM as per provisions of the MHADA Act. Remarks and
observations if any as stated in these guidelines shall be complied with during the course
of repairs.
1. The repairs to the non-tallying portion which forms part of common amenities such as toilet
block, washing places, common passage, and staircase can be considered at Dy. Ch. E (BP)'s
2. In case applicant submits documentary evidence from Government Authority to prove the
existence of non-tallying portion prior to 01/04/1962 for non-residential and 17/4/1964 for
residential buildings, repairs can be allowed
3. In case of partial/extensive structural repairs of buildings owned by Government/Semi
Government organizations/Municipal Corporation/B.E.S.T. Undertaking/Government- Semi
Government Undertakings, approval of the Head of department/Competent Authority of
Concerned organization shall be sufficient. Structural Audit as per the requirement of MCGM
and compliance thereof shall have to be observed by the concerned organization/Authority.
No. Dy.Ch.E./BP/ of
Office ofthe:
Sub: -Handing over and taking over the advance possession of plot/Area of D.P.
Road/Reservation/amenity area etc. as per provisions of DCR 2034 out of Survey
No./H.No. ................, CTS No. /C.S. No./ F.P. No.
.................................... of village /Division/ T.P. Scheme No. ...........................
in ............. Ward.
The final possession receipt shall be issued only after ascertaining the actual area as per
provisions of DCR & joint measurement plan and physically taken over the possession of plot by MCGM
and handed over by the owner. The cost of any transaction involved shall be borne by the owner or
The particulars of land considered for initial stage of representative advance possession
receipt is as mentioned below-
Conditions to be complied with before handing over final possession of the subject land.
Sub Engineer/Assistant Engineer
Address :
Bldg. Proposal ( Ward)
Disclaimer: This advance possession receipt is issued on the request of applicant and as per
Provisions of Regulation No...........of DCR 2034. This advance possession receipt will not entail land
owner/lessee to serve Purchase Notice under Section 49/127 of M.R. & T.P. Act, 1966 amended up
to date.
No. Ch.E./DP/ of
Chief Engineer (Development Plan)
Municipal Head Office,
5th floor, Annexe Building,
Mahapalika Marg,
Fort, Mumbai-400 001.
Sub:- Handing over and taking over of D.P. Road /Reservation/Amenity area out of
Survey No. /H .No. ................, CTS No. /C.S. No. / F.P. No.
.................................... of village /Division/ T.P. Scheme No. ...........................
in ........... Ward.
• Any other conditions as may deem fit and proper in the interest of general public.
• The possession of above land is taken over subject to the owner/developer agreeing to
rectify the defects in the works and in terms of Undertaking separately given by the owner.
• Ownership of land so handed over shall be transferred in the name of MCGM in land
revenue records. The cost of any transaction involved shall be borne by the owner or lessee
NOTE:-In case of constructed built up amenity to be handed over along with plot as per the
provisions of these Regulations, then the details such as built up area of amenity, number
of tenements/non-residential galas, along with requirements like number of parking with
their earmarking on the occupation plans and details Occupation/Completion Certificate
shall be clearly mentioned in the possession receipt.
On ............................................. Day of the month of ....................................
(c) No. and date of issue of license ……………….. Valid up to ……………………
2) Is the plot affected by any reservation or road lines? If so, are these correctly and clearly marked on
the block plan?
3)*(a)What is the total area of the plot according to the document?
*(b)Does it tally with the Collector's record?
*(c) What is the actual area available on site measured by the licensed
surveyor/architect/engineer/supervisor or architect?
(d) If there is any deduction in the original area of the plot on account of road lines or reservation?
Please state the total area of such deductions.
(e) If so, what is the net area?
(f) Is the clearance under Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulations) Act, 1976 obtained? If so, what is
the area allowed for development? Clearance under Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulations)
Act, 1976 else an undertaking.
*Permission will be based on the minimum of areas in (a), (c) or (f) above.
4)Are all plans as required under Regulations 10(3) enclosed?
5) (a) Is the plot part of a city triangulation survey number, revenue survey number or hissa number
or a final plot number (city survey number) of a Town Planning Schemes or a part of an
approved layout?
(b) Please state sanction number and date of sub-division/layout.
6) (a) In what zone does the plot fall?
(b) What is the permissible Floor Space Index of the Zone?
(c) What is the number of tenements per net hectare permissible in the zone?
7(a) Is the use of every room in the proposed work marked on the plans?
(b) Is it in accordance with the Regulations?
(17) If the height of the building is greater than 16 m. above the average ground level, is provision for
lift (s) made?
If so, give the following details of the lift(s): -
(a) Details of lift
(c) Are the 7.5 meters away from the street or front plot boundary and if located within the open
spaces, 1.5 meters from any other boundary?
(d) Is their area calculated in floor space Index?
24) (a) what is the proposed height of the compound wall?
Is it at a junction?
(b) Does it comply with Regulations 37(24)?
25) (a) (I) Is the proposal in the airport zone?
(b) (ii) Is a "No Objection Certificate" for height and character of smoke from chimneys
obtained from Civil Aviation Authorities (Attach copy).
(c) Does the proposal fall in the category of tower-like structure vide Regulation 2(iv)124 and
41(2)(i)(c)? If so, does it comply with the requirement thereof?
26) Indicate provision for common conventional antenna for receipt of television transmission in
residential building with more than ten tenements (Regulations 42)
27) Does the proposal fall in any of the areas/zones such as those of the Mumbai Metropolitan Region
Development Authority/ Maharashtra Housing and Area Development
Authority/Railway/Highway/Slum Authorities/Power Transmission line/Coastal Area/No
Development Zone/Tourism Development Zone/Communication Authorities etc.?
28) (a) Does any natural water course pass through the land under development?
(b) Is the necessary set back provided according to Regulations 18(b)?
29) (a) Is the plinth level proposed to be above the level of the surrounding ground level?
(b) Will the proposed plinth level be above 27.55 m Town Hall Datum?
(c) Is the plot proposed to be filled upto the level of the abutting road or Reduced Level (R.L.)
27.55 m Town Hall Datum, whichever is more?
30) The details of the materials to be used in construction with specifications are as follows:
Any other Material---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Note:- Building material to be used in construction such as brick etc. shall contain the fly
ash. Fly ash shall also be used for construction and road/ maintenance as permissible as
per I.S. specification”
31 The number of water closets, urinals, kitchens, and baths to be provided are as follows:
Water closets |Baths | Urinals |Kitchen
32) Details of the source of water to be used in the construction.
33) Distance from the sewer.
34) How much municipal land, if any, will be used for stacking building material?
35) Please explain, in detail, in what respect the proposal does not comply with these Regulations and
the reasons therefore, attaching separate sheets for this information, if necessary.
I am the owner-lessee/mortgagee in possession/----------------------------------- of the plot on which
the work is proposed and that the statements made in this Form are true and correct.
Address: Signature of the applicant.
Form of certificate be signed by the Licensed Surveyor/Engineer/Structural
Engineer/Supervisor or Architect/ Professionals on Records employed by the Applicant
I (Name) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- have been employed by the
applicant as his Licensed Surveyor/Engineer/Structural Engineer/Supervisor or Architect. I have
carefully pursued his covenant or conveyance in respect of this plot and have examined the boundaries
and the area of the plot and I certify that I have personally verified all the statements made by the
applicant who is the owner/lessee/mortgage in possession of the plot & possess ownership/absolute
development rights as in the above Form and the attached Statements A and B and found them to
be correct.
Signature of Licensed Surveyor/Architect
Engineer/Structural Engineer/Supervisor
Proposed Work/Buildings
Certificate of Area
Certified that I have surveyed the plot under reference on .......... and that the dimensions of the
sides, etc. of the plot stated on the plan are as measured on site and the area so worked out
is*.................... squaremeters and tallies with the area stated in the document of ownership/Town
Planning Scheme records.
Signature of Licensed Surveyor/Architect/Engineer/Structural Engineer/Supervisor or Architect
Name of owner
North Line
willbe carried out under my supervision. All the materials (type and grade) and the workmanship
of the work will generally tally with the general specifications submitted along with the plans and
the work will be carried out according to the sanctioned plans. I shall be responsible for the
execution of the work in all respects.
Yours faithfully,
Tel. No.:
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
Executive Engineer,
Building Proposal_____ ward, M.C.G.M.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
I say that my Architect/Licensed Surveyor has certified the said area on the basis of the property
register card duly certified by the Superintendent of Land Records and/or on the basis survey
carried out as per the boundaries of the property shown by me/us.
The said area works out to ___________ sq. m (in words ________________ sq. m.
0and F.S.I is claimed for the plot area ____________ sq.m.
It may also be stated here that I/we do not hold /own any contiguous land with the subject
Building proposal No
Full Particular of the work
On plot bearing C.S.No./C.T.S.No./F.P.No./Of
Division/village/T.P. Scheme No
Type of development
Road Name
Name of Architect / Licensed Surveyor
Name of Owner
With reference to the letter of our appointment dated ______ ___addressedto you, by the
Owner, I hereby confirm that I have agreed to act as the Consulting Structural Engineer for the
above proposal.
I further confirm that the structural design and calculations shall be inconformity with the pro-
visions of IS Code nos. 1875,1893 &4326 taking into consideration the Seismic forces etc.as
required by the planning authority.
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully
Name of Plumber
License No.
BuildingProposal ____ ward,
Subject: Drainage &Sanitation work of proposed development
Building proposal No
Full Particular of the work
Building comprising of (no of wings and floors)
On plot bearing C.S.No./C.T.S.No./F.P.No./ Of
Division/village/T.P. Scheme No
Type of development
Road Name:
Name of Architect / Licensed Surveyor
Name of Owner
This is in reference to the letter of appointment issued by the Owner/Developer, I hereby
confirm having agreed to act as Licensed Plumber for the above proposal.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
i) Architect/Licensed Surveyor
ii) Structural Engineer
iii) Owner/Developer
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
Building proposal No
Full Particular of the work
On plot bearing C.S.No./C.T.S.No./F.P.No./ Of
Division/village/T.P. Scheme No
Type of development
Road Name
Name of Architect/ Licensed Surveyor
Name of Owner
With reference to the letter of my appointment datedaddressed to you, by the Owner, I hereby
confirm that I have agreed to act as the Site Supervisor for the above proposal.
I further confirm that the workmanship and material quality and material testing shall be in conformity
with the provisions of IS standards and the development work shall be as per approved plans and the
structural design etc.
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
With reference to the letter of my appointment datedaddressed to you, by the Owner, I hereby
confirm that I have agreed to act as theforthe above proposal.
I furtherreconfirm that the work will be carried out in conformity with the provisions of IS standards
and as per requirements of Regulations, Annexurefor Duties and Responsibilities of Professional on
Record and the development work shall be as per approved plans and the structural design etc.
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully
Name of the Professional
Registration No
1. Owner.
2. Architect/Licensed-Surveyor
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
The ……………………………………
Yours faithfully,
2 Town The minimum qualification for a town planner The registered Town Planner
Planner town planner shall be the shall be the town planner shall responsible
Associate Membership of the Associate shall be for designing the
Institute of Town Planners or Membership of competent to building in
graduate or post graduate the Institute of carryout the conformity with
degree in town and country Town Planners work related to these Regulations,
planning. or graduate or the development for authentication
post graduate permit as given of documents
degree in town below : submitted except
and country a) Preparation of legal document
planning. plans for land and for ensuring
sub division / that the
layout and development is
related carried out as per
information approved plans,
connected with else get amended
development plans approved
permit for all and intimating
areas. the Authority.
4 Structural The minimum qualifications for Registration To carry out The structural
Engineer a Structural Engineer shall be with Municipal work related to engineer shall be
Graduate in Civil Engineering of Corporation development responsible for
recognized Indian or foreign with the valid permission as the structural
university or Associate license issued given below and safety and stability
Membership in Civil as per the to submit – of development
Engineering Division of procedure carried out on
a) All structural
Institution of Engineers (India) adopted by plans and related site. He shall
and with minimum 3 years of MCGM information ensure that the
experience in Structural connected with development is as
Engineering Practice with development per the structural
designing and field work. permission requirements
The 3 years of experience shall given by him.
b) structural Further, the
be relaxed to 2 years in the case details and
of post graduate degree structural design
calculation of all given shall match
of recognized Indian or foreign
b) details
cate along with
plans with
installation, their
testing and
With reference to your application No. …………..dated............ for Development Permission and
grant of Commencement Certificate under sections 44 and 69 of the Maharashtra Regional and Town
Planning Act, 1966, to carry out development and building permission under section 346 of the
Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act 1888,to erect/additions /alterations to building
1. The land vacated in consequence of the enforcement of the set-back line/road widening line shall
form part of the public street.
2. No new building or part thereof shall be occupied or allowed to be occupied or used or permitted
to be used by any person until occupancy permission has been granted.
3. The commencement certificate/development permission shall remain valid for one year
commencing from the date of its issue.
4. This permission does not entitle you to develop land which does not vest in you.
Yours faithfully,
Executive Engineer (Building Proposal)( ............ Ward)
1. …………………………………….
2 …………………………………….
3. …………………………………….
4. …………………………………….
5. …………………………………….
6. …………………………………….
Yours faithfully,
Date ………………………
Yours faithfully,
Date: …………………………….
[Regulations No.11(4)]
The construction upto plinth/column upto plinth level has been completed in Building
No…………………on/in Plot No./C.S. No./ C.T.S.No/F.P No. ……………………………..
Division/Village/Town Planning Scheme No. …………………………….
Road/Street…………………………Ward…………………………………………………in accordance with your
permission No. ……………………………….dated ………………………………..under my supervision and in
accordance with the sanctioned plan.
Please check the completed work and permit me to proceed with the rest of the work.
Yours faithfully,
Date : …………………………………
[Regulations No.11(4)]
Yours faithfully,
Date : ……………………………….
The executive Engineer
I certify that the erection/re-erection or part/full development work in/on building/part building
No. …………….on/in Plot No., C.S.No./C,T,S, No/F.P No. ……………
dated ............................. ). The work has been completed to my best satisfaction the workmanship
and all the materials (type and grade) have been used strictly in accordance with general and detailed
specifications. No provisions of the Act or Development Control Regulations or no requisitions made,
conditions prescribed or orders issued thereunder have been transgressed in the course of the work.
I am enclosing three copies of the completion plans, one of which is cloth mounted. The building is
fit for occupancy for which it has been erected/re-erected or altered, constructed and enlarged.
I have to request you to arrange for the inspection and give permission for the occupation of
the building.
Yours faithfully,
Address ……………………………..
License No………………………………
Date : ………………………………
(See sub-section (3) of section 259-A of the Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act, 1888)
Assistant Engineer……………………….
……………………………….(insert full particulars of the work) has been completed to my satisfaction; the
workmanship and the whole of the materials used are good; and no provision of the Act or the
Development control Regulations or building Bye-laws and no requisition made, condition prescribed
or order issued there under, has been transgressed in the course of the work,
Yours faithfully,
Address ………………………………….
Date : ………
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
(See sub-section (I) of section 353-A of the MumbaiMunicipal Corporation Act, 1888)
Executive Engineer……………………………..
The following building work (insert full particulars of the work) has been supervised by me and has
been completed to my satisfaction; the workmanship’s and the whole of the materials used are
good; and no provision of the Act or the Regulations, Bye-laws and no requisitions made, condition
prescribed or order issued there under, has been transgressed in the course of the work.
Yours faithfully,
Engineers/Supervisor or Architect,
Address ………………………………………..
Subject :
Reference :
The Completion certificate submitted by you on............................ for the above work is hereby
Yours faithfully)
Zone ……………..
Date :
Office Stamp :
No ............................... of
Copy forwarded to
The Assistant Engineer/
Executive Engineer,
Development Plan/
Chief Engineer,
……………………………………………………………………………..For information
(Regulation 11(7))
(Regulation 11(8)
While thanking you for letting me occupy a portion of the above building before acceptance of
the Completion Certificate of the whole building for the plans approved in communication No.
…………………………………… dated ……………….. I, *indemnify the Municipal Corporation of Greater
Mumbai against any risk, damage and danger which may occur to occupants and users of the said
portion of the building and also undertake to take necessary security measures for their safety. This
undertaking will be binding on me/us, our heirs, administrators and our assignees.
Yours faithfully,
Address : ………………………………………………………………………
Date : ……………………………………………………………………….
(Regulations 11(6)
The Completion certificate submitted by you on............................ for the above work is hereby
accepted and the premises may be occupied.
Yours faithfully,
Zone ……………..
Date :
Office Stamp:
No ............................... of
Copy forwarded to
The Assistant Engineer/
Executive Engineer,
Development Plan/
Chief Engineer,
……………………………………………………………………………..For information
Sketch No 1
Sketch No.2
Sketch No. 3
Sketch No. 4
Sketch No 5
Sketch No. 6
Compiled by Spaceage Consultants Compiled on 27.9.2018 (FOR REVIEW ONLY)
For Private Circulation Only Original Notifications shall be referred for perspicuity
Annexure 24
Appropriate Authority
Department, GOM
5 RE3.1 Other Education (In case of Medical College -
Medical Education & Drug
Department, GOM)
Sewage Treatment
RMS4.1 Plant/Facilities
37 Municipal Sports Complex MCGM
53 Police Staff Quarters Home Department, GOM
RR 1.5 Municipal Housing MCGM
Concerned Department of
57 RR1.7 Government Housing
State/Central Govt
Rehabilitation &
58 RR2.1 MCGM
63 RSA2.1 MCGM.
Community Centre
MCGM/Transport Department,
78 RT1.1 Truck Terminus