Dry Low Nox 2.0+ System Operation: Ge Power Systems
Dry Low Nox 2.0+ System Operation: Ge Power Systems
Dry Low Nox 2.0+ System Operation: Ge Power Systems
April 1998
GE Power Systems
Gas Turbine
The dry low 2.0+ (DLN–2.0+) control system regulates the distribution of fuel delivered to a multi-nozzle
combustor arrangement. The fuel flow distribution to each combustion chamber fuel nozzle assembly is a
function of combustion reference temperature (TTRF1) and IGV temperature control mode. Diffusion, pi-
loted premix, and premix flame are established by changing the fuel flow distribution in the combustor. By
a combination of fuel staging and shifting of burning modes from diffusion at ignition through full pre-mix
at high load, dramatically lower NOx emissions can be achieved above firing temperatures of 2,270°F.
The gas fuel system consists of the gas fuel auxiliary stop valve, gas fuel stop/ratio valve, diffusion gas con-
trol valve, PM4 gas control valve, and PM1 gas control valve. (Refer to Figure 1.)
The stop/ratio valve (SRV) is designed to maintain a predetermined pressure (P2) at the control valve inlet.
The diffusion, PM4, and PM1 gas control valves (GCVs) regulate the desired gas fuel flow delivered to the
turbine in response to the command signal FSR from the SPEEDTRONIC panel. The dry low NOx mode
of operation will determine how the control valves stage fuel to the multi-nozzle combustion system. The
auxiliary stop valve is used to provide class 6 sealing when heated fuels are used.
The stop ratio valve and gas control valves are monitored for their ability to track the command setpoint. If
the valve command setpoint differs from the actual valve position by a prescribed amount for a period of
time, an alarm will annunciate to warn the operator. If the condition persists for an extended amount of time,
the turbine will be tripped and another alarm will annunciate the trip.
There are three basic modes of distributing gas fuel to the DLN–2.0+ combustor. These modes are described
A. Diffusion Mode
In this mode, all the gas fuel directed to the 5 diffusion tips in each of the combustors. At this time, the
pre–mix passages PM1 and PM4 are purged with compressor discharge (CPD) air.
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible
contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance. Should further information be desired or
should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes the matter should be
referred to the GE Company.
GEK 106939 Dry Low NOx 2.0+ System Operation
Diffusion is in the normal mode of operation from ignition to a combustion reference temperature of
2,000°F loading and unloading from 1,950°F till flame out.
B. Piloted Pre–Mix
In this mode, the fuel is split between the three gas control valves. To fire an even pre–mix split, the split
between PM1 GCV and PM4 GCV, which feed the PM1 and PM4 manifolds respectively, should be
20/80. It is normal to run the pre–mix burners slightly off even split to optimize combustion dynamics
at the expense of emissions.
Piloted pre–mix is the combustion mode between combustion reference temperature 2,000°F and
2,270°F loading and 2,220°F unloading.
C. Pre–Mix
In pre–mix, all the fuel is directed to the PM1 and PM4 GCVs which feed the pre–mix nozzles. Pre–mix
mode combustion occurs above 2,270°F loading and 2,220°F unloading.
The diagrams in Figures 2 and 3 show how fuel flow is controlled while transferring between the various
combustion modes.
Dry Low NOx 2.0+ System Operation GEK 106939
GEK 106939 Dry Low NOx 2.0+ System Operation
The 9FA+ employs 18 similar combustors. For each machine there are two spark plugs and four flame detec-
tors in selected chambers with crossfire tubes connecting adjacent combustors. Each combustor consists of
a five nozzle/cover assembly, forward and aft combustion casings, flow sleeve assembly, multi-nozzle cap
assembly, liner assembly, and transition piece assembly.
The combustion reference temperature signal (TTRF1) is generated by a calculation in the DLN–2.0+ con-
trol software. This equation calculates TTRF1 as a function of the median exhaust temperature (TTXM), the
compressor discharge pressure (CPD), and the inlet bell mouth temperature (CTIM). This calculated temper-
ature represents a reference for combustor mode sequencing and fuel split scheduling and is not a true indica-
tion of actual machine firing temperature. A careful checkout of the combustion reference temperature dur-
ing start-up is required. The initial loading of the turbine should be performed with “pilot premix base”
selected on and samples of the combustion reference temperature calculation should be compared to values
listed in the control specifications. The combustion reference temperature should match the control specifi-
cation numbers within 20°F. Differences greater than 20°F may indicate an error in the calculation.
The DLN–2.0+ combustor emission performance is sensitive to changes in fuel to air ratio. The combustor
was designed according to the airflow regulation scheme used with inlet guide vane (IGV) temperature con-
trol. Optimal combustor operation is crucially dependent upon proper operation along the predetermined
temperature control scheme. Controlled fuel scheduling will be dependent upon the state of IGV temperature
control. IGV temperature control on can also be referred to as combined cycle operation while IGV tempera-
ture control off is referred to as simple cycle operation.
Operation of the gas turbine with reduced minimum IGV settings can be used to extend the Premix operating
region. Reducing the minimum IGV angle allows the combustor to operate at a firing temperature high
enough to support premix operation.
Inlet bleed heating (IBH), through the use of recirculated compressor discharge airflow, is necessary when
operating with reduced IGV angles. Inlet heating protects the compressor from stall by relieving the dis-
charge pressure and by increasing the inlet air stream temperature. Other benefits include anti-icing protec-
tion due to increased pressure drop across the IGVs.
The inlet bleed heat system regulates compressor discharge bleed flow through a control valve and into a
manifold located in the compressor inlet air stream. The control valve varies the inlet heating air flow as a
function of IGV angle. At minimum IGV angles the inlet bleed flow is controlled to a maximum of 5.0%
of the total compressor discharge flow. As the IGVs are opened at higher loads, the inlet bleed flow will pro-
portionally decrease until shut off.
The IBH control valve is monitored for its ability to track the command setpoint. If the valve command set-
point differs from the actual valve position by a prescribed amount for a period of time, an alarm will annunci-
ate to warn the operator. If the condition persists for an extended amount of time, the inlet bleed heat system
will be tripped and the IGV’s minimum reference will be raised to the default value.
Dry Low NOx 2.0+ System Operation GEK 106939
The IBH system monitors the temperature rise in the compressor inlet airflow. This temperature rise serves
as an indication of bleed flow. Failure to detect a sufficient temperature rise in a set amount of time will cause
the inlet bleed heat system to be tripped and an alarm annunciated.
The purge system is required to maintain a positive flow of compressor discharge air through the gas fuel
nozzle passages when gas flow is nonexistent. Failure to provide purge flow when required will damage com-
ponents in the combustion system. The Gas Fuel Purge System is shown below.
The Gas Fuel Purge System is designed such that it provides a positive purge to a manifold which is not in
use during Gas Turbine operation. The purge pressure ratio is mechanically set, by pipe and orifice sizing
as a function of fuel nozzle effective area. The purge pressure must be of a magnitude (greater than Pcc) to
prevent backflow through nozzles and prevent cross–talk between fuel nozzles and combustion chambers.
The gas fuel/gas fuel purge junction and downstream piping are designed to support plugged flow (minimal
mixing of fuel and air). These components and piping have also been set out so that stagnant and unswept
volumes have been minimized. Furthermore, the gas fuel/gas fuel purge junction has been designed so that
the introduction of purge into a gas–filled manifold does not cause an unacceptably high load swing. This
is primarily achieved by introducing a soft purge — VA13–1, –2, –3, –4, –5, and –6 are opened over 35 se-
conds. A continuous purge is provided to Diffusion at a pressure ratio of 0.98 (P4 to PCD) and to Pre–Mix
(PM1 and PM4) at 0.955 (P4 to PCD).
GEK 106939 Dry Low NOx 2.0+ System Operation
Reliable detection of the flame location in the DLN–2.0+ system is critical to the control of the combustion
process and to the protection of the gas turbine hardware. Four flame detectors in separate combustion cham-
bers around the gas turbine are mounted to detect flame in all modes of operation. The signals from these
flame detectors are processed in control logic and used for various control and protection functions.
Two spark plugs located in different combustion chambers are used to ignite fuel flow. These spark plugs
are energized to ignite fuel during start-up only, at firing speed. Flame is propagated to those combustion
chambers without spark plugs through crossfire tubes that connect adjacent combustion chambers around
the gas turbine.
A. Unit Trip
In the event of a unit trip, the gas fuel system will be shut down by deactivating the dump valves on the
SRV and GCVs. This will allow the hydraulic fluid which activates the valve open to be ported to drain,
while fluid is ported from hydraulic supply to close the valve, with assistance from the spring force.
B. False Start
During a false start, where flame is not established in the four monitored combustion chambers after 60
seconds, the Auxiliary Stop Valve, SRV, and GCVs are shut and the unit is run through a second unit
purge cycle. At the end of this purge cycle, fuel is admitted and firing is again attempted. If the second
attempt is unsuccessful in maintaining flame, the unit is tripped and the Auxiliary Stop Valve SRV and
GCVs close.
The following is a list of additional alarms and corrective actions for a gas turbine supplied with DLN–2.0+
and related systems. This list is intended to be a supplement to the Annunciator chart contained in the stan-
dard gas turbine operating procedures.
Dry Low NOx 2.0+ System Operation GEK 106939
GEK 106939 Dry Low NOx 2.0+ System Operation
Dry Low NOx 2.0+ System Operation GEK 106939
GE Power Systems